Whitby Weekly News, 12 Apr 1956, p. 2

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2-THE -WEEKLY TIES eJonWses BIRTHS WILDE-Vsleei ,e Disne Wilde, dousis. tcr of Mr. ond'Mrs. Russ Wilde. wishes t0 onsourico the orrio ai ber brother. Roody James W;1lIde, 8 lb. iounce 'on April 4 1 956, 0l" Osh MoGnrol H-ospital. Obituaries9 JOHIN MIENRY OULLIVER one of Wbitby's1 ol01deat résidents; John Henry Gullver,,pasnsed eay Sunday, Apri in Sunnybromok 1-ospRoi, Tor nto eH waa in bin Born ln Wcaton-by-Waedisn, England, Mr. Gufliver carne ta Canada 65 ycarn ago and settlcd je Pickering townosip. For many yegrn hé opcrat.d a taîloring shop. on Bneck St. S., Wltby.* Purbog the lot Wonld War, M. Gulliver scrvcd witis thse libitI Jiothlion ntradrn tise lito Col. Sharpe, attaltn tue rank' of itegimental Siergnt Tailor. He ivan a mnember of thse Cainnda Legion, Branch 112 antI last He- miembrance Day waa awarded thse 25 year pin i recognition 1of -a quater ce ntury rnernbcrshp. lie ivas also a mesuber of the Loyal orange Lo6dge and gtt.rlded All Saint. Anglican Church, Predecenned by bis wifc, -the former Ellen:Gibson, Mr. Gulliver leaves to mourn fouir doughters antI qrne son; Ms., David Mewat (Doiny), Mro. C. Storgeon (Char- lotte) and Misn Betty Glber, ail of Wbitby, and Mms. R. Lovol (Ruby) cf Oshawa and Jose-ph eif Guelph. ElgIsI grondebildren and ton great griandchildren als survive. Funieral services ivere conducted cdi Wednesday, April il lit the W. C. Town Funeral Cisapel by the Rev, M. J. Catucart, rector of- AIl Saints Anglican Church. The Rev. David Marshall, Branch 312, Chaplali ai minuster of St Andreiva Preabyterlan Church, cooducted p, Legion MemorZial Service. Intermdent ivas mode et Groveide, Cerneiery. Life Subjeet 0f Film Stor y Trhe oew motion picînne "JOHN WESLEY" ta coming 10 Whitbyt andwili ho osown at thée Unitedi Church on Sundgy, Apnil: 151h at 7 p.m. and 8.30 ,p.m., acconding to. tue pantor, 13ev, J. M, Smith'. Il; bringa tu the sorèen for the firgt lime the dynarmie and molorful 31h century evangeltot and educator. Join Wenley'n miracnîcus rescue frnm. a bti'ning house at the age 0f fivo, ait tbe hoginnting of lIse' film, forecnts tue. drarnatie and eventoal; life wilh s>gnfalde, h Ibis alory of o min of sîigbt stature bat cf inspeliing influence upon bts co 1ntomporanles,à oni upon bistéry. Tbought palise Tise Englisis clergyman thougfist bla venture in AMi>ico as o mais- sloenay 10 tIse IndiAnai tAbtie deorgta colonp, ias la fallure, but il ions lise kind cf faiure whiicb oponcd tua door te tise diacovery of a religious certaintyr ho had been seekdng. Funthermore, this diecovery, bu wbtcb John. Weniey fait bis 'lheart strangely warmed,"l led hlm 10 foce moIs unsfraid, and, tonde 250,000 milas on hornebaek, cbanglor tue Manes of Engliali people front a 10w stuto of moral dégradation la atundy andI happy uprigisteounnesa. Frosaned Upos His *"eotbusiasm" wnu frswned upon by tIse léthargic leaders of lise ChuroIs of Hnglsnd of Ibat day, but il sas Ibis new-fôund enthus- faim wbicb enabled hlmt 10 influ- ence s0 many phases of lIse life of Engliab.apesktng peoples. Sio appoal to the çomonon moan, bis establishment, of achoola, clinico, loy preacbitg and socicties -finally bis sending cf'iupervisora for tue suovernent in tue nov wonld liàfter tue Arnericasi Revoution-ahl these maire tue film orie.whimis iilI be longr rernerbered. Report Simortag e 0f Low Pricied Homes As Study Planned For Balance la Whitby ta develop îoto a dor- YnWbry town, a commutera town or th. ideal towa where local indus- tries srnploy local people? "What we want" atated Mr. Robt Long- fard, Chairman of the Wbitby Planning Board, 'lie to endeavinur to, erploy our own people ln our civI plants". Mfr. Chals Stafford addcd that, "the mnain lbing to ho watched je thot the town be self sustainbng.l" Whltby offers ideal îndustrial siles and farilitiea for future de- veloprnerrt. There are also 950 loto propoaed by subdivldera before the Planning Board for approval. But there art only three low cost homes available at present tirne, as ahown by a survey cf Wbitby realtoro. Theze 10w cool homes are beyond the incorne of the average worker. Costing $11.300 they re- quire a doivo payment of $1,967 and monthly pa 'yrents af $54.