"J' .47 I. 'I.., TUE~ ~~~~ mu. WHTYK~N~TU8~y -Mx «014o Ure. Watk'er à apea mG,.wtth fri- Mr. ce& .1Holway. Who loft nome time asgo £or the N(ortb-weet, bas re- turned, and la nGw lan Troonto with Uda zndtber. Mr. E1illdayle hoaltb, p'hich wa. very puorly whiloethere, la much tinj-rove &Ince hie return.- Mhe Iaaured mewboru 01 the Royal fVemplare. iii meet at the resideoce dit Mr. B. Y. Campbfell un ?ue«d, May l5th, at 8 o1clock. AUl insured avemberi sheduld be lorcsent, as busi- mens of gréat Importance la to beoat- Mr. Pre.ttn, a brother of Mms. Frank Bcditt, of thia illage, who lias Wen engaged lit th<o car' ahop »at MjIland. wai ruit over and had the mifortung t Ohavo one of hl* arnms tawen off. He was taken tu the hcMpitai ln Toronto,ad L4 progres- ilng au weii a. can bOeeçcted. Mrs. McL.ean, who hid llved here foir nome time. died at tho rfoidence of hse rdaughter. Mrs. J'. W. Sprung, ot Oithawa. trom an attaetk of apop- lexyv. Mrm. à McLeati'i deitth wa.s a .ihak to evoýryone. au ,ahe had been An ber usuai hcaith. The funerai «wiok placç op tu'sday (rom ber latt, residece to CGrovêvaidoe erieery. We extend our Cioepcct ympattay ta the bcroaved. Mfr. toeert Beitis mhlpped upeiglit 1hackneya ta the Toronto Horse Show, but thi etirat day's Judging vaï no wlld that thcy mwero air withdrawn train thse show uand brought home that nIght. We conaider that bfr. Belîla was jlustified lai wlchdriwing bls horses, fRe never liad no many auperlor backr.oya at -ny exhibition Ibefore, and when hIs beat mare 'vs lgijien seecwnd pllace, and the beat hackney etalion hceover ownrd waà ahown thse gates aif testnwaking a rnost britant exhibit iota atu the rIng and s"1nnlig unstîitrd ialiplià uzi trorm thse apectatcire on Lthe Pretesmt.ethat tihe animai was wionp,, in lis wiaid, It wa.S ektarly evideait tisaI i'umothing was a dfilng Orgran factory "as ;titdownnfor few day %,,,hlie repains îîetm' bolag a-nad etoithe wachinery. Although the neigon opened 'vith a splerudld catch ut Irout tit the piond. It bas filîcn off soîeewhat dur- ing thse week on. acctbunt af the rold weather. RHvwcîcr, itI kgr:,.tifying ta noto-thal the ioverâ of thorot _biave sucis a. splendid degroio f4:xî!î,ý1 hoPe, and thuaI stHtliamc uilit>, at- ience, that ndu.fang daunted t!aeir da.ily average nuniber atI te îoad bis bren 60 or 75 a't h'att. Sq. fan tiacre hai baer scareAly atm, fly Iimli- j Luis of tfan, aand inid-ertily Wnx< gîractiara wim là ad on f'laîxrd&Y ai' aoon tarit ina ,ame ofta.ehlil be. t,.%,en tise high a.clo0(>iaiad a l<iwat- fictoiry buie-l. Trhe regralîna ti -ivi' scaroeiy gcit loolî0meal 1t1) as yeî, [lu ido'ubt 0on accorant of the colitiW<':- tiser, au the b0y14 (rom Plhe halls of tearnlng katîd ut put il ail over th(.