ForLt.edeyotees ot-rod amà gsa L,'hd Gtore bay.dIstrict'bolii o ut wiliit-L à d--&<ià t0i&FUaliaurenîcutlautulîe - s' ai ioe tkarouji hlii.vast ex- pause 01vater -and the rivera andi tieRsiwhîottumpnty *Into tihe vater wt -» iîth seaverl varfeti«e ftichemono '£AMnY ethL*, lnny tnibe, Amomg Lhem - - elu bc bats, pickcrel, mauakollunefi 0 tthlseklOtA trout., like trout and- Many cf Lhe sinaller s treteos of vater, Including Lie inkes lanud a tevmiles frem aunerai ponta on tLe steamers& route, are weli ,stuekedý sud, tL -the angien wbo visiste rougli t capital sport la sa%ured. For the hiun- ter durlng the. open seasons deen, bear, muabrat, duck, partnldge, geeqe and pig- eon are.found in abundance, and the ne- *glen throughout maly 6e called tic nîci- est gaine land on the continent. FirO Blide Bay, ucar Sans Souci, the hunter -or anglci eau reaci Liie Muakoka lake' wlth case iy eovenlng aixteen IakCas witi several portages, Lihe longest . cf. vblch ilaoe emile. Lie otiers niilginig fron tetot 100 yards. The word "Tema ami la denived from th. Indlaien od *feraMîngue," nnd mucnens"deep vater,» ain usapplied to a imagLmfieeiit Lerritory in New Ontario that enibraces ailtih, attractions that are sougit alter by thc canoelst, touriat, angler an& iuinter. It is, comparative- ly speaking a regicun known onlIY to a fev *'ho have been fortunate enougli to traverse Lihe district under adverse cmr- cumstamces, owing to tie difficulty "lx- peneed 1n reachfing IL, confines. Thia, however, bas been overcoine by te building of a ncw .'ilway Lirough tihe ieart of titis grand territorv, openinc, up tie way for the sumnier visitons whu are looking for ncw fields te explore sud Le the lover of nature and outdoor ne- creation. WiLlîouL a pensonal visit to "«Teins. garnil no onu ha& amy idea cf the amn- oun f pleasuro tint i. expressed in tuis one word and versatile language in not subtie enough tti impart an adequato description cf its natural beautîes and Lie story ef ILs founteen hundred odd IslaandeIn luake Teriagami, tie principal lake of Lie district, and ILs tiousand aind oe einalien lakes within a com paratlvely * asi area, holding forth unif~iLed ut- *tractions to Lie cancisi. and lover 91t rot ansd gun. ic Ternagami regien is a fonest resonve unden control of t0 o n- tarlo Govenrnent and cevers tii ares et 1,400,000 acres. IL la a land of lakes and rivers, incomparable in maturai beautv, sud scenery, withItis ieavily woodeil torqte, tgcatiedral pines, wipcnitig 4.aktIiand atrauge seeL music.* f ie i.eglon is a part et Canada tint a few yeuirs ago was visited only by Lie Indiana and Lie Hudson Bay Company's van canocs, and wich to-day la visite'P by dozens of celle g e students and oticrs viho bave icard et- Ils attractlons,though It lsa tili thei mre untôucie4 and unin- habILed - vlldernegs, wlth tiie addition tust iLi e nocessary accessorica are iL baid lu the. locality te make a trip ef *any leigti vîth-copitont. This.form cof vacation la typlcaily canadien. No oUi- or civilizrd eountry bas a great north- woods, comined vlLb lakes sud nivers, viens the lover et nature cmi study lder unaderned iuvelluess i l ai IL.grandeur. Tii. che..of the muainiand around, tLhe les ane bigli and noeky aud thlckly woodedvile the slauds lu Lb. larger lakes api coveWe wibt demie follagetI. the watersa edge. .