-$55. plon taes. In order to qualify for a NHA boan the income must ho $3,800. The average Incarne in Canada la $3,500, and Whitby'n average wagre lirepprted in lower thon the average. The average Young couple munt both work ln order to boy a home. W. C. TOWN FUNERÂL CHAPEL lia $1DAt. m. WHITBY MO. 1-3410 STAFFORD BROS. Monumenital Works Mermorlalsa Markera "Rock of Agen" Granit. Fanoily Monuments Member of tbe CANADIAN ASSOCIATION onf MEMORIAL 1CRAFrSEWN. 318 Dandsa St E., Whitby Pimosu MO. 8-3552 Tise Coxoiplabnt le riol witb tbe wsges but rallier witu tue Jack cf bornes available 10 Ibefir incosse' brooket, claimt local labon mon. Many Civil Servant. whisse aven- age esrningn are $2»90, must cern- mut. daîly ta wcmk. 'Tison who non their homes ire mostly -voeons", ntot.d Mr. Harold Mace. sahen queationcd en te aubjecl. A balance mont bc malntotoed between induntrial andI nealdenlini. asssment, lni Uic opinion of tue Planning Board. Tise Board alcng iil tue Town Cnundll la planning to malke a atudy of Capital Scbool Costo andI tise average assesmont ln a joint meeting on Monday nigbt, April iii. Coufliet lui East Sermon Subjiect "The Bible and tise Jew and Arab Conhhctiet P alestine", Ail lovera of Bîblicil prophecy ill ho intencatet in thse tuerne for Son- da7 rnorning'a sermon aI St. John'. Anglican Church, at tue Bey. The nectar; thse Rev. A. E. Kemp, apent seved monthn in Palestine- visit- lit tbe mene cf tise Neow Testa- ment atory. Ho has discusaedl slto severat anthonillas of the Palestine situation, the $ew andI AraIs don- filet. The Bible antI tise Jesa and AraIs conflict in Palestine la a timtely tapte now with th. gnowisg unnest amtong thon. people. SCIIOOL VIE WS By JOHN BRANT Thse track antI fieldI teamt bas been worklg out in tise gymnain for anmeý lime. and Waa, able ta gel outoIde for. thse first limie tii wcek, AIl thë.eieber of lait yeax'a charnpiôoiip rcloy- tcama iiàyç becs tr aining, and in :addi- tion théra ara novei oewmcm- bers. This increace 10 muncra, iili shalow.the teint to, partimiptate in ail six relaya iîthout runoiog.an. crie menibùer xccactvely. 1Gond newns han been. receivcd fron > Bil Baldwvin for hi oha in- dîcaled .tisat ho will be, able ýto mon. at tue'llarnifiton Relop Festival on May Ëtu. Bili, an unrleplaceoble runner, bas been Isothered for momne limes witb on injured knee,.nnd lt was doubtful If ho would hobe able ta participa:te in the relay meet. Jot order. t prevent an aggrava- tion of tue Injury, Bill bi ot participated-in nny iportlng eventa aince tue rugby acason, andI ls now facet! wltu tue Idifficaît tank cf otta lnlsg -top phynlcal flîneoos wlth- in thse ne xt month. Pracle For Melay 8 ,ince ýa losto hua 1.00o longér be- ing providêý on Moîiday night, ail the Mondny night clubs have ton. minated.tueir meetings for the yeux., Th. exception t10 this la thse Drama Club, walinihave Iseen prar. tielng their. Drama Festival play for présentationi at a Horne and ScboolClub meeting. Reatnlet Dans Student Council have decided to give dramna bora ooly 10 tise mntm- bers cf tseý cuit whlcb presented tue play in Brock l)iîtrict Iligh School andt'I >1inctudi. the necond cact lu the prenanttn This nleerna 1t0 ho part cf1 a101 tov re- strict tise awandtlng of bats lis cer- tain classas. It la now neceisamp ta init six points at tue inter- POPULATION INCREASES During 1965 Canada' popula- tion'increased -by 2.45 per dent, compared tb locrensei of 1.69 per cent in 1954' ami 2163 per ce.t.- 1958. -7Quick Canadian Farts The Show Mit cf- the Year WHITBY ROTARY MINSTRELS Friday antI Satunday Ma-y 4th ami5th In WHITI3Y TOWN HALL Lange cast, excellent chorus, aong hita new and old, solos, duets, specialties, etc. And, of couzse The FUNNY END MEN Tickets n0W on sole Proceeda for cnippîed children and other Ro- tary ente73lises. _____________________________________________ ni' SPRING CONCERT WHITBY BRASS BAND Featurng:- TALENTED DISTRICT ARTISTS Thursdaiy April 19 - 8 p.m. WHITBY TOWN HALL You Are Riclier tI Spirit And Heart When You Attend -Your -Church, WHITBY BAPTIST CHURCH fier. J. M. Word. Minister Mrn. W. 9. Sununers, A.TC.M., Organist 10.00 a.m.