Whitby Keystone, 21 Jun 1906, p. 2

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on Tf D by Tii.artice e$ I unpr.4d ai lntsaoded ase a fêide. r -. not alteir aj~gs but modlfiee 1th1 ya~e5<0voutibave, 1mai only ou nsa 4 cs 'be differ«aty ltepret. S.tl uots. (>~e1 Gudolfo, mSi ,thue ý4awariiii ia heath -lu the lu- 4gd.1i Ie~~RJus Suchapsiinreai ýSttoonm Pssad i Moi. Mssrcsletthrew a bomis *=MWngthe Cor- -gras ic-uto41 1 t wu à!ne BWÀWpersna. 7 e - Msd dmsoUalehe ishope. HundredaOf wsrou ere kafled or weundd Thse boaniswva.tiirwn trOnu the bal- .eu Of .6hoe,.n Alxaudrt treet Clrusa. umed Fedoref f anagt.kLled by tiie explosion. 1WiUTtk levoicrpthe o iwa bç o log *OhouuenterthescROWd.Slir lu" iiWlflaws- meanwiiile tue ktut« amsurSuie Émeduoltebbsg tie fiuree ana Win-b trolugt te g ou ieti »Jteeadbtn sud an urdeng tise- ral Svtation», pr.ued by ilsmob, loiS ki* t y e! th.sm uiire.Tiree 1windows oft tiseraullid eittmobuildig. The Jewe are fb.Slg fU istok to j ti. ~oh~g orseh~ sd mosi are "rua!* l>acinei ýo! dra- fý" oa" aye on ueu4 ot to proteCi lthe1 3-ý& Iwsfin lg iers ou trine bave tb.dvaggêfiom thse *arn,sud many1 bu&" leïred tise rellwsy station. At 41 .,Weoek tli aîtmrnoon tue dWeU*bsl i DOffak eusrtelr Plan"d .], ,,ore on 5e OOlitNtYS fr ~e iurdeli e ttg'us"t4 t<>. Jpwlela llt, sand is tbv~ e meplanatleusý et ie c x- oneof !àabomb durlasg a.religlone pcw@.Tbf. vas tollowed by" revol- .4t «_fuelîsa l ale several qu rter o f t h e. cy.Tise police are &ald not te l av5 rtterptd to nterfte in tiie earlyafl Ofthe -rot. The JtW0 Wh'> nnu 4 - tlszsefeurths o! the populationi of the oityp offerea1tisebOt îsstanoe Possible, aua.ay of thef e bzg' srmed, 'but ucre utable te prrveit thse pilIagln< o! tueir hônsesand plaoe cf business. yinijly tiie nuiltary lntefcred, but ooidlite adrices r.ceived bere wiLii- out ieng abls to reetore order. Relu- boemet ave îaUhd te Bli- tol f romGrde Appel te inis ter. Bevere meuMbes o! -Psrluest tu- zslîgit reoelvsd messages froua Jewisl& cor- rsod'ita at BiaIistokC deciariusg tbat the. police apuaently hsdgiten coirer the. Hebrew popei toIia lugbter ai4pW loge. These correepouI81Sur41 thbe o1y hopewai sàt5ppe lo tie - Mlultei cf the Interlot te faterfere la listeir behal!. A delegaticu 'OfDePuti"P bnuedsatel called at the he4dquar>r f! the.poliee patnti ier ie vert Informe4 that al meeura Posible bildbeen taken to sttece udus- thl rir STUJART GIILTY., MPTATED NIJExOUS AS- IAULT GOnSYDEIBxA TASE *d Tiare Sistset mi, one!ofWbicl Sbsttered Eyebafl ai Leaves Siglt Permsuently Affcted-Adihits lob- Uin T. 3. Varntoîe' S-tore. Oven Sound- despatelu: -At Il o'Cloc tg-uight, atter haviu'g beeuu out aInIost an heur,tie Jury bu-ought ln a Verdict of guilty in the case agaiuet Albert Stuart, viso