Whitby Keystone, 31 May 1906, p. 7

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vlng thes scle ichera .have Jufy. În Pittoburg, uty Speakeý b at koston.~ ftii. Uiute4 S$25 1,OOOOO( F to Empire FI lkq~jeetven- [the. ground S. Booth, 01 1Newznarket; Idécide the. iWho kilIcd l'ork.e Presbyterianr cf federatin or charitable te -has con- Cnasul-Gen. icahire, New t ed in Rus. ~er -will b. ion wil ho Boston - & sien referee Lepute ever Coll1ege, To. on -the encrai As. tjhurch of structed et icollapsed, cari drop. Crbett, of ft at 2 den, Utah. u eh extite- no11 dam. ld ye«f.i demy, An- of twenty :rishd for a John M. JKirkmr, Igbt whiie &cth tnp roIs. The. kilem, two ka Slav, an1 aban. fonneriy (Vo'IllInn Outi2~e of m!rotive el world, the tire. a~ nd la vaOcation let (ets qlle9t 0t 30tet R4. Th a Ice ira4 c' hmta fthe tni ini Or li9at boa;tq in the. LD. n New Drury anmd Sthe ber- id.-lier .. He ,,H!EYL OEMNT NO AD1I.L1JBR&TtOri N WlPUIM-3 140 COLORINO MATTR rAB8OLIJTE PURITV TrELLS THE SOY ~~4peekts o60.' 40C, SOC and-60C per lM. At iun grocrn v Il'- "Tien I'11 comn.. It's a pit7 I have te living sud by yôur houais reb e tld" à gang doonstairs, but it canna be helpit." The atcet fber haviag t""ed haîr, na hIeo "My dear Dcb," said Mena, -it'tlng oonisidercd lb, seemed t e oeeof Mouas dowusagaiu ta smre work which the ar-- stroug«e dams upon bis affection. It âWval had interrupetil, "I amn afraid Uncle appeared b b.e a kind et preef posit.ive lqlftdy wlll be aoenthing like Sinbsd'a lia" ah, beleuged te hlm. ý d Man of t.he Ses. You have under- (JrusyeohMm.Dbsaneri ken a rather heavy lask; il seema te quit. sucoeded iu winning bis confidence,J me tiat h. expects us te do ev.rything thougi attentive sud cenaiderate beyond for, aud b. everytiiing to, hlm." what h.e could oXpect. He apoke et b«r "lW.)!, wel!, Monis, you vould not ho legs gautly, snd coubrsdetcd ber mr oobdi sd heartiesa L) your poor tatiiers tatly tItan h.e dld Mous. A& his instincts ey aurviving, brother. The. poer old wher, self vas concerned ver. preter. gentleman h worn out witlî fatigue snd naturally kocu, perhapa i.ho, fett at ici ituffering; lic w!)! b. more mercitul sud kindiesa vws leia disiuberested tia more reasonable to-motrov. Yen would Moua's, sudý eould plcture te birnsef uot refuse te soothe the decliîng yeara the.- dervotien vIticIt could mnake ou. et s poor, loely man T" - ommn lnterest.ed for anethersa sake. «INo, I will gladly help hlm in any way 1 cati; but lie may be rather a ver-y. Ris greateat enjoyrnent vas te listen However, ho seein-something of a char-.eMu edngîi aesteO 1dm-C acter, aud inay develop attractive quai. nent te lier playlng Scotch airs. He t ities. 1 arn quit. sure my father vas weuld liaten te ne other music sire a1 neyer likelm t Could yeu fancy ahigh- few hymne or pasîma. Ho vas very par-. bora; hbandsome girl ruuning avay vlth -ticular about attendMlng public werahip, 1 Unel. Sandy. at sny perîod of bis lite?" sud luaisted oocasiaaly ou Mena «.- Mme. Debrlsay laughed heartilY. companying hlm, liat abs migit hear 'Ahi1 Mena, you are a quai-e girl 1" "soond doctrine." Itltt v as a great i Wbeu madante was t.horouglily off het unsiment, for ie vas exceedingly re- t guard aud spcaking Engliai, lber natiOe ugins, in a dogmatlc aud disagremtblo accent made itif heLard occasionally. ln u iin. Mme.. Debrusay bail skillfuIly( FrenchIt h. vas fluent, vitb s pure Par- snd grcoefuily- gllded out of a proposai -i tsisu pronunciation, which vas valuable on lis part te sItar. thei midday dinner,i -o tber ln ber profe-iina aact. psyiug hia propertion. Prom the ýatce o Unclo Sandy'a sat!.