Whitby Keystone, 21 Jun 1906, p. 8

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cure Tbai >toiýd! WILLIS Cuom POUYii Syup Of WiePine * nd ,Txr Cures Coughls, Colds, BrJnchitis, throat and hing troubles. 2-5c per Bottie iJe Es WILU$S aruggist Optician Brock st,. Whltby. [County Town Ilav Dumadg, plit yotir carrnage. (Io to G. K. Thonpson'a for walI --pnper. TlnL4înithing, plu'nbi;ig, roofIng, ialid ail work promptly atteaided to and satisfaCilmtiin uranteed. Prigle's Hardware Store. LOST. Bunch of ke>rn. FInder kIndi>' leave titKecystone off ii.. Mrs. -. T. MAthion wan called to Haumillon,_pn.-Mïturday, owlng te the death of a relaive. The band 4tand. wiii bc rea4y' fo~r te baysoen thii retnrn (rom camp. tThese are thie days whien the mati next tioor arises at 5l a.n., and starts cint te mokel a lawn rnower record. M4rnm hILes#ie Derereil 1Ias' loft t, for- MirrI e, Man.., 011aa exteiodd irip. Misa Fentin of Northt Bay', hein -towpt, a guest %f iber sIxtex, rs d., Moeurs. James Ayre andi Stuart - Wellïs, ot Torun to, viaited over S'în- Jday lIaut w th fremnds ln town. The>' --assimtoc the choir uthtie Methoiut ITabornacie-con ibunda>' eiening. -W AN41;E D. A mmart girl to tàkt: orders, Ptc..i ýn Dumidgi's dore, at onîce. Good Mn. Chas. Snit. etfToronto, lau hol- daylng -jwlth ldlierenta at. Port -ýWhttb-. Mr. Wiltlam MefAiward, of St. Cath.- latinm, la a gueiit ah. Mr. J. Y'-. Pater- *Mr. Da,! Cîmibeli, ot Chicagou .no lbl,vacatIou In town. - Miss-Lucy andi Catherîne Mmitb, Gi Hamiltôn, are vlxitlflg thelr au'arnt, -Mr@. Major Sm.ith, Dundan -St. East. hi lulasx tY Yeons aZci ibis nommer $Ince St. John's. churc.h a tue Bay' »ias ojiietiOùOa Soda>', .ly jst. co10emeOratlQn' bttVit'eu 'ili be b1*14. ýàa peciai sernces ,preached b>' (ho Re.E~A. Mointyre, B.A., o ]PiAis churci,, roronto. In the . - ternoo>n'nt tbrec aMcock a patritie = 'umiilcn »>"'serviee wliIl blis he - -, t yoâhlgpeuple. The -nevyI. t -- l arrnani speolal Muqlc for,(oa. nesrvice. Mach ioistoiric laterout os. 'ires aiouid tI8isdlaiiiomd-JIbIlee q Lhe olulest chuzed ln Wlr.tby. FV4kU5T. n e n ry Ward icehr nid, "Cocetbe'. Fanat 'hai <otusmûrc 1-Ã" elevath. prt and Illistrate the . IIiutr;t 'fi ~If(rsu~ etvengoud and ,"ij rhwa thea (le B.ZIIQD8erer pp«dbd.ý* Lrer 4aréd on In (ie wor14 «,. laos I. tit*t. ola"S tNtss- be hre bnôcüin 1pauâL. Men Wh fiVeta. ieo 86 tu 42, &il the ûewe ± pfaj..terzim, for $125, *. $1.50O and $2. 1. M. Rous Paibta, ready nii.x6cl Or mixed to order ,at DnInad'cs. FaeDulmadgc grala oer hQuse, ClJURCH SERVICE. F-unda>', June the 24th belng *thie fegt!val of Sj. John the. Baptlit, the Marnons here wIli attend divine » err vice in the evening at All Saints'. l1ýev. A. H. rêht wmit efflcîate. WIfOOPINiG C(OU GH. «,Ny three yùungest boys had who.oping coingh tIiis vnter. and we eo'uild get nothing te help thent uhtl 1 j sent fur Dr. Cha8e*ti Syrup of LIn- &ceed and Turp.±ntine. It arrested the couglis aL .once, and the>' kept right cmn turj-ovInC (1î;il they were curcd at thie cost, of one dollar. , Thait wat; net a iargt. bi for se darigerous an disti'essing an aliment.-M. W ni Ball, Bracebrldçte, Ont. thc Canadi-an !ýimIcy ttn nst week. We hope the genii major from our ,.ster town vwill share n the L.onors that wilcouic to the marksimen) froru the Du.nirien. Directors of Indui4tiial 1-air, Per- bora, have decided that ne exhibition wil te held this rau i" n view qf. tLe taict that the cit>' couneil couid not iake &a grant. in the Town of Whltby. on May' 22, a flum oft uone. - Tehe owner *.