Whitby Keystone, 21 Jun 1906, p. 6

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1bue teon a 3ewr ieches ln wy 447; but'I isevor saw One so utterly iost ta d."ny, that. ho o ould not b. battered by theo friendly atteuilons of a etrapse-1 dog, maya. a writer nth 1 culturiat. leagreat lsson lathat. No matter boW auperlor we try to stem to ouaeb's and Others,,a smal&' voces wfithlius."'will aotot t usn holytrg whAe hu4bugs we- are. la-ihe presenceý tuae efa chl4d soinetirnes shakos Oui i.l-contidenee;the àmowInÊ-Jook aff a dog Rbattqre It. Thire la sonewhat hn brute psycholQç th.tprlxste in- tellect of01xn aM Ï&dilsoriesbis la- tuitiog. Min 4 s o made that what,.ho cannot underetaz*4, ieorcises greater in- rfluane. over hlm tutlbat which iio can. la -the progeneo0 many pheaoien.n ho Irevealis biuisoif openly Land quite uncon- sciôusly. E. la thu on elonger maite~ -f the lottlfic&tions of bis soul. H.f drop 1ii. mk-his grotesque. auter - gaib bhis brazen' shiolda talle to the ground, -and ho etiier co.wardly rotroata or sue- cumbi withont rosistance. There Io --me hope for the man who la capable of feeling ashumed in tthe presonceo f- an ',honorable dog. That Onn sa avenues open to hlm for ad- ,vancement. »Js sou! il stili fit for ex- panolon. His brala la momething more than a 4ried nut. Ilis hoart bas not turned entirely luto a thing oft ruliber and valves. When a strange dog greets hini ho thinka botter cf hlmself. U11n. .ouiuly lie rensons: "Villain tliat I - ~ m I aïa Dot so bad, alter al;, as I !nighNt be. You cant foo! a dog, and a dog Je no hypocrite; therefore I have good la me which ho regogn1rê&t' Tii. follow ie a littie surprisod- at himueif amd hot a1'ittîs tlattered. If.a noble dol shows lima marked fayot- ho beeomes tpok up alinuat immediately. Iftseveral' 4ogu. should display _geut prolrenice and affection fer hlm permon he would Moon become unendurable to socety- quite to> vain for azoocia-4:on witb men. ÇMtarîwle, aboiuld dogu bar t - thlm renerally, or, perchance, sbould one bite hlm, ho wo:ld not feel b-.imseof good enough -to assoiate -with'enakes; but would forthwIth get bimself locked up,l asâ a Vietim cf hytericai ràbies; and, il- Ibo bad any, pathetie klnfolk ut large, Ithey would at- once Liit upon having the dog put to dcath. 'fFor aI 7ow-n part, I have learned a M..t deal trom dogs. If I arnnatural ,bey set me the examplo in early child- bood. If I arn (aIthfu1 to a f riend through bis diegrace suddisauter*, I eannot deny 'tisat doa roealed this Pobility of ckaractr -teO me for tise tirat turne, lunrny lite, If I have gratitude, I saw it first h a dog., If I have entet-prise, he did ttnegleît zMy early lessons., If I lave Initiative, 80" had& My firot dog fr-tend; If I~ ffètioatgosewas ho. If 1 -anpatient la adveraity ad' ithout arrogance la affluence, I could nt -have acquired. that poist et minc i btter trom mienthan rom doge.if I amn watcbfui Overwekes entuated te -My Caro,'I Iarnm og.tj f ulf lu guardlng My behqved; ,ýIf Y bave tie'courage'of myl 0onviction.; If -1 have anubt-oe l-n otlgots,, 1- could hi babd no btter teacher than a dog., Indeed, the, love of dogs, their association and example, have i'filecirMy lite w-th Joy. "7,- muer fact~ Sols.,and- bis bn4y knovs lno Bnîtil oetni rmcnsiaIn.add ougeir. Tàxation l aavery minor trouble bot seem, abei.