K -J ~-4.- i RUSSINýS-NI!W PARUIAMEll- T A GRý Il IISORCAL DRAA Czar and Czarina and Court Attend the Openina at St. Petersburg.e St. Peter Took the Water Route Up the Neya to and St. Paul Fortress. a- lb. preeceleze' Wltblathe clssmbc-r w«# iôtot eKodItb1i* teth .ml o f 40 moue. a ut ins*iity of, vhei wffl mûIreIy stnuumr.to cadi otht.' eftle W eN4te apedrt Odmt * CZAR OF A St. Petersburg cable despatch -. Au MesA iMmy Day, Uke a tuappy aury, grieted the uprising of t.he crrt-ai oir tue nen- net of the great hastorical draen!a Rusas struggl-e for liberty. Never did thesheowy northern capmta cf Peter tihe Grea-t pc&eit a mure brit- ~Im.t pictu.ro blin for the lnaugura-ion of thoe Russian Parliamnt. Justi a sus- piclon of ha.ze hung over te gui!, soften- lag thie outlues andi giving tie scerie a touoii o! fairyla.nd. The city, sprcad*tug out over the nmmerons green iuland.s in the river, scenied awiunnirqs in a flIood of llght. 'The brvad, owwif t -Rowing Neva, wit-h arme outatretcecd te Use sky, m.nd te interlacing canals, vere tu-rued t-o w bu ai t> et bq e( gma, w-hle te golden donies of t-ho t churches, t-he spires of! the AcLnialty andiel the. St. Peter and St. Pauil fortreseal anud & isesDnng minarets of hs palaes ir seeuued Vo neat above tVite eum ofut 0- ti low buildings. Besicles, the rnetropolis V w» drea.d bride-Like mwaititg the com-n. ing cf lier lord. Tii. yeliow imperial - - standard vit-h tlii, oubleadcd cagle et flev frozu tà e i. nt.er Palace, f lage b>'a cu-der cf Vthe polie vere dhapayed freiny cirer' bxue, andi streems of iuulti-coi-C oroti pensants fluttered Iremte ucyachts andi .hipping in the harbowr. Evemste tin>' paasenger boat» which hread Mtue rivera andi cana4s, t-hoe treet cars a"t mrny caeba, carrled t-ho Ruissîme ce-lors. The banks, stores, schoolsa and soute of the factories vere close-clinu onor of -thet oweaaion-, but there vas nec generai boli- daT, t-ho Governunent specîficimlly discour- nega .uspenston of work Ilathitndus- trial districts owing to leur tbht cru-wt- ing -the worknien lnto tihe centre cf thet e't migt provoke, cbUsiosedisorder, anipenhêpsbl odaiîcd. q1here wms something distinctly ave-in- ispîring about -te day, witit visions of chaîne a finlg (rom anet-ber brancit cf the, buman race andtheii Russian ?eo- pIe Viking up the march- cf modern civil. rton. The. represeutat-ives eofLth. Ru%. elîn Miillions ansd tiie Russian Em"pemrr verto met tsmta" falceasti- the.resuti vas to determine the fate cf Vthe nation anti- country stret-eiipg front German>' Vo te Pacifie, te Vthe polar seas sud te the burning, sanda cf CentralAie.- Notwitiistandlug the mnutual dist-met - - cft the. overnmentt and peoplo tiiere ws not Iacking the hope t-bat te foundation et a sa-cre undcrstandlng between tiie Emperor md bis subjeets woulti b. laid strong anti deep. ýIV vas the attitude ef mutual suspicion -whch. eontituted tiegetjà rriâg note on tuis Occasion. ih ou té ieoouccaled. Ii vas op- piarent êveriywiierp., Tii. it> might bave * - been n a stste cof elegt, so e esr>'as 'ho aira' cftroos. o ulyit> eede. 'tuebînts -t infant-r>, eavaky «m id n! armes stationed at atrateglepointu, but 4 large, reserves vere nmesstilu the.court y'ards of thé> publie Wbulaidis. 'Er-ith lVi.Momnlng t»e.p4aaCeè -' m~suuare reeble&-&,a (ld camp, two regi- - m jurdshaving bivoumoke t tre "At AY114tbattalionu et po.