Whitby Keystone, 7 Jun 1906, p. 3

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la lot oduiteîeat iIn ny4ajap.ior, -~~~bc a ak.sbouso vre IsIheaithfUI -"'Po-ete ob, 40910 *309 PgV5. KQITAWARO *Te. flisS,1004. & ÂRD. aidron of er and sonà n il etock- to lardand years ageni L'harlt.ics il Uthonity for thero, elgisI. as-, -diredtly fermed -of a *ctly under oy 10 years lie boY,ýwhO ou himu overy If the ateam ,cted in any ng for him, eéipcd sand Lding ateaan, with him. ic accorts -ta> felluw-work- , but it woa amt could b. tioli made, NV-13 le-lt o! ebeyam deatis andl Saw tise a vat. Says cf fdrt made -af ter fleari> 1, as made, 1 hhn; even atfd of liie, e"dered neat ue tisue wusa uId on thse " I ,,tde t elea s xlan of taie ýht It would ho th-row thse onai eut jusl ~*U.11 rFS1I). I 0 p rOILS FOR HNSON. M-l eftrlv o03 ohn V. John- r ýre i jutil ut cof bail,, tuef 'r fiviè others -cun. Thse ar.- lage et Mer- lptisand! incidenttise Id have cern Sif the aher- Iad warranta. Ilh rou i hr- t crime et thse thit cba.rged y had put to- rmintlen to. ls f thie Mcl - <'Wel, Unel. Sandy." eried Mous, cdiii ý to thse rescue, "you muat admit -liaI vwork and no play makes Jack a rcry gian ne' sure o' tisat; I vorked bard ceough and I neyer vas duU."1 %&And'pnay, Mn. Macalisten, bey th ':ad. it pret?' asked Mmne. Debrlsay,. aonsprebenslvely, witis a view te chang- te subjeet. Tii produced a lengthy and rambllnfg reply, a! ter vhleh Unce. Sandy avovc 1,intention of elosing him cyts for a Osarter o!fan heur. H e therefor. ne. aacendcd with ies "narfewv' help te liii Mmrn Mme. Debrisay excused hersel, because aise had promised te riait smre professlonal ftriends, ameNMena vas le! t sIone vit!: her newly discovered cousin. Wheu be returned, al ter convcying -lI. Cralig upstairs he sat dovn by thse table, restlng him eibow ou it, and shîd- Lugis cyca withbihs hand, ho looecd cur- touly at Mena, vise vas reaing a Iraucis book oetrIavels, vich aise laid 4dovu Polit.!> on bis reappearig My uncle seeme a gond dca! ired." Bshe dld net. knov visat lu the'world ta talk about te tisis l, aemî-evllized -yeUng man. "Ha in tisat; but ho lsan ageê perman;- be bas neanly reached the yearî,aIo$gcd te min." supos gon.e" ot e ettb had ound hils brot-her's daugister, I did net t.hink I miould flnd you mucis a grand lau 1d You don't accus te lelocg te I , î u lite Macaliters arc as oid "You teeo, Ivms always brougist up lai Leadon aud en th. continent; thtt âgkesmenio eem ditterent. 1 am n nu "Itleil more tissu tiat," i. sald, ref1ect-ý i1vely; "mono than tisat. Yet you art tle a yeuing lady I used te go te acisoût vils wisen I as a vos lad. I1 "w ei agmînt- bis autumn vien I vas back tâ QIenisoulagisan; and sho in k. YOU-> ferry like-only yen are taller and statoW.i "lAnd ha.@se a bouule reed bel!,' as Mny uncle aays I have?" 