arrivingf al h newest and choicest Fi Imota tions et ~f~1 sf~ TIU E W DIIES8 0001)ARE nlUE, and if 7011 purpox« buytnj a Xew, hress thls fail, nuw la a gjood lime t!ý ti pect. at, and Cet Il made before the rushi beins and tbe choest colorlige aroig"e~kmG;way You do not know what 800 dthlngs you may rua acrounotia you votme, 01141 ou are alwaye sure et flodJOg p1intjy of new thjngs, and a rÇ»my, coinfortable place ln whlch ta select. them. We bave alao revlvd 1h? Çollowiag Néw (Good8 this woek- EIaunetetteo, Grey Fla-an ada, TweoWtag,. bisakets. Xios1ry, Uaderwear. Ilird and Soft Fei liaIs&. Box. Faetotr' tara. FIngering Yarn, shetland Elciw, Ladje-q' Z'evLtatlIVr Beltae, Uindký»rchjefia, Dltiuvk Cabs, 81de AlAo Gents, Rëad.y îd W'ear - Sats and Overcoats, O)Veraile. i1Mocâa anud Pant»s, Fliir Ollothsanad IMatts., <.arletsanad Curtikos, Tableoi k0. .9dTatble Lnea. A LL OF TEE NJkw£ST anld Cf(ICF>T DESioxs O0F TUE COXING l'AU. ,4F.AO. i I IosubflNlptIa PK la. ob.iwdre4 .ti o My4welu~.p9dinmI4vamOe.4Li% w1utu tft. ai)*, lter thau Tuasiay O 10 iW 8um i ifl. U"s la the euw.ut amé. AossI. WautsIla eou~* aof-th bitirrý7 R.WINN, The Tva, Whilbys. W" thle w.100um eI'.me alia Wnt- by la to jgiV0 <dting -ne iU@oïtng wSk la bu son wiio fa" won lhe great diata'ècUcîb of a ge it la ttw lm. perlal >touse ut Coiu.wons for the co- a&tItuur<if £ork à at s ot Inopor- tunef furthle Key«,;oae W î'ubilsh 9fl arnother îpage a oaplen*dly wrttOn dipe tKriltion et tic cuter Wlb,.and of lihe r*gïn"iarounhi loiKon lin cîast of E.Dgidid wlthre tie oulluoxt c.i-Oi- hi North cëa wa anc ufthemoit >al.erestiLag w the uldý lauD4. ('rlo)us- ly onougi, th i iIlg o! York adjoviia liat lu wh!ch -ba £uglis: Yil llibx I* g1tuated. su that 'a colforms ta tut! gemJtai.iol bia loi) 10 îhe ;«%T- i~eÛ aeet tfhe co.-ineýtuencles an ibis ccunlry. Thal là to ay: i-ce Ramar Groeuwodi thé memser, !or -East York 1" thec4(nadian ltoune' of comnim n utead oi Wlbim ?lnl.q UcLean, tie îersagtd&dLor ort he Toronuto Worl4, Wbilby. 0ntaro4 wauid bear somevibat the relation ta Il that theie 0.410. :wIiib'y uest to the KagWt Yvi-k witich 'bis enter- priais; Wh[-tli -boy vwon (roin tiie Consel vatareIiî ..e lite British gen. <raielèCiOês1hu sp.fradicly cou- mired and aduiraby g hraa.»d lette: la, fi-Un the. pe»u, ulStacN. Ford, the. brilltaut Loa"Id o»cri-iPOudeiit 01 our esateeuied couarorary, tie New 'York TribUUe. Tii. 000141130n b%'-' twthiale iatOv and j1.rûspecz et th. lvii>Whitby'is la net iii. lea.(t 10Diil 1 .. ù,et '.bU that vie olui Iud UW own utkuki an acous- muulty plue"Itprolulaitas 'a rad tlal ar4 uai let 1*4tt-.O.' PlaCe, Lic neae.t fpasbl-1o01coui4lrable dil cipnWUtme-Ar Trfurhitî as i miui rial tiatWD About DoclorsadQîes T-rontg W'40 hionoreô liat wee'k ' tisa gwuiilin atisai <ilIutotheiaB l-' tisi 3,c*ctCI.sht i iut augub bodly-f et dkl uen là tbe ws4.ueiegatzi w14e re pt t iau ait p4rt» 01Gt t3À.t itti4n4 Ciieunb d. as4dtheti. WiiISii#I let Y*the Cases 'ilion tL.asot, weeks Qazt4#to, and ýas It wtis Ilk l qealc for thO Collegât% kgs U188 lîaiwo tW#dkzi Wêrk Win b~refflucd -atI the Ci xae teun ara brigliLtheel. 