>r uippoiaent.s- limeh. Mr. Sidney Milita, of timi town met dpalla her(- <ara qtidaty riglîl as thle restait of taklng ineîdieî c raworagiy la- belied. ',,m. Nlilialai; ma atcn-in -kw aof Mr. Edw.ard L'arsweil, o a).hawaî, the' I I 4 I 4 I I 4 I =1ymohr brother a&" aliter died cf coussmptaosà " ayu UsM. Coveget ofLit- de%,.S."a9 1 uuymeffferd for two (ro&M a distresSing cough snd veak long1.. -sepo Iiiuherited a teusdèacy in tia iecio 111But thank God 1 useti Psycbkse and it built me ngbht uap. M y lungl m Do êw strong. 1 enjoy apiendid health, snd I ove kt au te Paychhsse» Cousumptiou, wbetherbereditary or con.- tracted, cannot stnd before Psychime. Psychine kins the geroe, no mattem' bpw it i*ttacks the iungrs. Psychumo buds ua thse body aud maà akes mog and able te resist disease. Psycbine la an aid te digeation and a maker of pure, rlcb biood. The greatest giver of general ha.th is P8:YGH INE (>Ms.eoedSM@ 5Oc' per Bottie ML t, ohm -e8uswoh Bak crics Planlng MAlils Pump Factorlos Carpenter Shops Griet Nmil In fact almost every p)lacle- whero a quired, it -is the ideal power. One of these éùgies may be seen Mr,, anti Mra. P. W. Seurrah are anmevng to luron te, w here they iu. tend tei regede la lu ture. Mr. N. Luke, t - thc Oshawa.stage ilDo, As inguto, Mr. FiurrabWa Mr.. nad lIrs. Thomas Stephensoii spent r-unday at Mir. Thoýs. Pearson's. Mns. S. IlOitt bas been v:,ry poorlî, but Itt adrne bettcr. A. number fxolau bore attended thse addr-esa giÇen lit-Raglian ualSunday CoIdsa and cold weathçx seem Io ùe ail the rage. League waa held on 1Tuesday -even- lng. Miss Kearned 'abiy tciok chirge a£ the tapie. NMr. and Mrs. Lavld Black are, nettl.'d in thear new home neur thse statiola. Mlsq Kathleen .Mteicns k is itir!g Ms. F. W. Scirrrali. Thse (L.T.. tation in beinc, ruth.2d up rapldly. The t..irpenters w-i!i sooa i bai>e It ccxrapleted. PJ(AZE!' INOi. W. J. Guxrdon, of Toronto. spetît a few days in town Lit week. Mr&. Boërt, of 13arrie, vist'cd her bro- tiser, Rev. F. C. -11ar;'r, at th mna o. Mr. Waddell. cf Port Pcerry, %vas In tdwn ous Sattrrdat. LaM, wath the vlw of tendcring for granoliJthic si'ewai1ks. 13.fcfr<' putting lInlais tender. It w:s hcar.i1tafind.tise pio'neer temperarace lec.turer, and'wîth t -'sen--Z .1î ui.-sry l- hls %Ife and son %as resldint with teIN.ec.Toyasag f.Wd tise Canswolls On 8aturday nlght d<tet. «rlid o $a0O or.ofade. iamt befcsre reLiritig Mr. Mli aked . If dî'rry, and iaO o ofst yer walk ln Port IcradLs e there was any medk9nin ht h louse. , sr$00 and watofIc~d by Mrm. Kerrimun, a dau- F. M. Ch&paxan leit arn Mond ty tghter of Mfr. E. Caraaweil, Ihat tlit-ro wa~a bi t cluwl tli. ad n lermot ning for 'Toronto to assume his wama bx o ièilu)e pilu.andon ernew dutieàs :î-tssiaitý,tt.editor of advice ho took two. TIhé rest ot thp thse Weekly 8'iti. His ~many friends -taxily retired. ieavt-ng Mr. Mils alone ln Pickcrîng toavushir congratulate Kowiitairs. Mr.