Whitby Keystone, 7 Jun 1906, p. 4

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Mr. jasI t, tq'4s os rou, viI'DOoer Biîq loldlowlng olticer ut thoir' meeting IV. C., lia R octe. ubaplain, Rer. J. I Antiersadn. R. Sec>., Mrs. Walkcer. Treas., W. Utnian. »Il W. -a. Hume. S. W., BllauIt. 'Auditorst. J. Dursett and W. E mume. 1fr. Ira Etiwards, cg Colbornm, wilit return to lIrooklo sbortt.y ta manu- factume apple barrels, car t o! e<cper'a stock la alreatiy here. Itra. Inapp andi tamllihave motv- itoi foronto.j Mr. J. Kerr -la l[stling relatIveis ait Roy. .J. Meurd, of Newbutgh, a for- mer pastor, wil oocupy, tise pullpît ae- on<intay evenlng, June 10. Ut uo.1grtIe la viatirig hisbro- £Ur, MnM. Chas. lar tie. Mn.,*Dd Mi>a Jas DicksaUn spent MM e. Molrv lue-andi chiltren sare vi. -Igtleg wltls bet parents, Rev. antiMr&. FUo'tba llail tise nagc. A gooti heans Je letng organiseti. itr. andi 1r.Scurrais are setileti Mi tbUr nov home, 38r5 WcllseIey 15 t., tadise'lI<I met ui thse hou. of Mris. £.-sa*ber tram aroun t iese parts ib"ê,'*taklng lu the excursion to - Ierêa aFaIts m 'Thaudus>. %, bu. IF. Lav spent Sunda> at New- tir, J. Detiford, of Turanto, spent a wim th ftelemor et. ~ ions OC.Tpera. dtnfuture. e latient lithe WRP1eEVALE. n e t4&4 c1 John Iremon -on Fnl- Irlital; bis Iatesite.S, a i àoit tSoWest ai ibIs Village, ta%t àws funméOntykao*sn as Bel- ~'&.wuavu nvefcrable resident of MrtssatovnshzP. fMr. leeson vas ~~~~~~,â s SI er nibas rf041404 wu* c, mOto thon, 40 years. H k envled awliow. tlhr osu e0d4 aisgtteo r, i. A. fT. Treas-. ses, If beèauiOd. Irbe sons are ~qtS, of Mýmo. .anti WiliUam, of SbAIWtdo nd Altred i t Pk>Ibla$ OhWmsshlp ýThse Cuserai toak plae l10 GraS CmeeyMrhs, on ilte*frnuteut J olciock,ian wvap-ýr#$ attende&i Tise dy o! o esp mpperilis -** ( teau tndL '(intie tlrst oC EJ'im*0 edmcÉo s eandt %a 80ulathehs r se tu $lZO jRer *es'. ~b tsrda-pftt Ug nisfaa pcv !or CetJuba Ore3g. eCbreumtooî DrameBond ' aaia on &trdayptayng fr tan&d belo» e Iav lg W ": w vg eriil mn.? uoriI- ok 1he .jslsdg ' h 13m*,tbey wboeM n Opp> > 0db ~1 ic& board place <in Teoéida7 ta Thorabilice* bo jlathe Loague. L4ogtie,,$*tÏ dé- themn. tW. ýandàeatà tbi thsyaroek.terjr,,and *au Very irgely attend- elap people. < Msrkam uwbp baslng, gone ,esnWho cafled himeci or' be*'self Mtsq McKay OC Wbtby, spllnt a ck tu the ld systein of dolng stat. a Christlan. ahould be able to- take .couple of days Isat w.ek Wlth Itob. ute labar, tbe councA hbaye madee opledge. tit fld~, IllT- eteal -cbawu In the by-law go%-- She report of tht Sec. -treas., Ms 1 . ening the. same, Insteati Of beinjg B. Buntlng, o! Plckerîag, resultetid Me~ra Vistne R4 mti aable tu commuate at 751c. %. d"y, $1 fllowsý- 0feot ati t on-Muet* b. Pald; for eaeh disy's worik Receipta fur Iistric . ... .. Ubiis Matinond illepiewlth team. wagoe or plough. $3.60 tu Rxpendtur--'o.......... .