Whitby Keystone, 7 Jun 1906, p. 8

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bourg town WILLI~ Comp ound rYN of Whhe Pine and 1er Cures Coughs, Çolds, Branchitis, throat and lung troubles. 2,5c per Bottie J. E.o WILLI$ Druggist Optician j Grock t.Whltby. ICoUntYTownj this veaaon than, là any ptber of Itaise la Ozitarlo41Sosavos the Post. (The Barrie CC/uncll pay, a borius o! ,85o. per trust to ail poràons plan Iing hard,,Maplaln front of thelr prop- erty. I1frhe bonurta be -pald at the ïKplratton of one year from the piantlég. WIDMILL FORZ SALE. Large aize Woodatock- nake, kear- Mlii, In firat-elas order;- graphite bearlngii. &pply to WM. 'NEIWPORT. In the Towvn of Whitby, on May' 22, a sm et IuoncY. The owner. can have the saine by pro'vlng property and paying charge& ApplY toi G. Y. SMITHl. 1 VIOLENT 'rHEADACH-ES. -I wam trouiibed for a long time with headuches, vhich woold eorne on wlth such violenlce that 1 could noit ea4 or do my work. Headache pdwdert% and qu'àck cures d-ld me nu good. Etight înoiths îigo I tonik s'i' boxeq of Dr. Chase's Serve Food, and I have no't be-en troubied wîth iuead- ache since.*-IMr. C>. firber, çMmco,, On t. Tinmralthing, pIurnbiag, roofing, alld ail work pronilIy 8.ttended to and satIpfactin gtuiranteed. Pringle's Hardware Sture. POLICE ~COURT. Arthtur Ovc-nn, o4 Itochester, who Sarrested l.ist week ckn a ehargze ________________________of v.iqratncy and thef t, arpearedbe- forc Police Magstrate Harper on go to G ~ Thompsun's for wilI Ttiesd .ay night. Chie! Bell traced tt' pa per. knlfe whieh w'vqs tolen f roM NMr. F. ýMisq Olive ?mith, of 'Toronto, 18 ,%Iwltlng her fiend, iss,; Dalsy Rlob- ertscon. The Port Hoisc rink conirbany clear- ed Q,14 last winter. There %viIl not be a very large diîdenýd--fo-rthe ahareholIdrs. IThe fîIre laddles helti a practice on 'Wednesday nlght. The en~gine W.,18 etcaïniled up and ls'steti, and evfqr IV- thing found In a matisfactory condi- bli<-d-Page, foriinvrly uf the Cumtoi Boiuse >staff, Is engaged in the pomt office here.- Mr. 'A-. C. Wannai,, Oghaça.'s vet- eran veteriuîary tiurgeon, ha8' an ad. In this lstiie. lDe Ik prepared toi - Ipromptly *îsswer calIs (o lVhltby Iy day o r ntght. Phone 151, Osh- WE CA N)T GO, Mh1e Canadian Prema Asdoc,ition.Ex- ecutive has cilled off tlace rcursîurî tcO Edmonton anti ottier Northwest- -ern. to.wns. fc>r thlid yeur, an mazîy o! the meinherti prefercd to deter the tripa ear or two._1 f3UDDJEN CALL. fh esuddicn cuite tohie great beyond talok place ènî Tuetiday o! (bis sveek lin tire Case o! Mtiss Antile 8irclîon, -- who has eonductedl a dressîinoking es- tablit4huent Ilat'his Lowil for a num- ber of yeara. Deceasied wasa t ber place o! ,buIionesis on Monday, anti on ITuesday wns- taken mQck with- hem- cebagea o! the iungn i jer bouiLli was noit robust cnough to wlthastarud te sere straîn, andi sie <ied con Tu- - adaj' evening. Tii.lutterai willl laire place-Lo-morrow, Frlday, to tire B. C. church, théne Lu tin. cemetery - orth th ie town. G1o o LuGl. tC. ohom'boii'a for :%ait paper. IEETS. The sugar beet gromwing district liurtobtng lV hul.by, comp)rîsîug 17 ohlpping piutis fur beete, contains 248,14 ruiero *who aime growing beetas, tolaLIlng Iý5O ocres, being one-tenth' part oit tir ebwole erop. grown for tre Blerlin Sugur Faotory, It .ja -teo-be biofied tho suigat bueet fields of tlu Ing, and icultivation, so (bey Inay cùwpare favotably, when lIsapeoted lu Jiane by Dr. 1. Iu t tliqwort 'h, with begt flu-ci otiier distrlctà, andinn blghly profti3ble retures ta (tilt tar- mners. - 'The ereution ut the band stand -çs pttQ*e(hing wth iwoted rapldity, -undI f the >eent galt >la iept' il -will le ready fofr us, about te tini. of Whitby'ai Wortd'a Fair. Two poste hiave beenzieft