Whitby Keystone, 5 Jul 1906, p. 6

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G(1eW Yorik TLneM.) Il, ookl100,1Wfôr thé amimal" ditor," remjarkjey7 tùe gr>*veyouug man with, the. Thd t-h niseho,,eame to tihe Timeq ofielaaeet 'I~egnn thie feller that uts lu te .papcr tbdemn'atonres about' .tbo ntelligence of bulldawgs, I waut to -r%1 wWtim on thamt sonne." The eemport-ar-said limat thre caninsedeI. týor i we îoiîn4 tib rs,«>er just thm< de-, ciding for, a' inàU ioth« ra bul.dog W l.h Ï wbité' me' imd a broDwa eye cou4d sec bmt eut of teýwite'ye or te brown - ctt rei4oning ecould bc Ildt for hin. "Vieil» 3tultnued' tue ,grave 'ycung t.,t11 Aý nb ut £bllda& g. I iwant to meuon ' *t.b hîmibcrnt bhe infelli- r ceWthey'tc getting Into then dom uboutit. Jt oz9ihes~b topêd. It'a The,-reporter eald Ie'd ueethe editor *bout lt, and wuit.ed becuse dt was eri- dent that -the Viztor had eomething on bû mnlnd. % «When a dawg," obeerved the grave young -matn, «geto the deteotive h&bit ruirber aimne out! it, wlth a jagi dictlotary, Wi tlme gaine, 1t' tizue that breedin' 'em that fine was utopped It's unnaturai îitâ liconstitilonail and caîxses trouble ln the. fa.mlty. Thero i.s, in fiit, trouble In My famlly amnd t.ht trouble i doo te * buldag-Uostofl kfnd. "It'. tIitis way: MI bti*inecs,. the div- esupplbusineas, makes nme a mnixer, Win somutinica l'm kep'out late. Oonse- quontty Mn.T Blenkinaop, My wfe-m'y Dame ite' BIenkisop-got lonely sud Ib. tltmght sbe'd like a littho dawg for eompainy lu the flat; whereuimon I buys ber the dawg titat anme &Lwg wàîlch la COW makin' ail thie trouble li n M family. ."He'sa flne mset up briridie, with a re- norkiable head ou hlm ,tbough I dda't t.hlak mue/b of that at te time. I got hîm roui Jers'T Maloney, a friend of mfitte titat wa& in the lhquor busness on tb corner around frSm wliere my husi- atMe ià. The mother was Jeiry,'s nnd the Mte~ belonged te a gent nt 'the settiles ment acroas the way f rom Jerry'. place. t Ilked hlm ion account cf the businemg- lIke'wo.y tlbat le took the soasout o! the reVibt6Ver tisat Jerry brought'home, uad Jerry, preferrin't .he retnioýver, aw 'it bc6'nolmceloir tu-of etomImd a &a thlm. 'ýTh& aa al right.Witon I took hlm home thie *Id lady was dolighted and they *truck up fa-end. et once. Bein' sonely, atme U8ed t e akoihlm h 'ir 1a «P' -bll hlm the troubl«es h ad vi%/ lii. jonitor tand iuy aunt Sarah, and they b.d àn tzndlenaauln' lu110otinte ut ail.1 "BeemeciW e oCOUM d muiwtand, oT pretond ho- ld-ztebough I ca't. believe. »w w ofter vîtt b. did Vo that J44tto, auI tbte-.wax inucitpretense about t- 'Wiat Oh. sald to hlm, snd .h. certInly 4oulId-bell .whst ho wau-t.od vienée .gave -ua cf tera quee.r 4tti nortts'of bis *O aiow thatl LewAnW b i, s mtlolled ci, lts st u atled o4, whateve bé il. OU 'M 11iê hM «oMe veeks w'hen 1 WPa. kmp 'oUt lato onsamtter ef buiS- J.rrt7o plaràand'I'b. to hold my end lu"hih 1 dd. Oonsequét.ly Ireachea hàM tà« aaly i thbe Morulg, timugrh befor e it.ui k Tgot aroiund, sot St *4bo a~~,s.