Whitby Keystone, 7 Jun 1906, p. 1

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volIV. RAILWAY TMME TABI 8 .06 p.rn. Suaay" "ke Lu am. train dom a" tgo wvu VEaITERT STATION. eoingNoth 1.07 a.m. Going South LOSYRdà Wbitby for Oshawa at 10. ar..a nouldes, proprtetor. Leavmesfr Bieughau ast 10 a.m... Prom W. and E., 6.46 &m. Troun Weld SWs, 9.30 &.m. 40 lKm Tmrou> Rrougbain&M5.30 .. MAILS CLOSS. 0* «North 7 46 &-m. For Oshava Eut 8.80 &.m. W. &MIdL WeuSl.ISr. W«eu i PROFESSIONAL CARL MEDICAL or. Ueidrum PHYSICL4 SURGEON ACOUCHEUR. Oman"* eof univerdt~y MolTornto. and L of Ec Cêlege o! Physians. Ednluro <TETEE.RACz,» BYRONSBi 'Phone 42. LESBAL WHIBYONTÂRIO, TI A. O., U. W. Sermon. t Metingo! fTown Céwa ci- 8.01 aý. . Iteled iiotsâlo ,o 8.1 PI . On Suoday fast the x . . . te 1 h Cuclfil asot eson-f 9.65 p.m. the nomber of about fortyo 'j mar- Isent eicep -wt S ali m mbrar It iondaysete:etM\ackm Sltialk'd by Mr. Jovrqeph White, ut- chairman Ros, uf the finance tenfed divine service at the fTaber.. Comuittee, secured tise passage 1L4o P. nacle, andI he.rd a, sermun especîalîy the foIlowing acoounti>- sruted to theni by the Riev. D. 0. koin& td . . ..* and 4p. m. _t»ly hiql ene f teJo'net & Gimbkett, relief. Cosseyhiieel a ,emer f t T he> nMîtte on streets o osll seott. 1r> Ordr for over 20 years ered and pasased thme foilowing /,ç- Mr. Cro*.s1e.y, alLer cecrdially. wel- Coints- Ut .45 a? R .[Igad....... a. m, coming the' brettiren, ireached aR.L lgad.......... 258 ~eytbuhtu at mn .p rop- j Paske-tt ..... .... ...... 1463 -,ey tiounifi ad Mst pprp-Rusg,£II Underwood ......... ...5 8390 r.M.. ernicI» (roi» 2 -Tii. 2:15, "A work-j Jammes Sodiden....... ..... .... &M8 p... ruan Iliat needeth inot teu be ashai»- F. j. jcmen ...... ...... ...:5 9.00 P.m. ....-.Ji5 ed" Iehtrtewere t'wo thinga, s.iid Tetne fJgýi 1ud f >5 Ithe preacher, %whicb if fond lu a drawing gravel for that por tion of' mnan's lite ougbt to, make him very fthse road west from iSnsîh's crossing msich ashauned cof binsself : Vo have nof at 60cn. per yard, eaused a iboie dis.. Id e Cssxoe aniorg the menîbers. It was definite woirk tW do, to leatI an, IiefInally puIt 1c a vote, anddefeated, orainii-lsité, andI not to du whx<. Mr. Mitchell bessg te orsly' memWir AND.N he hae; tu do in te vrj' besî poss41ie N cdting Yeu. The isext meeting of wa',. Life fi noL a dre3s pâsrad&', the Coinc.i proises Lu bt~ interest- 7 h. but la ¶ntended fur aer,.ice. W-e drop'lg T. into the «parýssng generations of tuen5. I "odi mt' ih. and aswe [dal îssW ue a ppomrun The above in the badng of an art- 4 ulong w f nidai htnicureoiortun s veeks Os.haw's Vindicator, ties <tor ri4D Thet. rue ma iv i %__ , t__.t55_ te- 0, Ormuston, B. '. ' 1wrhYad nefi Soiscitor for the Weqtern 11811k. 'N OtAx! Publie ChLw<n >onxe wrh u ed i et.. MneytoLoan. Office next POMoolfficre, îan o -'- ____ _________ - cnâble and creditable raunner. IL is 130w & UoOiiiilvrUy thks th.ît'-ive!, dtgrssty and labor usnd BssTljstcrx. sllcitons. etc. Monley to loan. vale tothp h> tr office opposite Post Office. Whithv. Ont-.uli h aLr 3B. DO0W. B.A. T. A. .%col;LIVRAY, LL B. _____ ________ - - Cosbination of men> fur nîntual pro- Jams uteds cction andi 1rofît 15 ore of 1thoc BarIsPe. tc ioney tebL<ARn on @«.Y Tfl" gs of th-Pt>liIIe>. lu thîs c015f(C- ,Office tmmedilately sosfth of RoYal "otel. Wbltby. intem(rlle3so jeogaiaI Ont. tcshtwrhsesttiergaz- - - Itîçtw.delwends ulloi the worthiness iof John E. Fer9W6IU, K.-C.-9ndt 1110 object!u alwvcd at, nd the round- Baristor, County Crown Atto)rnby, Ra so h rnils-nulhI s County Solicitor. Offico-South wing nsitcfttjraîpe o he t of Court Hou»,c, Whitbv. r ea ted. If thc..e W- n bu th ca ses DENTAL W. Adams o.