Whitby Keystone, 3 May 1906, p. 3

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* ,. ED STATU38 i RÀivs a ii tatet-, lpyi8Sii, X. C4 ýf hc Ca.;adianl î The -Cmn- wbor&., of tè.e â'ke à~ perbofl ýions t.hcrc. ï>"BTir(>b, îlb ýýxpcfd that 4ý Costce. io;. .uiuiiiVCrs, P-it the cou":: CASE, 'HARGES OF ie Proteltftft ii henaring the piAtion ofifls ,rws 1; huicei, D1d day's Ses- tèstify as to of Dr. Crap- wmbors of the ,± execCted to 2M.O'Brieni, ~fcounsel for ~vdnotha± hie ordinatiofl t e. Fran- l>atl'd Chureh, Steo-ireechê the ton held with> 190.5. To this he ground that îsey, cting 4b., \Villitîis, la. the BiîlP <of un tenied tdat tg evi.' î'e to ho, le hnrgttA ient by the' fence on this x0* s4xcdide thei 4 1~ 6+ Leai PPe VIN, m -ter refIections were suddeuly broken ipoii by a fanîlliar voice- exciaiiing- "0Jove! it is Mona! Mona Joscelyn"' aio se found lier further prore a bîu <~$by Beîtie Evex-ard, Sir R=hr'ol «mi.wlîo was4 studying law, having M. -'le2*tary proclivition, and thinking llow lèdre would ho ugeful la managiii ,,tb'çfaîiîîly estate, wlîicl %vas by* 'fans flourishing under bis father'sni nifire nt rule. *SfBertic,! I nover dreamed oif meetie. U, "as~ though the ban which had falle ,ber had heen "ba«n jlifent"--that ti counter betwéen two inliabitants - le ine towvn hid Lben t lîerebv renderc - ' Nor dii i. I thoaglit von bad cmi- gftted, or been sent to a penitentiary, or Mome such thing. You sec, %when any one 1oPs out of îi é ht in bondon. àw~s sîîcb * drop in the ocean, that ho or 1e llveai ,'>trace behi'îidJ. 1 am quite g& to see ,où. C-Mo, tellIlnie ail abouit, ourseif~ eË'y lias %wèpt gàllons eo-er yati. Sli&. *antted to write, and the làw. knoVuf *ba out my inother strict! i4ýlorba&,. spiow-a iost mutton." 0*etf course I amn," 'laid 'Moný*rn4Ulg. Sboe understood lier cousin's d r. blant. wea. "But you must acknowe 'if ave kopi oui of sight and net iro£ tI4pL." -"es'; it is qui te truie. No 1I bave X4e y6u, I uni aniazed to f lad you still &xit . lew have you managed it, Mo- "Wby trouble aboîî% details t-' PdI , spd want notling--that is enoughl" 4a > I."%onderful wunuan! XVlîerie are vog In "hmo b fart" .Ntver> - -"'Lot me corne iti von !"- a"If vou like. 1 arn glad to have a chance of hearing about you ail." Tsbrief colloquy took place on t1a Btoid Waik, Kensi'ngton Gardons. Mona" uircrossi ng from a house in Queen'uý 'd.ate, wiiere hier last lesson liad been given. Bertie Everard, a ta!!, thin, bour young man, inost accurately got up, aird- as unliko father or mother as could be' iigagined, turnod and uccouipanied berJ 'tuwsrd tisei Bayswater Road. "Do vota know, you are looking fairiy' -iVëéI? Choeks fot quite se round, eya a-trifie more sombre thon they were1ulas ear, but you are a. pm-tty--no, ashandr- toale girl stili, Mena." M'j1 suppose one doesnot grow aid i a live or six months." 