Whitby Keystone, 26 Apr 1906, p. 1

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The Vl IIIQ w. WHITBY,,ONTAR1O, THURSDAY, APRIL 26.) 1906- 6 dUe stand iropeni y jie sett- If hoer e' ahov 0 er tabi e ut lity to- ent. Spiece. ~sseff, c cian. Vhitby. erShj Ï Ilotel Ï Prop. Liîe leadiuîg EYES Wst glass eyes largestr stock . uWe are ex. rs. - % EFRACTIN ?TICIAN. Colunmbia) -ba, on the, ln the oast, 6r. Dsac ehQ-wssh to Ites are ai. -are tw* - 13 qq dà ok oh raw w dm 21 79 stlà ç NOSEOENM HousqcIeanýng time is here. andw are prepareci f6 'the troublë with- à large assorVtment of RALA EM AL. Letter front Major Henderson. PFofielency,- , Gertie Tinkc, St, gleson---Downey. WITEry JU!'U)TION. -Myrtle 'Rea.d 92, Charles Ross 77, GoInug West 5.06 &.M Going Eat 8.45 a.r. F ranit Dales 71, Carrie Fraser 67, 44 et" .(lp.. Jeffrey GlVmklett 65, Cecil Go1drLuig A: VPrY beautiful wedding was ceIl.. 8 .05 p.r. 6.1nay 9.n-. sdo .G edron, Actîng O. 64, 4sU1r old57, Marie Batema&n brated i h Ail &aitts* chureh Wednes- 'The 5.29 &r..train doos not go west ?4onday V.ofth 3t Rgimnt bs :en 'te 56. Margaret Meldrtim- 5 B aya sxc>dekwei imotning. olwn etrLth fIrsnn Hodgea 55, George finit ton 58, Jame'i r tsxC'lk WP M. Ernes-t WHTYSTTO.coin, i d men of No. 1 company. RuUb 52, Danald Kerr 50, Margery ÀIkLOiJ Egleson, Of Ottalea, wax mar- Coing North 1.07 a.ni. Going South F.08 :&.m 'l ) 12.4arexrio -I oit aware of th-,?fRoss 48, Bertha 11olÉd.ay 47, Al01e rieti toi 'MIts Edith Ivmpo Dw P 111 2.40 -mfart tint, in ti k rdîiary Courae of e~r 6 Hi ahe STAC~S. . ~~~> Newton 45, Ewvart Wright 4 ilorîlden. proprîvtor. l:re Of eoriim..nd ofl (ho rPîment 'viiiDusSih4,Jnlil1e 1,adMi ouny h eei:y Lmeze for Broughamn at 10 a.TIIelJ. sctt. pro te-rniîîalt, in the rear futurre ird Lily- Brown 39, Gertrude P.axton with full ehorzi1 weiGf,, wzýà,:P'?rfornn piloor. AIl ARRVE t3î.(1urng rar ra~nng a <igara38,Florence Xrmstrong 38, E4ith ~ ytercoiUV .W rgt MAILS ARIVE. iliil. durig cur trining atNiagara36, Ouida VIckers 33.A-M.W gI FomW, >inq,I e, ý . IPr> -,x-'1 41, campnjthi:. year, hc w'II1 bc the senior Frm The churcù intrr , ruur WoiL. 9:<~rkLp Hat 9 30 a-.In 1igihîcntal (). C. of tht. 4th ]Brig.:de. ÏHghýrst in b'te-rtmMf~ of unfusuil beaîty, W aà Pfl i'ced hy ~~or North MAILS ULOSF,. ~~~~I trust events NN[l liot lirove 1-flû; May Ken4thorne :LtN IayOqnîeftr, eoain i. 'FrNrh74.ea . Pr ('hawa S ,~to b ir te vieLim of mispLaceti eonnî- OConnor Graniciar, Ililda- Car- aisnd crî. r.Wn. y~ East 9.30 r.. W. à n d r . C 101. 1 den(x- in rPHtei taining t11w hoçw >thint ruthers and -May Kenil.thorne, eqluatf;Ms ni ybl W et 1. I. Wst CK p.M. :tnd q ery oit#,of yol wi u&e ý .lgebra, Elsie andi llda Carruttier, Iot the o<.Ui rgetî. The bridtl' EDid Gtebard, May Ken)î-t1îrneý _____ - - - 1,.SI <'ydeavoers to mark the 0. .looking cŽY lviy jîIçu lle PROFESSIONAL CARDS. UM. Ii-st yvr s scby !Sîakg eual. ' 'eei Flreea ýchi1rch on titl eari o! ef r father, - - __ ____---r,-ginient Intheti MEDICALOConnor, IRoy Jarv.,.gDrawiïng,' whilc the eotoîr sufig voic4' - - MEDICAL 1~~~~1h lrade, if rot in the Divisionl. Iob:î N:choîson Gr7otrra;hy. Duirnerje,~ bete 'e dn"~eWa Yo4î inav c.