Whitby Keystone, 26 Apr 1906, p. 7

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I - t -, - LANEO USQ -r-- LANDS-10 ACIili ar fruit, garuening or trie cire; btg uoneY tu A,. zS Fuster. 0akvLlt1a. )IA"ELY, TWO GIRLS aof ago for tpo1lI oltarivate fami F. Glaeo, "4 } Post Cards l'e 100, $1; 200. $2; 500. îrivt a' finest 010cic , 11, Albums, aul prk«5 1. Ont. ' tlajng Syrup libould al- Cbhilrefl -teetoing. it uotiies the unis, cure* beet rtanedY for Diar- :R. LEaOY'S (ALE ILLS W14 imd i 04iiiOtltllV rpru'li- yt .,arm., diVulni tiis.ligtylit iei arc giluiki. i oi tamp fri) sic W-rS i d -r IX)x of PII CO., r the Reformer. e,, peaking luofore 010 ni y p',atel lay fi idan Vre.as1clf for the cauO"I. Bsuc ýI luîsaId 'lîr ri lia or las not donc a anl that thet dîrectors have itited a dity." In othîr iiity lai aIiym personlfi. 11Mn0 ý1 i la go it80riucli Tîhe offlii'rst and diroct- m ii tiier tli' ribs et tri' Rubtject tethie usual IbLuiltIi, tbey aione art reformiirr'm ffort. Uey Raîhroad. rî Ai v .ytil 127, via ijirntl. 'IicA.ete.oniy- îiî~on BhLgm la>Newv 'Good 10 (lays. .(x uiat 3.50 -tn4j-7.15 a. on. l 'Oit ill to o. IFo r arî, up-j)c of Nî'ww Yorkc iiiairs.=zaî on or addremc î'agrAgleQný,10 l.1n.g rtm. lat Chu rches. 1 and Franc'-, savs Sun- 'na1 býOlts hbaVe proved -i the, spReading of the, id tihe canl boa-t trav- k:. and reai-he, cattered L)uýiîk of the Broada A01ild be iocking a- reli- !:vicŽs -are held on the qîancee, where it la pos- uiiandn, of miles by Mission fiasdone gooçl iappl, wlîîcli seat. 15o w1y on1 ils way, stop- ter lianîuc't- for a fort- Uau1allly the boat le ovurflow congregittion 1 atnka. SOmItimes the ide" a bridge, and then, Vils (if listenors, for the iinpular.(On the Denélat >tboth provincewhlch C ch thrt dlff e u n e dul tible tolls*so e r asthe a.d and the accunt keep if revenue by th., differcut î Cures Burns, etc. -0 - te Cet Ercu. içrryuag about?" tece to-day.' me ' a1 tald Pa anl -e teacher an' the tacbr Mtne bome ne'u icket! me." orn CD r Ire nei (~S TUTE overy timo. 4 4 i en net npply te Chist- for direction. I.e.t iriuàtg ickness 0-ob il. 7. Luke ii- 0- - .ye i-oet iîîp-Tlîe vigible. cinurcli avili Blind pieu tate cbcAuty of salvatiob ioinnelailtîýnt-i lt-ic la-t day iiiy (Luke ,t'Ii. 12, Il. (>sr. la'. 4). Hinéei ~>w4mr are net true meiîabers. Tea epaeàte GoYs salutsj. he*.,il. 18). Peases ~tho'.u le9pt thte pRrt eh mm, but Of the men (john xiii. r, 30, Acta. V. 3, z-rt J-udge- But titis cotild uc nacant ouly nl) - a- gtbm'ril scase, fur tée i wiile spirit - a.Mi 3iw. Me)y,".S-.J l the goupel uînlîcs the rejeeflon ofet ine 95). Satan le tthe great eouiîterfeiter openly urbwortiy, and ,their reception of su- Co again. es t-heir repetane.-t-elkt 30. Le~t boti g'roav toge tler-Botâ avl I W$ii.linltatiois. 'went hie val" grOw tcgetahr, and il 67.s Coucaly whau (v. M)>. Satan It netber omnipreeca kuoweth the hoarta oh menanmd wouild narov mnipotenit. W. inustf-pot overeeti b. able to e spsate the. righteoL f roui mate Minalest ave b. tert'ied"n <Ril the. unrigteoaus; snd7«et Il leUne dut-',-1.28). We mue5ft Dct tideretitiati u" e! t-he ami-ch te fi>', s ad to expel, un- !en )woaereumnas. Wé mtîip uot hi 'wiortday men1berts-thoe walo are cpentviiorant f- bis dteies (LI. IL. i.1)e wleked, and-mt suifer thm rat-o aîullvuf - t-iy spiite" (1. John IV. I. Fore Upon, a, ta-helhoèe by a.lowWlug tcm [ta wked î5 for-crmes!. roxuele wavitn it. ples. ms-ny texte" .Kisd0010..' "A fuuCe O!fit.M prove this cenuuslv -a , 14th1rrfrus 4t, satan'. tares shah ic burat(V. Y. abaall knowthe"(3mtt. vii. tu). 