SAN eaOrnaciesco despatcli: Te people of 8« Prancisco, aud .tarving, at aci»ag -thecala.mty wbicl ba over- ïà ken )4em aud praotically ssvept out et existence the great -City of whlch ail vert to preud. - There are no évidences cf weakness te bc accu amcng the large erowds of trickeu people inovlng back reluctantly upon each advanco of -the destroyLig flaines, which continue to swe.p toward the ocean. Appalted for thie moment, but undaunted, the bra- very exhibited by men, womén and cbu1. drenin l face of overwhelming disaster, la that of a race destined to arise etrong- or tbuin ever out of the ruina which ihow aurround themn. There is littie left to-day of the. gay clty by the Golden Gate. There secn=a tu hope now of saving the choicest residence section of the city lying wvest and north of Van Ness ave- une. The n o f the tira department who, bave t.hroughout the entire confla- gration done splendid wotk are - tili making strenuous efforts ta check b. &.U.devouringW flani, but m-ith;ut avail. -Water is in better supply býut of lttie use apparently tigatuat thie headvay now I ined by the fine. Owing te t.he in- :nnsienat the buildings for sanie dis- tance framn the tire are as dry as tinder sud seom Le disapepar like a flash the miAnute te flames s-caecii hem. Th. care et the three hundred thou- aaid bomeless, hungry refuge.. naw ga- thered iu the city's public squares and parka, len ear the main probiem te local authorities bave te soIr,. They muet b. lad sud, bresd meat sud drink it sutti- eient quantitiks are laeking. Ali te Ie"dlg cities aud toavus througbout (ho oountry are now exerting tiiemielves La lend assistance sud provisions are now beadeti fer (hem t ram many p oints. Bread ha.slready sold as higli as 81 a loat, and Lare baves and s canetfsa-- dînes brouglit, in eue- instance, $350. But this condition et affairaeîvill net b. per- mitted ta lait long, ln tewns seroas the hsy te master bakens have met and fix- aed tha bres-d at f il4 cents a lest aith thte. undcntanding that (bey aili refuse t(o sel] ta retailers who attcmpt te charge famine pricca. The. committÀeo of citizens non iin charge of the situa- tien Iu the strteleen city wili aIse use ev- ery effort ta keep the priceo tf food down ta the. erdinary price. This Com.mittee et Satety, composed of fitty leaiag itizens, itb Mayor Schmidt st iLs head, aili meet to-day ta ms-ko s-lnecessary stepeote.proatec- tion and assistance et the victime. Thre. relief stations for th. bomels have ai- ready been established. They are 'at Golden Gata Park, Presido, and San Brunco road. Ihy arder of the Gencral Commit.tee, ail rem ainlng stores avere entered by the lice lust niglit and teir goodu confis- cated. The casavantet provisions are ne* an their avay Ltebthe ti-..relief isa tien.. la thé e inime the. billesad beaciies cf ESn Francisco~ look like an immense -tented city. For miles ths-ough the ps-ric 'and ileag te beaches tram Ingieside ta the ses- waflst Nort.h Bech ehi homelest ars-ecamped in tent%, aiakeshifts nrigged up froni s- -env- stick& of wooan sd a bian- ket or aheet. Soeafew ot the moi-c for- tuate eccured rehicles, an which ttiey loadcd regulation tenLs, nnd are there. fore moe corntortably houspd tahsn ie great majnity. Golden Gaie and the Panianie lbock like oeue camping grnund. IL h aid that ftully 100,000 persons isotîglit rc4mîge In Golden C.-te Park nlonc, and 200.000 are liomfletes are locatedAit the te Ler pla'se- eof g. Port.smouth Squtare yesterday becania *fer a Litime a public nîorgile. Tiventy~ or tliirty cerpges wvre laid upnlite trod- dieu gra£,% in (ic absence etfanare suit. &ble nceomn:odationet. IL la t,&id m-ieun the tînmes t.hreat-ened te reticli tho sgliare., tie dead, nmestly Uxknown. avare remevLxi tn Columbia Square, wus-ra ter uere buried, a n . t ger- tIlJ-atned( that quarttr. % The Mansions of the Wealthy Now Burned Up Along With the Houses ot the Poor. The People Homeless and are Now in Danger of Death by Starvation. Graphie Description of the Awful Scenes-HeIp Berng Sent to, frotnSon Franicisco shortlv before 9,o'. dlock, Pacifie coast tirne: -"Tle f ire i thereridenesection bas been stopped at Octavi, stre', arnd la now eonfined to TelegratVî iI.1. mas- much as there le a large bur, d area be- tween that part oet r!