[cumiswith wvate a inct wiÃŽpo "Preserved lcolors and to the most thtcan NEOUS. EiLY, TWO GIRL, &go for -po&itioema à ~ aprivalte ruilly; :gris. Ai drsu la LANDS-10 AC"u eruit, padidnh2'or oaa.r bîg mon"? tu "& F :oate Olv 1, st Cards tanti fineai stock albums, ail prics. JK Syiup -shold 1iWa- M ottuig it tiie gilas, cures taedy for DISI' LEQOY'S LE PILLS t"ajie monthly iqula. havé « e tesuaa,4ta jcie -agned. andl mieguams. l'aI'. si a> par box of o-iied. ta];Ic*i t[pric L, CO., -HaMîlton. Gausia. thte Rimne. :Kehl, reporta on lue Rhine. Re )the governient ;noney in -bu ilding St Stras!ïburg, bu~ tic not being navi- t niontlitain Ibi ulsee becorning an nt wére- nol re. 'o% to deepen the. o as to permit of yen,--tuie city of PREADS .~ 1fDr. ieonhrdt% le Pile cure) liai a uait ltowrn lin , les tint wa-s con- îtd the dernand ~)prepazs it for a beii-ngjtient to ail of Pile%.- -1 guî.rantec. Ail '.FyIe Co,. Limiteti, the Game. SPress.) bas OmMdMo Ckmîpvany for $10.004 . royalty. 'lOe ua. ila evidazat4ybe. vnant. ly becauitLa e!y - tp a 1 kMisI TE h' tlifltb. ,/,, '5WUE&~O4L LhSORno. XL IoN 1. le" Pffp ONU i Oouds.on-0e*n 1u: lu l~UpIîîsemm that Jeau,.di ~RiaIsMOIii.lty, b« taughit aini Ia rt wasa ameous amd Prom refiO1 ad týýpe ver. ne mu iWS~5uud thLb.influence of th scrbesgn4Phariueesaé they ver. fa, tIsr ULL-urlnt. Whom do lme 'a- des id zao& .k tLis .question (I f914U1aLO; or (2) heesuse b. de "14se SappRaume Ofmen, or (3) hecaus )»bit4Rbd bterftnMa -e ourse acord 1@9 tÃeýtia rePtY, but (41 because Iý 4«Wnê't> grouat ishi.disciples lu th despemi faith." Son aofissu-Tiis v & titilie Ofnequenly appled ta himse)l but it vaS iever applîed to hins by thi :rsL t I"mprud bis huinan, viuîb SOM & dY, elc.-People beld differes OPinion. oesaendg Christ. Sou>. maii JAohn the. B&Ptist iiad returned ta life ISome thngbîthat h. vas Elist, il "Greek terini or I:ijsh), Who vas ho b *ubhe forerumer -ofthlie Messlai; otheti IW'belleved bis 'to be Jeremis, in aScord 'ne it2u tie tradition that Jere-mial vWas b o, te suad revesil te place viier the «sameel vesacîs vere conecalet; an( 'Other sld h. wassanceofthlie prophets thIsait', one a1 the, aid propliets risez aians(Laiko-îx. 1). IL. The, great confession (va. 1.517) 15. Wbom "m ye-Natice the pronour oye,» jlurl; Jesus speaki ta al bia dis. ipie.. '16. Peter answed--Be an. &vered «s spokessan for ail, as he diè in many other cases. Thou art tii 'Chrit-Tii. expocled Messait, the si arinted one.' Mesisi is the Hebrew and Christ is the (ireelk for "uuointed. Jeans *A the oeewho vas ansointed by 1W Father as prophet, pnieus d kla& 'Sou af thie living God-"ýGod asnRev -styled Lb. living God, emme e luis *e suthor of Ilai1f. sud existelm; hmoe meR-existent., eternsi." "Peter certain)? Implies te residence.in.5«» ofaIboh divine, nature inua s m e lia iidi eoul4 b. lu noue cise; bWs coeession" 1i thte snsuu ad subutance 'W<Christion tbeology."