~ q*s <'I 4 1 £ btef uhicti 40n the cILA2IOmuW 0()P THE~ WORLD agaanat 21 Amoricaa. British and Canadian manufacturera, autiia a two montha' tborough trtaý,.Mada hi, GOOLD WfZTt I1C.LIMTIUT vomesClose up to nme and ta kes a'" ox>iLar~uudMy moutlt, taichi' In thOi l>gbb beth &ÃŽn me. iMen L, drops Ibis toitsnid trots 4bAck tober ÏroIn and I bear 41M along the msaerhu bosde her Wed "d MutI&O a loadra wt out reMark lu bit w- ýï dzgcu tMt ooded sneii'UeUa "And the next thitig I knew <ny wtt. waa out of bed and aaudW ?overme, witl -the daUwg ln her armm, telld' me how I oughe-tr e'b asaned of myseif, dkgain y familyr bv 6ay in' out with Iow companions, ddi' ligiIs sud swappiWnk4ories whên my wifs aind our 'a.ngel chlb'-she ment him ,iii. bull- dawg- woe waitin' up loeey for me te core home. Oh, Yo'ung lger, She gave me rets. %Whmnevrltriqd totelihmr abocut business or anythin' Lce I/at se eut me off ehcrt." MARTYRDOM DESCRIBED. Kingston Man 1s ls ov He SiMuw. and Hiow lie vas Cuued. tyr," ls'how Cha. IL * Powe,61 of105 Eigian otreet, Kingaton, lie- gins his *tory. "A martyr to chkizaic con.ipMou, but now I a.mfreefrom it and aIlthtbougb thbe use of Dr. Leoub.azt's 'Anti- CHA". IL P0FWELJPU ,1I wu. faduied to try Anti-Ui» by reaiding ttstimony.ofomeon. uls bad been cursid of constipation <q IL. I had auf fered foreIbteeu yean "sd hà4 balca on mnof atuf! recommenda<i as cures, but whkh moae m voS»erater ,ths** botter. Doctore told mne thm ons no cu.e for me Dr. Leonbmrdt"s Anti- PM» cured Me.» SAil desiora, or thé. Wlsoit-plu CO- Litcd, x1sarm a ln, Ont Sambo Dowleie Nov PoeM, Ilt1s la the voolog, the i.vnin& ,the. gracous, the. maldenly'June-ready for brid, for the trito love, for tàsii. on love, sud cs.tuilg *IL -And nov thore are oooe pgn luansd lte supremoeLuata oI And Dov, too, boy rlch sMd voluptuous are hemounla , wftth biaItwoodlau Japon o Marpk h 130. dstihzishla<] battiesltips, mut sand buÉc1iný, toiped vêsslsboredoboi - estroYers, b orpedo bea s sd subunarln, bulht . buffldg Piper yesterday. The numbor of bâttialtpeo!e. countnies -la as tfleva: Great Bultai,1 ,6l 'rànSuc; 9 'iusi, 1, easy$1 17l>, ý6 . i- e %tte, 15; Japan, 1IL 114; FrunceS ;Rpsio,, 13$ Germait>', 47; Italy,.25; Unitedi Stabe, 3; JpÃŽ, Torpedo vossels, borpedo boafde- stroyers sud torpedoboaetfi: eat Bni- tain, 251,- France, 361;, Rugs, 247; Gr- znîny, 18 Italy, 152; Unltcd iStato., C4; Japaxi, 111.' Submarnues: Great Britalu, 25; Tram-es, 39; Rluxsis, 13; Germainy, 1ý Italyt , 2; UJnited Stite1. 8; Jfan, 5; Great Britain ip thte only country 're- tunning scouts, 'the number entered being 8. Under the. building reburn 1t la abowuM tbit Great Britain la uildng ftest- elaie battieshia,1hemr rses 18 borpodo boat destroyers--and 15 euh- marines. France:ý Six first-alsssbattis. ahips, 23 torpede boat destroyers, 52 bos'ped boats.,sud 32 >submarluiei. Ituia FPour f lrat-plussbattleahlps, 4 armored cruisers,'! ffrat-clas protected eusars, 20 torpede boat destroyers sMd 15 submarlnes. Germonyt Six tint- clous battieships, 2 armored erulsera, ô ,zecond-clsuprobccted cruisers, 6 1cr- pedo boat destroyers aud 1 aubmafine,, £experimeuttàl " Italy: Four fls-t-elas battlehepi, 2 snsored craisers, 4 1cr- pedo boat dostropers, 20 torpedo botta, and 4 ubmWnum London DsIly Graphie. U£D TIUML ZisaIluilEpiomalua gi" anoe& Augusabue -BirMeilthe. fltlh Viis- ter of eduestlon, wiý f bées fsclag a great demi et crtticism, h his country, as an able. eplgram'ýnaker. lu's rosent- adérees Le aaid:I "If thi.ebflidr t te futur* az'e ho b., viser tbtan thoir ftorefathers lu ýpro- pportIoaitte _ a spolç4g# u bad - inge luvhlch te>' ,recels'. thetr e.Iaca- lion ail tii. yOWWug ,P19,ol14,. gael«ey wiii be Kewt«n or D an." .1D1eputations