Whitby Keystone, 26 Apr 1906, p. 6

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- v *ber a sbseosme round tUw foot 1UTf1- $ T tecok, but talusbUllkt we*t ever bfr brk.' I LIGHTNING oh~~~~sove-d in enotbe ar amlGse sud, tIgan -ý H S l -S PROTECTION. The.dheek wu etea gre.%t for ber ed heJJ U t*e an mL.Of eZS the= .'le ___________________________ ii-d t'we more bulW~s at her, but 1 cde flot thiink I bit ber agala. eJ±luoue! ah.ie okeki Dodd's KIdney Pis Cure a Young The subject o! ightning protection bas Vcry gfitc, hbad consideraible attentiou or late, two re- Ail tbku bad baxpeaed se onJ-InkY <t I 1. Man WhÃ" Had Reached a ports o! commîttees bavlng been made pub- bail rot been ablo Ie pay i±t.Sn<on te aray- lic. Thue tiret gives te recults o! tli 1thing else. My' boys& now tMI4 ne tiaut the Vcry Critical Stage o!. lightniatg research comînitteae, whieh was or- lion was down & bout tweiuty yardte a.way. 1 Sanized sorne yeaira ago, by thre Royal In- dierovered that the ined't tzad'flred m j KIdncy Disease. btitute oï Ilritishi Archtevtî and the, Sur- Run tect-er bail Inceoed or! bcth barrels of a vayora' ABeeocliauc, wilia deals priocipril- 150 ct te ceareet lton)ý-. quLte ocntrai-y il ly with thre pî'ot2ct(on of buldIng. Trae fle nr-.di--3 I 11--d [giV'Onnl.iea.Hoavoee B13s Case w"ac More Serions Thau lie secoud was praeated at thre recaut mneeting t" hlit ber, but Iam ssare be <114 net, ai o! the Notional Blectrac Light Associationi a bubiet from aai powcrful a rifle at cu.oh a Ttiouiit, bat'Thatiks te Dodd% siCtd- ln Denver, by Alex. Lov.'. arnd deals witII abortil-"gewou I4 elmnct bve tln.lelued ber iney ]p isJ@hbcta WCe1l "&CI &rong 1%OW the prctection of electrical systaes froua off. We en loutre>4 0reLion ato-,Ioea llghtning. "lu neltirar report," says the the buliet having entered hs baok. juai s. 'G ,-B, ni1. Electrir-al Review, "la there any paiticu- MuieMurluis optuae. and tuu'Lrng a great bole St Leohun, b Ce, N. . prl1 larly ajovel suggation. nor hava thre invaili' labia stoiuacb. We ac-t te work -to kin blmn (Special)-Mr. Patrick _ Downing, o! fgations brougbt to liglit nuy nan' phenomena. at on-we. Ilic nas -a youug lion La tine ou' this place, je a young mian only twenty Previeuâ 1't-ouilleInoutjlis a are upireli b>' d4tien, witba good un-e, yellow wiîth biaekyeretabusmatuegokde tire uew evidetica eured by thre nnierst" ersofaebu m teagkiLy o! the con!murîflees. Tire report of tire Brit- e adc jus;t !ink>!e4 r kbun.ing Idm wviuen, disense had i firuuly in its grip)ad tab re .c:.rch cinnlttee 1, preceded by an b ooid.g towarrds the swaxnp, 1 51w no lewar lhad it net been ier Dodd's Kidney Pills Lntroductiou proparai b>' Sir Oliver Lodge, tiran two Yin" and aine lioneecas looklng U.t ie would- probabhy rot have been elîvc a monibar o! thicu comtu:ittee. lu thins liaru un ttigo he ancflIk*dm;he o-a ductluî ha couui:ert> two types of IiuîtL1o ýqna.s hrcwontber it rube 11k. otert-dy ning troke. Th ir int. termied b'by imtai troc LuVe' N5htie'r lieant dtntre anebo- " hn there frytrul a A stroke, la one lu niricirai dircA t troop l vre ruiu. 1 ud n tir'weeamyigbuvok- 'I thmnrktie aseM. of ingoube as charge takes place froin a cbarged cloud irtoi-3' nccer. Io&iou atd ee tah Mane vrwr, as n onn," te the eartir. This dibcliirîgo la net par- lt:rýu r. 'Oea'0srdiUL» gthirtLue.th lýa3a way, it began. with a heavy dragging« ticularl>' dangcrou.î. Tu protect buillJug-'.jyrrLhe l a etn pain in my back and across, ny loins. froni lt, ilghtrilug rodm are tàctul. 