Whitby Keystone, 7 Jun 1906, p. 7

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ýih way. ýd ease of hé Sunlight cil1 up each j. go aWaY. - I fwashed ýrubbing. IV3 1906 CtT. TWO OIR48 s.e -for t.bou s pvati faniIy; out.. Aidr« i utt, piudeuins i"rs bkg monfy Farster, OakVtlle. st-Oards o, 9: Mu. là: Me. W ne¶ tInout .10c albums. ail Pf»M rsyrup seuidSIl- vui to«eti Il th. gumgo -cure& rgmaiy for Diar- LEROY'S .E3 PI LLS 4rýbe sdulab'. nioittbly gr A 16 etiti .nitd nvaIuabIs fgie!. ind vcru gau. rmuEcîlose tmp, for r@IculUU.11 rbox 0< i Oa rl t (PMUa "aMilton, 0a> ~cEgypt. doubting tise ia- Governtuent ta 'ar a the Itint. ýeot Lord Crom- therè Id ta be~ ulrcd end vested a, modern Egypt ï-oenydoar prin. W iy he Unit- the far east gen. Swill rule, ehe ýt upon an>' mon. ýises, but, ou the açopportunlty te vilson' s F'LY ADS ýTHE ONLY 1IIING THÂT j IliEm Au irrATIONS, ILSON ld Out. rheeled bis chair ýuire about the openling 61 the~. K'ew YorkCu -1 ble. Passenoers Itudiion River andt New York, na, withaout ex- Dn Wrte Leulu cmr Agenrt, Neov Y'onge strect, g sixNil ay sud the iiratona ce Usa bightt4 r thLe Sabbatii ou. wsk luter. Tuer. is ne Intimation *4 te tiow the i.v.ulngweïk w.. speat. Peter &Bd John and James-t Vas the samne kîto the roons wbehis. bsed jairua' daugWp , ami-a ewventhi later iJiese saIeapost itn'eaa e .agny in the rddqi. :Es took "etheurea(1) because WO~IQIdWWitnesmes te prove Vthe f ot whera the ture camne to reveal Mgs gtory to tbe-worli. and (2) for tii. pusose of 40Or 1 ,esalwi t lu inthe tmtl . ndom.Intoa nountain -fis "pdgoe cf the. tramafgurationacene Is ukîowu, but it was probtably Mount Hr»u,'not fat from (amarea PUiIppi. la 1à the opinion of*nerly al modern e  oili.. To puay-It vus thé habit e&U& to po sl<m. ithe naght to Befoe 11. chose thie Twelve, an" 1-ýpraying l in lqt»t.. This tine kt W» pra.yer-meetiug.' HRe wvs.doubt- las. prayln for streng tot carry en Rits wrk aid f or the eulightemeat of Hi*s dIscIle..After-the announceuent of 1Mcoznlug sufferinge snd death, ami af- ter telling tiiems tatth"y meut ebre a em.. instead of a tiarone, th"y mal' ktar. ueeded enoour»gemnt. M. Jesus tran.figured (v. 29). 29. An B pmuyd-During Hi% prayer. ibe traxfîguratiQou vas the angver. (»Un- tommne wu& altered-The original word la elseviiere lu the New Testament ren- d.red "transforn.èd" (se. Rom. xli. 19; IL Cor. iil. 18>, Ms-nud laUBofeta opiritue 1 cheange. Mattb.ewlaYa,*i*lface titi alune as -the. un.» "'"h vould afpper that the. light shoue uot npon }lim froen '.4thout but that it ilion. out ofIlkîm from wtîiij ih vas oue blaze of tia- rlîng, celestial glory; it vau Himacif lorfîed.»-Ros. CoUn..Tb e ta" ci Noses laid. shone, but au the moon, wt*t.h a h.rrowed. re<Iected lighkt;, but MYat-V &hone as tue aurn, villa au lunate, iuber- cnt lIgt.-H.n-ry. Raiment became wliit. sud dszulng (R. V'.)-Miark asys, "Rxceedin«ly vihite usasnow.'" kils fae. @hoe wtlidivine majeaty, and aIl iis badiy vas a. lrraliated bhy it, tbat Ris clotJes cculd not concenl iii glory, btn beeme whit4 sud listening a« the ver>' figiat, with vMh H e covered imecf as -vill a garmet.1-WVesley. 'It was Ria inner spirit shâiniz through the veil JII. eav«dy 'vistanti (vu. 30, SI). 