Whitby Keystone, 24 May 1906, p. 4

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GASOLINE ENSIME bas won highost awards at Toronto Exhibitions for the plgafve a, ..'1 speaks well -for theegne- This make of gasolîne engine is in use in al parts dfOnaroi and .i todrive alkinds of machinery. Faruiers figid it*.im,, u &oufW'tii"iv.Ma machines, choppers, pulpers, cuting boxes, 'etc. This gsofine -Onie s $1 I______ apuble n*etn*wilî bêlielt tqe counell chamber on Tuesday * qveung aUext, 29th fout., at 9S elClok, ' ta - sauas a-,plan for vrovtlng tire pro- tectlc*1 fur the village. fi large at- tteotIance ls deslrod. r Mr. ?hoa. G,114 for miany years with Mr. Wagner, ot Kinsale, la Row work- ,lng wlth Mr. F. Scoatt. Many old trUands are giad ta see hdm again tn a Brookl1n &hop. 1 Tise natice î,ublished last week in this paper about Ch@ protection the. law gîvea toi the bîrda lu mont tlmeIy. It la toi be hoped the boya who some- times thoiughtlessly destroy jbeme iIttIe ereatures will do mo no more. 9f they wonjid not doulat [or the nake of the lîttie songatrens, i.nd thse gad thoy do, they eutrel.y w!!! when they know thsey are labIeý to onda znanth ln JaIl for the. of- froce. Sparrows, black birdea ad crows are not under proteotIon. One ot the members o! a gang of teleCraph lînemen who wero em oren Monday night, enlivened the streets wirth bis bagpipes f or an lhour or À A shoiotlng match takres palce here con Saturday of thîs week. The mem- bers o!f the kgincourt gun club will compete againist Brooklos bes t miirR;meu. k Prospects for cherries and pis iq are Poor. Ver'y lîttIe tlossorn snd gnany plum trêuw dead. êtr. and Mrs. GJeorge WIliami, of Newmarkel, 'yrre hirre on Tuesaday. Mr. Frank Agtiatuis has goinu to Mroronto Ini search of enmopoyment. Lfay ho have Cood 5liccf'8 MTRTfon Mr. IR. E. Derby gave an Intpreiit- Ing addrés, on "Condietl" at the l4emperance odtgo on Saturaay oeon- Itng. k ]Sr. and 5Mme. M. Iuke arn qmttmFd in tholr neir home. Mr. Rbot. Iloar Is workirdiz in oi- a vn Mr. Wsi. Ilarri.uon, of Ne'w Ortari-,, Ls C.1uh1,1g on fr,:cuîdm. lii'r. -E.ilacxr, whîo latel'y mon t (o NViiirîipe,mado a.t business tripi ta 7IrYion Lo inithe in tcrv'sts of tho fi for c' hch lie work4. Ile aiso matie at mlior t cal! niLthis houig homor, ',%r. Tlioj. DawNsOn took eh:umgi- or lhe Leagii4i Tutlaý,y ew(ning. Sunday at St. Joh Thje folîowing ih the lirogr, the service o! the 8OEP .Iohii',,4 {liumehoni 8unday, ln OI>ENLNO $IXMN. Onward, Christian sald;erx, aMI am tu war, L[,oking tuxto Jesti, ,Who i- lwfore. Christ, the iboyal Mfaster, ngalinstt (1W o, I'o ntord helattl<'i, aa,'î.ihs 1, Oui va rd, Clirist imi saldier<, m ato mar, ]. txgitnte Jostus, wlu is y 7- go ri<e li e r f ore. 114 ýlu niv or 4 .Aîum 8 î#N do4I Yhfiee On, tlwn, ('hrilsl a n soldWcim, on t victory 1 b U m t a i p a ~ M ;t h e Brotheral, lité jour, voiees; IouG yTour PaUward, Christian solidiers, etc. Like & nlghty, aroey* moythe Church cdf (ld; Broithersa, w, are treading where tihe saintt have rod. We are »ndt divtded, &Il one body W». Wu gre Dot dlvld.d, ail one b~ody we.. One in hoqe and doctrine, onel..