1FLac tirey a11 cIlkkoa. eorcaurxsl itheugt S points uf tue roua uîay indeed prevent a woulal ho a bnci poWyle-s' t wak tenmgin, rhen I n'as subjeet to headoches, cramp violent dLlachiarge by aaslstlug lu cqpuîl- eipeciualy ais I kn.ow<ho wounded tionsas in tire musceles, dizzy spolia and weak- lzlug the pottiýu-lâof t tie Cloud auj he a 'nâs aoniN*hrreabout. &o i w4mz bIXVk 1 to esstill I felt fit for nothing. But tire etti. Llghtiiiug rod,4, toaire cite'tc, m4 andi founi S. mad esirr a fine Mones.wrtsMtmofm a*wswe muat, howover. be lu' tà;H'd itrottlrIs' Tiuy tils i <'ee tire ruMinaý. TLk L'vC nintor oena csewotaln sirould ufier u lý-tb üLut ît ac e'atice tu- û , t!Lrte n s Li e.ucn"thtut 11'n-oon. and notic-d my turine was streaked ith tire dlpcharge, y> 1 tI:e tî'c4tau"-- uut l..jtirýwe-n rrctnbly rmom aa'ee blood, then I knew tlaat my kidneys pair nouit îot Le to -mail. If tihe rod dotïa Ml tha.t ligaa -e O )Iard tire lioneimanri were affected. llenring of Dodd's Kid- flot !o)ruî tire patr (A leant aeàtiLnýe, tiqtphol-rdýs of zabra, but. aliluhir 'awem eriloIsn o oreadIa disacharge tony lcave It an 11, birts a ya t u rt v'rs' eaý-yr»eLyrr r.-g aad boat ryPi isn o ouear r gt'ound tirougb uceigtbot-ig uxnieri.îls. ()aVimr Cirtahe ahdr Irg & e ever pleased to sgay the pains have aIl gone t4L.r ther baud, it the raacî-of tire roi '"'w t-I] m :~n, nc4-evm iUu'- loisee I1 usd sinre u&ing thomi, and I arn well and b.e tou low, tire diacurige ta"lit, pi-.'Jwoun5ai. ti't Gh I uarpir' by hewa>' strong as ever I mas." thrreué,b t tue raiàiils'- aaqit .cîpio!ivis'- Pait, went of. th-t n-be r.uL't bave ciheison*-_________>_ andi s table ta bet up luducai or tecondars' wlrc ru Lnthe vkinits'. A- a-ad EbhuLIcibei carried tb thre ga'ud itir '-t faw b",îds a' tu-(dsible brun t4a abei-ýr nhaierial siti ucoppeir, provue -i tnio!.pbei: cond itions are ici su,-h r 1 turut it 8aw.y ton qui.Lly. Tire utier. or 13 tyli ofut ,ke, sa Il lu cat.1 dOccr-da w au un',b.rged ( loi. lutc r% ' cL- etweec tluu ie eart:î au-J tire harg- eci ctuud. ThIi nr-ei c iuiîiaIs âw 10 tira ciurgQÈd Cloud asau rie-et til(alcid or, and wireu a dia- liarge i.ik.' place b- twee:u I al!th le i:Iirgr upou the ciller sulr- face lma ueutraized, atit tbat ut Orie lower surfarpe cUdd(,ily aita Ire, ail causequciot- -1>' tironys cudai ittrain lu Lthe dielects'ic betweu tiraiLoua and thre cartol, wti ta recuit tial If aLicuit arge talceî plaie, il le apt tu follow tire ertatie pul>. Tire et- fect orfés b . îrui.d ea a noro er!t-u- thic tirai t ftit A bt ile, ail liiuiug rol.ui effer bu t tliglit prote'ction. il-Lteou:>' n'a y te plute t t1.i' build;ng t: ot u-iciA raes Iotu ucurrauud It by a cagee o!ftii-tai, It lis auggested Lthat Powder iaag1'tîc. Uspro. tected Us' ar coru;,ictu' iii5ijlli.« cirniihlug. but aee:i ai neatelîtc agP doed LouI guarant. a buliLing aigaIvligitniug. "*Ligituirig wil otîîietineitprefer to !'md ls %say ta grounci thaaugirtie rait ga.4unaao! a talL nhiiufley, ratier tran tirrougti tihe rod prou-Lded for it. lit là suggesied thait Ibla ruingiiha beprevenieci b>'raiilug ai nom- bar of rode weillaira-.e the top o! tire china- ne>'. coruierthît.ituenite tohie grounci tiroogli Vrral wIres. it tg recomuradad ttrait ail iretalliv partstcf ai building ire couuect'rl te iodgrulndm. aai.l aithougir tirealau no record of, damage tu ait itc.