Whitby Keystone, 10 May 1906, p. 5

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TUEý' WIMEKTN'E TUSDÂY IMÂY 10,1Ue lOcEmbro sale 4ji 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 9 Store opens at 8 a.m. This ls a great springtime snap as ev- ory plece ln this whole window full of em- broidery ie worth frpomc0eto 2 5 e pryard, and the average price ls 17o per yard ln al "ý-ýthe large stores and no s3mall number of pieces at 20e and 25o per yardi. In a word, this is a window full of values AT THE STORE NOTICE TO FARMERS!1 The Undersigued have for oale a fufliine of shelled, Chiop coinPOSed of Oats and Cern; Chop compose of parts of W'lîeat, I3arley, and shorts., corn. equai Iteavy fecdors, buying ton Iots-eitn got close prÎcms1 1it w 111d oubly paY cvery feeder to use one of thesé Coudîmenta, "Herbageum" or "1Myerl's Celebrated Horne and Cattie Sipie". WhiteI3cans Wanted. Mlso Fat Laùahse, Calves.- and Butchers,Ciftle W. . PINGL &00 werMSLEEPu ThneKeylonei THE NEW COuITY PIPE raa.u. ey Thraoey fPm.LMe ofle, Tow He BldsgBrooksstrest, Obstri Cuat-'"Tbe 7sytofte Couaty of the DdtAi Euplr"-.. E Faivel, KC., Wldtbl. T» s asreoela uldeedeat la oIltici, &Bd vin advecate wbat it bslleves t. be la Lhe bout lÙ- teret et tii. commuait,. Tii. aubscrlpUemPrkce sorne hundreti <-atm fer Ifty-two Issus., wheu pali in advaae-4..zs vuen 5ba9'"o aam.t boul reh tlhis of- Sm e4o later than Tusaday nmu. go mr lmer.«, Lien lathe currnt lmue. AMes eWautei la a&U partset the Couaty. R. WINN, Editor &ad Managr The Radial Raiiway. At lest the lork Radial Bill han passet!, andi the Goierument mea.,ure fathereti by Mon. Mr-. Hcndrio la iaw, sa that WhitbY anfl the townships betwecn hon. and the present ter- minus of the eicctrlc rali(wJy 031 be- gin to tint! out where they aire .4, la respect t olegi3lat:i'e action it tbie sessiomnonw ..îd-ei. It would appoar frogm the dWufussn la thc bolise wben the Hondrie measure waà. finaliy Put through that the >remu.tr lias reced- ed from the i. u~rassu cf bis tirastie If1 dramatie auion laat. year ln thrcvw- lng out the Itadl illI bec-aume of the rant-k oppoIr.tion at that lime to the franchlse teatures of the arrange- ment.- botwcon the conlpany .andlthe mLicipaltils. Andi jet wha bave we to..day but r ractcaly that whtcb we were asklng for th£ûn? Lt Looka as if we ahoulît have àe, rajiId an ex- t6nsion of the roadt! o Nliltby asilt lm 1 oesibie for the Co'mpany to om- Plete, and that iL wîi alonig te Kingçaton Rooti. Chatham Goes Ahead. The dalLv papers tQue week tel cd the deciaïon b> the Chathain coun- cil toa ubmil a by-law for vutlag cun May 81 upon the proposition' to os- tabliaii the Koystoetc lugar Col& woe there b; Lise romnoval to ýtbat city of the compa4y's plant ut Wiar- tom. If the 'hatnatm ratupayer lois likc risking tour- iuma&smuci s a Whtby ogreedtu Lagivu £oran u inu. ta-y that would have to figlit for ex- isteaco against anather w1thIn dais. gea-ous distance ai Wallatzburg, wel anti good, but Lthe dlmatrous expe. leuve at »reoden and! ma; .plaot acrosa the St. Clr ar -ver la Miobigza w he beet itugar facto*-Ies were bo- catoti ton close togttbor ahOuld bu a suti acent wt'xnnng. lua àmanutac- turing buselss ciio4tuila kfud whemo the raw pa-oduct la a purriv ,igrtoul- tuaral fine :tua tho suC.s Or talumm ot thse etitveririe la àb&OlUteA.Y de- pe,~fngwt upu du ample mwappl;ot boouts rum ans acreisgo 0of tire thowus. andi aceb et- ore, .AtLise