IISCELLANEOLJS. «anled overywherte-aId mdyou t- once for particulatir-'Of ouel ir la additionl to genoftu ouà Cilt- G, FQ CO.. TORtONTO;,CAA" URE3 P05T CARDS* tc 60Q for 60c: 100 for soc; alildIt-im Ofor 3a orteil, 1,M00 ovetOP#i SO;10forign tatups 25q. W. e9 4n youg-'tre1tTorunto, Out. ~!nlW5socciIJs l3yrup aboulaiai iused fer eirSu t6tanIs. 1 4hoecohild, #oau'0tht gutus. OUU o -and le tii.l t ru medy for DIeuM- O R. LEROY'S FEMALE PILLS ,Ar@&, #tire ani r.llath1e monthiyreg"ja lt- .lime'illa bave 1-,u a raç fur ovr ft fy yvr. al fe flYt 5bi*S sori lupr)ýe .der.untand a" glatSD teig- y tmernakrs EnciçES tsDp f emd ie i c1ar il, le0.1.00 pet bôx O j vr y ial. eeeer.lY scalel. Ou rucei$ o01ptw. Lie iOY P(LL 00.. os42. }Lnnilt0>U1g114 s j3alio0fl PassenZers. r Icave tho cair wiÃŽle in motio-- IYl- whieî lit a considerabbo alti- it htirts. Do xîot stick pins tnt-o leope, oven if the balloon ta a et-a- 'one'. Should your grarpling ires 0" a l:arnalcMsold gentleman anti -off lus foot, do not bc too angry mu; lot hii dowvn gently. Do net iut einpt-y bott les wlien passieg enféiyIppueiii rban rural dis- P3 e il only get broke ims ing over a f riend'a estatc tX ;s <etemptution of droppinga r. hrotîgli his coniservatory; somc- 1 uay et~,there, aid bouides, your May bc Pa retalistor and a tirst- rUUl &hot.-Loiidefl Punch. Abtantic City, Cape~ May-$1O r-etashore excuriots via Lehigh r Rtailroad, Jty 20, August 3, 17e .. Tickets good 15 days,sud only ouid trip. froin Suspension Bnldgr. s& allow stopi)over aI PIiladelpble. ekete&, further particular», cal l on teo Robt. 8. Lewis, Canadian lPae- .4gent, 10 King etreet cash, To. IOnt. 19 Painter'a Coltc a Myth? 1003 the French Sante appaintcd onilIe of scientific mcn ho investi- tiie cf fots of white lead upon tbe 1 of journeyncn painitens. The coin- ; has Just reported that it as mades ~ful investigatieo!of b subject-lu r-six--ô t!heb.ighty-elb-lt depart- iinto which France la d.ireded, e«. qg its inquirica- evcn into Algeriga. 1i4g Ãk t-ils report, out of 194 joue- ,en è, intenewho vere in theo. s - et e irnc l 1904 only twenty- vere uck f rom diseasessotiginat. rmtir trade. "If Ibis umber double," enys thie report, "'wo are ver' Jar tram the ravages whieh been attributcd ta tie use ai white The cemmittes bas nualonssu ale - avcr any- eridence of thIe exc- iuotalily vhlch vas reparhed b~ in lu Iis business. The death rate Suu Utmm-Zouuh. t T1uPb @oiiaigQIt14 temple; one of D.tru OM«S w Ris fl LM UM M 11 BUO ~ w $m zutom i . m1U ta Tr,4mr>e &rL it wodruge wiWt mrve the pur"o.a4g ~b1o ~~âz G imetary. '1lt A1-7) h or fte etl 4c et Prprations fr h ow i .re ate (J hn W. mbouId a n te, obuzi tbaa xê Pim *o*jcra m .lag&tIh *1 enaPia ftry (vos -7). 1- Drew -7 *O RtIO IO te tarn thefr attenion, U te 9t4 'Ofare be.ain.to =1thers Buaay.8u. a lm dles b int kt for !0 th sle ofthe beaits s1OIO1 mRq WI* I Lawto se -ose r4 J esndu r ud Rîdtow- di !u désJU r< -t rits t B ' 1 dbe.7t1U box .... . 8~ t aal lem .