-l-frarae struc- turem, It viald Uc deairable Lu provideaa batter c-artbiig contractIon tanttiret u-u- als' ubiailari tlî rougir the concrets faufila. ticon. The report ouggeâis tiraittha u,uiul tnetirod otf grouxidîng canductors bs' meânî et lUrgo .platei liau(I ire abanidon-Ainlufa- vor o! a .orouiid obtaluxsd tirrougir a par- forated steel splure drivar> loto aoli..t grounid, sud fIllaed witir granulated charcoal Dot colar.> Tira proirîcuapreented le lectrical os-h gifeers hait lu l ie waY yî,eu mret-trouble- sanie thrn t-ire protectiotn o! buildioga fromt llghtuang, far, lu addition ta providille, a pair for tha discirarga te <round, th iralgit- ting arretàter nuut prevent tira Ue cur- reut frum !llowing aloug tb. patti takonm b>' tire lgbialg. lu addition, llghtulug grrebtern, useil on electrlc systearrlire frequeutîs' dcpendud upouaLa prote,t trie sysen treni damîage due te au uuexpected happening tsl:lIng place on liLs owfliUes. A short circuit on a trainmanstilon ine, or a audden timown lg off of ai large load, nas' set ub elf'c'trI'aîoiltl iîwbl.:ir wlllcause au enaav rie o! voltage. w1tti danger o! breaking dowu theiranstitution o! tira olectrii alurariaers'. If tirelilitning ar- rester , a, adjutted siranaita aliiw. aiI- cirargfWrte talke place If îlie voltage flot unis' fronitirc Iunes to thea grounai, but bhalan tl inca thetuei"e.. rIie3 above a certain point, it wiaI actt uai safeguard. Tire an- gineer o! a transmstsion systerin dues net fear a dirai-t sta-oke ofliîgtulng ai munir as iuduc-ed or ,econdars' trokes, or exca.;- uive ptetîtial due 10 a ctatie charge. A direct itrolce wlll frequently <lad IL.. wauy ta gruurd tirrousi tira poîai. rather th " puni bar'k ta Uhee tation over the lion.Tire polo niais' ha iratiersil, but the s'.tem otberwiso wilil ha îndamaged. A canductl'ag UIna mais, bowever. ire brougiri tea a igir VotenUial b>' unsuspected causes - bigli wirids, doit tormn sud aIlier atmoapberle dccurrenees--wblc-h wyl timon' a dangerous @train upon tirs aia.ctnl'al machluiery. "To pratrta he myteanfroua ibis danger the mrentors ruas previde a patir whler tan be takien b>' tbé charge. Sucb a patb Io, In meoral, ana o! llsh raulitance. maid ina>' ba foranad of a nu[nber o! amal air- gaps, or watt-r jeta or carbon roda, or a cocablnotion o! surit dovto-es. la IbIs couni- try tirsgreateat alapene e iplaced upomi en arre%,ter whichiromnntires a sperk - xîp and a conductor o! higi roreastance. Thoa "p~ or gaipu ara proportloned se as te pi-- vent arrblng due te tbael».,q potentiel. buit te Mliow au arc te buestablilsbed I.0tae voltage rMes above a certain limit, Once Meal bas happened aud an arc !oruaed, tha reslatarace M~ the &aâ la rsaiucad, siue-e beated -air là à beiter condutoir titan toulJ air; and the lian voltage wlll. la geierîl., b. sufflceat te malutaîn an are If aunîrîs frl not provlded for breakiarg IL. TWii y b. brooght &bout b>' blowlag ouIt th are Is' an alectramagnet, or b>' arranglug Lire patb te grond lai sncb a n'as that. afler te ara bas basa cstabllshed. the voltage aerens.the spark'gap talls su Ion' liat thre ara can nul perslat. -- Kinards Liniment Cures Dandnut!. SHOOTING LIONS IN AFRICA. Huner'. Experlence Witi 'Iroop Hg Faune> Asleep. Wm n'n'e nesrac theendm o!of ua a boat nid altioogi me bad dm* eir êrty -'cai, v lud mrnta ' sY'et acoîa n>' algue c'of lion. ';Wa happmeett arrive mc a wvaMp wheve a laste t,-oop of Iblis ba4 basa mm ime Ume tc>re, but aa Che<tmue abeda b>' tai gwuwnp wero ver>' autmaisvo n'e ha'.l titi hÃ"pe cf ýomlr« amtme tissu la thre datlie;- kaovar, ne raolvoalte o ep tor a dia>'and tr>' cr eluck.N Evsnclt'Y I gel te bretmtasgeni- 3 s-ciad -ot