'Tour leeksaran more gold lhan re&, saild tise yeung Highlander, vfti an ad-. Mi-rîn- smile; "but Mary& are browaer, sud the seems yeunger." "And I suppose you e> oygetllng = 0 ytohie mountalus aud lochs e! yout- ulveplace." #IEhts'*iunotiser lite. I isad net-Ibeit baeefoto oyeare, and I )ba no motusr to veloome me this lime." - e topp.d abnsplly. à"*t md a sad difféene,»aw"su 11e 1 id st spek lmm"41tcy, an.! vissa hidldk Il vaste ask, uin a ller..! 'Tr. la aothhlnq 1k.en* s ~yviere T'b.sure. 1 bav*on tsan mueci clsebut l liée.cmaab. aetbzu fluer. WbotbérImV& Jm *, Foey davis tlusilusgreddor &»d r..!. ê"î -herb.moiuala ýtop*, Qr thse soft %%lI I v ,;et «d &Wsetti rormf, At Au Oeros. found sucb erident pleasure ln ber se- ciety.. Mm. Desbrisay, too-thougb distruat- lng hie. influence on Unele Sandy-Utked im in spite et hersel!. Homely and eren uncoutis as h. vas, ho vas.,iree fren tise amallest linge e! Vulgari, *md by nature vas a Ire chivairous «enle- nmen. Hie had net rmuch of thse bUsiness faculty, yct plodded ou stcmdily a ts distasteful vork. Il seemed te Moi thn.t. he ougist te bave been a 5olIer, a icrdsman, or au agriculturalist4, and thal, ungenlal occupation, or gmrn- nrly trouble, lsad givett a linge o! melano.boly le hlm mwid. Mleprte, ber pupils încrcased, mad began to reulize tise voudrous beallng powei:s o! tume snd vork-that Iô, live for pleasure vas but a poor and pýarja existence. ' Uncle Sandy, bowerer imis sed lier frequent coznpauionship grnltly, as4.;dd not hesitate te complain ofbU'er- Iroen absence. 1Sife you canuot lesve off éaralui yeuir.reid le dance. attenrance on hlm,» saJd* à1lmc. Debrisay, whose tender cn niderlon for Mr. Crai had altered -- g9004 deal ince hi. ucpiew appaared upon the scene. "H. ln really gohga cantan*kerous old seul. One weuldthlk thal 'tise wved vas made for hb ise. You mnust make hlm undcrsland Abat you bave your living le «get. ami W- h. vanta yen te set as is daughtet, ho sfsould behave as a father." -1 ' "Very weli, Deb, I will tell hlm $0." "But yen need not quarre! wit#fr l_ m, - tisoWIL I1 thiuk hlie rally la fofe "Se de I, aud natisor d epenu'l usm, visicis disposes me te inlua goed deai to hlm. Do yen know, b. la acliv-er' old man lu sorne ways. Hec asys Var brlght thinge oceiionally, saddba raid a great des.!; yct bow Ignorant ho ianl smre directions," "Alî!1 ny dean. that la beeause lela bad ouly books ho instruct hlm. IV& i ec.ided sert et kuowledge liai le liot corrected by contact vils your fehlov- crealures.";' ! "lits politica arc voe funuy. HoASlaa tremeudous Radical as affects social mal- tersan sud lse. ore hlm la raak; ýbut' just trerncndougly Couervaiv nr. gards thse rigistu o!properly and tbe ,Who are la.aM humbl-r position '<0f course bis l. H.la sttcst o! ma home bt aides of!