vas ehairged vatis woud- Lng Mr. James Morrisous by meause o! s evolver- wvilehe #S-5 on bis4t'ay hons, frein bere. onthe nigist o! tiie 21st ,o! Feiiuury lut. Judge Hatton ne- meu-ved sentence. Tise trial begsn bils zuornilus vd ntes-et iâ lhe case va shown bYbiie larie crowd fronu tie town aud surueounding country vie ver. Pre- sent. Stuuartthe ceuscd, vas tqultz uncoucernnl aud the. verdict did 20et sP- pcrcntly affect hlm intthe lest, eigept to, briug te iie face a ardonie <s-lu Mn. Morrisn, 'the victis o! 'tise murderous assalt, told lho* hé bad beeén goiug houne cenViee veettul ulgi snd iad noticed a mna lking beelde hIle wagon, ice about tour mles nortis o! heu.He bat! invited hlm to ride, suad tue invitation-vwu atoted, but hie oupuicn li"d *iovma s ei to, do no taklug,sud nefiaseai le get on tii. seat. The tv. iiad driveà te leitia po$tpff le., vi Mr.K,UMonims-ua t bi$ mail. It va4sbiinby aftber -tii!. wi à ebot 1usd boen lied pzlg >Mr. -MOT-' i"o> biea&:ý Aa b.taurnetia second siot use 'Çred, wicipae d hie eoeeand shabterud tise rgiteyeltalL le liedpcrtly talles, sund as ho rosi a tburd ballet eu th ie àdsoul- der o! if. est.Tise poder buras ou iii. ~ fae seplalned 'y Dms.Lsu nud MCnouad.leitne ,doubî that. tise shot vas ti freti- .1 a distance et tisuse or touir feét, maklng It clear tisat tie party iu the. varavastue pepetrator of thse outrage.Lister'tise tuurtunatemin had. thse injured eye removed. and tise sigit o! tue other les ad viii remain very Mr. Morrison, as well as Wm. Bui- vie, aaw tise vman ins the wagon aitishe peet-ottlee, poaltively idextified tbe pri- soner as thse masn Wise huit! dden In bis rgtisat nigit. Other part fes ide.ntifled iiim= as isavigboe'"en *W l e ntiat directioneri er ln tise day. Évideuce wualt aieproduced as te bis piàtbcdi ne- Tise detencerested on Stuaut'. ov en tale o! hl*, d4lng tisat day, ecept tiiat oie ultue.. vas iirougiit vie vas. eur-e o! iiavIng saccu iun.eleehe, and ibat vas sonuetime carlier. lIn hi*eveidenSe he adnultted bavlng ou tise same niglut en- ter.d and uobbedthe stor etT. LVa*- atone on Peulatetreet. TUE11HPRTS. St Petersburg, 3=6 .-"The pe aP@&GJT8 gletAe<2 ininimou n lu Pmeutà*t -oMiai > overyeierda. « - I»l«0 Juii. 1.-To au Irlth aepIl- etrlne t ti..b~ekuIg ~1~* ii.let#tion têsay the MtatrG~S tem t (of 'thw Miitary1, oe5*mt the baou ng cf Moi1 ti ai FsvlOff, ln befalif c'%Var Mîi nrAle . e 1.MI4 tuat be hed afemi Rudiger,. to mbift the reepoui"bity for tert pwt e ie proteet laguind ti thé mIltsry exomiioto the Mnit1 -aicouen . ad wte cfti neror la a bl<V510 the problem weuld be mideé asler thi se iIe d by 1h.B jloU uged eeioed if thie Grest ortbem tllrawy wére to througbou t~5* oefltfy, W1~~ thC ~ ametrate the transit 0f maiefo D- tat