Whitby Keystone, 17 May 1906, p. 8

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v .ar.lr wll1whe leld on Sunday. th.e Ibail li, igue was 1;'lyc'd .It Port 1lopýý Saturday bi wt P lor t liop<.and Oshawa. 1r :-2 ln (avor ofthti visitors. J. M1. Romevear unpîred the igame. Pelling toibaceo in i any torm te boys%! ijoder eightîveri ye'arm is a merl -mm of-t fcence. Tho fine im $10 toi $50,' or Imyrisonnent net cxceeding 30day9,. JINE WEI)DING. O1'bv engagement j8 an:îoùn>x1 eo Mis& EdrIa Louise, youngemt dauighter of the lite Mr. Thonja:i Vnant, of Buena Vimta, Oshawai, anîd Dr. Wil-ý liam 1-. Wulton-I3ail, Toronto, c 1de-,gt mon of Mr. and Mrs. CV. N. [li. utof v ûlémicke NManoi, îsP lort hlope, and grcpat gr,,irdsoii of thelite C1np'a;tiin Nathran Walton. lt. N4., Port Holxe. The ivWccdig w iii ta ke f'lare i n .111 ne. A nü.w îsmortmcnt ot Ladips' Faney Collars at 25. 35. 'ig). Gte,. anîd $1 ('adi. A. M. Ross. BAND) AT THE P\AE Th'ie banrd of the 84 tir tegiinfrs t wl hrad tho parade oft tire S. 0. lF. B. s.1 on Otind.ay, Ma'27th. Th4'y will accompany the iodge as far sotth ns the uîîtowr park. where tley wili nwait thre return of the c p!ade. It lias lwen smggsted %0o Maniager AI- jin thà tt Lie bznd fornu utriIn t ihê park and play a sacrcd cuneert tili the returt! of ther lodge., This pear ce <race UIfl la t bas- lng. l S sJ.iplo i4 iiifi ? EI.phsntl" brand nzed Paint la the S top by test.' Priugle's hardware,,. Cure__That Co Id1 '5t e"'oNwYok1" . g th.at thus country %w'i n ut ho , out- done by-te mailer republio to tii. WILLIS' 9uh Âmdng the new townshlis te bce' surveyed and nained l n New Ontario Com oun sy up ne s o l e wcalled Devi t t ln honor of Crmpound Syruphaà zowe hie o f W hit8 Pille T HJW n& C' ed;aeo& touih banernePtit of Mr!,. J. H. Longsq a n d T a r baudI g oe D u-,das s re t. fo Colds, No'w Is thû lime to have that eave- Curs ouh: trourghing donc. See Pringle. Cor- Bronchitis, throat anîd Ihng rier H1ardware. troubes. ILAN'TS FOR SALE. lucvtr and îue-tbic piants, loc. 25c per Bottie ho!. YIowcr issa pts taken in el e1i". t2N ýRD. 1BAKER. ilesi- din-c nea-r athlctir park. ACCIDE~NT. il El IW ILLIS Te cir0t(1 mon o r si Druggist Optician accid'nt onWcîrus..dîy afterno-an. Brock St. WVhtby. WhiIc' jlaylng %ç.th souic cbildren he feIl frorn the loftI or a barri, and sus- I t;ned r îkin hhi arm abeve the ~Cou ty ~ rt, and the' elbov joint badly and -Man ae,-ihe ic a-dw,înistered, and Hiappenings the lnjured nienslwer setan tag- ____________________________ ed. - W. D. Beath, Columbus, has received Go L t.~ K. honpson t~o w-i nited -item jpatenît for his rîew paýxr. ~jro%,ed ferd .md lîtter carrier. Thîsq paper. mkPq the thîrd patent à1r. Beath The Ontario IAgisi.iture î.rorogufd ncow has on hie niaclîlne. îavlng had- M,,nay.t wo l n Canada lpreiotis te this eue. A fulfi rigç' of ail NJWs :'l(i frWes P A fine aFsortiuent of whlttn muelins ln lrenf reiêdy Uî;ill#r lants. A. hi.:and vetingg. Juil. the golde for the, JI c&qs.warm weatlîer. Prîces trou. 12% per T1he MeiùhodsiL i :ok toorti In Tc - ,i rd upwards at A. M. Iloas. grnto lis giivcn li of i1 pro- AN I CHUJIC1 SERVICE. fits this y-P.