-aqusin I viii tiserewvasmre one te oe«P bi Company, and go out vitsh bm, w1hécn w. vers away. And i. pIs Up sOýcj early, the deys arc IvIes slong es they ueed b., for aral*ur. iabas nothiaglto do. Coud yu t rt4Wto wnlté anytblssg ? '1ý «<I thhlk DOt.1 litaI bis te"8em4*a" its tvo val a da yu it bMlI ZIWyl of. .eCeVeumt kIWIIsb1*,vii M b» hlo frly busy. a terrible lblng le bo.l d a sa tomt. vouidar viat vIU' bmse'of 4,ÂIk Debi1 Y« a" 1 lI utaIul*ê <Y m da; you¶i wy $4M p,4a*»'7et." ý 1 'but ir-ItorvSa c o ont wa5b frou. iLKeae.U b"Imm at""OY#~ sMdW4bylier aMdVUs bu erOe,âm i onuin a Buuàda. Isdesd, lira.P m-e fr"dber asrVanMnt ardWs I14stee. vii tic muué w if deseribabie abr of sel-eet pervailkn J 'Yoîs woiulé4 ioIl,y desolate wfthout Ia a e e. mon& -W«, sea tari)'be otatyou -have b.. »St'ornei There -to be Meuêrled i 18 4Wma" ih tba ab amostunaougly put; ber 1 to ber;and ornIgl4 a"Y~.cu Usto 1d sud h. ornewhat surpris.yo leddy. ?ký n omuý4"we'sl'rwe o tztbus eysunber ;wltb a arnile tbink go, do yT.o ut;d a Ur no5 eur P esd lerweu be pi révt giy1 l"Cd twla dte ht mo- Psb O#sued « i'hhmlan«gaàcodxnj to> M1 -$Po 'en. to on Vbe street. -For a-man-t mn %l ne mut-Mns @am' «Wte 'i1were tb r aesIt and, a ke-Rlehardt IdwUO 0B"ýainuel peak toa Tnrklsh woma eth street or Ur? sd iéhards, the Ârnerifanariatt'or 0 W g a'y ttcut'imsWou.wil4 e e4IvViyidy. Wuing grew wbit;e, beitat- IareVilar attendant for n* "ejWhat b ed<mfsâ bs bud o bs ht~ ut onamothit1 He vas aye sharp enougb to ver a- girl's social positioii or mxha i i.wswdb bail passd before ho could liftI L . - U5 g D ubscrptlons for bis char.peoalatacon»maM. brd. "uTro7 ona peks to lwni the attrr skedKea itesami Cbistnas.î.e, < ~ Who has Unvd a number of yeazsin CoL. wheu on -the streéet aeormnpo.= ber netb, ~~~~~~hathealsh custorn, but be basai mo tn ttiisople, a h. osiTrdtb e lapli.F*bepe4-hidugt ai tbonght 1 saw -a gentierairi «e er& n toona re orljbar glito a usand a ia h ge 1. b wtogareiurte.tIpa to know, and 1-1 vas afraid ho mlght io3 Odia *T ad "ob nnne aaml:~ sstrsN eve« b ds J4e z~. corne and "pek with me" worked, observed Kennetb. "Tbey baveky Even lhc slave girls after *#Mn reeSon $or ".hIs lniot tir 4» 800k. "Youmhold ot . araldof uy f $0 mrucb to do wlth the poor, the yearg- ofserie get their freedom' L, IN J WiUi&illbh jomcu veidexets ,wherr4 1amnwith you, Cousin BMona l 1leave the rlcb to taka c«r» of! tho"ý n pre rsented with a husband. it t ey ansd nioatbï , lala aimost woud nt lt sy oe toube Yu.»"là Turkcy nîarried mien are regarded inapoeulble for a man la4.11 o» wema zsgt-b able. ,belp. However, lt isnoeus1to fpit n uMry moutis, and a bave verylifttle te do witb gettlngmar.- uike, hais3g.eet0lu .b àif.il, aMy, h. matter. No, Kenneth--do not look baoki e afiitet a saonved? , hve n, rled. Neither, for that matter, bv i nq&eaddr6ine t>t11tr=geq*!