Whitby Keystone, 19 Apr 1906, p. 8

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J, v M ________________________ T Stop Thot Caeughls Cure Thot ColdI'm WILLIS' COrnpound Syrup of White Pîne and Tar Cures Coughs, Colds, Br3nchiitis, throat and lung troubles. 2,5c per Bottie J-8 Es WILLIS Dru ggist Optician Brock St. Whltby. County Town F Happenings go to G. K. Thompson's for wal paper. Eatiter tralicon the Grand Trunk bas been i'cry heavy. 0! The eldeid juhabitant says he io-ver isa> worse roadm than bis apring -but tic bao. Ie forgets. Â'mcitcan YeIlow Corn, No.i qua-ity, Per[ect coudtion ; cheariest fced-ln the market. J. 1T. DQWNEY & ce. A QUIET'HOLIDAY. Gooti Fnida> ' IfnaS pent <'ry quietly b>' aur ci<izeims; who rcmalned in tomwn. The rouds were toc bati for drniM-ng, aiî1ouigh tho we-athem- wam- ideal, hght, warm' anti sunebin>'. À! great nuaiber took admtage of the' excursion rat*»s to vii frlieî out of towfl. -Thos. AffinDB-os., of the lake shorrs, liavo itoitito Arthur Johnston, Green- woud. Dnt., at a good figuire, the caw I)c ofssaI (bter 341h, anti alun hw- heifer calf. Tlhe Keystonie desiremi te ex tend itsé eaongratulationsta Lt. Cal. Farewell, X.C., uipon his electâon as a Bencher i of 1110 Law SoCmeety. Col. Farewolil' election le evidence of himi higt. stand- liig In the legal ;'rotessloa, and ofa1 bIs polpi.aity wsth the Limereberm of lte bar. Ro'om Mouldinge aind Wall Paper rit G. X. Thommpson's, Toti'. nid stand. PRODUCE WANTED. Mr-. E. $;tonc, prodtice buyer of Te- routo, will be art dhe Whltby Market -Fair un Frid,-y, A'piil 27th, and wviIl be prcpared toi pay toi) r.rice4 for buitter, eggs aond fatv). Mr. Stone's pluces wtill be gim'en onme week pre- vicmus to thée date of thti fair. Tinsmnithiiig, plumbm.g, roofinlg, anIt ail work pronitly tittended to anti salsfactIlon guaranteeti. Pringl!e'e Hardware Stoirc. STUCK NOBLY TO TIJEIR JOB. An exchnnge ,i-iyu:-"Trhe firnm.e-' ecintimmeti thelr exertions until after 2 ociock, b>' which Leour àall te dam- agé that eoild be donc irsas t an FABM WOeREWNTý- Qn the 7th cio. of Plekering, west o! town lune. About 100 acres; gooti land. Ucîod buildings. kApIy to W. S. GOLD, Whitby. 'The neîv street aprinkqenMade her mecd trial trip on IVedn.2aday, and as evere tblng prov ed sa t'sfactory her crew bas been aihippeti,;and dally rmn. will be made ini the neair future. - The steamers of the I. & 0. line running between Hamilton andi Mont.- reai, have changeti their ecior t h%. yea r. The waterIIneý ta red. huIl gireen, the buiwarke of f ira t deck green, and upper works white. *"Elephant" brand inized paint la the bcst b>' test. PriugI&s q fardware. The steameir Argyle, whICb là, at pçgaeint in Kingsten, wvî1I be on hand abot:t the middle of àta>, prepared foir ber customarv trips ois the forth shoere of the laite. WAN TEL. Teiephone operator for nightcdut>'. J. E. IVWIIla, CiicnJ'tt and dzizggist, Whit b>. LAKE ONTARIO FERRY. Coïboirg and Port liope are havIng a fight as tor ýyhlch fIac.e le to be the terminus- o!f ?pOî' irlo Fýerry C-o. from Charlotte. Whitby han a bar- bar -,vhieh can dtscount any - of -the imiitations biètweca here a nd Cobourg, and the cSincil i14 drawin% the it.. tentcïn of the ferry juthoritles' to the advantages possessed hiere for a like ferry. IWIND*JL O Large uIaoWoudstO«,< iuake.