iRAISO IN jI- Of SIÉGÉ* Aumtoity Conferred on N -avy Captain. Cannot Bury AIl of the, ides Recôvered. iuse of an lnjured Lady on Street. A ug. n27. - Fernandes i-or of tie Provlticeo-f Val- prOiciiiilscd thse Cty of Val- -,,tte of eicgc. alladha"; con- tie tilority -on Navy (7apt. nîo. 'hl1refs'ct-of Police stiate-duty of coluicstllg iiti'ng f(ooXi. (.ne of th ise t isilitary goviruiict %VUS tO- do r t a t a ay per em n fouissd ter musils hould t4e sOt. apply iis fairly sdcsuatc.sand iog e. îgwtvely ut IBaron 1! Maur and 1emadita.e, where ýber iýf mairneivesre brokeri by a ke. Thse Maayors office ý lcrtoria Square, beside the 0 a 0 iU Lorpae Buried. if V1ictoria tret to-nigit. ed ly elecjtrie ianspA , Two ýi aloo are ligisird, and to- ht Cro and Allred streetsb ted. -Fectric cars aiready bet,%VelbnBaron station and probably to.morrow the. fcars'wili be extoîided te numaîer of corpara buri.d ley, Aug. 21,. was 648. ISb. i flcc ha& bhouaireopéned. -At. ie is not a inglimwail in quod >1 Thrîe % ere thirty person. ca>bicl tihe rsllroad station I. At Qilota eaony bud- ro%#,riit<d. The earthquaice t Concon>-sud Col-mo. The, secs plates rsumber twsnty- rdits' Atrociogsa Act. mri, Aug. 27.-Furt.her de.- ed& hersa to-day rom Val- le, show tisst out of 40 cmn- tise teinpheaoiie m ipiuy 38 tVhca ie à isu of FrP.s- iatt rolltlpe4m his wife foeu baieiîia j te & treet, sand - îî-re Ipîscsing tof lier igcri% to,rob lier of hkr îew- wngi ttilk<-n ini a mlu4z'tate w, Chîlianawar 's-p Yiiggns. ,led ast\*ttlpiiraîsao laFred- 1r the faîssossise:tl)italgit asnd Oow dlerabie nlarrn s tit of thtie coifflitioaîa in Chiue, ,l suppise are coassiîîgfroia- 11,l- t(y 1"ru, and tihe latter >dsîle sufcetfor tbe se-îe bitisist 11. Isereforp partial lt 'IItu ered, fscee ua and Io" c i4t,;uu f theo p4uaio n. , BnuÀal Difficiait. liée greati-t diffiiesatieg en- > Use auat lsriss is tic buris t c o--c froiratie ruin, mseleie ciic wrre ietroyed. Ab sry- msorgue lbras ofutcoffink listed. lie î-ork of recover- lies i4 biiag Ipsssitîed to the b, eui sîasssY saiaiies a-e hast- llsgtlis of Braziliavenue and oriii squîare large &Iiscdlsave 14mtcd l chitte 1 ompes avere lainsa wiieia lave been îrviv*oiss iloftis e cashqsako ina thse sisosks it i- in- tend ci-et without suppot., Lnt xc o (o 01t t nîg.isîize a fssciitîite tise r oi ftis& s ssii to rocossstriset tise Pity. Aid Coîuing In. uroviascesu ut tise iartis and h lavse asst tssffc-red fs-unith* nvs- tndlissg s'sappIie of-food ta tise isiti-leken chtie n n deçlpsstiisrt utf;ndaliq wiorka i is $ 100000 for Hîo ti f mlisede toi tielter tise- sVtasiîaIrtii8oand! eithere ue tu usris-e nt tihe Cljen jue ntsii sauem. ml lan be bt sen Limaach andS d14Ution to iisaflriasg suverely etis mclovskasof Nug. 16, bas. ri'sUg caesices, aîew iy omd a tili Wit:h0!t CaCsrh ght- it trderj. i san tansedl.