WHzITBY ONTARtIO THluR8XbAY JULY 19, 1906 )To.1O Wrho the ail ¶~ j' g Vannan v' Surgeon. LrWest. Barber Sop e Royal lotel lE TT E, Prop. mnce in the leading Canada. JIE JOIE iLaujidry fthy for tuvo yearm. reti and gqanitoteeti. us L. South Bida. WE_ STAKE OUR REPUTATION baving evary pair ot fit ted by "us, exsotly REFRACTINO OPTICIAN. ýst. TORONTO. oNrN i rtish 'Colunmbia, MauîlÃŽtoba on the i.'runsivîek on the l'ce t-b'is- Yer. Dils- ,necC to those who mEt. Our graduatea itul. Our acilities i(COt-nîence now. ollege or-en Outiro t tslckue free., O aP.r1n4«PaL Irpoi1 England 70 Kn,Cha D1L. T. M.. OTURROILL. PAMTOR Rabhb neim-iis l.aAMI 7Po m. tWs4& saww lSilo a.. W.wkly PrmuSetvloeomf*uis. PARISI PIgT, RE. FTUMI1tL YNÂLKS sabbu. Sevum.-4A.t &"dIl .akmsIy $à *&*-& 8 eI utp. briglit #440% 01cfJatub*e chai-acter en*îltut* au app<'aI 10 ,rt*xtu i î. Alte. nt.tht ofus4ooIte1<4v,0. Otbori, Troo<î. o!f*Untreât 4, eoitudd tsi. Myr> leetinc sefrn iof Bibi. tudios. fr41owai4 ly u>'a Impresmiiti soi-i-k wlson brio! addreo*eo a ter.<me& b tu,'lve sulauouaTrolUIctrae on tb liii' e ofim, fout of! wboni ý.r, no0r **r allwe'tU4't &0@Wtt CV-ý, f0 Ibo Ca~nsi4Iaa Û.îîadu4tato. y«er'adebugatg* t1là t l. oa$WL db.cotagehaa prî'eu le"tos t. n f«r tIbe samr ise r - . ti-:~~'bo.~<";. ~ - mtre fr*a -11X.. Oèetttyi I#tr. ,costwi b lii- a>the towra n' uat$30 foir hait1 Yr. p*Q. fs*nl9wI taomber P.. PIasbsl4 woebt ,.. 2.., %1 lik v OJ*rplxbd, t"ims»4 <74= L. morpby 7 .xc ., RAILWAY TIME TABLE. Whitby SuvmMer Conference. Icunv<as were etrokingly unirgentlvfi of the woeîdertul posiîittes of the The baance t th- scusons o thé. Thebalnce<ifth~scslon o!the Sunday, the elWElug day o! the con- muitrir ed"ereoelas wfk t theféreoce, was oeao! 4eetp and np- Ontrlo Laiel' Cllee wre f emu-lifting spiritual influcace. There was WE[TB ivt JVTioNq. latIve Interest. A,3 the .endd<r<Iw a nicraîîîg prayfr serice at 9 zeCIOek a ngWmest siO a. a"ongtut 8.U a. .Pear the Intense earaîestness of! thisan srmn1tecoerhllt " " 8.06 p-. . Sunday Il$M9.55 eax uiies30 p. ea onceration meetIng was The 6in.29a.tai o o g en >ody hurisddy's p'rogramme w vldenced hel and the closing servîce at 7.80 Gon WNITUY STATION. thit% rermirk:able characteribtîC o! the o'clock. ThJs conterence marks the a tnNorth VM0a.m. Gongsontb .0a...fronference1 6 ip. 1 .m. et té 40p.M. lhrtpity eaedb te 404 .40 P.ni. 4 4' ?do' c D. .F. Ooqeher,. of lhlti- tforardnlts1on movemcentto! the STAGES. 1 toie. whc' has becn callId fthe yuadopt-oil*i societles o hCn LeavêeWbyn, pirs. 1 e a.u. a.udlpu.tht Internationnt Young adian churches. and ha3 given It a Ldewe. for Brougham mt Io a.m. j. Scott, pro- orcailitI0fl, arrived at the ntmdmpt. 1 Inirioorryco,î(erenCl tbat morn- MAILS ARRIVE. Fri Prou W. and R, 6.45 &m. FromWeand.4the.muplifting Influence of! hlPrpa 'Wet . 9.80 P-M. g $3 ýr-neadwcwda wis nianifetet al Prom Brougham 6.30 p..,rti'i. M50lle Prk' tdpes' aeIvr MAILS <'LOBE. irrdanetistinradeion Proeofdpexûnbv va. for North 7'" &.m.. For Ouawa &M1. . l. lynioet insI lrlng adofrest4 o Ru6t 980 &.M?. W. and E. 6-30 p.M. tnm,,dcvn.ry %vork in liadla. detallng abl olwdproso rae- WotI.6PM M .0P remar.