ê paieasey Îlus onerny 1bak, ve I girls they rnarry. Iles the mmn's motJher r, sltuutlesw" Mb. iutit>lerml -thie Kejcnueth. utwol welidPie toldMa& v1bt oay$ .cdou*t wodus l.Tri1-è f£u& Ke nnet make04 ut WMOit 'ý t Ïbe Côot "S -'he makes a tour of thse harem tiat "So jf a loth&e Tùwkm sr «h e "Néver mmnd. Tell me, where did yOUof rlgo, bouecg hkeeiIut o'mth seem likely, looklag over their eligfible sire for *0 e onipIet.U pa esali wokhuerf la, and>y and by &he picks eut eeon 3 e inla puitbm tîrs to o 'uchto.d for you vere not e teMx0uotItfirx"1ý* l tis. te gowltb Uncieaedmy t-.vim1_ , *taain o rlenIt îs-arnothcr's privilege iu a'Buwrkxi* È«e n av.eo tte ok at a "I bad leWers te write, so I stayed 14laci hng; "31er do 111eiPk mAâ nr, iTUrkLtoselect ber ovu daughter-IU. abduw0iu.n*P« U ti~ umreesoN my lodginp; iris a comfort to write ver k *rev, Catholie or, rotestiaI :j à a i e girls'who are not voluntarily il h. ebancest. iMet e £a epa or Amn- soretmesa to n .pc a mentent Ida 11M b osciare uemehew SUpp)iced with bus. es*eanlady- whomn belovs le vif! n. "'No doubt it 15; snd I do not thlak 8021tbia&ý.to 1ca«. bande bey the bribe of dfplemaey et their geet.- i. yois care for your work la the eltY t» Aprfrstsr ý ai ý Utt- tat'.athers. took rme amretirne tx fLidl tbk qis4 A= "<No, 1 bate it; but I1umust stick tala iffrn rr iitr;anealelg "ontme u ytm lhernauâIti 1â i '-bgb 6 ,l dse ù uow; I am* toc, old for anything cime. I rny y«"', it wus a verra serl*u attmek. to bave been dcvised for the ocapl bene-a!»= of imy acqualîukeo.nW'er OuttiiS woeul-d have- iiked te b a fariner-or -Na là =an ît<euoïaeU old,: fit of! J>in girls, sud- unattr-active vo-- sli."but t-hen av bï ealtis for met sue the bride la nover beenun MMsn an arsnsd sme'car.,, 'led ly ticbridegreons t 11t mter Uth euioÇÇ<g !sop ~.eeo "Wbhat opposing faneies-B geutie shep- -cl ),ri#,ue.* aebenuarag ecnny eut l rgd. !rgk ov~IqU6,~ hedoW ihta i. eiltended thia tins..""I know o! a youngnaval offleer Whoople <3doe't ik<nowbt!"in -tba , ô"t "Shepherds have afWays been ighing -U"Iamrnont dca ngitl but thIsca iliiied hie very rapid adrancemeat to the *4 to do o' r no men; David licked tihe Philistinest" -Mt mne a. lot of fov: tor o! iichic!. FIuaUy, ait s a.lamt tart "Truc. And why thea dld yeu choose (He grew lntense)7Scotch visa Irri- en eof tcp ue rlr tad e lm ia.Slt. is rdot a career yeu dllkd' tated or uneasy.) <'r vill giv yPm thebadt yaub"a4doflecsof. 93cueIvstre.Iamn tic ouly bd0 n a *v ode h secta sou o!frml motier, atnd sic vas a wldov.T . omlu)triMarËl«p viiivl yl SgIkI oU ple u6ff I was in haste te deliver ber frein the ÂO701fmn a re io;r. vltb ac o1swCwér. burden, and the qulckest way vas Dlm AIVà 3 gastude ai visat ho rgre!s lt i ~timêrgutW»tlouî throughUnele Sandy. lNe got me a i I'LLt Ii.Pgm yyW g5fl qki 5'5sPre et oui)t ion* lahm. W-. clrmspl l aso os, u haOu., day, tbougb, a frieud s",<ita hlm: lbquestsol I got recomurendedf on te London; but <He=tîy coma"ertr t l me gcww it in slow work. It viilbe miuy a Gain New l-eaIth ad Sssgtvt,ea mucte"uherofo oV long day betore I aug t ahorne o!fMy Through Dr. W Stroa Pnkg ,tt b I at'cblceaey»ed lateb.nt- ,kim swui u miAt makes on. bUume,;and l- M > glti . 