-thanka& lity of' th ut utloritits, who-%Y tetla- ig persUgas Who ai-* eissiildinssgawhicli Sdi uat the- eatntlsqiitice are the palsce. of, tii. maritime prefecture. Pac ked o'lyIfls its ma 40Oand 5Ocperlb. At &ni- AxrthutWtolam la. t 5* 70'L «Yfts tl oun ste ungraouiU' a 0 *1"eh, xar i o Judge. Mon& knoa h er "%Vol, Marna, You- canaot tefuiw 5 corne W nme next TburWWdf, the tveatY W on at ' a t tiraS. 1515 yyahid aY.umüt, a day baby t-,nh u inttoà «. tb* "hank byapl.s "She ida adouce wEfeIeddieat.etIbaim,» £ d off iu tise holow yo vui icepto 50pèsufd 7ou t j i u, Mr sid Uncie Sandy, when Monatl ted lt ii Stogi J sald 1 m a b. 50 ithe sheftdted, inscnuatiugly. 1 cand1ê, and carried it for hlm toJ.i nom rigbt. o, thanks, no preserres; 1 hate y fore a st. I shoul sau 1 amC -aà littie attention lie always iooked for aveots.1 vii take o ne crea scones lmo ndPaufr£Aboy -atnd you are viselike to fiud so bcon.andS on. lump of sugar, plofa5*" "1th.k u ul do vCI urgoà od y-»crn nie. weei -behaved t'ginlie to-mak' freends I as uoenetased to (md Mornat'w»to us. Ilowerpr, I «hall hope Fîà îistoun wi'-riaie of your upstint tauples vs' b«ee resurne4 Lady llatoun, as 50015 may sumc'ed lai persuading you. Now, neither braisa luiheir holà l nor heatte as ber vanta had becs attended to. "I where bas Misa M.rton vandered tO in thpir bodies. Bbc eau bide as long fi knewr you lived hbore, Mnr.Craig, for 1 'vîtistisat good-looking- Rlghiandet't 1 yu 1k., aud isg for me every eventlng. bave often beard 'INa pCI fUn w.'iii b. dark before "v eu tbon" Urnnte gangto b" deaie; t'à lat Sandy"--a fa.eei*na mlle andS uPward 4,1 tinkthey vent roun iby the big dearaiarythyou are glanoe-<but se ah.issucb a bad corres- c al,,"Nd Mona. "I vili go andS bont "My da Mryo r emplete podent, ahe never let me know aho w» for t.hem.,» suce.., " crled Mona, vhen ah. roturued beré, and If St, John Liule had not corne lhen found, Miss Morton propoed-i to tiie drawing-room, and f ouud ber andS ovrsto dine, w. should not have found as it, wa oniy tbree miles to th. Lodge Kenent.h atandlzsg very close teçgether you out for tages. You tae. ood esaa rer thie bh-,ýto valk baek under Kes- in the window. 'Il do noS know Wb"enmi .f ber, Mr. Cmai. I nover smà v ber Wok peth,'s escot, a suggestion vhlcls cri- n oor unclo seeined s isbappy -and opoutaio vol-not even viseu you came out, dentîy alarmeid birn. the iletamse ot novvi!t vould M o..Th .Lady Fnistcun d0cidcdly noga- «4At tatse nyer lll No voldi"Tiscre la a remarkable fine air here; ji.