Whitby Keystone, 19 Jul 1906, p. 4

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4-arg Autuber eùIýse tbmine- vç a,*bàraparty, at Xi*Annana- W> co4r&utib of NZ.erawka, bas been uuingt the past week at the b<*e or b-stster, lMrs. W. Âilawa.y. ts.W. J. m-irquisao4twd ehuiI-. ren, Of. Two UBanIr s M.In. ple a iew 44Y& at the homec of T. B. On Tueadayý atternoion about forrty £*ubers ot the two bodies-of the. -ô£et o Eriends »ut at the Çewe- tery and speikt tbae day in ,enoisatlng the «rounds. Tombstones were plcd uprcqper position, the grounrd. &I ~l levellcd, the treeâ tuaoemed and iabrubs that were n,>elesâ %were dug up. As a resuit o! the day's w&rkt tW e enitery haas now a nent and tixly appearance -and reflects g:reat credif. up*n those who'took the mýatter -In hand. Durl'îg the. day -aili repaired toi the churcbi-yard adjoin- Ius the. chureb wbere ail partc'k of disuer. 7fhs step taken b>' the' j "Ud» le one tlU mi~t i e tollowed b\dther denouiinatUons. Too niany onteries tbroughïou-t tite countury reallowed to get loto a state tint >slufr0'» be>ig rreditabte te thosé whoi have echarge oft theni. lr.. Jotn Curmiel and daughtear are spepdingi a weiek wlth triezida. lu -JW. J. Clark leit on Monday' mou"- Mb o lisonburg, where he lias se- oure a goc(G pOaItlon un the Tîlson- Iburg Observer. The fzequency o! raina la cauaing nmre degree of auxity ln regard 11o the, hauve&tJu ofis le hIVy croit. -Hýtiit year, as; a rule. In an ex- eellent crop, and the oliY thing nowv tnî be deiured ta a couple O! weeks of flue weatheu to ensure an abundance o! flrpt-clas 8huy. B 0W MANVIL~ frte remaila Of lMr. (Thomias Hoar, the. late chie! o! theBowmanrilIkPflue' briqade, arrired here Ob, Monday froni LxmAutMgelea, Cui.. near wh* C ity' ho was kllled a week agol b>' anefec- trio car., Mr. Hoar was at Wtfilow grobk, about ten w»ler soiuth o! Los Angeles, ,laiting Mu.' William Sandu- coc.aformer realdent here. .In- teuding toi take Sn -eletric car Into Lobt Angeles, and seeinc one approach-ý Ang, he atarted toi run for the other -side -ofthte track. It la a double track, and Mr. Hour had toi trosu btbtraékmr to get on the riglut aide of thoi O0r. T~he cars d# not stop attspoInt except wheu tbeuw* are lpaoàmeigers toi alîlt or tie>' are- Ilagged. -'Ttiita car was travelling at a ratelo! 40 toi 45 miles anhour. and Mu..Hoitr erI*iitlY mlacalcuiated the. sedj foir lunhait a second more i wm*ld have cleared the. trstck. -As lit véas the corner of the car struet Ii» In. the'.back o'! the beati and shoulder -andi threw hMm -3W or 40 te*. t, kW- eook, "an# R. a., îWuliamson.