Whitby Keystone, 19 Jul 1906, p. 8

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THE WHITJY KEYSTONF, TU481DYtJULY 1let1106 Stop That Cough!. Cure That ColdIl WILLIS' Compound $yrup of White Pine and Tar Cures Cou(lhç, Colds, Bronchitis, throat and luing troubles. 2.5c per Bottie J. Es WILLI$ S Dru ggist OpticianJ Brock St. Whitby. ~COUfty Town Stbyou sîiillie ,Andther emlhs, IAnd sioon therc's limi s (And life's worth wlille, if you but smile. Hlaie Dulnîadg., palist yomîr (1o teoG. K. Thompsun's1 pi per. txinnlllgtOn 119laiayu.g 3,0< of granolithILe pavenients ti Polt Ferry Band givem eonoeTti ln tha,. tout lo ai ive audiences, Wonder ho% imouid take lnWh b 'I'hc Hein. John Djryden Ai lmpioirted frein Great Dr*;taln ciase Shroêpshirc raint aisd 2 obearibng ewe,,s f ror thie noti of M r. Pr. A. B ii tt ar, Mfr. ..D and Mr. C. biatbprwlck. ItELEA891). F»inttenced te une ycar lu t tral Prîsoti andqservitig slu.ce, 1fst for falligte proviîdea dc a aek wmUe, Martihail Il[aris Brocik town(qhlp, lias been ah the' erder cf the Mitister tice. Bar mon wi a foliower M&exander Donvite, andtu iac Go to-G. K. Tbompom'uleIor. wafl paper. WRITBY MARKET. Mr ïStoeie, wvho la at th1s market every Friday, !a prejiared ta pay the fllçhest cash price for. butter and eggsq. Ie alio wantsIlive pouf- try of A kirîds. for wbich lie will pay tcip noich prices.ý W. C. Mecalma, Granthant, ban eut Ovie acres ut wheal. whicei Itls raid b> comupetcent judges wiIl thrash out f lty busbels t> the a're. I'ring the neývi-. tel thià oifice. Wc arc always glad tc> have our subscrib- ers send c>r brlng us cf newcf If ea..h one of our large iist- of read- Cri would gsre one iLem ea'cil week,ý vvhat a grand Ioaal jImper wve could have. Send in avytn*n.g but polittca or mcandai. and we .shali be thaî:k- Ifui. BARIRISTEU CLOSE EARLY. Tbe underalgned Barristers and So- licilors be'q resj.ctiuIiy to )nformu the pubitc that their sveral. off las w211 be cloaed ait twelçe o'clock every Fr-day and Saturdaly during Juiy and -A.ug ust row & MéGILLIVRAY JAMES RUITLEDOE. D). ORISTeON. J. E. FARF.WELL. 'flicîery newest thîings In ladi.es' 1Gold Beits aire to be sei àt A. M. IZ cmq. Oriy .30 ind <5.each. "Elephant.' brand talied i-atft la thej ENSTALLTNG WATER. a ditch betiud the I)«minon Bank. and are installtng wat-er ln all of the EtcA'es south ot that iblae'i. AID TO TH~E APPLE INDUSTUZYJ The Dudley fîrm of apple dealers from Colborne have leased the .)Id engine bousee oci the -Northeri- Div., lelon of the Grand 'Trunk and are fltting 1h up e)abuteiy as an apple waiehoute. B-ýides beîeîg admirably aidapàt*.d for their purpose the cild euegine bcm8e ;s at labt iii this wvay to ho jiput 10 Uic a!d of the-tbege-t aî*ple lndunstry. BAPTPST P-CN[c. Tht- BaîstL-t Sennday SchcSl held tb$ir animai picrte 10 Rorebank c>n Tues&day. and a very large crowcl at- îerted., They lef t on thp regular train frorn the' north in the' niornlig, and r-turned t>.î the laril at niglit. Tbc- <vproved ideai tor a lijeIio. and the' beautifjil grouind3 at lZs.?- batik was the set ne of muchf anima- tion %aIl day long Boatlng, bathing and fishine %were Ikdulred Ini by ;orn'p. whîie others aai'ped l~n~Ie n 11AD A ' BAD LIF$. - aricins ways .irourid tt- park. N-ý "Voor twelvpyt'ars 1 mas a greit thin- oretrTrrPd te nr the' pleamure tqitffrer f romT' CZt'fliaOUi th* InSide Of Of t'he day' oeutlig. and ail returnevd theP leg. Thpre was a raw patch o4 in the' evr,îing tired and happy. fIe.