Whitby Keystone, 26 Jul 1906, p. 3

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t IS PRESIDENT. 'Ne AT CLQSING SESSION ýP]ERAL ORANGE COUNCIL. Ïie, Treasurer, and Wm. Lee, tary, Liverpuol Net Place af un-.-0rangcmef's Banquet. o d'~ a tehDr. T.1. S. Sprouiê. SMi-d ii tprünie Grand Mas- ulim and Grge Lodge of Br.-t- h \îîîerlctI, wîvi onored %vjith uiiil2v u, f tbe Iîîperiil Grand uoli(il j the World ut itasecos- (I lere yesterdiiy afternooti. i l'aigiiiiil.Wmas clii-iflfor the L'fnîal mieetinig In 1901. This iivr'iig \%as brouglit to a close 0111 IlaSt niiglit ill V ict>)i îa lire t hi' i'woffice rs: Iïnm'd i. R>c d'î io bert t l'îîru, 'T'or- 'UIiLt, P r. 'i. S. .Sprouii', M. P., ( '1; Virt \*iev \V~i'f> . J. t ed1ýMit, N. Y.;Seconfd Vie- t. Col * IL -1. \a Ila(i, C.1'. ., 1lnI11ît'l-iil Grait i Caainii, 11ev. uk. N t iii ii ni i )piity G r nl icr'ti , ii.Lep, 'l'r- ~pei iai Gnîtihi lîa.iir, Bauill <'orî,k GIîsgw and .1. A. ( t 1 re r, T h o nta t s laN . M o n t- P. JIiine. Moineton. N." i.; in- riindt iirevt or (if 'Fi.lOii~ . ýManuitoba; Amsi'tant ltnperiat orl-r 'ivja'< la vidn, Duîblin. Celosiiig Session ilt o'<ng of grî'vt l îs to the Miisoic U raîî'i letiîîg in Miisey Hall %waà p up with the times and meet gis liait have takèn placé sînce !çninittee was appointcd th re- constitution. The comrnttce 'ucted to-get recommrendationa ?Su prenle CGrand Lodges of E'îg- in I. Scitland, Britishî Anerica1, td btates, Australasia and Irt- h1 Africa. àportraîit of the bite E. F. NIl. Il., so long jdentjfied with Ille ropag iida of Orangeibim i Can- sunvîiled bv Dr. Sproule at the in the evening. Dr. Sproule -said r was-a sober one, but he per. it- %vîth loving pleasuro. Mr. laîd <one niuch to bring Orange- he high position inwhýiichîitood la to-day. 1lie hopéd the portrait ean insplrlt ioin to the nembers ri in the work. ýg to the toast of "Our Giiestg" i. 3McCorinick, of Glasgow, Sent- f'orred to his exreérience i New ra Sunday, wiîerp the <berv- !he day wtis go lax that the coin- 'Coronto was as day lu ta night. iE. Kmip, M. P., regponding ta Lanentary toast. remarked that mect for iaw i this eountry was that the Sall)ath ivas strietty' even before the Lord's Day art to efiiet. WBEll A WIIF? 'MSS HE HAD INTENDED TO TAKS A BRIDE. SThat In Making Application Insurance Policy on Hia Life in IieNavmed as Be ficary"M i iknnr'tt. and diurin.g that Urne' been erinstant~ly ibro'ughit ta pub- eyet lie jîa aiwuys bt ire- s aba'cheior. 1.Jiîly 18-The Timneq says: time thtb iîumurnce poicies onà eit's life, wiîich nazne Ettza.beth %S lrnfic'iar-y, were written, lir, riliutdy expected to be mmrriemi ady. Ie had known lier many 1tvr fond of -lie, an-d enter- reaxt rpipeot for lier. Why hue îarry lier he di'd flot discloase ta, i frimnis. '-o ar ce Içkxow ons with lier had 'been Iabov. and lierffleirI oqitiOin an.d .Ii'r imintR Wiid in, no re-speot be' artejn , Sue Î(i stili living. OS F "MURDER" HEARIY. Remnain.a of Man Pounud Ou. Track at Oriilin. Ont.. despîrtf.":1 About nid. At n ighlt cries cf '-Murder»' Ithe reeidmtnî 'near the irait- ion. Shortly after the ciev of found the mangied refnainso, o, oi'er- whionjtheir train badi ring bemiîh the* track. Chieot and Cormner MeLesu 'wer& md took t-be body in charge. ldentifie<i as Robe~rt -3arbquir,, been rouind, town for a. feu' iliid been euiployed on 11e.