~r tugtU tu f1rot-elaas order; wgràp blt. I bearînge.& pply to WM. !IEmWlpoep. MIss FIcÉ-ence Wal4r, of the W0C.Lb hmi spendIng, hebe h0d4y.' brhot lu Enterprine, Âddlýagtuncm dm he was accomp auleli by hb'Mass, Peda Denyez, who wiil viritin J Newburgh and EwerprIae. FINE DWELLING SOL». Mr. L. . Barclay'han purobaae the house owned b>' Mr. Tho&. Der- ereil, Jr.. -andi han tucveti ln this week. Mr. Deverel bas moved loto the boase Jurt vacateti by, 1Mr. andi MIrs. Foiey; Caiborne street eaist. WEý1DDlNG A-ýNSI VERSÂ1RY. Mr. and Mna. Robert White, of the 8r d cc*ncesslon. oelebrateà 'the O8rd anfliversar>' oi their wedding on Tu- esday, April 1701m. This o4d couple are hale andi bearty,,anti give )r'Omo- Ige cof many mure years of a ha.ppy andi useful Ille. DREÂDED LNSOMU~A. "I was atilletet i wth nervcousness andi dreaded insomnia, 80 that 1 ncxer knew for three years what a full hour's aleep waa. Huart pals andti l'-adaches§ almost drove me Wlld. I ha i speils of weakness and crampe in sto*nach and llwbs. Fi-. nailly Dr. Chases SNerve PFOotiwas broeigbt to me and eight boxes cureti me."-Mr. .4&&. Wesley Weaver, a vet. cran of the Fenian Raid, Dalhousie, Ont. SPR INCI OPEK.I.G. EASTEIf WEDDING. ",.Ior-k" Proutifoot wIll Ije rleaspd Mr. andti Mrs. Jauecs -AI. Downey an- Bounee the engagement of thet Ioi gm-et aili hie oldtiriendoq andi Cus- daughter, Miss E"thb Thiomson IDow- i nners rit bis sprIng openlng onrthe ney. toi 'Mr. Ernmest Aiken Ogleson. market sq1im..re. Il(, carnies a largeofo Capelton, Ctuebec. Their mar- ,,nd coi, letp stock of gods ln ail the nlage w1i take pl'4ce in Ail Satints' iatept shares anmd siv.pb. The beftutl- ehurch of xt W'etinesd.ay evenlng. fui specîmens on sal arc not shopi Tei.iael noûcdo r el m fi. bt-Ire frs'sh f eom the grerit Temrig eanaieio n- arehouse of nature. D. B. Simp'son, K.C., *of Bowmanvlle, AUCITIN tý.,A'LE.andi Mls 1Clicen -rhoene, of Newrastke AUC3TON SLE. hich ls to ta»e pLdt à t. George's The undersigned haâ releivd In-. charch, Necastie, on Weduestiay, Ap. structions frorn Mns. F. W. ]Robinson 25th, at i .h tci spliI by ptuliv .uction rit bjer BAND STAND. r4'idencp.. nom-lb sidc of Coiborne St.,.. If the efforts of 1fr. W. J. Luke and (I Thîmirsd.