R ZION CITY*, ad Devoted Largte bic Pur-poseS. 1codieil ina poWl's wll, ex- ,95, hcnqueathiflg Zion City is biuccessor, the court Baya: ia Launqualified uand ijaa oguition of existing trust ikPn by Granger, ubord- 'i1 jitq and relations te al ainent te the will of Dowie, aya, unlfits li to act as oidrt an election to b. Dthi] 'irdTet4d.a of Septem- ilerl Overseer. under the ei- ,f Illinois. Tlhe court maid "Ir nlilki' suitahle provision nnsiucl as the préent value lie 'far exceeeds the actual cont Filu tions rmeicvod ta Fervics as trustüe entitled Pln)rlit, court said, wouid b. ater . BROKEN* ynoldî,' aWell Uad packets-oalyi At ail Ircars. "Instincts, indeedl Yen an. ne est on a dogI Why did y. speak te s respect- able young mau-your une)'. heïr,, mmd yen-lu a way tiat gara hlm sasy ieMi neyer aic yen main 7' "I arn ver>' sorry if - I have of fendeti for I reali>' liko him, but I thougit ILt omly izht te explain that, I could give hum ne'llope." 44And lie did nae of fend you T" "Oh, no, uncle. Keunethr voulti neyer olfend a lady'l "I arn gladyeu say iL, for 1 have been azsgercd againsi him. Now, be sa'vise lassie, an' mak' np your rind te tait' hlm if h. will ask you agaimithen y can baith torne awa' wi' me te Craie~ darrocbd fer I doubt but the man 1 lot tue land te la just making a kirk aud a miii of lt -,lunanit.hcr year, l'Il geL it loto my ain handa, se l'il vaut Kenneth to e hory factor, and vo twa mnb-folk «weuid le ii sff1 wtheUt a lasse te look alLer us--se yen phak up, Kenneih, my man, and asic her before my lace." "Nol Kenneti, do netl" cnied Mozs., eolorIng, witi pain at iaviug te dîsap- point lier uncie, aud aise with Irritation at the densenes3 vhici preveuted hlmz from perceiving the nusuitabili>' of such a marniage. "I ahould oui y repeai vint 1 have said before. Though I amn heari- uncle, IL la Impossible 1 cao lot anyone choose s iusband for me." "Anti I muai deciare 1 canna -wishr te ma rr a yeung leddy vIe liai nef used mo ~ree imes! It wouid le vrery un- via. te tak' s reinctaut vile. May b. norne chier Young leddy-" Kenneth g et se far, whcu Mr. Cnalg interrupted him blttaly--- "ndAy, &y, nîy lad! uhere-sas good fiai lthe ses as ever wu'as usglt; sn' I aee ît'm ne your fauit. 1 don't. know vira'. thie mater wi' you, Mena? If you have aIlether lad in yonr e'e, 1'il ie smre ne'er-de-weel, I'rn afeareti. Il i's yen tneeringr deevil, Everard, be wad.na ralk mrcs hie mreet for yen. Yn'» he oron ry . for your coutradîctieumnesa one day.n 'My dean unc/e," Iauglsiug, "I noyer euppsed Bertie Everard carei for mot- aibut himseif. I assure yen I bave ne UÀlof any descriptiou in mynûind's eye.0 "Aweel," cnied Uncle Baud>', greatly' ennsged, "IL la varia ungrateful sud un- becomin' te rnak' s laughlng-stock .eo youn uncle, vis ibas s"et aa t en ailler ou youI To thluk teLý yon'll, re- fuse a fiue, gooti Young man, sud nover Tiv a ihouight et yoW puir mol.',coul- fort, ail for moea elliiiness, andi an Il Coed fancy. A wornan'a 11f.,la ne gond L ler, Il &oîair su a bssd te miae "Iu tht 1 eau net sgree viii youl I arn alucerely »mrry to dhsapplut yen: but if you thlok o 1t, Four vWi ecaow, kiposaîbl h lafor sasy oee Le Ciroose, a iisrbaud or vif. for anotisar. 