- . Une l-n at Coldwater for a îe. Ile appeared ta ho about aftge. Ilii rmidence te un-. liuiber of people asserA tutt d vigorous- cries of ".MurdéeS dot re the tragedy, Coronw- a.@t ordlerod an- irquest for ES. PLACE,_-SUIqIDES. of One of St. -Johùlt it Aindlle sShoots Eineit, ln .B., Jul>. 23.-.Ei ýWest St. Jobn, to.ulqht c by blowing, liba l er soil in place of thé adulterated teas of 'Japan. 0 oui> I l a wdi.«a.packes oui>'. 40e, <Oc sud 60e per. AtaI gaois, tIIsST.AWARD ST., LOUIS* 1904 Tor tb. vinter tue>' resteti eL Dres- 1Iwo.an arra>' of extras, vieu ho bas den, viiore Uncle Sandy vas bath com- mnat. up bis mind t one Lhiug" sie iortsb1e sud li n thlaLbsoclet>' af a tiaugit. "Your moue>' issu .b paad Presbytenian nu uluLer of sounti, vievu, rogulari>', bu t never put an extra on wbo taught Mr. (raig choe, s great re. 1urbll-not even anet ctera. Wniti source, iltsaînetimes a littie irksoe to .e veek's reut and attandance indlu- Mious. sive,' iti *the rouI wo have agreedti b At Warearakable boy itIle change of0 1 Not anotier word, or the ges. place stamnps its iinpress on turne. A vani- Umas, vbo la as rîcb as s Jew, vii Ity of -retidences lu no va>' iengthena or valk out of Lthe hanse. Ho, le ver>' cal%-, #iortens Lite period pasued iu thein. But fût oetbis mon.>', but nover keepsa su> thée contact with new characters. Lb. as- M»5 vaiting ton it"» soclaton with individu-als, via struke Thus *0 the isteuizug iantiuady. vise tise eloctnie chain witb v)ulci vo aie *sglad eough ta secnre s tenant, ", iarkly bounti, theso are true events b egtothsaonw psa whih mke he eas o mothsinpromised sud avoweti au>'ainount e whieii 111e>' occur stand out lu dlean ne- tètee sud attention. [lo fi;orntue deati level af our live-snd ItI was a fine glowiug eveniug w-hon bout or mind hiutory enters s new epoch ouanled b>' the evolu lion af son. germ off Mme. Debrisay, lu her prettiest capo actian or thbught which 1usd lain ina îvswited tue arrivai of the travelens, mate, iocked in tie husk of uncousclaus. Ihsviug asaisted ta iay the. table sud qsm, #4iiLý he' vivlfyin1 cunreut îror . ome makis bise place look neat and prett>'. kindred yet mare aavanced soul struck I 0f cour»e Lias. vatcheti for wo:. lite, it snd said, ""Let tiers ho Il rht" or oeeuied*0 o ; but et lait a cab, lad- Ilium Lie mouLu viiicii olavaiýtheir Oun with haggge, drew up ta the, fte asnd f eparture train Contrexviiie passet net Jtih. sert moment Mu u bava er' uploasanU>', tiiough lu s duil routine. frieud's - rms. Someltimes a wouderful pictune, à strî-~ "Me dauilu' cbuid 0' A have becs that ingdramatlo performance, yak. Mous to loue)>' vitlout yau. Anti you are look- muental activit>'. or a pleasant, thonçht- ung night voll, but terfibi>' sunburnnti"I fui book gave lber sulject for refiectuon. A lucant> kisusud tien . aie vont ta lu generai, the Euglish societ>' of such greet Mr. Craig, vio eiscendet f rom lihe place as Dresden la of Lie hunudnurn on- cabi vith more aiernesas aie&h1usd dem, ual stimulating ina au>' enue, unles evei- seen hlm show beore. 