30. Hi* avarh seau be utuetoym (J Note tram t thaietiit UuxV "ObhoUt John 1Û. S, L Cor. iii. It18s xv. 26)* rô¶cnO Uuaàhrek Until the aresf.- V. The. rew*rd. -L Ediiom, *i 'orbeb"Ve t lt. aend of'*the world- shaH ii. uthhteomus #l"( V. 43.) I1ej (v,9> 1sejadgimt d&t; Lb. LIZ»< I$idl.$W aSISh»MPIL LI of memàna, p t Ae aceowut 0<t«, C Riat-taba.fortb then 'asthse èo %I o afttialy le -made at t-bt tinte. 1 b. "LOI¶t etis.b ea E.lugof idng&' - m .-.4.és.eh. iunoua-Tbo *mban isarea t t-b uaprs(v.. 30), but tiî.ya&« undr ta e dim tof OaiW, rIto,ewbm ua iadsî ail1 ttIal2baite bcei gîven. la bùndiê- 80" un tta tsi iiresal- thuaM e pbet Lî4t la etezeaIgtO aier hinhil prop tee m bQM$- Tb* onIckea tt! ib. puaâm * u et » tàg-zighteous wifl ha ewaqu4 a tierUVie twbgat-ibe 'egt"vý 'du -à-* _______________________________________________ M - lg.* r -veeflacl;yIa Sunday Sofooman; the second Adam, Who, anti! tii. un.day fir~e houid maintala isposition a h hedsud representative of tthe raée. - INTUMAIIONAIJLaLESON 30. VI iresti tinb eusCrs.A MAY e, 1900. othere eau olàtî -uh ti.paver Ifuimtislied by Hlm. 38. Field i t-heo vend 111V.ePaable cf the. Tare.-êtatt. 13: 24-30, -This, parable explalue tie enfie struc- F[41,turcet the system of probation under 011 llgnLr.- I, . ne p aiale (,va. 24.tic Christian dispeneation. It describes 30).1. he owig (v. 2, 2). >4.t-ao ut rugle with cr11 in thie world until Anoherp""e-Jýem ew tatt- t-3 theo'udgm-ent day. If le mot 80 much a mode of tmo.hng was thie sW est antd para le o! t-Re eburci as of the world mioat luupre.s-vie nietbod for thie generai and thc church under the, esiai. Xhile public. A izun-The 6"ma-a" ta-muent-e probation lasta, wickcdnes is permit- the &. Sof tMan (v. 37). lie al onc " t iebe allowed t live and work t-heur des- soureo&U--4 e.G d seed-la tiuy.- Wlaedeu. Good seed-Clean whe..t the Paml i fthe ecaer Jesus said thle represcnting the, îrutîs- cf t-h. gospel ei wua tRie word of God, ini tbi± ho and aise t-hose who exubrace thoee t-rut-be. Misdi "The good seed are tiecehildiren ef God'a chidren are tiche d. Throucgh the kligdcnn" (v. 38). Ged sows aoth- thecm disciples are to e m nade a-nd aiTî ng -buttruth; hi% chiildren arec couverteýdt0oonnese la te h miu itip le nt througii the truth. In lus fied-"Iliie earth. "I.t i neressary te ho good if we AieId ie thie w-rld (v. 38). The worlni 1m would increase geedness." the tareis, etc. Ie fielid.Whoen Chirist. corne-sto take -lhe wicked are called chilidren af tic posfacMocn lie wili carne te ta-ke ps,~s devil becaufe t-heir sin-fui natures ha-ve sian o! t-hat whieh t is e wn. 25. N% Ihle been brought about tirough bie agen- men, slept-In thre -ight, w-hen evi!-dîi6- cy. 39. Tie re-mpers- 'Thbos. whoecxe- poeed p"rons would t-iy W. injure hie cute thec*divine will. property oft tieir neighbonrs. "\V-ic-n pro- 3. The end qf the world (vo. 40-43). 40. fesore wnrc lukrewarni and pa.sto.rs i.to- Tare-.burned-Tltat wvhich is werthles lent." Hi& euerny..-"Tlie enpmny t-huit w1 odsryd ie a commets f ig- sowed t-hem is tne dcvii" (v. 39).. Notice tire in the Xciv Testament te describe that Jeeus rpfers te hita as "his" eneiîîv. thc retributions ' f the wicked. The wick- Ilh. &'vil la net only 't-he eiemy of Chrisat cd wil ho destroyed. but not annihila-t- but 0J! ail %V110 follow Chriîst. e~wc- d. 