-4o get aaythusgI 'whleis vif , P Iouldi relleve "nme. one -mornlag avke*it a Violent héadecie, a ing aÃ"st unknewn te i me prev'.' a. la v0< lasl, bt Jliunc Iît ad corne ta tseXt tata.Mo a ~ ~ ~ e 0h gtk ~ 'l eid 1ithere came, a nasty alek.' -01 £i,000 would psy is <1 iiim Demln tise.rnoringfloe ydz pcund. on five e peet. of U...t, O!ý,n nesa and, Occsaionally, faintfin1 dunng .i aIl, about,,£& Ihls in the "ier tha. day. I attended *0e Woesopi Proal e. >Wý o4f Zor months, atter havie g ad-vie from crouty 5f10 akët5t*«- 1 f tedocta». ye4, thob at ft-t I, has te qualif y -lf ito beair arme, bv j ram ba4 ta -voeeagalnIMy, friends *Ob4V $i ca#ll a systein Of COMPUf- told'me I looked Hâte death sud I thlnk ,;>r rtùn u in lathe Militia, being Il gave up au1 hope for I w-as almoat a t»M 4 e to asixty. Thé. pro»- aeeem i.pI l myaie>duo pet-eus citizen 'is expeeteci to serve the no doubt te Il-er complaint, was like atato withbsut remuno'ration -in offies Of kalvos goinq through me! pulcdignity aud publiclabor. Mon are Atter tryang everyt.hing I could et tagh,ethe,,,tiee-voe cf Jeirsey a and doeco' medicine sud o bICM ta1- matter ofOnr e f --rofit. And the treatment 80 long, with s0 poor re- min wbo ot fends agaut the common sult, I adopted a friend's advie&e-gmve godcars be banishnd.up verything else, 'and tredý what There r a eync on ,nthe Bileans oould do for me. lslud bt ei~fl thraar ol vey Ther did vonders. Before the. 'pe*',mui tis wrkouila iako*~.. tuti dbox w-as finisheci I was llp a ~oaio ge furthei-.' '1 -'tfrd Mge. uew woman.lun t.wo ,moulas th ey Indian, ipds tuat £250 a ye*~ goes ib cued rune, when as doetors had failed fat- u £40 do. ja E;P.nlWd With & te do 'ô in two yeal m. anwrtin FOI),ato f eb* ~DJ4~local mmv- this letten aImout a 'ear after sny Ingusnk oa*t de~ il eaciing cure, and durlng tisai tine' Ibhave baci £3800.n o reeurrence of, my old msymptoms Sel Tl4a place wvas ma4s ýfor thehelboidaýy- tier. is ne question as ta tise pet-- aPikbor tIloAf trenilot lf<Guia cv maniency cf rny cure" and the4"med laletgZ Invjte ýta: bath.. Biieas for Bitieusues are the pro- sud sheitened inleta -of att-ange shape sud duet eoftthe latent scientific, reteareii. rornantie names ternpt yen te explore They de net rn.rely purge, and give tWsit dceptb.. Casties agd ebur<qh.ý,ro- tempomary relief, like the. aid fashioned d4lent -ii umne ritei rernedire of forty or fifty yeans mgo. or Jioasahead violence rais. thelr t-cadi. They s"t dlretly on the liver snd di- He vtr, ne 9 e lniu h & icSure gestive orgaix, atreughening sud iu eïibetrous golf cub"-..-s ctJea"ie stîrnulatîng tisem ta do their 0own tho hôme cf the Vardons?