round, gram i>'bllode.s about 1,M Y«r& fram the'.lta ioe uawiaer 1Ihai jase gatrelthe topoet Qete " b JIlc rdy a oareadchsit of e hindon u n, vWes- 1 b0mWa-rr&wu*eo!01 a c! of yboeI d>eot a outbe top etf mwtlws' *W bouAl M8 yensaY>. I leobai tbS'ugt =y wgbese moms. ie l0 il . sppaa-imuy N' ">Ne. I1be4 mnee xp.1 4. taintud la tu p ÃŽie tâtIs. eePeASaIY e4A *bu* w« ua VMygua-bearer, 1 dosui te sa"* W M«bltociquIs, cloe te lie Mou vili iCOti1 ru"chvliuot baiag»M~. hy Uta e«Wt4p, i lok"i evar iset qua$ t0 i fWm% hu WV f~ t . f ets4f, m e s !t i cmWa i m an.s s - e u $ boise' , MM blu t5gr15 Ou1 à«06e utse a lu th «bUJM be tb MARTYRDOM DESCRIB!D. lnir»toiMans Te lia How He Suffered and Iiow lie was Caîroal. "For vrars a mar- tyr" is iÈon Chait.. Il. I'owell, of 105 Raglan S Street. Kirugton, ho.- ' ia-r- lrî*@tory. "A - -' - rtvr tb c.hrmo i - "--consýtipation, but n.orw i arp oufroin it a.nd nul throughutire u'ae of Dr. LeorhiarditXe Anti- CIIA. I. POWELL 1t1.1 '*I 'vas ind,;î- ic lut( trv Ant i -11111 bv rewi-ing tic testiirnraiy off ene wiro lad been eci-ed of contipation -by it. I had i auffered f or euigteen yesrs andl ha-ai tiken tonis of! stu.ff ac-comeruded as ce-e.bitt n-li> nus-ade nme w'orfterathuur tlîan better. F no cure for nit Pill i urec irie.' AIl d-eài 'e r!r Liariia'd, Ni-ga Bank IBuilding. Another i'nstance of tic stimulative ef- fet et ncwspaper advertising uipon tic bankiag business ie report-ad from Spo- servative financial institutions of thenutac nooen hnaaddsap Northwest entered upon a systematie utr ichentaksnd iap publicity campaign iu192. On Nov. 91 erv etsedee.bxtatr ra o! that year tire doposits oethtie batik aud'ioiiutm was ocecupled lait nigit--ex.- amounted ote 123.16-2.99. Or Nov. 9, eept limy loge.- Mr. Dundy rnoted 1905, thre depesita iad grown te, $4,062,- tie fart. 347.15. Tire increase resulted frei tira "Foole,! &ain." hée sigirea. publication of a six toecigit inchl "ad." Fifteen minutes later a newibov hand. acress two coluxums, tirree timles A week cd te an usher a crumpled not-e addree- for three vrai-s. Se bankers look ripor cd te Mr. Dundy. On 1V 'vas scrawled In newspaper appealu a a sar-rifice of dig- penciît nity. Sonne fine mnorning thf-y will wake '<Woecan't cma; Grains' died to- Up te find tiret they have ail the dignity nip-ht." and tireir advertising compatitors ail tire "Don't "_11 that box for tis perform-- deposits. ance," Mr. Dundy orderetl. What tire Woman Thought. >c'xrct4rs t<ld une there n'iaTbey wnere taiking about Iba Don' atar tu e. Dr. ljeonrhrdt's Anti. soclet le eerlaugbu Bt $okes,' aild thé mas. or thre Wi'tson-l'yle (:.o, "mas'liaabo bas De morse o! bumer.' sald a eothar sman. a-a "aLI1S, Oit. . .Mayie u@he bai taIse teetb.'" sai liaé vo- Miss Krffl. . bila Bertha Krupp. the richeat woman Ia the world perbaps. la now knowu as *Queen Kr-upp' &Il around Esean. utacre are lovatod the vast cannon factories wblcb h i nherited f roin ber latber. lu that place alone abe bas 40,0001 workmen toiing for ber, who, wiih their famlliles. make more thau MEIO Opar- Boni dependent upon ber Dow. If other con- cerne ha addod we have a total of " .0,AWO dependent.,. She owa gai works. railways. telegraphis. telaphoces, ber uwa bakerici., ainugliter bouses and general stores. Shi hait even ber own *rrny. reguiarly drtlle<J. wlth stern rules o!fdlicipline; It la callesi a f ire brigade, but lua a mucb a boedy'et picked troopu a.. any ln Germans'. Her army num- bers more than 900 men. well armed. Fin- ails'. tbe baà ber ambausadors tu every court ln Europe. Tbe as al lie bknown ln the regular diple rîs as such but tbay are tbere a o.