a.etorm of indIgflAtAi~ o b Senin o re,,to obviate the. delay et pre- aroueed tand le being su<mt& bY th*sent exuued ed t Morille by tIii. vat- cool 4temt Of covrnmet O 1fI- ta et .teauuers for tii. anival cf malle ' Vde * beiniolUlty f hemeabenest thuaPoint. ïf Pasrltment and Its demand for the ______ e«Pulsion fM Ultanoff. Whetiier the. Gcuurmub tdam« l0ly tefollow un t ullano f sud ie flauusngof Procura.' tor PaTIo!! le iaow thi.uestion. Unlese WOX" "a M 1KVAS-nomKAt thse Goveruent dafntly reolved lu vma orm mza gIr. UatIO, ýth*e Goresuykla Mlulenitry e~ îmuet falit tii heain mbetwees ft a" Quamîfi , oe. pe;Uld" ehi Iarllamet, whlcii là no* unbrldgbibe. Al l iii CroVB erideeàs4 Ii* pW Je» tie IL àIIadUn, Ueleader of tbe .aeant- lIs.h.t est#, and t tla 4frine e .e workmen group. opeuly bout.d frein lsth e MAfoMOOUf i. du a <tt W" *SUt» ,outam yu .y that thse dto" h tî~WIU h 1* eI iOUI~ Minlters would b. tise eowtry'e bd. heikiettVS ou# aiMte. fl.esabT. t$be er te -the GovemmueiaVe refoul to les u alt .Wt b~ " ontise day of! 1*' ma- "4eath Penalty. 8cme of the papers d« e t 2 olook =d !retauo4at 4*. "'tvesteré<h,'e events 4.11e- jIte ste all s» er adtb£4 iea, 11Mt40 rstovenrunet% ein. oif Relug ta workp ay dovu. Wttam. ri'ee nt i tie, itwk t» tbestory liai Euehtt iVu W liracy cf the jth*. boUS* t IJO. '.whieh VE A INTOD b. bea.r t*. cieu the cre wiusci tise Tees gel Sonu o! lumbe a regat, by the Francise 4nott Brigtl thse cre,% the. li touched Ausle tsuralng 35 nMi"of E. Brdgemttof tise Steamer As- it. la unllklythe <au w Iu ever Ir wua bleu up la ounexposIon Lused the tire. liesaye h. veut le tue Argu sud t that tUme eel's muIl and houwere buiued The. Argus vas bud trom lu- nd toSau Francisco with a cargo er. S3he vwsbult lua1902 and had ter of ffl ton&. She vas owned Paciuic Sbiç Compauy, o!i du co. ber oit mentionedl by Uopt.- t, wiSci eeme te indieate tisat' b pe inht! an exploion, ýe that ing utise boat were net A WOMANIS, NlOUS v0We Prayed DiIy t. PaINISSuir f«i lMaufs 2«"wY. New York, JUM .1S.Aeoerdýi< te tue World, Ilasacle DeliaSeroe a native Of SgilIyf vas taken 1in vltb nheumatism inl hie home lu tuile City s year agO, aie vile, C&Mmelo, prayed d"iy te ber pat- roi salut, St. Calogenl, sud latblest voved te, cf f e sjargestt <ad.ever mnauuso- tus-i ahomld her u ibaud necoven. iM moved te Tamtpa, ansd tiser. negmie- .4 hW biealtis. Jy Mms Dellaes-ece's order, tise caidia v»s spped yuetrday trou 1"lca store to empi. a. Mm. Dellaeroe h"d voved tisaibs candies sould ucigisas Mueh as lier huis- baud, aid tuse *De that se rdered velgiie182 12 pou1dS.It is15 feetblh 18 iniel& dla mter attse baeeand Il luches at the top. Upon ih le pclnted ae picture et tise 3admonnf the. CirI. ne ecde cot $2M, aud, aceordlmg te tise manu!aetlle-, it .vWii hau fou a year chus-oh nent $cturday ait tse eelebrstiou o! the Feat cf St. Calogeri. 