- .6L Mis~esMsîtln1in 1 01e-0e11-P5 allowed Instead of e8 and ~ for leavlng a tash baune o" 4.70 tujoLaie' Oi %v ere gue&ta'u! driver, boras and carilatuead Of 8Oce Of thc Leagues then report- the IsesJuring o(-er i8Undgià. #15M. FormertY eaeh road avez- eti, but tii.uIJÃ"ritY bat no repoct R«. WUison. of Toroto , 0,pUPI seer was allo'wed 7 daya for the pser- tu present. of the Pkktertng CuUelo ut 9M tlmj% fUrmancof o the daties lot bis offiqe; 'rues foIIow.:d a solo by Mir. Cross- visite tfrientis ber..now b. le allowed 15 cents prr our. ley, "ong'Whbw.a renderei MnusCollisan, teachet Jin the Ken- & day's work bow constata of 9 lu- wtth mach feeling. nedy Batuses oileg,0, ront% spnt SteaG a018 boutas. Coàibmtlofl 'iab then t&lCen tup. a Lew days last weck with ber ftldd A verY able andi a(ebodirV addr BÏM Mas CoaaG(ordon, Who WUa bobti- a IOCmW'aO1nt.un Illdasi ry Literature wus given ing at ber home laetê. -ian 5dg esutoI Mr@. Dr. &teptue-u,on, of TorontLo. ILR Deverehl*d tem r4n awray ha . IL Cb Mlsslonary lterature baâ ruh fiaeld mue day.laut- wetek, but wero L It or Iet about militar> drill, etc.. ln Chln. caught befare îLey bat! gone very !!ftoaI~ M&IsioeîaTy litera ture of to-day l-ai far, thqugb not before they hati dom wItten b> soin ofthe bet ,I ccmsiderabli. damage to the no.ei w C.hot. ablest wvriterà of the day, andi la il- Harry C. Houw, ui Brantford, ha« E HA INTU011IeNT.ustriited by the hast mon oa, Ji been engaget b.y Dr. Bateman o tabe Ioii.d~ --Profession, and L rer> dÉiffereot from charge of the xPkkering Pbarmacy à s. lw hm & 'k) ~tbe literature Of cailer Urnes. Circu.. sucSàsSurto Cha&rtes J oncs. Mr. HOUeeP led'" atrcbti-Ir than h ought 1ta e. lation 0f àmisionary IliWrature be- arrivetiln town on Weanesday of luat Art Infunt-lal ,ersu, v.<&Il like g9nx a t haine. ek lent> of tac*,. bhould b. Presideit, gsbould ul be geil a "oar- W. V. a.nd Mrs.-Iieirdiaiz. oabua P î 40 t o story. Boys hldbgvë N. andi Mr&. Rîchirdâon, <tryas Cor- feus. -Conildence ln president andi gurd.""')BOn h lshsOf the Be. oeil and i Msâ A nnr~e orneil were l0 offleers men ses. shold be sur," was recouniendeti for Lesgner. Newmarket two dayti Lait week at. more workers anà Ie,îa listeners.. The star> B'-ym"sect reti$1. tendlng the Friends, Quàrteri> *eSt.- PhYuaî exercise was tciuebèd on.,wfrminos Inn. andi be agreedtb Ii the President, andi Mr. F. R.- Foiey, of BOwmanr.IIe, W. P. andi Mr@. 