1 au iji ne mcan.atafsd cf usman M wM'o9 ite uaasled &a ia 1. "Eh, yen t yen ungiU.roaish una!Wl'1 aur*a' But ll m »lbau vi' me WMviiiot hu r m- *on, or respect mv viaea. Kausti bas- doue iris bout %0 ob> u emse i.'h sisil cOore iii me L CaldreiIa"I you &Wuste' iii that statca reasoi- vomas, -vie, I1u"ppou. ««W%9« *710yela îTiat muai mt.ot eumcle,ÀsalaiEa- Dcià , farmi>'. "I Wini ot stand la smi n. bal boss fldpgAng la.iIy tg to ut lu a vord. 6-!e;net stxin nrosl' a' youl!botsi W e ,tt's i tA"e 7«et bati se daft'lIke, mn t Liak y7 0" u dte ey F» nope nd si-«" My> fIotnhb ala ý-&out'i i>' er>'cea b cett oeto u7iO47tZM fatb i 4s etroat for P*umm..s .dV e e e ~acind Man, t rit c - lie ad dimplayed during the afternoon yester- hlt-o eomphituted of being il, '. ce of his wjfe, wîho arrived ,id niot appear to restore lia cition. dad called for a physisian at 'v.bo gav'e hirn something to 'ervýes. At Il o'clock tie went Ili1k, but soon returned a.nd the night. In a short Uie hi. rion the win(lows. 'The au- (% invcstigatiflg. Pigtails and Foot- iplete realization of both re- Leforh is to be graduaL The. h as Noen hesitating to take learing a rebellion against au *n aniert Clinese traditions bel it-ved tha t the malcontents sei'ze the opportunity to stir eof inhabitants to fight ia pigtaiIs and binding of 'vo- b)rities, however, feel assured ral support of the îpovers in 1, to--carry out- the .refornis. Dg at'the date of the mmeeting ~ined anti passed.1 Ltion was ndo.pted reco ;mend- orning Civneral Confere'ico te sandti nas for p-ayiýlg off eof.the indebtcdness, axiount- x(156, %within two y'cars, 4)y au cf each of the various confer- Sproportion oft tlis suni, ci- t3 basis of tneiilerslip or on basis ns tbt on whichi the liference fund is now raised. imentary resolution was ad- king Mr John N.ILake, for- * amnitk, for his services as tTAl. WRECK. FERSONS HURT IN RAIL- CCIDENT IN MISSOURI. 1ld, 'N1o., July 30.--Tliirty M~r- injured, twe cf thoni fataiiy, rtial wrock cf a w'st-bound and Sanx Francisco Passenger ni-lgit. Thie fatal!" injured J. Thorp, of ilotiilo, la., ient ias caused by a deteet- 'T*h:'e coacheqs "sed over but the fourth left flie t.naek d over. Tfhis coach contain- 1) ;~~ngrsand ail cf thein lighit îijuries. 'I7N" sleeping lot leave tise tracks. Y WAR SIIIPS, o S NAVAL 'PROGRAMME T MUCII CtRTAILED. July M3.- 'Theagtatieis eisiaréduction- cf the naval Da progratmne huis proved seuc. td EdanuratIiobm-rt son, l'antian DeCretary cf the Adniralty, an- qthe House ef Commens te- Ãnly thrce ss.w battleshlps or 1u4ught clasi uvouaid be laid quîd of tfour, ns original/y pro- Iv oeean going torpedo boat wîU le' built, hstead eof five, 'a.aai~bots lns'tea4 o CIte 'total oet he *xp endlturc, by tIse - new1 programime wasa bnstead of 846,000,000.- I'ERING PROM 81100K !Osin -MISaRid Binious Eflyet on Queuta Victoria.