Whitby Keystone, 7 Jun 1906, p. 6

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e luo1 inarchlal cope Atl'ais an ax- oui, accepteil by ov.cryboy-pmte pr- cn' And chai-acter et the ruling nsover- agn are sacred, and- evean thougb thn- dea xnay roistupon' nôthing more ta'n- rible lian custoxu or an unwritteu lav,, t in observèd iu mont eçuntries iu a oyal spirit. Eepecially lî <bis the caie& c England, where <berecogId.probably - ot ho e und a ncwspaper, howover scur-" *îlIeus, <bhat would spcak disrespectful- of et Kng Edward; and eue might valiç, bbout in the public places-aud listen li' in fur an expression et contempt or % bumuttered againat any inember thhe royal famiiy. In Germany, on <Le other handi wherc hoe lave regarding 'Uene majeste" are o strict, earceiy a week passes vithout bis. conviction et soie 'untortunate per- cm vie bas dared t<o ifrings one etf<lhc ceres*et clauses lu the 1ev, and sutters bccordligly. "Las majoate," succincsly lefluedis at<e crime et utteriag an in- mint te the rullng momarch f et <o un- ry. laithe, -Germa statute book 'ne ýwer <han 125 paragrapha are devoted 10eiepeunding tuse law, and 000 books df reforence for the înformation of iaw- rers have boen publiîthed on the intri- iat. ubject. Theli.wleseovordod as te .bring vitit- a I As. cope any rcmark vhieh eau by à*d exercise et great ingenuity be twi3t- ci uSe sometbing reflecting, be It ci-or treumotely, on the chaiscter or pers-in et he sovereiga, and te make it a ~Indmnal, offense. The clauses bave béen oo looseLy ,worded that tie widest posel. - >1.luterpretation may be ?iaced un Say rcumark which fails under suspie- su-L. "4est maJeste" cau b.cemmitted DY wozrIs or by actions, in private con- rersations ne les& than in public speech- -a ,dlu personal and coutideatiail lt- lon te -fxjends or relations, as volt as - ~ n ' cssa articles or books. If <o persons are carryiug ou a con- rersation alone lu- a priva te room, aind sus o fA-thould tache a romark dis- esapettul te <Le kaiser, the other may leapunce bina te <ho peolie, and Le pmýob, Cl:p~uld be convlcted and sentenced so-naeut. 15 v iii easily be un- lerstM<atunderthis lawi, and vith lhe eXCeOalVO, eal 0et-the German pole r affial, tLe authoritiéés tind pIeu y et Irork to db in <ho direction o ai uin »Uoaltlond for <is aofféese. acrn IT Icttest case occured a few days ffgi çewheg:, a Berlin buteher was sent- t uOed t- sAix uonths' Iiprisonment for bo-luqspoken dlrespectfuliy ef the !£ai- .a hroe yoars mgo. Net long agq '-.e dltor, et sa 'Germaunnewspaper reeeired - sentensce ef three ýmenths for rornark- lai lahli. journal <t <h. kaiser re - Mie ý£2,000 daiiy fer appending hie f ture tOe sfoist&<o d la M ocument.. 