-y, 26tlî insi., rit 1 P.m.. other. méet with thé euronse they ail hem - oumehoîti furnltum-c, etc., con-. should, Whitby will have a bandi stand istlng of dinmng rooin sett. rinti for their popular musical organisation hndroioymn setts, Sultana rs"lf feeder, this year. Mr. LuIre is cireulating a "NewKi~cene' ragewIth botsuboiption for the above purpose, sud water tank, carpets, curtalas, croclr» ieTmeetng with a gêneron respone._ ùry gadeatCiialan nowes, nd habndboys are nmuch pleasetiwith cm-, grde toîslaw n'wer, tttithé ides, and promise a rasti>' better beddbng. L. Farbankq.. o uctioneer. weekly programn if thé>' are not sakéd te Terme cash, stand around and play' in thé dust and mud. Trhere are a numobFmr ad barrem SUCKERS. Rehn grounds ln different parts of The r4reekta to the east anti west of the count>'. Arbor Day was matie the town have beu lineti thte past a seholol holiday for the purpose o! wekl wit.h fishermen, eind inany baga3 mnphaslzing the trÉc planilng Idea, nof suekers andtilpke have been caught. and the wisdotu of beautifylng scho)ol One nlght thim- weck tuil>' a tiocen buildings aind grouinti. In. sone die.. "Itght-Jackis" were observeti on one trîcis full ,.d-antage ba.s )een triken t4 the crfeks wvithiu the space of bai! of the day ln liast yeam-n. The re- a mile. Fish are more numerous th"n suits are quite appaient abolut the for man>' yeara past. rehool, andi the Influence uromi the A number tYL cltiteus hav~e alread> ohildien wi'1 b. bene-Clcial. Tesich- planted parts Pt their garden w¶th er nd trus tees t;hc>uld Co.operaùe ~In carl>' regetables. i'ri effort to beantif y the. plaee where RUiY AT ROUE. the mide of the chiltiren are belng nîaveîctped. Thoïse wbo buy fmoin catalogue GOOD .LPOl rS.bousies In tbecitiez will be InQerest- GOQU RkOIC ~- d ln the followmng f rom a contemo- Reî arts r-egi:d-dlig thme fitdi wheat PrcirY - cm-cp are niost encomraging. [t bas Ye yu atlgecornes from il.- - W hcu-- là - -- -- VUUW v.nrouamm lwmrWnýrrbetter tian isoni îropbetà uredictot W th fi gond growîng sprlag a gouti erop le% lio"t .certalnty- lu mont partu of the rirovine The clover crop ha.i noit heen à( fortut,it, andi thoee re eports that IL.bast been serecel> la.. jîmneti i manit laces. - Now ivu'lthe lime tb have ltaI oave. tromghlng donc. Sec PrIngle. Cot.. iser- Hardware. BURNED TrO DE&TH. &n accident occurreti at Osiawa on WHPTBY SALE FAIR. Tttestin>'mocrnlng, In 013117respects& If yoni haive herses, cattle, f armo imilir 10 the unfortuante occurrene stock. fartai voduoaL or fanm i1nie.. hort time ulro ai.lie ladies, col. monts for sale, ljrlmgIýýthem to the WhU.bi kale -Fal.n on Frliay, Aprîl 27th. Auctlinei'. fees one lier cent. Tbe-auctlon sale beginis aI 2 p. m. rrhe Whitby Produce Market oywns in lbe Coineil Chambçr on FnîIda>, Aprit 27th mml .10 ,a.m. Speoiel iar-1 rangements hase been matie wîîh buygrs toi lxi presemmt, who ore pie- parýedtiu gire the hîghest prIces for butter, eggs andi poultr>. For ad- dittoiai partictîbarsaîmpply to W. M, Pringle, Secretary nni~E ALARMS. Tb iif-re lates have -býren calieçi !nom tiîlr work twlcc tus weejc to *aloit bu puttlng out buraiug grass.