30. Mioses aud Elaa-Elias in the. Greek for= for BlIjiAh. This vas Dot a vMÎIs i ese pesna vere actually proet, andtithe asilsrecogniW dthein, as la entent tram Peter'. propoition, in verse 33. "This 'gives good ground for beiieving tkat vo ahaîl r<cognimc aur friends in he&,en.-liurlbut. 3ào.sm as a repre- seutative ni the Jaw; ite m sthe. ound- er of the. JOftibI idlsena.t4on4 wbdeh fer centurle, bad been preparing thMe va> lor Christ; he was4 a type 01 Chirist and bat and thirough hilm lad becnati ttuted the -mrflces whlch Chii*t f ulihiet and which explelned Ilis ini ng death, vbicb «* troukied the disc. p lms.Eliiah W»ust.he tepreseat4ie of the prophets. Whey bad taretold tii. ooning and tbe suifer- Ing a1 Christ, sud IL14ah was the ose who was te pSepare tas vay af Vue Lordi k> à b.~ttrsdsirirapan they uulysei n uis eso iluplies 'tliýt they fell *slep sud ver Îwakêdnedte o ie Biu gkr, wu> hei » origillu piathat tog e> iu * alep (Mev ykept f ullyawk-Aot Were, fully avae(R .)-Esa though e , M say' hav4emc. suieqaat tinst, yt vin~evs"rulgte before. tiens" tii.>' -er.fuli>' aval.. Saw-lats lory Asnthes vwo nm.-Tfl a.awtâi. bniliau.cy ofthti ouutt*- imansd thse dudnlg bigte- tustbe carments. ltwirsa a esfltI. W» ot e dosa.SSAstle i.y w Wei*d- y, t.bk cbikk.en.eof eabi (Exoê xiI.fx li;L a Moud that leok o of-b taberi. (£»xo i x.341;-a dosaithat fWled the. empie at the a edimt"on(L Khags VUii10, 11);- sud tIii. uket& Urne cda ,iàiS çmmrlts Pa.civ. 13)k Peter id=Mlet refers te thi e mi that "onceellent gior7"- (14 ,Pet. 1. 17). yi.> UV la var-y lisytsttetasluak tk place lu tii. nght, in tkih rA» ti.light of Clarit's couuteeuzsat, tEre daalg bvtneu of Bis<aumtdé; aid t. gtor-y of the. cloud, *euld baves marked effeot,, because of the. absence 0 thne solar Meglt. Entered loto-The. dont semai to descend over tuasi andi envelop tuba. 35. A yoic-T-7e voiet ýGod tis Paliher. 'lit revealed notbing new, but confirme the old for it vuis the saie volos wlich haît Leen heard saVHlisp. ttmuYý-Trenéb. This voushaowe to Peter sud thc apesties present thai the7 did not nee1 to detais Mos.. snd IMII>a lu order te add te tiacir liappfines. Thia lu my> beloved Son-1Mnttbew atd, "In wlaomn1i-am -veli plea*ad.Y hey Laid Jésus with them, snd lit vas more tban a" the hosts of heaven voîtitib. viLla- eut HRm. Hear Ram-H. as superlor "-en 4o Moss, the gTeat law-glver. Moses blinmeif ad masde uuch setate- usent (1eut. xviii. 15 - lie is superios te Elijsb sund the.prepiiets,am sudlathe One tO viio tue e>'pisw. Hw ls; at- tend te ni*. instructione and obe>' 11W word*. Tise va>' Wotmeàs teo it>' (wo id te barnstoensd houer tàe Son (John v. 23). To reject the Son is the. grumest ffult that oma be offe.red te (led, andi brIngs the. Mostdimatrosas reswua i. .36. Wiies thse roce vas pa@t--Ms4tsw tll» us t.hat vten Uhe disciples boead tise voiesUic>' kMUon their aeee, s* ver. smue afrad; tiacu, reeovenibg rIm the. shock, tse>' .wdenly gazai aMI aroundi tem &and w no erubut Jisu. Tii.