0 0 o &"ss mJéste" la no e.cpec. ler oet porsons; schoolboys or old vo - -npensre equally vlalted vith the fuitl Senale. , oI& m*man of soventy. h-tbe, living luI Dreaden, vas seutenced M< six month ' imprisoanient for remarlc. <b tat the fate et King Alexandér oet ~evs omght te bfa.U King George où Iarny;sim-s.baker'i boy etf fîtétan in liesia Lsd <hreo- Weeki' imprisoument oriuaultlnï <lie unjesty of <Le kaiser. If ha it, àas oldior hi. puaish.. maut for,' c.majeste" là exceolvely1 »evere. A privats US drunmed eut oft 0h.army,,aud Peteaced te, neveu years' ltprlqmineit foi saylpg te' a coinrdo hLe kalaar'mlgebave slowed clown1 thé train l ýla LIh b.vas traveligI - ~ rer <t#ase<h. saut. eoztic sold ar #rho 'Wré <aroute. *1ér 1';g'Stkeeper et Llcltem.- a.à en- Ulq élubl It tbLe.. MlY4d rent. F pro"e. s" on iueos AniM - 'r s * J - ~ ~ l btbewhns dia AN CU~ Pro-i Nô matter of Iow long standing y"III I alimnts for Mbïc# Bi3leans. sýe appliélj '-Up * I44 * b- i tho~e~ aUme4I g~sdisaIènvaci; .m U mWle.ane scores dZ the= ain- L41 . For- the -Ère.ter p4tion « be~r life, Jdon11 loni, ad thlek1.dls On*aneco-' Mrs. Fruis a re, 'of, 40r Warrin#ton I talitlY broiit bde toh. »bllO'Ift connoa- 00 Road, VWidues, Lhad uufféred-from imdi. lO tin ItIi *w cbe-u-blg, iiia ana n siestion, headache and allied ailment.cur1oUsý .et long-sta.nding as thos aifim'!uts Pb*wraspasblema Were, l)ileans have cured. them . Ilere cunu work t0 de. 1 amn oaled uponatamost hér ie toryt ' 481y tW bmi or contLrm sus»iaon a taDUt "Practieai y rîomý girloomfI suftered rimontal squabbb. m ewmkag yon from idie.lb t ôtgh, lt wUS Of lidybroi tbg ae 0 ab h ceourse, Worm. soui timos &(I*Iad i others. rwais subJee~t t cltlng lzend- writte,.*th psa a" 7 voc anx ut aes«, my head ieemed tb go runmd cc I ko'w wh.etholae a ai round, I aehed al over, and every 11u 1D YUgmus wtth Vbhomi ahe hd quarrellod shook. Every tume I te or drank.liad MA1Sb0~eaumd flt 5ttOr seau. such a. heavy feeliing. and didn't w tm' àte I hefora=td ly&or ,aà th4ge doa.ytking but lie do"., If déathb ad Iiaudwi4l' th* y-.bfflrd 'd *a corne to me theh 1 ahould nothbale'nind- ~IPI'0V0< beo7nd à shadeeof tdoubt. _______________ ed, and many a tirne r prayed that 1I rm t t WIuth llw tItW?. Liat la vas________________ mighit die. I was actually afraid toesct, t as very Pea<~~I înÇ<Thad y t and of ten I bave. lived for days at a llr..ad bwsm. sbaty>. quarrel fi 0"'Chudîofouhr i a.SdeAtjst tixue on kotbhing but bread and m:ik. hstaUPSiP a>Mmd the Pai an ~ ~TheNwYr eta!Lasa a s , treSt eortges HbRitk D it eli às'aill c] - oyen itirmerwmt nounce a rate of single tare plus twOfty- stiy, t S. Gorgs HapiaiBt eceve< a a~zIIyCOlrdTaentlno. Hoetfr cents for the round tri to Boa. St. MIary's Hospital, Paddington, and' broetIt kto e . satg tiat h. thought tn aso h cainc h pn at Croydon Hospital,, >ut without ry- tO nder vas sa clerk la 414 em$oy oWvhom tnof theon tov curc fthst Si sult. We hve aent'pound andho bd, tugmkaqw wtae o a4 srm.Iiso fte e hrc fcrit&'n suit. ~ ~ ~ ane Wehaeepntpuldio1( fOfUe heoie - la flaruu. ttiat, June 101h <o 17th, inclusie.Tîlk. pounds on doctors, but they neyer correoyIy. 