(iîzrtll1 1Hillnow on tire and the section -of the rity tar- ther wiest and since the lire in practi- caily outlu t.he burned area the flames wvill probably tnt sprend rnucli farthçer in this section. One grent dlanger which may lead ta fresh fire« abouit thle city le likely te be kindling of t he f it-e 'in stoves by ignorant perons. Tiierà -. le scarcely a chimney in town that is safe ta trust la stove tire." Out at tiip Prks.idin gnèXiter% press.ed Into service ail mien vwh<>ca;.ne nea.r, and forced tJiem ta nid ini burving the dead- Bo t-hick were the cnrpý;r piled up that they were beeoming a mienace. and early in t.he day the arder w-a% i!sued (o burt' thein at any cost. Ille aoldiers wer .e needed for other work. rse. at the point of rifles%, t.he citirens were couipeiîed to Lake ta the worketfhîzrving. Son:e ob- jeeed at tinât, but the iroopa st-ced no t.rifling. and cverr tmanuwho campe ia reaeh aras foi-ed to aid in the work--et burying the dead. R.ich mien uaused tn physical exertion libored by the aide of workiagmen dig- ging trenches in 'wldrh Io 1>ury the dead. At th. present wrlting many stuli ro- man uni>uried. and (lie soldiers are sil pressing mon itt service. To-day and to-morrow bav-e been made legui holidsye. mix'; a h believed, wll gis-e tii.banicers of $ýa: F'rancisco Urne ta be in a poeition to meet the demanda of depositorm4 and the dangers cf a fin. ancial crisis will b. aî-erted. The. State and batiks of thé. Vnited States in genersi have telegrapbed guar. antoeing support ta local financial iatu. Lutions, and arrangemnts have already been mnade whereby iLti li e stated that every depositor avili be paid in f ull. TREASURY MEN MISSING. Assistant Bookkeeper Wires That the City ta Destroyed. Wa.sbtngton de "tch: TiheTrsury Departmnt bas W~(ar tziilcd ta locate the astistant treasurer or deputy a-t li-an Francisco, and grave fcars are entertaisi- ed that they have lost their lives. iThe cnly persan connected %vitlî the aub- treasury who Itad been heard f rom is J. M. McClure, an assistant boak-keep- or. He has wirei: .s;ecrctary S'haîs- troi Oakland under ---hrtcrda vs ,data as foi- Iowa: "San Francisco compietely des'tryed by f ire following eartbqutakce; sub-treae- Ury buirned yesterday afternoon. Under dfticulty reached a wrcck of building this iucrning. Found no guar ds. 1Fial- ly cemmunicated with Gen. Funston-ad securect detail af anc cornpany of soi. diers. Unable ta locale aasiktant tre-as. urer and therefere acted orn own re- aponsibility. Chaotic conditïon. Mitt the Sufferers. buiilding and vatilt,.% afe. PIeas. arra~ige1 with Secretary of WVar for rnilitary pro- tectionti t trea'ury vittilLi.' Secretarv 'Shaw lias iired (the supêrin- tendlent ni the int srn"d aise Gen-riil 1.ztatn for informat ion as to whiat if iii -v. National or pri-at. batiks are in a positi~onl i do biuiness and toe uggcý.t meagures ot relief. Fîre Under Controi. Ferrv- ul iS2 ~n Frânci-ro. Apnil f0-h ire la 'under control. it havînz been checked at Van Nes avenuimi ani the ni4-ion. Th-e tire te% now raging north of flu'eian 1h14 tîwar thle bar, but will net sprend es. lrotabhir a toîîrth ofthLie citv le sife. ~'e.reare b:eing taken for'tii, retief ai thle desti- tute. STANFORI> UNIVÊRSITY. Student snd Fireman i XIed-University Severely Damaged. Sacramento. Cal., despetei: lThe fol- lowing eigned atatement turni*hpd tb the Associated Prees by Preeide.nt Jnr- dan, of Ieland Stautord, Junior Unis-en- aits'. ias receis-ed Is--et nighât. ell. eanthquake did gi-est iOà Amage te the buildings ot St.snfond IUniver3itv. Only Lava lives were lest, cne a ti- dent named J. A. listas, of Bredtord. Ps., and a fireman. flanx Stroh. .icliît students wire .injuredï. non@ seniouslv. The buildings wreckeýd ar@e li morti Ciiunch. the new L.lbrary, tVie gymna- sium, the M.Nemonial areh and tii. pomrir bouste. Many buIldings ai the cuter quadrangle avere damaget! a* weil as some af the a.iops. 