- Juiy, ao- The s'hock vbloh ed from Lie explosion cf a hon weddlng day i l e,,, Ilon Quren Victoria,@ tt vas xepOîtdtîg tMe iii 4 70e- 0eSft d,60te P.,ound, lltghest Aw.rld St.. LotUs, 1904 from r o 1k. snaugit>' hild. Meona looked ai hlm kindi>', sud s lit- hIe sadI', and ilion tel t. thi om ornlebid- ding Kenneti, by a gesture, te fllow ien. CHAPTER XVII. A change had ludeed coee 'er thie apirit cf lber dreain. Mena, scarcel>' ex- pected auci energetie action on ber un- clie's part-.'fiat le voubd bc angry abe expe cied, but shc did net think he would maescli stroug measures. liovever, Lier. vas notiring for it but subrulssion te thie deere cf hnisirment pronounce-d againsi lier; aIe thierere packed rap lier befengings, told the Ianclady ahe vas geing ave>' for s short turne, sud ne- Leated te Mmne. Debrisa>'. Mhat lad) was net at home. Sire iad gene te pasa tic evcning vith a German violiniit sud liiivile, vith whom aie vas on ratier lùtirnste terumi, se, Mena ast dowu te yuL for ber. Si. lied olten Icit vear>' of poor Uncle Sandy'e whims snd exactions, but sire had greva te cane more for hum than aie kuew. Be lad become se depeudeut on ion, tintthLe rnaternsb instincts efa o rnn' heart lad goeeout te i ns Lune aie protecteti. Moreorer, sie ibc- lieved hlm te le a greater suflerer théli h. really vas. Tiat lie shouid aitempt te, dictate te ber n lu uh s PurcielPcr- onal matter vans hunilul erueugh, b ut tht lie siould mdel>'tumu lier eut weuaded lier deeply. Boy uriserable Lthe old man would be, tee, 9il atone, doing batibe viti île Iandisdy, sud fret- tIng over a huudred sud eue tniflng an- noyances frorn vhici lie bmd ilLicte boco shlelded. Was ht possible tlikt-tii molahune on ber check vas a tear ? $ne vua frald Liai, on 4he vliole, aira va ne favorite cf fortune. Lt seeused hen fate te le eonstantly uproeted. ReIW hlîtle nest aie hat kneo n 1ce mtse leit tiie tranquil seclualon of hen Dreiden sclrel--ogly a 1ew mentis cf lavrnlu' bltui !je>', sud tien eélouds and dark- nemi. Mme. ffbnisa>' &d mot core ne l . ten oe'cbOci, "A&nd la7 bere yen are ,AU alone b>' yoursai lu tire <ark » ah4 erled, ci- Win qurieki>'tbneugh tue sef t gbom e9 & suMmmrs night. "'fiat la - tee badi1 To tilui of me talking to tirai calie- building (lermauwhun Imigii bava been haro iLla yoyrdear. Mev us iL ycU gOt Say>'fnom Our dear Old Miu cf the. <'EU>' eun es deanBb!. Uncle BS' 4>' bas hnraad tna out bemana.1Ihave decidtl'refumetite SuaMyKonatb wA la bi!1a, .as aruci a a"teis &" lht. id tue pa."as« h. gene off ibashWi?» "I do mot*tiluk se; but 1 hava ven- tu»&el o 'bellave j»ta viitake musta, am îi la tvat bib avetoil mme. 15 mdif ia 'th" M u *asvstad '. usua over bore» ourmd~ru h rj Ms.D briyoil>ai tkI off ber bomeste *ilâ amredreppeloù tue tison; 014" il for _»t XuarryhgCht " 004 lest yom a%4 oes. o rM&# __o, -e,"De &Mhala s ory pl te Us preferred by former "apan tea drinkers betauseof-its greater purity. lj r a I i s woud vbo thotJo I 1.tbo~Ut "W7 44rpu Bot let'me fRocO religion, and thêtpa1 dannlng, sin la, self- iwere l kio yô labo.! loo~nIht,4~sY - ' I"I 'baye. net b long berse,» ruedWhon th 'lTh. nnt8A #a é oeaof MuSa. j)ebl- Mônasnanad1 -bave, been b"ï Nr a e eta syle buulea t *d1 asexoe dly 7et. j 1 thlnk <if. Iooking yen rMt, ou éîr1it n the b Men a t-indeorsvery conteneY e I ouneattemptlng tOýe h old .foot--, <qOOO4 1 M@dth boko msd,-,$aSI3=1. mg. W0 muiet difit-apr- «Me ta madanêsigu. "~~~Oh, noasensel- o oka vl-. Tc 'm. evlng eah4býg xKnetbmade lndeed better ,than ever. Yen vi6ýl! eyrthlonre8 