>' eaed ééUacy estereti into thc cloud, but viies tht>' treard tise vola.etfGod, probablY as tond àas un der (oee John %ii. 29) %and f.ull eOf4Miue ausicaL>'sucla as mottai ars vere waOK- custoeed tO her, tiey 1.11 fiat te lime ground en thir rfaces, Iing soXe s*$MW; an., .fiect vhîch manifutib» ueOf Ual klrsd conunoni>' ad ou tii. prophetam4" other bol>' men te viiomu th@y *«0 glven"-Bàiae. it vas sew4l A/bran (Gui. xv. 12); s&d Ezeiel <Esek. L B) # sad Daniel (Dan. Vii. l-7; X. 8, 9); sam John (Rter. i. 17); a«I tpeope uswada7ys viien under the direct illumination of tihe Spirit, tometimes kl es.tair tresa4" ami fal t/o thse fpround. Tlatis oonition the thre. disciples la>' unttlJes touela- id, theansd raised tissu up, tiqspeliug tiair fears. lC.pt It ClOse-4ATIrk eys that Jesus c2arged thens tiat t/bey shisd "tell snonmwiat thingatise> bad sern, tit li tI> Bon of in u eretains frein flacdeadY Thepeoeple eouikL bot understand it, and even the tiieli themneivep coutl net uaxlertaud Il, utU ait er tbe..r«esrectioa. 1. Christ'r glot>'. Rel.teck Peter "ud John sud James. sud vent up Into a mountaîn» (V. -28.) Every100d hing bésins wltii Cod (Cen. 1 . sthse mountasin vIev transforise t Isepain, s0 ever llglooké dIttezUti>'sied trou therIeenly pîscês" ( ph.LI.8.) Alter ve bave 2Ieud the Sidnro ~y "ICere un osie.--. .. Ibokf om the tep (S. of 8S lv. 8). thse -viole landscap. cU lite vears a glory we neyer mcv w-s possible.. Thé- spirit'ot glor>' (L PIster, <test Ccd sud Savieut Jeas Christ (1I1; tus IL. 13, R. V.)- "Ilo pra>'» (v. 28.) The.14W of 307 called Abramapari te a lteof' , tuu- I suS» 1~e. 1 IL) Tbe. abri tt b$ e Crit a ospared 4tbe ofS.*&vt 10-, ev. xILL .)W.uI IViii, unveiwedfat. bilaoldixg es. in a lr- rot ais. glory o et .LOamu "und jite tUs. se .Iuaags fmmlv~ 8lo1> eNi ift toast, ai* tara setuam M t«O"e gl057 cres 01-Ulad l# h Scrta"y-Of Pru InLeaton at the Vatican aàd She le One of ýthe Richet Hefresse. mduntPruasia Jie.4.-Tii. eugsg.-- ment la anunauofert enaKrupp, owm oet hieKrup vnki, teo (utas vTois Bobles un& Haibaai, secrets-r>'of iii. PnmusLegation ai the Vatâcan. Flameis Krupp, Wvo e I 0 yeshs lt, la eue o!fithe niohesibeiresse la the., mirld. On tise dtctuiiof ber fatiier, Fred- erick Alfred Krupp, lun1002. h. isheriteti a fortune estimated ai frein 5125,00000 te $150P000000 la Germai>' uciaweauth mess fat more t/ban a tik. accumulation lu Amer- les, for h là tour fInes as <test as ibat TUE[ NEW 'fRISCO. WILL BE GREATER AND OI BEAUTIFUL TREN TRUE 0. <Sas Franciaco Bulletin.) Tne.leadiiag merclasuta visebave unit- .4 lu formlng a nev, uisoug4a temaporar',- reisil district on Van Ne». avenue, be- iveen Sactameute sud Post streets, have begun grsding sud building On tie «de- rassited lots. Tise. viebavé socured locations on thle veut aide eftht-e avenue art bus>' vftla plana for remodeliig the housesetrerttng temerat>' maria. se succeesful lbas becs their plans t-lai It- la nov assuradi tiVan Nes. avenue wâl b. a great retail business street- un- il the tovu assumes Iaé old appearmnoe lu thla faslsienable shopping district. Auto busses on Van Nets à thei lat- est uoaement te h. made lin ec- tues. wihtlie aubiious plansaeofithe en- terprtuang metchauts. - -la s letter trou lNe York, Frankilin K. LUne, vho la ibere lu confereuce viih IL IL Hanunma, 8cuator Newlands aud otiiera vso arc planning tise syndicale te taise 8100,00,» 0to sistainlutlb. e- building of Sau Fraucisco, tel et t-fbte vork liatislabeln.