6 ovu, uleus y unce bel s nie ami o Wtllams Pnk . ould b. more prejuiWlat l.swould aniUtempcrcd carie, I doubt WToi Wf-~~'vrenscam u ul i howuddo much gWe to auy ont what- Anaem1à la JuM the. dotor'a a ne poeyeigt Welti- naa crer." tor blOOdlemaes, Dr. WhUtambPink et! ber ext47 Oate4 ilut, tz 5 "<E là net unklud, aald M, PlUsfer Paâ epeatslyml esaleavln hi. tire- d"a411el- tiougitfuily. Me1- 14.Ce b 1creb.me av4 -,aa treaeu 1 .m. "No; b. la mot," rcturncd Rundsh, &rect' crcrtii om!trel i.bgraam ia ' Who Was gettlag over bis 11-humer; -ad 10 cue blodlem s ir WUas s ointineut, tb. eag afi be4 be tbld rnu mother liai I sbould ha lmbis % Pillammcureaamua uas t o Q iub tmrig ttravle o-' O heit if I woWsd take bis name! Nov that erro buznger.- Theycrdlr.as vr d f~asp.aIdo Iat is wiat I1 dinna like aI a&U." aokm ongEglhvrave otmlI ntlovmvl. "WJiy sbould you miudt You could recently cam lotus4cotry hfroua. ag put Xaealister before the Crai&, amd Portamoutbs l nd sudla aet -vii., hy, tmesp iblnwu vascaytwlag il vould net souud badly." sent Mldla at Prbnosala a al%. Acs "'W -la1 v1te.- nMay b. -net; any- way, h viii b. long- a os .Sb a. rriig--ea-ode1ti . before I uced te use It.» 0etu Wl elvrT tcvlewaa l.t e111t#.lfenIs ~ ~ I Keuetb >o mpakas f yn ~! D. huhmv- MgPIle-s-e.wp bWienat tiesecoiuumo f #befourW&.t*PIP*b7 <'Nte* r or Uncle Saady toe .»" fer anaemia. 1 W d uffered tom thc bulWstac.bê ebld 0IiUk5klfr "g, 1vaut no sucb tblng, Qed tobealmoat i sf - ut&K*ù Sm kuowe; but a bit ielp just no* vould b. feoe years 4 815r d aen.. i -h vort tisousandalater on wbe u làos elasveon t e M ala -i .kL t* . > ' to I ou lot bdestsus 1r'-m »deh I.tes: va t. etdiveced h. would ever ame iy face agaiu ncestd~~s and w eïk u a esf did.urlnd feà.d thUat tùesý th vaneof «et tuii. w~o- I They talked Ina afrlendiy fashion «Il t adclno tle biauIpi wtl u vaut Iaformcd them Ibm-t 1fr. Cra#g, ha à- m-..- ....a. b c mer-A ýA_ l been aslclu for tien, and ttcrast QI lies Sabbatb vas deroted, te l MIon'. muetastar-t ud ll t confis- "md. 'Bt thé cuouter viti WasIa dwelt long la Moms!., Bbc vas ge.t aftoetcd 1belsc.ing, bisalook se 4;g fo fseore.Oug"t abs to Ubear tas blaM 01ftlsa n>vY arf, ol o1 1ev cvu grevrd te aismgbt b.aàs ot li t, muppoce MaIt te J"ou e #f bersef àa natunl devavardteadauctes tia4 vpc 4= ýlihme Âsd ter W&S d euaof r* bis na tuema St as n * voul b" »f r War*& viii i 4"i save ikbb;-but, 0v* Ad 1s*6thc* ch&=*. et 4 ,q ce, ooml l "If eRssU La etaepodumo 1 tb iial n t e toit fe aricî - te ,pirmin M "«êt eti. lie M. N bai -0- doT iarpalia * loi alvdayslca uaa~t Os e tMa OMal"Ne eiIs'* dte," mid IiftlL h. as %cpIM ~e~q vasq q ias& Ue5~i~ ~ V548V~ kt. air net tabl, BAI?. --j- "Franauleut» n'en -a.! *1 UMM% - - - - - - - - - - - - - wo st La

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