~ il ~j~sssa et ilcfb( th pprou.h tomc6 pal cr <th* dlit&', c -t uJ-and &H day no Oitvs selw4 te rà aMthe.ihies vthongt fik. IUSSIA. iorning te w7iie city reverberated vith bellesud chimes <rom St. Peters- îrg's myriada of cathedrals, clîurches id temples, summsnîmng the peuple tc îe tliauksgivlng. Not oniy at St. Pet- rsburg, but at the Kremliin oï Moscow, Slls were rumg and Te Deuins w-cre ,lebrnted, thuis givint, Vite orcensini the ýlcmuî religious, as weii as ciî-ie signifi- ance necesar>' Vo imipresm the Rulsaza M sses. WNhiie the. belli em s. t iii ringing -tht Imperlal yacht Alexanmdr~a, vih the lIm criai standard et the fore, moved mi- aesticail1y Up tue river, dippiug ber flsj in anen-er te te glutcs snd cheers f row Lh. Emperors vwarahip lying a t the Bal- Le works. Inétead of proceeding to Viii Minter Palace, thejacht ztepped at the landiuig stage of the. Engliah quay b. lw te Nicholas bridge, and in front0o the Leuchtenber Psitw-e, fermerly thei Amertcan Embassy, whereL te Emperu! the Empres. and the Den-ager Enîpresl entered a launch, and, attended 'by 9 auncii on eacit flank, moave-1 on up Vi rers, The members of te court mai the remainder oif tii. journey to tii Winter Palace In cardages, cscorted b: a. trou pof clmttering florseGuards. The Emperor'sarriival vas noV h.rmld ed by thbe customary ' slute cf 301 guni and for th*t remmon te passage cf th river bardly attrsirted te notice of tih Lhousande cf speeUitors w-ho vere ýait Lng along the talande lui the river. W'ithout halting st the. Winter Patai thec laune e cossalthe riv-er and thel Majeaies isnded uader the- grim Wall oif t-hot Peter and St. Pan!l fortresl whIeh the>' entered by t-he Imperial vi Ver te«rac, driving hnriedly Vo tise tg mnenueecatiierai insýale I tealîs, whe repose the. remmlr.5- of the RaMamoif There, Weor e itombe cofIMa. >Imjet mncestors, the. Inperial (mmii>' kstit fI tveuity minuttes. maklug heu e@t flt &ski for the b1esela9 sUd guldane.4 the. IXmiguty. As their >mfaJ"'tidl ftA thelu devotout8, reuvnd 1tt.terr anti re-entermet.lauureh, the f. (MiI.o c f a elheer swe4 p th ii evaT peris!lajunehuunmjnýi'dltUly ceesMtit river a" dentere t e vinter pIm" fus the. Quey entrane. For tie i.frst time sfime tii Ure cf bueslng the waters, Janui lot19M viien tii. Emperor .seaPed êthfr the charge of grape (ire frmua aXA'i thse salntlag botter>' oitb the baak of the river,' their- lMaie'sà w baek la ti the uWlaa apital. À Ut-t-lemon titan two bouTs Taut bftoit f milti>' asisi clvidO taries laqua srvist get tbe wkter p *e to, ieten ta, tise mpeflrt Meffl t. thein UtatIrNIs oftii. peeI. ni.e» n utii. squae t&49Y vaS ývisIti coutat tsi tiat oh 1i<lf tes moultbe hs '7 U bthtoo witiivIlee'îbMPCIP M tU~o a uow esa gmtal- bssed et- or eav*Iry wItis sthe 0" ~<1~ "This aliment I*ndirectly ýoccWslofs more sufféend, '.nd giîies -rAse--to.f. more serlous disordera Aý n both sexes, than '&DY Other aliment tbw.kncwn to medicai science.," -Mrs. H. j. Chapman, of 1 Surrey Court, Surreq Street, Landport, relates an experience which should . con'vince eveî'y one of the perils of constipation, l'd' o the unequalled mcrité of Bileans as a cure. "For many months I was a terrible sufferer froni.11 constipation," she said to a Hampa/ire Post reporter. "I could not get about to do any work, and my mother, with whom I wits then living, did ail she could to alleviate my trouble, and helped me in every possible w ay. I ha4 no appetite, wus unable to ob- tain sleep at nights ning to the terrible pains; and, tation, but breause they bold a msdeté from thle people, the Muea aind tra41tione cdf cate and rank wwe mot in any wise relaxeid. By different