~Cooditions Now PrevaiIing-A4thorities Doiog Thefr titmost LJ(ÂN, 08,Lif. linaa 'oubes aj - from menj. le of Veék#4 ng early lu 1-woodu vitlt 1 na esd -0f it the. other apparently 119, coroner, ~he scone o! eided that Thec de. f age and la ýrge family. JRGLAR « "BLEKW" r~Englani 'rg to Ring 't by Posa, .eiaI to tisé 85: CrYacks-, 0o at North rning hourd of a Cen- f for the i voice -one 't do yeu lied, "Can- ho receive r, îaan mit 2.45 w met a Ilostmnter 8e buriar, thei poist- istèe1. box et and tho - value. The 'S, TS.0 An bsoIute yPure Te et1the Possile OA itv' h Lit.f and isoaltis are vortis More tisan "So gsd tW am o ye, dean Finîstoun few gosI mid Mme. Debrisay, cheerfuîly., le obliged te go out, or vo sisonld hais "lise doot, na. doot 1 Let lif. and vaited for you, and vhon vo have t health May be poverty atruck, and net voshil av snb Wothm vay, I!.1,gionteus ad o rcomplimentary te me," mid mustdo tyise el i v cn vth hi,"duwt-Lord Fînistoun, bowïng and smUiug good- mt in te. : e a ih ita'qo humnoredly. "llapp'f te rcnev rny se- Mm.Dcbrisay, vise vas privatciy won-" qusintanco vzth yen, tisougis I amnafraid dorhng whai had beoene o! Mena, as jon do not reernebr me." har usual heur fer >rctnrning vas ever- "Yes, I rememben yeu nov," a quleis PIwï, binas passing over ber face. "That'. visat few o! us do," quotis She did wel! remember him. At tise Uncle Sandy, turn'ngte his ncphew. balil vere se had first met Lisle,, m «'rd hie te have a talwith yoteni ad seen him talking long te Lord Fln- trne yen comen ehro; thora are one lateun, and fancied they were speaking or' tvw unattersuI aboubd vish yen te of banael!. He (Lord Finîsteun) vas very conaider." liko Kennetis Macalistar. eniy older,-bot- «'My dear air, if you wish te spesk ter dressed, and leas good-looking. Ief ta Mr. Maclister, I viii Içare yen te. vas tail and gaunt, but Erebyn was evi- getiser 1"opdently satisfied vith i m. '<Net tise day, net the day," said Uncle la a lev minutes Mena, toit quite at Sà dùy. "I have ne tie strangth te kn- home. siat ou anything." "«And yen are tise naughty girl I!bo *i'm wendering whai keepa Mens," riicd evey eue by re>ecting your uifr. aaid,- lnme. Debrisay; "sho ougbi te b. tunate fIhnSuce," said Lord Finistoun, bore b-y this lime." as iso-e.Wped her tunmre eold grouse. "It t -Vas a Saturday atternoon, vhcn vas tee bad, rcally. Yeu deserved te bé Kereth always t away fromti citY '&but up and fed on bread and vater.»- N '"li-W very ill-bred o! yeu, Finistouis, :"hora; la her ring!" sh. exclalrnied thse te mention t" cried bis vite. "Yen b4ye nextmoment. 'il go and ise' viai ne discration. I wili net baVe MoMw lit'er." tensedYll ke w as a vet, chili afternoon, vith $41 beg pardon if T have offended; bu4 wU d'gt'hâof, lnd. Iarn sure Mima Josoelyn viii forgive Me. WVI;oro bave yen been, my darlin'?" The peor fellov bas gene undoir. The. crled, Mme Debri8ayr, going. lut. the bcd- râceý cow-se and tise clubs knev hile ne room, visere ah. heard Menarneving imrei Yen haro a great deal te asavr about. o. 14"6 sy pleasant and unnook fer ne- "lie onug lt te b-e mucis obligd te nras contre," returned Men&, who vas taking roturned Mens, as i htly ausah. oouhLd. -off bu- rda.mp oni-deor gnuetsa - - "Perhaps; but thon people sekdes wae oorning away from rnM.CisrChunebhllls'a nov visat is good fer- thonC. v"ona lady w-ho had mast dniven Up- "A Most ungahiat speech. Prsy *ré- te tise door sudden-ly calied me b y my niomber that Mon& han cbangod ber iiiame. 