1* be sprnkled with keen, original Amer- "Delighte t tese. yen lookiug quit. acan&s Stili, the quiet and sens.et se. a nev mmn, nu> dear Mr. Craii;" mise cuit.y, auiitod ber to recoven sereuity, erle4, a genulue look et pleasure GaUidn andi face the f uture vit-i steadinesi, IflIn rbigbt, tiamk oyes, asu sh Lc mna iongeor witiu ralnbow-tinted hope. Ibande vitlu hlm icartil>'. "Wcicome back, On Uyncle SaudtLoo, t.he effect af for- atonall these long montis." elgu travel vas goai. AHe bail lived toa "Thank ye, thauk yo," he returneti, long lu the narmov oel of self ever to be pleaseti viti the.varmti ai ber <neet- thorougily ecuuscipateti tram iLs con- log. «I'm net soir>' ta b. back agals. A tractlug Liamnueli, but a certain amount hope yau ar e ll?» ot enllgiitenment ho cpuld not reast. -Yes, quit. weoU, A am an evergreeuL Notbing, uowovem, toucheil bis fi m con- 1fr. aâate,- bu. been goot euogi victian that ho a a man cf vide Intor- *0 came ta cheer me up occasliml>'. mation sud "soonil" julgmnt.. Andeeti, Ver>' kinti et hlm te trouble about au an>' variation Ila'bis former vievu ouiy o*dvorn. Glsto tase. yen. Go I lte* :uuggeted tLutis perception muet be. c gyeir mepiow- aud A1viiisot- singulari>' ¶uick sadd cem teensIle hlm teWt h bà thus *0 isaunllnte nov meuLal' 1food. He w-ibis ne cni sis a ." myl unoke Somewhat lois bmýdldy AiLthiencati "Nautel'il juiL pahl y ad f Llsaet the bogln i iis con,entaî hsduMe ebia'at Dn progre&#ý sud tue s Otill I olding ~bai afew préelous moments *0 theis oalr ' iti ilp of iron, ho bejganto slu udteeiepr> nat dv Unclcstadvwist tiuiiu cost, andcoin- tO itgi tes li~b. isn ofeous parativel>' gencrous. Stili Ate requirotind m~ SSpIlI elailge. torne management to dresu e h to- iov wdelicius the teis la, ei ena total 0 isiioccasions) gif ta. *j " lIlen.» thing yens ranci>' P To Moie. Dobrisa>'tihe alots fber tidu *bc'4 earnpinion vas a réel benevornet. . J "RSi but *Is goto get a blt Of, drF vastei LIme b>' ltiUg dil ovu*0meurs Keumti, n=ymon, Aar1 ga t 14.* oler th litbe,@0 ast lsys"cameme.ye. up Amlîug" tra .buffets of fortune; o "flikyon, sir. Alm sure 1 lave u4.' but lit. mmed. dal asdti e s ines Md u&sil.ndMiumoah,be re.5 éh. vas lof te vwonk-tor selftaMme. --Âf rly tiva.* aumles te have a bât talk feollonw-as licmotiv.-piaver efber et- vît Médus. W-ho*leMyne *"Ya. latos. ab.evas alvays ctnIw Bute:Unm.e Kesistb lasoMt o000238 smres buLâmso.abéewad utb at a<M1 u ~ tla potea t las. ]UVe »Is eut aientt le Career ce thle lt.lest- bin j be&- >4 DbrWsy, nou ebad eve beloupet «A», but iamu= vant ru. If -1 he«e oonîp@tely, senaouditifothe lb. >' . a>', rd4 biuyenbaitla * ham ear'antid a lX, he$ la vd Me.» "a wokdtogelier. -w'Ir I amrn ure isIMnt lapes pefcoducallon. sbrowti- oseratàoien, @0.1ù_» 14M 0".1"booae m ccnsd 1-1>- akp-2 ia-, an4 ga mces lspemolwlpg'and sel' s"Y Opper. t* . tuidtIe im lul abt offer e lo - l tw - d or petfit. Yét noi-meslnwduit W" 'eUe More reate s*0acrifie hersoiU f«r W r iI IwdMu' e thsoeabs loï*I-ba SUlm a v p du____4w Sum, a face " 'sf~SS An" WM9ý soi. mset. i.toi f L - "le ouiy>' surne yuu, 3>eb, 9s Wrugantia ii yens vuUlýti t' md îme eof tb