11W P Ord j *m'i.r' wM wrlttorn et# vil b. goen going Juzie 2 to 11, in. gave nme nny benefit. Sometines 1 got 0On thé Valetino ne urdtk. o lie or frrtr oJn 8 relief or a day or two, but tMe pains 'ai " swih the usual i UII9g or th,$ clerk Thyo okCnta a<omi 10 In question 1 âlscovered s'autapechillarlur4g TeNwYokCnrl stems soon re'turned. In botm. prvinsfl that the clerk wva th direet as vailas the qulckest route. Pas- "The doctors d*!dn't SOi t*O ýkOW RUiLStV atY. Ilivever. foptthe tooltsh eUz sengors vias New York may use Hudson wbat vas tho mtter PVýth ý 'One fellows sako. 1 kePt My kn~'owldge-te o ef.Rvrstaesbetween Albany an4ç e ssid one thln' and anàther i4 some- cîWZb1 irs _h ta ~ ok ate o ohdrci ns,ewti t.hing else; but in spite et -a03 their 5anhltako. vW esout extra charge. Write or ca" On Louis medicisa I got no0 better. Ost day an 'lh.editfculty a forger hiw te eontoud Dao Casadian Passeuger Agent, New inuruo getlaR o2sadt haîagîtn gat a ~hmtatnome eme* tsani- York Central Lna O og tet î-ufferlng t rom indgestion i vrills,, s , -dl wulstag hI. ewe. eeT ar ý iral o'ti-e tokout W iio" 4 ciar- orouto. should take Bileatns, wiih 1iiàd cured at"stia. for tii.y v"ry oiSn imgTto the him of, that conipijt ~ Identity' of the forger. bai sofaith là proprfétart moui- ~O1x.th,@Oxford t1tor. i>* of t J nOU Wben te Qut m oo gafu a1 capable c greWh ý «(Brantford Expostor. ces, and bad méear takià îa'y,, 'but I ts ,ai- . 1t< 1 1. < deterniinéd to follow bis advice. For wss oofah r . t i 'bond- les fh iret week of taking Bileans I feft Obaey>auss e~~ 4ftti sd.H <P ti4»wbetedclrto no very 5urest improyeumnt, s- asd où@ faiUng. hovever. in iwrittag in a of tih ro ofMar.thon, h"ba e vii frlend LaforetoliPient p&Oaetome of theSiciaractertuisnvr u n<Jo a ofMI OiUnortuaataly oe.pt in.,,ThIs ov n«i-aanthr u with them a.nd soon began to, fSl an <IdmUy OW0r i « improvetnqnt. Frontm t ay InoerDUI*S0fblaci. i là0ftruS> &kfrNars anitk. e ob lookoil bac. Qsu.l i.fdge Ie elae oà bàù-0fb> or0f ibe tion. hoadache, dizzines, and other lbitSVusPlRCM ltu thebauds t >eor it- aliments vere overcomo. I took ia ail tls at the Homo Office tid the handirttns 7U8CifltlUofet<ha Raemy Huit. mune boxes of Jileans and they cured the »i«Q»ti adL dievrd o.et 0Aftte a%» >solloquied 1Mr. Edward' me eompletely. BIlee.namare worth vltirfl In h. eallrMpmy orfthe.Wy .. nom" perdo Wu, lest wfn 010 a box, sn4 I onir. vlsh I Lad Were t Dot for the camfera the. <,eSetîon dameatals, Dr. Crpay, a ins4place, aRe know cfthe eniier Ta nba-à eOf orgertea vould bho aiment lmoe.aîw.. iàhý Wa1kftr l h 4 bger and wld- < knon' f tem earier y-amfleswQuIt. reemtly a chnoer th* Bta eOt *Ooe r f a