Whitby Keystone, 21 Jun 1906, p. 1

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' <MILWAY IMB RTADLB. 44WHu m. MTZON. SO~qWut LUS .s oa Bt54 U -"iw " , 8.08 p.u Ssuiday" 9.55 p., *' .45p.m. " IL40 P. 44 di 0.0 pas. " " .0 'LmtaWbItbY for Osbaus Kt 10. &.m. ».d4 p.u. B mlde«, proprieto. *Leav efr BrouÈham st 10 LU.- J. Scot,. pu> '~iW. and E, 0.45 am. prom Wu.t 8.45 LU Wu,-9.30 am. 60EM 930 mu Pro= Brougham &m8.114m MAIU lSCLSE Sour Qrtb 7 46 $.M. For <lhas8Lu0 p.. &3t .0 au. . aad E. 0»80 p.. W..t 12.16 p.m. Woit M 0p.m. PROFESSIOHAL CARDSO solciter forthe Weern B&nk, Nota"y Publie. to. Moneqy tW Los. MOffic t Po.t Oak%. WItbv, Ont.. w& UnomWay Na*leer Se1ctow.ete. Kone to Ua. office p oi ostOfie. Wblt.by, Ont. J. M. D .B.A. NT. A n. A,.LL B. orei str t.IouetyWLoa Ho. suyTerme daim IIFsrOW M819KI On awrister, Oonnly Crown Âttoeney, emd Oonc om i olt«.or.Ofic-Sonlhwi 'Of xoi~RuS». Whbl. DENTAL W, Adam estlt 0&$ ie ve .rjpergmeW, IbandAi St. 8uae -N1o. t, The Terrai ,DMi W.. Wbttby. olO saturdaevePlnxgS. CMfURCH iDIRECIORY. '>u 'J!hua velgs.18 ~ a anmv-.» O A.CILS W=01«.ST ou- sevesint toic. m setV 1ud a .1K ANWIIGT ROUbtI 0f erde>vice. e- d 7 oII!p:'.OMSM olocS;Uvionm. Pry i çloekm.7b'a ovoS p. t . Wea Eclg-msu n ......... Sou«.- kuok * ab b . T. m."#à OTI.EEOIL.PAr. Ssbbsh 8.vIc9.1k a..84p.i.Sds N 'Tise third oafix century ut success- fui a<ccpU»ilhiunt îa thse h1gliez ed- ucatiaP cf oncn,-reaUly thse work of a. %omana'sut>%rity,-to whlcli the On tario Ladiezl Coilege has at-' tained l itiiiicin5l Icidentai witb :ev- eral extraordinar7 rmatures of this yerscing eXercise8. -Meut tfIpor~tant f, tise la thse or- galsizat1co of au aaocio.tion o! es- atdidentis witlb the pecullari.y apt naine cf Trotaligar l>auhtpre. An-. other event of snarked slanificaaoe la. tise formai prezenla Lon to tise cl- lege andi It'sacceptuifl05b>' 1reient Hamlltumi for thse boarti of drectoru of a life-111e portraidt of the Princi- pal1, thse flev. Dr. HEIaie. Tha t a. lady who was a pufi Under thse direction of that departfueut b>' the dl*tla- n:owg as aseistant to tihe predent able art directoir, paint buels a pioturE la ne> the least wortfly part c! tia lbeasant a!talr. The Keyistc*e le pleamd o e bl he te Inform le readerd that, havîng no gueeS«fuliy p~amd throsgh ite tirst 1.bn2of-r~en ur period, a new era o! growth andi developmeut la- at baud. ArrangementLs are coapletlng. for the furtistelrgasber t-thse ub.saaI4met eatabllahment by more baIIditi*s o provlde even ampler ne- commo&tlflo,,ir otvents and tIs .«a édirary>n' u Lie utttoà cf Whtby's water w*ks system in equipping these olifge with a swlm-, MIDU gtank and ait-tÃ"-dite gPfIflnau are what tise enterprýI*lnq authorluies bave in vtw. ore tian eor. tise'> ..