- "Il would b. vriy nice, xny degr Mr-. ment te partnera feclt that t.he freedorn Cralg, ah.said';b "but yen set yen ci their holiday was over. H. unuealtat- migbl regret beginnlng vint you eouid lngly claltod constant help snd Atten- net continue; for when familles retura lion. -Moreover, ho cavilled at the- pnice te tovu, sud w. bagla le b. busy. vo paid for everth ihîg they hought, sud often do net dine at ail, sud always ir- many were tii. commissions lie gare regularly. Thut would never suit your both. peor digestions" Et111 Madame Debrisa v clung le lbé "Tbstoiý wcll tieugit,» sald Unele ides liat hoe va a millionsure, tiough Sandy, gravcly. "My bfood mut b. pne ab* caret ully kcpt ber itipresion te ber- tuaI, or I canna lire."1 sef tlaàodtii.r)oh theatii. l mportanc." 11tla nly he vicb e oare seôa«y- 'I sutsurprised," io reaumeil. "te 1n0# the baad te lira. Ptuddl', vith fbnd hwor I»Lndonera are behd lu vbom @ho et ten condescended to talk. the malter et ooeldnff. Ibeughl a amati "Hs slwaym has monsy enougi for what- bag oe t 010101, t"kinig I could get sver lie vanta." - 'parritci' to my 'breakfast, snd 1 veut t"'I don't thlnlc h. la so bad as he' toeieoeït of au earthhn pan te pltIt1 sous, ma'am,»' returned the landlsdY. lu; but, oh, airs, yuaa fearsosue-Ukej "He cornes dowustairs a-good bit fut-or messltse landla.dy In yen bous. made of wben uobody ià loekiug," g ssr ft. -I're net bad tle courage te malfor 0Ohh.liele fir from streu, ssr it mar." Vau. indeed, I dont' thluk ho la long for "Forid »"cbdMe DblsJy Ibis verld." oualy. "MIy dear Mr-. Cralg, If 1 hsd bail "Do't'you, now, Iua'am? W*el , 1 the faintest ides vial lhe contentae o den't know, 1 arn sure." i liat crok vte, yoi aboulil have lied Front ho beginuiug, Uncle Bandy, 0on ygur po,ldgm every day. I arn to ths tlndiug ltat madame badilite'Tintes manner bora, Wslbase lte smrnehhng ,every ntorning for an heur, Propoud ho by anotier 'ximé iniMyceunIrM& mia-. the aoùbcrlptien sud tIbmbral 1Ja theoaîmeal ifit a i vitIt ber. I ion t' "4Youll ne cars le read Mucb of 1l;" Â, la emy îsl ho sald, 'and iIl vîlIligbtuithés9"" 5 yones e. If Y$, eau gLtV» - Me te yen.,Thon I gel lie IoStsmae nd 8 My parrlitéh very moru to. uay'bruI- C ou are velcoms te that vhen I havaetfut,.lil b. suithar mon. I have vated1 naa 14th1[.n Il or."1 "Ob, ymsrMr, Cralg. 1I resd My 0Madame', scaffsly valte th le pe 8is Tintes ngbttbzybreuin la bUay ime, sieon before se*pounaeil upea Oem;s Wmo n m6tearly, te My verls1g lt vIicItbad eften puWesli er, a" esas.- Itlulath.e venlfg. Nov I vould slv i ned It carefully. yen te buy t4i PAPer. hait ri".,sutd t"I'tsema ail rÎgil,. abs nid, tUs- rsad ll.qulatly Ilu ts si-eu.Yeu iÎg h plt. "Uictm e I.IL aval Md mml ti. ppar alerforviae, enkep it for. yen kuowhe,»paps a forhboug7Mt ÂyI, se you .May, oui b. sparlg for 'Uncle B libug t"enra vise-,When L i hgene, itl y >b0e10M géks .. "thon thovrillat lis syu.sud 'e±p.ueve' te gPtmalt- tise 8.01'l mm qunenimen yufltoIai .#' asléd allies'MOUS or Mm$e. Dsbusy Iaure Ou1 t.Ca ,Mr'ags te rad e hl, vla~ ~ t~ evsry article yen rq mfetla L.- to tod mo btee ty don Ihalaanyvitere ."