Whitby Keystone, 19 Jul 1906, p. 5

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HATS -m-M1111lnery Sweep-up- FOR JULY, HATS AT HALF PRICE Plan your 'Vacation wlth oMur assistance and- corne at once to Headquarpters for youp head Geai'. Now ~6 66 's 66 6' '6 6' 6 66 's 66 6' 84,50 $8.75 $8.25 83.00 82e75 $2.501 82.25 82.00 81ets 81.50 $100~5 81.00 88e. 75e. e.c SOC. 4500 3804 ,AT THE STORE T he-Em.porlumý of Fashgin ROSS NOTICE'TO FAR'w-'DMERB Tne Undersigned havetefo ie * funI fine.of *sl»d CSn. Ctiop-ompofod of O&an-a'. Cor»;'Chiop 7o nofeul parts of Whotat, Bsrleys iüd hoeto Ileavy feeders, buying ton lots.os» et edo" prime It will4ýoublyps eryfee4« o >uneDU tone of OMM~ ad A Wbite BoenWanted. Al iOibi&êdBor" BpIoV' 114 io, a u.he,. . - u pait i»«,n WM a"mt wbt itbetey«to be la tht bestu-. Ib uu»«Pue soeb rdcnsfor mot » vaid. The vsrtslyRates .p esu.ksdvi b. â duos pcton. lf 7cuwlàb to w h.StiI Âdrtlem.tsshff ouichtu$.of. léeuM b" erthe Tuâeoda.y noon, to Insureinesu ton u the e, anentIssue.. ^mues Wmatud ln aau parts of the Cout.. P. WINN, Lear To Swim. The drolWsing season la here 4gair .ndt *ne lias onljr te look Lat the re- partts In the dally paper& 10 h. ap- palled 'at the los ef lle at summer reiorts and other places Where peu- ple are bathing and boitlng. XIse tenths of *hese caLilaies coold be avdZded 1,f an effort were m.idgetu learn tu, swim lai earller Ille. This art, wbieh ilaoe ofetthe most rigor- u and healthful pports, ceas easll' lx, Iearued. and ît !x the duty of eery youing boy and girl Ici do ato. Many a ticrson wvhe han be en sud- deuly overturnedti roua a boat or waiked eut beyond hIs or her depzn bauç becs grateful for the 'rlgta n home"' feel!ng arhlel cornes over one as tbcy rnse io the surface ami strikie out for saietv. Ieides. manyr a vaulable lite mîlihtbave been saved ln the case et a persun drownisg and itul one of the %pectaters being, able to asalistn ny way. hlsny parents keel' their boy home t romts 1» creek Ior pond osly la a fter Ilete u îader- go ma -y a beartache as that- saine boy, now In the prime orIlile, has sank 10 risc ne more, wbeo a fear asfie strokea wvouid have landed hlm ln safety. or elme kepi. hlm aflbe. i 11 helr da me. Auteuobiles are Con cînuaily pasglng . o all our roudi vîthout tag saîmb- bers on the bacli and fronti ais tie law enlia fur. People should -bave- no hataL'es in taîclng s1Wp,,j ro make ticse mobiîles obuerve lia law.