'No; but tihe tradition in urfamly ii thst yen have been e tng thse bread of, "ery andprecious littie of tht, iWé' musrJ h td he wateç of affict.ion, snd - 'j a Had B rely in te 4truth- ,t Wcnt Dawn. aous» marine uýx. harbor tà-:' iturner St.rath ïteanier, liav. andior near luconû lefi ber (-aSterni ports, into the lair- 1ter, -who lhad li c carg(? of a psleep in thler atuber aboard. g the' tqual usi, Nw(rtli-3, r4 froni a -gtr l3ewfoîIdt(llr d QTILTY OP E R. tnber of -the rti!iery, Whuo of a c un rad'à j'Hall, at the 'oneludlecitr- jiiry, return- 'aîansiaugh ter mtceuItin lest of lis it into con- v was iaetane t7and la %til hich infIuec- îuyba*, the Vnd, if found ;Ingston Pen- ls Of al that al,anlee 'rei &nà& tii. ntreaiIze ek ho reit. wotdi, but c4àt store. -ELOPE. Dm0.- nhew- "1Ani y ou were aIl content tisat 1 Éheùid, though. we were sncb gocdIrtiendui sud eu>oyed se0unany 'happy isys t-o- 46It wua your own -fauit, 7011 know. Yetectk yonr owu course l1iaoe say ÃŽ you bad ask'ed ber, uy inother would ]Me bbelped yen; but site wasm't bound- te Ieok you np. Sentimental Se.perosity la euqt ai dt aitogether." 0- - «T do net suppose It woîulul baiveo mu s veakueet ofyens-s, ai any rate& lion- bv.r, you need net teair -for me. 1 ge: bread enough, sud to spano, a&W rye' pliasant bread, tee. Non', tell sme soi. n xews. How la your dear motiien? Mm. W64as swayé sosegood." "8h. la eimodlngly f lourlahlng &M busfoxesyis galugrto beiu hain't much braisas hors&i."# "She. bas sens e nouiris not t t h" mme lbas iii the brains cf- lth@ fui!>-, a you do,« Bertie.", *aYies, I do, andi I amnon e~ lig -ser a&IL.Your troubles ha-tenetan lb. ahëbarp edge cff ypur tougMueMisa Josclyn, ho si, dlabglsing. burTe nressMyu>poor fatlse" aie. h ta more sulted ,te su> fortunée. anM ~'jo.Y Andalvit la Ih? Craie? Urinit lm vas qmqss11UM of u ~Iawhavh~ *ft I %isbêd :1 CÈYLô lUi 1 I ~iI i i t f L wjth ots of money, as 1 think yè4l wit enough ta know. Heo lea i hunisaif in india.. 1 had a lette' 0m hirm soine time ago-asked why ~~4 not seen vour marriage announced' k ed it lu a postscript-aiways abagn of woManish weaknoss. WhVero Iýo live, for heuvcn'a sako? We mui bi approaching the fur west." 1 'f 1 "'Do not coule any further, eBîe4J- you will die of fatîiue." d "No, I will net, but you wililf few miles- f urther out; let nie' e rab, before wo leave the hauzit.s f4i3 lizaion beh.ind us." wl~ -I thiàk tonl minutes more Iférn us -te our destination; but, to copy# -Our, owrn amiable çandor '.I1wold iratl'ou dil fot cctrne. Ycru wiil only sutis.fy pour cujiop~tv. and carry au-aY mat.er If for affl3eulous descripation, to niak-ÃŽV'Y ~id Megrs dine iaugh." y shoîild you bogrudge u àWMau mscUrirt.h! It is au absurd preW~ie to f«; injured by being what isîâIed 'turiff into ridicule.' You have oiijM aofist-oiidly indifferent fro t .di )-ou 40b> ridicule of i4s whoio powe< 'I »ionder how voua woud ik., laiug 1 t oursif, Ilertie. - k udnot rnind-but I uni nQl4ridl.j Cuog I amn too nAturul, and M*5"YSI I yWh t tink."4 -l often-i nieun I used oftbn-«*t woudar if you are as bard and he&*,1ess as yen seem" L bAhlieve 1 arn; but corne on, aum 'dfer.iined to sc vour lair, and I14o ýo dine til i oiht, so f have picuty of tý e." '-l canuotprevent yous, but. I1 nt want you.' Tboy walkod s feîv pÏt-éri qilleîaee,. then Mena asked: "And iesWe-, lyn Ii-ppy? Does olae seem happyW"ou "llaîpv as a dhiid with a new &bc and Finistoun maîce idiots otgsgn sevsin thoeinost approved îasnner*' h will bo a great pic ofa news for bejsi rencontre with you." "l)oes she stili cure for me?" "-lie seemed te do so tàhe [ast thi M.tvÃŽe mentioned i-et."î "T'Ihat was not recently T" smilidg. - "No. not Tory." 1- *"I live here," gaid Mena, after &4W silence, pauàing before Mme. Debriýy' "Ah! qucer littie box." - "Ie"suid Mona, gravely, OceusldÏW ft a splendid. resideuce; pray walk 1-A yen u-iti corne."- "Yuare hornibiy Inhosp-table, MËI.4 Eyerard, luughing, and ho fullowe4U-Imet lut. thse bouse. ' On opeang the dber, Mme. Debty was dlscovered restiug ilu au arumç,r, rbeside a table set for tes, lier boaguet lay ou thse floor beàide her. a"4 ber. tik sud uudeuhubly dlsordered biacAi'- bai iras uaeorered. ~T lah- Bertie Everrsrd," sai Xba, "êIVpleasidto se uns, i'm sw"" uid madame, riuîug bra'rciy t. tac. lime lntru4er, sud pot desgnang te pik'.ap "ier bbénneL. "Your sWeuta s one of xny She lancied t e i-h aitvs a fre.wl -offenha 01ret ndip ta Meu nasd '-sh ui s l~my eSted with tte vstr 6*0 ,Dzed.di"returned i vrazd. 4"41 shouli net have thengisi IC" -*ýý "i-ayen fini your aireet cousin io. 11W Wuel? I have don, s MIbut to-tekse cane et ber."' "2My .oult elevatbg blé eyeboa 'nsecondWet-tt. "9h! a Cessa s enyed tot. bt Vaut- iug paint 0f reisb o uail av "RouIly, Mous, My dem. tt a» the. r«4tetcourt-cous. . -"ý,_,ý1. "If u& kunew MXi.Kv-,rd letter, dm MadamieDebnima>, yeoulu! kàow tb*t b. deu s ceurtuy 'la hIdmusafud otm- 4"Il keit e abat."aidBetle. etme ;offer yoms a <uss cf te sal«- Mu lag, ut lwn soU4lI#A**,-* os, my pro .