*0f tb. tvo pricipi. bodies of vater Lakte Tamagaml lut h largeat and eocera anu area cf about 1me .1 car. Milles, -viti .a -shore lino ut ueanty1 8,000mOie l is doLLed vIlanads et Théfini.tsu munasluclose .suIplt] 4 uhe Kusicok eteprepe. and vuthda justLue. of from-lv* hi>t« es an r et the but ift thi t. ontrm euntmy "41 umae, eii Laie u eltbm la a r Od Ilsh aa r mI..Sfrout eue Lue ~~la uam=4 lake, «êatfu"t, ,PougU Aoua« lketvo rmites, goo&l bua--«a oDwes uan tan Élufmndv IMrw ,rp f-mop o 4 jwmy 1bit £rcordA vhleb e the WOld T4S asys, St AasltoundIng for that ê mestie country, viiere ait yeugvia M asupposedy âUà md la u i.domati Twe miiflioii cudrgem«. bornlu, o. year, aiod yetas suyas4W00 0d. bef ore one Yar old, maklng-tii. "ator, the Germai Empire,».0 la -prettvy ua- f cli, uhere It,-'Wiquld soom that onditions aire, fivorabIe f or publiécbyg!easé, the deatb raesh ' been aà lgh as-419, au average of X nLw .Ctfto Our owu country makes- littie, better IMPEIAL"PIJPIN9VINUIU.record, for ln the district cfi(bumbla OlIt wEcbvnL ieCA OOI Fthe. record in 1900 vas oven 275, otiier TEng WRDaait *in wiBtsbeng a litAis lower, but sta too sudCatadauatter a tuo b. In Massachbusetts ciglit cities aver- iWPtba' tborouab trt4L Made by aged, 186 to 304, and New York vasi OOLD, UAP ITR 19M CO- LUC=TE. about 181), almost ail the Nev England Braamherd. Casada. States bcing iiigher. From vatjous BriLti reporte It la TEE CLEAIÀNESS 0F WÂTEE1 learned that improper feeding ta khe p .1 - prime cause of the great mortaity Cbanacterlst!cs Wblcb May Be-Modified among infants under oue year of age, by a Nimber of Tlings. and lu a Germai record of investigation the statement 13 made' that of tbe 4,075 A scicîtist in the. Departoient of Agri- de&tis of Infante whieh oecurred ln cutuire gives some interestln faqbta vth Munich ln the year 1903, 3,395 vere reference to the colon ot vater. bottle-fed, whieh would show conclu- Thý fact is genierally .kncun that pure sivcly tuit artificial feedimg bas iLs very wate raPpea-3 blue when light l t - serlous ide largcly becauso of thé. t4un mittad throiigh aà stintut tblckness ofcf CIaI" milk given. It, andthitwlien opaque ,p articles ame supede I i te ueofth MtRUS. HIITFR'S STORY loqks- bine llgh14t passes trecly IBaya essits L. TrUIy Xar»a'.." tiroug iIt, yet wheniL h 19contatard in a Mms.LI. uaLer, 0f i deep, opaque receptacle, like the basin of R-aglan Rond, Kingston, a lake or the ocean, it ouglitta abaorb Out «sy$: &Rl ligbt îmd Look blaek. 