--un ter-, lnquet, g«. ýt tii. IV dý eubalm ed, sent et to theý tfatit7Y. >The funeral took place X0oDaýy afternoon from t i. fan*ly rewidence, ht*ng very largely attended, and waa cocducted by Rev. John Goodman, of Crane- ville, amslted by Revs. William JoiI- tiffe, Thos. W. Jolliffe, Veran M H ]Kmcry, of Bowaîanville, Bey. D. 0. Crossley, of Wb.tby, and Capt. Lamb of the Sairation Army. The floral1 tuibutes were beautifuL. t he followinq iâ the. programme o! the Kinssile Eî>worth Leaçue of the MejthodIat churcb) froin JuIy, i»0o, te> Jan., 1907. Jaly 4.-Rer. J. E. Robeso~n. Humil. lt.y the Fcoundation Virtue. Matt. 20. 20-2$ý; lI Peter 5.5. tCiýnse4C- ratton edi. Jut.y I1.-MLIssfep S. Lawrence and K. Thomenpon. Forglvinag aec Beng Fo'rgren. Matt. 6 :14-15. ' Jui7 18.-Miss F. Noble. Uow lean 1 be a true Frieuid.Pzo>r. 17: 17; 124:9-10. ,.. 9 Eew jul3 y25.-Scçia1 Committe tofflc taken Up.1 Aug. 1.- Mmuiouary Com. *Hbw Metho£âls Cou tended fur Civil and Relloes Liberty. Aug. .-lIer. J. E. Robeaout* Duty, Pririlege and Excuses. Luke 14., 115-24. Conmecratjoo Meeet4ng wlth VTpecîut Tbougbt <4f Our Pledgea. Aug.1r. F. Rogers and U. r. Lewis. My favorite Parable and Ps.i. 119:97-104. Aug. M.-Mrs. C. J. StevensSný Whit Ir, the-sin of Phariseeism. tukel1ll: 42-44. 1, &ug. 29.- Mlslonary Coa. 1Row Methodiam ln Canada Became une Body. Wh" A" Plo "IIor Hemorrhos e yI P tUwOIU viuIC f01131n10and about " i.orifice of t*o rectum, iud becsiinof ti the hlng, sUagitgsen- matinsproduced th"y cause the ken eut sffering Imaginable. Mies are spoken of « itchings bIlnog or protruding, according to whlch syitom 19 most noticeable, but ove7 £otrm of plesis accompari- i.4 by fSings of minry and un- essinesa, wiiich can scarcely b. de- scribe&. As' a cure for pile Dr. ChaWSe Ointment stands "loe. It ss pos- itlvily gusranteed to give satis. Ver. %Iow - fàInet biseue mie. ain t huw w. soourms. ;iake 4:28430; Luke 1;44 Le Sept. 26.-Mu.'J. S. CoIn"r anadMr. r11- Mowbray. À stron; -W,111 ami hpw te get It amid'»be It for'Teunp-. erance. 1 Peter 4: 1-11. Oct. .-Rer. J. E. RohbezondMsso au>' mctîc-g. Fo'wadng and -Devel- ovpment o! Methodist NMissons. Oct. 10.-Mu!. ILR. R.liiwbray ladt li2a% B. Lawton. The Commami. ni.nts He' le! I. us. Our obe*»nee. John 13 -1-1.. oct. 17.-,.Mer:-- E. Willsmi, C. Law-j ton. anid JZobert Pilke>'. Who are foollish and! iho are triae., .M1t t. Oct. 24-Mis9 C. Corner amdigr. V. Parklns. Faithfulneàs. Luke 16: lj i Cor. 4:1-5; . 2:10., Oct,. 3.-lins. C. J. i$teren»oM and Mise M. Trip'p. Our Héritage ln UWnitoba. 'rth-Wes.t, and British NoIr. 7.-Rer. J. K. ]Robeson., ,Thef Bieusduesa ort Communion with Christ. John 14:15-26. ~ LAW OIAS25& Issus i=%. doamL&W &W iMes and Oum Nov. 14.-Mu. W. Denain and Mu. C. FoowlIe. U#hnlsL*a lite, bis sorrows. ami how ho bore titevu. John il: 30., l [u. 53A-35- Nov. -21.-Mu. J. Fowlle. How the, Bibi? condemns lntemr.erance. -A revkgw of ail tetuperanee paaâagex. oi.2.-MiWsoisary nieetlne Mis- I itous amen; the [milans. Dmc G.-BoulaI Commttee. De?-. 12.-Rev. J. . Robeson. Christs Lifte. 14flemof ~ tthe-, msen ords !rorn thp crwia. John 19I. 25,10; Lke23:44-46; Mark 15:34. Doe 1.