-eneu o er it gku«qg~~r ,Who p là ý*MI hTi, urcs à to MIY of, an -uoterthiit beid eh >-thrwlnthe bruêbatbm y rn~~~ ~ts~rtzteO~~1I~ foé.le.2.J cf z 'wCpivuuu aiy7 . t &ti * Par. Tbrtyi.r ~ ev.ntyosud lt' wotb wo undedi 1 wAu pct 4 - - - - - - Woii~ WsV lieî1 iah.Qf 4taea t-h aueb diml e te* ab*ci4 tlookat kau a asl Butý after, th-at ts unya 1ryingGood -Qujalitly--yviIi subêd p c~tUigyçrrde. «"'TiytheRd 4beI I Bne aws sli in flîow*oe b W of t~ Webster aveue,, Jers ait, a a. co on scoid as brougbht th, the.fore oe àýgatn h tate'é old Bine- Laws, - wbieb Ilare -miii! infore. woodha le w.4dn4g-ui ty afld to bëtriéd. ~1 "~Autand othera *ho'~gd~b Wuwunent r- sueêedla proirlag hS gulY, se.wMt probbbly .be put laJa* lt; a short ra». Qr,,Plod udérbnd tg be good. Tihe penalty for being '*do ei utwd te b. the. duckingt stool, but thif teature of -tbh eàw -ans réemed maiy ycars uge. Still the commron scold 1mw rémains oh 1Se* 'Jerey" ;à,statutë- books, a* do many ot.hers of the. aid Bine Law*.- handed down iiy the eauiy setieq4 ,- lu other Staftes thoseo ld là" iîiiee 4~ or, anearjy sIY. bôèp rqpso, pd few of thoin »Vebpwp&ci s' New 3ersey5 ÏitCtes$, but as 'a" i'1ôoie thé. om- lûe it 1e t* -o N "ir ey MWi exist snd are ut intervals enforeejk AÀ few urago District Attorney Chance; I gret ludiHwoneontpoe eçuted andl eqwictpd a Wou=nweme on -tW .il 4syCit tbig Sb rngu _p for para, but tu wm an . waasuwý A iw s.thatfonc "M i~~1OW fo»rte 'eourt- houue, ,u- l'ent.-Otletbàtilbt gen coy. Ue Niitetgo, ie an 4 sbîbIf4*e>4 Z-ý1ê amt'léjii for Mm",ydy5. u s' *C~llumin. o! theb. atàtvw ~Ofý New ",Act'of, eruli 4 taunbr Ob Not Oltea luvok«ed. ,geivats, te gratfy vaiw and- woz>rm~Is curioait7, loen pnd corruPt tluumorale et youth, strai to n u isun.vo<s many oor ~mi!le; ifa ny Persub for an> ?pe, gain or, reward< show!fo*h or exhibit, oct, epreaeLp etrm" any publid stage or M. any pb1ic houa. farce or pisys of ayk104- or- aiày gamo,tricks, MM ,, iIqs~ ! bn foualte -or uncommon, dexterity, or, aa bear batitlug,,oir ýuil1 ing,,or anysaue l1ke ohcwn or exhibitions wbateo.-rur loeted .b.Uiorlef d totQ. Eejtomtetiaetholéxlbtc p Uy hwqrehbto e oiet ayten u anavseýr sny.reaaonsi)uior useful ed," hmy b. gven. T~he -é. a1* for l. imauiti. e i4htçb*Wajcon n-adjIolg pàadfr tb. ,punidx~aofpme awifr1t , o aY lm' 71eld sorçýzq gr nhtu.t rpeO4m tb, be s en ei idator thà,e o àrb.. ââ - 1 - 'the" wouid bar. no, douit beim ppaied1 Mgo b.d tihe Stat. had a consttuo conventio. om 'Conatltýutltona o Mea 13,16 bas es i a ae îoU iN 4 'for ttwud anav1 n~ LI!,-ay !ti uer no a ef. 0*log4 mot." Get a Trial Pac t to-day. okeots Only. 409, Sosund te per' lb. At *6 C 171 ffl5aI ni eea uýu7w * " MIe - uMa- auî " U DO t5flflROur «Oh, Indeedi S, teIlme ow a sout neit! I felt,&a4ttlebdtifafter j afflimV tatcup ci tea enbrought me, so I did; L e. ut, Miy gezitlwn pecled on the. ~~ ~' ~tâle whe Yiba laid mty ~alat~ staoa~1~g ~y frAe---ndue Middl iaebeautlfi l aëedI hW. tetxmot «t'macle one -llmsh ut it, and tumbled the bu- UVSbrute off, Iuatead pf rnkgwyh "It doe; buti et e ta tL ndrgnath roui bourgeois xmu- ber it ina mIn the ie foune 4uàw i-ià6 e m. dence-like bis musterOs-fasteucd ls 4-v. ngly têeth la one-corner, and wouhI net "V M 1 ýf in S 're, m &'rn," Rid the. lanJadv, cup 'Vbasua y fthTios ttedining 1 , "I nIi th -tsoiv-I dox't cup.