'Uhere iiil 4i nu hope or possibility A kin.d ef injury frequesnitly practiseo in Of a- restoruilion fromx the region e! i- the, eatt, froin mafice andi reveln',--- mnorse, despa-r maid sufferiag t-o whici Lange. Tares-IbIs i.e iteraily'"are. they ivili ho eteraaly consigned. End o! tàhe w.eed thnt g'rowba amon.g theie it. t-bis world-Thc day cf judganent. whca It baud a nar resemhbanmc toe tat-ç' Christ ailI couac and the probationary et iauheat. "'Taes nbound akil earr th-c state will end. ea.mt4 andi arc a great ýnutisance t-o tlie 41. isi kingdom-Thie w-aa-]d ije ici farmer. 'l'he ta-st-. is b.itter andi avien regardcd as beionging te Christ.-Hurl- eat-on in breaad ecuses izziness, and et- but. TRiat etfend-Thoge who causa ton aotà asa a violent emetic. R mitt-bters to sin, as ivell as those whe are h. .are!uily wintnowed and picked out of openla' wicked, ebaîl b.e east tnt-o bell. t-he vliet, grain by gi-a , befere grinti- 42. T'he figures'o! this verse express ing, or the. flou-r lis t healthfil.- the. terribîcutese e! the end of a lest seul. Vbompamn Went i ayAi.os a They indicate indescribaile nain. "The frmed ln app.a.rauce, thua eaemy !à cie- firee of thc volley o! Hinnom were to ceitul, vigilant, secret-. lHe caues n the. Jewe th@. ciblein ef future penalty. «UI fheaighit., unholy desirea, fIaàtttng What fire je te t-be body tat t-he .1.- varda, bad boks,, sud, i-n fat, iu a- hua- ment cf bell will deubtiese b. to the c dred ways. If Godx's peonplie were tully seul snd te tic immortal resiarrectian swake, apirituamIy, thi erny would net body."1-Whladon. 43. Theu-When the have e. goaul a chance te sew taroe'in thbe probatlonary st-ste Risc cuded, snd whenq oeh of e Christ. t-he wieked aud every evii thing bave1 9. T1%. tares disevered (vs. 26, 27). been 'removed. Suin. forth-A picture 26. Brauglit forth fruit-Tueirrei ldit- o! heaven. The Greek word meaos terence was s"en wluen thbe f ruit. appeair- "sahia.eout," as flîcughint the body tWi ei. Clampai-e Matt. vii. 16-20. 'Tbere rigliteoue had bocis under a cloud, b~ut ia a graf dead of secret- avok'ednuea in uew tie clouds disappear and tbîey ghow tbe hearts oh mm, aa'lich ilong hici un- with hcavenly glory. S". I. Cor. xiii. dor a c"ofe a prof eson, bat break-s 12, Dan: xii, 3. Bairs te hear-The oe out at la-it. Wkien the seeda 'begin t4) whoscluîind ie open te the truti, and grow it la haibd ditiî.sla t-ba, but who le' rea-dy t-e obey. Ailbav-e earm, wbcn a tryin titene onnes, Iwhen f r&it 1% but ail do net have cars to hear. to, be brought fort-b, t-len it ias easy to PPLAMTCAL APPLICAYIONS.- distingulsh bct.ween tice-wbeat a.nd thbe L 1ekn.' ra"(v24.Th tares."-fcmary. 27. lTe se-avant- "h ii.' la"(,2) Ti I* faitiful a-ad vigilant minist-ers ef Sou o!frman"' (v. 3-t). WVhile holding te <Jiist-Caure.S-ml. unto biim->1itev Crs' divinity therp ih great strcngth disScvered tilie dai-ies etoft-ho devil and sud coinfort ini appreeiating ils human- came witVh grief te t-ef l- ieL ord about. itv. He came t19 ocartlàin athe ikeues e! it- andi inqîtîre inte Uice cause. %Vblen man. As a rman lie aras faultless, pure, God's aiffisters sec tice err andi here- patient, humble, honest, ceurageous end &iffs et Satan spreading amng t-be peo- leag-suffering. As Son of man He diedI lAe. thty aheuld de nail ia Uîeir power land rose. and la ne'v on bis Fat-ler'a to oecn ti-iecyec cf t lio-e, tlie desire Io tiroîte (Rer. iii. 21). kunow t-le trulàh. and t-h.e rrer sliotild lIIL. -lie territerv'. -lis fàeld' (V. 24). b. bra-nded as btch at once. W lienlce "Thle world" (v'. 