'beeauibr"mk lu t(i staff thii ulm ~veuInco rcauoed it - thrOugh ýti he lâaft An la U stafi ema - IltCs ?meaà ureô by exuuu- tory la*ed. 'be-e aiçaiwlte equai y M Ti. sbool oeierb tIt courst or ioj- lot r ~irtCir air e. wftký a eoà amzeidi apeolat cf là rgxe otai iadrtnto*lnan lilno ot pIudy. BgiO4at oonns uaa h atruseduDy filon %VIIO dere tA,I(f04onô mlm time ut the e CIIqlateâ an prs t& lA do vieill tecouaalt li pnlnw ln, rigat4l-tu sueli oppo$. tu4M or be i si4 itit, viiieU1.t af8Oé aIt tbeUlh -8outLý. f or >Yta. 01*'lots ote povi-ad tsg MY. Fesu ni txcetiono 1 Pen, t mt l idtiea,cttaide',othe em.1, O dlloar Ver tht Pcovlu fisataQ i ssab*ps O Aisike7 -NO. . $ U1$65 Okto 400 IR.4 No, 2........4 50, io O TimUaySetd.~.... 0to 'À40 LOU AND FED. F Our# pe 0t,4o tu 8 0 Cîiopped Fecwî ...... .1 0t Jitii pr oi.......... teOUteo21 W0 I Sort sert? .........2U I0o 20 ldby q1m t pr<Iwt $25 Ito-$7'.60 ,Caite, l'ivoe th, btO'0b5s 'ZXittôn, pet ..... è.-è, (>ý0 t.o 0 Lamsech.......3 <>to 4. on Iloge, hi-e '0CO ta 870 r17 011 to 1e201 c'Iuke, Pei ,.rb .12oî -Butter, ipeil. -o 2 1 2é 02 'L rd " %6 Ot..... O Of) go.I 01 OQrnua, peru- ........080 ta -1, Stravi, pet o"d.......... 2 00teO ~~ ~ RIDES. aid,&,percyn .. go* fl 00 .. ... 1,00 te. 2 oIw nded et b 0 o4tço, -0 wcmt .0,0 >to --0 8 x0ov. Os Déo. ¶,Js ,8? ' . Z MJkZA ill lTbe Yorkshifre Coast. dut -Aiid tIny tuer. toi-Cd ter to 0 111e aetirp uoftt 013" alasla*dut op a4 a tn)pea~ long, h4'bl 1 ~wul cas ~ kagl der 9919g hs uta IafOm1 I onS )le of, ~u1siIt u n al i iodâ on iaIüed tIl ' Illich f* goud aiïd aattltiei>t reas*oua. Tit the, gosýerning l(AY of 'protepAlO sa learned and au respect.abk, as that Of the ani~,~id shudhold rà ut*ti a £3rrovw iiw A'# taia brg ojh0f O1s4- 0£ their 08ghteà t and Icast Impurato T8lt~s should us-lt tc havy ealty lin, pOw4lýIm lt aoris belle %Were it ao- but tOu ai-ciivertf.;-d. O'lut the reault 01at ie i-m t» rcritle'cnm a %,V~d itlietu u ~ eh Iieulriattire b L r .:1 ie Uotven . f tii. Medi dCWns,'sà i..acmut ccrtau, atia2 If Il; ls îo, theb4tcr experlence, of Dr.'Crich lu m1114 Dot lie without practical lieUdit. Speaking oft Ile view taken 17 the meidg4l (mîucjl et i îh w4a iho advigctGsed, thât l» sa4ltioe? ia là .- LamoS s ad digraoefui. ha* ne t la Io won*sng if it là ~ for the- lame reasUa liaI m;ira.y ut the !btialues l*e*ple ut Witby do flot d-ri. It it lis flfanaand dlogriitoeti4 ta ndvrtse teautiie eut of tea of 1IIf tualoepxnîaimw1put .0,1tbr 1tpwus be- long ILo tic tâxrepu t4ble olaits, ani uibM u o f tete of- WMtbj!,a buà ln»sm mcn~ are on theietde of ieapeCtabllty. Doubiesa ar ei~vuma lore 14 50 thlsa1vu rcdt&!LtY* -rreseted bj the. irem; jet tuaere.lâ- sut aýnohhear lavs I )la-t*r¶O WbeWI0 heieewsp3-. pers yeeelve 110h 54147 nd ln*utfft elomit adi-ertima; îtrng, s Wbltby. #The ada'rtWslng4'Oluuunao a pewà î&Inpe: are a vup7 Cti Iur#&-% cot the obulea e rpri M- of ýeto*n. Judged by thlt rUle, whetr* does )ii a 0 Store 12 At -the ýEm prium o! Fashion -The Cs t The. e e