-Santlay Sehool. 11.00 a.m-Morning Service. 7.00 p.in.-Evenisig Servk'e. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Churcli Corner Byron and St. John Street& Rey. David Marshall Organist; Ira. P. N. Spratt 9:45 a.m. Bible Class and Sunday Sehool. 11:00 a.m.-Morniýig Worship. 7:00 p.m.-Êvening Worship. WHITBY 'UNITED CHURCH Rev. John M. Smuth, Mrs. V. Rowe, A.T.C.M.. Minuster Organis* MASONIC SERVICE, il arn. JOHN WESLEY, 7pm Composite Lodge No.. 30 Coloured, sound rlei àf wiII attend. his life and work. CHIJRCH SCHOOL Seniors, lntermediates Nuraery, Elodergarten Junior Worship &Juniors 10 arn. & Promary Il a.m. Il ar. FAITH BAPTIST 421 Broch Si. North 0Re. B. C. Corb.ii 10--SUNDAY SCHOOL. Il arn. and 7 p.m.--OUR PASTOR. 8.30 P.n.-FTRESIDE. O~rchestra and Filrn-"-ýTHE ONE GOD."1 -EVERYONE WELCOME - EVNE.SI SERICE with Frank ami Betty Summers WELL KNOWN EVANGELISTS Maiciens, Singera and a Dynamlc Mialater of the Word of God. TUESDAY APRIL 17, TO SUNDAY, APRII. 29 kunday--î &.m. ad 7.m. Tueaday Throiagh fla-8pm Corne and bting your frienda. Whitby Pentecostal Churcb Rev. A. 3. NePhersoi 413 John Street -M&0.978 ochard track antI fieldI meet.td oh- t'ain a track and field bar, quite a difference fromt tise previcua re- quirernent of joint participating in any ni'ngle event. Public speaking bars sawlt enly be given to tuoce, speaer . h. place in te final, not ai speakers as wvas the case be- fore. Dansetbaîl Mont Port Fecrry Higis School's banket- ,hall teamn whichifaced Wbitby'Disi- trict High School intue beys' di- vision; tbis meison,' fosght their way loto thIsenmi-finals of thse "B" élos in tIse Queins Univer- sity invitotional basketbnhl tourna- ment during the Hianter-holidayn. Botter atill, the Oshawva Central teara advonclled into tise. finals be- fare sufferligý a defeot, od thon only bast tue chaimpiltiP'by tnwo points. This ahows that Whitby'n compétition durlng. tse, yoar ions stili not only ln, tts district but nloîo in ell-Ontirio competition. PürIvpl and Gold Base.ý on Apnil 20th tue Purpes andI GoltI bouses are sponsoring a dance. Th is ycar, houce competition lias Iseen very keen and bas nsOwn tue intereot takon by Puýlrple tend- ers, Mn. Raine, Desoins Dodd and Bill Baldio, and by Gold laders, Mn. -Speers, Betty Barlow and John Mcinney,'in, an, effort ta rnare their respective bonnes a succens. At'present a isteady increaoe in thse aine of, tue Gold -ooiae's leatI in competition la evident, but, of course tue ireor ia not oaler as pet, and tue Pompies co remember a couple of yearn ago whien they wvon tue compétition in tue at few doa of the achool pean. WHITBT, UNITED CHURCH "Nleveërtheless,' ions the, mmml-s cil s ermaon title at Whitby United Church on Sund&Y snornnsg. The lesnon wno read from .,Luke 5:1-11. and Miss Eileen Mcflnide sang the 00j0, "ORest Io the Lord.", Io the eveoing tivo menbers of tho Y.P.U. r ënd the lessonn--Bob' Peanneý and Fred, Archibald. A filmstrip eotîtled "I Found n New Wonld,"' and emphosizing thé im- pranue of missions ions ahown in the 1Asaembly Hall following the wqorsbip.,1 li ions annoonced that the Comt- ponîto Lodge Nd'. 30 would attend the Masonlc service neit Sundny moni.ng,,and th at tIse colooired nound' film, John Wcoliy, would ho ohoivo nexl Sooday iening. ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN The Rev, H. Newman of Dun- barton, conducted -themovn service field* li St. JUin'. Angli1- can Churcýh lit Sunday, 'rnorhing in the absence, pt, tihe rector,. lte Rev. A. M. Kemp., The General Confession. Was revicwed by Hev. Mfr. Newman nand It W"n polnted out ý;that althôugb11 w. miyý meet the requirenents Of Blon we maY .stiU hoé errlng lu thse slght ofï God. "lt t. not necensary,"». atated 3fr, 'Newman, "to.,go to0 etiernes 'in re- ligion, il itsl botter to maintao n aven course of dolng rlght ýeveiy day." Followlng the Offertory Miss Patricia Harle sang, tue solo, 1MY Tank, accornpanied by Mn. T. Hn.e stock at theorgan. The evcning service wan con- ducted by the rertor, the 11ev. A. E. Kemop, Who d'antinued the eltudy of thse Book of Révélation,

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