38). -...tnres-(>ia4v geod sced waas aowii, III. Tii. subjeetas. 1. "Tb. w}ueat-" (w. aud ave niay wcl.l a-ak hewv have t-teae 25). "TIce good seed ..- fite clilidren ta-res conme? Tht.. h a question vlitoh o! t-h. kingdem," (a-. 38). Obidren e! hau bcen a-sed cicr srcethie tisyé ef Ced, bora o!, water and a! tic Spirit Job. W-bat -lathbe origin et cvii? Our John iii. 5); childlike, trust-fui a-adguihe- cuIr J answaer ta, "An ceiuly ha-thi doue les (Matt. îviii. 3) ; humble <Matt. v. thii. 3);, perseeuted (Matt. v. 10)- Acte 'xiv. 3. Tihe aivest (vs. 28-30). 28. An en- 22); t-la living episdles of Christ (11. l ibrary boards sjaould be achool boaride. Th NEWS CANADIAN Mir. Ovrl Eruest Ham, of Toronto. bas A Gernuan Jew nanred Einst-eia, %,:ho ruas a jun-k bli'-iness in Niagara F'alls nuder the naine e! thc Buffalo dvnk' Comnpany, ta-led te smuggle a nors, erd wagon into thec ceuntry oer e Uipper arch bridge.(lCust-oms 0f fieer ici tries seired the. outfit, and it cost Einstecin $50 to setile. BRITISHI AND) FOREIGN. been appointed erganiet of the, Cburch of Tlae volcano ou the Island af Palina,3 St. Philip's and St. James', Oxford, Eng- one cf the. Canaries, whieh wa.a sup. land. posed ta ho extiuct, jn reported ta b. Mre. Sceik was brxued ta death at atv. Romby, Aberta, lu a prairie fire that Michael Davitt, who ie confined te hig destrayed ber on'a dwelling and faim houge.iu Dalkey suffering fram blood buildnge.poisoulag, underweut a difficuit surgital baildngs.operation yesterday, and in aa'w piN>- John Williams, of Loudon. who ays gressiug tavorably. lie is au eiect.riciau, and wbo in wantcd The Governor of Germau Eaut Africa in that town for the afleged theft of a obde arae ewe no $M, la under arreat et Detrait. peane and natlves undçr any eÎreuni- Henry Wiualow, à former îes-ideut of stances, because the cidreli of sud' mIi- Merritton, was killed iu a collision tofnces are alu'ays degenartes. trolley cars at Clevelaud ou Friday. lie Col.Lamb emphatically deules the was matorman a! eue of thetcars m stateineut pubrinhed iu the London Crou- was imprieoned lu the. wreekage. ici, iin a Toronte despatch te tthe effect Frank X. Gashen, Port Codiorne, aged, that the Salvatien Army emigration 44 yeare, drcdge engineer for M. ..1 f rom Britain te Canada bas been atoppcd Hogan, contrattor, died suddenly at hi-4 for iack of funds. home cf wood alcohol poison, givcn iu It was seini-officialiv annotiuced at mistake ta relieve acute rheuînatiam. Tokie that Antung and Tatung, both A fiue new custohNe bouse and post near thie mouth ef the Yaui River, will office building, erectea at Bridgebur-ir by be opened te tratie an travel by May 1. thie Dominion Goverumeut, waa ýoiten:d. MuXden.wili b. opened June 1, and other ou Tuesday *wlth appropriate cr îi..Iplace accu atter thnt date. E. E. Fraser, M. P. P., and local t1igui- A papail -encyclical han been rend ini taries tokl part. thte Catholie churches ef Warsaw nai - Thec Ont-arle Vegetable Growers' As.