îo Onward, Chriattan solidiersg, ptc. Crdwns andI thrones_ mal porLth, kin3jomé r1ue and wano; But the Cburcli of Jeas Oostant wil Gates of hell c413nover 'galast that Church prevail; Wo have Christ'ti own promise, and that cannot taut Onward, Christian soliders. et%~ Onward, then. 7e Leople, Join our happy thrug; Blend with ours Your voieSe in the Giory, praia andi houor unto Christ Ithe King, This thro'u: couaties ages nannd angela slI3g. onward, (briâtiaa aciidiesa. arching u 5tu war, Looking tintu Jcsus, who te gon.lbe- rare. LET US V fi àY, A LMIGIUTY andi moA. mercitul Fa- tiser: W. bdu' crc¶l and strayeti trcpm thy wais like 10et,8hceP. We have foilowed too rnuch the devines a.nd deaires ot our own hearts. Wc have cgffendol against thy hb1y law's. W. have lo!ft undone thuse thlngs mmich wav ou.glit to isave donc; AndI we have doue those thIngi which %vi' ought flot toýhave doue; knid tbere ln tio health un US. But thon, O Lard, have inereY upon un misprable oftenders. --Jparv thois thpm, O God, cvhich canrules. tliteur f:.ýUlLs. Itetore thoutilem Lii;î t are ipenîtent ; Ac'- crodîng unto th), j rurwnses tIeclared urtu munkîin m(hast Jcsu Our KEYIOETHOR$DÀY, MAY 24j 1901 tan, . dw, and C<ver hail lie; world wlthoSt end. m. Pra.Praise yre the od *0swer. The LOrd*il aiet ho pratmed. ePF-CIÂL MALUS. 1. fibe eurth le Ch£ Lord'a, and ah that therein la; tIse empasof thse wrold, and they that dwell there- 2. Fcor Ho bath touaded it upon the msea; a-id prepared It upon thse f lodUs 3. Who &hall scnd loto thehlIi of tihe Lrod; Who &hail rWseUp on Fils boly place. ý . FEven ho that bath deean hnads, andI a pure beart; andI that bhath ndt ta Ulle up hui,%aLad unto vanlty, n ar .wurn -to dcolvo Manelg.hbor. 5. He ahalî reeiva thse ble38ing tram the Lord, andI righteouâneàs. tro'm thse Ood et hii. malvifion. 6. This 19 the generatcan.of theni that neeis hlm; evea Lhemu that see.k thy tace. O Jaec.b. 7. Lift up your hiedaO y.gates andI lic Y lifttup, yoe emrlaar'ng doors; andI the King of Giory shalh came in. S. Who !a the Ksng of Giory ? It in th eLourd atrousg andI mlghty, even t ho Lorrd nigbty In buttle. 9. LItt up YcjUr haonIf, 0, ye~ gate, and be ysIlle tir. 7leevcrl:asing dooru: and the xin» of tilorY shahi j(). Wiho j@trioKilg o! Gloryrl' Evea 1h. Lord oft ts; hllethe King o! GlOry. 1. Iwls glid trheu they said tinta ue: WVe wlli go juta the bouse Of the Lordl. 2. Our feet shait stand lun thy gates: O Jerusalem. C. Jertuîk4eun 1. bouL asa t that 18 A nV-'!Y ID utelt. 4. Fur thithe' th* tzibes 0o"Il, eyen tht triiea of the Lord: to tes-i ity tnta 1@.maci, tii gîve thanka ;unta tho namie of the Lcrd. 5.For there is Liv' scat ofjutig-~ nient: evcu ths e at ofth"ic horAs af D)avidl. Lord. Atj(l grint, o nm3st inerciftil 7---- Father, for flu4s suke; ýThat wv tuîy C h*.4 flP an lher4ealter WNl a godly. elgh teoum , JTilath* tandmncy of av"rycold t. Our athr, witci ar (nbeavn, evelop into bronchitis, consum- il.alîwcoeilbc- thy naiue. Thy kingdomu tion or tome forin of lung trouble.i couic. Thy crîll bw done in earth, 1Bronchitis il most dreaded, because 1 aIL . il,>jvn.(1~ us thim day 1it has a te.ndency to become chro ic our f1a ly br4i at. Andi forgiveunu our and retuiru again and again, until thse trvsJin*'i.A4 w'i' forgîce tbem that patient becomes worn out or fails an trcil:ns ai ainqL îue. '.nd i lati né; easy. prey to consumption or pnuj tiiti f to Uzln t.