Whitby Keystone, 30 Aug 1906, p. 6

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<.ue Mag el hmsUMd.HMm t ns ci te ri incalod a ti urlou etouw f y h Blta MdimiAuoom The. vlow of tii. usemberuof tii. O.@ ;o0f thée coftrol ofI.thé u suppli 'W .pltolradl ifflreeotIoapasved b> Uat body yeaterday-. Tht. .presIo etoi.Ma s & ftO 1 fdtI to th Gam (ovenmut 13mrds ofZog 3UdM and. Ireland and the Pmovin"* ý' i lo.rd 01 <IpMth that thmor.SIuI4b-a zà»re 1 fidenièreement of tiereguBeW a it oêiiigthohabinlg and d'4- t*UtIOUof u l at dtie p6 a iiof âulril. Ths. overslgbt it wuas0tt 4esul4 i. veuted ilu tii e tral.uUiori- i , avîewv ofthée reluOtam of et 1ow boste t.ake drasti.meauresofa for eet. Prof. Hewlett oukrbsted aIpo *mhallsgtie. ue" et ceumr a ipMocurIng sapur. mllk SUPpI>' aI dvocated th*o oedoreemeut of1th@. Iaw. to tha toffet t*b>'the, cetral sai- thorit>', underthée GOOVIIUIt Board sur. thse, lMiudIste éblUw f IKwO flon vere, mue& Dr.-P. ~bryca explainomis a * t. Ie iiatioi r.4pectiol n ff. po Dr. J. Crov«o, Cerlabrooke., le Of Wlghto , reurtç4d tbit sevu Wtithe cars k jaw Iin x 4P ,o"dtiom *re not meîsted the e tcthtin qi ts ýW,vsdeferred uiil1af ter hum lbadboa doue, lustad of betag-,prvtntive. the-CIO»of¶te sselonsar - ltim as ulbni me lzý â.e4 to the, ieffot tiat thse 'Ume arrlvem d vison tisü, easUnvltenof thse tam I Uou adtu r ce10 lao stricty ujouedupn 'helocal ,au- ttote,1O -h. oi uPot l belfor- vawrded .through ttheConuncil to thseIo- cal OoverunestBoard 0et Irud &bd ýtise Provinial Board of Hemitis of on- tato. Wu; he ismportant tepie of hygiène la tWIsore nesd publiec Institutions wa S tsIen U' Dr%, J. JO. Casidy ofthté,.-On- tarloý lu Of esitho , rad mau eu Themedicîklinîpectlon ef scisools va. ýthe suljSof etan Isstruct4vp paper-by DVr. lielea MaeMureisy,,of Teroasto. Dbabhg -wlIth thse pause mueM Wilum Sctto . ftise Irentc, Norm~al, Sciool, #nddtisat ~the.PrwetsoW Oftise1isealtli of thse / 1--- ice, hte nsug -thu nitedý IL n., ers., Ir. ILB.. iS. f mun e tise Canna!1ethéwtis nii " ABOU RADIUM. >1.41- TO rra I1TKC Tb a Letter te tse BI.ttret these 'flp Bl tus ie Probabl Source e1tht#s PcosSubstace-Agnee Vti A.n! n, u. 27-Lord Kelvin four- thon diusses r&dadin a aletton te tise dIttor'et Tiso Times, replylag to a letter b>' Mn. -tutt - publiuhed a tev 4a2. &go. la the . coure tbis lette-r Lord Kelvin mye-.-. Mr. Strutt asis e me Ov I'É + ll ts XIsteffe et radium lutise at tpreset. My anaver la tisa by tise course et atouts amt!b>'tise 0 ertusomotions roustise turne when tise po, derable mtter etftthe sciar syé- tem ind.tise star.s, iudted asseparsts atosu scttied tisrough. ther aid moi- lug vltis ret odtem proébly mmcl lsa 6 maet eUus sAnd le"d oonttuütlig ii.pressuat rdluI verst in later tisses ilbly gepdtegetti among.iîutise erystallatloWlm msl lais eonalutd #"It e in a pre- 'riou%1, llqu est Il tislk voaruY &arnee vltisDouot"s >taLig "d otisers vo bavesugtea slmllr views, tisat tise eotcloc ftadiuruembedded lu th* -eunti s. at nder enormuêuapreamures prébabi>' la. lts contIituent atome matly' proteeted a&pinot expleaivo flyluge asuudfr. b> viei tisa>' preduce tise bstlng ettectte dIueoveret! la dur lboudttlaa, TON Om àVTE VeinaisWent xco Klos- for Tullan soumma& vaseuir B . u~27 t~o#ca Tom," asu Ii L àdiofs.Quecu C3sar- lotte gncup et talant!,,believs in tise visite mu% 'swva>, ef delngthings vi isovanta a vfs la tise vorst klud et