eutrancees and u1pJ differeni stairwayâ into different aaIoin, t.xictlv aecordirrg to Tank, the concourr.e of cou;rt dignitaries, nosbles, foreigrn rep- reséiea4tiveis, deergy Iand iilitary M~d civil officiais, ýail in fuUJ uniform, gath- ered to awnit tbbc <qumnions f reint.he th r one, inii h ll of St. George. Tlîrouug the Jordon door the nietnberà Of the 1,Lover 1~îe of 'artiaznent nioumtioîl thle xîurble «stair-aie to the spa- cioliii Nic.hO!a!s hall, overtoakilg the Neye. ther9ilî Zreat couirt halls axe 4ipt. .iiie the nmenubers of the ('ouiil of th lie 1inpire. <or LU1)er liIusp. piis4ed througrh thl e- en'îtrance. 'Iha<t bodiy asenlhsl intiie 1Hé-nxîia,e paý,il1i. "ieo Ainbns4a tors and otiier d ets fci the mission-4 îuatinted the Ainhassadors' staircaïe, skirting the diffing ronil' w hure Alexaniider narrowly c-,caped deatiaait "lie resuit of an exjlo-ion in IS). and pass- ed the hall of Veter thr Uret, w-h »-e red velvet vi-ails arie sttudd(ed w %th gold of the Russian eagleg. Inet'le gold dcuoi-ated n'i" ro1-om, the field mar,,h.nl% and Arabie halls, '.ie Poinpeiiaru ga llerr, the ha<ll of coutris. etc., gathereti the suites (ifthie varioivi Glrand luk an ra.ul)îel ethe Precuratibr G('ià eral of thp lialy Syinnd. the member% of the l< .vno,. the gen- erals of high rarik. adiira1 aides de camp Pe., while the imniuediate %%uites of thse Emperor and the tiva Fin pr-es reruair- e-d in the Ronianioff alry off tht. throne ronni. a inagruificeîut apa rtnuent ornamented w1thi rihandéd jiiqper nnii beautiful niosaiesriprrcnting the. tein- piesi of pees! titi. TVhe ladies and niniIq of brunor of the courts araçcd in encir- ent ]Rugiian cuitorsof drrp piirple, broidered with pearis cand wraring sugar bua head-dre.çîts. sirnilarly a dorncd, pre- sented a charrui-ng appearanice. -A St. Petersburg cable: At the upen- ing of the Iiisu&aînd saaiiC ng l'I Dont o! the throîîe, the C'zar read hîs înesag'- to the I)ouina. IL was as follows; The, *upreme Providence *lich i7uivei me the care of our Fatberland meved meC work eIected representatives of the. peo. lu1Inthe expetation of a brilliant rîtiure for., Rusâia, 1 greet ini your pereons the best mn afrona iheemi1re. whomIn ordered uny beloved subjects Vo chonse frote amon gtheinfseives. A difficulft work lie before you. 1 trust that. love for your Fattherland anid vour earnest. desire to serve it will in- spire and unite vou. 3I1 hall keep unviolate the' institutions~ ) which I have grantcd. with the firn as- -surtinre ta the service ut votir country, and especially to the need; of the peâas-_ cartry, w-hich eire so close to imv huart. e and to the edtietion of t lir people iud - their econoin iral w e, itre. ievmuî'il n that to the dlgiuity and properity af the~ State. net only treedom. buit order found1. e d upon jumsice, are iieýes5flrV. I desire roni nmv heart ho sice my o- 'pie happy, and luanci don-n to miv sou an 9 empire secure, vell organizPed, aud en- D lightened. * May God bless the work that luest be- e fore me je unity with thé' couincil of tht e empire and the Imperial Douina. Ma y b.this day be the day nf the moral revi..-I1 î of Rusia, and the day for thec reneitlu 0 of its highest forces. rApproaoh %with solemmity the lmra 0 ttir whlch 1 cal! vou,,and be wortby of a the responiii tien ut upon yeti by t114, e Emperor and people. MAY God aasiçt Ce us. le 'neiTrading lasted but thrée minutes. - Ne r---el _a f-sm #dite he mfperorsF MRS. CHAPMAN Wh@m Blieana cui'ed, P urity Me II That el eut ~Medical authorities agre. that the use of minerai purgative ne.