la ¶hot it-for Wa .er anà. yaiterday &atille o£ Pl ù ks *W. Evan.q and proive~ the Charge ",,P -~~c riisoiier. Who "'Va 1 g1voît a nioiith in jal uoîà eacb chargP. [The dîrk ivas rctanîned to its owner. whai la goling If camp In a couple.of weeks. where tic cau iuse It td sapear tfeeî down Into a pot of sil, where the eho4ec bits lie'. Owl'igt<> Vie r.revaen-er of qmill- pox In dIfferent parts o! the Domin- Io~n thc M1ilitIa fepnrtment vwllltaire eVpry Precaut'uin, andI allow fone'but tbhcaew pn,%sp"'nr a e".n Mit1 of health to go Into eamp). Thia kq a ivkp step. and ne iluubf. wilà have a good BICYCLE FOR rSALE. Bicycle In gm>d condition. 22 ln. tranie. Cherin for cash. Apply at Kofyptone office. Ute. Yu». and" beir iran4tagltr MiaMyYue,-,i'veg returtfletro . yearle visit -with ber son, Mr. Wtt,. Yule, -at Pmeque IditM. Mrs. JMartley, TO0roo, wte of the rectos' ôt St- ;Matblas'-Cliureb,, w an the gucat this eek O! Mis aÂrk- land "The baker,' usald the kftOWIDg one, "Itq the happlest mian ever. EVgry- thlng he etirs up paigg ýMet . e Ail he kneads in 111s, l'c bas doeigh to burn, and his stO4c a is I1 rislng. He certalnly takes the caIKeI i a etirrIng cbhip. and doe~s thingi up brown. Though he is 'ery weiî bred *and of a 11411 ruoler, -be lanflot ab%>ve mlxing with hit, banda. ne-~ aiehe la PlPez, .ad O"drfully Iclng hlm favors "%%ltb eterybody. The baker la the criglnai wÎale man of the BUGLE LAN) For the beucît of'the citizens we wiI.eýxplaln the causé of the un- earthly nolses irieing,,'in difterent SectIons of the town niaring, noon and n-7ht. Mue Io:ig delayed trarue- fer o~f instruments trom Cannlngton to the headquarters here hani taken place at l<st, and the boys have Only about two weeks in w1ilch to get ready for camp. Ah o! the youing men who compope the band are green on the lInstrumenta, but they are maklng a brave a.ttempt to "mtake good'l by the 12th, and xo to camp. The membera 1,ractloe ;It their respectivc houes and from the sounds conveyed Lo the -eltizen who may be sittin; mout on h1m iawn en- joylng the cool evcnirg air, he miglît eafflly Imagine- colutuns of troopqi were advanclng upon thé town from every quartpr. Have patience. gven- tic reauer, fzuthte boya uiul igSmo (i O. K. by, tte ime 1the regîmuent gocaq utt, and even If thcy 'tre not the best bugkàri at camp, they rertain- ly cannot be much worse (hin the btygle band which heided the regi- maent latit year. 'WON I N A WALK." AUt the latter part of the afternoon of Nfonday list. ntimbers o! jpel conld ho sia standing aroutndth min cornerm of the town lookitg e.-,stward. 1Tht Cause of the seem- Inc artxiety on Mieir part mas 2Ur. Jamnes fleynold-s, of Port Hope, who -~Iwax waiklnt to Toront(o on a bet o! TFIE BAPTIST CHUflCH. Next $unday ler. T. McEwen, o!fJ1I135 that he could turm the trick lJxbridg4.( wlll preach lit the m(Orn- lui 24 houre. - Precisely lit O o'clock lng aertlce. aind reprement ttie Home Mr. r-*eynolda' llghtly stepped upte Mielon Bcîard aînd Missions. It la sqtyeet, and at once was the object #«-peeted there wlll be a gond ut- iucgettatnto frm tb tienda n<c. Itn the evPning there willl be a xoeî service, le-d by LhW phoir, aSsoltnbled'crowd, wh 'clb nurnbered a whPn 1ihe PBrîîîd,' w1lIch w-111 march in Couiple of hunidredi ut lrant. fle aut tîniform, wlll be ln nttendnace, pro- once went to, an hotel for a Chu parar. tetotiroir %lait tn the gamp. o! vrilâ andi an egg, andi wïtbln five Dr. Fathergili wlil préaeh tipon te minutes starteti on thie home atrpel. stîbjet, "Pritimh Cltîzenihp' <of 20 ,,,es, 3Mr. Reynolds tn e5 -Thre Whltb) Grani te Co. lias er- years of aie, and Sl short anti rather ,c.ted a hand,,ome monuraonf over Lb. stoutt, but lie la sarne, andi after bis grav'e o! the late