ver>' esat the flactorWas ai tirâst alsonitibe * ccPupLo of huudred "ka1e pparL Thse qwutâof MtLhe rigisi W Us e sanama ignt charter powerýi ôutLise compen> incorporaueto # 0 OWtal, a lia anotier seriou waIter for the promolca-of ut#iwefittra llo-b. wlsp ipropci.tÀa. A ihrRalWaY PtojIect aetion b> tIseCant&dlaN*QrUlera IbAula'aly At OttawaI w1tuum the am woek in f>'Iui; a, plan W1>1 le Smr I tOt 1'orgutt o 0lsaa4Mt Itatu ethas iruorLat tàfUtf* u*ooti âetloi,rtmed te toauil aiguçtita#s*~ Lb. ~llW>*ê~ 1 1à*. afford profitable dlsectiou fom the businets mon of Witby. WiII -they mbue to thse occasion? Mlh. Keystoge belloves the cqprtuty te break tii. monopoljr et the promet railway sorbetasonethat shoulti bo mad» teI osOf. The place thaut bavef tbe bout rallway tavilities will win out in the race th.4t alwe>'s mon- nIng between rival comuaunltiea. Can miar citzns atford to do nothlng In this maLter andi when itlab everlat_ 10917 tSu late woud6r -w h.it elthe matter wilh Wblb Thomals Way's Potims. We leara froui the Bible the Most sac- rot! Word Trhat Hjeaven'à the palace utor ngpis and Goti; T~he ropheta ,,Pd imartyrs ln heavein arc fouard, With saintfr andi alosties God'a thmone they urrcui. Inilea-en la gatheredth Ie <aid andi the Of every n.aLmu, aid ple b .n.j Umague. No oal la lni iedaien, no waters Of There pentccful;v tbown Lhe rich riser « Lite, Whkch runs tirougb the oiti Of beauty untaIti, Itli walis are uf agate, and jasper andi Trii. Heaareuul.jmanaloas no thougbt Ltti streuts are 0£ cryabtal, transparent as glass Wit liPaul the oatlt-eUof Ubrt, we ibelieve; The. beauties uf Heaven nu uirkdeau The good of ait cations are gatbered hom e i.4 Andi dweillin tbe mansicua surpassing- Iy air ; Thel suifer un t rem Lh. defjlemont of sin, Fui- nothing OuhO C4eaU enter Liierein. Trhere saînticai ail mgo. nite<d&y 0f C'arsmt "a Creatur, Redeemer andi King, Andi angels rejoice with the glOriflted thraag, Ant'i ilaven a bigla rce. re-cebO the épig. Ait honor anti gbo:>'to Christ ta their Who died on the cross Lb. whole warrld to redeem. May we chuaoe the patis which Lbe ClorlLIed trodé A&nd wahk by the cross lW the it.Y, f Anti wltb tise., Ob, m&Ywe wtb J.. sgus ait down, Anti shore lu Mis 9g09Y1318HIekuDeu Trhat you arliht eaoL "Y mw sosoul hlaie Chrldt jour neameal, 4eapt friend, l'e la lite's battis You wll tld, Touz nee thingu wlli bave to mImd.. FIret mimd your, tonue»lin lght Of Anti bett h atter ang toW l ord;b Now ilsougltloso, ukia, wlke O UR O.REAT. THE ROSPITAL FOR or sr SICK CHILDREU For 1* Caresfor EBien slek ChIld lus Ontario who»e Parents Casanot Afford t. Pal For Treatment. The. Hospital for SIuk Ohltirsu, Collage utreet, Toronto, ea -1-to tbe tbem "d miothenOrs nt ti.for fonde t. iitl the thousand slek chlldr.a the&Itaue vithia IteThels svery 7eam * a local institution. but Provincial Tii mick châd - from Bemy plu« la Ontarioo wh. eau'% effet! tov bau the. . uw Jvi. legs.as the. obuld living ta Tmmment.sd The Kospital bat! l-& tm ea d fr. cuTipautie, hm 5194 places«kt $ide ocf Torcnt.ý -pe Pu-». p« dts prai ptd&W Sittngs of the Diviusion .Couris. OOUxTY 0OF ONTÂIUO, 1906 WEITSY D. C. MaÈdpeIl, WhitbyV Clark, Jm Ut9F.b. 1, Maroh 1, Apil May 3, Juuie 6t Juiy St SOèe8014 NOV. 5e Dec. et Jen. 9, 90?g. OUEÂwA D. C.