% and mçdIcIaws Is both harmîIu and piles *Pd wldcsjiread.- Bitcans, on the Il9othor bhand, are a rncdlçlne of ýred ith purey vegetable origlai, and began to- cure gently by niaturiai means.' ne te try Bileans, whIIe curlnt constl- nd î ,Wia patloif 'and ' its allied tobe- ustiati n ;nmla, beadache,, ul;ow com- 1 oUned léxtn 9piles$ etc.-avold the cviiý obandof purging. B3ileants also, remnove uliousnes the pWedlà oüition towïrds co- re became stipation, wblch mnths or years , hemltà itac sufferlng bave set uo.'T~. &are nedlclucof undlsputed mrtt. --and miay fiast be 'tested' by' dU -f ree 91 charge. To obtalu freq -sample box, cust out this C,«" Odin and miell t, wltb futll 08MO and -cue hmd.addre.s and one cent stamp (te e diudespay retai-n postage) to teBlà a o e Q -,CO., Toronto.- ns te p«d, infi s"04 ,, per btà , or prie. % FREE SAMPLE BOX OPMPLE HamultonLit, gay 17e u6 A ~. Mi il11K Isnoi feU at different peintes ite Adirondac-ks yetîterday. At lupper Lake thc tberunuter regusteresl 34 degrees The condition of growvizg vinter viteat is glven et 01 pcr et-nt. by the agrieultur- al department'a crop reportlsaud tic- Tii. Syracuse poluce to-day unnounecd tiic app-ehension at Critiana, Norway, cf 1Charles Il. Paine, abseoninig teller cf Vthe Oaond*aga Ceunit> savià ge bank. Palue took $13,500 The steamer Coluimbia (romn Glasgow, %-asl inreletseconmmuncation Wthte M Narconi station at'e Rate, miheu M4C nites sente-east cf tIts sint at 8S -mn.- .Site w-ii probably reacla r dock about Sunday' kunouncememit w-as made yest May VIat JosephIs Liter, w-horied on a mipccten1ar trficr)*la s bot. segt Yeana uo, bau heensuooded IMMou uaeeabmblp onUmti. bke M#oiour et À Ponrt5 VOMB., d4.utola a0'.the las t I at o~t rutaed the 4«JU o th $ft#. la uep t t ing bomu-ir. Nr. Straus has licou a-truste. for nîany y cars. The n-cil kuown Ferncrof Vt I, built in 1M5, nt Dans-crs, Mass., waa burued bo-dsy. Tue ovner cf te building, W. U. Hmn'is. of Smlemi, place hi@ lois at $15,- 000, but this doe not. inctude thé value cf a collection cf antique& whiéh, au- not b. replaced. Y'ork-. appointe!- b>' President RoOseveft Vo represeut the.Unit-ed States -it thêý wcddiug cf King Alfonso. w-ms prm»nte te King Edward ýat Buck4»ham ISACe to-day b'Am~sao Rii Cari Sti>urrz, lie 'p *icitt *ud Ioriser secretar> of t-be Int.r, rýho bas -»en vlith an attaek o* stt>tnsçh üoâblop *a reporteti au beln& -MUCW Qetr toac liy bie si lian. Me 'awèý d list Tue4» m Mis iet Tewkabur>', viso vs ex. ti-aditM i rons Parle on 1Mard ot- b,, ciiarged w-lt pasin f!i ud%;ent iebeqim» ut ti b.inutigmtlon of lier ushaxit, Lwis Towkxbury, of YesvYork, wasacsquitteti la the . SIonsCourt at Iudon tsi-day,; af te: tbres day.'triol- Tb*. genenal assocIation eof GermaitNMe. tai Worklng eattablsbmetà ta tc-,daY aima aied Vtbe orr.çtuease o a sta*emeest *Mn to Vhe pneu on May 4, wblèh dftlarei tbI t y- id appolate ti eday fora &ea oekouk of the. workmes inte 7LIT TNXG IP11E AMOxo ~Ti J' te the peaue cf Souls cf Tut"ls ýar-e-They Condttute a Danger ýWment" gays Offieciircular. a.<mepudemie seeme to have brokn ont mrongt-ho Turklsr vmen -sudl o(Žthbetter e - ae. Âe Mfl s . 0 two- daughtqrs of Naurti Bey;'ý Secet*q.Oenee f the Minima- Vu> 'v~~orelgà Afalrs, (loti frou the. bare & went toParia. À llttbL. liter a augh*er of !iedvauPua Cit>' *ht~, o waa reentl>'-u- su t e l te Broussa, TO.da iSfmdoh $ba,.?J*Jitr ofhters tâtror, andi of Tuvghau Pubs, M6b- ter of Pions Fauimatloni, bave s froua tii. coumti n - rder- t.