am a ftom of torture of I L ave had quit. sufficlent <«- 1I regret titat se aof the flne ti'eos that veto lu your <rounds have h" t o lie aalficod, but Il, la s most disagre- able thiug ho Lire s flue four-but st cricket iuterfèred *vIh tby tha bougis e! sre bra herwr ,beulu k" aSinS i have boas at hie boued c education, 1 bave beceme aeq"slte4 vit a rat msa y bardverd&j. "Différence of edumUnotila Me4ia f- fereuc e boeen peopla vi0 are' e4 eduesteitd ltes. ibo art bail>' du- #,$o momentory elueStlon eais a« make me otheriso thas »«»ou»lin . preseuca of theadumater."t 5liuosikespae vus not a pro. e -oAlosly sis ver"OsDethg Y Soap is a pefGI 9,cleaner and ruai trijure anydùhng. WinI Best Ford bousehold pur, pseiSnliztSýoeps super* ioriy is ffm~cnpcos the washing of clohs Coon S mpsdero die paited or varnished irfacesof vwoodwork "n take the color o f cte -Even the dsintutlie or lace ortedimsdelic calots nmay besafelwaShe4 withSukgbtSop i -dw Sunligt way (folkv dr.' Equal ygod wkh tu",, or soft watoe. 1%amat~fessqlk lemadiatm ls TISS~airaoeutby lt ole%,vtn4 Of. UZimesaJO làthe saututios_"Iaitien twoééd ethluacmost prtsn 'Mt forudm tla e vr r soe Aio of Itt nce f pibmotirem o. .ê atL" v iy a1ple tem"t qv-' wans oaayu n %uWa~a w au U ta I rytas bmaum.. A lve, àmol leu) eua amSa slev. PrOmInent miu. hI im marcnêait cour"e, bgvqbut bMe nvQaUSom ý_ýýd solutùI sae, hou stuosbrought hlm la A lunette g un s osIum lu LoUlsI*u Ic- Veatcd àa tliumachine, toiar VUL au unIque m.hod of aspandug Si tu M-air. Atmospheto. prMUMre olu fittesu ponds, b the À>aýa' ai, gelhave simpir to ÏsUhaut S t air frein above MTil t.si ia our- m4ou4s ar-puMP fled o hadoL. aPd -tbo air pr.sdire enuiiutl5- port the sblP.1 tl h. e llluhurnored this 8aenma by' teîting biu the id.. ve a a gooutil but ltai ho would nued * a câomiar PIMP On top ofthlie tiret, to exhumet te i& tbsi vould ho pressig down , 1ha1 lump. sd Otder, that, a"d s.ou.n but ha doolqed h.o Oe made a modal, that voebed spIiedly. lHe sUd: "h tlevr about.-tbe room Mm a sbird. Uufortumst.y, «0i iaov oheuoed to We opena t the. Ume, so t flev out sud 1 therre flstlLu ?ia a' Upautuntendeut et moother ayluns Ji puentWhoevoiv" a .Pian Me s~. li.Idefts ~ to sond up a overtW al on t10 tiheiahest polb alSudie wth a omble sttaed.e& th reluuweou Or t.ecarti on Its axis the bevoId, ho deciared, We laid completa. lIF vo«Uaith earth 4a twenty-four houes Womm Xoaey £&Imma T»unort.unately tise majority of vo- MMt., money 0ur"romain sm&tmw& t, beir work as well 'a lu th*i. e IOMOIahrntiiansd Studies. They-ofteu If bLeufo yesrs vititout eculaidu b* mýàeut to botter advantoge fs vom~ari la to sor4 ,money at sut . ahb" d e. ot put ambition and en. *rg7 inbo her work to aSoomplh as much as, possible Siteahould Dot sllow4eI î f to Ibe stlsfled. itit dolug a~tMîtbort bt liber boi luvtaei *rdtskeI, t l. by no meau dtrible j that aIl womm abould ba mouey eamers but It 18 mot lm prt- t~hnut Ch Lt.a:0 I oD ruMswYOUon osvay- Dr ia The doe. 1~ lo k lk1o frome fool This 0 Iodammer?4 Ulm th asr nlse aaeuli a. vdb> mue ir St5 LaIwomsTp yet tiiumti* auide. "NUARaU TO "Tm SE.. b MUSi S tis Ip~slag sa le bb sot l mae C sck «Oau't i Indu. ento go te ciii isked the tunest ovsAwl.t "lPerhâgp - jQ'o have Borne i - egJ4"h huri that MA~Yb.- "Noi - 1 lt t. - w gno mine vu* s home voddfuo0 1%0 Tirif t>'Freob Ptassat (NeorkenWoZld4 bbe titrifI *bd lodustryeofthbétep voitisti -4et~eS'-ai Aglo4 M > orue Tm va l lo!