'Don't yen remember me, Mens?' -Isame. She b-as takon ber uncle's.Y-eI It " ,Eoy. h ared s peaed "Quite nlgbt if ho ha geing W lcavojY terne., a me! She bad oui yerne up te bhis fortune. I visai name, tiahon tpwms for a tev days, sud vas going te 1 remember yeu in my prayrst" wtt me te corne and see ber, as se-, "My fatber's nnoe wus Craîg, but sny ,w@4> very, burrled. Oh, se. as loeking peur grandmether atvays chose te ca no0*1 and happy 1 She anked me te nà by my secôniLrChnitian nase.» lunoiseen te-merrov. 5h. is at iheir "And vis>' deos ihs riais otd nu" towg bouse in Hyde Park Gardans, and choose te lirve lu such s.' remoe.roeie vanthte haro a long talk. Sise is jut' WestbonrnO Villa.?" tTiee,-smre as over, only nicer-at lbant Id e.uuish anas u aise seemed so. Wbat a di! feront venld -only in London for a ienr timeo." aise ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , -mYulufe 6rdam eb" -"h, nonsensel Be muet b. ii. "mu!l çlely different; but yen don't wheLlkO b - oe a bmean us ed 4i jet tisai fret yeu, my dear, do yen?» ,yuavb. vu'>Meevido otplad ieô '<>1'p , Idonst fret.- Vot Inas &hamed> i4eou ag ain M o d net.adpieqâea th Iink boy I reget tisai- brillhit, hyo1-a fr xpu4. ~~ easy, s.boundsng xiatouce, vhoeoVery- tii là fafand arnootis, ad neluher 4610 I MYuuAnbiti*u amd bus bo laila la ar > arhoualy ÃŽIV' reug.... no ca. crne e initae o- are sure you have mot bwam- a11 =y arU't her ar Plctyet lnstericg slow -Poison lu homea~ bearsunydl' ier are plthney and lobules ?l aaked Lord V latun Y"< e~obtg isants nderthe nsooiness sud ver>' resohito yumug veSa, po- humais nature greassd mu for' wlst it coat get, ail thée&MOma vhs-. the'itib'n a JIft uI~mre ight tais, sd li i tist' a M ven"-lrUmmun ama m "If ~ ab wy __«Mm als nt Mt -«r 0 -ïaÉ. ,BSoD a. f,*,ime84 ou $0 ~v irime.for kss oa eayoe htM'.W f4tn ý=ue bwhk fIe.op gthe do«. *Ny.ll demi', y»« en uece ue t li re', s<co up 10 My rom# oea. Wo bM us4~i.hentswie, eno atiu' wit o-Cy a tew -reeM a c #U a .vt a cevers tbem#.-saoth îor saW4 esteOumborland oS sa wi9i ha"esatin, sud a >iarbl. mbal hxe a deligisiful 1*k. - P Fù tom iséen islla à *Ut*ia geodnolw. "Th la o f nfieint r44000-lJ ItisougU hlm medullswdjileuWb".b m tisa 'y1im iso yur bru# a & con-labub ért1 e vemitis, wbaasever yenbaves. chance. 0I bot mainlUg 1 ae oiso?>' e lear T aa ne wiser, daar. for $au Sy rone d se mèla <eve vftla ua-whkk ~ mentis taiS, eunly 1 amn greeder tisai bo4y evedid beloee-eisdm»sw i1btM yýare, Deb-I vwant.4 lovWas vol - as h ,ue.at ~tes, - dlnpoor 4igghew u ile -bimb'1 supm "- = 160 etoflove t* hi= l1mms*ZPY, that bis snatre lu dyý. haDlbut I h-.ém4 net ma. î ëfsdgo pms4_dg? la sAi 1on cf tise Çot Be Ex- CSuiphits- kistQ4n, er me of tihe ç-! 'Bite r -ouutry ies to tisa ect of U111- - Biakiston teen yessns Of £2,500 fy a Fug- t1e details tiot Fully ~tr-s not Ili be -for Ini the to miark a figyure, v ýr wouid Il now he iii biuish ES. -3îecTtary War Of- tnons tise attentiont. k. re pi1y- or more ev shouid kingdloiri.