Whitby Keystone, 7 Jun 1906, p. 2

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ALIONSO ______________'has- the royal' pUr I!assd lit burled the bomb, but înissed. bsu mark. ,Bad& the Whil Retrnoemiale fllena fot frthernotbling could Eomb Tbrowrn at Roylal Carrlage he "ur ]e hIave prevented, the tüfaufrmatlon of j~gfro Maria e C rcm ny.thélamnous wed4 of moderndays l- bomb .±pîodd, MM a 1qumber of spcc. taè u ad woundlni others. Thue King and Queen Escapet but Sixteen Persona At tbe moment of telegpbing the ex- citement lu go intense t"at ft ji p KUIe an Ma y Inure e sbleto obtain accurate Particulars, but KilId an Man Injred.s ecradiblY staed tat 16 ver. killkd arA ?à injured. - AloatLynchel Hlm. Rkeport That the Assassin tnlas Been Captured-ý Assona hebmbvstbod the thrower vas acized sud vas taken Full Details of the Tragedy. clown ataires. lib. ntered the Stee the >ople flung themselves upon &Madrid cable says: Alfons and his crime. Quickly a cordon of troopa vas himp sbrieking: "MU the assasin 1" lgIM bail tome from tii. sitar 1n formed, a.nd It .was wlth tDe greate.st Uley would have tom bhim to pce if addifficulty that the dead ami injured nutc urincvl a o wre recelvn noainfmteri were cared for and tCfliov d. wheeled and charged the meb. Under myrlad of subjecti such as even this About a Score Liled. a strong esert the murderer vas led pro"d capital bail navet accu before, At this writing it is not dcfinitely away while the royal procession was ,wien suddenly they wmc brought face known how many victims there wcre. panie tricken. The Klng, however, te face with the peril of assailatiofl The dead are given as frItm cight. toe uick1y recovercd bimmeif and speakinif itsdedilaL foin. Roes lng12, and the wounded f rom- 20 to 30. uiroulgh a broken window of the royaif Soin. say the bonib vas throwu f rom, cardiage enquired wbat damage hiadt been froi every aide wei'e falliiig ini a sof t> No. 88 Galle Mayor. Obhers 4ssert t3iat 1 done. flc îmmediately sent an order- muscl upon thé. royal chariot. The it came f roui a top storey window. 1Iy to reassture his mother and Princesa w.aa bowlng rlght and- loft in aknowl- bomube vere thrown, oe eof vwîcts 1 raiamng bis veice, couzmanded the. proces- and nemingatruck a balcony asn it felli Iem 1sien to move ou. Queen Victoria «rs e4gnoM t f the deaf.nln edng above, while the second one w». deatbly pale, but the. smiled courageous- 0 asafndlcm congratula- thrown directly in front of the wbeels Iî. At that moment %Il the. King's- U»ofs n&te Ring, ignorlng theu. i-I of the royal carrnage. It vas a pciwmr. thougbts evidently iWere for ber. ife ttuaze, vas feaati g bis cye upcn fui engine of destruction, being of patfed ber arm and spbk. to ber cou. ngn polimhcd steel two-fifths of an inch tinuoualy al tevay tg the Palace. tbm face of bis bride, when a buncb of thick. Its explosion instantly kllled A tumre iia already reaebed the moi., flung froin a balcony, fell with two mules, four soldicra, a lieutenant, Palace that the King bad been killhid, &,,rush as theugh macle cf lesd 'in -and two women, snd beheaded a po. and utter consternation prevailedl until front cf tii. chariot And juat bellind'liosman. Tbe Passion for revenge vas the royal carniage came luto viev. Iton t» mules drawlng it. Tiiere vs.al s o great among tbe spectators that &rose anuiiy*ýericaI about of joy. A f.v t*gdilo crash, aud a little smokt ros tbey attempted to lynèh tiree French minutes latér the King