-cm-en visft w-cri, &0 that futtier mnedicine takîug the- childhood -home cf Mnm. Langtry, or becomes uncecesar. They are pure- eeuj nomre admirable smodern ly -vegetable, contain, ne haa-mful drugg, plys in the. fine uew' theatre. But givansd am àa crtain cure for indi7gestaon, me the- reek& »Mr thse se%, w-bore tise headache, debility, sickness ia the mot-- Frns-o týs aies-es ln fathe distsnýe un.- i*gdizzimem in i piln mftca- food, bU dot-tii sftrnûn su, sd *bre uidloeese, femaledatments, blooci impuri- 'kies aMd soit air oeli Osan te tt. ties, and ail lrsansd ki<1ney ailmemia. F. A. Mceezie. 0f ail drugglate at 50 ecents Per box, or - post free fs-cm tise Bilean o., Toronto, Peforu lu la 0e e thietim . uj>cn rceipt et prite, 8 boxe, for $2.80. Thse &matme .reformes inicheool 'sud coliego at-hieticu ahou-idb.e lealy and directIy thse betterment et conditions, met the extïrpation eftth-c love o«ccombat w-hichiin lies-eut In the nature cf uman- klnd. Ise nation tisat bsard gertal verk, reeulng Wlutl muscular developmnt. saPa vitality, weaketts tihee ", nasand la a wearyiuge Incubus to tise tli.dvidual bu s* Illoglees bi ardI7 te <eserre au au- ever. - But mone persona believe U"ls Sncb aiseuUd pity tho wild'animala tisai, jUdid oui-y by au inatinetive physlolog. tuiJmp, pus-sue and WremUie witis on.e nother, thereby usdang sudde vepafaily ticI w-ho ébodie.-Bcs. &mueigt lisp 1batarmm s sdrm butyi Buit SolO .d hlls itIontWu. Differet crin oa,,t-h. Baby. Normal -Loud and mong, and tbi, lm- ¶ure cf a srein; baby geta re i latihe f"c vit ith Paiu.-Utauiy stroug sud sban), but net genérally continu"; It laaccom.- panleci by eontortieus ok tise featurea, drawing Upoattse leps aid ther. aymp- toi idistresa. Temper.'-Loud sud strong snd »Uaay violent;- aceompauleci by klekia.g sud t féulng of thse body. 1'liue.--Umully mm o f rettulums sud roang tisse ami eryilg, aitisougis real erylng la exciteci by Verys lght aungeu!-Ueuslly a eoustinqOus, fItta tis, baby "4 Xwbat be vaut, ly obç- glu, =g ,wae ieobjet-lawtd ..-.raik Isx-y ~ ln Give t-be Bb ja Ceo% sela Mas lu e Sample oftSsutorllCourtgsy. (Clevel&ec Plain Dealr). "Yourt- a liar!" ni aiatý" «Yen st-e." "e oare yen." You'te sathem." «I ain't!' ' MTen w. are bath ita." "AM rigIlt otit go at, that. lu»e a râ* na.inui ni4»met la -the b.og& theO fat ny ,aszang manesata. ' Altb g ne mhnue~ eod amre p t-edt Phr tiae are woviy fp<a tie vIs., - tsi cf Bes ofq't ntis!~1aa, 1-91eIm côf -butter; f oi xford-Msud, -a two-IBStM a1d, 1»Tioýofter in 7,s sud W3'. Poci aériing, 1S. 1 lb,, f buter la 7i a sd 5a#59lu 8* dAyai 1* BeWse T1lsaa, 5,01, a-t y. OU. 4 d .: ý M » " 8 5 7 i .; b u t t e r f a t 1 7 - .5- Wsl t;er,0. che14 IWgodt ,,Ont. 2.#ylD.o 614ehrln,2e,et i5y. 4mn. 28d: Mlk,..465 1h..; butter feýt, 15.04 Ibs.; equlvalent butter, 17.45 tIo owuer, IL A. Layng, SprIug -VarlrY; Ont, &. Oxford Maud, $#»%D8 et 2y. *m. 7U. 301k. 381.3 Ibs.;- butter fat,' 14.91 Ib.; equivaltn butter. 17.39 Ibm.; 30 dayt. milk, 1,55.0 Iba.; butter flt, 02.09 lbs.; [equivaleut butter, 72.45 Ibibmxvu P. D. M, Oxfor-d Centre, Ont., 4. 'Mettic, 1,167. et 13.v. 12d.- Milk, 429-- 87.Jbs.- butter fat, 13.41 1h..; equlvaleit butter, 1564 1hs.; 0w-uer J. ). 'mes-. dcli, Spsing illey, Ont. 2 5.Ot- oi, 2"16,.