~obp-.0.1:location of tbis of umln hh[ oa, oa;ti.Plu=% ses-, 4 M o 10 lzi to no t déflultej kuowu; I.t vas fi îmunstnc lvt ee aré-neat n f he lodunaio o imall cojde," no* Rte d1dabc4. «.. se. 11et. Wet ee ýtaud Ln e iu l m e nt y ref, d e u a , lth ie m r m a e be .v is o! oer. W s i.* .Je wou dà dmeut ie. isp lo e a b.ad vneaJ ti urthng EU tIUZ e tlu er e m aet e i 0' m êoy at ta»s bs . 2. T h lilge-4ltihee. Týe sany * f@i e o!prs4*el, t= jef et h av icpe o b .ne ii.or c icamd templea t. secton, the. ueoW ty for pue, vate ar u itim .. o* e. ond rfl: » me s pm ea , I rthe ne n i arts f tili. The o M , w ub 5 ori Ãœ9lug a d te fet tha t cancer W'" n et lucres - m . o a ii ofe Cha. T reci encediff er u o nte- t world te 'cir sacrific« ý.te I ti P ss vertipi> eeuhgld met!out j>riutheg j to : pom éa gehr te ololg ont ayb nt~ '~ ~ 1wToronto by is presencotbUs yedà t1 a rui n bfr l 1l ip.s ak tes.Tain hed 1 a o t î l felu em d u a torn i aurwte-sevf l og I. 8r UN5Jar ae n gu u b as ke a tirOu................1ddre In5edie 000andcirer ctl med . et ol iedcolt uditis t-gain eut' ef the traffle.Moee cang- ti. pressing pFoblmà o hiRS10 HosbyIni iigery. b>stsi.do e... . 6..85t 0 oi 1. 2Bth th oultnd w ould indei-PiîWms brought viti them th* soc'ilworld yMt"Y r'"Me ptithe figure. compfl eth le re- Corià , doze... ... .......5t or would be îied. 3. They' o in jcri eama&- ista1idreulïks *n~sd8f îtr @~~oitx.sak 0 a paceviire woway me. 5 N ma ngpftia, rek, as tcaseunt h-- r*îg'fthe* varions ectos e t 4, sra'ocensil a pears ta. 130 A Thn4 e Cot e cepao ln 1hem asi tiey ,utered -th. village. 4s At ftîî reek, s t nT e. lugu o! ilans 1are atten lng the meetIng s Et Knit h"ad &t upon tiie colt. 6. The owuers adterutnyctirva o uet <l'es Who apeci alut f e fne. rmC wcgar<ie&iiy the otticers a 101(1 liaeanPasesame, 1toa stocholad the City Market au tii Lod ld n .d f-tem ic eu in Pamles eof, he 0t eenw rip, cud ot î i. asscation reape u- I St SbtlIffleltt attenda» n 'e w f stoe l er t &Iath e t mnceTuudmà w ould question hem . 7. W hen od tier he m bolre e o e at e o sh p S lb. 11ý eît r he t long distances m any of t e m em bers a rl e morta d li of 1818, a . 1 or t accuns mnton1h.cot nly ad otb f ot re«Iiledo the >' as o e " erlu eeu e- t ayv s The traveIled. Thd"&.tuis convention stands caho% t, conipsed e 61 amIle10 i lot-thiem go. A colt vItihber - htie ve ate l. ,lua.jlo iihi 15 e meinsAtMl a-boa,î00shepai ami ad 3 <'Po uit refer ho Its mother. Our Lord chose ý*Mh vas their yearly polil, or iedetp '009 len y»'the OntarlO rlo f l. *cl*helotwu. Tâon lar ies W51, efliiThé alveSith.-bu uanimal on vilch neyer man lad suLt.e oe.Her.-1Dominion Mliiaco. e. f pras vitrd,. as 1only medium-, but thce re e o17osé dee as neverbeuvyoked vero 1.Io moe witf.-leu v . 