<ian thave the smre by - pruving property and paying charges.' Âpplytc G. Y. SMITH. Go to 0. K. Tbompuon's for walI paper. "'Elephant"' brand wied paint la the best by tit. Pi £inglelHardware. MR. EAILP QRDAINED. On Trivilty -'-unday ltrt, June lOth, the' Lord 1Uxahvp iof Toronto tdain.- cd neye» utudents te theo ftlce of Deaccil». he 11ev. E. C. Earp Waa ainong the numuber, and was fortun- ate tu obtainîng firô,t place lin the. ordination e:eiulnationu. Tlhe Blahep- has; appoliited àlev. Mnr. Earp to the Jcot charge ci! &. John's, W)I*tby, and St. George's, P-ickerng. POLICE COURTr. Maonday night at a lat6 heur Wm. Brant was found draauk and lncup- able b>' Ch'ef Bell, an nd ilte b.car- rio to the cooler-. 81 and ots. Jodhn Hursçt and Johun L. Dunbar were arreAted con i aturda>' niglit au vugrantu. Chief Bell nollieed the. p'air "piinhandIing" the citteZnt.and rreméti>' urrested them. ?they a p- p'arx.d before the magistrate, and p14 the>' hoth lîad letterài trou .ormer emr'lo>ers of fering tentwork, t.hîp' were leit o on sumpended mntence. PThe y Immediately %truck a bot pace r-of t front coioreJ shrt.; ail *juse and ent> 75e. *Pd -81. A. M. Romi. Carrlaçe',tops riel id "ru.lIaog. '1ry Dalmadge, the. Paintor. "WR AT'8 TRE USE V, If "A4dam the f tnst man" bad live4 rlght along and baâ lissa put la BoM over the. whole worid atu a aarv ut $175 a da$ and ail bis expense psitt. and b. b.od saved Up the wbom *sua, he woeldo't bave ou mmch chak to- day -de Ur. Carn.ge, andu a(tefo. Icdw ahould e4ra ton tboomn4 dollare a vear and save every mac1g t t,bhý wezM bave to lii, tire thossan yearustoeb ol 8ame o C"ouuncMent Exme CWium.d - trou Page. Os Eveyuo1',gulsagte (lie0Ga Pat'at ormbenvoaui on tuue* -em tii. w o faa t he adal'g 'lo uapis*on os .d.yatsa Mon Voal mll fSis vbd Md - ils* teIf.teir l '. 1 1 Prsyon- .e. 1. 0. CrosaIe. tord: MW O rdslla cS». Ottawa: Ulm, tum eaJ. vLuri xMteu8il" ira W."ARDCi TbA oli; w3 'J g ýig sais of the oele-- braied Broadway Brand C1o04-ihn nov going on. 8uiýi eelling in the ondin- ~aryi way for $10, $12 and $15 are -now going« at *75,$8.50 and $ 10.00 per-suit, aise white vests aÃŽzes 36 te 42 at $1.95' 41.35, $1.50 and $2.00 jmis.?<ttoa, 411%bter o! the fist Proeident (a the OUfetge,, Mr. James Bolden, carried Is, r WrnPa baok f0 the- goujdinirg n4 iemtLblihing et the CoWige, and t91lched upon the pointuý of' growth 'op ote .Preseut. 'Me spoke alauofet he great- wo-k aUCOORAI Pllihed -b>'PrIOCIpai 11041 and Mru. Hare, an&d the fltat esteem in wb4h tbey were htld 'b>' tho [crmer su dente ase-.vc-nau ut the reseittlàte. Dr. Haroe'vas calIed toQ'the ltor tcq extend a. word et wýlcomo t-o ,the new ksawa1atiun.l.~ie. spoke or the in',aiuable ctforts 01 rte early ir- eteralte, n.akiIlg &bPtCIlreterence wItl'glowing tizbute tu two oet'the u'enibers, Mr. J. B. Powell and Mr. James Holen, (ounder'u and origin- ators of the Cultege, sPeakmjug 0et udr untàring wo'k du.ing the lires ln thet Interestb f .ie soool. Two of the# i;m*dàZqr- On te plattorni 'vere dais. ghiteric di these gentlemen, Mrs. 1. Powell tanad Mn. ibIdeD Nor- Jîîdgel Smiîth W&lowed wtth a idhorz but we'î chose» addrt...s uf welcome (rom the Boiaud o! Dîrectcirs. The Pre4- &,dent of the ilev Associatiou, mls. Hloiell, inade L brie! buti fittlng re fPhe si'mging of thc National ,Anthnm broeghtt to 1- les ~cie eof the most silecmsaful gatherings lu the biter>' of the College,' sud mqis>' wil look forkard witb pileasabt tist cipatlousq tu the annuai meetin e ofthe ITrafal- gar Daughters* Associe tler. A wSOf o!tfnks ia dité!Ma% An- nes, of the Tr-antportatier Commt- tee, who