ýo- 1 oiseigthet thh e flewCath- ciation, branches eof'which bave juet wa e so errera hy r floin h heen orgaulred at Kingston, Ott.awa an soud etraVoth ,Napance, iu tated te -now comprise Tie Chicago Tribune to-day says: 400 metubers ini itsa ine branches. Itl,'¶.jlrcad officia-ls epeîîly charge Lant wuva forined ouly lut y>r the Mig packîng corporations tor vedrs TIbe tarlo Lubrary Aseociat-lon Tes- have bfen cheating the railroade hi nuis- terdzyay ot resolutions recommeud- stating tht chbarticter et the goods th.ey iug the. Dewey decimal system cf bock ucre shipevng and :Y aiiippiug beavier clsasification, and ta opposeauy pro- packages tiiau the bbU soetlading calle. posal by the. Goverumeut tint publicef or. - Backache, "The Blues" -ThouBands of hifferesPIdRee 's - Boy ai ~i a. ort~Dont sorts?" ttiw~t thel . Ma rket ReportsI --OF- The Week.I Torouto Farmers' IMarket. The offering8 of grain continue verv light, as fumniers are busy ploughîîîg atid eeding. *One load of bîirl(y sold at à2c, and a load of oats at 41c per bii!,hel. Dairy produce is eaý,ier. But LeV aold at. 23 te 28e per lb., according to qui.l ity, and egge seld at 17 te 18e dozen. liay quiet and fiine, with sali ofe 10 leads ut e12 toelà1 a toit for timiiiii and at lz)t>lI) for nîixed. Straw ta nominal at $11i a tonî. )ressed iobgà,ai-e furmer, ~hliglht qiuoted at $10.00 )anîd lî,avy ait $9.30. Whleat, White~, Uuslî. t.~iJGî; ;0 78 Do., sprng, bu.li. D)O., guuo., bi'lî.1 >a t , b iîtIl....... Banivy, bulsh.. .. ... >lea%. bu-h . .... .. .... ltvi, baisit. . . . .. . r* liai, tinauthyi, ton. D)o., nix.'d. ton Straw, pe-r ton ......... [)re>.sed lîogs .. .. .. .. Apples, uwr bill.. .. Eggs, new laidt, duat-u Buttter. dairy . -. D)O., ceaýn;rrv ....... I'hickeng. peri ib.... Fowl, per lb........ rurkeys. per 11)..... 3ceeac, per lb..... Cabbage, pet- dozen - CaulifIover, per(toi-o'n Petatees, per lîag Onuions, per bag ... L'eiery, per doetn Bee!, bundquartcrs Do., forequarters Do., choice, ctarcase - De, medium, carcase.. Muttan, per ciat. Veal, per cwt..... La tub, per cwt..... 0 74; 074j 0 -10> Of)3 170 027 o> 14 o010 011. 0-10 080 7 50 500 700 600 900 900 1200 ô ;:3 011l 1500 (1) 00) O-10 o . 7 (j 1.2 020 1 00 045 fil 25 S 1>0 101)0 1050 13530 Erluth Cattie iatate london Cable saya.-Cattlc are quoted at 10 1-2 ta Il 1-2e per lb; refrigerater beef, 8 1-2 te 8 3-4e pet Ilb.; aheep, dreus- ed, 14 te 15e per lb.; iambe 11, drosedt weight. Toronto Live Stock. The. quality o! fat cattie, wlth few exceptions%, w1as ouI>-mnediumu. Trade avas active, owing te ight is. PrIces wcre steady te fii-m at la-st week'a quotations. Bosides tic a-bore mentieneu hegis, there arere Il carleade wiuch came in for varions firmes. E.xporters-Few exportera vere otter- ed. One vcry good load sold at $5.20 peri-ty priceu raaged !rora$4.00Ote sold af $3.50 ta $4 per cwt. ilutcers--Cile pieked lots moIti nt $4.75 teo $4.01 ;Ilads oi good at $4.60 te $4.85; mediaum at $4.401 te $4.50;, cou-. mon, mixe!, uit $4 te $4.2.5; coav ut #n toe4$-.25 per cwt, Feedorp. anul isteekers--BPgtfeedlers 100 to 200 Ibo., at " ,,o$4.75; bei fjeedere, 1000.te Il. $4.-U te $4.C best feeders, 000 -a; 6t $4.25,- best fe-eders,ý 'to N h $3M85 te$4,10; besf stockera, 500 te 70E Iba.. at $3M0t-o 83.05; common s tocker. 