« ah. wisls 1. It was a lueky hout for us lt'a hetter tisau what you have over îu %Donp~t talk suchim oissense, Mny dean viien 1 mat you, Cousin Mona," 8ttbal.ii,"" ho returned. "You swc, wOMr. Maeaister would net get bà ck :tili 111 am glauS you think .4o, Kenuetis. ame sbeltered ira. thse nmth. au' 'vo get midnigbt. andi you 'vonîtib. ton laie for Nowwe are no o t.5cu buraing lbgbtes mair uuu-forbye thse porridge.,- 1 have dinner. Three milea over a hilI-toji are conuuued Mona, lauglsg mInuiedo u li er U.iui'porftngb tW equai to sixiou a flat od. Corne, lit ut 7Tisre'a splendid moonLght, Wbh" 1berbreakfast." b. golzsg2 costa nothlng" returned Kenuts. "UtS "Porridge lit excedisgly Indipestible, '-Sou are a ittUe tyranS', saldMiss us biow -out lke candies andS bave as tile andS bad for tise cornpicxlon" smd Mise Morton. ý0* talk bel or. we g4 to b.d; bave scaro. Morton, bctween the mouthfuls ecems "W'Li1 yen alk vit nme btiste gai% ba<l s Word together yet.."000004. Mn, ît yarn re Mr.nin Oiý Itha* weU.aaor>e4 trio sat for smre "You te wran 'eried Uncle adyo. les the1 am qre Ur. Kngiteruflt time talking soitiy, ln th il srsrad- "Just, loock aette men ii t mou a nte so 50far llth bUlmi Mortos.» lance of tbh o mss, 5h dollolie r 'ume womeu ane reared on porridge i Tbores "Wj5h pleasure,." crieS Mont. of theplet res bretIAg ha mecool no their equaia tW be tound on essilil" aving bld a cordial férewel W oUnd$e Digut breue-s.n& then arept quietly to "My de"rair, 1 doubttm.iioyou have ~ny nSa, civilood-bye 5 ay their respective chambers.ien MU&i of eart bebyosad your native Lady Fnsteun siipped ber atm trough I14.1. pnroed s.trie prophet. The. day.lau"Xus a te"k lo1doMth but eue after his yul, Unele Baud y and "You're wrang tisert aMen, mcm. 1* Mnap s, n b. y c lwyd~ bis guesia had sembied in the lhbtary just corne back !rom over a year's %van- p1oave be. dyîng to aek Yen te Useit lb. o'cok tea. This vas a derng vi' s=y nicc aboutUihecontinenta undred queéStions, dean!» abe serious me.!, vitis bannocks sud scoues, -of Europe; and the's ittie 1 saw tiser.e eclamre 0whVlat, a diroit, lu- cookies, breauS and,. butter, proserves, andi that Id care to teks ava'," tenuly, - scotch Scolchmin tout "Ah, 1 cee you are ou. of tise lange ycur ûituci181s- Quit. a eharacter. .1 rn It served We support nature til lU .1bt ciaso o thluk their gem * aWane. sure ho tà Very rics. lRas ho adop ted c'ciock au p-er,-awr >îkb came prayers "I'm muets shicegeti-fon -youn: ihigis 70 13 tah. pg gto learo you U i andS b.d. Mr. Cralg issuS juat "aked a opeenion, mem;, but 1 am no sucli a fuie money?1 la 'young L1ochinran' a lôv'r, blesslng," vison the »mUnd of an aI> body. 1 havre the malst Intelligent mon or a rival neir thse throne 1 Tel Me proaclslng cariaga Intmruptet i*la ttaek ofail Simca on :my aide.» Ieeyhn on tise toast ami uwly-m#de staw- 9.tlMisoreton Isas au, bitollectual love Ifosa lanaIsedt andi gavie Lady VPlalt- berry la=-, ofar «V» -**ids uS Lady ylultouqu n >~asugbt sahe ttelsftie* Ituatkoss "15~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~V 7 Iantsrlltrh.auS Wsoounyand is agensralîy lu oppoal lun whicb