*Il tiseOestrac> Ladies' Colle be use womanle aswcnlss rA dWhIt:býy bave goud grounda tor thse prend ei-' ucaUcucti <htnnrton of belug #"Tle OzfoVd of Canada" ffh b. csnesement excises opcn- ed wlth la musical andi elocutionar>' recitai on Frida>' cveulig, and It proreti a, rery lSterestIDg progr*oe. EMatur4xy eventnjý a musical recit- al by th1e memubera et titi>grcsduating clani, asa»ted by seailor tudeals, al-. fbrded much tokmaunretot a larte sud- Itue Aasembled la tte . ccert hall. It waa a 19it pfl.j. oc tise Taib,. *1'2aCiacogreaton o Sand> let to xlc> t fv. or. wmi. ,aekaon# ut htThoiol>11Colle, xMreI *MDr. ae»cii.»le'a ur'trn fut preuebei>t, i 1an md InIsewreAg tbe.prmountation 0 etoub.**t vtious ho ill 11.witis a 4w?14 spiritual <m.. test. that atrîk bsa tt iltener qs tIse hlga.t t pOUS Sand tr'ogi4t OC t14# apmbr w it>mark «OCthse tes.hsr la erîtten large mm ethe baodllg et tite lea, nuld la,% et eansoma usilis ooVlIsg torse 4V tiween Elljais coufroutiogA Âlab san jcsebei, and Elîkh under thejunipel., t .uph prayig for deatb.. ErerY ' IM, f whq thinks dcspiy is &xPosed tO doulit, and tisat £onr ofdoubr& Is4Ae-1 évitable. Itte snoxt the doubt of tbe modern blatant akeptLI who paàrAxýS bis doubta i üd stampe -bMseif a Ly crite, but It la thse evidenceo f -%e honest aearich for trutib and 9I Lgt. Johsn's qaution re-veata the r of bumaflty's unrcat to-day. Phil1- dâophers andi religions eluimor for.*'a hearluge and no true toul eau b. At rest until it '-s ettiet? IR theSOegffli %eritles. Instînetlvi>' the seul feeéla that ee*where therie .la . acl whoSe credentlal. art lafiltib le,'1 and wbooe autboxiLy se surrCe. Auê- ivbere there iq. bumlity, doclilty àtüd prayer therea w1lIbe eatÀi81tton lut InteUect, coocclenco auitibeart. Thé higiseat certltudc and the prutud. est content are te bc foand lu, jeai., This la levoived la Jen' answer'to Jo~hn. IThat ahuraànoe orownU JQ11II'S OUl -with inimortal or Wbat Jesus dîd for JIohlaiee dAd for un. In Jemun l84 ai flffes. trahsMe reveala thi. divine tomn iriets andi satîiles ail thie quiremeti of huian lite. UI * eti.. fies tise reason b.y wayuit tie liart. Rerson lS Inapable of compreh.u&. li«. X.ld or n tui-e or lie fafs M» t lot toc short, 4A.îbi's lacid les toc fêlés bie. A 4iÇSo«o ~live 16j, tbo bookla thse b9scüV,*! cundWoser Umtnar>' to an underatindila of tb Woýrd. lt t* the bout of mass christ 4 I8ooversa aWb oi 1v,4r Of- .ie. The essintial trutis out Chilut are as mach witn late. saoo cf tise obIld ne tise uMt karned oci Our la4d., 8alvatioo doea îîet ceend upc» is accurate définiliin of trutb. Salye. tk*at o. f the heart. 