ý Very many people buve lied exper- bernce aslp tohheir reokbus- ruuuldng, espectall'y when tbey ïp A-lus gdis.. taooe tram wiere they ure personal- Ive are almt dall> fame to fao@ %lth desp.tceesfrai, WlgtlIp« lis the 40:Vy pogeroi -tatsg tit =010M 4rvetrs wîll lic »eed taW 1.11.Otl the harvee teliitIi.aorhw.»44~ Yoesd doil quite, as maur wlW 1e; rmoedd-tnu 40at1oý'anti pli, 1wbeOffer- .4 te tlgi waffl to stay a tbomaid bellIn la e 1h.arrent. Of tbses.wls have fOerIY e eWet iW .harve&L a r*ly 000 s««rbcbg.baoh a de~ tur mSte thas . dwh.11.j» mat #w8y. 1btieât Lie otira slsegta% 1b b aàroê belng butCehereby ttr Iu4 4e.What naïffle 'races suffer' 3t the bande ot nations, .that claAm to ber Chiristian cannt be Â1eeribe&~ O 1F LADMIES Daily for Toronto From- ILLUSTRÂTED SUMBER. She Oridia.Tines of Jualy 12(lfiatý --aud, andi a ppears « a aupial indus.. trial. number Of 16 Pages. 'Itl a hand set, and contalin» Weil writ.ten art- lebes and âfne illustra,'Itn$ et the town, and i1h, varied Iindustries, profession,- ai and business smen, renidenQes and eburchea. It la clearly printed un cal- eladered Paper, and rtflecte great cre- <itt cht-he publinhers, themore so fate the tact tbaýî. the wlole job wau deone ln the'office pt the Tin*a. Tile preswark lis beautiful, and wlvthil It !a t'ho btst Illustrated nuwber et any country sveekly thaL hbas ai-Pe.ared on our desk. IL sheuld te a good advor. tisemnent far the pretty nortb.ru- towfl. Mine Fanny Bryan tasholidaying ln T«O~nto. Mi3sa Martha Bryan-l. vlslting la Roseb.ioh. Meners. IN. obes andi D. W. Megi- fin are havIng their respectiv'e places of businesià palnted andi decorated. WÂZ.%TED. Telephons operator wanted for night work. J. F.. WILLI.S, Druggint, WhItby. BF4ÂUTÏUL FLOWEt8. Floarer lovers ara respoettully t.n- vi ted te ilsît Mr. Faîrbank*s garden. The, perrenutal phlox Witt be Sri full bloomi oeil week. Those wlehing 10 îurchase cas mark the varleties they want -and get the plante in the fait. AUl are wevo.me.- 111UNÀWAY. Abolut 8 'ciocL Ihis oeoralng a laidy lind ;entlemnan, witis oe eof Brown & Ward's llrerY horses drova trom 0oui. awa 'up the base lise on their Zay to markham. When opposite the buckle facteriy the. clip that holda lb. mh:,ftt ta lb. ausie Cave wny os the. r1glt aide, and the ahat feiloS the here,'a heels. The animal linediatglY broke inea terrifie pace up Brec ,trcet' the r!% swlnging fram tilde to, sld?. tbreuteninq te strlke every obsacle au tii.' rond. Tihe lady - wlth rarc prepene of muid clang to ber seat white the diver trWle sbest tokteep- the, frezed antimal binte midle oit the rSad. lie sacceede4 Ia-doins thls tIi they reached ltice's tili, wber"a the heroe stacked up-_ prebably on accouDI t ofthe iljIlritt 10 lsg,-lt whieh wben- exambseti wgre <0usd le be severe. 'The cSeple diove back tq tow -a D i ed the borde uttOeddte oph*i areve V6WVfo e lram lâ,-lWhit.. A~ £h~. a~.m4 a ci*a z .. .- .'--1Fèw -- aw»!-- -"u s AI&f &au by Who harO seQOn a more 4àoim u irpe-wun boi lookinc ransway, and eeiy 'Wa q *méof Scott in 181 igld thliIlltrmd <m wtout a y «« çg aislui the n moieoserlo st!IL5.grdu*4 ýfth- itio EcooomY sontut the ltrxaI lesmors ýutitcg1 mo4pce tfro War 8,101 hleis~' ~tuIIcide.