-Morisoa. 17. M3eeed thota art-Petr sud the, apoUtles wem' blessed becaum tethey had brcdkon away *oei JeWsoh prejudîe. andti .d olIy -aceept- ed Jea., aste Christ. llsr-jena-The san of Jouait. Bar meas son. 'Flesh sud blood-No hum». bemg bath we assidit unto thes. Su& Icnkowledle does upi originate ln thc buman raind, But ray. Fatiier--Gnd "17-rereils lim. III. Tb* Sur. Foundamtion .<r.1,6.) lThou are Petir-Petros, lb. eekword 'for atone or s piece of rol'k. Jcone gave bis hlm nianîr wheu heliefrse met hlm (.John 1. 42. Upon ttie trodk-ln the Greek, titis petmr, or roek Iunamûs. Tiei verec lias elicited mouch dktnmsion. Re- gardlng It, there arc four piitcÃŽpal views, ail of thein supporte& bjy good aut.hori- ties. 1. That Peter vs. te rock on1 wlîich, Chriot wass o boild bis clîurch. 2. That Peter anti ail truc 'believers are the. rock. 3. That thie onfesion Pespter )aad jusL rmade wss thse rock. 4. That Christ bad referenoe te hiinself viten Rie said, -lupon tiisrock:' There in lithie doubt but thât theie ris iew us the. last one Rt.ated. Chirist is tise founation ot hliscbhrch. lie in thie tried atone, thei prerious corner shone, the "suie lounda. t-Ion" (18a. xxviii. 16.) F.ee 1. Cor. III, IL. It wais'ns theugit Chrtixtad eddi, Thou -are Petroi, a atone, a fragment oi a rock; but upon titis petra, ltétit solid rock, viiich in nyself-the Christ, -will build lny eburcit. My elîiniel-hbe vord fre-1r-1kpro-r-y-deuohaedac 1beu e mWnvcrtgd. and sa1W.inM -lter te the Ceen- I ilues(A' -tj 84-38. <lbey alisoreceir. ;*à 'Lb. key ta the. InterrtatlosaifLth (lld TptasentSeriptures, And through tm .téstimony aifithe apols., -their ,woek, and tiie Scriptiires they vrot., i th t RITIY* h5<IOChlatlat sha"ve0<mu 1 . th Lb.klugdom." ZSuit b4-"Tlis bin MOMsSt W borbiti ortW decdaref oir-- biddeut-,.to basemeat to &iov, or t. declase ,iIowabe.-)ordwsa- Bounti lu b"eR . la t edr orgtaUstoa cf the, ebu4,,p4,ywOBUItobeo uIby tb mloly 1fitevrtMtra the. WIAI301oGod; tbosurt lwbouyta' w t t tougu %that xi klng. 4>9sofths weiri-Clarke. VL O omos of dlelpleùp (Y& 24- 28). t24. Wffl esse after me-Wifl fol- iow Miy dkobeUoîs end lmudsciple. Deny hlms.*-'Clrist hows the açxtles' the nature etBMs kingdosn. Th.y must, 'a*stuifrou ani lduigeucs wich &>e lin be-way of duty. 1'akie up bis coo*-Wliousevr would flow Christ must b. £uty W. endure afflicton sam eve deatk Ltci "lm ke . 2&. Whesaever vwlI ayas, tc.