7 -, Jet .1-VIL roudon 1805, whfeu TIi qeuawlts Ott ma. bl fftcIl ooIisTe anmais e. l»0ud0141I. A den of tbdeves--The business vas i p705(1 i"spleuure in bcing &l*"rade lu fat caIlle vas nea4ya rigit enoug lu imsiifbutrth.ieha;petd J apak on tOic ut*lOf 'of iejicoVIIIFEUL O? A SCOW. goal as on 'rtiaar ncshvu e ,meu's possessions are "lied" l'y pîcasute, verted lthe use of tie Lord& Lose, t su m ti ie of a" muha eygldo Ia or goed orgai, o haitor h. ordan er.roîîn0&i& lope on cnrgng m. tit&vr. oiblwnelIavaeno the ToRedPularl>rvne lu11e ot Ive da, wichvosbroi116hot'aptevl 10o o mlfsbemm-Hm.0c. ortionahe prie. .They, vere duttroY14g Ittà tude f 1e011alpoeulio Idethlg hbree mocrthan theui 8. St"s.giiîwtY i v ' oud thrn- ethe.very spirit. of truc voraiLetus ttist aide of 11. valer tS bAd Wii,11estSekrkdUoa1I7. Ae fr OuiLor dd nt bgbut borrowed be caefl intt hwayhgte b.I of 01ulcohol rnmd~i m,10 . etShiMn,4g 7-A<< l uf *l.. olt, tierclor. Ibis siould b. under- broughtIa ni t"bouse cf Goil toe dstroy Ireoeutiypaaïs a a reméla, lou a ing Accident Trado la export cthet1e 15 u; mno signal stood- as lie romite O! returniug hlm. t terà uuo! th. paee.' Jkluhomedical profuosion m ioel ou Ugthaccd Rcive,ye but tueathere ve. od tuycrý m..O. odva1e ~Clarke. Mark %Li.3, Revlsed Version, IM. (2iah'spopularlty (vs.14-17). 14.1 hosterAthorthan "' .d lwa ir n a mmoii.îeled Roives, wbrest la porîed a d a 4.les,* utialt so,- makus this lear: «And<Ia5 it iejrHo eleW tbemi-ln tie preseuc c at-dttgellchl.*aualolite.,7Ougmu ieee Thtuas' alla e st nth i eroavsltiisOdaiio wl e lm back 111cr."Ê%t'flteu O tUhepeoÈe He per!ormed moat vonderful Vlcot rponnceOMmt. '"lamn b ore e i lit deied vsepoe nli bgdoe fee osiihu i4êcuti Hli m.! me ressble for thliei. , o bo h e p op.' u , lSiv yoome ides, of tue polliou ! iieïO'<inmftorwdgpruimaewnkt* té@berluil *oyroturn of teaimi.heie hin e.15. War. sore dlspleaed lrî-forl EgalO ila l,*M eostiemu eo n iî the laid 814. . t l'e fuit il1ed-ýqVsthé echie! Tii.leaders saw tuaI lb. y vero unablo e rSs eI~ soItonIms t roua Tti , ....r.ug jouuu vie U Ut f feady, bt élb.blk ftet mohin .of Jeans m rl o fulfil a heck tHI. growlug popularity. Even ths Its membraareoom 1u É,co et tue 0I*SdL ter fahlnabnca a cI. o cnim n e m dtan qualt*sed 4' propiiecy, sund (114He turu eut If the clilidens iiad taken up tb.eIat auiNov 1 vould 1keib ~'tuI1.uaa u omnd shbta iil ed te 25eper vi. lw $tP»it wa7fo 10hpurpoeRatIer, lot us vt snir lspais;tue vonl ad physIciens t houte havje e am e t- paieiily vas et moflg miel ia _4 t W litat Ibis wasthie ight tilg1o do ;"neafter dm (Jon xiiüe 19). Tii. piest iitudo Iow*ard acblas 0ih&v4%-* epal o 6 cvlý W t îMAet gooda-901m ati tblmlime. Il vas necesssy lu order and scribes vere exaaperýxted iceausa of:l'y alool 1 il »mt tibquor us-- '11 apa- o ai tgwîîcî - dU, Z163.00 . SOta- - MmIah* to fulfil E&Hission for inilteo ofler t1W.. They mmv tht tie oly tbing tôas a btovet ,but ai b »V tweIISrIesoobanddun odtivr ej lflen t o h15 lasI opportuulhy te thedo le save t11cm owu prestige vas te lber have ioun out Is tins ..value, ont tiîlU -litýuoy, mot tîe: nto*=e- Pvfeessduoknm.bI~f Java u lIe Mepa KIn, se iii ut Chist < <ba. vill, luniy pinioli.p"Utlmly ate Young Wm a a ueto seau 'ý t feréet thon. la llttlO" dou o acn