Whitby Keystone, 19 Apr 1906, p. 7

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i~, 1Imm ,ANEOUS. J4~D-O ACREO ATW.OT TWO OIR&A of Np0 1orpaSàuom ilaa #àlvtê me i17;. » virw AU& tu l 7loO 4 liAM"b >ost Cardsà ý100, $1. 20,. M1 me0 ge.t ani! fiant *tom $3, albumâl. a11 Pridl. i.Ont. ~~tng Sy id atldai- 1114Mn thtn. it Khon th. gunu, cUr« best r«wWdY fer Dur- R. LEfiOY'8 ALE PILLS 1 n reitabi montMlil guh WWé hive t'sen u"i~.n Franc yeart, fmô .und tflyàuable )A g.0suLga nd aà" guarMa.1 inakers Encinu &"Pmfor P'r. i 600 per bu ci lv ,ed. on recoflS cf pelas 1'!LL CO. ~2. Himltofl anad4L ons for Me,,. nor cornes from Lon'- ) be a. radical changO ýr mon. Iluce loth 15 Vt collars; the. king bave Comnini910d B nint with P. r-, are Stijlicontentedly renoat of haif a. doz- vell tremble for their WEEUMATIC PAINi& rds permanent relief 119 udirine as South Amert- hJow glad ho il a te éil of Tliameicill Ont., qi lltmsecf :or niontha- e ofibtis great remedy la îinc-Iaflt that en- LLOatic euffererl-1 a Talking MachineIL York-SunL.) be taYtig rnacieuuare oezftieato au et re. lit wlli not be lont bra. caot wtIl b. hea"d inios FSmrmly a tonor Ivas enough. Now thé the opera hous. ring rtLoe. The uorvtoev of maido- posaible by the. collbrttes re now oOfl- ýt on the.sale of t.hetr rtzed pri-Oe. t wus for- pay a. cSetain aum. but ~rnor for a peroenU.e a, great demand to biaar STATEMfNT. Hem-blid vill cum ts madie without any o! a. tablel. to cure an eetabîIbbed h ointmenla, suppos[- ,r outward. apphiance. tee wlth "eeypu&- rdt's Hem-Rold. i on the Wibso-Pl ara Falla, Ont. d Works. ian; of cours, e, sà yct hi. vifs dedlanes nil, when a society wo- ,faith in hon itusband 1'ith la hie ability te or.-Cuthollç Standard t LIFE FOR s 15» coeman's vay of &d becs pronounced ta- tdyspepata. 'LIt vas a until I 'trted Dr. Von tLWeta. Thanku te the and I tell my friands 1 35 cents."' 60 tn à bex. * o! Hon Charm. ît be getting old aud rety girl t te !low- tIen ?"1asked thé pub- the meni couat thoir rotake those oriental ~big as water pitch- tnqui8tive girl wrrn.te amn1w" s e s. c p 'I -~t~.eeýpa1 la' ' - .1 1 slio - "i 1-» i . !11 n ibok.a re - te. eedepnblgs u~. 'a' aaLo ;eaen of religion.aorO-. ldet'qbr ~ froi Vspernuu> aa'a cente, tiot (Liile xiv., U-33. Rît m tIlon tdiiuh i ti vau fOlle..~ ere toyc1ide b ut hi.*moulwe s ot deep-, Thie. ld- S, ba ! & X-ye C«nem edt un Sgdit sud -depravty. le~ Great rmulitude.-Tit. Plaria"e. E weBot ebtablw la u ighteoàuanesm had been laboriug by base caiumies b ndue îbt fr atlm-WhJj, 4eyu a dive the. people away' front Jesus, but gos moothly aid Ibey are mnrrounded they still fiockedafler ihlmas much asa good inue, , fflIticm, of nersecu- ever. Christ will b. gloriti.d la apite of lin-Luke says, "lun the tinte of tempt- &U -oppouiîiou; lie wiil b. fo11owede-. ation fail awayY floey have no power Henry. Ibis was- the popular period of te resust any opposiug influences. A Christ'. mialstry. Greatl mbners st- ucer, & rude jeatthe fiuger, o! scoru tom<14 ut every discourse, sud the syna- wili cause them t o deny their Lord. Mugu were crowded whea he spoke. À They are, offeuded-"They Ftumbe.ý- iUp.-Jeusa st in a boat whieit abaS4eea R. V..- Tey faUsiover tèe.cbstaëles. prepa.red for 1d-m. In lte sea-The boat 18. Amoug thoras-Tii. sou i à wà.s in the ses. On te land-ljbe mul- vus good, but we.s precceupied. The titude stood on -the shore. The. circula, titorny-pround heure'. go farther ta abr. o!f te bey ris. up as they re- eltiier of titos* mentioued In thte former ode from te sea, titus forming a nul- instances. They had root Iu tiiemselves tiral souphitheatro. .and were able te endure thet tribulations, 2. Tugh . bypurabes"A er-persecutiond snd temptationa that came able ia an allegorical relation or repre. upot thntu; bustilth e abowe oh- ieutation of uomet.ing rê«1 lu Mf.