1-PROMIS3E IflmIW. SALVATION AINT -COILTE TWISTEROP uopoo. teulday -for« Sl iIrSla Army Auspicuea 1Grey% s N.s- "tge saoutallnA"y emigrcuts iled le Cen- ad* to-dq ay. lu hieconnut«tl5 er Grey sent Geerl lied a messagea* î.1Uews: "-Ans glaaite h.su 0t auotb*s - caiy goeA seleen of emrauts for canaida. Tiscy viiib. bertily w.leoed, ze weXi as others e! te ame CUUasfo viien tiser. la plety of s-co32. Bu-amuvell Beds, ep«iaklget Eusstod stated t the b.Amcy bad epipr-o. mis» m=de lust Febnuury,5*IoStbk apàlty emipîted tiIruser Of 10pS00 ensons tO 'nad-&. Hlie, sot lm tiitoni wha iiad b«n doue îu thee vcy et Co-operat- îng vh otiser wwuietîm ita theiipme sent party vere- tvcitybols set omt &nd PauA for by t4 c l'OeS Oti '1s- ciL hAaiy W hm - * utii.5teSta eue"t, ~ebadt u. . evuté A o alty ocurnlber. t isn.elngta" tW ka toseL. ieavi&, T ms Tbe, vuas elelted" th. buwu et thtm is t.tirbt ca sdbers.b@ jbé bbi huisilasi b un b" is vol,* tii.seo vet 41. fmn, bei ieSssmof t1 a lu s ifa bel 4« but *» becS by tht fwium «fuér b*q !d L_ a tMr>mto n,-Utpiotlt of tise Temikamig Rsilwsy frthe. our mot~~m 4i Que thouesnd spolictiomie from tsu& eue in tii.ld euttlsdIngto etudï In Canada ad tihe 'U sae S 'le bae been reoeled ,The. Parks ad G llrle eïmlt4 the. Corporation cf Glaegov bave declin- .4 to, b au W bistler'$ 1«ryl 'orthe. Toronto Exhibition .Menumbera-cf St. Paul'. ad St, T*mWs Angelicai Churciies n Brautford, baveb extended au invitation to e Be. Mr. Word, of! orwich, to become tiseir ree- toi. mwoded toptiser, viiipome&a hy-lavw ptrvudis5¶ tiat Dt more than tvo pe- so hailive iluoeerocua. A very rieb, tind bau beeil raoerteai frein lot 1, Concess-on3, tovusip o! Coliemn, Cobalt. The. dieovry vas msade by AnAy Devin, a. feu daY'agSI but tue mette?' vas kept quiet ntil tii0 inspecter ms a"sud"asethe daim. Tii. resiguatieli e!Veereble Ambi- degcon lÀugvtry. vili be a.opfed at thse vestry Meeting Of st. Liwe Cisurc, Toronto, to-e 4 sig u hemue- cfesr nsay.be epplited Tise.vetry viii vote .Arnhdma=euLsgtiy a. netring ai- bovauce.Aul tue chiih 'eiiefflrsWin b. eletel. Tie rete of the. CandisusNoitiei RaivsyOOUpS5~ramu2s B e srou the cty ali"ac Toroto -t. e Uno station bas beut sp=stlcsly ted. Tise eosn'pay viiibave an indepedeli ln domtbs veitei"sof thée Dmn Tbisety cf Torouto9aM lbe Provinc bavs ssci ueceved a cbe*~ for O,00I trouM . W. 1, parvis, Ctle! LicenesI> spector, beig 'the ÎtIr dWstlitiu of lÇ.em eueoy for bileyer. A balance fua 9os-M kts ais e n ipel eut, Pos clty reoelving 41,13M. >anAdtue Pro- Maan SrasBeruhardt sls rom New York to-ay fer Parie on lthe steum- ahip La Touralue. msroa KusPebamUi, vsudna