- Macdou.fl Whthy, Clark, Jan. 10, Feb. 2, march 2, ASâ* May 4, June 7, Juiy 4, apl. 7>, à50 Nov. 6, Dec. ý79 Jen. 10, 1907. BlouoaÂî, M. Gleeton, Qreonwood, Mle*$-Jan. 11, Maroh et May 89 July S, sept. 10, Nov. 7, Jmi11, 1907. pour Panay J. W. Burub",p et FePrry, Clark, Jeu. 13t Meis-S, May 9 J*l 7t sept. lit NOV. 9p Ja» 1391907. Uxux»u Josephs E. Oould, uz bridge, Clark, Jeu 12, JiarhIl, May 18, July 20e sept. s21, Nov. 23S jeum 0 1907.- son Ciric, lkgarb 15, May lTI JUI u 1Set. 20 V, !v.2Jin. 11907. vr.,Clark,>J lot 10, rois14- MsY 16,ý July 18, sept 19, No, 21,ii. lit UPTuoava-R.L Gaugsau 1Xpt.r. p»o, IClok~ e rcis 13, May 1lotS89t. 2PÂ1 Are aharper than two edged swords. fThen mmnd yotir eyes, andi do not broo An enývioin or sorful look; But ture youri e0708 LU C:dvary, And vk-w your 8<,vioexr on the tree. Then cwreful be andi ihut your ears Agalnet all wicked scoff a and âneers 0f thoee who su&ï Lbere la Do Ood; Rest Callvary on R'is faàithul word. Then mind your lipe andi keep them shut, Let notbin; pas Uic, to poilu te; Or wll the lunot soul dofle, Or turn away the Savioejr'a amile. Then mmnd vour haut!,, nor steal nom fight, But erer use there in the right; Olve others hUieliin urne of need, 'rhen Gd --iii biess yuu ln the 'lord. Andi then lie mlindfui that your <oct Dun't loati you tu the seurner's seat; Nor let themni wth the sinners stand, But walkitlc'thie Promiseti landi. Thon mm;d wltcure yLMJr cvii beart, 1*err toen truh or rght departe, Giqe flot tW sIIIan~d satan piace, AgaInst ail ciii get jour face. Let lt>ve of Chri4t tilt ait jour soui, Your actions, words and thoughts ccPtroi; Thon when in deati, >c.closevolar iee Yuu shail to le eternal rime4, TUfMAS W'R Av. W98II You HeIp It? b CAS Is a big succesa and we will continue this 10o sale tili Thursday, May 17th, n0 that every customer of ours for miles around wHI have a chance at this wonderful Bar-. Vain Sale of embrolderies, when on Friday' MKay l8th, we will put on another sale. Here's where you get your embroider%- les for your furbelows and finery. le, 4?"j -i tê v ào 'w Wheai, re.............05o0 white........t.'@e ................O t 3 ..... 40to 0 X .. ..... Go'ôýto 0 m B kWe..........052je to U0 Oatg ................... . 030te 0 à- Aleike N. i........( 00 o o 86 59 64 No. 2 ........... 4 00 to à09 *iNo.3.....3 Sto 40m Red -9-....... ....... O00te 7 00 Red» No. 2............... 450 te 600 Timothy Sued......... ... 90 &e 1*- YLOUE AND YED. Cho pé F ed c ..... 1 10 to 1 u CoruInesi.-.......... ..200 * 2 5 Bran, perton ............. Ouio to20 00 Shorts, per ton .......... 20 00 to 25 00 MEAT, POULTET AND pEODUCE. Beef, by quarter per ewt $6 2%top M Cattie, b,. eight, but. à 00 te 6-09 Mutton, per lb ......... . 009*.&00» Lmb,eao ............. 300 t 4 00 Hop,irveweight ....... -o00to e189Lt Hog,ilight fat .......... 000 te 5-70 Hogs,beavrYfa0.Otc5 711 Help, dresaed per 10e 0 00Otç SOC Chickena per o bo010*.o01$ Duce", per lb ......... o0il t. 1il Geesedreed per lb.... 0 9 to ()O Turkeye, druased, pur lb 0--12 to 0 1U Butter, roll. ...... .......O020 to 029 Lard...................... U00 go 014 Egu, per dozon ......... 025 &0030 Petatoes, per bag........ o o tgo 1 0 Appis., per bar!...2 OU te 300 0Omu, per bus ........ ..080*o. o1 oo Bamyperton.............S8 0to 9 00 Straw, per load.......... 200 te 300 RID>ES. Pedes, pe ............$9 GOeto iloo sheupekias...... ....... 1 00 to. 125 -Deacege...... ......... . 025"r2 080 Tallow, rended, per lb o 04 0-9 Woel, unwashe4 ........O014 W O 0 Lamb Sklu .............0 00 W 0,80 %10

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