ç doue lu ihidirection 'aud ofthtie cordial feeling et Eastern timuciers tovard the people oet-thia City. Among otiiert Inlga, Mr. Lau. has liais te sy of tise situation in New York: *I find is to e b.la-e: No ose doubla for one moment t ti u a 1ev yeara ai mciii Sas Francisco ulîl ha gi-eter*&sud more beaulhful than ever. Ite ne <hosgt here et desertiug Sas. Francisco, or tista se viii <vezplace te an>' othe cli>'. But hIs in ard t-e more tise fin- anciers, beeause tisey tlsnk otan peopl capable o! deung se uauch thesiselves- mmlee.orkers, tii.>' ali us. ofe iii nai ePitailsiof tb.e mpire .3freover As aele evuet o!fithe <test Buses steel voulu1, be tas absolute cou- triot et a tovis ot20000 luabitant, sud tise fortumés of neati>' 50,00 emplo>'- les. Gustsv, von Behien und Haibaeh ias bein Aug. 7, 1870, sud vas a gentlEman. iu-waltlng at Uthe Court ot Baden. 1We then enteted ithe German, lIiplexnatlc set vice sud vas top! advisr et the Gerznas 'Embassy ai Washsiugton in 1899 s-ut 1900. Tic ucai 4iiree years be Is.id a sinsilar position ai. Pekin, sud aincest-leu bas becs .ecrtary tte a.rus"mIan ags tiion ai the Vaticas. a cousin, Arngus Oillea, be vasdriviug borne, sud vies prossagg tise Casadian Pacifie Raalwa>. ai vhat la kuevu as tise Blind Line ctosing the wagon vais simd kb>' a locomotive returniug te Oves Sound vits a frelght van frein Flesierton. Peler Gilltes vas brought ta tevu, but cxpired just as le' bail been removed te tise ambulance i. b. remevel te tthe bospital. _______ MICHAEL DAVITTS WILL. tmeasProperty te Wlfe-His lludylng Prayer te Irelani. A Loudon despalci maye.: Th. vil et1 lilcisel Datt, the Irishs leader, viie died yeslcrday, leaves al bis prepeni>' te bi. iswf.. hIteaneludes - "To al na>' friends h leaýve k.nd theugisteansd toi my enemies tue tullest possible for- givencsa.To Irelauti 1 leste au un- dying prayer for th#. abuolute freedm sund iudependence wvîh i wuvs ai lite'. ambition te oblats fer ber.» The, will alte providest tsisouid bis death coeur iu Irelanil the hurl vas te beuAI Stralde,sud IfluIntise Uniffldàèttalubis imot-bers grave at liansyuank u ,strPlaladeiphia. Il diaries meut-pet b. piablisheil as unoda, sud là ne Instance vithout bis vlies permission. "But - ounsno occasion imua anythlng lisais or eecusorlousaboid su>' perses, dead or asure, vie cnet vorked for Ireiand b. prinleil or publisbed, or uséd so as to give pain te triend or' relatives.» 31GB?? WIITS ISUM. Cobat Peope. 8*klsg DaMAgea fer the, Exploion. C*Gbat, Jus. 4.-Write te ibe nui-!j Iber et about. elisîr are being laseil 1 8TRU~K~ A ~ac3litthe O (ntario powtaer STRUC On caosine. LiMiteiL viiome head of lee lai-t Kigs- ton, aied tbe G#o. Tuaylor Hardware Sylubi Famie E:IIe Wl!.Cbm#àuy vii.o*e head.office la atïlNew Dnivbg nome. el5kd frdamag 4eUIfs5 caused by the .- Au OwecSBound despatch: -Peter 011-,mie reestl7. The. damae vas eausc4 ilée, soin pf Mr*, Anrcbald'UUlleala wWll. 1 ty both emu<usion and fine. ITh total 'kaows Sydenhasi farmer, waa 'klUedlita ouat'of the cI*imu wvil) on over $M8- * nIw~y tOiift8, ent about two0'10M 'Tuel. r i neete aeex- mules muth of tipn.