'lc chemistry buildings, Encina Hîsi and inter quad- rangle are practically uninjured. Iie -dmmage avilI approximats $4.000.. "14me books, collections and apparatûs are-net greatiy daniaged."% - Ihis message. togetber mith 400 pr-- 'rate messages tram the University coin- munita' are sent tram Sacramento as Ili telé-graphie communication Ita Pain Ait-) and all around the bay la out of com- munication." FAMINE PRICES. Bread 75 Cents a Loaf and Crachers ta Cents. Oskland, Cal., despatch: Food, ex - îcept thut commandeered by the. troops, wsent up ta famine prices to-day. De- tâchments weut about aIl day taking possession of the supplies in groceries and delicackes in stores sud pîling them 1for Lb.ecommon goed of - ail. Jiefore the stores svhich were spared there stood Iin-es of me» n id omen, iwhich1 ran ia corne cases* or s black long, Iotterlng anything for ibread or canned 1gooda. Bread avent up te 75 cents at boaf, te-n cents a'piece was et fered for ordinary soda crachers, a Joll.r s paund fer ham snd bacon, snd a dol- lar and a hal(tote ir dollars for cianard 8afeguau I r THE CITV HALIL. This magu ificent structure, whlch cost 87 000,000, w"t damaged by te earthqîîake. The <teât doms was move. Iut'did net taIL &Soeo te maller toavers tuambled and partions o!f(the ro«f feU. The damaglai smamted at over hait a milion. goods. - Tîere are ne quetatiens on f resh meat, becs-use noue is te b. had. lite troopa have been ordered te per- mit noc tires tLu ho lighted -un lieuses, no betont lait niglît fehi thet-. aere hua- dreda et cook stoves in evéry park, snd avomea la ail stages of tîndres are ps-eps ring as supper. wbich igasesten standing. ottea aithout dî#hes. There iras ne ime for dinner ms-nacre. Early ii miornng thie (i-ceps passeti tram pst-kte park in wagonit, distribtating gnouad cafte, -*s@o(liaL niat cf the, horrelesà people began tiie day aith ai lenst soeastittulamit.- Help tr Sufferers. announcedt! bat the waaer ccmpany hau promised a supply cfwater ia (h« e i- slan section to-morrow. "$end - &Il sup- plies sud -te nta passible te Golden flate Park. Have bakeries t-n maIl toaras hakte aIl Lthebread Lhey eau. IV. aant bedding, food sud tenta." lhe United States Senste resolutlon appropriatng*500000foi- tue relief of the San Franctîco earthquake s'iî ?-tsn aras amended by the bouse cammitte .u appropriations, the ameunt belag ta- creased te 81,00,00. THE KARTEQUAKE D"StICT. Reiirt as te tbe Damag Doue OuLait. Rnosevelt apixeais te the penple nof theCeye SnFiadae United States. ta alt ciLles. all chambers bCiyoSaFrnsc ai ecmmence, boards cf tratle. relief cent- A Ssci-smento, Cal, despateh C. M..j mittees ,and indlividus. La express Les-eh. usho ha,*niade a complet. oit. theur aympathy and terder Liei- aid cuit of te esrthquake des-astated dis- by contributions (o tle American '."a- tr-ict aroiund the bay, iacluding Sa-n t jetai Red Croits. Thev eau lie sent ta Jase, Nies and Alameda, arrivcd ln Sac- lion. Cai-les Ilallait Keep, Re~d Ci-css rameuta earl1' to-day and gave outt the Trt'stst-en. W~aethiti êton, Jacob H1. following rev-es"- o! thoecat.tropebeh schifl. .