1'irth are aponding reemended Loogue 1ReadIng Booms 8rd 1ice- Pres Coférence Epworth te wd4yo thia week wth Piclkerlng a04i Innocent amusements conecthd tirae, o "bSle ta ly inE e d. ! trlergls. No decîôlun bas yet been vwitb 1tht Churci. lre or D tec i-qesn ""Tre lent Mte Convntio madie regarding the te-building c i utwre allowed for discussion b> ed4* tuà tteCneto the College. Tht m«Lter may not bu otiier teuguere,. trom the £Xeoutlve Board of Dow- Oleflntell oatttied belore the 1 aty Rer. Moor. thought i high idaal mni _e Meeting wnicla waU rgln con Friday, i neceasary. There shud o-Atter thia addr«as the af teracon June 2Uth. prayer mettiaga fur yomnngmen, aiîgo seslob was brought t0 a close, andi lm 2 CaO! lbthe8&th rnimecà u - frldes aoecmc indt. the delegates trouib te different jeu- desirous of emurlng recruits for tbehr &Jor aim oherS weî o!tt i ne gues 0OC>the dtijraci left the bod.y 0f annusi camp &a i nlars tu June. Bvrl*.e&weeo h aethe cburch and repaire t tea i.sool. Th tiof~ta' t " ýRer. Crousley thougbt the p&edge room, wbeite'the WlntbY, Legqers t**wnshjp of lckerlog ha. bean pub- was necessary ta dlstinguls h ie oct- serred refreshtqcnts. habeti andi pobttd in differepi 5pats Ive trou tht Âsmic1ate .members. »d .Thse qvearl' aeo O»iWam a opea of thetotwnshlp. .IUstepayera iIthou tà îvant the igiandard lovereti. 7.13 by Ker. .7J. & Mob", Ph.B., con- carefuli> examine the Lit, sudlIf 2157 Mr. J. ML. DenYee tbougbt trery d tngmionai flot>. errors are fouaud tlierein aboulti 'e- tucCanatihi auabou&d ib. table t» t;an ar a- owney, Potik ryw-sca port to tise clrk. M. Ie, otPrry a al Rotut. Mcfirady, W-ho -le! t for Cul- jed uta g99e10iaitof affinera -for, cago a 1evw wethsaCao, bô.s 'r""s N e vouensylang yeur. ta Plchertng, and i s ireulis la j. jMton. Prea., iv. 1Mr. Crosml. Winter's bSause n lizboth .aoett. E ha m I'ijPral t. ,. 1%ttn T'he amoky air ef thse 0Wlady City" f elat iSc., -B. Buntlns. wau ot at ail conduslvg ta tb. eatofWITCUNG 0< h ré&'VS 8à. 2i 4 i .ÃŽ. M. enyc ai. 09 b«lsths. Iewt couusi U. and tira. 5 dm ttisg~jii-4~j 8rd vice. ,lhms 8sulth, . . I"icB a d sii 51t o rr *'lae. UC3p t *9 4th Vice, lie, aato. MAICHm . 0eut o*ler'la Ibe ' tis ic, latm roite. c~ Moday .reJn 1,7tht stide a~8p ,~mS Od C<D~Mir., Z L. it.spom, co tl kOIe" oCfIIMe Cr"a ,son pj et . fdatmy,0 trom th ifi ti Cprueut, hi* < Ansic Cross, of Wasblngtggï ,et4 W IIS <tii socesfrbp durlag tise WIilie, w-ho *as lait <>on thse thrlg« jle1bI *oyer of manhood had dbeep worklsg as> ji'~tp~*0~P e .Tte*,Caepot. gNiIi5tar!lnD 'roronto, and e ba. O@d fid 'e* atb ftmwprln.wacititot tsI 'fat I 4 .4 --3 4 4 -.4 .4 I .4 I .4 I 4' 4' 4.4.4' * 4' * 4' 4' 4' 4'4140414' 4', 44' * 4' * 4' 4' 4' 4' 4' .4' 4' 4' I 4 4', Vu .444'.. 2 4' I FOR! - Forthe -Mo Genuine im Pep1i.es iail brýa epn art, Beautif ate. pricea iour _rugs and 90c, $1 -au -Tapestry and Brusç 90c per yd. Paying Mc Union rugs and ca #square yd. New righti Wool carpets and' .yd. Dainty and charmi Velvet rugs at $2. Floor oil cloth and' yard.in ail widths to -8/4 -Stair carpets and i pr yd.. Yon noed theu Lace curtains aud 1 * for graceful- designs and soasn has seen s0 man erGshoinghere now ai ;. i 1- 't . Tapestry IOo-ý 60c, 75c, ýb 1

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