ý be wuld 11e VU4MW - But Dnet ala1, Ina111*15 moine undertaklu*, for Il vas Jsu it o "0-eyu~.acee vmn e tu vaste" Lu bis rmind okho taî<> f l tàurA 0ao -Andgeatting hlin nau dOonImm U&U , vas no ugt uader ti4 le mT noUai Madmbe'atnuom Ok"l&dfS lng qf & .runuing ive <,- disputesi tiip'»,w id"Ytofinhed tue1=%ôb*u eenlduetrs, sud etndy' iÎ lag 0'&DwW57tlîo e i ot çB5<bb U20,10 th aapanted mId ,4ille P. vs- prrip OMby-b bauso1u,,LId .. iait bauds. n 9 1q t r t d Won tLs A-MILLION bEl! iNUI~I 4...-" viti lu 51 raid laiL ( I ema-; Moie of01 &tax si t eaeb2 thidit b", e n u er hliayle, but ahé r*re- ldlaafirited, ber iune. ien too thud XMO yebimyasuppldber piacew 1hut b. never approved'lb.ebusge. "I doWnt kww hovwit isa, but for ail try, I donL think your imcle loves a boue in my skia. Nover nmmd,so long a i. la good te yen, sud remembers Yeu, 1 "ne ogt t. b. very grstefl toyou. )ob, for Uou have clone for hlm." "Ah, myd Tar! Ve9rfew men bave sny jstdsto beaow These 'ords WeM Pxcbau*d as Mena was about We sSond tJIier unele'a sitting room, Wbei'e she found hlm sitting ever the f1rebis feet on a hsssock plaïoed, u- aildet lho tender. i acime your w"y,- b. cried. "The. ight of you la good for salet een nava- layai1 Have y. had your bite?- Ay?1 rien wclî have a good spell o' the papeu beiore bedtine. But, first, there's a bit note 1 vaut to write to a laddie 1 have neglected iu a way-my sister'a 5son, Ke" neth Macallater. ne *1. in an office la the city--a big place-domn' Wall, I believ8." "A uephqpw of :yours?" "aAy, a nepbew" <he pronounced It 'n&y-few). ,"Ha used te corne and see me there in Camden Town. But he aud Jamie Black-tbe lad 1 shared ltea lodg- ing with-used te mnake a noise, and ar- rue, sud go on wl' fuies' tslk, tilt 1I nid [wvould not p ut up wi' it. And Kenneth -he had a Ilielandmau's temper-hbe got offcnded. Noo, h. has corne back fromu bis holiday, anddl.e clothed (I daur May lie lef t off the breeka whcn he weut home) snd in hi. rightmn& go b. wtites for leave to corne and sec tue.. H. La- a gude laddie, iu a way-not Varra iree! iaforrned; but cvcry oie hasnIt b.d ogPortunities, nor havýe they striven te edxcate theniselves as I have, though rny disadvantages' have licen grest. Noo, my hand la véry ahaky the night, 50 you write for me, rny 4ear. le. Tell hm toecorne early te kirk here bye, neext S8awbath, and ceme bsck with ne to a bit dinnor. Madamé wIl Jet as dine with you-have a joint, or nome- thing aàiiungry Iaddic can eut frout snd corno again.ý She'll tellw me niy saae G)ive hlm a bottie ot beer. We'll say aawthing atout the drap whisky--t's ne that good for a Young mon.aud 1 bauren'a much left." "tVery we!), uncle. flov Shan 1 be- ln 1 never met Ibis young mana, vho rIsupose, rny cousin ?» -"Not ail eut. lIly mitiier vas Ivice rnarrlcd, and Kcnneth' mIlter vas my, balif.sster; still, ha in a near L-inmnu.»' "I vil) write as if frem yen. Tll me what te say, aud yecau ethe. let- ter." "VTarra wePl." A very few Uines sufflced; a fev dir- ections as te trains were a.dded, snd lhe note vas ready for signature. "1 want you to b. klud aud frlendlp' te the. laddie. Yen sud h. are ail thut'a l.1% o1 my people," sald Uncle Saaàdy, medltatîvely; "and be la ne thal bad- ouly seIf-opinionated; Wm majut a bar- rier agalual the lncemlug of knovledge." "No douht,gl 1dMens*i, t an iu.- pressible &mie. Bk*te ook up the paper-and read per- severlug.ty, uIer uncle, conmul m.l watcii, declded il vas lime togtbd Ti ollowiug Siuday va. duilsd gabut dry. Mlr. Cralg sometîmes hobbled loe-, «kirle alosne, viIet Mo s twuok sud te- si.ted on stkadin ber ovu placeof vot- ablp, muéh te bus annoyame. 