-MssE. Wagner and %Uiu F. 'Noble. Wh.it trc.fh h as chýI.etiy ,tlpeatlet toi you irotai our year'a Sunday gSchol leâsous.'Ma tt. 13: 52: lia. 42.:11-là; Isa. 58: 1-î2 Dec. 20.-Mua. . Bat-broc. How ean we carry uhe' Chnlatnîuaaspirit through 1907. L'.ale :-0 1 OFÏICFIR. Hon.-Preldent.-lev. J. E. Robeso,. Presl$ent.-Ure. J. Harbron. lot Ye-Pres.-Ms tI. Corner. 2»cd Vboe.Pres.-Misa K. Harbron. ard £lePe.-iaiva Rodd. Secutar.-M. Ry 1owbray. 'rreamirer.-tu sA. Ilodd. FWMlS are Winte andiharrea*t Wbo wlli tii. eoaaa watt- Miss 9St ~tu st. pàUaul., 1f.anm a ntlùig W 8Wsa-nuiv. Ou-s. GMrowéto -GacIph.- Julho Mhoir» to Qrtiaa. Ckex Gumçriuht. to Peterboro. lins. D. Uânton tai Lacknow, - lrs. Wm. rZebson to w0qdstock. 31r. Win. Foley tuoPrinceAie, Alta. mir. K. G. Beaton'to Sarnia TrunneL MisOulie to Airton'. Dr. Lyons and brother to Chigro. lirs. J. T. Burnett 10 Grand Raçr- is, Inch. Mina A. WaIterâ tco Brandon, "Man. Misa Buntînz a to w.aaRiver. iss P. Mater to Guelp-h., Mir .C. W. Ankenlan to Hastings$ The foll.uwing to Silrer Bay, .. Dr. F. F. GobLherý Mr.- C. VV. ýickerv. D. F. C. qdterhensoii. Mr. J. K. Bea tun. Mi, M. W. Ehne--, mur W. E. Writteir. M.H. W. H cksg. Mr. L, F. Chokhlte. Dr. MeKay. Mr. MeTavlsb. Mr&. J. M. Tho4um.son te Newbucg. Umis L. Sandle rto Newburg. Misa A. M. Andrew tai Detroit. .%Usa L. Baird tC> Port Perry. Misa F. Bowermian tci loomield. Rer. J. C. rülobnson t0 Ottawa. M1ss E. Black toi Bolton. Ia% Ji. A. 8con to C<l.,duni;a. ï , ins R. L. Kirk tui St. Mary'&. bis A. M. Nairn u GLait. Mr. J. A. Vance toi Orangeville,. Mr. H. V- Moore to Pjiton. Rer. 0. O. Trooji to MuntreaL mi&,% N. Wilson teo lîgersoll. lmisFL.Moii ita Coburg. lfr. IL. F. Lewis tai Cobairt. M&qas E. E. Bowies to Detroft. irs. IR. G. Strutiiers Lu, Cait. Miss H. A nictin ta i Kngatn Mu.rI. G. trutherii taiGaît. isas M. L. Wilkes lu Prantfor& i Mr. H. G. Latner toi Petenboro. Misx E. A. Bcowies to Detroit. Mi"a M. Ray~ to Peterboro. Misas.1. Goidrnog to Riverdale. Mur. H. KIrk tu .4-t. Mary'a. Mr. IL. Hauknes toi Cornwall. Mr. L. M. Craig tai Kingston. Mi41m.J. Miller toi Markhamn. Mir. F. Marah to iBranttord. liasA. Bill toi kmcue. Mi1m E. Plekard tu i nara Falls. Misa H. R. Cannozi to London. bmisaJ. Andersoo tu Bantings. Mir. B. liasale toi Kingston. M-4is F..L. Ul.hIstoi BelbrltU,. Mm B I. Flemiln& te Londffn. Mlp*, L.. M.Sulth toi Londont. 48 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,4,4,4,4, 4,4, 4,4, 4,4, 4, 4, 4a ç4j 4? 4? 4? 4? 4,4, 4, 4,4, 4, 4,4, 4, 4,4,4, 4,4,4, 4, 4,4, 4, 4,4, 4, 4,4, 4, 4,4, 4,4,4,4,4,4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, HA Plan y assistanc Headqua 'Geair. 's Ladies' 6 r 66 66 6' 66 66-ce 4, 4, s 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, Kade an Canada ron Weil 1 IFLADI1 El% Buy Whi ~AS ieEn o uhIigJiest awanr

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