eponiillty, are botb auiv. to. lot otber me o i i W bave vas homOréd at a Lonnbat*-ik. 15 red to ~gfrti an iig,5 r benef ited b>y rn have boom firo An eminent expert who igfrteà»tiga 0i Bileans frBllieusneau cure ,head. vu calleG IDUezmtàed Viti a pverm h and aRi amnt upon titegretfudameutals» ache, coastipatioèn. pies9, liver trouble, flu"lg tngr Bu5t~50ffrer . t "_BR1039 *» IdtI* i'éanyct a 1D57 or d Indigestion and al diaestlve disorderethen Dut thée chque t thep0< OUÃ">. <'Bîïll gea > undmet ls" ther Lemale alinentu, akir, eruptiens, Lil- a" dfoud upen tic -reuttnt n vo . run.agreiit lra ud enW m Iousness, sick Leadache, bad taste ln r*ltb 1h sgasOf f ratot&M d bUdtng. arMrsionS Priat. andlaymen W-ho de- Th frer ooéver hi. va, ad rnm k,,. ail<a _er laVee.to h the ,noutb, foui breatm, d>Ezzi1<ed tie mame iu pencil and thon fll 15 tla <«fine- polîtin .watteOuLl On t fainting, buzzlng noises ln the Lead, vit ink. sbamutg tedV e tii ~~->~'> u a- ratd w.ai th. e h i moi feelings of uncounfortable fuines' a ven yard vltb a finue.- neI>ne-Adteae uinî after e light uneal, wind painsaile- Auto*vuih eOotOu sienabout be sromui can t<ho priest or lawman th. more esan- vie Purchastng letters., «&. 5h55 U3 tu4- .tydom. bq try to ho promimsat in MIR. debility, ete. dr- t D ioad SI' ho ta tho hamrdvrunge >mu poeui- smbiy Obtainabi,. fromn &Il veote tht ticand, n ..e inelnt _______ ts at le0-cent. per box,, or eirect Thora amM Des te London vho make a me freinth h.Bilean Co, Colborna otreet.tvnid Bëfb vts**li t sbkhraio ctw rtste 30*s"r tnimen ubua' Fia 11.Mawb. torAng irgnatures, ud oelllegtbeai Toronto. upon. neM>lt cf prie&. 6 <et ea rootas anddbaas.One Mau i ex - rz boesfr Mknevm 2te me, bus made a e s a u. m mWAiL1 _____________a mnuti la tii ve. uta! But for AtmblseXku For a fortplght. esci May. the Geïer- 100»911VVWWIIU voL j sMb~Ij 1 OL Liê' burob o et 5oun< tlu sesion aS F4inhrgb,hmt one eft he grasS halls ;et Jfoîyroe kPalae, wun er tho proaidency et a peer 91thpSlpoI, holding s patent troa th'lienguas bis Lord 111gb Cemmilaonr. 'Durfnkt<lia tortnight the Lord HIgh Commisooler enjoyî altagether -vlc>.regal honomReif îs received. onbis arrivai lu, <lie Scot- ts cpia by 'it. municipal digultar- les, beadd b>, ic LoIrd JWrvoan sd bqy <ho Lord-Llouteit o-et <. os*try, andl thon, escorte&- by -es,ualry, dirve. s stata canlages, ilit potiullns lirougli: streete luneil vlth treoe, to Uolytood" Plcwherc e lan uartered dUdn.gbis tvo veekal stâyý7Like the y cJye Ireln, i i b.prines o e t î oegant la ls aeored *thse pn«elc4 oo!"Ycur Grace s »NetS moral>' .me, -but leilea 4i *eU. »« are exeea te t rue t heaIt a.uta4 îLelie, ezýt#is tom ad <oye m*ia- stan m4m#ttil e bal - thew ',b. sea<.d. 1néiLs s arge taft of tords sand geutlameu.Iua-waiting, vhil bis wut. lia behot d.hnt aMa4' Ilus .s jPbyedsm liere te ismmesbn ha Il vol" coma Rave <to UKaavine-elus1 ont. ,qs neuay sppens, aspeotUs>'dur- lug long <ours, <laS automobliseare treuble ith sec*-,uzaulatlon of fine duat s«d grit <bat "ludt15eway la some mont- mer t. <lie orklmg partsofet<hein wateh. 