-.. Mil. awoke early hlm on sectirtîg sueh a~ derirtable nit. on Sunday mornhrig, and berame ration, andi oneme hch L.e wiil un- alarrned aI fot seIn liser hjiaîband irtubt f wL rdt abuai bed, anad going downstair% fbund hlm dantcdl itla ith ctke i o hi ely sltlfing ln , a ir. Nwiti blis headaano d %ihil;atuntoi ml arws on the table, fait asieep. With l a Soul dificuly se aru8edhim B. ýN .de Foe Wagne~r, who bas bren sani <tti iuit sh arosed hlmattendîng Wyctatte t'olie;e lan honme mlightly. and i wth tise assistane ut aIpreset. laavlng !Inlsqhed lis crams. her aliter, gaI hini ulatairs 1ta lied. lfeie ucoeeded 11, taklng tiratcls Ifec ontinued ln adead tslee-p ii î_as a'ciock on $tîîaday mor.tni, ad is Ilnors ln thnee suljpti. :aind sre'mnd family bocbg unablê Lu w;aka huan, Dr. eaahnr i w tl>Cs Bell iras sutunîoncd. The doctor -iureeded in a roua,1ng lîun partî-iîîy WO k l S by the use of thse elercrit6 battery and Stnoyng cotfee, but he never ne- o I jMained comjîlet e cùns'ýijuaeasx, And o ,0 « died aboltt : o'etock. From all teA S the years go by the biood gets1 sym:ltom. IL 1-i supposed the tabitsA thin, watery and impure, an uslh she took, -aud whIcil werP J.Ir.. fails to suppiy the nounisbment ch'aRed from Nr. Ir. B Mitchell, drmg. required to keep vitality at high gist. of this tcm-n, %%nmo not calomel, . water mark. Circulation ets bad, as lt1brlled, bti orpiun. Mmii. K-i- and the nervous system suffers. son. weirarhaaefd thu, tabiets, liad Besides the pains and aches, besides a week itrevanasI> takon four of them, the weakness and dizziness, there but 4binag ail overdose, she bocagne are feelings of numbness which tell wkldlntly ai4ck and vonatted, andi na, of the approach of paralysis and' ita'.pk"ion n'as then arousi.d as tô the' locomotor ataxia. medcin. M. Mil h's mcenly Judg-ing from thse expenienceoCo h~<' ralia' ~ulrs u lte J.î edthe thousands of old people who' Cawc'ernnae.t ndlihas tmavelled; have tested Dr. Chase's Nea-ve Food,! ,*ý.tl.Y !Ilta be eCaactly su11ted to havig ra cut.-ed, 0113twubs.weeks iIln0overcome these conditions, conse, lîaingrrîarcd'vi h is wae tamquent on old age. ' Japari. lie Is anl Erglishinan, 49~ year : o ag. oroi rVr fî*l, tp- Unlike ordinary medicine.s, r on belng natif ied. lîcld a lirelîninary Ca ies Nrve Food is entirelyf investigation %Nith ( Uoraty 4 rown A t - restorative in action. and cures byl 1r ,t f , ~ a-id t hçjf-* *.d-1 forining new, fi raiflesh and tissue, 1 ar ia., st hi" w-s h1' and building up the system 5 0! ~aairqaerI ec'~.'.hr, 'ht,î -a hldcents a box, at aU dealers. onr Tie i nu r l.'., -. Butob sSh.p. Ppatmam= Ofs TrRAYEL IN-COM FORT pAII . -- LlvrpelEnglami Hong Kong, Chia VIA CANADA Ou Camaiau Noflo tmmhPs and TiMi. The C.mpige Fua. m sd 'itarltBep ~*waSeeta. lU uppt7 everv usnapori mmmi White ea route. FOR ONTARIO TRIPS Caadisu aeifi. PasaSugorCasa ..mi lm1u tou oomtorl. Coarue% iuyl. mnd Ena, ma beamlng lighbUag and nsz amymimma lb.boaS TO ENOLANO FOR XMAS 8l. MI»La"o Cha troi ua §.Lobah, N., lot peuiphiotl and Information mml« a. Camains.?