&h alicxt three loches s;qtareP. and POLICE oR. Iht' lîehîng was something fearful. Dr. chirf Beill.trr--te-d Fraink C<rady. eni Chase's Ontmer.t completely cur<'d me. ~k aay tr lchin, aed 1 Saterd-iy evering fer belirig drunk and , treicpassing con GT.R. pr-omerty. 1Hel, çkd up the st.-M.Ae.McI)olug-came (rokui zcrom;s the lune about two, mU.Potinstr, ro.G e1 M&sf. j'îek ago. lWt 'as rennnded for a TUTE NEW CLOKET BJNDER. BA'ND CONCERT. Up at the Farierb' CO-operative Fa.turday 'nieht'a concert iras lils- Rbt. Morrik%, a Young Englishmnan Works theee dayai thingkh are livlvy.j Cfrîg r.tnedi la by probabiy 1the arg4ýwh ca e oit this:[pring. wa.-Isen- tThe' fintslng twchieb arc being put anlne atedn ayoe artnedto6motsi teCnra m.the New Clokey uteel edpringlnd- fo all rie atedn ayoen arrri~sm on Wediiegday night t~y Vol- er.'It je a çwon4ertuliY Intexest-g coïnertferyeas. Bth ide oftlete Magistrale Harper. fer the' thpf t m hne With the improvements 1Mr ç-wo tbîrcets 'tort'lined witb cîtitenie and taroiai12O rmhicm cbkybaadefrVhseoni. 30 wo tb terq w'vuecame froni a distance I farziadS1.0teahse- jkybt de frW esnt) h#yu.hear the' splendid progrqîmme plut up ployer. 1Mr. Geo. Thompson, a farni- -marhoe kjSks iiie a record breaker.' rus ht' oys.Mesru. Ilso har ex living on the t' t concession. Mer- LaEri>' nexh week it ls expectd the Hunday bhe os er. ln bvrit; bo'ught hits ticket and ehecked lis? IrsItril locccur in a field of liaonwed therbond tau nmueb trunk at Brookiin for Toronto. tak-1 fali wbeat %vithin the' tewn .Iut,. WmlltQ they 41111an fet Ing tht' train at once. Chief Bell Was, This grain to-day stands uhoulder ur Lwy fo whch te'~andta -er naitîîîe and telegraphed the' number! hlgh Io a man over six feet hlg!lI ýlt gr8t atful. nd other' yvîdcaire s m helpof -the check. and asked -that the man tAnd It la heuvy in 1proportUoný' i TI~ aso b doatin an oW hais t e arrested when it was .pre..ntpd.,WilUi sucmes attenalig sa i a trial 1 8hg n ot lic using. At present th j i6'O chai .ri have to be carrled front thejThis waotdone and tht' chief jourpey- Cbf ils. strenéth and Capacity the Cie0 ,fn lock bad rorn nd bck t eiry d tai the' elty and brocght1 bis man ke.y bluder> '<bould sweep ail belore Farmef icks i bandreyem < aii A t of ery cn-baek. liepieaded gilty ho' steaiiog I. Frinr ert.îbcrby .ptliig a ot < trhe razor aund only $7 of the unoey I and lnconvenlence. Àny perton har-$ and recelred tht' abocwe sentence. THO&. PEURY DEAI). î nu &le or morc chairs* th »Y ire no;1r hg.Pry elec ttt the Cen- fuse for. shouid notlfy Mr. >Vm. Ay.; ARMYI IMMIGJA.NTt4 ARRIVE, . Thb o&rd oratheaidst ot e Janunry 1rem, and lue. 'viii culet hbem md A sceWed humuber of- ISaieonorio . pa»M â wal Q Vte honte of 0cter for me(Iity thera ho lteé frmd &tao& Arnuy lmmkirai.ha arri"t'd 31.the lm- e st u ooaoSudylsh i mon, of 'NcT <WÎLTY4 nmigration office lu Toronto Tuelay ter a t-r;et Illucas £rom pneumonla. reina9O.d Couustdrable unfavorable comment mrlg m nuenai tter» er a eu oTrn~t Of Jus- ha*, bren pzsst'd on the'4tat of the; Ch5A whutceme lu the. pam<t rhon the i wattend iy Orangew er;&bd iltiee, r of John corner 'lot anud fettoes t'ôh n. < r ethehe'West of aid ît i y12th o«eai.y, a"deoitrammt0 01a&od Cordance theq,.uepa', jhotet IU. 1» W.distrilbuted ttrollhoqt the provIbfce wlh 'ed oooêmnl. n wlth tisatIbellef %voeild have notlslngjg ariaiists shostt Iît tiy ait et zoom itaE some>. lieu toi do wih h lhYsians. He was sen-.in n«t the' owne-0f1lte lut. nor lbasites *lne <d1.wsitroule tenced by Judge Mentyre at tht'1 ie 1eaed It for the' past two yleairt. ftb.Ir het.Jcidat*se uw 'ie. durIng wIl1to Lime It bons gro#o