se inkliy and cordilhy welcomied tha visitera, and arrangea for tbe«r accoi»iiodtlon whitle In t ewn. The. speeàul tru Toronto brought a large number o! vthitors on Tuesdi>' afternlon. A Mosat attractive con- cent wat given -b>'thc students- ut the. college. A cantatu i ~ng IRenes Daugh- ter"%vs mo nt tbeau tifuli>' ne0*ered b>' the. coieZe choral clana, whoss artiotiC work rtflerted great eredit tpotmi ts cosiductre. ,Mita Mary . Sîrtart. Aflter the coeioert tii. huand- redim of gneate wandpred through tie hallsa andgreunds ut 411c C$lege, and 1 visItcd the art cxhiti t Ite draw- 1 nu ronus. lu thescience dopant- Smentu dainty mrtfrabmen Ls ere sev- 'ememOnOement exorcises began a t 7.80. One et tb-, mout attrgot- SIve featurea ef the evcalngvwu thie unveImnq by Rer. DI. Withrow «f tue poirtralt of the ;îinltiil of the col- .iexe, the Ror. r.r. Hr.re Tihe port.. nalt was' executed b>'. Me Flotn+~ Ucdlffivray. the residet art -te xeh- Cail and s0eurefit Andrew M.Ros ston. Ethel Johnaton, Kate Ormsby andi Année Stewart. Bible hiatorj - N.isbes FAna Hat rer, Mary Motire, Ethel P. Martin, Graçe Martin and B. n'beatoo. Vocal igio, "ECitacy" Misa Ida Eu1beriand. Awarding etfniedala-Oold nmedxl b>' Hie HUon Jutige M4elatyre for the highest stauding in te ]CL .L. course-M Luella E. J. Foin. Oit- tenu' go<d modal, b>'MhiHumer Zudge McCçnimmmufl, aud lesr. Willie, Ste-. phenson, Richardson and Cormack, foÏ bl;hest standing in Piano nor- mal course-MmasIra Harison. Gold miedal, b>' R. C. Htwi)touv Tororto, preuldnt of the 'boaid. for lgheut standlqni»t herouticourse - 1MI. iBlawahe raîtro. BrQSs uedal, by isl excclleticy thligo.rernor-ser4l, wo excelleuoo1» laglngM311» EdItk Bryoe, Uranea, >Ean. QoId uMeatl, b> li. eenatot Cox, for ,bigsut standing in art cour*eê 10..«(iracs ]Robinson. Niagara Falfs. sIlver -meg al, b>'1 Mr -J. e. Brard, ZoLGdoa, Ont., foir second utandtla th (hosaine -grAit.. Vocal deSrnd, "oiru and oratte couNase«gir lyProf. f.K MoG gawls - IsAEUW ,. ItuaO. Prias for ooQwuocLsicuarse ob »Men aCïmpa"oL Prite for linitia butr>, suir l<as,-MusPonue ~iro>'. Primsfo - t« yegr brasa -Um*m rnces Brovon, PsI*ms-te *àis I<in Bulle. P.10"f* Ses Wp i 0en bx D r. ails-" .moto Campsaufl anla stbe u»Isit - Is t a Sig nRing hs k a OdalntFdends4l A* C. Wannan Veterlary Surgeon$ Phone 5 Uijoiuing tb* Royal 90tsI ùSMO PAQUMâtTfPMU. Tîà -yeft epemi«n t laeInig I a Rgfer *e jOHARLIE JO, linRig? FsssCm ÉudLiadr>', hit" ai Woii t-hiRiorgwo yu Ise Ilrk a Rng a punejo and igit& WDnas tte W!t mhB4ý Wecanrno.tafl~iftbe~ demands-.and more f Corne a~d se. il- w, glaises itted b>' UN the bio*u } vol ive' RAILWAY TIME TABL &06 15. 1 "y The &219 &.m. tmin dom »tme w u mormng. waUiIT STATION. Golng Nortè 9.07 m. a" gSel e 4. 4.15 p.M. * 6 Le,,., WlIby fer COkw&M s10-.&sM HouIdes, iproeo. Leavusfor BrentbainSt 10 &-m. J. pliéeor. NM A RIVE. Projm W. »md E, 6.45 arn. ?rm Wq etWest - 9.80 a.. 0 E prom Brangb*u 5.30 P.m, MAILS CLOE. For Nortb 7 45 a.m. For Osbaws& %»et 8.30 &.m. W. Sud m W.at 11.15 >P.u. - W PROFESSIOMAL CA R 0. Ormit,., mois Bolt,« for the. Western Beak, Nol etc. l4oney te loam. Ofienelt i Wbit.bY, Ont. Dow & SIVE Baritersue oktors. etc. mone: Offce ooste post onfce, Wbitby, O Bu-lister' Etc. Mone o elaMneon Ofie mo l OIYuuth of Royal Uc Ont. 'Barrister, Couinty CroWTI &tto Oounty ÉôlioitOr. Offi..-SC of Couyt House, Whiitb'i. DENTAL - Eassden-NO4. The Terrace, lyr open'Btrb? ,nn5 CHUCH-DIRECT, an lbOio Ut Tabâff lgbbmttSyIW0.0s .a4 yi cltS hue*h A -m le45 0--Mbqm 4

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