*I1 To whom it mav con4erm: Thiq Io to ctrtity tîhat1 have ied MNUNARD8S LýlNIMBNT nirself as vel SA prlacribied il; in ". practiee whe 're a. linirn.at wa re'quired, and have never faitimdte get the desired cîfect. C. 'A. KING, -M. 1. Tol AUl in One Sentence.- (Auroft Arrgu.) And lien the -conversation langulsiai. BUTTER TItAN SPANKUNG. Spankin& Jo... not. cura chaîdren o! bed' wetting. Tirela scoentitutiesua cause for t-iis trouble. Mn.m.3L8UM- Bo r.S 1tx 8, Windsor, Ont., vil! sud f ree te any motirer hier sucemful home Slu-et-ment, witir full instructions. Son! ne meney, but write her to-day Aiyour childa-en trouble yeu iu this va,'. JDo't blame e Vraci.d; Vire chance« are it oma't irlit.tl'isiatreat-reut aise curas s&"Ia anaged paople troubled vit-h urine dit- ticultles byd.ay or nigtt. Wirat's tireMalter. Rowland ill 11 nas gleatiy anueyed mvhen t-irre irappened to, be any noise ln iris ciapel te dim'ert tira attention o!fbis hearers f rom what ho vas aaylng. On ane occasion hire preacbing te ons cf tire most crowded cengregatlons tirat avez assembled te hear hir. la t-h.idle o! ina discours. ire vas disturbed b,' a great commotion i n o!oftire gailerlas, iand looking linlirat direction ho excl"- ad, "What'a tire matter tire? The davil B eens te hava got among youff' A plain eeou»try -iookiag iman Iîmediateiy st..ntoi 1 ta his feet, sud addrning bMn HM in rcply, satd, <No, air, it aren't thse devUI thisa L demn' on it; Ils a lady vhat fa irted; and *be& a fat un, air, as don't acean hikaiy toecorne te again lu a hur. ry.m "Oh, tirat's il, i. lt?" obsarmi Mr. HXli, dt-awig iis band eraslbis face; r"tiren 1 beg.tire lady'& pardon, aid-tMr DoIt Faolkner vas the vlrtlm of tu 74lstp seriauta accident yrsterdar arenînt. wvilet le____i_____ rldlag a blarte out t rteihi-cu-TM**'m auhmp e.amueps tm ami% hoame In tire southpusat part. of the c-lt>'.s w bout wiesa Uëla * m N a nesuitote b aeaklng ef the ruame> 4r5 the front whi"tI. pîching Dol bendlcag gte11*7 8SUeniIgSbIOWdbW48 the gronvi, sarîkîn.; upan bis face, wblcbdoa n'ai cnulsiealend brvlod ln a s-estt bgtftl'Wages of IL P%, manner, chie! o!fn'blch -n'asa tImn'l*k sub cleuir arrosa bis torebesadl vItls tIea»14, Under oie> constltutieusal Us"ge mis anautta and chia vere bail>' cet b- si'b.mld ha ru umu' tU Micand's LInient for saleeveryvh.. "ageab, tire constitu.rwles QU'batm tbesm Ie Panilamt. ADMseveaml St1l inlDoubt. wuasthre lut at n e eie ? .Report er--l'ncle, to whist do j'eu at- m tn'ygsbt uosi.tu1 tribul( au îr ion g lite?.va ut om 1«mb 6m aoldes-Inaibtanî---I don't L-sow yIt, S ut enoafrmmusém y& uag fehier. Tbey% s eve-ai of tires. pet. bY coutios aBd beOuIe 08t. e434& ent nedl-iaeecotpaniis thiat-'a dickrs'i' iet Ires- tISaMs vOi. t< tb.aî.'lf» vitir me.--Chicago Citoniel& W5Met ofPa7lni esbersva CM dised out. It wvus user abolriyO '0! Partat, irugAN 1tee~ chartels taet a Tbenfi hr. s-a! MU le .o*MO flawobllaatlou n o QU"ltuehet ÃŽ;Wmes-bey r' îe-L. b Butter i Put by moat marind woUld have toaqIsi"h.me inverat mIIk. b 1819,14aa-15 M be m y bU 01St4t;% put ln sha>e for diffe-oM ff b wof0 tion. Cod Iuver oh la « Iatmm. w W, * w tremely'-nourlsblnge but,lt rboue mnus e- It ha" to'be ,muislfl.d m-tqý .M& before we -cai dlufflt; fvt81i4Lw comblInes the bnt o1 u"t m - " witthe vIabI' lm Japanese Programi. Aecording te tise tJnt.d St-at-as Oea- aul-Gem at Niauchwang, theielkitiz- trl devaepmeut e! Ja-pe.n la colneldent witir rpid st-rides La teart cf advrtis- ing. Ho- reporta tlu.t t.he. &iti-Anxest- can Tobacco Companry and the Jaabe Oovernment-whteh dels in ctgarette a3 a sid-ine---re engaged iluàa trenu- eus Smaàgn fer the cgrttetr"do! M.amchurrn., and tm telit-tic ymleow m-en ar. gtving tiror Occidental com- petr carde anud epadesanad yiet irct- iu ho t the gs.zu.o! prabâct-y. Tira oommercW lprogree-o! jau eben &ieouJ. 