îr Lo teUic u; rannuation Loge Sursse! Nb. 5 S.O.E.B.. will fund. rhi-, book conc4 ri] rer ortf t he t,0qdI their annual churcb- service on Iargest %-liitnx, of hiisities ln is 1iwi' the 27th et May ut 3 p.m. at St. tory.Iolhn's Chrirh at tIhe Bay. The mpaiî- MII)ANI>LEA; t . Nr.u wîll mfeet at the lodge rouai at The iLrst gauin tahie Mdland 'hise 2 p.m. for that purpose. Esqex lodge 20th ot ma>'. The members minll ,icv.ese holder allows a prohîblted nmt iin thi' lddge reoon ut 2 p.r. perse'l te b'ter on hi@ prenrises 1 for that purpese. anid Russex lodgp -,,o'uld Ilke te have a good iturnout on t hat1 da y. There wvill ho teaus at thé' 1odge roon: te eontey umhers te Osha ira. BLEEDING PILES. "*For two years I sufferod from lee'dinig jirrand] io.st eca da'y 'tbotit half a emp u r. bloed. . ýagt 5uru- 1 trier 1I went Lu Uie Ottaw'a _Gener-si 11e..qiltaI te ho operatcd osn. but Mny (Ad troule ,retuirtie.- an.] ag'ln 1I lest muet: bloK-d. Mj tather advised vmef i iu-<xDr. Ca esOint'nient, and] îwo tio%" scuire'] rl m. 1have iever>' ret- sonl tn believe that the cure 1s a t.e rrnrnt ie.' M A rthur Lopin". 'hrlTccher, Grandte 1111. -SMua- k ok %v. WINI) MILL FOR SALE. Large size Woud.-tock mkfr mill, lit ir st-rlass. rdc-r; graphite 1xM'rih1gs. Apply te WU!. !ePf. TRE DIND sTAmNl. The comrlttec Ila charge ut thej (ercetion oftuHe ban.] stand bave, net 1"cn aile tCiniake arr>' tuadwttyow» l:m ug t lie î.rkeeswhieli local bu1ll.] ru% l'lit uî. Onie tendetrer wrînte-d 25tOfor 'he worlm, zn.] the tfsw. est wuP 8,230. Th i rwpe- fa' a gplat. - 1 Il1'iIN .IAIL forini îvtlrua; :î àroofuf 'n*. -lin irke. Oeerw' Tad., . (,iiiwrfroinn .. , AC . ,îl Illey ajuted -cor tuis Mourut Albert, iw:s hrotight bu jail Nids 8h14.:;0. Gcod band lstands Wltb orn Mondsy in a %vcl.d<'tiy lructjuc;%l l(Cr~IiiCI I*i oettai ret4dîn i4tate. Thee .rnfortuîrate nr.mn reftiLs .. c-Lit'.' sfor letâ ur~ uso> thn il e.]o .ýp e tiurnhiuuetitofany klnd. abovc plrldcea, and thé tomudtt. In. :ndus .iic>' u-i ~.t ond>'te n d tb(.Co.euîre further, before let- nigit. Ile d1t.] Ti.phday mnornirig, ting the 'work te ati>'eaE, cthor Ila an] nd r in wnrt îamhl d uit the' jail Ooisd !1.tW wlrti Ws ajosrno] Lii lîstnîgnt. (4&*- tu G. K. 'I'hrornu iond for %311 Ticho ody 'id. shijipe.] bu triendn Ib>' lr.! lex prems ILH'.10JT -OHw Ji F1:IT (1Iov;~3 i! igi -i.'.'1ê~ .. ] TED. Tic'ibvq s thia n.r:rs, if a u it ed-An thth cotant>'. Tic objeet or the company listLc' piandi.]hundie tho apples oc the cueurbers co-opor.. ativ-el>-'.'The follownrtg are its or- fiCr-re, ,W. Gieso; * .Pro., ouaRI., Vht.b &-Sc, an.] Managser, Elmer Lkk. Whre-Ptoldnt, Vice-Prosq., Wm.ke *itby -,Matik T Crawfox.&s # . W . tato re, À 10UNG wRIrrlyrr&t Nir. H*Wrbert L. Pr-jclson ef t a tnd Mrs W. B. Prngler, o01 Ibis tpvu, lias leoe PPcitdby the. A=gësi«uj tUovernnast4«otasitln or"!lnIg * . hîllnIneYaknaü aîl mia@ w *t . able. toiîsorlîi artt*t art.al-on cietas. waxus ast wlater theb be& o 'theJurîorO0. il. A e"tluîo,*uft . a on nd <bas;gai beee o tor~. lotislby aem ting téeIrLiIleuge 10 vise fonu Port ,le olte ?,rt 0. * dws tabSut 68x tw lia t tt;s$ j Sn dello.fted by, n Y0iW*tud Iy lôal-apotto,- . Ir ~b bfe ~ l livÇ fet tou "d 1s4" f# sh.sll be fiable te a penalty. if the' persan 80 pribubited wlthia twelve nionthm aftr servlce of sucli net-te elther b>' hliircf or througli an> etther person, î'rhie~or lprocures, or attempts 10 precuie, liquor, or irbali ho fo'und lotteriig abolit a bar- room or abo.zt a l:cnsed shop. lu' ahall Incur a penalty olflnot bas than si() otr more than $20. or to Iîpison- rument riait te eexceed une nunth. tof t front colored shirts and pat- terna, unI>' 75c. and $1 ah A. IL LA¶'E SATURIJAY DEL[VERY. Complaltiit i made et the hLae de- llvery ci of -"à,S.itw-a.y nluht, the drivers o!ten being couipell dte work iJra,*t 'rdoigtit. 