an t tus Bronees sigltly weunmded by a. servantat W914, R asi s. The mu rdiei CoMmltted "&eWbviekth. iw an it ledis W 0d tisailise coutlurnetf«, "J»00 tons o!f ee mais-for thseTran cenatias nai RaIlvsy v l lie diridEtibe- t'e m 40e DoMm i le« & Bse os psuy sud tie Algeiflaown PsiY. toi or tise EOaXen a4 bëa-- coufubamt vawu d at lstoresa Acces-ding to tise nerqer* .09 o! ladià tise Minlethe ti.iterler 4tee&Iardyee- tcrday tbiat th ise ssseo! *106MO 0V" i- bave b ffu depouted iy lta * tl, suappheontereMot 1 fre acesabelve tis lsaeP i uniom ef the aoisbt !PIiEu o««rth. Jaymett O s t .l sl to.Myla te daiouiby i.*t 5 aste lui tisaLoesa o is ~A~Âeae ofatber*s le - iusue reeemri-* thet usaaqnltutile -i.1 mssdr.p -- p siad igto@ peou t'ub uhere Caen" v Zen-Bah à(epetbg " mott a ly a or M,&M iissllsgbsl'mmd% ai vss.à,t&s msg4b . .4- - a v Ml- puIôidm mlIatauI milhtb5UypeeaIsvUt PROVINCAM OIE mà qw*no wwsâlu4obi&ufl Staff e~lpctUoSe T«oreedespatai nmn rga.n lis. ~ 0t eo8I5i !the ?ovf>da*<a toct" frinhv'bei a h" thai e a cd ia ! nspet4>r mufr. dofa0 a a$& be ssosatned, tim em-t fif. &Mi...Iam, s eb oilt 10 «.- K, n s. I 's s, n A >11< .3 '-E 1. N[L etau [suvdii181iq Mis, Tea th at ucm&Ujp 'Tha %in dé fine. Gve me m ail the ink. 1 canna afford té lese WiUu many a muttered, inirt 561f-i.ddresafd compliment, end a distinct complaint linhbis dim, q Umateady hand, his general debili rapicd-dedljie, h. managed te :0 cl f note-papes-, whieh ho put tavdlope and earétully lastenéd- queatng Mono to addreus it to h, <l.Ten he sot sileutly watchil «Ye'Il sent! it iaf e and sure "«Ceutainly. I will go myseif. 7[ vaut la out, and îso le Madame De Tise post-pillar le with.-n a 4Ay, do-thats a kint! Iassit yo'lcouse back to, me?' I amn vweau-y thse nicisti Eh, but l'an .wil ïoor health niais- thin-wil eî àeareturnet! immediatelyb recelvedth-ilusileuce. Tii. old rmai ed wrapped in tlsought. Monot tise paper and begiu to reat! a-,* on tii. laitbateli of novels. - Ây, h. le a bua-vIaddie"sà1i Bady uddenly, iaf1!outrý *lbugitoy "and Iamn gla you.it .<v weel" 'Suppose you meau Keunetlt 11k. hlM very much, and I am% te obliged tob. lu au office. ij hoileBot happy>2' * -oote! .What does h. vaut To b. aa 1d, fini gentleman, au <bo grand tower,maybe? Ho mi e&rn hi& bread by tue sweat o 1k. us a." - 1 But ho mugit do se-moue hanp talmd thse plough. H. e n<ot, uÏÏ etroffice. Could yosu not !iud., bilai our mwland, ou-even lait , àes?" - «I dldn'ttink r Id ever bearj. ptthatfaeon. I1tuought J' cmsraid! Iamrnw.ak en eh" ukse frei deug what 1 do myseif-that 1I sympathize toc 4.6kU am al , tf oumaou 'eel nateb vs, andute i ,& l.t- M-~1 1 1 hé oui jý, a b" cd depeY d" ttaeed out m d«« of ->Zdbk D

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