-Wha.oevoer oeeeds li obtaliug thIde -i.et wVor1dMy cmort andi pRese, b~avoiding the lIde of self- deual ami at the. erpemme ef righteaus. aff, Mail ]ose eec thé e erly reward ho seeki and also the etermal ljie of spar- itms, Joy and blessedmeu.]But wboao- evu tCDOUIIC.5 tkose tà dgs la thisliM which iarm the. worll nsd trou tUm worMling'setandpout oems i. tè, *hali lave IL 1iri*tmlY' andiet«aeraiy. For mL o*e-Treio.0Mocelit, for airà gt% 26. V....proite-The qeetà m lui plilesA at Miere 18 no profit. TI. vliole world-Eve thongb t were pom-ble for a. man ta gain aff the . auth, houer am h&çspnmsstAie wom 1us bd to gir., andi thooen "hi, oeul, bis loa woild b. lu- flnitey grntter Vhau any eftly çime- sure di. may have %ad. Loe--1. oat aswayY lMe own soni-flbe Greek word for Rod i asa the 8oiiIe meanlng, *'Iife» andi "seUL" Thre $ou) îl the man himmeef. Tii. cmly 4bingmie rea-ily and about.ely poeem à * ur -%oui" i «-Ineeanoge--The priee the worllng pu"s for carnal de- litgue im tOme seul. 27. Éor-Rm*.on'a are ROW giwvn ah,1-the seul iS of ncb pnice- hms value. iShall cmne--1rresubeaven, at the en of the. 'woi'ld. at thé. judgmeit dn.28. Tlurel'e anme, ee-Tisverse Ump rallel vifli Matt. x. 23; bot.h are flled oat'Ohrls;t* resurreetion. Ibo eeming Gfi lie king'4om 0< fJod viti power,(Mark ix. 1) was the consequent1 udrsenlon. egtablihuint of Chruisuity en earth"-WbVèedon. "TMe verm e T e- :îerred to fi) *tbe*trsdiguration, (2) tii. dzy of ?eutecoet, (13) tii. faU c« Jerusa- 1 Jets. The lat b..t f ulfillm tte xii- ltions 0of liierpretation- judairial coi- luge 'sigl nald risible event. andi one iha.t"woildêappen in tfie lifttime of!»Mt visa werse eot.P-CamBib. lï WMMN IN GAY DRESSES AND "DASE AND GLITTER. -Tmevý, r. uIlpott's Dcmcnptiop oft tIs le rae I dtiithe Woodbine-AII le Vanity Under tRie Sun--Chrirtia * orkerie Coul erence Is Continue&. fitronto deopateli: "Pu'enty thouaut rp*le at thiraces, and tis ithe boat of (;hnstaan 2'orentui Wliale, perhaps, Vun thousand vere ah iturch yesterday. hRib"k G-et, we have lu Jesus Chriet saunething better ho saisfy us titan ta se@ poor dumb creature., lashed around, 1a ring ho give pleasure to the apeetala rue, or tu tee womfen in gay dreu.ei, and iail the dash mud glitter-vhkch as ail va&. ily under the #un!" [i hheate words Paoltor P.-W. PIuI'4 of jIlamilton made au application oit lac dfisours. of Mr. 1R. V. Miller' last nigliL at thie Christilan Wankers' ConveuUjoe Mr~3iile'ssubjeet vas taken tramthie 1>oà kof a'11esists:"Ti.nit7 of tiags under the sun." la te marnlng a coufernew as iiekt8 pracu being the Iheme. Pater Wm. Ptebck lutroduced ith. gubjeet, anti vaçs Iollowed by Paf-tors Pilpoît, Stenerua- p-'insd Salmn, ~ait empitasizinf tc .'e4 of Ibnayer. sud mucb prayer, in eonn.s -ies viti t te ork ai God. INIIRIOIJS DRIJGS./ ,VU& lmwnzR BILL FOR REGIYLA- 1N PA TJENrT-MEDICINES 4M&ava4 , ýt, MAy 28.