*.t fice nvr .l. Fergilcon's. DnUAS t. ~Eudcke.-o.4, Tht' Terme.ByrOD St., WhltbY. Open i4Urday evenintu. CHIURCH DIRECTORY. PrmbyteriSn Churoh. PMIOB-EVJOHN ABRAHAM. sabbttth servitwe--51 a. ms. andI 7 P. M. 1uidar Sehool and luNe ('lua t fiP. nM. PrayerMeetIng » Tburuday eventigg at S6o'clock. REV. D. 0. CROSFILEY. PASTOE. gabbath servlces-iom 0a. m. &M 10 . y& ftn tIa Scoo at2.0p s.Prayer UMesttg" Thur*- lay i mdn t 8 0t b ock. Ali Saint.' horoh, AmgII.B Mba SrECT 0 ta- . Md 7H . m.IOIIT. sébSî lu 3P. mw . 13 m T u . s. . s.sdaIEveuing-Paoxùe cr Ita'bath 8ervioo--'.3Ra.. vu.a" b7 p.e. $**à"a 4&Y7.80 puw . IP RO IUT. . RILGFAUML PAON = baIBerbe-Ia .sui 7~Su1y MIlICE! good, then stuccess eau be meaiur- Cd by thue fLth1Inleze of thetieuw- bers. -ts for bot!> objectas and pJrin- ciple* .thse .O UA..lu -aitoether worthy. There are Ibret, re3jee s îw whieh, [n tise lionag&-e ti L W téxt, tht Worksaen u'I it ~nska mcd." 1. Tht,>' need flot bc ashamed orf the objectit.- ot the Order. Thea a re %te0 attet a brother In j.ulerty or dis- tiens, It derend hM 11h00att'ack«Id by siander cuç througb envy, 10 a-le iit hlm, ln affletionandto 10 rovide for hlm tau'lly atter hi. death. Theze art, -ail truly nobie Objcta. - W.they need flot b. abau*d ai tht ewblems. of the Order-t he ible. thse Aisehor, *andl the Shîeld. Thetilemt hing ire cun do for a ly man Iffi W .i>t tise Ribl, loto bhs lauda, the imans aI histruollon tu t-h. hlathest good. The next beet thInc fer 1Mm la to anchor hlm Iurml yta sound prin.. clplesu cf livInc. Thse trcçobe With too oeany .10 (hutitbey liare.Go set-I lied tc.ntroluig pritiltie tuit ie, Anather sery wortb.y îhln Ehto ehieltI a brçvther from m tht îte0 slander, envy stotI uztjudicie. lienare cf tels toa pro" e (ofcrget ç'e obliCations ci truo brotherbood tu 3. Thtel»Oseil801 ot >-aub.anad 01teo o1wratIana aIftteOrdr. Tht good 4ose 40 a soi lMjr, thse isplit alwea las tht iamSoiatiSts eitstc odigeroom> calncdt.be expreseoilab staU4-xIo. but- ho. Th.W Oa .W. wae org*nit*,d tu fl tu esnqvnl,-and sAue tbat tluw ht. al tr100 milIO"s 0( dotlir* t> iwuhfuarles C4 usiuwt la Ontarb> tbem at. uillards of m7 j4dte diIIMMOG. mbsrs And la tIse"ot sin W Jglua àk». dw at. by Mr. F. iH. uranrim, ani st ta et sirCh uidoubted nienttt (rtvie have bren iiý-k-d 1cr reirisst iLlan ull. as followq. In his S3rd yixîr Goidivln Smith lis puisfýhed a - *»I. la Quest or Light," ln wlii.ýiî lft- kelares he [s stfli szeoisvoed cf the> authint1eity 'cf the Bible. ýind c:Lîms that the OltI jTeeLtasiuert 1% a 'mihirtozîe about the su~k cf Chriatiinits." I>e~im1si nd rsari andIto.ees thte learned Godidwn SMtth l9 Crop- i ng also.ut in'a tîilctuai dark-nesor c.ld agf. Poor coid m.an, with AI1 his t'rudition lit, la a pitia»bie C,)ntr.ist with that good old Thomas liunt, of Whltby, who has becL1 blind andI liu po¶rerty for 70 years, but wl-to Feee ishrtsd nt ii htli frbiliant liit cf the 4avios>r of the worid guiding hi. -grcijn'sg liant! to 'te tbrone of evertasting t latSy. Oh. Chat the -earned but benighted niAnd ofth<e grent sehoi:sr trouId but toi r to sîsent bocu-o'ýq the bli.idnuofa tht un- forts> îate kiksîw be'ng %who bas !Ived fiUcrly three quiartts of a century la total darkzsetsS i XWhat niinsagure- able ausount of hope -niÉdJoy iL wouud Intrjoduoe Into bits sîlli tinaîghteai oltI adwrip Mlittî's " sc for LightlI shows tjtisaIfuIlh doea Dfot cane to nmen throuqb uuueb ksowkbdgie. o btooku, whicl, a(ter ail, ce,nto t- thing as coepated wi.bth te wlsdom andI .nowledge of C'od. Tu rend the hlstory of Ood'P.workm. cumrnating tu ise prfet IlLe andI gloriouï but unweittlÏ ssacrIfie alJesusChrIst, au recolied andI expWoied by tht *1ptw>esr has»uswakened ndylng faIth andI brlgbt hope lu the hearta of bundred et mlilous. but jjàutbb frn. lac bath made Pr. $011th n4 d si»u eano se. the Ssouru LlghL taheul. Oud belp hlm 'ta bis aid tgeand lita. thein ~a*tu IÂMen to wvit UrM. Huctsss "tht titaie bs. Me o e tiprn4 "i!aA 114 oenS«Wo0» du othe is (bAis fl.y to tise tssmed*th>n<of a (suit b*bl ha tbiu «.duret4 70 ra of dttrkooos 6*d Povrty. a" aom ceit bis greA t eassit over tiýi nI workuy salaM sati *'10.h iod is.1 .