uh.ymigt aceptlli su b. uve. ~ ~ w ý ansd was, dnowi*d belon. amultu« . - '< t almlcr u Il vas neoes«tarylareveal Ris kiugly They ere auxi eus obave Christ robuke Once Tradlhiongl RcMeY. lv #pasreyaelto g astunaaud -fltkngly igit and le gir, them, but, lit.ad, Jeaus quqttoi. iutSir maertoM l hereffluüà lfu ipignromn teng Porie. sue a 'foregleam of Is itriumph over thee Pas. viii, 2 ho show th"n t uts wa& J is ova -tudeat dayle lhOl va.tIiDOWE A T CMAPNS.*5tO 605 eateii - - I worM. Tbefrer Iis evont was PT<>pb<* in harmôny vîth the Scripturet. 17. Te rdllnlreuney ton man dis- »eerlels rot oqual ta'I oA$ 1f sied sud accomplished." 1Dy the.prophel hiethay-rey again rohuru e g BUiSnY e«»&s. vasuwe -4,Ior bl oisPoon-n aliBOY Csniod BeY@n0l04 D tPrices iuged. fota» 8.01 S~ -?Ach. WI. . 5Tic daugiter of Sien to îodge.N tug sud for pnunaoies . Ye7«"WbUoe Batbin .u'Pond.ewL thebo hlk selng ut * t1'~r P.The oburcI. Bebold-OGivo eitLon and PRC IAPPLICÀ4T1O\.& O tRare prepar.d asvery val. 1cv>i a à tew prime casv m&tddl' W look *Wltb astouisbment and vonder. Tby o *eueo îoo aA St. catbWim de5patch. Tliiîà soiIv po-c " Klug omt-Jesus Christ la appointed L Tby Klug comamaudng. !"Jeaus coin1Lodn.- papal iwdn i heewa ait li Klug o~'er lch (i Pât., il. 6), aud manded 11cm' <iv. 8&) -Christ tbld tIe dis- thesueengret ospitals o odn a sme !toy oewlu0 Ii.vns arylnert bomr 10 aeoepted by lie-church, He ecores tael iles-wher ta "ge snd viat to do, Mdsudtt îchor lad bien ai1n b11 MClsr' lwd vo elidrlttoU jtel vas sold t a$4.80~ ialt. lIe.te tb lce o ul fr he; lM l u ay" (vs. 2,3)# 'and the ie sJ pt dt..R ana tc~ d o=jaj, j<>U sobburý, agnevs odai*.0 e*.7 o Ut la b.d over ai] things o hoebo urci- edpi.. vent sud 414 qs Jesus commanddait ae&. therelative. Uses of aoho ud levi.- s- ahst *3éynd hs d t Uaenry. ait kiugdom Io nul of Ibis tvanld. hein." Tiie auirands of God art plain,, 21m1 u lnum.in5ttUtiuim 1uw802 turieai y.ar,, e eyndlia deutlate, ebIng fo ple4.7 o w fa l a kingdom of truti, f righteous- possible, and perfect, aud Il we mistakoe pen tn n th atr va b u aan rrled , wa ter l b It eal at eand , wa b egfr ila psofoe nés,, o! love. Meek-Wi«en a kingcornes îIledirections It le out o<n Isult..11-t $1,54MO*Th.s figurend btuheeaily .nk, anaowued-. l e alor I-*le>w ut 1i>i eometlingpreai la cxpected, -snd great we faitkfully keep His recPs orisiDiu i l w 110il vwas4m'Wo. 4"For , ud 1» ~ ~ Abolit 12M0iho" e fOtf.nd i~ HT.~ demouustr-tlons are made, But la- thisshahI id that lSb bas LýdljIykp t-i"i ae Q" &»tttmh4adft t -0 oase alila-s dilfercut, Christ appcars ln 1 Ris promises. ?erfect oboeebri,. irei >4 i 82 ienpw t .4ti e*0t uw lh Bis nucekuest, net i li# 111e jsty. He fPéierc reste ident, the tva1o **t wercosmlng, for ie- YoO*g 8tun h*-ae, " rto 11 aiti h*00~rc 1 sà ready to suIfer'fer Zîon's sake. H1% laIL Thy King oudeaetdn. "iiyjme iimtitnetI cvn tan' én lii. q. tout Blmakwi ie mm.