- 1 colonies, Il where 1le wais ýpeet -tins ors, and 1 cau't Semfà 1a f ââr mn. I 1muet oara my trà d e '<ft sounda quit. awf4 msait per me, visait theuncle la ikok» ne keepeau n tetmper, su 7.tvr Indfferet health. le taia1kt<fo Pie lu 8fr Wslter Scott%é nores, nhe tries toebeevoft me I1o reby'torisnim 'Wisat a feul combinaion. H. muat have money or hae vould nover presume Wo b. e sagreeablc."l «I sec ne aigu of fifi hiemoda et lite or his ides, et exponditure. '<Bey la it yeu lotlm bore you se, "H.e omsn tehave tbrown hinseif upon me, wle every eue else, excepi poor, dear Dois, bas throvu me atf -1 suM tissu Ismebhois fond of me. Tisera la se muahisnlathat Belides ho h intelli- gent-a ebarcter, la tact. 1 f ccl bishold ouïq s titeaiDg Monà Sgave tise history of tiseï irt meeting. "Depend on it ho viii prove a 'trouk- sure trevel. WMore dûci ho corne frorn ?" "Souneviere near Glasgow. My fatber's people ýwere-I scarcety know. Wh"t - very humble la originY' "And where does ho live wvis o bi1 et bomne," I amrnont very sur e ebau d cot- tage in tise Western Highlands called Craigdarroch."i '"Craigdarroch," repeatcd Lady Finis- ten, in great surprise. "Wb7, that is close te Strathairlie. 1 mmm r hear-I ing tisai ocrich jute manufacturer bought' iL. Yea, 1 know atl about It now, dear- est. Mona; ho must bc tise same Mr. Crag-a dreadfui, ricis, Radical old mis- er. You don't mind my saying se, do you.- sheld novs.yihng:bouw bs SIt,1 «cUuDotbeeelunl>s walth; sud he la certaini' net ier 9l a. 4mghfwl-d"iscovery. Fiis- toiu -vlIaW plese; sud tisai ve shall am .yeun utise autumn. NWi alvays go, or vîiii 8D, te Straithainrlwe. "But, piapsx, my unuS. viii nei [m tu= tho.." "Oh, yes, re wii Do net b. so con-' tuaditor>'. bMydean Iova, you vin be s. vetus>'usinas yt. Craigdarrech M Anuite a iovely plage. And tiser. is a faim --ta good f~; arm, fisihugngbts Taik fbov.d t164I, tti Moi&, obserf- inf thse iseir, ln.jeed oé iakii'lcsa& hIti la punlugwitla*nD ltm Sond yenhome tnlà b. "ýNe, dean Evolyu, *y=e ho»1motud me kn a eu.1- wl t tas.eue mymel, fer I de net wlh te qep omy bust goUn." «What a rebelhieus -siabjett yen are. Iprotesit 1, i aload takon boff My mlad vison! ,t"ink Yen bave a nlcii isole in thse toius. Kfep tat bold e1 hlm.ý" Mm& Debnlsa" verdi respSatlf bepce these fine foliwonlt ln' aferoi eitabe f&Wiscd-WV5tO où dotsupposetm ywt1 rul lue much, ouly B"17y4,Who à *a realy tend- ot e, I -bell vo;adIsso- rml ly e au t1gad4 ésb laddle. You aretgoedendiyen tval" '<Very -good.* Keuetis Interagis me, hO inSo fresh and orlaj -_He Smteeocmelf.piufeuated; -buihe i an boneet lad, aid bis motiier, my hall- sidtIer, vas sye nearest te me o! kti ftholugh 1 boved your father yod tI ho 'veut an married like a fuie! 1 maf 10ok aftcr Ktnnetis aid provide for tslm, fer b7er sake. lier beari vau beuud- up in hlm; and fer a',zW boue and muall hem ne that trong, «Tes, Und&e-ad*y ou ougb toatake «ar of hlm. lli ld.ed yousr nattars "Natralheirln&.dt q~itiitbair or befrteat bqom& what 1- cloa1, ou Icave a*il i x>esseu te au istutlao au hosuital tomorrow.ft 'Of ÃŽOsxrseyou could," sahd Mena, lu-- dlfforenUy. "Then Lot me hear ruse ywar o! boira und beiressosi", "Very vel. -Shan I reud nclivr- "A>, aud dinna go too faut." But; tiselecture dd net seenst gir stiction tub mise camèe te the 1>rle& Current," vison somne o! tise quotathous acerned te areuse a keen and pleasura- hie intereat lu ber bearer. uAy19 he muttered. "Spanisis four cents, forty-eight emd a quarter, ox-divi- dend. That's good,; Urne to eil.li. um! Union Pacifie, thire-fourtbs dovu!