40S te «» 0 lbâ., at- $3. Mileh (Cowm-About a dcxcii mile) come and! springrrs sols ail the. Way fI-on *30 to $30 e&e - To hoitee eowa -ers bcugit for t-be Cubait - uarket a thi latter -price. Veil Calvea%-Recclpte of calves vers large, sud-pricas fer thie bulk vi-ca 1ert. Prîcea raged aul thb. wy front *N .to $0,0p)etcwt Shcep aud lambs-Ieot' for 'bot sbcep in«i Iambe bave declineti from 4CO te 75e pet cvt. ITogue-Pieesfer hop$ havo e. elneýd 100 -pet eMt, at both at-heJunctcix su Cly srketi. 11r. lkairis -quote.s#et- ( -E Mont res.!: The. condi tion of t rados gen 4 4waIy ect-itues sauisfoetory bore.. gocde sortïng iorders are coining ilit wl endin liaacute lUnes rep"erders are be-~ lu¶ recri aes!. W'arwer wewtber bli*ré abenriet' tettilui1na, eprba« a n imner .lise. lHawalr omiueactiv're. atb v.lucà steady tê- --AýA"Uý4mm'.%..a a.n'Md. n&itn 1. ,>'ou a muceu IU a bresi. Mker? la your cake and pasry 1complimcnted by your frienda ? If not, whose fau t U it-ycmrs or the miller's. If yen arc succcss- fiai in otiier fines, your reputaton as acook ih vindicated, and k l plaWny the (tuit of the fgour. Lcx, up the good bread and yawtry niakcrs of yeur acquaintanc mnd get their fleur erperience. Yen wilI 6.nd that most of tiem are Uaing RayaI Household Flour gladly paying a lirîle more per barrd for it and getting for that extra éost a purcr, better Poeur. Foi brcad or pa.stry, k lias ne equal. Ogilvic's Royal Househld-, repeat the Damec [o your groce. OgiIe Fleur hMs Ce., * M MOULIMel.- 001viels Book fer a Cook," col> tains 130 pages of excellent reps soe never publi.,hed be!oreY"Oi rreber autell yen iow to CU EPBZI YORK LOAS PRESIDENT IELEASED ON BAIL. Crowu Attorney Curry '8ubnt8EU48 0 justice Met--Share of Tbrolito lite Now lu Pousesaïon of Lîqullator. Toronto despatch: iP(tlttlea of pro. perty held by Joseph Phullips bat beuis made to the liquidatore of thé .-York Couuty Loan & Savinga Company. AI- though eomniitted for ial on the charg of conspiracy, Phullipe ie at preseat a free man, having been admltted to bal last uight. Thé agreemnent under w)Ich Mr. Pllipe turnes over this property iu- cludes the diropplngai the preseut civil actions and a recommendation whlch bus rbee n made by Crown Attornley Curry to the- Attorney-General *.otthé ProIncet usking that e ouelderaion -b. given' t. Phulipe on sceouint of âhi a ia auggemtiug that the. en4s.ýof justice have ncw been fuily met., [t la thi erain topinion, tint nofhing ,fïrtl;er wI b. Ddoue in thié uaW oelébrite;d ciia Shoireholdere of the .'rat ieOaa- pVaIl7 gainst %wbem interim injun*otiiâ i, had been secured ia-re ailso agreed to itb&ad cirý the bulk oftIbe stock to the National Trust compa*y, iithe liqilidators: 00 the, yerk.Couty Laoaua ond-, Saifg 4Company. >0 ert Dunet-u faelitated the, exocu- iofthe, Judges order for baI by seMt- h onveylu1 g Phillips to, 170 Oaalùegon ave- nueyrhre ne fthe boudsuieu, Johu- W. yHudsoni, a euatom bhousle ofitlwl cofudwlth a slIgbti-Ilneàm. TWothe boudeman, . berlin4 matMge in bri to be pwl mG SfUKIUJ Ak -car o ia s I8te* g Ir :K MACHINE ther oiti-or baby, thtRi s neeaa Santi easlfr'Oper- îa for a rn Bock uMa. msWhlue anti outtit -f«'wkt umbal wwbs I. 1 I - 1~. M» Mimilacchioamie bà8»4msiaaeChiciami"àa te". DAN PATCH ?ïitéb)XÂILy- FEe Vea. m eutif i 6 calot Pbceaou<anlePsa.f iseiw& v. ree of dv«dtfin.Le *ture for falg gives &U the recari. ma& by out pating wouder. We wil loU cea fme. poage m¶ Uid "Mf Winwritaum boy mmac«VOSoc u oSmm»d mâetip. mas t once te IMTUTIAlONAL STOCK FOOD CO.,UUOOe Mime.U.s8.a. I Male ude ý placed under 1 1

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