&dît Aneonvi s v aI O. E. TOPL P..C.P.u1. TasW, O. D .W. and Mrs. Mcgaffin were the gue2atii0Of the Iitier'a parents J.H1. and Mrs. Cconors, on Cunday iast. 'S. C. au dUrz. Spurriil, t Whitby, spent a fcw d-,>s dur.ng the p)ist nieek wl-th the iatter's parents, J. H. and Mre. Conor8. It h-is bern airaaîged that Mr. E. C. iEarp wUi take charge of St. CGeotge*s chui eh. Hie ls a ) oting uw.,an o f mueh atilty, and will b. Or- daioed lboit mOn Ifh. Pol 7 bpie. te you t.h"ADM Chas.. le it.nnî la a certain PileS sud absolute oursfor mach es ad *,ury Sors t tchlng blmedlngmnd lotrudlnLples. temanfatre.haeguarneILAtBute&. timon"al lu the dily prose a" mmk your notai- botm wba0t boy think ef ILT.YoumaUne I sad cet jour IMMOMneybckif At eured. Me a box. ai a U dealers or iEDEa-nUoNBATM à :Co., Toon tê Dr. Chase9s Olntmont r Ibs Appeal TUE HSPITAL FOR #SICK tïllCIIIDREN For 10: Cares fur Every s.ck (jia lu Otatarlo %Wlause Pa:rentsi Canglot AfTurd to il>ay Fer Tretalumeat. orfif e The. Hospital for Sick Chihiren, CoilegeP à treet. Toronto,0 spfa.mia 10 tsîhers &à ahi inothor, of On"arlfor funds to lmltl;îîn. &bco thoumand sick cbuîdren thst. itl. ur- witimîo lee vw7 yoeryyar. Tb# Hotpit.aI la ot -à local 1inst i t ution- but Provincial These ik chhi tr6ni an% place in uin tarlo w ho living ini î L 1ý 1 ha d ~~ ~ A asw er f u SÎtios I as foundation31( theme votei 12usôbie tee oud of Toc. n& A.e osti . 14e pa teno per UOsuILandm erc ww13 bfraao.i e 1 f v-o kof c*n'yq <hild in votai e<hob» 1% ~i ~> c~p~.dor t lu ~tb foc oU4icheparciot'o ti:t' te i, ll,4pit ~<O ettatosa @ 4oî<laar totsf 4. 4.4 4. 4.4.' 4.4.:' 14*- 4. 4. 1+- 1Oc E ~W~W*4~ 4~ç~ 4. 4. 4. 4. * 4. '~.4.4. 4.. 4. ê 4. 4. 4. 4A~ 4. 4. 4. 4. 4.4. 4.4. 4* 4. 4., 4.a4. 4* 4* 4. 4* 4.* 4* 4. 4*, 4.4. 4* 4. 4* 4. 4* 4. 4* 4.4. 4. 4* 4.4.4. 4* 4. 4.4.4. 4* 4.4.4. 4* 4' 4.4. 4* 4' 4.4. 4. 4.4. 4~ 4. 4.4, 4* 4* 4. 4* 4. 4* 4.4. 4* 4.. 4* 4. 4* 4.4. 4* 4* 4. 4* 4. 4. 4. 4*- 4. .4. 4* 4. 4* 4. 4* 4. 4* 4.4. 4. 4* 4.4. 4. 4* 4.4. 4. 4.4.4. 4* 4.4.4. 4.4.4. 4 4. 44. Is a bigset this lOc sale titi *verpy custOmeý will -have a chi gain Sale of ent ]Ray l8th, we w Here's whi ies forP your fur Stop This is agZ *ry plece in th] broidery is wor and the averagi the large storf pieces at 20e ai this is a windo % CAS] 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* ~ta 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* 4* -4* NO-TIC*E The -Undersigned, Chpcorùà posd of putU of Wheat, Bar-leyt Heavy feeders, buy - t wiltdOUblypay E - - Wite Beans Wanted. -' bo. G~s Made in Canada Tho PER'FECT"y ENGINE lias ~v w l îiglîst wa-t! :t T'iio l E î utrs for the past five ytearm. Thi sP ak ff)r thle engille. Tliis ma'Ko of tgasoLuîn- it'<ILIinciin w.a.' in all îîts of Ottiand eznjloyed, to à ~ive ail kiîîds of iachiîîery . l'aruaeîs fiîd it irnîuvel selul to drive sawlug machines, choppers, puhîîer-s, uttirîg boxes, etc. This gafflfino e * ine in. MA '-j 'A 4 1 "il A &U"4 à sà ;i#à . ûý AS 0 1 m-,