î,III r ta bms 41SP0I*I Qf,, W* e. 30D PýItimithlng. plumbtug, rolis;, ansd '"d thse fences have talles 40WTL » l.sne t'deswho<rmc uMad ait work prounptly atteaded tho ad ais. h«ierer. It'A I t " 7'"yer tro u iqt c et wstie s Ont te tfirmi4, satsfatio ;$arat#e Prngl'.titu' osu es, and wiII repair <omm u wsI 1 siI.wrctnu . b Hardware Store. euan04is"las;uealy ileO lsa -thLe*tlaguobotem U.. Iý a le an evesore ta thse eulâmta ent #ha* I- b7-~.KOhRt>tt 11 Prhee are soipe crebi a 1h !kislty, but' 0 perioQn appears V o 70. i3I repýrtb 1a 1vIn Au-P.rim 'Ap) -am Au- egist roe»ed. vepctthy i , 1lius.A »sand ~betwea <rcr.l -oypraim1 nlelug,iut Do5w -ad shlp. ,4n Peri will anbus al. il , land wt gre) , w l etr*bW iltptem , $ul)d trom twout. th t -estous ta- lbe, aeie ii meut plaes. MIt kttsU acf u»At-h train la k*>klîig w»i4, but it lula te DS 1U oian» W 'tldos-y, abunt bin tbat amrar bï'4, he' not wU daiud.It *Oum, aytus . D$#wbiut a irtg W«4 udt bo t11andsud stoUMd and , Il~u" Ot mur laboe 'on Ian*aine4 lame!.. iloterois =ta it*ihv* COld6aroeiy Iloisbettev. j% a m e whuIàI Ooo i ttbe oins are beflaonisg to reob mea bl t ab.ru blog <acto«es,814c î yl Tdt14b nis~ chi. y w. wuub«rbas u lu*ured tbetsrop, but tisat la duubt- 'sudais idb* Ini _.à. and Pls- MUo» e miwc stei s 1Ubow hugott.b wbte Siis lovesp -W *e 64 4 1-8, 714. Zatvlv.4 toe4q At nom B r** Saborbrs Wb* atlas gttfat4r by uporuex'asr1y uoft£tu tise best IOut f<I.bu de» o .wer Mtbe aosiesbelso fa ftmanUIs fure at tbis Ike rmt, baisse Uneti t wua burmd ma«soun s wiatlW o r t I1b. e eet*ml « attenUdu tW tbelIgttoube, a"d la ~lx aprltg asd late lau ls m I& wlwo tise aistiwern bi'lW co*I, THE REFLECTIONý in a Meadow-brook of a' lovely woodfland scene," is charmîng 1 Charming. too, rings set with gena that cause te the glietening dew-i the. clear bine of tht the cool green of' t of theroay boéme 0 of sf onih dreautu e sky, of the trou, >fsunset, onth mmidews qukt and of happy husiiborne qititm> A. C. Wannan Veterlnary Surgeon.' -Ring SM'y West. OSUAWA., Phono - - . -- 151. V-01 Il RAILW wu Ooing West 5.(X 94 't - 8.28 d 46> 2.05 4 dé 8.05 The 5.29à-a.'m. niorming. Gotng 'North . 441 CHÂRLIEJOB, FAit Vis a R n& 4y.> Real4ent ut Wbithy foi t%4o yea ru. Daua S tretut Weat. 8outu sic WETMEM the tbing. "t' h RIHotel...Barber Shop,ý Akdjoiuing the Royal Rotei loueO rAQUMTTE, Pu.p. Tea jurexpreo uti .dn City et canade, 31806s SIM0IN d%3$ Now that the hot weather le, here ail those who 7 have not purchased thelir summer wear, fe el the need of it. We have etli a complote range of al 3$ goodas ultable for summer use. MusnsGl- - M 3$ hams, Zephyrs, Prints, Lawns, Dueka Etc. 7 Ladies' and Gentlemen's summer (Jndewear. 7 3$'Ladies' and Gentlemen's Cotton Hoisiery. Ladies' Black and white Silk Gloves. Ladies' Gold Beits. 3$ Ladies' Underskirts. 3$ Ladies' Blouse Patterns. 3$ Men's Ready macle Suits. $7.50 $8.50 and $10. 7 3$ Men's Ready made Pants aU Sizes and prices. 7 3$ Men's White Vests. 7 Men's Soft front Colored Shirts. Men's flats, Caps, Braces, Collars, Tieg, Soi, Etc. always in Stock. 77 Andrew M. Rosso. as Leavt s Whitby f Houiden, pro T.eaves for Broi prietor. Prom IV. and E 6. Froni For North 7 45 a.r Est 8.30 mi WeSt 12.15 n.rv PROFES Soliciter for the. etc. 'Money b L 'Whitby, Ont.- Dow 4 Barristerg. Soue -Office crnpnaite Pou J. B. DOW, B.A. Jan Barrister, Etc. ' -Office lmmediateIy 4)nt. John E.lý -. Barrister, Coïn County Seçiit of Court Houea Reeldene-No. 4,1 ()peu Saturday e cHRniC 1 1 bu qui, &"ab 1

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