îotyaltpue bi e.mn to .puas theli 0 o!ecek iit ee! lies mpau»Y viii aato Ut bb.etribunal Woàmenin":Or 0IsMtW Thé an asea M a Tu at.8 or-ipta t-sar ves L4 ai 77eë a bushel lfe 100 bushels. flovers, ce. vere iarge. snd the. demuad, good., Butter bzld, ut 18 te 22c per lb.,, aMi eggs ai 19r-. Spring chickens, 20 te 25o per lb.' Ra là môderat-e supply, wlth demand tait; 15 loads sold ai $13 te 5$14.50 a ton for tiniotan sd ai $0 to $10 for mixcd. Strav as quoted et $10.50 te $11.50 a ton. Dresaed hog are unchanged, viii leglt zquoted at $10 te $10.5, sud hear>' at 9.75. Wlaeat, viie, buuiaci -$ 084 $085 Do. ted, bushe . ... ... 084 085 De., SPrlng. bushet...080 O SI Do., gouse, busiiel.. 075 000 Osis, bushel.... ...- ... 041 041% Barie>',-buahel---------.051 '052 Peut, busiiel.... ... ... 077 000 R>'., bushel ... .. ..:. 075, 000- Hayi tl.not.h>, ion ...1800 1450 De.. inixcd, tes.... ..000o 1000 St.raw, per ton-------- .1050 1150 Dressed iogu... ... ....975j 10loi Apples, per bbl... .... 300 400 E4g,newaid, dzen 019 *020 Butter. dairy .... ... ...01s 022 Do., ereamery ....023 028 Ciekens, spriug.....02.0 025 Fowl, per lb.......010 012 Tarrkey*, pet lb .... ... 014 017 OsMiege, per dores .. 040 0OW-, Cauliflever, per don . - 05 100- Potaioc, penbag......08 i10 Onle, per bag .......100 000o CeWey, petr<oen 0 O4G0 00 Bet, idquart.e*n . 800 923 DeO., torequarters Sm, le0 62 Do.,$ -=o easse. . -750 80 Do., imfedum, eqase . 00 -050 Muttou, percewt ... ....900 1001) [Veal, pet cvi. . . .. . . ..860 1000 ldumis, per ci.....1200 1300 Tereasto Lave 8tedk Baceipîs et lire stock ai ithe oit-y mxr- ket-a eeported-b>' th. luilwa>' - aiïee Taeàda>' vere 87 «ar loada, egnsposed et 961 cSttite 1,733, hep, 18 hil$- 3 calvm Msd t-vo herses. The, qaalit->0etfakt tile as fair. Irae vs b tter'tisuon Tucada>' snd prices lt rbulciiune'calile ver,10o pet it bigiier.'o - .tia I e Tecaus"of tic advancew»ta there wves'no mortecattle ou tis* aiaket tisa would suppi>' tise dssadserl outulde .bu"_ri beisgpuntise ma-ket# aiongat ulsom »i J. S. Ding). o ie u Mlon, vise was put aalue mt-I.for the Exprters-Thre vere few, if au>', About tbrt.or four loadt would repre- sent tise rcit fexporters. 1>icec *oe, . lIrml but- nýt aay bighrer, aund sort la»d-At 5800te $4 pet oint. B3utoisets-TIse deumitd ton butchére as "c, tanA Driom vess 1&,hheir <for Wheu, YouPlan Y=urPmcii.?0 mm *î~hnk of>u~do yet you nvy h ia the rt bung thst la miUaed. Ycu can lire without bread but. Yeu cm lvre-ýwithOut..a-ny.O, * . bnvea >tm.icn quaity 4culd bthe t-quaimt ol ;laieoi ta bau couvincd ed i ousbfCanada d tha- k latih st for pa : s el Try Ogilvw7. Roya1Houchol.'* Tourgrocr reommedi l, b0ana klrehaugvt rauw 0"e Bs ook AS, a OC"in $ome DneyePubue ow oe~u lis " isgstoL îl. S"c dTé* &Wos IIIdO byktr À King"tn n~ poa .ptk asfor sentlomtal tesnsdtbeljp a aliter parah, tmrned over tost. Luke's at a nominal- prie by a diocei rto0mln;t. tee. et. Luke's cougregat",on u is h main part -of the. oburcl as au addi- tinto t Pariih urc.ýIn aid ~4tl chacisudaantua~for use "a sbarn, wtth ii. at~r sd ohac loteSjke as ted text# and acrolla luful iveu, of thé paasra by. ,Tbusbas erated à- rnU dadthe ExeeutveEBoard ofthe die- cml dîacuaéed the. matter in warjn fauiah 10114 ýTbe Disbop iaid St. Luk a'd A

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