- thai vwiil do. Wbere la Kennoth ? He basai coma nigis us ibis Sawbath.' "Heic aid h. vas golag teoishurob witb his f riend Young Marleod, aud vas te su p witbh lm after.- 1 'flo's alvays ava' vhen ho la wante&i Write hlm a note; nay, a hait-penny card vWiii do as well. Toit blm-s-tay, l'il write myseîf, theug i la tise 1aw. l ath. Thon. are some thinga viii us. keep, aid tihe Lord's Day la nettseaneM "ii sida o! the border.t. "Juat s0, Uncie. Wheu la Rome, do as - Ay; Wwhe i a noesrems hlm?" "Ida". sar ai tei to-merrov menu- (Te ba continue.) WEAK KIDNEYS. Bad blood in mcuseo» ekkd Vancuver 1q Tise followlng um lýw pen-picture- ol MseLean, visew vent devn on th tise sufferers. T'h te Mr. Norman N tise 11.1W! (nmM o! the .ain ~ uS& is a rare bird whu pair of aoaki te pe tsoekas, this ditnbuting the lx berten. Each et pair signe bis ne pleted, tise cocuni the donor as a soi anarvellous -bandn f rom hearen vas seeka. The sick1 and put themn und a oontented sigh; burni eut and no« gard.d thomn with net t. say venerai Titu are gradi ter working order, point. tle authori te separat. tise et that la, thse deservii kng. Thse army Do, boeuge Visitation as who bas stocked hi aista ina "goingin One of tise food at Mission feeda beta thousand daily. Th tends for six or soi bouse!, a baru-like footý,J 'adivided latu tains bread, of vl Pale Alto send 70,1 other hem sund bat dual us; anotiser other canned meuti so on. A block bey piy Station,--wsere cËmd dally. l'h.. fabeen eut devi la, tisose vise can ni food-le put on A meut and vm~etisle tise case o!Infante Âlthough civilizi crease, thora are as be . en guâter trWier boa -been lingePink qWlt. ai ti. fondera. San y oni a brik cisimna sud 1ev degree.,--aIl and 'te*-kettles la lu">d, tndferent ut the worldiknowta- b. tor , dînMri. ýnii particularl tb.e.ý do and table <lcerqtic atableuapklu bine 'tise - IpoOserOf A ýlookd ýýuponvdth> for a. fl0V-eaek at andl tu èpeePoevi wiii luiunle r thelefore te 1w &VI te Reihabilifote'thi Sticken ity rrn-dvetla~. hIt a& dosen bloeks fromioüw qumrt'n, sux>ioad ,intemet- ankliEthe depili of fourr Btord*yS, no Qat I Su Franceisco as the top floor w'S en a lOYMt with the a writteu by Nurse s4dewsik. T'he wbole penaila, wp are rith Nursé Med >d , hà dropy.d four' feet. It is, tô ho m, Amur te attend t» $ied th"' t will stay 'wher, iîti Ifronm le account waa en nIl . lnost'wit1h>«texception, peu. eorcros, Secretary ot P 0 take thek lbases with great cheertuL. fitte ud wau w 'me In S. lThecalaasty wu -e» great thait following latter: el are thanIdul for Abslr Uves. T'he. ;j is etililthé order jority' look upon tftea punslEnanî n Fra~sco andho e es and aoo.pt Fa.her -Yorloe'. inter- o has more than ans prettion. '<IV, ver. s. wicked.iiy. 1V. nsll bis own. 4%pro- prldedourselveson our wickedness. NW. Sweek we have tt*nI thought w. were greater -than. natureu, ex sent by Mr. Cuth- graer- than the Almigb4y HRSimdl; bea 1 ne who, receives £aGod raied BRis lîtti, linger-sud tise, ane and when tom'- wiols CityfEau-" But boy long vill the nent will bersent te C&Wouoin remain hwuibM? uvenir, or a study in j i auro i.ert~aeol volhn Mann @*n ifelt 1ev t te strange tales têtare tol« nothing to t.bose can ever M. written. When it la te dsrk: people pattedl thons ta work , pee ta.lk in the dirn, flicker-' lr their pillows wi"hingcaudl.