î toli ... iC!er us, oif th cou h I fr oil c' a! For thuuwlei the igdoui, I h og sdry and hard ; ilf iî'ie owr, uit ti. lor. omiv1 there is pain, soreness or tighIls The 111c tti- rlory Forverthe chcst; if breathiuag is diffctnd m aaudc~.<r. iloncauses pain in the chest, you bave i,(r(, (Ylcnthoi ur ip. every reason to suppoSe that youi t) Lrd, î. nt ho ourl11 have bronchitis, and should promptly .ri-owcr. A.i ou r z:ath sisalS show ,begi the use of Dr. Chasc'.s Syrup for th thiy rja'.Of inseed and Turpentine. t. o;..duu.k ýspord ia vi, <- Cuug-h iîixtures that May help an2 LIS. ordinry cold have no effect on bron-i A~i~vi. ~ 1;'i).w.ke 18t. ti chitis and asthmna, but Dr. Chases liIp tq il SYrup of Linsed and Turpentine ~Un1IC;~")heICre liti) as wvon its enviable reputation on Gloy ); U)th Flheryy an to the laccount of its wonclerful success in ~io.y u. o ti Vh<r, nti1.0 curngthese aiments. 25 cents a St, afid bt Ill--tItai e lr Ansvi r. As IL wj4s ii the begin- tadel. IW4de In Canaa--a 6.Opray. for the pvnc -aWJe=u- âalem *they aihali jtWoper that ihave 7. Peave be wlthiu Lhy wahla;- and pleneoumeaswit.Wa they plo S. Fmr my brethron u.d compan- icme. sake4;1; Iwill wigh theï,proq- perity.%_ 9. Yea, becaumo ti the houa. ot ibe Lord our GO*; & willaoSk, -tg ggthe MAGNIFIAT. MI sou! doth iwanlty t.the Lord; and uny uplt bath rejole la god my Savlour. For he bath regard";: the IgwWleW of hi. baud-maAdea. For behold, frouz henceforth: ail generationms*hall cal! me blesse&. For he that la mighty bath magni- fie due; and aoi'y i la biame. 4usd i. unercy la un thena that fear hlmu; tiarougaut&aU Scoarattoos. He bath abowed atreaath with bis arm: lie bath scattered the praid in -the ,nmioatlon OfIhir hbearte. Hie ha'-fl put duwnLUn m%«btjpLroini tIeiLr eaz.; and bahkaLl XjUg he hum- blo and the nieek. Hie bath fille -dtbe huncry. w¶Lh gooei thiage; adthe rida be bath sent empty away. Hie remembertag bis nkercy bath houlden hi@ servant larael: as be pro- mised tu aur foretathers, Abrahamn and hl@* seed, furever . 0 Continueti on Page kSix. This A pp1ela! Js TO You TE OSPffAL FOR sfir orSICK CHILRLN. Fe it Ce.s fer Every Slck (2k hi' cU Ootai4o Who**. Isarcats CaameAr.l$0V Fer TruetmeNg. The o1 w er ek (hikirf',. Cufl.er tLee. Termappe.aste fakàcm szu. rnuýsrai Obmiri. wr faé e mnsiaiu.a, thme bbomd " fck bIrsa ühai ànu -w A «P inU m. l Dà £loSol jftxtiLon bi Pnvi.gcI, The sik .hiAd truslm &j) v pthe sa <> L c b i idaa living in >Tuomntu andII Jitr. e of t I oic y" ibt m-aOb eylathelipeia. liome wwt tixu,- 44444 4 4 4 4 4 4 44444 44 44 44 4 4 4 ou 4 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 444 444 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 44 4414444 4. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 444 444 -444 4 44 * 4* 4 44 4 e 'o Fpjdi And for ol w-indow with 5,c itively the grecl you will ever se Our 10e sa o -rand suecess,, * eclhpse ail other Thli lot of for' us tQ seil to offerîng them at ing should be n(E Think wha' yrou. Standard dard prices, an you get. 'Do it;a CASI THE EMP4 -NOTIC S The Undaigned ha - Chop -cônâpoaed ofC iarto of Wbeat Bùr1eyvg Baker§" crut nMil lufact ainost every Place, ed la oiLtheideal power. One, of 1 thèse englues may b 'k i ou Em:bi Tho "IPERFEcT"p -I If - i Ic

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