>ut lai .ev.. placesb>'shrt'b, ceastreugth. i sIed <ne. Ti04thre ft IL. cuhe <Mail come, empires erashI -ose beard acu, but ue oheU.b lts la republies, ui ownofoui 0" àte4 s t -bo g tl' aen ii ~n suit. At lait a doctor ad4viaod Me te us. lion. Thte îevotio: MMNAIM' Lpmdxw sud ln tour ovuer sud no- aidt Imw sok'Um. oretvau b.aI.dnd chafige otlIdst$*lý the bin bai rwn virs' aoein. u e1trsy>'fr vood'l lis !rku.-1n'ntv p 9 <1 ËM M]neDtary.-L Bolw to gauiàil1teâ <(M'25-28) 25.'A -certain ~ayr sProfeéSaetcnjUiterpreter oi 0 1h ofMO§"-. USualîy a noted seni ~ <tachr ad bd a company (il dsel e1s about ii. SodUp- ýjeu .ruus-4e been iu Borne building, dis- AOUB1~ onsome uubjeet thatsuggesteé 1:jt SuetIolu askcd. 'by -thie law>rer Tem , hm--Or .e9ted him. The ques. tion ýwas1 not asked* from amiy desire t( knwiaowu duty, but fer the purposo :ýOf beatiulg the knowledge of Jésus. e 'l laid e. theologicai trop, but te hoped-foi pry alked titrough it sud left- him hI t.Maclaren. Master-Or tahett a s..rabbi. To inhemit eternai- lite- ri.queution la highly important. "Eter &!-È lieis te true 8-piritual lite -f ti * SôUl-thait whicb. je natural te it in it - bighitetstite, and of ail things in th! kwonId is mont wortity the seeking," Hi ueùîio was, How can I become a cii Qêand a possessor of that trui lgpirtt-m lite that 'wiil endure. forever? N:2L*r What is written-.S9 a teacher o the lswýhe ahodd ée able to tell, and- h vas- ý'*bI"e, as his answer shows. Hoç readest'thou-Witat we gain from th, BibW!,depends upon "how" we rend lb. 27. Se ainswering said-lIe replied b quobiug btegreat eummary et m&Wi dtoward God ln Deut. vi. 5, and stat*ùient of the la*w of, love from Lci -xix, '!8.-Cook. Thte lawyer proceeds t give _ë correct answer, ene whicit Jesu appreved. 'Thou sitalt love-The religio of th~e Bile dmeznot consist of goodei tralc-tts in prayers, in our zeal fc !01i46V, lu performing te deeda eofbû *Iawi r, lu being made htappy, but in li to God and man. "By tiis love the. soi eaersy cleaves te, affqctiOuàla'eya m itres, aind constantly tests Ii Go em , eely pleased and saitisfied wt Lii tact from hlm, as its author; <c bdm,a as lb. nmaer, a nd bÃ"hm as-il endi ý-byil tta whole man l iIln surrendered te the Moat ligit,-aina j rua&de a partaker et. bite divine nature. Oui, love te, God u-hou4ld be: 1. Supremi 2.Cratn.3. Actice. 'Ouï dutY t Goed forbids: 1. Idolatry.. 2. -ienderin obedience te amy ereature lu oppositie to lhe will of tbe Oreâtor. 3,Yieldiu obeience te our ou-n wil -or desires i gpoiion te bis will.-- 4. LovIng amy, thxgwhlcithbuhi orbidden. 5. Lovini «bst ho hais ollowed us> te lovelin =mer, aind to à, degree - tat -ite ha fOrbidden."-_ Wayland. AUl thy heart- Tu asupreme, affection te GÙJ4. Tiib hoà jt bbcseat etfbte affe<ctiohs, dè %irs,/ motives snd vil. "It t iate'cutr otýýAli phvsica and -spiritual *lite, lii -0eatral tjcu' from wviici al bte ray 2oèf1'tite moral-.Jite go fortit!" With a] thy Se 1,11iêJoVUs- OQ& vitis ail hie-so or,-i'ather, wibh ali -litslu, hoiséy i t0-giV6 Up lite for hie saike-to- endur and suifer ratiter titan dîsitonor God.- Vl~k.Seul ia the individual exisi ene, t e pr$onuhmit.Or1>1' iii #I tiiat'_ h- -eextent of'g9 lag aU of!1Our ptsidal çesl h -7iJ 1~ .1' - Se ulightum 1 l 1

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