ý moildaY mornÙ gthe>' hastened tb turt tnc«thérri VSits- o! I the towua, wlaere sorne boio>'hat isote< the gr aesrostiside, ah4 <t was t~ *hut the fo*nda., au lai'nw., lesehre, mn wbicb apolse yoeDan tudea t leSt barIlile tbroub 'ltis e1P199on, o! a rspirît lamap. fl'bo viellai od th'e croc) flamtes t '0eh. aira was Mster Ada, O!fl-s ngl a [Order et 13t. John, wbicb c ut tho lostItution. éSister Aa.il t pears, vws aloce in lhe kLtobt, vWb" - er dres be=ane i5nItetl ant--aMe i'ushed Upstiidren velopedi. fiame&' Tihe ti"s *a* qukleki> extUgulsbed but st s e e ely, boermol lta shet] 1., ft" osIlat bomr et ' a a alste4. 0( o!Mr. Stevawt Strathy, manaer o0( the,~'.. * LWTU RER cQbmIN Prof. Ykjbary. o! 8sglami. * ied lime Uatted Stades lust tic mail order lions. wmi until >'ou "et born before remâorlu; the wrap- per, tien wat MI aler sapper, wb.en the chorea are dune. Thtudraw an «»sY chair tu the table wliere the Iight W111 abIce fol*& cetbt,.pae put oa your gtaases so liai.no Ibar. I aiu ns n cs e pe7our eye, and *t. île dovu for au boum O! quit oujo>'. owut, Wa eodmmtbu* It le, snd t* e ao ur-woaelertu , vat It dmobe t oi n colan4asw.Ié s n vimat It doA.& We uMI" aisestblop: w, sboold be glIad te am.Wbe l tii. Offer tc. Dy ai Oh or eObifg. gouds for your batWr, or" or h#y'r snd gralta BIow poli do thq' paer for ofttl O ansd boa*.? fBo un*b tax's410 tie>' Par' <or tpo~ port ot tb. poor O!tise oeatrye. i.i *2185 W« rpan ige a ntown 4mi edAstryt 1 onw*at pq iM tisst OU.' to O»oteba osqor l-vem o! a <h<sroh or s*mia.v s I' -,for I i Spzlng Weatbep la at hand, and our stock1 now complote,, wfth alliUnos of Goods suitab1l for SpÉing and Sum'mer wear. Drees Ooods, -Mualins, Ginghamas, Prints. Zephyrs, Victoria and Linon ILawns, Etc. Drese (oods in ail the newest shades of Greys, Browne, Blues, Etc. M. ail priceS.! MuelIns, iatest patterns froun 12je per yd. Up. Lawns frotu 10 to 35e per yd. Prints 10 and 12tc per. yd. Embroideries from 4c per yd. up. Organdies 25 30 and 35e per yd. Cambries 12&c per yd. upwards. Kid Gloves, Colored and Black Si and and$ 1.25 per pair. FÉRilngi from 6e per fr111upwards. Print Wrappers $1 upwards. Just a few of our special Value Towels 2 for 25c left. pair before they are gone.r Andrew t Cal! and get a'ý M.Rosse PERSONAL MENTION CHAR LIE JOE Mr. WI Fra Mr %ilaiteti- hi& parente. Plut- clas. hand auudny. Wrrron RU*n..u .,..ie ln 4 k l- Resident of Whithv fin. j.n Aa» '.4'. .e... AJur w4aU auin Twn Irii week. Miss i'-stbcr (laid le výlaiting 10 To- lUs ru'IrenS eFegan routo. Mis&' dlth ,luhnston a isit. Miss Etna Mmvbruy a t homme. visiteti lan~" la home for sjtent Sunimi> Mis. C. A. (Jootifolloir la vtiting ln Toronto. ;Mr. Arthur Southireli vlslted xrith bis rahr Mm saPage apen. t b oldays it. Mm Tay' lot"&. lins. Ficpher, Toron-uta< the gaet of Mmns Noumme. Mins. W. H. Wilkinson visitet Inl To- ronto Ibis -weck. MissnGeor'gie Golti was home for Mine Jesste, Macierson i. boue fur* the, holidiays. MIss Ethel Hawley, 01 Osbawa, vls- led oei1th ber enoher. jaq Violet HylarM la