iadful llm-p ptIt ont ofy=rMMl I e er soontuirethe a Mno n e ,ë 1fr.Waai- tgsmnlage, anatMt aIh. May lAve tone; %ul A do Understand liaI you <ion't cli@.. ltoieLn «Ne,. mimd, dean; ye« muaI IsUMme Une!. 8andy li8 ot *em la u In> te go- moti. lingerM ï n London ti Kenjitis vasunder endors *0 came' upý. oven>'emeng. Mous 1.011 advsutage of bspreeo s teal awa>' oecasiosaly' loenjo>' same =u"C asd ta&k vitisMme. Debrisay.u abenoes 414 sot pbeaso her u=ce. nBsgiew cross suýd fldgety, sud Mous began to tear that lie. ba otléii reasonableas et *the ether idae 01tise Channeol At vas quit. ten days att.:er re-» turs before Keunetis toudnisuo~PPO'rtun.ý IL>' of speakiug wvlierh.:alone.£The oui>' means otfseuruug a eea-tete vas te o out vati-ung Au unusuali>' fine eveulng offoee su" excuse, asnd Moua gladi>' accepted. Ken- uetla s lvitatuon--Mue. Debrisa e - lu! ta s ehoi wth bncI. Sauti>. NovwLbt vo bave got clear efthé11 bouse sud people, Kesuietis," began Mona% as soos es Lbe>' ucceeded lu findlug a se- ciuded seat lu Kensington Gardens, "teUl ine what is troubiinig you, for 1.sce *115 you are troublai." "Treubleti'? Yes,- I shouidtinik se. Audeoi, A amrnsot one bi t more foi-yard thas viien %vo partedi, an4 A donbt if 1 &hall geL away Lisa ummer. Then 1Mr. BU&ac is in u vts health tha ever; vW fear h lie ii have te hrave *t1e scho aud 11re is my une!. burryîug me 4 main> you-or, rati er, t. ask you anIn. "WVeti, as* me sgalu, Kenuethog sali Mous, svoetlj, <'sud 1,1 e ou *the saine anaver. - "EhJ, t viU',be bard t0 put hlm- off nov," grosseti Keusti; "le Isbout upoà it wbatever.» "Stil. ore anot nmari>'me. aialne &No .but Usel. Sauti>' maya yen re- fui agrad noblemas tor inl «skeg, "No; for nu>' mmusale. lSe vas spôOr, Isaîf-witteti crature. Keuneti, <e mnusi putaàstop tothlal YoU usut t.11 Unelé Sandy that yens have aulcet Meoaglà sud tint A have -refusai yeu;te» ina yen do net cmne *0have auytbiug te do vith a gIrl Wvio & verse *0acéépt out nu>'yusale calta me Le acceunt, wMsettle tth. malter ver>'quicily 1 arn quit. able t. tarsanu> breai, astiI oui>' 8Ia *viti hlm fream a feInUg et dut>'at comaslqu A» ; us b reak vîis m eîthCioose&. ne ni gisl tala yen *0 manapge ie tnitmsd lien vould Molb loue>. omot wan té' Interfère vitia yeur.laerip, e=ueti." "Bis,'but 1 amna ue t WlatQua Meio Net w-outil1Arab'yens. Anyisow,>~ 111l#Pst-&&al", advw 1. lasoryt vex lhas .14-Mau, a"ma I «A Wmaff«e to i ilhadn t heovu Mary 1I utIga y*enimwa1ud etfyeu. 1'hre l koIZ'eetb M iacig-t.,Wa YS xùt bai'bet wdS&w vw ae ?u muglav b nn4im,'w 4"re WÂ' at ta spesàiapri1ni, t K MacalIstIbis eveslg,-sili go out ofethle vay>' *0 adame ».d- "a'i Unce SEandy>', empiiatcal- but b st M 111' aut-ou," onht Ils « ea adl your 61 rýOom5 'Very val!,» relurued, Mo.us. Kenetâ Preseutd bliseif luaa l« ail> good turne, et net beor. Uudl. BS&dy lbad begum tl fdgetsud fret b. Lue b. bahm ol cMme»ser. Mme privaI. cauféreuce betveeua ne! s"d nphev bad sol ted long, betor. a eagevs desptebda teo, dôa, vho vasu tmyng* reStiluaber ovurmm. Omor Crlg mya ould. you phase le conedowiu, n8e. Bo Mous dlescMed.. Unele Santi>' va Iý"Ph he armeuof bie Chair, snd qm&lwwlnaaaugryMmtom.. ennetis W»s standing on Lb. heatnt mgvith f ye anhDJ08sd a belghtened colo:.