e- h(, WIJ.LS'ý Corpond Syrup oWhite Pine and Tar Cures Couglîs, Colds, J3roxrnhitis, throat anud lung t'rôubles. Dr ggist p~r Bottie Et WILI Ls Optician Whitby.1 I outyTown 0e t O.K. Thoxnpsefl's for Wà ll - ezueIospector S&an Ion hotu laid a chirge aglhiIIs(the citptuin '%f (ii ýArgyje fovr s.lling lltjuor. Thm- case * wili cole Op on !iatîîrduy mdernoati ÎO 4 p.m. fl0USE WÂSNTED. In er near Whtb. 68lr-or elght lomsl. at~ate locatiùn, as ltland dru eablte attacheti. 1,ddre«s l3x .155, * Whltby. * * "E>lPhan t' brantid e j&nt -la the best b: test. Ps .n&416a ardware. Tii. Ont. trio% GOVrDôZDLla leabomut te lmpurt a iIPO ro'epaî te devour the Coduil motit, which, di>u ligi, a îy-uake la#&O* tlirough ou 'boast applei:7, It tube hped (ha! the ne' urrivûl îay,4O1 its work lu aý t ~ ~ JI Ttorog Iminner It Imatatcî%ýýthoe probablIe that the baindl will take jart.tn-,the arCtLt Odt. Welowv'e pirs14e anid colebrut.ien te 1w held, ist the vit) on Soptember i*th. 1roEvifieOO la miatie or each lirimir.vl lopte ýbe sceo>mpaà iIie4b: a ienti, and .us lt l 19 l0one ut (ho tgrùat_. In the olty OïfToroctQ# andI wilt bh îîêîtlsOiat4 tu hy severa 1 thoâamnd fnwmi#eo! t4e er'doitram all Ov'. ïpaýMnle to se, the çoay,.on* ejýt n4 » uiifgtiiéweek e efSt. j.hej but thq gret rovIW ,uInd par- - ~ 1eto ba hd ni4 ith4u U>Um met., '~4i!ui~m 01î the! ii pportunity lënducthe bilg e eiat. iut*ling %V'11 bc, eW oiiln due Cour.. dil Q bapr u "Fiii4 ight to 'r- - m fI4Ùi re ejto lia- a r Mçet, 111. >lui York Ini th'-ý -I«*IT H 4tuTR7ISLnoltoqOvr . ,ThIe most severe- 44ectril x 'Lorui for rnany Yeuîrsa ;Seý over the town en ,Uoiiday jifLet co0Zn1accompaW byheaTy ra»iÀ. , the I4ghtniug wan cfthe h.er aiIig>trebâ~t no tdijp0g l we ddtbe sl. À pp eer-4 POLICE COURTl. lienry Law~rence %vas Ârrîi'ted 0u Toueday night for opynît fI fine« A citizen made thié f inp geadI ,and hewà m Ilet g9(x R obt. watsnn, a couper. who has %bve orking for Mr. !rtê!* wad- at JrookIniv a» r'uflni o beînz dirtnk and i.iacaabk. $1andi -costx. oANZAND MISERY. 4'% a m~~iian 04 epventY Ye-iL1t 'à xm' grtflto Gl Qnd (tu Dr. Chasee Ointment for a cutre of ;1,ln whlgc' hua causeci me cîidless ann0oYano iand mSulpery. Thii etJng) Rantiburn- log %tt. almexet beyon4 endu rance, but Dr. Chaseu Ootment brought quîek relief, atnd 1 believe 'that the vitre la lactzig. - er. MWilliam Thcom-ts, 13ronvnsville, Ont. Carrbige tops rece'erttl and re-Iluati. Try Ihlitike. tliic.Ptinter. NýoJiTU WICST t1ROP*.ï tTIie_ Ilidiati Head amt4~~~n a tr- tie au the g[ala erCr.,aanyt In its ipue of Au'z. $tiî, tat thp p;roba-ble y4e.'cf twheât 'teu ýh-trrglon wil 134 (rom 301-1VJbuIh. p-r atre. 'Thel ~n a - are;atst iisroînW10 te le per ep'tI. PTe weaither aondItle:iaj ha-m Ibeton pýýrÉoe. No;dainag i'"li 40:10 txm'Ot gralrt except the very wMmi bz [rom .0lu.60 but4bela on Stut>. pie and from n70 te t90 but3helç oit falweu Àtw armers have aufpr- ed frot» hi14, bat, the, datuaxigîuVary G 0 te .0 0 K. Thoeipaun'a for walI Mfr R4w;rd Kirkland la prepared te ,rxeeut' atiy ksÛI t C!Work arou-I-ýd tho town ttat îleà Within lus %capa-j hile4s. A nywioe w1ahlng the mer-J tkem of an energetieman niay nue- cure Saine by <iýPpIyliigt Newm1rts A rery gouod exhibition of junir increue<i took place on, $atudayl ast at the Àttil#teIPark. 