'Thlsstate et uffte s ilolubtieess due te the, thouchteeppeeis o! towpspeople who do net order unaïl Saturdu>' evenlcig, when theY mght haro cf*red much eatier. Upün enmqu-«ry the, Keystonr leanra that lmtciaera frequent.>' w. celve teleîulîine ordera fur Joints of ment laie Saturda>' evrla, and] grn*aera' ordera ln the *amue a> for suppies that might just as vo» lhâve been dolire..]tu themoruln< Or the gal beffon. Tbam MAYbe floni. itti lexuse or tii. wecky w4mge arcert b Àâgo oihr oppar. tusitty ta buy but au $.turday tdght, but <er«yoae elMse oiul.] sa eder at ici aue esaturdil night dilverp ý iA. pomW ~te heIn ese at lrat. Tgh.ktdet.%u1, is tu*UI4I>' Lbpt cause e istrqub1e. ud Jsdivl4uisÃŽ atItsmtlon ote b. eattr by boose. lwepers l be 4-uostê 1my te vkla bbii.] tt'Mes. r4 ftud hl* way, a baitd ta la4o. st0 1 Ow .Tw. otber diho *5wgu11l*4t gdilovleg fioe *fur 'P"t" 1 was buis laIMs 1 d 'etau a ai okpronqptl.y ateodo eand satiStacttoe guarant.e& Prlngle,'s 'WANThD. CoOk and- lad>'s mn.id faf steamer "Erludale." hpply i'io. ç[. JAeC- SON, Manager. A capable Wvomn for generai 1'lusework en a small fanilly. Good wages. APPLy te Mrds. James Rut- ledge, WbîLby. I&TOVILSNA.PS. Mr. J. MttIit.yre fias bought the istagck a! a Toronto uwrchant, consiast- lng of 2.15 range& of the Ieahlng-makes. lc wli guaran tee evcry art1ile, and thcy Can be bmght at about 50e on the. dollar. Also tlnware, etc., in ConueCin-9 wiLh the abov'e stock can be bougbt at saine rate. Terma may bc arranged te suit purchasers. Prices od stoves have bten adianced 10 per cent. on last yearls Prîces. anad in- tendlng purchaaers w¶l doi well to cxa-mlnc tins s,'Ock ilen In Whitby. J. Melntyre, Brock streect south. In an excellent article on borae rais- ing t.h-- ).-!cLuitural cditor of the To- ronto World ciaÏînq thaL the Indus- trial dexuand foÉ horffla s constant- ly e-\panding, and farmers can make no inimtake Is rasng, good, horses. Dnand basi; ncrt».-,pd in cities, atnd for agricultural developinent as the %ist newç terrîtori-je, omling under cultivatloo creates Increased (Itmfnd f or h or ses. Every' farmier should raise his own spîyof herses, and always try toi have e surplus te sdi to deahrs or others If he would grÂt thi" greatest profits from acrrltture. Ready made suits In aIl the latéàt patterns and cuts. Only e7.50, S. f'0j and $10 per nuit. A. M. IlaS. Gyo to 0. K. Thomltson'-î for irali piper. SEE THEM SEE THEM M.RIoss. but thcy never gît credit -fer It_. It la Only when a accident happens tint the silver spoon cornes te I'ght, an' thon folks say, 'M.yl I m 'stonlshed I Who'd oser a-thuugbt It? WVhy>, he had a great blg silver spoon -in ihm, an* io never jet n. Et I'd knovwe4 that s9pcon - wau there, I'd a-bln kinder te the pure feller; but he*s gene now, an' it's tee laiel' ,"We don't know the. good that's la soe-callcd bail men. for we never look for the good. Irve known what they eall ctinlais do acte o! ueIf-abnega- tien an' heralsm whicb ne Pharisee wcsuld b., capable of. 'rne Phrie goMe clnkin, along the streot trylnW to make f olks boee. ho'u chock fual Uv aliver spoont. Dang I It aln't silver sjrouan at ait; It'a scrap trou. It's serap Iran be pleke4 ,up ln soxne- body*s yard. #ITtie avertige bad man in a proud man lai hl. way-yuh waulda't 1w.. licre It, Luecy, but some o1 uni la mlghty proud. Tbey's a-bin banlish- ed frem i;ocid nalety, au' tbey stand aloof, reaentlul an' proudL They wenlên't fer the world let y. know that thur was a silver spoon Inalde of uni as b4g as a scoop ,e'hovelt Tii.