- !V, Mst, so40&çwAun ebilt wtig<ets 1tutu 1110 abIt of fr4.. %ouG liait h e qluentix spexsdWlg iMall' 4164 of 5mon- - ttiola<1Ibps. .ywflu*am opie little v 4 po n au<êb Ia"t ýLir9gume IiUS WIUu00 1got rtd 1a * à&tî la 8. rbo bha o -'bea th*. ta* labMq. t $ WIiiby, Oshawa, and Newcastlee Tickets8Go50.for Roùnd TËnp. -Book Tickets 10 Single Trips for' e ô Ladies' ~6 ~6 66 66 66 6 $900 87.50 86.0 85.900 84.50 $4.00 88.50 8800 82.50 8$2.00 $te. 50 81. 00 900, 7500 Buy where the wise ones Buy CASH )RE -e.f sof w. N. rou', "0 ~.L70 to075 Barl.... .... .040'to 0 44 0 4Otu, 074 0 56 i0 55 BuokWheat 052 0 56'" S0 30 o 0 32. 3 (i4 >4 00 4 50....SOto .400 1ged N .2.....o. Tîoh e ...... 90to 1 40, A"ÀD FEU-. Flour, per cwt..ý .... 2~>tôe w,0 Chopedee,~d4. 110te1 25 Corineal....... . . 2 q)' le ',2 50 Bran,pr o ... 000t420 ou Shortperto.....2000ta-25 00 KEAT, ]POIIITRY AND PEODucE. Beef, by quarter peret case.$025 te $7 50 -Cattle, live weighft. but. 5 OU to ;65q 50 utnper l....... .0 00 teo o,10 "abeh......3 00 o 4 00 olgs, live areig.... t 00 t e 50D IIega, ligbt fat....... -00 -5-70 Hogp, helavyfa . 0c os7 Heop, dresad eloolbe Q 004e à.80 Chickens, pet 0-O10 ôew 01.2 Duckti,< prlb...... O il te0 Il t ssedperl 0 e to 01 Turkeys, dresedýpet ]b 0'12 toi _q. Butter, roll.........02 2 O 20, wte,0 Polatoes 00e066......000 tl10 Ap1pera ~......0260to--300 Ootm.per bi ......... 080 ýO1 00 Bay, per ton....ot... -00' te090 Straw, per-loadt.. .... 200: We83GO Ride., er owt.ýi...... t go tIl1100 sheepakýinat..........100W o1 25 Deatoens.-......0 25 tW 0 Talew, renderd, per lb eO IM W 0* Weool,9 unwa i et -l......0014W 1)2.0 LambSkns-., . 000w 50<) -)>elta............0 seté 0G - WanU D.UO.Maodonell, ,Wbltby Clark, Jani. , FiL 1, star"h 1, àÂru M(ay 3t Jane ci JuI7 39 sept. 6e Nov. 51 De. 6, Je. 9t, 190«., O8MAWA D. o >aodonell, Wbftby, Cl:wk auiû,e bZMarh 2, il NtoV. , Doc. 1,4140s. 10e 1907. Clerk, Jan. 1litrch6, ytu 5 sept. 10V Nov. il~u.1, 1lei. Peny, Cak, w h8jýa lux 3 19E. Qoeld lux- brIj~ ler, J 2,match 16, May 1 2% y O,,1,No,. 23, Jn.2 HEats 6 66 64 66 66 66. 66 66 '6 66 66 6 whes h. fbn4u eout. 1hat work l uet. E6ave th e «it"anad the dolars will talke care of them»ueves Now anid theibu Som of Oulm ex. rhaugs Iul« r egneons-the sensàd Who t uou dogâ-evideslly as> a uesr proteotion. Tiere lire- veclo tdo%%l WhICh are a sOurce of terroi 1 c40 or QimoePersona. but rieetcanot- otherwhs. b. rot. Tien- 111e?.are lie genis Od«a wbIo plas: hieand g0ome1 lu your garde:# orý tlo erbd-ýpolsoniDg la the sl rcof et etIu. Dots have no Mo", rilit toi rua I large any more, lin' p!gs « 0** olty a i -mu- aoplla* xrsssI irhe omta~tives ol iorIi Ontar- 10 bIave nowmiptedCatPtln $Aael a. of re, < àbr»lge. au tlr * a- i 1

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