and Queea sip- tu thé. air. Death and consternation' detectives, asuming that tbey were BÇared undin.band on a baleouy cf the. ii au instant auppisuteil the mrt foreign ;Anacist. ýý a îng .ndbowlng in respouse malreoiln À score cf men amdi te UISIE ~theO ftuutic cbeering of tbelr sub- WoMen lay dead or mutiate Ijeets. -Tiiere vs a moment of aralysis It tg asserted tbat the assassin vas Ngurdorer MU11s EmuuI a" barror. Ail 1ys u nedIntitie- appreiiended- lu the. person of a youag It vas learued later thst the. bomb « #vely tevards the bridai couple aud Catalan, wbo gives bis nain etawvastbrova by au itgaiuAnarchist Mv tir -,pals faces amid the. YuinS, Manuel Duran. 14e hicd âa room in bo &bot bumaif. Fourof bis coinPau- galng plifufly at the. terrâfYing the bouse frein which tbe. 1>mb vwas ions, ver. arreted'aftet being rékcued inearound-thein. Tii. first minuto. tbown, aine day. mgo. The confusion f rom theo. i, The, bomb struck a «»in Ide self .posa.sicu was the is toc great te b. alble te speak p&omi- balcony below tii. oue from whicii it Di - cf 'Gornachuelos. Re rushed tively on tuis pointvas throwu, kîlling Marquema de Toloma Iorward opened tle door cf the r0olfBl As the. royal carnaîge passel along s"d ber daugbter, and tell isto the' coasch, snd fairly drsgd the King. Calie Mayor, Queca Victoria vas Imu- street. A captain cf the escort and &Ma Qu.en te the grouuid. Otiiers Cof lg forward radiantly happy, and »Mre otiier ofhcens'fé1 dead,- and tbe the royal oeort lnstant.ly shrrounded wavlng ber Lud ho the. cbeering peo- royal coach vas sbatt.ered. On. of the thein,àmd they wer. led to anotiet pie.. The.King vas leaning bock, Iazifly mules vas killed, sud grooms dgon saIsgnï, Thé. l'ouuwg King ipeedhy vavlug hie band, but net taklng bis both aides of the carniage vote wudd jmsst4cied bis emqtlon and ýgave ail bis eyes f rom bis bride's face. Suddenly but the royal par vere not touche&. attention te bis' terrifiel bride., The tere came wbat sounded like a solitary The.-King and Qeeu aligbted sud Pu- Une. cf mueh vas qùickly taken uP te explosion. It vas tiien 2.20 o'clock. A tered the , "Ccaciiof Respect» and drove th1e palace, ý*ih vasu nly a quarter courier soon came dasbing pont, bmîng- te tii. palace. * c a ile'aay.l~ethe te Rng ugt)>. terrible neye that a diabolicai It i. rumored that 48 heurs ago the zor Quéenu asburt, although how lattempt bal been macle upen the lives1 King receivcd au anonymous v-araing. they, escaped seemus littie short of. of tii.King atd Queen. Tbe royal pro. Somi days a tbe Italien Goyemument inlrculus.cession ba& Pau"edtbrough Cal.e Alcala, vamued thiepanish autiiorities that It -Thé. bride madle a brave effort hoeviiere tbo crowd premscd denseiy snd bad lest track of a noterions Anar. onatrol ber feelings,h but the fearful bad crossed the Puerta del Sol and en- cit. transition tom joy 101eowr wvas toc ttee Cale,Mayor. This strect ruais al-1 Alfouso vwas terrîb],y anxioua for 'bis muck- for humia nerves te endur ansd molit to the. tbreabold of the palace.It vif., but li. hlmself -as net sffected presently ah. burst Ato tests. If tii. vas one of tbe most beautifully decorat- by tiie affair. trh.