'A. Agoo«i wsy -te &vola' <hwaianoy sac, esy Thse Autombile, ila <o op«n ti. front icasei oft<he a asUd, fth ~"~-~T aà- tcout cbIesasped&% s'na ud appt>' s oit e t ofVaseine Au about -théh case w-berst se lil faike »IMM ROOL "Otlabaii & f' fflttheback ii- of, ing gu. n sa" l*xwu, sud .v i s alsmm no.O~ *Oo* e Ue sahcft'kaLS qu "Ot vaof id"Ula Ireld, nia mtbe v' t att na rà mm i u tàm 'luit m o#*ilté1< v»al isaeM * ftw 'bit evolq It inu mlx v r r b9mti&anea m >oW hf 5 < 0 1 ~ t b~= # I l . r ~ < 0 1 u t l 1 w 4 AW6IR la5, or <1.3 Wfhm #p~, uv- *014 ont~~~~ a--mea o b L thé tra étimt uw*ui - up wavil do is work in thity to sixty minutes. YooeIosçs-w~ bjç~aoe d-whi'er titan if'washe in the old-fashioned wvay with boiler and bard rubbM*& < Equally, good with bard or soft v4arera Apaches Neyer Scalpoil Victime. is The taklug e ac*lps bas ýbeau $pken ___ of go emmuonly lik the. preussof theii.t lite amoug < Jndait e my ' 1.1o1W hie scalp!' Nvelsteven, tofé-dy, uT viieA oa.tng their gtonles lnÂah I i laad, alit iiuvlssam, et Apache vengeance. Ais a. fltter ef tact, one ea" &aY that the Apaches, never ess. toek scalps. Men vbo have been closeiyr aaeciated wltb <Lent for thirty years or O AX amere daim <hart'ne full-bioedlApache los %Ver salpa sman La klled. on the,:r, cenutary, Le vould not touch a body ai- ona ter death sand vould thtm aswaï lis veapons If stided vitb hunian blood. Sou, Their ova ded tLe men avar halp <o, U lm bury. TIs task là lei ote oomn- lm..aul 4t Boribmor. Cail Kaep Nunand I Lnment ta <Le boue& Mie. W, Hei te Chai. Çoeetb- i "Thrty.two ehevi <o esoii mouthlul, ild Glasttoe. <'CLw- un1you ;ea tust@ ne more, sand don*t gpI angry," iSYs Fletcher. Pomimaps <Le second di.- tunt la L hlà eopb hy Oa lal F te amaming osreer as much au t<» f nt The pslleophy la Leipft -ansd mhle e1-esr, as zd-sertb ds ith. Amr estng ale ture t h Le rdl«Aary- men amasm WLereWilI You GO Ibis S mmer? tenSion C coutrol co g- ~ ~~ '~" ~ etorc1eanlj lit equ al ',l u a-d fmi! lode ISOTpUV5t théseom" euatgIs1e& aapbdW# atulQebc urrgga l T- cpi s 4oum t"erth a mm s? fLUa tm, tg1 ~ & Sts 50 airutirs'orst.àbatfi veoI tiustrate-guide, "NIAARTO TS Mdoa e Id au. gn moutsla .stae mrast o f 1 e IL loestrChatte.Ws1Pme-t is feetof the w-erl Wh"chrm smMe proieat Port or-PeUNgcway 11k. 1 sowe TE N.23, 9 6 Us-cELANEO&Ã" m 0"S rO. obsou G ?'r MM W1UJ1?LNDS-10 A~ iveir Post Oerds Loti at.Lsaone; s4»Ils 04 fat. tà i r o'clde iai Lbroab. no doubtîn lngié a of the Britishi Gonunet t th domiat*op.ulyth Uticai r idcWtlIt there la tà le >Ëêrt"rnty 'for .1ato.D WhlIe England viii rwe4 *hs proposeteAi," Mp m Y mon- irade or fuel.,but bu thé- IP ,itms<o - -~W-lsïoft' panaae w-a is a orever atfaanlg do the grot lkis sd hWltise cs ed latheofca iuaifr4r for tlié "S."c» iln.Dn. ..ai ci~BS luo<h Q<055 seI 0-- ;- AseLr1 iMMIIONAL LESSON NOô.