bîs' mnS, wu n pet'léosoyonr style, Mena, sud 1 d0e sale "Th Tii patnes vr.Sitting at à table tbis mluncle behinciy Rem aol enn late tesvwhen hacamie: W I m-uceaahf! hV Mr. MacsRater, what UCWS? "e!Hs i? o ei wmrcau 1 bre crled Mlme. Debrisay, putt!Mudovu tbe 2Never mind, dear, yen are e enîva ao shpotoÃale bandea vith bires favorite cf fortune. Wbene are yen sa Y. lieasYSu #%od-enigKenneth. TOU dé De mzovV' look too biiey. slid Menam WItlrMadamue Debrla .han1. Mappyheneeaed;MISiamjust mle- «Au4 vhat have yen do;* aïthr the.un. «J tJ erable. I amn tbak unce Saudy's gene cet eleaus daft. ne vas up lin the clty at "Ho haqnarrelled wlth me and heft dy*e ouiple samairnSncaf- ar.dr~ u î & anuLCame aInUthi e «,0hyen foolah igirl, Mev did a uY" b told Mn. Sinclair that b. vas gelng tO "It is tee long a story te tell you Att adopt meand requesced I might be al- ýnov. Tell me about yourselffY it leved te beave, as lie eould net go te bis Nothintg bath, Lady Iffnlatoun à ti pace lu the Highlands vithout me. go ed forth the annais et a golden 11fefo. c I as cailed up, and old Sinclair mnadeo dwith the. suahine oýfPf t - tIn y l p me a speech about mir good fortune, and busy pleasnre andi Cameios, th ý k! i rs my excellent cwn&uet vhile ini the er- ly, bappinesa. I " vice et the bouse (X don't beli e ebh They vere, Me seaîd, on the point of ldivert knew my narne ightiy half an hour ho. trting for a inonth's cîeni an orthernP9fle fore); and tise two old feibows cernpl- I atitudes, viii a gav srylutseIke re meuted eseli other. I f ancy Mn. Sinclain cf Halîamshire'is yh, drn.vlr CIS thiuks I arn te come un for ten tbousatdtîsne the son and beir, nov nin menivtishl a year at beait. This morning ail the 101od, was te atay vith ILady MaM at -theI.then cîerkm vere congratulatiug me, snd I feit Chuae. he, Cie like a thielf."Mj * <To h o mti&) itol ,"My should you, EXenneth? I asure j -* leli yen f~ shouid bave beWin more- miserabiê i CILDIOD D4pG[RS IIS than you look, if I thougisi My uxicle grunpi lied quanneîied vith yen about me. I have Diarniioca, dysenteny, ehoiera lnfantum "~ pert cnfdec in your bsya1lt' and sternacli troubles are alarmlngly fIe.- b. Ian "And you Mnay have that, Cousin MO- 4Quent dung the bot weather menths. saitia ne; but it's rny a long day befon. I cm Tee olten these troubles become acute, ',ought be of any use te you." and a precieus littîe life ls lest siter But: «Let me gwve yen a eup of tea, M.oniy a few houri ilinema. Durug the people Kenneti,» said madame, kiudîy.* "IL la bot weather easen evâfy Wia. metier ieveied rny opiion," ah. continued, as aie Pour- I shoulti keep a box of Baby'. (hm Tab- 0f Pu] ed it eut, "'that neltiser ene or ethen cf -'lets In the bouse te check tiiese Iliii vif. ai yen will even see a sou of your uucle's Ithey erne suddeuly. Better stlll, te lu One money. ne viii geL ail le ca oeut of Ioccasiosmal dose of tIiis medicine vill kefS liet yen, and tien leave aIllie lias tO si,~jtcemciadoes ansup.