-(SpeaL>t 10008m ieis oruing, Utce1)eputy Mus tWr aditnIuli'Itevene."idtheLb.preseni Jsw P'roviWu4 uly for the. auayi 1 'ataple dh ansd food* and not forPst eut prepat tom . An anaLlyde of t eut mediices woisid be of ItW Use, Qu- iesu tii. dqprttieut hadtilte farnuoma o! tueprpartinothervlse tley eOUW4 whF'ietluer vas <dilturated or met. i. ooMmltt.o edftw toavs a' bMi ter the »8Uglaatl of p"met oei Iase.-Ms wim, h.te protieet"i p lie toein iVoperlprepealoa, m& sud t prtiefto medale eelehei h iea t*pSotoaity to expneas tbr iecvaupenrK§ KATTAcICWD8« i OLSt f LIGIIININO.Q RN E E CRASH OF THUlDERunTSA WO- aieag, May 28.-Wlile a suit for $25,- 000 damageg, brouét by mitLuy mat 1 010USPiOL ting1y, osegp gluat tige eity, vat sn beard inmJudg. BavueS' eouteybu a oud dep «etbtuader ,'esubte4 lua &eopa- ECp1w, prou,.. between thse attorucys frlom gi t.atmua.e *2,500. MW *wgy sllegd that *W1h 1.11 «s a de<.ctioe .idewalk, andm, *1 = 6ma Tesut oe bas bom a nerveim wre er .-'& 4 Wbes tbe"» 4 e iu ?gtniug, follaet by avietea tirunder camie. l31M su0dtC = tb moeusver. interropte& unit) sbe es, be I lsle&.I"y>~ amu .ecttmrsrauitober s» tnSc, se quff e iiefforts of geverid jwlsuto I"twlnber. Ie attr e i ft It-ate4 cas potpamd, 'but .lndgcBarne. de-* 4%"d tRIe tuuuer elap wvai auaet of Goti, sma tb e "nust o0oM. TIW eft7 aRttosny then agfreet ta oempuem.e te em vft <. efcn. ANRCIT EDIG 2» .be~h ]UNXB A~Iz T LaNi&S mAcerlca'smont'tintous wornan Fnfadsuih enKefr nli *stat4g, l anarisl ai U~ ~Po~i~ mne Cooper, 60 yearis aId,,anmered'ai hllm ÂIceander Eei*mau, tb.'uioe4 ýr.d visa « " h. vos tp lacemot.4 tt& bas JO"sibous re4Ie eei-~44wAile- igjmtuialioziny.t' Ichmy ia.)Pea#mies îýtJA r tEsw *g day, beat, hie wifep b..4 aimnt osi 'à t«= 4nsoetob m .~ %eML.p1 îb sosladlaimrat i s -t% t. asammnh*4 Ibie' ,eY$*. hom4,me, -21t12 0 r«ska, ny1 .t.d fanm et, IVu-îé-rt4,ddaughter, whom h. 5~5~th **<S t t lii oiiired lu theithall.. A uigtlbon, Who er Z t b«u.nA9o4 ea d -thie ries 0èfftbë '*Onwe. rùhed a i la - Tu>taula e d alj$t . la# i-: et. et tRe rb~,tbe lof Vscar$le&, Kifer 'n tlI.p çt te, top e t, Rold, amareâW me.asti ser 44et, votise twb-isorey hotus. Ip vhiçjslind y~Anti hbimacif Brvelti v. e res luprson fer jumuped ofl. but vas' ti'uilr fra-. È îcloty ila Lb.e wt e assmteê4-tir va <4cmta tihe ospital 15dyIg 1» tAko te. gog4.t#lo»this a .'m. PTAL vNGfI PAU NS', - 'tiLiii --v ILItE UIONS, CUREDoF [PROY WevYorcMay2--Aewtaintg ta i thod b hihthey iwere cf feWted a desPateh to tRie Timtes ftramNew Orleans reee utre jort h e plisiansiy: tw0ýimme andà bo, wh feryear à Aof the cuntry wheire ivo~~~~~~~ vat.sdSby h o ~ the dit"aséinslikely ta Ipread ' k ln Paut have ben mffering" with leprosy, shown by the recet rase& admintted ta lhave beft du*seh& ae red froti tih