- "S ilfuù', coitumaclousnee," vWe *11e varda vluleh lssed frnu Une. 9&My*blips as hi* alc. enteredth ie 44>'o emo, ona i là t trme vi ]Kmmnet's becs telliug me-that yen have agais refuse *0 bbhW vifs?' qit î.r "Andi bau ho. sught you viti the, re- spet aud the-tbê--pesveram.ethat bo abould show ?" t«Ye% ncle- 1 have no tault vhatever te fiti vlth blrn.M' "Then wluy are you as" obslteI. WhY wili You rejeet what'a for 'Our MAn good sud bApplueisu adrefuset.ag ta vht 1 bave planued for you?" «I arn somry *0 disappolut youne!., but lu sncb a mattei' I MmnoL go aaue M'y ovu nsftlnéta.* (To b' eUtnne&) Mr. F. W. flimopsuSpth of Co Speakiug of tii. lateat'ierop froua tbe WestonsBaturdA>', à lompaqu, Vice-preslduî «d MAggiï diretorof 11e olii he -wét pera>' favorabe. TUe growtis, loy-, ecm,& la vet«y !ak, andv. do at look for lhe harveat t. o ýge nerl eore ti" laut vweelof Auxut or htirofin a ir an>' predicetions regardîug thse' prebabi. yield ,at tbe preseni tlua. vie. lias grovtb la' runiulgib e uaIs t sra, and ve certlny donol locht formà* erau> e.iarest Uas 03ouxae ote are predetlg. iloiS tbtltirllJbe gma y h>' bedtout;b>.Jutdy 10 or L% ti ezofet arvest vould b hln * bout wSiveki,,wbvhloulti mess rom A .&g 21 *0 23. under ordbar>'eondils> but viLI ,î msueb àaatrvaIbis yearj t vIii w1 il b. ecs e re torre, ltaIuMnd taoa onditions, baset on puat T penluc, Il la net r.as.nl le oxp barves tg * b gesenalbefon. e t.1 ullu it Atle qut possible liant hmr anmA tIe ltie easpots M y M -tarte I 71liy put uî £ aWUld.Wetra pIin i a store, place au order.ae&, the goods w2t miulo bail show In London rocently. A b. dtiiYOFe& when, the firuily gets h-ome WOIUan, et ifrot 01a logcabinsew-thnxay s~ ooii tii.: Came luto hecleatlng a, The-increaslng number of:etore:orders hX4sht. %e anth £ mnd*s i by smt e1e hnts.Grocers aud bùtoh-- snd shoute e a Tu uoi u015I Nc e »etorders by tolephonie,as '?h.Imiiua r conu IW. haH <l»alethe ipartmïent -stores& "T h e b k I " a»d "a re o o m ig e s 0 f co u rse, At i n a od sto ry , th a t o f - SU iewhoos et tunie» ii e r e V preaeers deli;erng sermons té thefr The hoos ofthela"n wee parr siùrsh-vr.Telephone dnea Mtedistance. The. vornan-hurriely alve ou yien aud speech«s have Deen Sot "i aud.vent lualde the d0o.: whffl made by a mn-uhundreds .1. ieoaw. 8116 tO»pone4 to a rieaiY lOtort Par l At a recent dinner, initead 'f<a *1edistane vas heard the,-cracking es, eachdnrptarcfe obs*r Sound et rifle&- lt caiene arer Rsud Be heard -4,.ong In-; Philideiphia. A edarer. Indianes ah.d huto tihe cleanng vaudevile performer lu Bouton told Mte- sud vWerOshabt down. Thonu thé duit ries. A band played lnu ahlugtousand eolored soldiers rode In sud the cablu there vaano ,phonograph businesslu At ami41 aibads vêri aaved. 1* vas the reasrthiugSa rrange pv.- Tii. show tickled4th. Ltodoners and vîouaîy by sciiedule.à tli.y inarv.Iled at thei extensive use of W. dinguhave been efiùd-1 the telephone in the. States. Wbils the vfre. Ait that ls necessary la to make incident Au not wholly trus t.e1Rfe, 1 la sure 01 the identity of the, poos k- Dot boyoud-tii, verge of possiblity. . ng th1e p!edg. of matrixnony -. Hundreda" New -uses for the teleplione are being of affidavits have, beenade * h dlseovered constant!y. 