\Nae-v Yrk Red ('rse Ires-sures-, viewed it fi-rn Lth.automobile t init or other loas- Red Cross Tres-surerx. oteo tour was mode. He saIt! be foi-warded by telegraph frein Waqb- "AJil telegiraphie. communication with itigto La Lhe Reil Cross agents and et fi- tbe nes-rby ciLie la eut off. Prof. Dur- ce-si la Calilornia. and sud 9rf. Gresen, aceenpauied by Clarence H. ? MacKay. president -of the mysoî, tearteui for Saeremeunto ln au Postal Cable Company, hats offenet! automobile carrying over 400 teleji-ams $100,000 ta the I'nis-rsity cf Califes-a. o be sent (o fries-dis ad relatives tante if needed, toavard the ereetion of -'nea es-st and s-btest. buildings. "'litei-cadi sktrting (h. bay voee Tno-dgyu-% I Zicubsrîption tlîst s sliglgî-lnjured In plaes by f isure. but headed. -by John D. linegefeller, .avtth ne#Marous faulting o et ii.adorlyimtg a eontribution of $100,000. lb. Trited rock aras obsers-et. llsiiwayg Investlnrnt (Co. iubsetbet! "At Sani Jose- Lb. los f e , 1.hnot as $75.00- IM. GuIgpguheIm Sons -conti. gtL5a W"a thfi-t reportedti. @iila 1 buted M0000: teé ('rnpgieIlera Fund ri dCd blt e pertet! up Le date. The. and! J. r. Meroan (Ci, 825,00. Vendoine, unes- li eompletciy m&e as The New York Excehange rrok.,rs j au thei Court' fouse sud&ailbrick eonti-Ibuted MM500.. 1n addition Le large iand itou, strnu*us, 'iudt'tdual subseriptlons. i <Frein tJoie teAlvilo tii. roat! ta Msyez Sehmidt o! &u frsuciieol 1 M, IPeret!.ib Plal*S t0- bisOtk1 andLb* [RANCSCO IETOE; flIRE SWEEfPSÃ"OVE!R 111E CIIY* Il Q frôote .principal hotel at AlvIso bas sunk at least ten feet. "sBeyorid Alviso toward Nules tb. road is in very good shalpe, ani the. only avi- dences -oftthe shock are tumbleil down fenees and wà ter tanks. 1"Haywards escaped damage COMPara- tively, the only damnage belng donfined ta flues and .mokestaeks.> "I>resident Jordan, in an address to, the students Lfter the. shock, ask.d them tW romain at Stanford aud help clear the debris. Hie t.hinks the university -,will 1>ow rebuilt as soon as possible. Though he was recently tendere& the presidency of an eastern universitY, h. wvil1 remain at Stanford. fe said that the tunl-versitv did not depend entirely 1upc» its buiildings." GREAT EARTI{QUA.KES SU(CE 12TE CENTURY. Year. Place Porions Kllled. 113-é7... .Sicily........ ... .... 15,000 -15 ..Sris... .. ..20,000 IIiqO:..iiIL...... ........ 0,000 '456... Naples .. ........ .....40,000 i j51.2Luson...........30,000 1026 .... .Naples .... ....... 70,000 j166... .Schamaki.............80,000 1092 ... .Jamal-ca ....... ........4,000 I1603 ... .Sicily ... ......... ... 100,000 1703 ..Aquila, tay .-... .. .....,000 1-103 ... . Yeddo. Japan .... ...200,000 1706-... The Abrzzi ..-.....15.000 I1716 . .. .Algiers .. ............20,000 I1726 .. . .Palernuo .. ..........6,000 173... Pekin ........... ....100,000 1 4.... .Linma and Callao ....... 18,000 1754 .... GOrand Cairo.. .... .. 40,000 1755 .... Kashau, Persia .. ......40,000 1755... .Lisbon ... ... ....0 ...50,0(0 1759.-.. yria.............20,000 1784 .... .Ezinghiam, Ails, vinor 5,000 1797 ... .Country between Santo Fe and Panama- ....... 40.000 1805. .. .Naples .... ...........6.00r) 1822 .... Aleppo....... .... ... 20.000 1829 .... Murcia........6.000 1830...anc..................,00 1842... CApe Ilcytien..... .... 40 185î7.... @labria .......-....10,000 1859... -Quito...........5,0 1800-.... Mendoza, South Amer- ice .... .... ........7,000 188.... Towns in Ecuador and Peti.........25,000 187.... .San Joie de Cecuta, Col- ambla........14,00 1881 .... Belo ... ... .......4,000 188. . . charleston. S. 4 1891.... .Island of Rondo, Japa 10,000 18.... Venezpels..........300 Thts table,.doin t 1ncludethe eérup tions of Mount Vesurlus, which destroy. eé Pompeil and- Rereiilaneum, A. D. 73, net the present ei'uption, In 'whtcb 2.M0 are upposed ta havé peri.bed. TRYING TO GET ÂWAY. A New York despatcb: À Wsteru Union Telegraph Co. opoestor, who made a tour of the. clty wtth a miitary escort lust nigbt, sent Lh. foflwlng despateh to