'Eripnee bave suffered vltb s'hows, however, tilat the, deepea't. parts of kidney and liver trou- the Mediterranan,, for instance, appean bls and, chronie consti- mot black, but lateusely, bluéà .Thus bas ' pation for smre time. I been supposed tLà 1è caused biTminute vas- subject te dizel- particles held la suspension, but Lie re- mess, billous beadache, cent expenience of Lie scientiat quototi nenvousnes, drowsi osuggesa adifferent explamation. Km. LUnnter. ess, pii ntebc lic bas found that vanner eurrents adadai ie passlng tirougli pure vuter-luterrupt Its 'weary feeling ueanly al! tb. ime. tramsparency, iven visu the differeuce '«I tnieLIahmost every modielas, vus oftiperature la vry sligbt. Sucli treateA by doctors s*d drugglâta, vitit currenta may cause deep water te sp- -littie or ne bemefit. penn bine by refioetlng ligit buit fnom <'I tnled Dr. Leoab&rdt"s Autl-PIII, sud ita de ths t.irough the. transparent lay- the resulti have been ruly voîdenfuL ers aevie. 111s, It la suggate1, ex I am su mueh botter. AtIii l a a plains thc tact that f resb jîter lakes moot vonderful rêmedj%" are more transparent in winter than ln AIl dealers, or theim.WIo-FYl. C, summcr, because in winter currents s) lm.lLe-d, Nlagara Faits. Ont. M3 heated vater are mot traxersnlg them. .0 Even the shadow of a mountalu failimg The Market short 0t Long GI@vI. on a lake may Increase the tnmpazency lh stua"0 ln tii. kid !g"ousm rt cf the vater by coo ligtà esurface, cncdedon&a ides te C tà e.wvest experlenced aine. moder aa"toms de- mauded -tie unîversali..m of kid gloves. Tii. sca.rty cd long gioves à & Lb.oSu1§04 and bler*are toetnj nkhrye&r %-M la u4ie" n, beslenue.SkIras *have adn.ned la >rlca sund are Dot 11k.- O6b.,.-w---... ciu#âeE.Cmm.sandiE y te agaî i Was 1ev as formioely. la L..Crlaa.75FuuomAw.L ou1l7cae la WSd5 4tiat the 1=«»fl lisd lamQ am o toL70 a&M Sven as high as 90 peuls-ay wsMmd WW6 boWp p«i ceat ven lut yes pnices. The. cdâ effl 66Mtorm eutre 8t rsuetI however, te over 1 " ogi fhsj5<,wu U&zd u si-. he , g fixe glosea. -éoreders eau b. Laion woew "og do&#hgjW.4 by uiaufwsetmie, mportere or jobbérn fi lhed imfr og .mutgloyes durmg the next Doaua put à ef-gsia b«n et uf gu nluty dalms. Tii. bayrs et bota kmd aton«otubrelis<d. ~ 25~ amd be Ègloi ne ae t thefr vite ésud Asie h Cb wC.. aid =&,*ay easuub.toeoes iti - ~~ ~ damson Labilceykeafor qp Igdllvvy Among the penalans iL tbs i tthu 1I 5e videut tt«MY *rety v Cyue Lbe boys vers Laugit to ridel te man i v*t e goglo.Ims.O speaitths truth aid. te arw thb we. 00 QI That inumlue$strutbtulâesa"d courage,"ail .ssentil Ite ýtii.ebarae of a gsutlsmu.Thé knblt. of 'd'dv. V W here WIliI Y u o -MIS vs th&. gentlemen eoft Liimr lume The MLghts of London ln A.. igo& ' The. decialon to use gaz Instead of the electrie arm for the artificlal ligMfing «* the new station at V/ictoria marks au- other stage In the duel between the tvo illuminant&. Few of us, penbapa, reaie how long that duel bas been ln progreso, It la nearly tif ty yea-n suce the aie =light vw" used in the. building of West- mater Bridr; iL la uearlyr thurty years aince It finit illuminated WMaterloo Bridgi a portion of the. Embankment and 1iLê entrante of the Gaiety Theatre. $inée those early days It bes passed throuZb mani yatages of improvement, but &. tcacl o fthem it bas been met by a correspond- lng Improvement in gas llghtlng, snd t bas had £ bard struggle to keep a pisee lu London stret& Apparently evan the rosy glow of the '<flmi< "arc tuila te' Illuminate tthe atmospher. or dankesi loondon an successfuily as pressure gas; and t la more expenaive. But