that intereating yoag e «udg4 t as e îab. lu dlburgh or tion to -the foeuû the cousiders inmSet va nst nttB&4 vortiy cfber st»et.But l am- Mdm »ftoe 'brav L.a»ds«a'teano oubt 'IW. liadnoS ssaly visitons lu au- W o M our .hanhi areoIftse.q uexeie» eao, a.asI; "but- I don;$# observed Notmt. - tim ator t**s. 5fbr St. JobU, LISt"51.bouluS ik. te semyou él, hui tol ?1 As abe spoke, Jessie. tii. youthful me 15la jo pa Sm 01uJu<te's vealtia.1 uppce h. la seil 'bousemald,-cause bastily mIe tro »Ont "Weeb.1 I OYOU WvIii creà o ftea rk "1Ç lort a 5.44dyspoeriu' for yen, Misasas " y o osa k S lchatt?' rtuied Uni.i. "Not *aelg i.your sts.ndard, 1 Oralgi" a*h. exclalid,"abrÃaw'ý ledy. 8audy. 'Imsln#>"returbe& Mous., *th#ugb 1J-b> ln a chase vi 'tva o iile.""15 s»adm",bý altuatt& À Afs.rsli 1e .héoeuld usake 1Keuisoth ladpéad- "Sit mutt. b. ay 4*td' ad MeIupoeliism Urionut, and M004to.; for i ibave touum tbat Mont, ris4p. = my brins lber. t#4 Vomnan vatabut ittUe ber# blo te Oni? Navi exebaaasedU"el&Msdoy. ut akeber haPPY. isousey 0" 'sotl Nb "Eht Surély, &sk beri-a taW a c.«P boasgh t k vibis xsyaSi ard-sraêd vat bla ucat ssustaL" Mona isaaS.nd to e dti e tieI@ort "Oh. yen u 1<yUmniC*1rf al OW aj f b$5emmim Ot" __ 0 lad t4rrlqedWi h ee s «tY. b pv e r u g 14y bltou4 au id er aù. ou " b, ave qui*.. eb 'i hMM ly lady matie-O~P hla lb. mOsS yostbll'iI d ritotuc. "ow, My mw r.a e ~Âludear m eMlt 80y7"are aS few 8t It -là M longt ah» - 10.u&v~ ov t.~o house. 1am60 w avi els.S e t els lm ere taguiler. iau Sote baves4 Psf"4a te mn o# * a - a ehmalpastt, sd 5., wilUt M 1dulOebael O-ý ped oui quIêklYb iaçw4lq »0» I~1 1~s'uYeOr OUsIn," l Und* nî p u.u. iéput isî» effusion. Lady laistoeu otSuue « SM"J "Us awb"lia»nskites «Mm Itoâi # ba-stte-qo, va 0delIetd t hsea- i vre é r. 'isev.bis 111 *wn bu -1. 0ht h 'Um.<? "u ut. k . k& t. adem y uulo; a Mug Otmldarrock oun Iy uMywalr backp te WeU yqur un, ce ethati 1havie b.dmo roly troà aBbauIr.' on *U.MOIYed & ttrencoutre. 6h. ~ ~ ac "o - <>absla usd1.. turbed thought Thé enert o!et 1. ahé bhm'i hud J ail ectodber. 8h. **sÃ- *o* fo-îr unisM!nd now ameO Lis*.tWstir up thé.leus wortb7 .14e cf, ber ."ture...Ior Moua "s.b y no. luian ceautanel h ond h h de. bae lth bnéI hou sèo bo ould tretý lm; net Iwtb resentient-that, ah. told berasif, dmbe b.dnorlgbt to fWe;, tot with oold avoIdnwe, Wbich wvabr naturali nclination, und Wbhébwould Interpet au expressio01 *1 lsplaan. but vltbfrkody, good bumoredtnu«., leroeff .I, as ho âsed dî4OaWte. * ho agaîn tUled te amuse a pasungbou by nalng love te ber, ah; would te- tepS It ilu-a spwtt offun wblhieabould show Out. at Intervas. Ho ahould nover flatter himacf aauthat bh.