ý JUNE 17, 1900. - Ohemenmary.-î. A nigiht of priyerý 8. 28. About an emght &aysa afte Jm4ew ad, Mark Bay six days. Tn ýSj.x funli dys am dthie fracbio at he beg&nring and tiheoae n 61aboUt" eight. These sayims. ""M 0 e!t it nSlessoL lesh uapP the grantonfemssion occur en Vhs Sa.bbath, iamd the tranéfigurat OR Vhs nigh.t a1ft4r the Sa.bbath ouei Istu. Tiiere is no iatimatioaa" to di tlbB imtervening week w«a spent. P-e Mud Johna nd Jamas-ît vm t-he sa avSed three who Lad gone with 1~ htto <lie rom ni ere l ie sed Jaix daiughtor, and a lew aîoutbs inter thi ineqO 8ties witnessed His* agon.y ta Il' Hét-ook thesie tSur-.(1> beca Lneeded witnesses to pS-ve ,lhe f W1h611 the tiine canie to zeveAI l f.gi to Sthe voci. and (2) for t-ho,-pur-pes emounaeing and. es tablisiling tlscm in tma a f EHi. kingdc>m. laVe a moutta -Titplace cf the.transfiguration sge i unk nowa, but it was probably Ma~ Her M'M-, net far f rom Cacanrea Pli. lis la <Lte opinion et arly-al1 moci ~horties. To pray-jt was thbe it Jeans Vo go akmne in t-he nïghit B~.ietoTe lHe choese <lie Twelve, i mo'feediag the five tbousant, vo WmpraCyÃŽng iii tLe uight This tix lma de"pra-yer-mneeting.-" Re as dos %ee. praying for strength te carry on womrk and for the - enliglitenmjent of diecipies.' .Mter the announeerent- Bà coming sufferings and deaSh, and ter <eiling t-hem t-bat t-bey must sb a s cross insrteaid o-f a t-rou; they 'M baye, needed encouragement. IL; Jesus transtigured (v. 29). 29. He, praye-During Hi. prayer. - rasfiguztioa vwas the aaswer,% (k ~mmaaee a tered-The original w fa eLnswhere in the New Testament i dered "t.rausforied» (see Rom. zu. IL Cor, iii. 18), a.nd iouadtd of a ipiril Miune as the sun." "15 vwo-nd atlpear t tiie Iight ehone nôt -ipon h ,lm -without, but thst it shoneoeut of J frem in Whn; it vas o-ne blaze of 4 ilinç,celostiai glory; it vas Mini = e m 1od.-HOMn. Cer. The. face b s. ad sàone, but as the meen, -t a borrowed. reflectcd Iigit irj ah-n o tesa si, with au Inate, la eut -iIgh.-Heniy. Rliniet heu w-itq sad dazzling (P.. V.)-Marc - Exceedngly'vbitea aow." "Hi. ilion. vth divine 'mujesty, and ail va eirradiatailby àit btý =Zrdnot concents i. gory ligi; wU vheh He coorp. lit n ]Hi. laaer spirit eiig-tLrýOUgli the M. II. eavWyvloitants ('.s 31, Moseaa.n4 liaa eWas ithe Gxeekil W folah. Tbis vas net a 'vision. T perenave.actisally iprmsut, andt -USiii-les O ffocogied-tioxu, mas la vi frolnPetee -prop oii. inmverse "Ibis ,gvesgoQl grouul for.- boit tbat v-e cali recegnize our trient boe.en,-Rmrlbt -Mo-seàs vaS& xri aurta.tlvb efth<e iaiw;- . -as t-e Lfà 1 au

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