if electrlclty canuot bottA its ovu' luth Li.lgbLIng of large open spacea ta. London, there là ae steadily widenleg- field for t ladoors.The, LIme As muaI' at bond iwhen, wltb the cbeapenlug of the dîscovery of a more economicýal fiIla- ment for the, Inandescent lamp, Lbe, ua of gaa vIll W confined to Lhe kitcheu sud the. Street. LUniment Co., Limitods Dur Bhu,-Thli f al 1 got tbrowu cm a miee and hu4wy cliest eYM badly, to 1 could fnot worko snd t burt me to brestie I tnied a&l kludse oflisiments. OAd tbey dA ume no v94 Orne botti. t0L MMÂMT il etAou flanmels-anad applled te .m brft&4 ured me comWçet.y. EOSOWay, Dlby O., N. EL mgS Pot=ITEMQUEST. MWv J* wusTrealatel by MsObga o» Oaf tmsot*t. qlstors eateu"aM Abuy rtauruam ud..rd a Porter- etty Wbhe ti.Portion amrvd I-MsII& »tê tuit. appuite ig s.bulIAg uIfw. Woisl1 y«n kbidir tae . tus bak te - requu4 va.u i Lsse Sre uwmi Terse I 44 MUSIC IN TEE PARIS. The. scne vas Tompklu m arPui durng on.eofthLe weekiy baud coneerts. The. evuulg ug viarmansd opproà sife, sud Lihe crovd wus tense. Tic baud! wau playlng a popular tune. AI neis. and disoud vire etilleA, Lie amall beys stopped tLiu nomping, Lie ired mitibenu bumqsd tbé melody and a happy l.;git dauoed',,aIu telr veary oyez, andth Le jo- licemen fèldedtA Liarms sud llîe-ioù vlLýk satWsactlozL Tbons vas notblng elu- ýfor tbem L do. Iu Liet big crovd fIstoem alamost every nuLloualItywva rspreeted. Tien vere Germaus, Ital- sadeven -aCiamau gr Lys, but ai voe nuder Lhê. ,apelli cf thé Muais, for mei- 'dr. lauguage la unîvereal au" nequires 06 Interpréter. Ti.power ot music vas shows bhm as nover before. IL a2rOusdsauke sud &*peaed spinîts; IL gave» tea dlsb*zOWi#eandedisoumaged; li boîthLe aLtutin o Lb umuiyent rugh et.- uua' sud socthed Lbh e'sry. And viien the moMcrt w vao-er Lb. cioWd veut bomavard vlthlilgiter iearta Lbam tbey iiad bd for many a day. - «Thedapotîceman -aid a-piUloeopbenu 1Togotu wconcerts do ciet b. reckoued lu momey. They are botter tisa tulit sud addreases and achoo4 la tiat tbey reaci evel-y ene, youag M4 old, and lInfuence for Sgoed 50 uilk Do you kuow on lie mghst ettLcomr Laite pis.. vs bave raiî Beld gto do t. speak of. Tii. musl semnu to bave uuch a reflued aud elevatiug ufl'enet on everyiody tint the polie. eau rosliy tak a ilgit off in theprecinct ( course, on the tiage of Lie cmovd there are sonie mieselvous beys slv1ývs, lut vhsu thebauddrtrlkun uP opular msl. .4y even Lime os~~~ bu thelr Ile s dsl. bq=& zj 14 ýyou, mozlo Is ýa Rient erg d bhpM, ambition u~aelosu -nnatr mz e t Ous ira-tm W. 1ba tbe battis. Soee yet, It le a ha"t suq d Imm$"%ors, mlauciiêuy, les h.è i 1"al hi mop -May r.eowyv dirt butalwaysinà *"ethMeaitc %hdl rmit d a c* or' o baridedha use k beawun4iIs abioluely pure ud coeais no b. wsed as directed. No boilln or hard rubbing- inces~ Sunliht Soà p ius botter iban «ber soap, but h ýbeet wlben wsed ithie Suligt way. EqueJly good wfth bard or oft water 53Xteuse "Y asoe u unie OEL UN OWMMTRIO ARCHDALE WLSÃ" }IAMTON ONT. P a r l s ~ o .s ........i sangalll vaa dacIng. Nîlasos as slmglng ut the ~ls O)pera ,At flùeus ell ii.on ua ed to. perfectià in. vlLh that of te-day. Americau voie sllgr.ep t libte atenma vaed4 sixbd, 5nofUot.