-Nyb sum in ath know hum tte eqgetit .' 1, don't know ',Â* _, 1SUPPOa OU e ht ntedog. Ho Wlu .waye, try!nq" e>~in~e~'t.torun up bore, fzs if ha knew it worrie4l- etuli Ille emno eturJ& living even here 'saï oua. Mme.hftveriayubbedoinnge5r turue deçd,9t "o2uký r hq Tbere"u atea cr youl '<'W~ ft~ tti'ot bre~k hn ouhea rt. 1ni f vou lke th~~t~~ y ~tjk0 bOndShy dPme Ã" LIM ELS GIRL$ Chn 0111Y Ottain He*ath 'Throtah NO, ta hl- atSxDrt4,tïnL Nev, Rich Pure Blond bMade 1>7 W .erJ4 . .wiMlIamu'. ipiak PIS. - v~1~~t d Iie ~-~ ~ (row*ng girls-girls lu their ite ha rin eig od'musi, hbave rich,,.pure blood. Ialb th bits of theO wompanhood depends upon the. vite4 nd n busthre hcge fionigirlhooël to màtùrlty4 *ot C -Road, a aslitk.Eiery wonman- '*hould most Carefu1> mgQA laea l tic 4 - wx&rh -ber daiigbtet's ýhealtà ait Mi l"42ý_ Adex- 11Wtroefw itWoBi. period. If a gir-il t- thi. er4 haàf i 4t ouf h Ietdace, if .shQ Je paie, ri i n unJ laguid, it shows that fber ~ ~ d ~ M sender food supply la being over4 M ae&zý>She ,wMIlaway, %e aliung Iud tDeruSay, go my 4 k bye, eti&e-n,,,,o Debisa. 'oi, ae u~Àcoumzptlon if heir blood le not bulit *mçt r.,îqly tga,, up ua ncewit Drwilliam ?' Pn askd -Bvmrôot~hnt*f tn'eu nXtiiese pilla mak& îbrlng heuith snd upMSnepAtWo4 ffl~ea,ad ?p"" tYegt 0- -odI Wad -i ni> lh oows t ,m.Debrlaay yeîîe4 du"'!, lStiesa,iagdgrl b t 1dtedowii Mme rosv-cheeked, "active ufter him to ikrn~gt and go on to ci flMfggie Doneblue, e, latrge. çurchi, we.er ' çt~,nbut eo r 'd w '-"ani t a eed sthougb -my, 4 ryido6 b.d t'a 16d t",:té summer ayA. 094p1,f ~ ~ vr~p*e~eufrd'rm~hdce t.he purters.wo, aa'4rguh ' ý etti.b.are $m- 1 gmediraotoc, for to olps-Mepèîý b Mme. Debrisuy ha dcdisu 4qWlIIt. _ u s f-D.~4l*a~1' sue tle oa o ho ofté anth' seo pVade1 tickets --Seorts, sud, o.rn me' an 1ie a 'fa1lun r.srorea der theteat~ ,a Ydieatuhul' I~vr yen' enjoyed betteir,,X*ütk Iiaixs o but litf.4e 4urî0 1 th lie '-"* P "rPdmotluer, ., . l Wbà r. WA ý»Vr tii,7 strike, .tralght at iitheo $ w¶th4k t onV ae ~4 U r.prsoled »' ~,~,of giowlag <irndauê oins,. &%, go«0 yeu. 0f ti. tra~W4,Ivobine n, b bmee-erded mto,. a, iwnm&the 1tii. 't acI bP.O$éîâ p oftefteât taé ber breaklug WIukor,, yi ea t by' mii î on. w9blèebloa sxe,,ockiW fîer __ wus ber breakt iwftbj»aIl- Wr t" b«>~~i~boS o bu h.had paae awa oeoeAe1y.,t @ è, iOYll% Ont.' n boemI*~.£4s.hn~u~ a Ira.,ia a ada, *ape . une ~ p' lai* i Iotufil»>, w.wpap.re-r U lémetekný t ma 1 .i. __ uslg . lamIsrnou a<by ~ R

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