-mutt,ol »dt , K.ing bimsef .4 tiiorougMares, Its narrowues.s, low. vop'i lu Ompatiy. Meantimoi At th#in.Igt obe spamied vith garland.sud »O 0F OLISE> STt=L sSm 01eett. outrage tii.fltît aralsi suspended arches. At tbe palace end the. wvstuocSedd by great confuion.Tes te tiopes eteeply, and opposite the IEMcpe of Xing 1sad Qizee Abuat KAr. erovd, v-heu t reallzed v-bat hadt up-1 Civil Govemuor'. bouse it greva yet ast- 1j meudbecame Infurlatel snd surgol rover. The. vould-iie Assassin badl popt- aLCUlous IowrTd tiie spot Inhent upon vreaking .4 bluaseif on a balconv overlooklug the. A XMad cible says: The accu.lluthe vexw.au I&Oe.Uothe author -cf the mwca sd fating the. bovernor'is boum . vlity of tue explosion w"' horrible. 2=2 C- 4 I.9 4 ~1i. KIWG ALFONS0 A» QUEII VICTORIA OF SPAIN. A.s the municipal guardsa hastily un- 1 proviscil litters te bear oftthe. man- i gled corpsca dense crcwde preséed in1 upen them, easuîig indescnîbsble coum fusion. At leaet Id pensons wcre killed by the. bOID1>' explosion, Most cftbehm belig of the. personal and militamy escorts; Ilrty or forty othems spectator., ver. injur.d. IMe dead identifled tluus far are* Capt, Barres, ccmmaudIfng part of the Lieut. Reysient. Lieul. Prendergast. Six seions.e Tii. Marquece cf Colosa aud .-býe Don Antonio Calvo and bis niece, agedl ô Yeats. Jou Scia, 70 years od. Luis Fonseca. One story is that the asnusn's naine As Matco 3Moral, aed t"ha .e eapcd. The. bomb, wiiich «wa. ceied iu a bouquet, was ef, polished stel, hait a centimetre tbick. It vws tbro'wn-from a third floor vindow. ic bouse Is op- porÀte the Church cf the Sacrament aud the Ciiptan-Geueral'sti esidence The. royal processiea bad corne tea tcmporary hait, vîtb the royal cannage fexscty opposite- the bouse, v-heu the bomb vas thrown. Tu'e missile fell ho the nigetofthe. royal carrnage, ibehween ti bldmost pair of herse.su ad the front pair o! The. Duke o! Sotomayor, v-ho vaS rldt- ing on the. ight band *cle of thce st- riag*, vas sligbtly wouuded. Several of those kild er, standing on the ,balcony frein tii.bouse ef0 wbleii the bonb v-a tirown. Tii. ex- pleuion oceurred. just as the royal couple -etc about te' enter the palace. Thue route- of th. corfege had been dIvertetl frein .Asenal street te, Mayer street, owing to the populaf desirt, Ibe-pnoccssiou iad juit passed tbrougi V.aye Street, and vas about ta tum to fie elanade leadIng ta the islcwhex an exjosion sbook he buniIgs lebs Vîelýd'aitaaumng a large number « P$>: Pte and tiirovug he scontege lite inca'e tnicable confusion. Tb*. royal'coaeh vw" brougkt to a Owe. stp b te ick fler u pround -about, the.equearr sud herass t bat 1usdbenu kiRed. i e scram 09 tb huirlflned multitude iningled v-ta t"Ou i-.o.,..tif t* d vine'. I h ýS mnu vie vas leavingthe bouse ver. lALIl U I among thcs. armeed. Tue crovd trie4 pMAN AND BOY ho lyuci the. prisers, and the. police cf peeple hurried te -hi. accu. hoseck buLu fOR LARD~. news cf relatives, but tbey veré net allcved te enter the. buildings. The Mar- quis cf Tolosa, viien h. ieand of tiihe b atrm e deati efthis vite, vas eue et tioe. vho CI" O arrived sndthie guinde at ftiret refuscd te admit hlm. Fiually, bowever, ho vas allow.d te enter sud a heartreuding seene followed. %un Stuy T.ld by & Chkwa KING'S iROWECA Chan>yAgeut Fragmn t o mb Struck flhorailon (tcago, Jun, 4.