-K*t. ~ . i îlePr ne olPene; ~lhs mtiom re Ungeomth utetis, m4~..s ietIn sury w5 as k lu îseê i le >011$g,*d*t7W*Uý b bdtllw.A bIiOU =mr ,net ph acI; hruthlaH i i ce-tpn ns v 6.Js=s hi.olaa Vn l~ple f Ua&itoS uiVI b<o4 oi tneOnS ~.~o4Ie4lt Ion, love lits force." "Ilii. la1e artyul way te tb. cross is but eueofet mys.chot i<1r- bugt..l ' ~ê> -tin lu Us evablondi instead o! the hlood hisrations of His m etka«. u.. lity 1 14'i84iosmaphOro mïd gr.ugt»y devera1, but,-b.d te go U bth', ot bo1s- i**é o! His .subjecta." Sitting up-on --a colt- thIe luard sprt eut o! shiel U"ÃŽ oped ho autitephie conditions, i ir W th<-<'teult IL adt ppear broui Matthes- lIaI lice prlngt. Muc*m e u he oppoli to etput-lt. Now blsie "d tue Ciiotiso fer sw1 -A-~~J*i.d at uçon boti the colt snd ités tIi tbtl argnt, self-ammrtiog, IrrIable, aicoCI l at illlua tO 15,00 or ltheor- BANhU* - > n btteot.her amoounts ipake vpan thdad'1î#lle.SüO ho en lusltitts. Titis vsiprovo* tao. ew-io -ht esi t on lbe colt. Il. es e. ep#e k ii osurisl.t e4 tff ieof thu*oouutry erlly-.ê'#$ $ y"(Zech. ix. 9); ntl vas hi. triumpb leaders sud *"rcçive vitl i nieknoos-he -iei vat"WI Seooo o!fItmililty aven prid anad vorldly cran- j augrlUd ved" (;ames 1.,21). a lai. 3os-*ad <eurt, !poverty over afflueceauJ lL .Thy JUng ,eouilg. -tbbqa a - mb.sugous? "sai4 lb.fr 4 o!ofieknesandigeuhiencss oser rage - eumtu' (v. 4). "Ite vas corneuto Jt& and- Malaee,-Clarke. Tuhe rse sud lhe usslem" (v. 10). Tlitslotok,* oadtô ir Vcto. WA a surtgen, 1 am 'xtii,<lapth*èrels ohunlt vweto suggestive et ver, t tnshue 4dalvIe CIitlt shuil #ot up Mt a llY IIiUjic tl iuy refo4um1 bOW4 h .h efl 0 lklmwiY s, ýw yro.theri~Ii enr 7.~rs .ern elt pnt m Ia--ioUe cheill o! a geetaof 6 )( s .ie e s c u a d. .-W bai rimac o mi"t inIs ova li , "LeX irs s i IOlS v_1O iOumYtiii& L td -» ,M the pcoaMtwod " cmtouat otop."f lseri o isi -t.te uth tn"-wâjà w 'pu e q -siluor- qge-- _-1tama.*.d E-vii.e..s __(ba -I,8 r Iand î îul a ' .G0T. B. Wu% ~5.Tsr4gniar vSnralng ta' ogosstruck oa«eh eter ou ir ydamag*ed . John -meixa y,-C 'y. Ier, forxuên'ly cfToronto Ja. iof, hsla Iy -vas- ,acalde i se m#y bdysud. Re4. la lia eet ant fae ksad. M. A.n4 W lXs, ýf tbe0, eL tmnot cxpcci* mWerendhkpbelug hs>nredL Tue Codfiahi. Sthé, ment useful f ii. inay have It fine and fecait. >'aima b. baught saltod or 41.*4. -longue ia oonsidored a groat delle"'? zwlmmlng itadder t w!nlshes thebsê irer cil Ia famous lte worl&. ove triediclne and food. lu wutlng 4iscs.sei. iraya feod of ccode itaess mlxi marine planta incroesatic cese il c eand- the code' boues are giron te 1;M ; whiis tu Kamacatka t.ey go the ocy watea 4e.titud. -cf ltros tie Oried, >are fî%cqUsntby uaeO fer fuel -lte uppily ie likair teb oïd out.AMI ICodfiah laya no boas tian 9000,000 < «M linge sc sean. - - trd'& Linimgent-Cures Gairget lu Col- Basebail as a Toul. crs la no aubject taiketi 4o m - t-in4hbis coutitry as basebail, Tii - thlng tbiat is sme mutdl reati abogt extras ln tire day, o4 the;o ll ne more cageriy menahtelbd up il 'newsoelle- day7I-isted of millions0olpeople v.bo thlutl o! litho la e.--OhIo State Jeu