the guet of Mis Esther UMleUlaui. Miss LAlUan-Mai*, et Torooto, ls ibAiting fIIendsiunltown,- Master WlIIKe WeâtUae %stsl inl Tovonto oetthle holiday. Mr. Pebont andi Mua ÂggteWalters itere, here &'erthe *Loli>. lass GJoro?, c o- wça«Ue# ta the Um s RÀ awley areut O~u r wlth er d4ogbttr la Cohawa. la" iai' r.uPêotru tes la 'nlsittmg Mis A"«ge.Iw. dy-witb tfs*m, w téOt %Witei et Xs'- 7aa. Wewo'aL - Mr. 1*. Waabaiuof eO04 Ail work delîvered and guarinte. DundasSt., West. SomtbSee Meusrs. James andi Tho,& BrItton, of Toronto, arent Lhe holiday wlth thelr parents5 herc. - Ur. Clarence- Paýxtcîn spent God Frlday wlth bis parents, Mr. andi Mrs. Oberkfl Paxton. Misa Warren. of Pishop Bethuize Ccoll«e, Oshlw.a. slpeo1. Eaater witii Dr. and Mrs. Warren. Meurs. [taris andi Ebbela, BarrIat.. eru,4 Port Plerry, and4 W. 6g. Ormaistont Uxbridgo, were la tuéwfl. -ML»s Edith Newport andi her frienti, miss JamN1s, spent Eauter wttt Ur. andi 1fr. Win.. Newpor~t. Miss Poil>' Smith, stenographer, heati office, Dominion b-&'k, Toronto, spent tho holiday at home. Mr. anti Mr& C. Ç4 Fraser andi Misa Dora Ilerron, o! Torouto4 vbdted Mr. anti Mia, C. A Goodtellow'&. Mm sAggale Walter&andptUmesMarlou Broughall apet the LoLda>' wltb Mr. anti Mrs& feur>' Walters. Mssesarjo0sIt ousansd Oettrades Paxton *peut theb. olday. witLtotW filetti" isIdie TràU, tovu lin& W.lFbrewell, J. e Do)w a"d D. Or. mist*t were att*neiu th* Wmab tleAl sociatlun nuettega la 91'oson.. «!'ewuo *uet b0s4ItonItay w4 ber parenlts, M. <ud C s as.Ste e. aet bl. boio» oredub~oi days.. Ban. t. nmow ov 4 " tbe 48Itk& 31gbia*ew ban& Table Pri e The housévife of ing and baste, pr prides hersel! tapon h iug of her table. Il napery and silver b. orîticiaso e0 hould ber glass waro.. . .... snd. <seti. ber bov e Rich Ciýt Glass *adds tone and quality t any table...... se.oOur asortme4t P ic to toît v e ry - p . Norman 'Vol III* RAILWAY TlMI WUTTaY JUNC 'Gig West 5.06 a.rn ti. .28 ar. IL05 p.rn. 'The 5.29 &.ma. train doos m Xflorfliig. WHITBY STA' Going North w107 ar.. Oc 4.15 pi. 6.40 pinu. STAGES. Leav.i~ Whithy for Oqhawa à H oulden. proprietor. Le.teg for Brougham at 10 pritlr. MAILS ARRI -Frorn W. a-nit E, 6.45 Mrn- West, - 9.30 an - From Broughamn à MAILS 'LOI ,For North 7 45 a.rn.- For Raqsi 5.30 a.m. West 12.16 Iji. ~PROFESSIONAL - MEDIlÇAI or. fMeidri PIIYSICIA 'SUBI -4CCOIJCHE Oraduate nf Tiniversitv of Toro ocf Royal Coilege of Physici&ns "THE TERRIACE,» 1 Phone 42. - LEGAL Solicitor fô2.f4e Wetern i etc. Money to Loan. Ofc Wbitb'r, Ont Dow & M09.111 - - lirristers. boDcjtoi-a. etc-. Ofieosoete post Office, Wbl 3.B Ã"W, B.A. T. A. Mc(i aesRutu RaMnter, 1Etc. MoneY iii t. office imuiedlately south c Ont. John E.Fasw Barrister, Connty CrÇ i ;Cont>'Slato.Ofe o1f CoDurt H[oueS, Whi1y E.iùdne-fo. 4,'T116 Tern.c6, open SUUA rhns îi Bbttb BeryIe- a.in . egëtiwêm Blibl olffl t u. 2mbUdi*~I~E tS0. to Soulla,

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