4ow tViJraLevrti u beoefactor ta hber feorozdP= tire western snations h save ira-rd rua $or taieir moe. 'fIonyrlelu urnake medicie tise Jupe fiai! ebuse- BAlaL, anrd moeso! il. Advertme in tii IeS, EIORTY TEMI OL-- CÂTARIX phu" TEAI. Dr. Agnawsu cataffirs Povim'r es bise. Wanl ans' utange'r et- dunes et tisa povun of tlii vendantu ! s-ais mn'. tiIs unIversal ilseas? Waal Ibe Iruti of tbm case couflrs-d? WrIte Osofgel evis, Shas-ebta. Pa. nmea looItek upon' s-r cur as aiacl,'I eloe ntuss- A7 eogot' clark entered a reutaur. Mst ânem for dinner, duutng viei Urne ho viamakurg caverai com-plainte êboM ** oeokng of thé. foodo muclato a nyaoe ci an odi oonunrcla tmaveilsr e t e . ne H M ton" itolaina 1 b6ould -bemr t no leçw bma h. quletly looloed up eai be OMwm ud' t.. Mm: '¶ou»monamil Tm W your dunvsr alm k o a y# ie uun0e.t194k@pthe meai dl mua" mof et a te ' ~ j -JIMMY'8THRZA 'T PAIED. j Thatre Mansage' Story of a Street ÂAX A mite of a bey, with neatly-patched knicerbockersanaudn.pincheàIlok thet cornes from- want oe! uuising feod, plucked at tire siceve et George Kings- 3bury, manager o! tire Hippodrome at New York reoerntly. "Say, tnister, are PoU Mn. Dwndy." ie inquired, hesitat' "No, sou,"# replied tire busy manager. "Mhat do vou waut ?Il "I wairts a acat for granny dewn wiere de big mftgs ait, au' eue for meseit rin hda pearut gallery, but de- Iguy inude cage wer'Vmcli 'aem - aYs in tout-lu' for de specs or de walk. Oh oî 'îve got de maruma & Il nigit-," Ihe added, diving into a peeket and briag- ing eut a handiul o! coppers, uickies ancd Idines. Mr-. Kingsbury n'as lnterested, an-d, drawing tic lad eut, found tirat iris name was Jimmny King, and trat hie lis'- Pd aincar when he wasn't <dling pa- peu-s or Broadway. "You oe, it'eq dis way," ire ex- plaincd, "Grnnny, she's old, an 's-ick and ta-kes cau-e ef me, and 1 theugit il would cicer irer rip te se tic' cIe- pliants an' tige- an' 'Marceline an' thingo a-t tire lip. an' go 1 saves me gpane cash since New' Yemr's. lre It is--$2.50 for Granny's s-cnt. an' tilty cents for me en-n. But de gris in de Mn. flund aiyia- corne eut f rom hiis office and ireard t-ha unvarnished tale. "Give t-he boy a loge box," ire t-old Mnr. Kingsbury. "and! t-I hin te take is nuoncy aid buy iris granny sonne- t-bing sirened" Tt didir't dawn or Jirmy ail s-t once, but finnlly hle -s ia- Mde te in- derstand, and with thre box coupons cou ftos as"d oublo tond I tseMru u li adailuoUet r««cf renu ' lb. uitffeet NlaW ibluait cue lux ,*m 'twbtl on y«ealtosta beulu ti - 1igs nt obel tic oî-4sw.," ' O*<li* ve.lat" - .Iveut. p bla ISSUENo.s 1906gc MISCELLANEO US. Poult se; toe lectrle = -. = ,»"may lu fruit. ritequlck te Âý . S TstOak'vW.O. WT ANTED, immED)IATELY, TWO GIRLS &V bout W yeaauof a&Pfor PWotIelL as cook and ho0uaad lu a pri"OMaeaMI good wages te reLlable rirls. AdrePW wniting to, Mr. CIao. F. GIaeo, 74Iia Souvenir Post Cards Ij for 10e; 80 for 60c; 100, $1; 200, $2; 500. $85; aIl dîffemat Largest andl tinest stocKi la Canada;, M0 nuted, $13; albums, aSU pricS5. W. R. Adams. Toronto, Ont. Mr.n leIWs