-IW churci or institution, or sornething wc- "vnt those daugerous aliments = .mlng. ed " of that kiud.» MmJhIacseNrt ott8k ae NKo, I do net thuuk that,» returned M .Jh acseNniPraBscPP Meathugtîil « I 1.11ev. bc I& sayat "My baby w"a attaek-ed vit i#X <han- ade quit. carnesin luis intention nov, but rniceansd seere jvemitixsg 1IsahonceFIh ho miçit geL angry again a<cangd iegave.Bby's Ovu itublets and neit d"Y ' mmnd.'aiethévas as vell as ever. 1I fini tift "Aien ail,» cried Mme. Debrlsay, "I Tablais. ara the I.ulvMedicine, a. lttle onelaa don't believe ho lias much te leave béblud nsededa."Sold _by; inuediclue dwe or 8e hlm. Re taîki big; but -for ail the. 07 by mail et 26 cents s bof frOMeinr- 1 suspect there linet mueci yod. Williams, Medicine CO., BrockvlUe, Ont.~ ITuer. ia no telllssg," said Kenneth. 400-- n «'But 1think inarich. My poonr otlâir1 tiet th h as ferry rici.» PMREW&TU '18 MY EVE t eiabtai:11noverkuow <li pool UncleA luit. Sandy hra% ne furiher need cf oui aur- SClentifxc XM uAt Lust ApeelAst wvoef1 vices," saïd Mena, srnlllng. "Se there sir It soi la ne use cônjecturing.»ho "'fiat la truc. Eh, but lie la dnead- After long beot*tlon, aclentilfl vitoa f ully angered agaluat Mena;" returnedJme to-day in admlttirg that "atu Keunei, adnosing me. Debrsy. Pnyaksly pure, amen lin s, aaylir tr "Wbheu 1 saud I vould ceule ontr am, e 'tecolo l a tttakan by -the wlt* he1 Iber, ho brok-e eut aguinat ber, sud for- 1llglt ef tLb. su= visonabaoObed bY 4ýi<thé.1as jbade me te cross yurtlireaolti. 1 coul it atr l ncquenca cf aPh@noiSOlnthe t not stand thnt. rst teld hlm tthaïi the*expiaratteti t vhlc voud be a lit, h*- vas willing te ely hlm lu w»m. &S. uyv ileon. msn lte but tiat netien or us wh "da'igitt te' hain t uete- eh pr <uan. vtbhber. Se, sit«trso. rdjuba vater, amnce.tisa es, is the II -5 Anffl varda--betold'me talotebret vateftéa&Withat vWlb e@ta nom Le hl. M laswfl le- h, Porer.l xernO th Le uater~ W jmat freLtI ie flas jh of f hiq born#s. W.#slution sheu db. Lbgr $OdombumtS5 are to staît for Cralgdarecb-n Mmon- ca usefhe amodficoln Oft *1er, of day *1deh act ,baides the matter lia «asu- "O onday!» eiceaimedmadam. ,ptheeler ef hiebottei nd tlhi.Tt* Und istivithey lot ]yOU svsy fetiro.te tion oft he aky andthie bomke .«- 0i h Ioffice sa onrretly bita. t là î t* ralaein$putX "I don': tblnk I f a rsbl tht r; a gsS irnd Tt *4i~~ thy n o- m v st enei fe us "0ipe sipon l01ntint WUii a grin. "uh w ware ofit c ee i Monda>; andi I cmn't as&yIliBe*i4«n T%. vaten ai rosant aS., lo«ti I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ wj i.-e ".. "nleBni'.1 itvy~~~~e is IfIrst ie&#s osn for -rne t' Inqubed Mn F. isb, be train. pul!ed- rUV at Forest (Gate.' 1 Feped inand uedded geniabby te 1 irf - steckbroker ite corner., morruisg tir. Wmon s olgtebhavoe itoçkbrokeredtl ath im. "Wee.- Ti» e .nappe. vaerreport's wroe,' at [, viii a giel imuesam W avera su sitmover taer. sht n t' uhie nortiesat,»ý wuva a clergyman, lu the cariage. ». net aequaluted wlth MT. Flsh'a, *a.n± glft cf being better inforrncd Meryoni, andi ho dui into te e* Ion. biuk "yen"!!flud. tit whcu the- lu tir iortbeast vo are li fot a el-~ lie tala, biandly Mahsl beameti upon LsM. "A popu. lacy, air. W. shall have tain wîtr- Lys' heurs.» - tiat moment he train stnrted Wek, sud Mr. Fuis, .vhe hal pauus- delivor biti opinion, esat devis lu so4y" le mid, pleaautly. "But Ily vasn't my- fauit. 