à ma 1, serions Imp ea on ouber. "Cau I not take tha mestage for you," sbe sald, bsskïug up, wlth a denrnre smîil.,«1 lasa steeP road te ellmb at- ter your day'.ar"p over. tue moor. MOTI[RS APIXUY The. aumr rmoutht-ait e aï audousý livre, #or siothen bet-ause they tUà Mois ugorou- months cilb year for jong ebidren. tomaab aMi hwe troub e corna quleiy during the, batot her *ud alat beoe l.motber, realies that thèr. ta -daner te lÃieo* ay b- preveut aemmer- com~painte Il given tcoloIay becauso they keep the $tom&ia ubow.ia ire. fions of- fendil ~MaLtar. Asithe TabeS vii ceffl. .troublet If tbey c*me aud.ay. You U M "y a.. your old's lite by klepiga bcoï oet I3abile* Oiu-Tablet; on hUnd to sir UM -MooreOltf >.8. sa~ 1do sot kmow aay medisine tisaS onausIu Baby'. Owa Tablets for curlagq M=- &éh azî bowel trouble'. 1 *wayo ke1 tbolm 'on hb 'In s cae 01 ernrgaacy. 8cMd by aU idlolne dealers.rb = at2 i tS w a abof romi TIi . N Med*SaeCa >r~bI2eont, ftmol WLVIiG. ev sa - ops-, ruleçrtsback. IwMlUnoSdo rU =Uc0h' rai,"bt - nkeep Off-,&1151. of thse IlaDo sqs fortwo so try W get uue Ferruclo vas nlonog la reappeann,' breatblesaly tolloveS.4aSà aduftnc. ofi Oereri ,te4S by .sa vornan visocarred *Wevld younet rat4ser stop over ai, ny bouse for. a ittie vhile te- lnqulred, the nevoxer politely. "A aboyer SIke tuia caut lu" veryln, I& 1am imre. I thisk tisat woulc4 be best agnora. UuSý yf ynprefer- to go as once 1I ro'ugisît' you tua unibrolla.t. a apoor Urnbreltý- la, because vs are ýpoor p"ole oUffieea bût 15 1iitthe only o*Del bav*e nota Bussïana eordlaly. "ý i sbould bu t bd t . OIaS y#ui bouse; but 15.1M te l - ixer 'la wà tintg;fer us . t yul tak ~Ur umb reisUMd loi yOU Feroaib anft eels ohauged =nle* as they vgrie îalag abrls 14o tii vesà nvho vlg emued Ocal aied to gfreabelter 5*5U latin Ufmlly. <'Every ~arm-î.la.aril Evrb plat hern bandt. 'Waart yen tbusklmg ofo ob.111lere tôt-ted lber metber. '-Y4u tase MY pr solanS rud,# cio tlI urneM brella aMnbeseha557gaaibiai!' Tiia arrngeent by Doseaaumied tise tvo clousins, visose tais lgommd sUvtal euntimetrois but the signera 4d Îêt observe t woanoa attiam mmalg ,bar attention-,iappused to b. dravu lis. y, U oins-of »a pprosehlsl -t wtaxthe bey of Dr.Last, "Si ora ellins,"crls4, t hi' e-esor' blslng h.orte ad utu5 u igi cornlao sY.ýrêe 17 I' >r y*em r. ý I.a11yt" anrà ed Bigoras embs. lvanosu » me .aiu ufM L , « trl m ault, M n~t St? -Wu.I *011f t*b 04Ã"uI looked eh the, a it.ho f m » ý d m gh s vit .a th er â lu tkU 'Tbo vec fisblow 01gto UI4ultaê*o.Xgimust bavei Por utt. e.r cý'ëâwi~iwe<I ut '1N~t lMgo)"0» mud O ece!!., uLak.1 the,> il 15h ut eU. te,omuch ft wmX tairê. te fulU7y rickenaal n fh ~rromit Âfter ai, eou Au ver 1 to6_tMnk -of t, It wa81t e Ab bwi& t k,. ué'mbrella pla7ed-onuo>- à pà PerrO tbought tint ie .te Jow'sd à mieit t sp.ak too rasbly aui ho fiu ehd itk lut wora l 0d 140 IXI no*,CiC4Uus- wilk th 1k i h luiUkýt pasdber arra'tà xough tbalril. J" hi us CowlY a»pom. iI à the wii1y1'i the . A*.1e; b 0 e ji1 ý 1