Soothtng Syrup ahould ai- ws eu»d for chbie etùling. It h sthe h chîM. asootha the guma, cure Iwlnd colle aud la theleut runxedy lmr Diar- DR. LEiROY'8 FEMALE PILLS 'à 04re ussd rultable Montht'gla tor. T=ae"Plaibave Issu oued la-rnu for ir rity y' aM ,anca feund lavauabtu fer Ibe purpose dm]eatnsd ame au=a- le'ed b>' Ithera e Enclie. laP for assied direutar. Prie@s Sl0 Der box of veri91 s' Liucuelat"cd. e -Oft of rie LE Roy PILL C0.. Box 4&. Hamltn. Ools Real Aim for the Reformer. tesrtires aet .very iuuwisel nce a'pply te Chistfordte ,ye rot u-lievisible ing&Ud. ini. t iunlWthe last 4 w4s are not truie mberi. e t the;_ pu.rt of mal! ia;.But tht. oouild Ïbe m w gjusril -se.n. 1 -ortue wb fars oit -s. NO wmfft. and .ph Iàf* A wi lÉ à - nom c-' j' ~' i~ Sunday Schi blAY 6,1i906. 'The larable of the Tares.--Natt 30). 1. The. 8orwing (vs. 24, Amnot<er parable-Je.sus saw mode of t.eaehing was the se ixeot inlpreonive xnethod for th publie. À maun-The "man" 9 t.he &moef Man (v,_37).-Re ai< aouTce of ak good seed. Geod the parable of the âovwer Je's seed wua the word of God, ii laid, "Téegood rseed are the -cý the kingidom". (v. 38). God M in.g but truth; hiis chidren are through the trut/h. InA -iis 1 field is the world (v. 38). Th, hi. field. Wh>en Christ come! poasesi>n 'h will coame to taAc iton of that w.hich i.s his own. -men elept-In thre night, whei poeed peSofls wo'uld try to i, property of tbiher neighhoes.- "% > esors %verc 1ukrewarmn and paa Lent." His- enemy-'The cen sewed £henm is tne dcevii" (v. 391 that Jeuns referg to hlmn as "hi 7flhe devil i. not only the enxemy -but of alll who fo4low Christ. A kinid of injury frequeivtly pr the east, f rom mafice and 1 Lange. Tares-This l literafl1y thre woed that growe ainorig t It bac! a negrrTe&em.blamce to ei tmht. "Tares abound allI «ast, .nd are a greait nuisau farmer. Tlhe taste is bitter u.t.n in bread causes dizzines ton aots as a violent emetie. be eerefolly winnowed and pie] tke wtieat, grain by grau, -bel ing, or 'the flour is not hei Ibompion. Ven.t hi& uway-A Mmed in appearance, this ene eituI, vigilant, secret. He «Q lthoug]iU, unholy desiree, words, bac! books, and, in fa.et, "r way&. If (I<x's pecple swake, api-ritualuly, the enemny have no goed &chance to âow t dinreof o!Christ. 2. The. tares discovèred (v 2&. Broughit forth fruit-The feronce was seen when the fri .d. Oomnpare M&tt. vui. 16-2 Is a gteat deail of Secret %i-j lii. huerts of men, which is k d«r a cboak of ea prcf.uon, 1 out st lait. W1Leu thre aed grow Lt ijeliard te distinguiMl wben à trying -timfe vcee, wl to b. brougt f crth, then it diatiaguish betwen the -whei ta-res."t-Henry. 27. The lir. faithful and vigilant ni ClWls.-ClaSke. Said unto dùwcvered-taie devices of tbl cMme withr griefteO tkkl the]1 -Lt and iniqîire iute Vile cal, God'a miffistera aae'tire errer oi f Satan slireading amM t-ir.tey ahould du ali lunt topen threeyes cof, those 'i' lanew thre trut.h , and tiecel b. branded as suafei nu<e .t.-OneVgod seed ai w iey wefl ask bow - tLYG co9? 