wa>'. Ha adwertlsd aid isogot ne- uit, a ovs>'- ntelliget sdvertlaer =24s On tise lest trppisortis trous ber et tise Cînadia Pacifie steamer Assur a Chicugomuan was a pausesger. Bis* informad tise ofrnstiat aisb va go hago esd~ u is esuburbs ot Bkidda- gais. ~ ~ ~ i A.Bfdgt altti. mon htan a colleetîII n0 tuak tse' oîdret! and Wlen uMxwnmaTous" met tis!lady ut- tise visatit sudeanneder off te ha umtar rie t ut ees ts4r'wonder.4 viat kn of sdwïerUiiement'ba d Pluce.d lutise CbItago seleupere t. attract a visite vosuan te trarsl 3,000 rilea t e d a nid Max4t o s d e Mouthe fringe of diaim 1,usd là lua *ferment over the uprieing ne is impossable, te prediet at tuis iî*I4tishe fluai rouit viiib.Tise (jovernolient daim. tiat It wM ibo able t. saprsetise rrOit 'wthlu tee or tlsree vekebut oousertive people doi bot béliev. thât thée nevolauca0" be' Tlsor.vohsttonlsbaveia, been, prag, for the. strnaIee vmer she seProen- tial 01"c% nud ts am dllt tion ha. underestmated t4sir aétrmSg&ls Wt-la kiiowsstsisea aroa-c arma ad ausmultlon -ha"ebeeft laded I Cuba trous tiseFlidae, et duuiug thse put two noutis. and this ïaré. enta are abundanti>' aupplled" itb wvar materiaL M Tilathe Objeet? It la .bellevel b>' mou>' Havashui. mus mou thit lt wilI .î eceaary for tbe U. 8. te intrme aud, muex tbéIs . laid bafore tise revélutiosi vili e cruais ed. Anueatlon la Opensi>'faeored b>'tise commemw i lutin uail .et the. Iur- .er eltes aid towm in Cuba. Thse rei-olu- tiesur> ' euei veî preter aunuutiou te tise U. & e s-acoQtiuation of thse proeut conditions. Tise Ausenca rwad. ents ontise laie of Pises bave tal<en adu *lth tise rvolutioslsitua*pluet tise Pal- mna Qoverumeut sud ti-are givlîg thse Insurgent.altise a-d possie. ThIsle 0f Pies viii b. an Impértant base ef operotiono 1« tise revolutlonlsts. Voil-b. s naCaugbt . tarda>' eveisg ttteunptet tae masia (3eerl EuiloNuises geseruor eoflHa.- 'misa rovince, as ti athe r «ws*s etenl ésis hbe, gls'eethse, ame t .Luis Morek and maYa h.-ba'* reedent oet Ravana.go . doeà at tattempt t, justlfy bit aet Tise Lberala arn tense!>' aitqenstio teGovenisr luises, vise vas a poîltIca enein>'and la boaom f$endeoea. MaJx- in, GJousetobutvise vltbdrow bis tél- 14Vhüj trom tisa Lbers covention dtsr. lottuýjt liu. et Miso Goatus TU1E G. T. P. UNf. liev ro" t*1Portageluarie te Bd& Bsu ye-Qpsmr te Ta-#uiad-et Otttw4AÜ*ug 7-Miuti ii sve Truc Pacfle la lt" uatise stat.- Ment ruade this morang ,b>' Coîlugmodt sre.Ibrhliet .ouiutg egufto tisa Canadian OoMurest"I bavejUati -Ome itouü tii.Vet, visem 1I-hure bo" Israe th ie portiof ettse lssetest t.Edueton. I tiroirs the .««Wdase of tise roe f.rous Portae o 514te ecflrsa nominatlmIo te h pr cdes>. Nuises and. bls tollairrs hai tWiys been ulnere Irleüdae tiste, Nationaliste. IIairs,., AsÙ i7,'-Tle -body of thse negro g ru îtnBanderatise sot durss Inurenttr Rvin povice les lu thse morgue ut Havana toda>', fimuis- cd .by -tise..of te-tfmt omnade., anl tnlgbttully gsied- b y uubtes. Tis: arrivai of Bandra bo& ilherewu -tise- firat xsesuf et tise t lu vicis le et bis deatis. Thoseoce 'et oeeurred at thse Silvoira tarin ser Punta Braval4l13 Mlles froin Ravina. Thirty-eiglit nouuted rural guinda, udes- Cptain -Ignacl eidclGado, *M Lieut. Martinet veto emreilng tisougis- out tise niglit fer Banidera s party,-. At 2 &mn., the rural giurds wero brïakîng throqgi a vine fence ut tise edgo cf thse Silvecira tarin