1%re engiue- e on ibis lino donti atari the.trainsm removed is Atrav liai vitir tue d nibbon and pIace t1 on thr ack bis bag beside I. a the wedged hirnacfifnlubetveen lergynsau anti a bsnk clerk, sud etred to hhe latter for standing on iot. aà &il rigli," mait tire bank cienk, fîrat-elaau wciter doesnt sa mte ,g. enouigh lor some people'. fret,"1 1man ou heoppositesat T.> te travel Puliman.11 3ù. Fiai Isi one of thons fontunate a ie neverndersianti aaremm I ai thsense)ves. "I do'lt approe bllmu crs," lte remarked, -My P.nd I once vent devu to, Bnghtoný eand 1ast inadaugit.- 1moyen tucr a.&face Ilu yus'ltaTouh 4 lOckjaw couslng on.", >stockbroker looked' fren b4s suad g.,wled_ 00Mtintisai sti lite «Piy It amu'L,» as3,&R.' didu't hear. > you me. bout ti. feiow who'e te trm ho gjete othe North .-pole ,klng mistake, lsn% t l" 6U don'î utiu* he'llsuccleeti 0eliarce," asi Mn. Fiai. 'lu tii. P1eO,b lu iailhp'a bulît on sarn 1. e. l'ey,- ~ut*hoteositeor rY cbosel>'. Threta no i*h lbedy Do you follow mat No-W, if 1 buildinguan lsip I shoultia»k >Motiussg 1k. a hansoin caibut eut thse aboaa. Totar prepelle d b. attâciet te i aafts ant hi kiorga kps*tS voula à aIrai4out lc bingfor ie le.» aeld to' of tin movtlt jetmestiu su> belp t 1Mý .wi thozg4t-»- Niyou'rze wron You'U vilab!yr EInd t*tveà lthy peOpl<e lack I Inteli- Sence/'Ii.ir;à arkced- wth the a.utihorlty._ -f a Me~zI4 nw laJei\ak ibout it'.a awla*f tiùi rv eLa Yeugv~ me ti. Dme 0fa uflonià *no ià doing nY good lie tii. otl(",* 01 colisider. tbaf-- '> began.ý ]But Mtr. PMc checked me with upraiied baud. "MI kow what you're going to, sà y before jeou orei your moÃ"uth. XYoîL're going te ute Cregie."1 hl ce 4aïzlyuhinkthe-t Mr. Carnegle-"J "Ca iýeg-Ie 1neyer made a bigger mWaake, ln his 0e than wheu lie beqan openinig llbrarIes. The. vend den t want- any more lilwanqu, air.-Thie re are -tee manjr books slready.," "But maurely ,readng-, Ǧeadingls meatly vaste, cf time, 312'. Wht 00venrd wauts in thinkini clubs." O'ing clubs?- You meau htn - --i Mg an.that smorn fus talk too uehci Mnd thi xktooý littlIe,» ad Mr. FEuh, she-k Ing Ma a aly.m"if -A vere -a l- l1ouaim,,J mhould suýprlse torne, 9fthoso, fellova i 1mhould bulld- hlnkîà g clubs AiU ove ti cutr >vioe M ne eas allowed toe eK.»L III th that- admirable muggetlon"* sali h oruùman, sud -M&is .tvlukl- ed ples nd"lfbeind hiaspectacles. - WeU l al join," maId the. stock -bro.. ýker, giLmy.. Mn. F*h beamed vlth plesure. "W il »eeiore time, for medita-. tioup ho uald. #I(U«y people viieu onc* tbey a attalklng do no em te _knowý; vhen à o mop. 2Tey won't lot tbie4 uelghbreget averd -ndgoan- u t-.3 then-- At ~hsmoment. the.train, rolled lit*- Uner*o street M&4 thora iras a -scram- bi. fo*bats,, sticks sua Ili1 -~your suhocrlption,» said the et kr, y-wy. te.patang thmast AnhW tode away,*th the cf-a- h aseeklgtrouble.' Il*, ba<ldeclddte eau o t thetraffIè melitendmt:sud glïm' hlm a few blute ona th*bte mngment of the'.ltO TU LGHT W' TIA. en&~ mG Poor Moke ueof T.heo VI"c oumul-eneralwilliam .Mar ola wrltss eoBuirut that thena 41..V ae aSylla araboth ~Ufkett'" h%.y and&Idpof PO m&, -Muria <Imitationbos axmi lae a stances rosi v-,ax lIonU" il Q WOn-Last ---------- -- -- ---------- hý "r