îbIc l n bis g - -lty. Iudging by the trtî;erineoe of! FOna e~rerlnCethtr. T e atethe past a eason of duilneis i. now PROFESSIONAL CARDS. >w tt-mof Indua 1w delîtret to 1hie1wthe trde tbrng on wol liioke oi ctlt t. t ahardiy 1110%ct abom'1¶.;ble sociâl systrinlnt. i-ytecufhsyar Tewo MIEDICAL m-cerid. ~tiic in 1t.;înhlîuer.c. No- hkeIyto COU18 thobn isya.the whotile _____________________________ hing lent al Plied (Crrlictinithy en fi -otilCt theubn lhidsra LEGA 1os1bl brek itduwl. Te actirity, and -t pjroniste of the bar- LEGAL, ,c,*Qlly brea it don.vThevegt ilu th <anida andti t'tsUnitedi ________ i1inrnit o 0fl " '"""r be 'IP. lve tates icaves litileto ho desired. D. rmitos, B ~ux-rit h.îsbern peownî.Org-intz- Mtl. thie kan years will corne, Sohicitr for the Wa.irern Iink, Notary Publie, 1 rd only four yca rs agr) it held .'iev"ni Meb. MOnyt on fenx t05m. eterpffl(<e. -id bas00,000 ..tuti- and for these preparatoiam should ble D@W£ *êiibvry rhre of the beiat eXpdrim ln Amer. Icareti that ln citiez littie ci Sucb Dow -& -ei <lit'yprepmati lu t bes îieDtY.I le Tho h Parristes. Solrîtt#Tp, etc. Mon..y ti Loan. Ici, Ber. Dr. W.V, F. Wtter, Bceton ieaainu aiSmte hs Offloe orp<wdte fluet office. Wbithv. Ont. P p Dr.L.W. ,ornkh1tP C(Irfflnwichl est liormýeti egarding theituation J. B. Do0w, BA. T. A. UraiLLIVtA Y, LL B. an r. r .W.Ehie fl te larger centres appear td lie - -- - NY. ani 3f. M.W. Einet of ew inder the lmiorWun0 that compara. James Rutiedge Yo'rk. tinzht cI $C3 eineoas'Y lveyltkl cb a' b -OIIlluImediatly south of Royal l11o14 Whyitby. f oelran hoti uiî oni .Tnc Sntutndaeosl.tral Onrt tr t.Mnyt aao ay em.eiueo isos iic. Stday rcentageofo!what la being saved liq achooI iras conttnuet bY '.%r. H Tlg npatlekà etfu o.e -~~~~~ ~~At the cvenilg'Ss #epion l lle. Dr. gI~l atIael o oe John En Fareweli, Ku Ce eeîad I'rîîo îtot (oicumlie'T4! by a Illortgage -- honies Barrister, County Crown Attorney, a.nd 1 hIs anvnînced stib.Wot, Cat ia. to wîzt that Mlay Prc a lotit raLlier than -Jouxlty Solicitor. Otice-South wing, h' îerm.ed n heart tO lw.îrt tnik On a heup when eîxîplaytnent 'grows of Court Flouse, Wbitbv. nr~tft'~~ ecarce aîndi îages go dowa. 1 pwairi tio 111i4.sio.ry11< On the tarin. again a.ccordîng to the ,,uw a.pctset hcînlcloar rrb-best ev1deîîce available, a different DENTAL lem. The rotaintic <Mentent 114It otIt eteuI mrut. nl h andi the .Ipiw.il bitmu w elY on sym- course lsbli.prud ht hiI W, Adamead tdit ofthe wa-le couICe etravagane in living, andi Wets fieoe . AdS4 utni&u St. iîathy for the cr. itaC if ht liroqislderable lbuses hav~e b1Xen Raléue.-O.4, The Ta'rracC. fByron st., Wbttby, -then bacg Cveutj.ac to dfa'pr conl- open Saturday evilizc. <fl<>oOf tht pîitxsiqet ofGot Inlu ustainectin afooliali lnvestimnts iln _______________ ,lin 511 lilutlidoer lofntio. tceks. fetili teUit Ulk of rcent ac- jîgh lito eery at eunulatoes bas gone to wipeoitf CHURCH DIRECTORY', -À Tte whulc dgty ut Uicfor reproducrive -. le wpreacli Uhe whole Ghpel t he i fbrgg5 i'frrpoutv i- prbywianChua1. holo ereatlon. Pro'vecnt44 andi to plileUp. a re-' un he tserdfchelnft1Olfl erveOTInlathe batik. PASOR-.RkV JOI? ARRAMA3I. i Ontario !urureswere nover tu sueh gabbth knUiee .. 11. .and7 . m. gud i Conerncedrw I . lmpI< 'e'e't a gond po.ltion tô tUdt over CL lir- %1hm lana le Ma$ ('~5at 3 p. Mi. Prayer 3Meeting <it treti on pla tir. Iopracltli4liy i !dpeuo ste r 'unTbuuda evulu ahS odcak. î~alie is îaluhleeugt'itiOis. day, and i ila sweIl baiti. for them. *hdtTsuSi. Atter study closMat and tf llgti- Mua-eeand4 the cotantry. Ygelerally fiat REV. P. 0. CRO"I.£Yl AMRTOL ttub of methodit Friday nornlig two tist -vet itbiiServiee.