*tlowed ltthe rliewgIt ht , bt aSsit to tnaven b he ms *r.w SDÂeY, JUN ,10 Reai Estate Transfers Fis'azi awy t Min'stImportant transfer of Whitby rýcalt$ for a long Uime testndicated inithe- announce.. nenrt' as aîlverut-ed in tise eysturie last week thal. tie Oerr;p pjroperty la being soitl. The cor;îer tlrvg atoreorenpled lry Mr. Alis laun- qver.tlQnably the muet ialusble pAeale 6f property In this tuwn. Sht lîigb.. est price ever >'a d for iand here was tht involNed In(the çpurchase years Ago oi the site of Luib three store> brick ble'k. The dru-g store bas for yearrs cocumanded the highent rentalinlutown Thse opinion coi conspetent Judges of realty values in Whltby julaced the piseto-day at In ,00. lu dltim u thir busi- nes bloSk tbere was nluded in tihê bld* for tenders the reaidential site ef thse 3trric huvsetend. This pos- .se2ses snany adrantageg and nsait a few ùn3'iroçement.: ol value in rebulld- ing. - Mr. Ailin ebth.tie ..ucessftuj en cerer ut $3503. Nei a blte coin- ment is current at -the îery units- ual way In whlch thie i.duable pro>- peety bas been divrpieied uf. *Thai. does flot detract (tutu the good for- m.une ot [ta neur pessiqor, who wili ncodoubt proceed to further Impraive Its value, both as L the businenssend -andI also thtenuaking of a. moderru homne on the wcll-known ree.dentlal site lit>bas secured, fThe tQueeWs bâtel proper4%y onl ,Brook -Street south - nd actonsa ht Stretifront the EKeystone office, là, changlig OUnexii. This was Indcat- ed hbX- the. advertLsenment Iast week ln -thb paper ef appiclation fer a, to. Mr. 8am fIqpurreli. . The deteUs «f tht -transfer of the reaty, ar e t yet ~ Stl anLbe UIauflher old bualaffl- stand lias paaved f rom n ewiser ,-'to aoter ln the isalet 9ftbe Bry4f toreff on the ncrth aide 0f Dunda s treet we&t*by' - r., ,BelL pet-qstlgepinoter, who~ la cey tht store. 1Mr. amdêl fpening out .t w *a op iswtb ostfit ot paptrbanil$,bandltu. The Auto Acident.e ts a resuit of t1wt urlous ddvinsu cident 0< a very samdomsand.fr- 'rahl t haracter batpetied Senlaj atternoon. _Ur. T. t<L Jackson W'a iekuos 'slant t ingston t fl0a wbheu opposIte Alex, Margta h met au auto drivez 4La taia bit band l0a alul uito 0trigbt.*u tte à". Mw t ewredrtfl*ê buetÏý ccci uts sped by at atblttyuqo 'at ri*te hooe r» watt.i -nlut aý id lUr#. jsekipmvioltu t* tte ar41es4, I1f;tt.tJ4w1 W* iriouslt*IreG dois 4 il *t bd atts htui bt pertwo oui NO04 AIY A place wbere good Grocerles areý'kept Is -a good place to buy groeries., That seems reasonable and easy te believe, doesan't it? So it is. We offer you your choice of our pick of th4 fluest. goods the world produces. Ail the time. Nothing less. Nothing else. And the beauty of it- is that- you are not aw dt pay more t han you are used to payig. That>s the t~~ht we would like te aeImlo bered. -And that s -the argument that ma.keo! tx' os' steady buyers. BE A TRYER. O,.'i A. T. Phon( Ensilego Qualfty Flrst Improved LE Mammo LA WLIE ýe 47Wliy Thon ?u 'y.. 'hitby. Shop [otel Prop. ie ieading VKE DUR ATION Sy pair ai us, eiaotlyi RAOTING IOIÂN. Wuro. ; L vreç 1 vu ev-1 ý A Uw Liuq: ulaii NVIII 1

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