one, and -thie fart iant aiment er- the Sgtate Lepers' Home ai Indi&n ter <»>è of thein show evidences- of re* Camitp, Iberville Parlsh, 1a. Th,& au-t cent1 t î n absolutelyn' s to excre -teutinasi cautio& a- a1nt nouuoement vas madieby' Draudor tii e4 e .inI.eli kuowu tRialc- liyw aud- RalpRi Hopklnu, physiamslitain en0tres af original infection exist. attedanc atthe tat hom. Te Pai- hie ave'uot s yet been inrestigateti ets !Dd ae i.sted home. te pethé authorities.», I ene ~. hae *uestd tat t~~1t *The problem eof the contrel of -the miames h. kept private are 30p 25, aud disetise bas but juot been lwgun lu ibis US ycars old, respective)y. leauutry, the. report Saya. Tite National Tb.ey are wov uid to haro entlrely Governmet tbas fot g& ysat inken il upt icovercd aithough the7 bave been vie- taI â' ftectlOn of tbe country etttide itis f hedieas fr eas:Ofthe HIawaiian Iglandes ad yet titere Lia i i. issmefo eas.Ishould b. moMene oead oea Acaording ta the atatement of the doc- onceg.on"ad ou a tors tuer. la sot- 4iie Rosat douh bat t. ,lite report gir.. ýa full secout ntheti Uiey are permauently and posiie In.y s se instulpngout the dis- eure. Te hme rom wh tbl à estse, saying: "From 1894 a regaî la r curei. Ti. hme rontwhic tbey5tBteattnent ha% been purvêped, conaîsting ,diaelarged bas at tCe piescuttiUme near' j ofichthyol, eblorade of potans. strych. )y 50, ptients, cight of wboin bave j 1A1110, B8Iky4te of soda snd chaulmoogr been hepelD ti teamntwie hey I i1, arsenic. Sinc. the stimmer of I190 1 bave reciyed there. Tbey, too, are la a ISytenuatie treatmei4 han been folloiî'ed £air way tor ecavery. ont in ail cases witbhich results s&ove la speaklng of the ue its e referret to." 1 ritlsbk Cattie Karlietà London mbe. tiea.quoted ah 1«%o to ll%c e erlb; refrixeralor beef. S%e to 8%-o Ppr lb.: sBefP, dfflsad, 14c, ho 15e pro lb.; ama Sdr'esed waigbt. Tiié folloinlg aire te eloaing prices of viieat options .It the Winnipeg -market to-day; May, Sic bld;, July, 82 S.Se mel- sers; LeadiaJ Wbest Narksta - Totouto Faruiersr market The grain murii*et eontinum esvry iquiet Wbt tilrm. 100 buash et fill sell4 B t 84 tn 8rc ver but4b. I.sa tirai, wtth,7maies ut ZOO busbela ut 414 ~to 4*2'c. Tlhere was a wooti suWçly ofvegetablusiud dniry produce ou tbe market. Butter Wlx- tintiez easly nt 20 Io 230 per lb. and e4p E1II at 16 te 20z rsr dozen. Poultry firm. flay lnIn il*3rf Supply, vila prices 5tOAdT ~lou4s sO,!ant U4to :Ir.50 a ton for LimothI', and e? IV) to eSu for rmlxe. Straw lstalit thrt loui tseling nt 810 to $Il a toni. D-.enspi bhoga Pro unbanged, wIthilght riuoieil et 10, andi hé2vy ets.:o Wbeat. white btahb. .. . ..08 P'o.. reti. buth. .. .. .. ...04 01 Do.. epring. bueh........ »50 Ott Do.. oose. huca........0s 000 Aao btifh...... .....O0 411'li O04214 Darley. bumh.......... 1fi. 062 P'eaos. buth...........80 000 Rve, bush.........0 lis 000' 1137. tiarotha'. ton .. .. .. ...14 on lnOce lo.. mixe. ton.........1 il 1o0 Rtriw. ver toi......1 a0M 1103 D)re".ed bora....... .9 ho 10 no poaes er hbl.......20on 40m ne- laid. d-eten ix. O1 OD 1nwl ite b....... . 14 0 12 Per th......... . 14 0 17 o.c doô.......4a ô m etc. ......O 7 1I 0 4,1103. rt'rhan.......O 1 m 0 per hbir.......... on< "Pre P'dnit........ .O4 46 43 P'.. htndolUsrtp-r*......7 2m (ln Do.forcouartpro.....0 2 T>~..msd~~i ar<.ate . st5<I 5m Lamb. perp <"t........ w I 0 12 50 void SCOTT 4 BOWI,0z;¶M2 I Il! CZAR -AND, TH1f -PEOPILfo R epor Th a emerGoreMyu Y~ YorkMasy. July Sept. Dm R lWaO 3unapols .. .. .. «%83% Boi)t St. Petersburg, May'2.-reir etroit...........94 83% Garemykîn vent ta Peterhbof Lii.MSw St. Louis.......84% « .80% ugt6,. u h Toledo.........9 8 ~ n ascr h iprxfnlmpo DQulth....... 84)à U%9&Val1 af the. g-seraI siatemOMft WCf Lb.'Gv Tomeate Mrstock enunt', Ponicy vhlch Use Cablint Raepta of liv. stock aince uada >pread-lua amver to the atdresad , »s reported by the ruihways,'were 7,3Lb. Lover liouase'O- 1PO~lbuneut lu le. cars, 1,040cattie,, 12ôbogu, 553 be*p ply tt hespeech tram tlIe tirou. fi 4-404 ces. plan ativacated by the . majorty-et tbS '7%â, quality 01 fat cahtle Walvast. cusîuu>nîdeooaa that -ffLit' Trade vas fair où Thufsay, couî'ter- Premnier'. s&Poe" i l luni .eImt- la 'It vas a'iioiiday. Ua !to rias. ton cattle vere bout te aine- lW a toi7 avote oi act o01.conldlmm , a os Tuesdsy. lain , thMuulstny vinIi bi Pased -flans 'Prio. $paau lte <Ateront claseso" tiin poc i te- Uoverane ii. s ~ esokwcre unclsanged trou Vif Me <>1 m tinn the. Cabliet vftb o..a yen on Xuesday. meer id armnony ivub ii th 1ç uU -ltDonId !layeesld:6 quoten, Lover Rouaê. -' -erti emrh t # .83î the lomderbPtent, iLs utInde l ibmCb&t, Wlg ptued otýy .-porters, 1 ..ý O$45 -It'. 0 ru adeVees-îtoau am llbiçWUao a Mll. bodt I *4 t lad ' 4utlara, ais a&> esIs' a li er unn eetint, oebtac %V.& 1xbr'Cabourg, ou t m-last n~i t sUndAr thiePxùs-eul opori btà bee'IX1b, sat r Aatna uy slagIugf jJamn Amstrlong bought 13 ml 8Y OOlI5,flQRI . &oad *prksrtat.143 o 4 aoh .11 U~vle Ro F.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~cw stnrs~igL21plci~ 5 b RI*1pid~ KEAVT LIT? VEL4PZ1ÇED...-Tlu WEION? EAU. -~ 3u. Msy L-..Tbo POstal Unlea .,asfly vs PlaceMiL label o011M t The manwlthallsh,6nebis bacli te oui' trade.aWki â I w b#à guaz-anice tRial Semt'& Emul- sion viiido ail th& a .ebdbsos for Il. Notblng botter for long, throat or bronchitroubles b Infant or aduit. ScDtt.'m Emul-. Mion la onle of tho gréates i lesh- builders known to the. medlca Il Volil ridai rqu setwm litwk*