6u the Prient occaohébseart early, to raes s distant ehiueh. -tui-à lutam lidlnrîlue sa" lin viiola a ternooa voU beas Iela se *rifLo I. ber uewly flouàd*ad uun. mt atal SaB&1U8', fromluoetiva01 '~;10ai indiffirentpro.to" grumbied Unele 5andy. aI flf.nins a dze** " .inhcared stMmte. enb y. " fac tmgts1 &, v rlfori hwecane ,joli water le tii.beat o~lo~y 1 ani torted to-q=Ulfy ft nov and aauwp a drap of wblskey, whièh 1 akmrndwcùi a1,y, yen undeist.an4. "Have you been long ina Lonoura*-. .4 Mfont.. 'Q4oing on thre.. yeara;-, efote that I was ina Glaa¶w bouse.*j "And you lk. London better tbau i "Ihtdboth; but I amn etting uned to London; tiiere la much to be done and learnea hemt.. 1 «It Ila vonderful place Do you ofteu go te tthe theattelm «S;carce ever. 1 amn tlred after the day's verk; and in summer 1 would va te take a row on thé. river." ,,'be ouag arc ay* earried sa.w !'w au Irdnate love of amusement, au'- an'excitement, In the3. latter days." "Mf3an acnet live by bread alone," id Macaliater, gravcly. "Mau wants f ood fot imagination and vonder, and-aaid "It 1 becornes tIiê of eta 0*4-fear- lu' minister 10 o quotlng 8criptiuwe for bis ain weak purposes," observed Unel. Sandy, reprovîngly. "I-will na hear t, and It makea me ln dread for pur itm- moitai seul wben 1 do." (To t4- continued.> A Wfell- .nown J, P. ta Cured et Kl4- »I Trouble *f U>hjg Standing by Dodd'. Kl4ne Plile. Bandai, Ont., May 21.-(Speci&L- Tber. ta no -eone mote vadely kaouw sum hWgby respeeted Ala-tis i. iet thelb CoOuntrythait WVm. Bell, Fa., J. P., a" the. statement. h. nmkm es c cooeer- Jing bis Ours by Dodd'aE KMuy PM .buns woçt aud carrne, conviction wltb 11. "or more than a year Iwvas aiferer frein kidn?7 trouble,'- Mr. Bell Baya, 6"Alwas inlupain, at titues the agony would becoin. unendurable, and I vw» pract.lcalIy unable to attend te auy of My dutis. I doctored vitb sevmnil locat physicisu. and tried everymenus te get eursd, but wltbxxut sucei. At last I vas induced to give Dodd'. Kid. ney PIS a trial. 1 bave the. greateet pleasuro in statlwg t'hatt"Ly re sway tii. pains eatirely and restoà nsM to mn' ol.d Iimhealtàt and teghI arm sure I owe tlii.entirely 1 )d' SCUQOLS IN! GERMA",. Speclal rancies Cultivate4 Wltb Rte- tard te o, calInteints. zSifotiw aIGum#iisItea oY l ce eix *Ivtb, and a pool help te, la ~e -r e. blag teé distrCouse in -u»,atubuios --------------------------- - - - - - - - - - - - - (T. . Muaungt" i.Iuo Datilr WIaat laet-etait- of ail tbis dut lw MaIL>imtion. ,Tii. average boutebold l14sid- Athonghlfidpathologtemy*e dom*'wit.h out KaCOU -, or a-cold u lthe ha Via bra aLondon" muat 4ha bea", ora asM of brouobltla, paslme- amze t eaumber et aveau el'dls- lim r a upuu thie viio have thes caofs *1 _ sp, himntrnut of eunln esr Wbule edifleult. problem efthb.prs ' stsuà, nilgit b. e maineas vlolatilu 'vetnt Of.dust tnbh me «osa î. $etradition tbat s Eglm6 an'. 11M* housa belu< wrestled vit, othhr sud < Wen wa-aStlle>t IfauyIdn lacertai inuci mire desdly forma ef dut-dust la mis t8 1Cu OfethyglusIl l tu1 vilih« ea beffectlvely aupprssaed-bwuabmng re9ultes a kuovu minimum s5oI toCape tie atteationaioS - t&r fcuble bsIahe lhmsleeping room for lus8. b.alth. TuaIminium -lanol -le b. We ay ait lttha te thumafound la bal! lb. bedroonis of London. e 1115 t a*l e Im hh.lt e, n d.tboussu Tii. bedo& O m - la bte ebsaper ,bousm deatu floatsa oi. t Io suta ail - 1-' lna muillions Sterling, ana l liaIOnt' million a litaI a$do" lm 5diUpa ube cases of iumees stend i 1t1*e1., ,$nopaefr a de nt, vs.u thcea-mmb cemmitly a further -elght or ton mileaae for a Who dIaized dog, sud ii mh* lion