viintise>' were adde. 1'ired upon by Banderals 20 fofloma Ti guinda nusised upos tise insurgent&, but mith the exception of tier Chie! and Mehi. to leading cosunîdea, they ait, e.caped, Thse guard a de tise Mielf jId iti compassiens sa peclaltarget snd sU three roccived sevenul bullet voundsansd Ver. RorriIly Ilutilatel. b>' macisete eut&. Net ene et tise guards vas wosnded. Tise bo4ies of Baude* sud hi. companions veto plaeed in a w- IR -a"d b"4 htto Havais.. &n examàinain 0,i Band4eras body showed tisît iii pris., 'elpal vound ud a-a aMuete 61ev on tise heat! iîciseut cff bis Iett sur and! mid. a eut iu bi. face.-'He aiso bat! bailt vounde lu hl mea»sd brestt. Tise col- dition ot BandeWs'.tvo dean ompunloms was#ven- more aisoeking. Their fuosuanut bèdies vert terîbly gssuied b>- mach- etea. Tisee lets, eta l t"ire mes ow-~ Ofdr vr' evideuce et bard lite- whch~ tise>'but! been Ileadlng wviii.eludirq tilt pursuers. It ha asbeen open eCeret umongtishe rur- al guardast an dera vonit! neyier live te be, tfor tres' &dese. ai lth beiug tise- nsue bjectet 0ftise IoverwaersVa formes.TIse asuallum o f tise Part>' se* coupam yngBandermiubu eed suprie beebut leI.boliev.ei tiat lie cal>' lha Ik po"nof bit band wità hlm. bave penlased belote usootisvb ie aiMe Tise boitI. il l ght exeept for a&,«s»i bols lu tise forward Air, lsmber near tise gunvale.> Tise tlîdiug of t"I.bout,trous tse %ra. tendues eovea tise sss'tery that untit Dov ha# impcetrably surreunde th ii fate, etflifeiset a -ber tirsç Il iundeubttdi>' ix Durillg tbe eainsu tIen et vitnriesseaut -tise ir t wu ruade. ver>'dltliet &Mpositive t(atIlle, bout inumber 2 got autfel>'sway trous tise beukiig-up atemt'r, and wvas 4efon ut »Mie 'distance trou tise veanel uaking lir eadvsy *sean- - la r»uing tise examlsanci t iswit. nes.. oves-y effort "ma aît! e istise tultlmaïe ftt.eoft tis unrvivlungbout And ale*> ïýt'e entals bstiser f nil>'aurlqute examnrssUe ettise tand ceat Ulits.bt been madel. te poeltfl.tvdétermine vise. tises thse boat lsud fisaily r rheîjthse -N1ciolfrax ae tandh¶ libut It Was, Mis Nihoflisen, vise md'bemus' etý the. Party, and)&Ta. Ânder.eis as in tii. mect 0f reaehuug for tise- door vison ber bu*Ubaxstepped close -up to ber -a»à sihot lser in thse back mnar tise.-eft 'siol- der. Tise voussu pârtiaill>' turmid tovard. ber asiallant and .ank agaisut tise isuiug isowhmn Mderson plaeed thse rt.yolve i&unost -i ber face mshuot ber las the. trebeadi betwomn tie yt bee attrieted b>' tise hootlng rais up AT! 096 AND) !ISII. MRCEoit à DR=ETB ? Artiur Ruer Fouud cola! at Nont Kt- Klaus>, amiWas u uxuluýto Cilis. ution Wheu Ris Boat VWo ckedf iAlaskaa River. vaaeuvor, B. a, Ag 7-Wltis promwoig samplé1ea et e .goldêlnhi&t pockets and s a r-raiuingstory eofv eral day.speunt as a castava>' on #ànIftt- iseap i aplunegigAlaska river, io ho Rwvd on a dîet of dog and au coca wk»W4 ti4e oteui Bteer rïdiugt pas thse iorWteiew ade dhl# gold fin,«l neax Mt. MRineand affirma h. eau fiti. aau"rt ato tise groussd and scoop- op Woors anyvisere. On hls va>'backp iu -a trait béatho va. wrecked ln the. Chultisa River, his Uttlo-safis boiusg hurled tatatsbloeked beap of drift on a *malibar la the -mlddle of ,tise river. limer and hi* dog cllrnbed on thse drlftvomod ut ef reaài of thse mater. Tred*ys paaed f.etise isukIle tise dog fur foo. 