ani s Elt[ot t.; also a beautîlutl hcadstouc over Lb. grav@ long walk trusr* Port IRopo la tm .bo« ofteltte MIs' ?Cu4orat liamt, o! Pick- JuD(e d*, swung »COlf!uP tii. kw crîng. [Bath atones were emocteti ln wetwsrrd 'f reil 4s&aaa W.. »0 r- thte Anglican chus ci'yard, andthet. rIveti ut the jnt£Iaý-Iruo work ia a .ert41t to titis Comipany. lIg~la4 oa ~t 4,,4 U lda.y ostta, o t ou F2MRANCPECLAM t. 4568ille. 40 21 boms.34 mlutte. PThe fotIowI isliî#4the at&o4mul Ç« ne lot port, a9M atT o'oooW te Ppîiio« te Ic~atraagco' Caa4Mda> um'oî»ig, atlr. là a pair of Henry (Street Sehoos, on, the suit- ortioar>' bootsontaou I.n wets of Part I. 'inbit aie tt Pera. arU t» la Isfe -t 44 a4 r"oM' ture, hletoryé pity*l0loj7,ar udspair c( tronuug@ ssoreoff *ar nattir" .itudy ' Tibo Dames are gly-! the %ne@*, L4 show -Is Roe ofr.o401 en ln otier o et i.- -de motion,.a" or*susr, lIb*, src ~MsnaretMeCrnimtu.and AsotI grq fiat. a nou$.. j~AnuI $utbeiuotn.mit ntoduts .lohio! et MWh IAMY Prutnr. "d tes refor. I.aVtugMs 1 ztnst P.low. bo drank au .gge<i, à t took ii- 'Seulie Ilobeir.rd. DO',le.g ..~~ suO~ ;&*Wn Td."e d sidsIt alèsetb. r*md Ilesam Jre , bebm4L the s$>'v,. W «imr,' %>alu>Robsusn. auh. l'. ob e t Part oittl*ro4 ClarenceJl,~nguffltam te un A Y. apai' l y m iorne .tku (ver*m41Nur c k j The greatest snap -ever offered in the celebrated -Broadway Brand clothing. Suits. selling in the regular way at $12,50, $13.50 and $15.00 now on sale at $7.50, $8.50 and $10.00 per sait, ail the new- est patterns and outs. SEE THEM SEE THEN And rew SEE THEM M. osso f - Epworth League Convention. The 12th annual E. L. co:'vention of Whltby District was held In the Tab- ercinacle, Whitby, on Jae list.i fRev. D. OS. CrSsiey, Chairman of the District,, conducted devotbonal ex- crcîres at LI p.ui. Sand up for Jeaexs' was aung, an bs Psamu- read. 11ev. Mr. Crossley engaged ln rayer for- thej soci, Infeliectuai andi spiritual wel làeing o! the yuung people of 3ketho- Mr .E. L. Chapman, of Pickering. then took the' chair, ,4fter ibrîzlslng th wi uork o! the District, tie MIS-I f0deuary Depnrtutent dolng espeelally gCood work. ]Ho thuaght- -Junior League work uhuufd hae one o! tle finit placcs lu the wotk. The start is tuad6#wtth a 3ulidsay scbool schol- or, and, ahould be contlitied ln ,.un-' lar Leugue. B etoucýheti on (he tioublex o! 4eague-work,, (bon pçnthe, faithf ut. --Thers ,ibouid b. a de- partraent bo-arlng on phyuicl cul- ture, tCa prepare thie chili!, the. ta- ther co!lte IMutn. Forward ' Move. uwnt lait year anioeintd ta 8«- 90. Total aniount f0,r MIssie 70.- g., A Lmaia la wliat -itleh, rot, wbat It ha&. If LeagUers woezld lime tir to thelr piefte,, a ýbotter report %fould b he i.remî*t Iisgc*e h ave a areat rntloenoe.-*ieh wiIt r'éeo Ota LRtel of oseone. .1ere tire tbo~,wtoo kok ±q tbý 11,.. of! Lsa tuer@, and tbetrlv r e Id4to Iaan u p Our Intlsenoe la 4go14g to'-Wl tor cbejit sand lb. 2buret# it war lt op lune Wdding arerigigand you must 'wa ta th'e realiuation that a ielectîon muet be made-of a gift for thaê frind Who *l1 seon b. 4rde. IJSEFUL 1111165 are , flot.'aIways beautifut Lot us. sugget to yoii some. thîng that wil b. both of, thue, and that cannot feato picase bath yourself and the brîde. w.,pdide oumsoves in ouri WEDOING GIFT a*i w ssReyuatSfo A. .Wannan Veterînary Surgeon. mine Sti,9 West. Royal Hotel arber So louéO PAqtitTTRY Pl"$ oltY of Canada. iqor Licoe Act Phone - ýý il 24 LICENSE DJOIIIIT-Of SOUTH ON~- s boeby ironthat, D. W. o lu tii.ý EL. e ap ou vit 1et etIV 4rm . m 8.6, a. SFi au, th 748&9. -ver CI~ Bu l sn. W Ooa Noti %g5U.om Deva htow & b wai Hould A.- i A-or Lnv. ot rogbm a 1b. eA t ARY BOUM.ad04au P * ~ est. 9SO Mu. F V i -t 1 - . 151

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