'mt - vosy the tavu by telophane. other day tb.t a caseof pia0 tuniug b>' Reffoui a telephane officiai, Wa, sur- telephouo vas reported. w ornan would Plised b>' the maid la thé, houa., t.Ilhg let ouly o»a man lu Ntw York touch ber hinm tjat ýti, place wsou tire. Thé piano Tii. instrument bad- t.he tuned flame 1îsd starw4 thdthihey.. xok!av,-1 at a éfttan bour. 1*wvas ioIble for themald, vai caln, -,The telephone, man hAi to beathere at that tMm. o e<iedsdra pt1r.to y.w . At »à5 arranged that à@ should listen Ise« vliat damage vas bing doue. te tho tning of the, plinoby, bisassiat.- Norit dldn't get clted.Shalpe Lut tbrouigh the. telephone andth'ouid dovustairs- toQ9i teispiione aud Ue t e "i t h e, a s i s t a n t e x a c ti e h e n h o h s d I n cdently',.Tii. plan worked satisfactoril>'.-fr ther beor.theas conry &e de- Probably M*e maigelp r-tant m4 xnOUtf5 tV5 out l devtelopmtuent of tii. te>-kobe vi m" d Pi"1if b>' the.Japanes. Ji the reoent var w1th Th rentlti.bbae'luil, kusa. he Japanes.e ouducted al su d vas put-out &,Most 1Di th ~e 1ie ail their operatlonu8on thef1,14 of battle motu cme. The. boss, horeý*r ad the b y telephone. Marahal 0yma neyer *e v5~ a 1 lu4sd . ed1 the baLAie ot MUkdeu sud au tith . h viiervtW for sIail 'at1~.N'cm vis from fifteen te Avent>' miles in tbe11.4 beà tan a ate1pu . 5158% rearz-amiffus deplo>'lng.rop a o I*m çkeber bualnu&-"l gad mcae b> use of *the telep o». There -have bêet as'ntac o Port Arthur vws bombard&in the.lhicbanglngs b esn stayed by 1.1.- saMn va> by thei.Jape. Af tir mouths of I>hon. Just. abthe bqlut minuté. The, day endea*or tbey f inally vent up 206-Motre F go. >'wex, a an-oedbm MLU. 41X timeu b.d *11e>'trIed t. <Ma*, beuuungadut.eovend rider dusbsu p qi Is bure, ateep sideb and bien drivez, baok mdl7 vILlaa rej>rlevefromn the. Gocrno Woth l'O". . e seveth tme they tayed te saVe a 'mau viththe'noos. lrty le à11 levsude .- -about ilsne". Thé- telopon. d " ain sTe baeies undr hegus éEu>s. uoiiork .nov, aud asothrpeurels bït 111t srb i lmus c.ul<I te..nevappers bas è n ,- Imck suad hh.ibegan t. erect tlheir mor. Thi estiria pisof ttelophonlng to- tar batteries l he i.la e blIi *1e a lifor o mop& bps a couwats . lt nu - mml udeUrel>' oust of IËUgi. other direction, told of t~i» ssOI Of a. lfi va>'up lthé bil su" out of the C'i e==tee retlasneI 'e c falbut oue or tvoo f et ti . ou t West t j n a vbphse,41> e s a"a- batteries, tii.>' <g a bornbproof. -"" 4Qoý=t mo, aud At là $b. ouston 7bhe tii. etdo! artlilerj, tooli lii.*t- 1for thlole on the. circuitt *040*0tli.inï tion.' T41epbào ! vires ver. setruW tO talephesta ralbortiedv bit trts b. attr>'bab. le cldhbeir récelver s ad Haet« t li e nev seme e hlMbpa u ' a ba : ud ail. b a sI ara ubulletin Irt Mot 7Vrybuildn i d t ownad,'th m» s s'tmU1% wmy"Ibolu hun"dfet te e distance vork, but t la efféOttIs. ftsta aLti tthé right; a Uttle tethe ;~ It1OOT Slht~a laiê nBW ~B an d OmabL .A-oerUtnu sInes Turne Pianos#, Ilght Battlps> Go0 Shopping 't I .'f rJ Wôn0t Lst f m

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