- et6y. Gm. -j <;mijko 441.62 Ibm.; butter fat 1339 Ibs,; equivaleut butter, 1&62 1hs..; own- eor, J. D. TruesdelL 6. Jennie Worthemal, SAM0, at 4y. Ilm- 12d.; rnilk, 430.4 1h..; butter fat, 13.32; -equlvaleat butter 11h,4 b.-;. avut-. P. D. Ede. 7. Woodbridge 3U, U2,,et 117. T7m. 28d.; milk, 412 Ib&-; bâtter fat, 13,10 1bs.; equivalent butter, 15.28 lia.&-na &. Mauciof Kent, sth, ?A,0,et lOy. Dmn 18d.; msilk, 338 ib. butter fat, 13.- 10 ibm.; eq-uivalent butter, 15.28 be.; ovuner, P. D. Ede. 9. Ocetla, QumexaPosh, SA, e t Iy. 2. 2d.; milk, 34223 1h.; butter, 14.48 Ibm.; over, Walter E.L issI 10. Solde, Wayne9s DeKol -PletertJe, 3»50, et 4y. 10d. -,rnllk, 41138 Ib&,- but- ter fat, 1.17 1h..;, equlvalent butter, 1I& 22 1he.;, 0w-uer, J D. Trueidel. Il. Way Wayne MVa Poei, 5.258,et ly., lOM .'2;milk$ 33&.1 Ibs.; butter f.t, 11.24 Io.; equlvalent. butter,,-1310 1h..; Thirty dy fk 1381.5 11>84 but- ter fat, 45.76 Ibi ; equiralent butter,, §31- 39 Ibo. :0wnon, Walter EL Soieil. 12. Miss Hen veld DeKol, 4,53< t Sy. Gui. Od.; ml .934" 1*à; butter fat, 10.71 bm.; eqlvialeut.buter, 12.49 lia;ý 13. -DoudMo 2U&d, 3>72, at 3y. Sm. Id. mll, 28.5 l.;-butter fat, 10.24, Di&; Ov e- buttr 1194 li; w-nrJ. . US ueidei I1 Quewmna. -ai,4,&6,.42y 7u. boa,4 Oy ous e ont for limobln low dova o« 4h. foot, thm maig the ameeeof Pr" tl ie .Ustlv p tL..i., sud aiseuablng the MliU ou ta, quloky gs-w.doymsami Lb8a4pmIt.Te mais ahould be drive» w-Iis auidwyva- tiser g«Len tP, ratiierelsea vit-h à bbowa, sh tiaaa~e pUUtti4 or ftz 'fort tis pJsu, g la rsUtou. l Tb mu$acui mt h. "drasa>'toc 1WIL5 or paw dé. a.flMgaiy 0we borsluPoudl. te .bosuSligARCH War. in tbe Oct-mg Mep.ds fo due j,, iMO II' I -i »iving for Spougea-on ?lerlIa Cost 7he;e atlabit7 of t1e msVbad iow belngemp1o7td oxtmmv.ly4ft thse qspong 4idustryrla pmr«Mrn tiis roàâet iàsn longerfildoub>t, n a large-porceu*g et tIse Trpon @~ringe b «e lmq hng iroms t-be olitmétmod et hooatgte MaW ose of divine. la aide u cfut ll y to acoomp"li dq.ixed xult. ii tIste dving metbod it w«» tlought aca to -nP1OYý Gr.ekcsWhosam v oe~mdto b wSk a» it meind dOUIslUU*whotert o tbm .Who> have foflovea h Sould care to don *0 Immu thlrty ta. wXtrfeetofwteo. But rrwe t erpeta t3y a few have »oxtrattd tisat * .ittlo pimcce ad oebfhhm%, together wtk god ky.id îoakudiioa SatbaAt ame - ta core edivr.Akeady a. umber of ouri, la th* lims d tihe poa eam tut lu- th*- neerfuture e a eto tp or tUa. catch viiib. obtatagi la kt c.a b. e LIaed dtheefflta ue for Wuormatona. L EL YORK CO,0.W&t-«oeodOnt. lme be, l. oobomt 1f oweugisof b y...6 TIOU viibave té Igistoier~v b elbbove, bu»»sas 14je v weBa. P YOUR -MONtY a uPENIOt S by the. déuer trom whoj MISCELLANEOUS.- Souvenir Post. Cards 18~~~~~, ne, ttS,;3~P 8lmW BS; ~ * but uUoutZot m l Wtsu If ti oesehsl.f' the arths la mçeeaty,asupsr a a luxuwy. VieSous Isus are afpetmr; $torsm n aire t-ois sit; awite mou at- t"bwLeosOlc i l are bt-oms auga; good-týàtur@4 matrosa are at iagr, sait~retîjrle tise flaq puÀ 'Tc ugrplvlm JIJLY 1, 100e. lu - it àMMs antI be CIsldren.-3&att- 18: 1-14. Oum ary.