-uclude that, with il Neil, Eva 1Mvlnto4i ii1eadngita r he 'e e. Dr. Meldrum nihthv e pes1~~yTn uii oThxjsuipSoted uy iCr îLttîe sistir, \js FlYSIC [A S F,: Y N D AiPD .r(> i-îero.~ nd airank and 1lhilly>F. fuhDwny n lwgom ty1 AC'ViUrl'gR. k t!.1 ur'r et hd ti tke rofî'encey.-Mîay 1fm-l.ttiorne.qc .Sîr. r.a .McD)otigi, ut MionLraj. T Oradîiatc >of Uni.or'.itv o! Tore-ent- and iietiaî t î<idus' î. 1 ival reg'ment, there RKatio O'Connîor SO. li,1la Carruth: edn oii- s(fI.tenlc of Royal Coîlegeo, f Ihf-ia dnugh 'î îu ,tc ot aco>,she ~.Florence &îîrni-z76. jotini v17,t:i-Le,, w lihorang,~boson -Teis TEÎltA . BYIItNST. tii o. ~tereteso j1 t 0, meda Brown 75, Mary at e, aia1ualbuuto - - Wone 42 OConr(mlConnonn75,. 7!1. uIes o-ftht aîey. riru mddof t'.dric 'Parson'tý 70, Eva McIntosh1170,f honor worgl a PlIn w 1%hite sllk w14 lî LEGAL y r c>îliî5Permit me to -ýy,>vtncent Barton 6«. Durner Ne1li(36-.uez! lat, zanticarried i abmiquet or - - ____ i-î.t ii*V' :î<1des two, or thri'e. Ele Ard 63, Harry Smith 64,8&11s- A.ircan be.auty rosee. Whilete S. Ormiston, ~. ~ thirg tî:rodi wy 1I.csaqibly oWr- bury Crawforth. 64, LitzeCoffey 63, dîgprywelatovsy Soiêtor fô<the Weter', Btnk. N('tAr Publie, look, but whieh., 1 gat ber froni a ve- Emîma B!ack thecat'asagBrown 62,Loe, oy etc. mQney te Loan. Office next Poat (Élre, (y<'.it titter-,nee ofIl l<, Uorable the JarvS69", Wesley Tfnk 62, Pauline tecoxsn PretLv, m Whitby, Ont. -îîi id Ilefent4e, will hen" 1,Waugh 61, Bernice Meidruin 0)4 Enii as the'y leL tthe Uicurcbl the ra Do &UoIIUvayloiq- ir-ted uPi. u Glbbard 60, Adam Kean 00. Donald Tiéaled onat the lniPrIng Mendelssohi' Dars.eu o & IcOr,. te.Mony ýFîsl -h r"ccril nit ~Ison 60. Eideen Goulti 58, 'Graoe wedding niurch. Me opsie ot nÀ McG[Itv. ntAi teLaLB.& OP . . t:arm::z::;icç ra otk5 , Ater heeda: e b omofa e Ofi. B. D lt!.OWt,.BiA. e aN da'( tcing to.catmp.' trancis Mciityre 57, flelena Barclay; eéPtion, followcd by a weddilng lunch- RarseJames Rutledge Sc01ÎY .8Ybttn u-lea :5. Florence Wagar 55. Lily Parsonsi neo o0tre oih nu R.Mnney te 1ian on enoty Tertnf %. 1 m s t' iitat " )5 . RoblnDowNichodleonwa53,auDorlce Ove Office ImrneateIy aonth of Royal Hotecî. itîby rcirlae. IbroirilieW'sLak 52, Ernest tCor-i Ont. - - - '~~"rrhdy-unliforin foust fit. - nack 52 1o~ Coffey 50, George j-~~îk,îh a unac.A Jon .FaoelK.c, ou can asslt juur cornpany 0. Cr. ý1tùphenson .18. Edith As .y 4, the. bride's table were four classmu tes BanitrCuny rwnAtoneanfte carry out the fir8t, only îîy Maggîe Desmeond 46, Johrn 1o~n* rWhblk at et. 