-* of the thinge they bave 1 the &bok ou ttd een ad ieard-bow when t.be great; ror saved a thine" re- bUildting.a wayed 11k. Venda1ums, âne i wholesomne respect, rOW after rov went dc'wu 1k. pinces of tion. abar aily gettangz Into bet- , inar l evor part of thse City ther. frons a relief stand- rs,51 tocse of cterriflcd itios are tryiflg hard women and ehildren, aeun meg RIhAt heep f rom thse gonts hiL above the. crash o! fading mssoamy ýng from the undeserv- 0o!f tone pavements besvlng sud rU w mkesa buseto-Ii# the wayes of tise ses.; cpet animal*_ cd wo. te that Min Idropxing dead froni frlght; of blatted s collar andstil l I pedr- aeota0tg 1miselte;ofsol-, it line"for -ration&. diers shooting, snd lootlng in thse face Of npîysattons in the (death :teUl. Ibis, sud things m«e ter- anPI sxy nd ev uy rible, ta what on h er a n m Fra- à e lUne scrmetimes ex* ae ven bineka. lTh. store- -At the present time thore in litme orý structuré, 75 by 150 Do money in circulation. 'Everybody te o-huge bina; on. con-waiting te se what thse insurauce oomi- ,hici thpeu-dents of! pauilci viiide. Everytblng dep.nda up., 000 loavri ila aily n-ontat.in thee meanttImneole Wh, ,n alicod for imdivi - odna- yae u mforL& clrcum-, boÃgna aauuie % anstances, ut stand i in ne, or -go ltis-- *ê and vegetabYe inas andOUfod A workman rarely gots pal&, ond in Uhc Milk Susp- né in asked te viifor bis wagu bidet. 500 gallons were dis- initely. uiilk supply.hOevOlI, Zast week, la tii. course of Ofws, n suad tie cty-Vbat US came acros at-u-doen Cansdlaa et a! tord to buy thar falnllies,-wbo, for the aboyereon e Lrmy rations, bread, protty vell dostitute, They. 0u# in; Do Muilk (ejrOOptin aenough to tide them over gho perjod of" 0 butter nor a 1i-walting. W. -have also -pernuaded 's.- tlOftl 15on thae à -god many 01 theï t'te tg Vsaoouver, btlstrangesights te vioro té'gt'euud'la sesoli ndthia par,.. i eftda' ow f ke.tielaifutreappeals to theni Vary cenverted ljno dwel- strougly. Thiis ee-a s ood, doa of PneU- orn tht wWnOWS and Monk and P1eurb7, caiased by .xPOMMOe esar ocbsnvwed over thse uiht 1« tse ir, but, mmU a nda ýrà ei» s tii it--other 0conti1us disues ae kept 1 ~ad dames e1 higis la baud, eooaslderg the4tat.et tsh ithse middle of tise Les -TJris lait te thse -tact fIà t i au bata boliiyfeits nuu rbat tiser. le, glng to 11* -at :tb.- érnce Mai», abd tl e world l nt yfr Goldenat ar;rsg.lopee% iwabout tni bl 'h. thin roaluao a vas -tw ous. 1N arad si 0 Hospied éqi iaL heqnulet .a thse esrtbtïuke and of 5001* of ki ieus-n prt IL ê.1k .u. ýP l..wa..I,.b g5M,*,nu. .. s. al la . luxrUryM rk.Htbath* as»I teof ---w3 y-5- Duk0et kcd a îeultural qly ýan- ieaes b. Mrs Wore 71vas Do ýhimà êlt ,ha diffi. 'th local 1sd the- lit, ýuke -fe. uiow de- ateut ln- inspeni- Liju! the- ns Com- <iOï ii 2 1Ir Lend Pakot otly. -4009 60ce 0099 fr Lb. At Ail Qreors ftlOIItS AWARD ST. LOINS,1904. - -.-.. - 1111 Won -tLstI i 1~ FVI 1