-IOl.Sfa'. i. and 7TP...mRs- verynterp*tinîz addrex.ee wivre heai< bS srdW«ky$n lay tchooI ai 2.50".P.m. Prayer Mettug onThun. 1---- lay ,venitig at 8 oclock .f rom IRev. Dr. Xiiireat. Indla, retiuru. Meig tTw Cuci - -- d mlppio<iary ofthe VItIr bouer~'e AIlSai8nt.' hlWOh, AÇ#ii@fl iîyterian Churelà . and Utet. Arthur RUiOTOR-IIEV. A. IH. WRIGHT. oLait <if lpn oettS huret Mutai*Ion- The courwl u et onda>' slght.Ai Ilgo lat'oety ~tho members liraent excer't1Ur. Alln. -&ts . 7.0 *y ttg-mwan *- DrS'uget1ttolti a mosIenlrourîg- A COîMUSataion (roi he on tarlo »ing *tory o! tast yeir's revIval 'i> In- 3Iuffiillal muoclation ira at, iak- dttnza"- L»$ . dia. Ur. 1^x Grelaré ed were lî tt-inc ltaI the COUncal appoint deeatea PREIT'S Pîepered Suge Preserve Without Cookng. )988 eawyer, o! montreal la le h guest of 3fr. 'and lirs. Denyes. .31 3fr. ma aoantibride, o! Green- bank. vialted at lira. A. Ohbion'a. Mfr. A. Cauldwell, e! Toronto, îva, ln toîvu on Tuesday of this week. Miss Etina Pern "a15 endlng bell. days ln East Toronto and Penetang. Mr. andi Mrm. Lovey, of Cincinatti. are virlting ber mother, lars. W. J. Mayor. M r. and lrp. W. Ward, of Baam, vîiteti at ire. A. Gibtioie Iis week. 31t'.- Leo V. Coffe>' bas bepu ap- î.dinted to the staff o!f1the esthtrn Bank ;ît Taî-IutSik, Ont. liev. Lee (romi Japan ant i sster were thecguets of lire. Dowawy dur- I ng tie aumajur confeTent(c< ah the colleme.1 1 Bev. F'atluer Hartie>' and i& choir 1-oye o! $t. Mathias churcli, Toronto, are expecteti shurtl>' to camp at HRinshinoie. Mr. Wué. Nourse. a former Wlbtby port master, but now ot Worester. Maxs., la sîending a fcw days wlth olul Whltby trientis. i lire. Egleson uneo MasEdti Dow. ney). of Caîmeton, Que., le a welcon* rialtor, lie guest o! ber parents,U3r. J. H. a nd bft& DJiw ney - I rs. Whttleld bais bati as a guest aIhcr Heydnahodre ecttage Ms Smnth, of! Dallas, T«.Xaý, neec Bitta Ftti.kney, one turne a atuticut at tbhi Colleglate Inatitute. Mr. IL. H. Jametuon, whÃo mou>' years ago conducted a grocery burtinesa ln the stand 1Go ouiled b>' the Key- litoane, la tn town thîs week, thie guéat of Mfr. Maex. Iringle, Mv. ,lamagsun looke hale andi he-irty and reports thîngs as boomIng ou the ceadt w bêe ho 1-q still ln business. FOR SALE- BY A. Tl LAWL3 4Phone 47 ýQulity Firsit -mproved Leam1n4g lYlammoth 'Sout, -0omotor Tho*n JHDi SOi TFRIUS t'S-51*mn.. 'nais,' -vol1IV.O Don't swe1ter over ahot fii'e wheni Prett's Pulverized Sugar wilI- do Most of the worke -Goud nitrbie la nmnclulas deoend, andi %.srarel>' dlttlbated; Il ;^ 1 therelre, a ver>' valuable kind> of rock. Tie announcement o!', te dl-- corer> o! -an Immense deposît - aar Dantro!t, Hastinga. count', fis, thero- fore, more tnsu ordinarl,> Interait- Ing froin an economte tpoint o! view. NO 8NAPfl. Ire tie Mau te tat la Iookltw fora "snao "if rxe a it la cob.dered as i anap la cino limesila ten 1 he resuit of iucb drdqiWo ef- fort ne -would make tise unapihunIer weary ho conhemplat0e 'iteérila >a a <vie Iamanager or o». o!hiile larges L ci>'basiaandi goe $15000 a year, , who la lbe evofi' o! isewlo imagi»e god bei-lb. are In ti ilt of tiseMta., le in OiI1 h u s ines (remp i 0arn , a 8 .. tut bat I iai u'e bila alusoat wa»eveoit trd io Qn eoboîz: »*7.3( o a le dtonnewtti bifs itud-ilu8anti Care- wora fae. 4%mI#er lfie prosperous nuerobanft wb*<> tba t tift'Up a large t'ra olelldollar. ,i J4 Uy#a"d C«l hlm t,«i"ileu01ten omie *Om &yi b 1tell' y11 wbtgbusprenat *lu>- Whitby