'JSvo days ater th*e d lew lné mer mnA*nged.to er f wIas itis a hafrp(atlck. '<bon ise wus about t* glve up hope of"tu- eue aboat mcoturtwo prospecton cameS ansd took hmaboard. Zzplauatleî b>' Upton o eft oft etEx Prou mot*s London, Aug 27-ieouoa W itis. tise case of W. J. ûiïos, for, th*e theft Authrlt Canna 0 ryAil of (the- Bl ô.,Qver7îor «. tiseprovwnCe t val- punise ba pocllusd'tihe cl et var- pr1 a a tate 0< ieige *a-4- ha. COis- doentes Curreu. T'le Fretî t et l>e la charged vitis tise, dut>' etf Coletl55# MJ4 dltuit#g foo0dw-Ontàtie tri acteoftie ltai>' 7governlsse W,t v broaking vater mais é boul b. ehot. Tise vtr uppi>' lu tain>' adc4u&te, lid Mie, are progroeslng actfely et Barone liii!,i Visde! Marau*d Ritem" t, vise a large nuinhen of mains voes brokeis b> tisa taribquake. Tise Mayprs Office noir le la Victoria Square, bauds the. Oovnatant. Ibo visole 0( Victoria streýt to-rslgit. la llumlu.ted b>' 4150t!io a Te atse trestï'àiar e lt-'éa uto u ne'walit Q oamd Âod strtt viii lisiIte& lRietnieo ae slr.sdy aretuuls b.twéen Baron 4atlo.an Ucesosudprobséj tDpfY ts m del mat.. ea; uda4 1 Tise total numer of coé s..btwed up to Tueadiýoa3, g.I, - U&648.Tb* man oa off * Isuboo Ts epe' d#At LiaailèrUe.4la it a euge s aIlang.o" condition,-Tisereve rs tilrty puten. lhlle& At WbIdo thse rallr ad. atatiou *u# dansaed. At Quimots oauy ledid- - lugiL werspreêmtd--ý lIN$esartiquais 1 us «Mee at Couou s *uo, The lin W4" é tell vecivejurese Iodsrous val- p»a"teChue, show tisat ý -6etf40 n ployee of'tise t 1e 1 ' t on' ' wen, ïl*eo Wlnsrs tiseli etofPreal- deut-elot Mot'tclsixed la vite tell! fr"ntisebalco">'lut* teet nt.su bait vbievire paalust of ber sans~1. an t.g&sM is Osasda e o fty omnio Ep;m > Mas tel pot"e, the det«eteWbo rreted.,hl= on board ibe ,Ohlia: st ta t Uistep» tve toiMolug ex-Among %the deat! ai t'xtnrdWlnay ressaifor- e ius ie ~-0"> areIla tise f "itd visonsrrteas -. nelaa 00<lwel U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a suso' ahootsur eaoisllefo the n*Iflvm>', "d wmiseu1 a& ou.dut>' do«s on pmot!c*' si vise rlgbt ulonti a-us=n- ssAued itya , e le sstbteut& 'canls Iu, pointoti a- reolver At u>' trrte.uttos and! erretml e t.vs-it 'out «Press tie rudsiie and order inoles torn£MlOfot him 1'1 bus! te de Il-, and tisanext MMr--ervs oplto lng I tersrs4 uylelf Insaustes, mand de. - Bua 'Ade tttaet thie bst ting fte to do oee iep ma& te al>iood. 1 gatsered urp ilthe cnnyd b>'th*. eu C~r-iO<l , nd- am _o oet the bodies rffli courstry. &4 althse cemseterle ____________tise temperan'mi SMWE CAR COLLISION. hpse a=oUsl*ted. - 1ina tebiesJta* op rO r lot a 011l fdI wo, Pac ked o 40aend 50e pe '<his a e.douci wa.d Uncle Sandy é&l Cane d carnei -ýnd you are' naie. veel-bebavet! - vi-uianeý of yov niatiier bramas in in tlseir bodies. - W oulike, and sin, k tlsexngang' * uan the light "y dear Mat mueasl>' crled 1 te tise drawinsg-ri - ouenth atandir la tue win dow. '" -. or uuicle seeme chwl ut me, -,Ah 1 that cli * sie wisis it. lib l *bsen I met you, "I a=glad y Nov -w. are net t - - cotlnued Mona, 'Tiere'a uplen Oiýts noting, Ior -'U Uu Mev ut tisec tak before w. gc b"d a word toget - ture txlkiÉg sof #Ake laceof tise moor et-tise pisse treei s igist breeze-arn térrespective Liai.--r vd a but 0one ater bis tiis gest-ad to te sertv ~roumon!, wit cookies, bread au k toust. It servcd te ai oliock supe , proaehIing carrIj ors tue ts 'berr- Md uRât a -al, "wi 't, inusmtha

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