pounds. Ta in maeunt the dar.s vork bal p0M1U1edby Canboi.i Value of lie humnag worklng machie &Cd.Tisir vorkîîittffcbnucy-slow1 tbiissla amoderato estimaI.. ered aud thou Iafltyto dis"» a- fr Could the. authorilies lave ton thon- crsasd. Il ougit net ;l e outaide thh* mud lises sud preveut oue. mIog a esespoers of th bille antuhberitlea te o of 111lness in London *very ysar? If cure bealtbybedrooi for the peopIl wbat medlcal mena*sayou lin subject la Prom vaions <mall) caussPUojpa to, b. trustcd, tItis weuld be don by at- e tii death ilneis or co»ntract do-- tentiod le Ibe matter of dust abuse. lcc htlaal elHn a Prom duat va gaI eousu'tiption et the a'peownvdeadi vould b. mUse ibutt or lungs enUlrelTy-r praclicaily o-frein the rdlyjouhusy by IxsIa-sud ounnI-ý lb. duit of rooma, -churahe, trauvay bu& làa l llv.nlàtaed onibus sud stations, etc., bat, perbapu, malny from @v'r@iow rsilway carr»P Bota ouy lhe dusl et atreata. Very fèv peopîs 1a th. air foÙI sud polmoneuÙs froua lb. living la cIlles escape Infoection. preece of: carboulo acid, but It l lva A physiclan vIhe made a largs number iJ>1y aden villa- 1W germ-et Ofdk*emas of poil-menton sxamlnalbons louaio" Oas mlgiit suoesfully batlee aiSat eft lubels àla sixty per osai.et the hw- r "li 'Lè y ýM lunga. Nonoeoft lIte.peole ietofcon- r¶ V . saumption. They dld net b tey badl mntidrom iii faèvd a <ie r -a- IL. The. malady tan a short course, vas meaaurbly botetM la a i beasdrives. ceured, and left traces bebind. lit Nêw Tl laduesasmuch toe«ston th York sserles of twoi undreda&MIdirty foui air M.as Ios lethé. sxmrcls.'W hiy poel.mortom revealed marks et con eauXv. net bave abyý-lav te ur.oaqt» umption. .oper veutat ail &Upubio vebici The. conclusion trom Ibis evideu ela sdanotke-lto prsvent lisir OseO* liaI at lieî-l haie.dveeum la dcis n. At puisentlu Most oreff i bgo - Ora attackedaeuson*lime or anolier, vsbave ýdlaonsasd* eur aithor1w, bY onsumption meveèeuo¶ kte dstroy bhld liseo Âercasu -part of the Jung tisae. It IsnMt ux- WbYulite la enreythe imt pml lukeIy Ibat-the germa find hhoir valt.o! or o ssssonsd l p M-".aio lh. inugaoetevery luhabitaut' l m , prti. âm001 i eààd8i .But lie only- Miasiurs mâfat akea s g I&or eV"zwoun. agaluat bis terrile Scurgsconsiteu t aby-lsv agaimtaitllng upbi O ILRf paeaby.lawj,-tb, vblch la net- ca foteed as il ahould b.. Thiis la net lb. meamure eslled for ay lte crllibtOm À A nidbISe Wb"- laIep a us-ffu We need a by-law forhlddingex CoS-oildreu val Or esestercea = té*"ed lion la the attacha, sncb as li.tWVlaven tlaey'ara le a pnieuebo smre Am«eicn clls.«. icae Fi-Iumianît. Bnci uksli s Bmbyý 1e oceni laIIlai ubmoleusauw9- 0» Tabl1ls. Thestwe cure .au mals ued for food ver. dastimomde, sud, stumaaeb ad, bovel y lie>e If anl apitlng by phthblaeal'ptet ano ktansdgs on, iy vtr. prerenteil,. nhui oalsveum ba e w'esbing slssp Àn tha'e ibra.te haulshaifrom he lantd. -U theffrat et n tet cia govmntSMa4 at thoe osura I e t prachlcaag , Wb -imeln*do« net e="tala fua aeooil 5 arelyvori tln , thbit ie.of lthe lmonotu oplale fu14 promise e nbaopyIsu.Srls.aie tlLat Twes M d l, oveîr la harnafu0"l a muyvysjlIqu d 1 .*e Iliaui lth dis~ '. gsrune.'fP od@l.nwbo'ayr usina t t île tt ooinfor deltba~W comaton 0o01d.lc4l w.«rêal» ue uan je *&ofaee et êIl4w r_ ý te et 4ewecilla 'aI upa pa esIlau 1 Oum*Ieww la u.t ,,*l .gaeAl Moig t»"a ,à -. Ad~ ~sIk1u*l~~aUise>.1~lh, nsb.q0 1.asbll 4 me b m M î" b e. hjoou ïï e lu, i 4matu *0*,,de*

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