- tu 4- .o a We rings 'feau if precdur, p~ B mn n rstO t tii1 Unwxftta Law Tiat CoMmauù Tsf DutructIOI. For obyious ressouS It vu DMU a tb at th* Spantsh sbojaid ho LDIious W 8 T. Lb bomb vbl b ichddmot sIDIode viera t=ia at the royal copie. Tbere, 'as a ress obnd ie -dsreo ftip la the- bud chance of further d~as There la an unwrittun lW LutiCt sIhe s ,bomof Europe. maia tie London,~add tintit rflct o~ ttes~L-Upo; .s as vel l Istum entsu. o etn tie wounds calussd la uch atepksli b. destroye - Thie WU 1a-asol«Mnmbl tu Genva f uor o.Hn In ýoff~ wifueu Wh" lci ca heb.deati of mps Elizabeth and etfthe esuricaç&l,.LD3 Otto~ used lu Makin" the Post-Momore-i *ltt The CustOM te based teoa dert~u supOMrstItio but more soliGly upoftI~.4 teomýasLlon to prevent the rélica -frO~ti- 1nï lite tbé banda of ehbtfra ofau a IWO trifles. j: - The. custom lu Lus maLter once vas uto, grlnd 10 plecu Liithespeon vilah i di bes emlioy.d. Wbon, bowever, -tie 2 W"vi seured viti vwbtcb Mati ertuo te murder Quers isabeila of Spaiuwl k more than baif a eentury ago, the blf.d found to, -be of, sncb fnely Lemperà uat il insitod every effort of fil.ea&.0 somutiiug, Uit a pante vasu Ssw the Dowa get abroadi. The Spaulb - sat tmagI. i=,%Nait bCre muet bau mau'lin the blade. Se a Cabinet vas qeily oUà d to deal- wihti .criais. av* L,1v! I>tow mined te asubMietLb. tte L b. I the of acide, * Thls ro'vtu sueeeffhl, l vlementsiMued for Lb.eliM.foui purçcbv undorgoisLihe 0treatment- 084ee dasUer. revoit.. aid. nresuaby iIs 1 menary- Te i th Obuervanoe (vs. 1-6.' qees-It iiadbora 8118 !a -May Èkv. becu a Laieduin vith a coun To eut bread--.Our 1 and, when he vas mnvi -as proper for iim tx 1, 'à & ou auy other raciing iim (R. V,)- vatehing, iin.--Ckia *"a the invitationl ol ca treacherous onu, an fessed frieDdsiip, he bo i. tabla fon Lhe pur eopportunity to accuse certain maiý-Tus mm irougit 'iere by tic ta test Christ and a ,,-do; -but ut is equai home mabad untered cf a bopes Liat tLhe Savici id'hua! bim. Buforu. pp h ad taken seat lrsyAdisumie in )r sme- part of iL i. msus answening epake- res deceptIve, and ir i hfem. He vas penfec vers-Tie, teachera, ome present. le iL la oe ua diiemmna; as I ,to, knov, but if tiiey fnnmativs tiey' weu ad bis vcnk, whiie negative vôuld b. ta f love and lay LiemE hresimiinLe lia th é-xà L 15.-AbboLL. *«UnaMbe ta condern; ede.»?-Wmctlon. "But r Leord's complète puU, If the contcniplated j .1l why ,di mot thei autbonities fonbid il à mm"Took ioid -of bin i=m yi. 12j4Y-Vince: bhowing Lhe opinion of mou ie Sabbath day Ie luoa pit-Je*sl bave mercy on a beast culd mot ho on tL.iseS Lhla suffering man?, ý13;,Luké eîi. 14-17.' biMà .-ýilonL,-but net cysud spiritual pnide agaîiathLb.fonce oet Lparabie - on iuinility arabler-The selfish et Dec au they --*ere -t et Lie table gave, Ji ýtY Lu teacli ha lèssor.. i h. marked-Notiing o tiie L&tA. Hov ie . b i blhit placew lai public vamîîy; te At-when effered-10 -4 ettia aame vi2s, t6mi icealed. -Humiiity Laki aveid tdie ostentation refusai as tLb.-Open sE r-,là oo,-qltes. -The uh~étseat-. 'ÃŽl