4It là oct tise crilco ee, but Ibe chilti', huart tisat msot irai> discovers tiseco- tenance that loieaout ft-ons tbepapa Of thse four guupela* fisc wbow ia dlco.Wae ;an ear- nst and eoovruclag pftmetaI<> ot Jesns au thse, al tffloUnt- OnOp to« every humaq osed, sd wahigbly la- Mms.Brye, of te tis. fX4!%,a.Ia ed tis heoir, ad rowlcrej-a mIui ber--qwn alls tl Coôking.n Dou't swelter over a&hot; 0f the work. tPUUlOua 100 u0ble ouergy, and moy., .ed il~i, eùert.y Irwaide wlthlzl Che 1 ruerit~ e, ecfl or 8 w YO M suzd - refloct. in cburacter the Ring im Hie beaaty. For ail mora vlwelneu and aljqirituallies& hIn alortrinlt whàt I*e, mUeànt whcn lie aeid:- '%c<xûeaUnto mai that la_'~ bour,ý 'Ad t&re hÇavy la*bà, anîd iI wi ieyen reât.," A ago Pt'd enthualantie- meeting cit ý,c-jupàIa-ot the O.L.V. was bIld la the draýwing rSoso f the ct3ue on 3Mebday a fteunoon. The obje o f the xatherl.; wae to forar an A«.a~. clattSo n lu nuection wath the 80h00) of ail '"former -a1t.dent&., UicLarent4 *The Assuffiatloa wîl b kucwù as, the 'Trafl gar Daughtera et 0. L. C Pres., Umia.RowvelI; lce-Prou., mm"a Secretary. irs. TM. -6. Wlt1à Id; Te_ 11rauch circeas wUtb. jrw -l TalYBparLa eo!-the e0àDtrL and it 1. xpeted th*t ai . Yery dIstant dae he aOiatiun of ?raftra Du-tlitera 'will «enrla tb. iend trom1 At six o1ciock, Lbe members !tise Âauoel4li>. "ladifte o! tW .C4ù0gé ,ed to tise DuMatk SeIWOW hali wbqr * bauq~t ha lieb poepaued. The. li and t*sbIea were beautiUully -and art. thse e - tlre.table achem Iuoingi.41' bine,'rellsyed' 1w ,mâluerilce andl !ernaL A beautUl lottol. 'Welcom4, lue, w4s riliceil acroa. the 151 *nO tbe dates M83 aud IU9M. greeted ibx o py. aC cdt1.,ii tin o nthe.mipuW ppê« suad Cuâen. 1. Powel Etazrs cf a plil of 1M7, waE bal.4lr uomau cf 'Che banquettbp lira O*$ulhvot o f 1874, Who bsr, *d ose sud-41,ai wa ber genlal man- r and ckdlal smill' sad lire. -j4' J. Effre th e at et houer, Otbp c«Sea s eic, is. Hea*.rsou i -:m )aus N,4rrio. Misa SuUterla.4,lm Hamlit Ulm, 0f Toro to; u Ohaa. -Bramptenà; Mn. TrulDîxqu, OrQno;. xisea cbowirKn ut. i Guelph;MiaNlbrh X1es Huant Druatfcrd; 1084 eQrU#, Pc«t Hoislir M a. Bay,:1liêro«.~ MiXe»Ay. kruprior; MW,. 110111 In ther eniulugDr. Jackb w4 d4rus. 'Is N* <es mindemÃŽooapsesî or the itresgtbisud biaau4y of'whIsts- 1 barsb apaise» Ia4ie idealt whists oacis of jos ouugladkals lim titrougla. out- >'ostt wiow li.. . Iow4a dtise rellzatioear tthls igh I&RI l t he par~ rpo voqrye ,pa.oo ln this Collage. 1cm, .1tenêusvib bas boensa fallnu u Ia t h.&ïtavt.. .4ynon a =oeer 01 atrsectb*nd A. T.1 Phono 47 ern Il- cuipied ', te Stown- catlon o! the r-s, to ron, ,fions yeari. Cý-t Lùteeti. i Bide. DUR ~TING a FOR SALE N-,Y

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