- eeeai thse 4adjy duineus cf harem lf.1 izim ure«« aire ep.orted ia theri -CEY in place 0f thE Lcad packets oui Y. I-IGIfEE Woi1 "Thiey -wcre al 90 angry that, without giving myseif to, thiulk tmy usual way, yc took for grantel that you w fui crini.nai; aVili? 1 was as J as ever-but mother wouid : mny writiing. Then I w-as sa &bout Finistoun. HIe eame au soute people thÃ"ugyht lie w-e marry Lady- Georgina Fitz-IJ I did nut. At last it w-as then w-e w-cre fraxticaiiv bus I n-se travelling su mucbî, and happy, I never gav-c a thou one, wlîich is disgracefui, 1I1k dear, that I arn xarried to kindest, pleasantest of men, you were quite right tu refuf 'n g. Pour man-i iked. hirn .It Must be quite £iwful to t any- one youcarunot love Wi heart. 0f course, if Mrs. Ne livL»d, it would have been i have tuid Finistoun ail -aboi remenibers you met ycar, a you very nmuch. lc says yoitj gir, but dues not think yoî tthrow over Leslie Wariný of muen, aear Mona, have sentimient about other people, Let us hope they-have abou 1- do trust you aire noE Vel Bertie said lie met you, arT were loking well, and set brght. Are you still livinij nice, pieassant Mfrs. Debrisay! hier mur kind regards. I aLM ta try ber patiene. Tell her uingimg le-seons w-heu vere vi and Signor Sqaullicii-a 'g asure you-said I had-bee taught. ar- "rWee getting tire lng - about, and intend In Augiiet to Scotland. Fn adeer $orest in the We$terl We shah b. there alinoat al If 1 Can at ail manage l,1,!lm see you as 1 puss threughi1 -you must cone sand staYL vi sure y Oh! ili like Finistoul exIactly handsome. but. dii resu>' ver>' ciever. My fathai jhigbiy ofi iuu n d h. is a servative. The dear, mother j a looks forard te preo aldine next seasein. It is 'having a daughter «eut.' Gow - st Mena. Von viilforgive and grant I hmd&-a good your attached& "Evelyn FiiIls' « arnmntôtsgosure about -l&ouaj, ernlingo as eh. pu ,wbi-h he ad endaloudl- enïelepe.<'tI rms- ber for wrltlng 0at mIL Shi nice, dear tbing.~ glt - th o u g ht ah. h d. b een '7W e I bave hear4 fhm U g agony. 111Af terwards 1 became subject to headache and bilioni was ver7 weak an3d depreseed. 1 wavalso.lae lcted with1 endured terrible agony. Different kmnds of medicine 1 tz the, hope of obtaining relief, but I derived no benefit. I de"pir of ever being weiX again, until my aunt aclvied a Bileans. ' obt-ained a box. After finishing tlia, I four getting betiter, so I persevered witih the medicine. The coi aund piles gradually passed away, and the pains ceased. I my aleep, rny appetit.oreturned, and tihoadache and h vanisbed. I kepti on takng Bileans, and ultirnately niy cur permanent, I amn perfectly satisfied that my rectoration to due sololy to takin5 Bileans, whioh I consider a sple"dd I have recomrnended Bileans to oeany of my frienda." WU-AT BILEANS CURE.O Bilesr's for Biliovsuu-the great herbai household mnecieine-- ache, constipation, piles, liver trouble, indigestion anmd &H digestive feal. ailment, akîieroptions, bliousnus, tpring d.bility, sà bue tte t.uwthe imoutih, foul brema, dizine.., faintlna, buzzing noise. I feeling. 0f uncomnfSutble fulnt"ss eveai afwera 1 t mcml, windc l . d.bulity, etc. Tbuyilprove the pueral 1c tiop, iôd art -s hi faced girls and wez.k omen. For a11purpoauto wblch hosssold p u t B ile a n s il! b . fo u n d f x el e rv i '; , ' ' Bileaai are obtainable (rm &U drulti ati toreu ât50 conta, direct from the Bileau Cc., Coiboane S, Toronto, upon ecipt of bozos for e20.M m m 1