New York to-day: "The. thousands whê spont last nlght out of doors werê fairly comtortable, most of themâ being sheltered by tenta. Considerable distress, howe«rer, -was couaod by a heavy foif, -whieh came up durlng the. night, snd a se by dew. China- men are iu evidence about the, ferry bouse 1>y the thousandi, a,6l of theni waltlng auxlously te et ent of the. city, snd ail of (hem carrylng big bftùdles. The principal food! of thoso Who remain In the clty ta composed eofeazted goodu- and crackera.The. retugeswho sue- ceeded in gettiug -eut* et 6au Frauish are met a5s OOU U ýthcy, enter-thte, neigh- boiing towns by reprfflnt"Ives 'of bâ"krs who have made' larg supplis or brude aud wbo lhumezls.lyda thein but-to the huùgwY Ppliej» eoners have- >nii been dep<i.ted ta Sie t II - I ceYlon Natu adulterated ý Lead packets- ont) Mi' 'By George, you oght te confess it. To th(rowo low tht1-8- a great dca yeu, tlie moment a pre avas removed. I never wat in my lite as when Wn apeak to nme iast night. tled yourself in his est avili ho ne drawing unm Fretty. position yeu have in. What's te become al o kn o w ?" t k e "I will try te ak and fnot te trouble s-ny o« "Take care of yourself., acted like a perfect idiol "Well, Sir Rober-t," pu -brsay. "I must Bay it-is Miss Jos-elyn-bas ever 1 Marringe ia a vcry seriai and thougl itI might hï catisfactory te ber f rieud maried Mi-. Waring, she do what ah. <cels is bes happiness, and Mir. War' Sir Robes-t'Euerard star sA "Whto-are you ?"exi aniazed s-t ber daring (o 1 «'Oh, indecd, penhapsa ah der- your-advico." - "No, indced, Sirr l- brtsay has been dreadful] me.- i coufesa I deserve ti aIl be sagi-y uith me; miý gret ws-hst I have doue." ".I havent patience ta and---and I wash MY ha dont suppose Waring ave averture no-w.» "'And I-shali certainly i usid Mens-, quiokly. "Then what à -ta becoi havsen't a Tasp and my ' closed againt you." -"But mine wvii be open, Mme. Debrisay, -with die 'I suspect, a.u<f I (aid 1 ho coutinued, withôUý hef thera Ia some clandestie der-"aul tus.' You have ta.ste for, a low -barit lo "If I finad as good a I be fortuntste?" cried Mot 'uer- ehould I b. marfymng ha- bva no wish to deuY z "'Tien why did yaudx , "I did naL; poor gra& by - MY second, b aptismalý -Inew ,what aurnarne mei ibis ;time farrard I nli "B111ut you are knowù ai of -MY wifes. I- vili ua ýSus; aud IavWi net aw ersIkiow ave &hall b. my -nhava lit lou't <;get ypu av <'By Ce( 'k-tMs ti PIRE GOING FAST. Mcn, Women andi Chiudren ln a Sciamble teo Get Away. Washington despatéhl- The. ollotv*ng derà patch wami reseived nt (lie War De- partmeut ta-day z 1"$an Fratîcîsco, Apnil 20, 5.10 .m,.- The fis-e, avhicii heretotore had crept around te base of Telegraph i111ansd IcI t the fev bouses standing (bore, bai erépt bs-ck fs-cm thoe west, snd la now In fu posscssion etfte ham n th Le hlll, sad aili ne doubt ake everythlng dowa ta the - waten front an Ven Nta avenue, sud aret et there- The main- tire basi reached Octavia street, a-nd ia going at s fast rate. Ther à la oeia nc nfrein th. tire siace midnigh'.. At that "l0n.It b" etarted afrogh oit the Souîth *nd of tb* lin. cfftire, sand aras burng tast - "Tic ferry landing - piesontet!as (Ur-, fui scene of_ men, avemen, ebIldren snd a few oritcls tiîey have t-led to-ave. They arillIcale t he ait>' by te tiii bt t (ey sc at sasay ou. ""The. ronds leadiag tram Lh. ferr nomtiiand as-ounthe Lishore of-Lthe -baý& as fa-r as Fart Man are stt'swf V" il Rorts cff vohîice 'th have brehe e4tc. (at avoulti noL stand (be loïdu -0v«t the reugli wsy, -baveo boen.alanadoea4 loti ln sema cases aviit Iloaa IThe tiré came ver>' close. ta Fort Mason lait nlght, anti the ibg1otîe warebolise ad nes-ri>' onetes vi» IO doub4 p to-day. 1Lbiik -tb. fit WM anae ~e# weep of evrytlala sWai &a Goalde akfliPark -Wouett5ebhau iIéý Woun' -or ea 'p li. >4 ô