2M . aqual hlu been aeked ever since 1 job. NVdiat is +ýhe origin of e - I ~ Suntzlct nclap cnntains 5114 anurious chemicaals or &Ays Charleos E. Hughes,.sp.aklug befere the forinciadof rtan Ethîcal Culture uoclets' yeaterdas' found an admîrabis' terse expression for the causeà o! corporationl malfeanca. He said: " Whou we sas' a corporation bau or bas net done a certain -thlng n'a muan that the directors ba"e attasndad te or neglactad a dut>.' In atbor S u in lig h t n'ords the respoasibilltyla alwaya persenai. To attack the corporation u socbliseo much S o a p reals' n'ortby ef a -reformera effort. is a perfect cleaner andf wil onLeigh Valley Railroad. ntinjure anythins. Mt hs s-cen. nFnid&y, April 27, via Best for ail household pur, - j o.h Valky Railrond.Ticket. enly $9.0 rO Suwn9ili rigete Neow poses, Sunlight Soaps super- York and return. Good 10 da.y& God iority is most conspaccuus in n <"Lr V. R. fa-st ewKpese traine leavung thewasin ofcbte&Sut-ePension Bride at- 3.50 and 7.15 a. mn the ashng F coths. aM> 7.15 p. n. Den't i.l to go. b'or Commn sa -desroy tickets, ian. table.as, n e w NvYorkc SOPS ~and furtrer particularscall on or a.ddrenl te pamnted or varnished ERoit. s. Lewis, Paseoger Aget, 10 ifn suraceS of WoodWork snc 6t.reet ea6t, Tor'onto. akç he olo outof loies.Canal-Bout Churches. Even the dainiet linen Botir la Englard arc! France, aya Sun. or lace, or the mot delicate day Magazine, canal boats have provà cooS may be Saf eaSshed Ofe great service ln tie apreding Of the. ColorGospel. In EnglIand the. canal boat tr-y with Sunlight Soap in the eia along tire A'ns, and -reacires saattered Sunligt way (Follow dàeC districts on the bandksb.of thre Broads tions).1gio8 service. Serv-ices arc eld on thre Equally good wiffh hard 1bont itself. In France, where it la pos. or soft water. 'canal, the Mecali Mission iras done goed werk. A boat-ciraPel, which seats 150 Tour mon.y rf»uded by ,dw dej. people, moyez slowly on ite way, stop- &r.ui mM o u buy SMU* <tiii,5> f ,:i ping at hamlet after hamlet for a fort,- &Andany caum W =Mosulantrigiht or more. Usually the boat in 9P eromvded arc an overflow congregatlon Lew nmà sw Tr limtens frein tire-banks. . Sometima. the. boat le. moored urder a bridge, »id tiren, ___________________________tee, iolda ita crewds of lhst ern, for the. _________ fo_ th____ I& sori--e.. arc very popular. On the Dula- Conslatin fith.NObOUS. wnre Rivar le a wvooden church built on Uf s'oun emiseallu licaneu eii ae RoItichedeeka O! two large bouts, and it eu -mat, ti of tMe fors-er gr __ r e tow.d frein point te point, s-r. P-Omoe and eausU>P.«er cheeu hu yese Rom.e a»s-lttais ofthe knowa qulred. venld. To-day the language of lbe Romans bau almoest bae tofrgetten and lbe Roma A 801M - ST0KACH A à809" capital baisenoces-mercda i mporta»«e aMd M l a ov amo»g sman «a u oS. TicRom. jT23PIM travel band-iu-irand, a are &&-notai as pMlOfflhussam"dmeWlrM. Who Ithe prucursors cf muntilaid physteal vruk. atesoarn «o &» ow u«M ur- Niue hondr*dand an ity-uk.i» sO a Iietu. If Feu ae met great, y«en VIIIIbousandfood fersmnt (Inidigestion)l)la Ibe toaut semp e mbwumhllatof o!avta y@NUr cause. Dr. Von Stan'. pieapple Tablets bois' esabli 5%00 mor 8,010 Yem a!ter ]KeeP the StomaCi uveet-ald, digat*oi-kep ý 09.tire serveostres veil aa*-br - - tses ascMOO-plmmnat and bars-lus. os D»OP8 la8 OMEPOSITiESI(; ns,, 07 MINE DISEÂ8E-Have y«n any Juat OU Of t» »lfflculths of tisaiuamitaable @14ga? Puffus ndu the«U ey'e? velâlsasb? moIbs t*a? Public oWwoW »4 uniopematlSlby Mi Oiaatg et beabm* e te » u n et "r io asm e ul4 -ha atend > vth ba»UM af mtai- lm I umet entU. yes hava iIfIcilIOs u " mut bfnouon, A 0I rePl epu ut tsU movgi7"en bo*Mul*t 'Otii-evtelal bofflary th e ople living ieay- ms boe ta&pu tu"I *nS uvslndu' l «i th *d ud e buflUti 15OU troue oub Sent i ma IMCJie Uzs-U s-ittlï* t fiai otilhi ta auiu »'Xf ttra . lne fboti pe$i riiWfs.l ~ attend" a i eSdit 5atukSi...' 5 .4,eeh5

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