>'bide- 1 t jealou.sly, an' oaly show it t«i their coinruades. On the. lait gretit day, LUCY, whea- the MUlYnoa t ile Past the. J..]g., >uh'U be astan- Ise.] at the kUn.]uv people whc, vii cast -down prloeo d ilver stpounsat the. foot of the. <reut I vi urOOtfï crYln- -W lVe t widmee lb... hbluga' w» sbend bva oue a WCvadorme houa tbinge wa sbooId net bave doue; but ie kWh The apoons tmal& 4*Tberl e &cmosa* miabty PvOus #o. -l whb0 woai't be abl. to-dleru, b. .Ma f t tn ybavo -a atoon ..withl Table Pride COUNTY Counly of rhe next meeting ut the CoLincil cif the Corporation Of Uhe County o! Ontario for the year IUMO, wll1w held pureuant to adjournment at the Court Ho'ude in the "Town of Whltby, on :londay, the Fourtb Day of June next, at the hci'ur of two o'clock In the afternoen. Ail accuunte to bc laid before the Couneil muet be forwarded to ltje Clerk at least thrce day.â betore the meeting of the Couflcii, 1iroperlycr- .Dated at WhicbY this l411: day ù! May, A.1)., 1906. .INO. H. F&REWI,-LL, County Clerk, Co. of Ontario. .Now that the sprlng seuson ln hem. and] the sonq birds beginning ta send- forth their Joyowr urelodY the amali boy> and] lis eut pult are beginning Io wage -L elimpaiguiof slaughtar againat thon. Neetis ae belng roh- be.] ln ail parts cd the tewn, and] Chle! Bell Intenda tejsccuto an.7ono who ian: 1w caugit at thcs nef*rbena businests, and] la ketplsîg lus aym pool- cd for offei>dera. The. penalty for-1 lia an> y nioleti lwild canad"& birds la SM0 or ini defait eme mon th lu JOîl - .The ofif eies.. m-lo!fbrds the statdtit dS& net pretoret ara hrkcrova, bllblrds, and 1ng.. ls -kmr~avciL mlogtate pro>'. ilh amelo"ble -loti'that] the, *=Il boym.doma »t bOtb.er tlb. hast nanas. hindu, but conflue. bhis attauen t t i. imt useful îd b. oiu ftise toatbore4 tribo. The sie,' Spomu. hb Kan, in Toireuat CLÃ"THINOG Norman Jewoller sud Optianl. Brook St., South, Whil t 44ýý4444 SEE THEM And rew COUNCIL 'Ontarlo The housewife of stand- ing- and taste, properly prides herseif upon thesett- ing of her table. If ber napory and silver b. above crtzom go should her table glass wae. Rlch Cut - Glass adds tone and quality to- any table.. .... S" ur assortmeut. Prices' to suit every purs. .1 The greatest snap ever offered in the celebrated Broadway Brand clothing. * HEAVY PENALTIES. Trhe NwLiquor -Llcense Act con- talis these jrov'lîonsq-.A hotelkeep- -Pr or shol.keelber must not "upply Ilquor ta a person addicted te drink- Ing, after recti vilg .a rroper notIcoe ta thaLt effeet. und vIoLtion e! thîs iuwanig a heavy ftne and- alsd !the rlght Io enter i at.on for dnm- ages tip to five huirdred dollars. If l 1 1 Suits selling in the regular way at $12.50, $13.50 and $15.00 now. on sale at $7.50, t8.50 and $10.00 per suit, ail the new- est patterns and cuts. Vol III. RAILWAy TI coing Weit 5.& M JL06 S.ISm. "8.05 j.ma. Tho 5.29 9--m. train- dc Mrning. WHITUY OonYrh 9.07 a.rm. 0.40 P,. Leavez Wbftby for Osh& Houldeu, proprietor. LOAvM emfr Brougham a pietor. Prom- W. and 6, .45 amn. " West, 9.30 &m Prom Broughi For L'aorth 7 45 &.m. Bust 830a,". Vs et 12.15 p.me PROFESSIONj PHYSICL4 SU Graduate of Unifrérity nif T Of 9oyal College of Phys li 'Phone, LEGAI '. Ormiate .9oheitor for the WYesteri etc. Money ,to Loan. Ofg Wbitby, Ont.' Barristers. çSolicitos, cli k Offie oppoite posl Office, 1. B. DOXV,.À. T.A.LM James Rul Barrister, Etr.c .IMneLy te, Office immrediatoly south of, John E. irarel Barrister, Co",t Crol of Court. Hanse, Whit DENTA D*st. o¶e ver J. Pd Open eatunlay eveiffle. CHURCH DIA Sbahsemôà ces .41s.m. Sebool and WbIe, Clam .t 8 p le 9 61 %P

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