'Ilidda's College - Misa Counity S octyor. OfAtt-orneywand .ramptly sigfllagtheroi! yotirse.46,IRoy Langmald 45, Irene Long Hnney. T1 outo. in gr ey .11k volle ofCour octor . , Wibi', ah w n _rî Ls a1n heret oJ-e45), Eva Bunting 45, Willb lirie 44, j 'Ith h.1 .to ;MsaMrae wiî. nt Li scod nd hid }ed. Iiatsdon 40. Aloy"leOCnorj? nv,~octiniblue g(lk, voile _______________-- sce, n et~~ o.r-fSOnandti coey.. 0,Vincent i2of!ey 38, Lnura Clay'ton f -b lat to i mîteh M.is Ail0 .g. DENTAL 9Ivd.nt; "th<vor>it dd3a nd_____ ___ _______ ueotoioxto"L n Lu'. ^Icê.,, DENTL !37,Emima Gol>drng M- 30.1týi &Ialoe lian gown 171t1 bat to miatch - " d' W. Adainu I shil look for w.rd %wlth confidAncee A Rock in, the Baitic. Ct, shw.nwle Dentiat. Office over J. FergubOf's, flundau $t' i tio ue1dyieoul ~_ lhlrepcueht 9e.1denee--.No. te The Terracé, Byro~n st., w#itby. lnthervasoti.tllarma- uisî ar gep nid" Mis open satuidaY eveningum. The ai. sfil'g cof a new vpIie o- g«t4 e g ln7M __________________________for the accompliahwent of the firal,î arla and w ith eq vi confidinue tui the I,2ttu, djjdnico'y<dj Al CHURCH DIRECTORY. for a fuit liment of the Other two.t fOXO .~~Cntrin hle omou1.Wrgh, e Ge -geand Y p.gytolsÇhuOb Colegiae nsttue.toi a, oerles o!1uj>actuntable andi Dur., Mr. Artbur HQVden ani4 Miss Au¶ ÀB1 M.PlMn'g întet iatioeal compdeatlonus. Ho'wdc;IL-. C. A. and MMa.ot't, Rabatbge~lee-1l . . sd xi ,8 ~ Tirto Ioln . IDrummoot i lghted l a »w gin o a atiMr hencweth, Oshawa; , ,uThrda meatg te ~eok. MeUf ho' te tnd g appareiiilY deâerted bit. o! roci that Arthuir Downey, Bellevoie, unle o ___Ijutted %pnuit ofthe. se.. ro ibis te iii. ; Me. Capt, Mo<ý_eu *'iod. TbpaoiFon I.famuizennt 111e cruiuîr ivas at oelDr. Ward, MmssNeie fUerriag 1and pAS~...RV ~ ~ ~ L: fliea'adnonAontougthe oBandte hau». ed Mn. Core*, iss Jmoten(Jhbi gECV. n. ô' CROSiLlY, PAMTOR. Higheut In tFubJeta.- Chemisîry, le d po th okaitaRu.Ms Toes gadoir*o 1e S&be Svi*g.. 1o.nil m & 7p.m % -Percy Allen ; Eucld. Stanley AllenjSiftlG<kirnweaOt ,domtIld<i<an ex-bride. N&optn«-.andi Mr&.E. [Le ur- '11e wystery ot 11e w111eInfalr- Teloetg;the et cagrattdatcannon* 4f *ln.'Ohr.,AuiIO" li Tîooi-ti reunsutc on 5u011a .1tèe, rcoived frow mauiy frIitda InpJw RECOR..EV A H.WIOIT. 4~try, Edcar Auditli'.8. Allin, andi G. ucanger of 1%uiaaandi the Impoeî- yt *, Oswe«04 binnteà,- Ottawa anti N.stsof 8e1,Foee ergillo refluai French, Percy to 8g'e 1 0 lnisgnltIeatitintt.Mitfa i.biapat18tb * 'rg1c seMee. buM, -wobib Iï 1 _ Mù%' î na. be ddal p r et - -1 eo g.i'tbegii tinamiina no eut ! b d.ro g raiQt3Aille.UW MmaLsàJ ýri Johm'sOharos, AI . Emuy Mclnoesua77. LucHW n teRusai. e 1nvestgI.. ujueGrnTt rîdak Ï10M fv or OO f Xlu I. CEW=,, l«nb-.iwr 1ind âqW- Pobs 70, 1>-rcy Alla BU, lie Ate aé.jws~*~butitid I 4 r - - - S~~PBAS Pmr ýCern Redi Clover,* for fed. Corne and tee us unmes. AskTimothyt Yellow b4or buying1 or selig a, J * H.i -.1 'Iüd --Manuf"atre.'Of erawtortii 14,LUi tubenisen ZIr;I' itl u iATe t OIIIblsrI.-uaws pU* t afi rllt47. AnsTordk 10Wt<e n serl;sl fora MonoM Mn, iud Ms sq~te 45 N>ls oaer as. marewla o*a lw q, sb<w* forai. wtatchvii- luri itory- ý Q *1 roi in Po der th i 'I'_', U For pol.hlîg ? T,-'Iu loot S.U'I*hW . -%da Tu £2 Vrraeoe -- Aus e Piti 1 , f Mer Los Washboarcis, Washtubs, Brushi Special-lA fine .bamboo broom for 25 ceints. A. T.eLAWL., Ph:me 47'W IB

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