4be$, tho mapI,ý Leaifi.,o! Toronto, went down ,ndl oit te Wýhtby, tu the tunte of 111 r Te Maple -Leatis are n n.t buneh <4 .pi#ayers, but W1iUby lin, brent practiolng steadlly, and wýere It gaie. teMIQkt t d.*teea anti brih 3(cIçintyre andI J. fwansoei 4toed bliInd lt e st.., TîNfWhltbjr, beys int.'xtd «et ti.g their reovang frmu thte itrInmmn« u Mtlnd -Tio gae tenton etvjc bb14n. andi e gunw ha m ben'a rr&rtied forthe d~ay. TtaWfl otît andi @fl4ourag ýthc- r't.~m gnd by ceît ws00n* nbaps W'hltby Ia' Zbe f ppo and Augant..ý2 xw4 et. ý are to bcr SOË»t A .' U. non . On ým~>and 35c. eash.ý euqs Wlsaon. toxunto, la visiIIQher Mýtps. MvtCnityr4, et Bramp'ton, lm the Mr. H. . wiB ik.xtas returneu~ Miss Maod Ameshan retu rned froem -viV.1iTxMis8. Wm. Tril at Ifidianti. Mfr. JetWti l@mAtolkiMiSS C. Thom- foit are home from lUt. Clereenà ncb.k,. NMgsa qLIti aBurreil, o oot,~ 'fiputng relatives at the qqoen*ts flOP. tel. Mr. Nr!cl3ney, of! bendoni, Ont., i ~viita~r ut his home biere 'îlurlng thel 1f.Andrew Jeftrey was a +>en't visiter with hî» brother on Dnnda-a Stroet west. r4Johin flogcrs, Lndxai, Yw,5al 'it*lutowu last we.eet~ Ur. W'libur Webb and M4m- Earie. of froroirto, are viaitingisiemother, )lira S. Wèbb. col. Sam. 1Bugites, o!f Midsay. wals ngust' atkihe R974ya. iss Era Witherlélge andilittle breu. thers have betil iftylot for the plist tiTeweeks if 1Mr. w. t. ip4er's ~d.on ir.C. A. 1ocdf#llow a'inti sdin 0râydon, returiwdth4a w*l rena jicualst à outing at floey lfter- Mr. 'Jhn Ar&,n and lire. F'. l Loostard, et $t. Louis, Mo4, %were re- cent gnet ts raut, lira. An-,. 1fr Wnlor linVuoon. antid ngiteiý, MIR% Minnie.e!CrdfNWT.ae ite gueste of! Mr. and Mlrz. J. 1zt Ilmsýay <oeniwod and !Mes b'l refnGreeflWOOiI, hav'e Mntt frQUm iedrry l*o'rin, ot Br*ndci, Ma n.. who -has been bolida~ylng li' SL Pix), hîc4;goand Torbofla '40Mlt-: ¶ng'b er -mother, irs. fr. Co[tey. VL1TORS À&T 'I*DIA RES?. ls et*rd C4lrke, tormoelY lof las* Fergosofi aubdMl*e<h.eim. of --g CU IOU ad Pa t ..t.. ut N71 tatth hot- weatbher lý9herpe aà 1fith have not,>Purehased, thé>~ summer wear. 1e ned f t. Wehaestili a c9mplete range gop »esuitable for au me ue.lYueins, haýg,)Zephyrst Prints, Lawns, Duokà Etc.ý Ladies' and Gentlemen's summer. Uttewear'. Ladies' tand GonliemJefl's Cotton losiry Ladies' Black and white Silk Gloves. Ladies' Gold Beits. Ladies' Undeskrts. Ladies' Blouse Patterus. Men's Ready made Suits. $7.50 $8.50'and $10. Mens Ready macle Pants ail Sizes and prices.. Men's White Veste. Men's liati4 Caps, Br4css, Collars, 'ies, Sox, Etc, i -Andrew M. I on the melnt dOf"r puormanceIuar Swe~wiliigto h&e tc jdgcLSimphIiy olýý SuMiiouu, cd'imbined with a sdil intmauý*' fiuewicisteketno ood r aiwayvs in Stock. ~ost. veterln'ary Suigol WHRJ eoning lWest '5.06,1 . 44 2.051 44 dé 8.051 The P~.9-9 a.m. (r -mornitng.' Ooing North .W<7 .4 . 6 .405 Lea'.ts NWhltby ib Houlden, prop Leai'es fer Brous 'prietor. Freim W. andi E, 6.t~ 44West, -9.8( T rom 1 *For.%nowth 7 45 a.m. Ea.st 8.30 a.rw. PROFESS N Sohltor for the ' V etc. NMcney té Lc 'Whitbr# Ont. Dowda Rarristers.SoUci 'office opposite Pout liarrister, Etc- M Office ImmediateIy 0 Ont. Banis1ter, Oom County Solicito H ue mvi ,the., FALL 1181 :lu &devli*a i 4 'NiIe 'Nr.T 3 Wre, 'V Vol IV -RAILWA w o lý je jw