-I. A question asked (v. o 1'Ï.Ât the ma-me time-After Peter had " r.kuimed frein paying the tribute. Carne t] 1h dicpe-By ýcombining thse thraee è wunewo learn that thse disciples had dWâssed the question as te whb i seoulci ber-the greatert, andc that Jcuns, kncvwing tbefr unisoly ambitions, -had--opeNed tise m*ect by a.sking t-hem aboutt-he, dis-. puM tiey had bad among themselvesby Mà'way. At finst thec disciples, ,thorý- uîbyashamed, weecsfent, but* a -it- tI1-hmter -tlev came and subaitted tise quiti-oe t-oIim. Who is the greatést- dwÈal blind humaunaurture; always de-- dhing te be made promineint. A prt of jealoumy w-as probâbly creeping in;- àhabeui Peter specially favored;4 >ax ]Peter, James snd John had latly eo4lnred a.bove the rest by. being o t 0i n lth e ie u n t. I u th e k i gd o m hjfbaver -They still view the- kingclem noCbit as a tempotral one, aud Uhe réal ~irn or f their questiion -is, WIIoI do yôn _expect t-o .ionor by giving the first pceuin your government ?" -WSat se- aisetivedemma et greatnes and g1ory &t-ce beore those Galilean fishernien as 'th., earest- totlowerà of t-ho great Kgi,' ÀAd yet the greatuess of whieh tbey .alked was small usdeed w-hen coin- paiid wit-the greatines Jesns mctually' "t~ upoua t'hem. e -'LLesaons frein a litt-le child (ve. 2-5). î' Callec a, little chilci-The CMld w-as old euough te w-aXi. Jesus purqYOaes te t.ach them by uncans et mn object-lemou. Se corrects theur taise idea. about grea>t- anssd shows t-hem7 t-bitspiritual ex- celence ami neto-utwaad spieudor o 4)tiicity, const-tut-es'true, greatueis in .Me kingdom. "If auy an» doines te -teint-eehe mre shal b. t-ho hasto! au;, ]&m1 ecrvaut of it "Tise- very demre to b&f lt-.t, makes hlm' lat lu tise very as- ture of thingo. Tise self-sëeeking eçsrit te, Sat-au's -, -ingdam, net .te, <Liazit'; it in thie spirit,- uhat les-dedown- .4ardeinuaCI c oevn"Sthlm. in tie mjdkt-;Jcsus tise» teck tise cbuld in- .,Me amis (Met-k ix. 36) IW& made thse lemonverfcible.TIs littîs dsild w-a théirtile. "Achila ispiittly fs-co' êom foily, ami tIse mania.-for- glory, mmd 1 froua envy and oaeanusessd a.h1 ._3. Ver y-A ýword that deuiptes the-l lmpcttauco f w-bat iW te follow- Except -je be converted-The woi& here -renderedti ab onverteci» meaia «tut-n about s 1 *0lace lu t-hoct-ber drltI It, al' ,Wsyis a'gnities a radicalud ôplt ,O 1geinmothod, apirit r our e- g et 'An ' bocome as. little chuldrouý- ,,!urnbie, teachabie, obeint , trust-fd 4ndfee roa Orîlinss, rivait-y and ;Sakouy. Thse cisilci la dependent ant vfitisout gare. ne ks ane auxetyabost" - d foc, clathiuq or piseltor. Se9lot tii.di0- - irste but tlsey cý>uld not enter.ý Thore ts'uo way ut> ub dugozaof *grame-aualy N nomsLkes q Noebut tahe aowa,!-are In ýdou, a-i thb.lowlie9st su e, tise gresteeat. Te bb -ýbIq,, uliaparage one a self, but, tq"- ae-w-e bave in thse isuiblest The .tarla test-IfIshn 'd"snisisea ti, tbrs-ce cf tj would otbot-wise >. great;!'-,1 Tr ity-,iasn-et !tise sut-est, umi" 5. Who sUah reeiv-Tha -'W- 'w

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