--A fatietsud sO= on aitlrus fouilte a e"d A London câble: Aiotier deapateh, yards sud ver. frein Madrid says Ring Alfonso, lad an'1 sold hto the pub! encra More miraculous esesape flan gos' j A. 3.Simout etallv kuevu. A fragment cf th. bomb et the. Chcage slruk is breast, but the. force va s ahcys broken by the -chain cf the. Portugnee1 statemest Order cf Santiago, vhicii h. vas ____ ing. The chalu vas broken, but 1h stop- During th*. t PM a plec1es tuel vbieh migit ethert- y«&=a ago, tin vise bave plèeed thi. Klgs bret. tI h s, otice au Ring sud QMOeenBrave. Itird The. eoinesof ti. Younig King vas Tii. koe th marvelleus. Ou reaciing the. palace aiher, Ida notice vou the explosion i. ent adjutants ho assist ýhe v-ounded. sund later sent offleer ld01sua"the ecul [amogg h. familles cf the -vlotlms, coig~@t's~i a) everything possible htole v310- lth andday» vent tOo asalt the sffnal. sdrons, vicb The. Queen C%Éïstlu., the Prince mabudde PnIincesio! Waleêand tii. Arcdu é"' 1l ,Areduciiets rancis Ferdinand -cf .41»-.fain 15101 tria iad alrcady r.ached tbe Palaces sud 'rî<bs wee aitîng for thie Ring sud& ql talioný vIthiLb lInantm .When »seUn e I u dé-u -hO.,< passcd mihout the. royal coaciappear* tenuamnuts lng the. prince cf Waies sud t11 nf»atab )ut off, -Md, Theresa, v-be stood valting ah tthe palac jandl by th"t t entrauce, became deeply auxieus, .&dM iie boy -but ti theyvwer. more dlsturbed vheu tiey seW'A,1ev v-oui thesempty eacla arriive vit i ,s loody the. vOikmen b heraes4 But tt)> ryal f*tMIIlY vote-lin- fatJtr MI I' t ally r.ll.ved v-lieiiy sav the*RXn#% m.S1mda= sud Quen«arrive, sud Quen Chniatinaj«ieO 5 etubaceltbem s"dd1ntted her deeptb><et hlm cOUI tisukfulness st thein esespe. -The Prin. idt abhour eas et ls).. as solteltous nqnAg the" Wu e the - ltima, ana ashel for infoarmaton a «bon*used Ibu tM ftéofth UtwiQ u sL -"The. fla)o 1couverteloIto lard sMd lie 2, for tires y«»r agent B"urau c Clities st staton, àa authority for ia. b. v-as thore, .igb ro 'eaaes Mme bat came dlrectly iddir houe o! a boy 10-y.ss- I4's fatie. Tii. boy, v-be àe>s dimier te hlm every near - eue Ofltii the t are net protecteilAusu 1uemsau si. oshppedsMd: loto. thesclds tean inuer. bueket i hm )y sud- his - fe.ow-*ork- %i owr but At w»£ dfore h inshem ould be 4 eaauii*tln made lin. u*thig w.. 1.ft 1 le flotadulterai« ¶ Lsad P kesonly, 40-o Woi teWell, Uncle Sandy," cried-1 tgothe reucue, "Iyou must1 alwork ad no play unakes J,ý luli boy."1 k ar no' sure o' that; I w( siiough and I never was duil.x And pra.y, Mm. IMvacalistey v rad at présent?" asked Mme omprehensiveîy, with a yew irtheie uubect. 7li s -produceci a lenggthy anc rsply, after whieh Uncle San( tsintention of clogi n- his q qatrof an hur. H h =scdd with his "nayfew's"] l rocin. Mme. Debrlsay- excusi becéause mie had pDromised to profeïsional friendse8 Mons Slone-wit-h ber newly discovea When lie rcturned, after M.Cru.ig upatairs, lie aat&o' tabe, estng is elbow on it, iùwiec ith bis hand, ho 1 Iouuly at Monal who vas z french book of travels,wvini dw politely on bis reap-peax 'My uncle sceme a good dea 8h. dld not kuov vhat iu thi talk about to this tali, se'i youung man. His.luthat; but le lu an-agi h.,bas uearly'reached thbe yen: Le man>." - - I uppose m."1 &pause.- <'"Wien iny uncle wrbte te m blkdound his bmotiiem's daugi ne iikIsiould fnd you sui ~oug ldy.You don't seemte L hogitiie Macalisters -i "Y'Ou ico, Iîvas alwpys bmoi Undon, and on tee- -coutinex - makea zut-sceau differëàt. "I amore tisai that," iie si tvely; «more than that. -Y. likea young lady-Iused togi *viLh viien 1 vus-a v-e lad. againt his autumn v-heu 1 w Gl1enhoulagian; aud mli is" likT e-only you are, taller -« iio.s .e a bonuule roi my unde sa-ys i have " l.Yur ocks, are moiegold -ýai h, oigghadr I-t v N I - il I I i k -* I - t -A - - .- £ . - m fs'ý- mom- ýmý la, à

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