-or or itlubing. ocase _phurto becom e nature, from. whhamoral la drua fu i 1.Cue-Fortig mnentlcned wiiicit "ehoke the wor-" Tist for ingbruelion." ( iist's purables are tj. çm.roso! titis world. Deceitfulnes, cf a comparison of spritual thiingewith rkcinoss....Tis le the second tborn. lilet. natural la ordertal tthe spiritual t/ings es daim ho b. able t. besrtow blessings, àwIJW be botter under&tood. Ia lie do,--sud honor, and. ha-ppines., but they eau- trias-T.hat is, hus teacing. 3. Bebohi Bot give eu0 ftiee inpe. Luit. of ....a sover-Tbe animated. lutrodue- otiier hhints-8«ese.h, l. 16. Exraeive tic, gives plauuibility b lthe view that and uuholy desires for pleasurehab A our Lord polnted lo emre distant sower »ce,. honorp worlly sueea, etc. Ihla la sigt ecatleriug hi* aoed.-Wb.edon. in lte third- thora meuhloned. Luke adile 4. The, wuy aide-Thero are four kinda a fourh, lte "plosaures ecf lii lite." of <round menlloued. The. final late 20. Good gfound-OGood sud honet -9uyaide where no plougit las broken heurt& Brlng forth fruit-Who brlag Iî up. "The ordinary road-s or parla iu forth'fruit to perfection ? 1. Thome Who t1h est bead oIen along the edge of bave beard sud received lte word. 2. tubs fields, whicb are unencloaed."-liak. Tbc.. rWho >"4keep il" <Luke viL 15);o Ott. IluAt in, Abey .tub .Thom Who 5. Stouy <round -Luke ao Pupo bave pure bearte <Ate xv. 9>-Heurts s« ok.'The rocks of Palstne« y- made free frointin (Rom. vi. 22). 4. rio are tost.ly lliu«one> WM many Th ose v i ngr forth fruit "with Pa- f laI etretebea, 1eOGvee:%,wnis neit or vee" Lk iii.15). o! ground. Sprançup-,"A Ibis surface cf mii above a shef cf'rock la 1k a ot.A Nfl DSIIOWMANO bed; lte atone loe.pse ii. balsumot ula±tem bbegFO th'" During lbe ralny set- son in Palestine lt1rvt oi .A. BlLEy, acus z'aôr'mgTo, rapid. 6. Withered away-'Luko aya "il lseked moiture "The hot ua -drisd up I DUS0 EYSPOPS the- moisture sud scorched te grain.1 1 7. Among thorna-rThe third kîntS of soilu re sa-> "Iv- va. ood udthere vus hope of a ar. W*«Ia ByoaFx'~ hal vosI, but lte groynd vas filed with per- I CluldhooneH.steadil 'R niclous seeds. Tborny shrulsud plait*-s WayUp te t»e Top cf lte ~ abcund in Palsatine. 8.« Good gfrouud ,- The fourlh kind cf soil vus riclrand well ! on Vernon, N.Y., despatcb: James prepared. Some un hundred-Thus ropre- .BalY, ovuer of Bamnumt&Bie' sents the bigheât degree o! fruilfulums. eciua, dled St hi, home, "Tho Klla,"» Other seeda only bore slxty or tbirtyfold. 'Corcoa Manor, Mount Vernon, et .20 -The relura cf a buudred for oe Yet vl cock Ibhis aflerucon. Mr. Bailey vas unheard cf l inteseut, thiough aIways aufferng f nom erysipelas. The attaelk mentionod us something extraordlnary.", va. a virulent one, and, althougii four H. *Why christ taughinlupableà <và. physicluna sud a corpes cf trained naurse 9-12). worked over hlm until the laut minute, 9. Hut arx, oac-Tiiis uawflly fol- tbo.y could Botlave hum 11f e.. Iowa an important stralemnt,, intimiat-- Mr. BslIey, who vas 59 years cf mg, inÉ that ho who bas lte dlscerment'te vas takou ili lait Thursduy ulgiiafler understa.nd viii flnd lue deeper meuuingo returnlng front Madisco Sun eGr --Sat. i10.- %hea, .alongo-,-Either t!î». non. Ho ewas arenatsrlysttn expla.nation h.. tthe disciples waIs madie n=sand t/bore vas every hope cf hlm later, or ho withdrew a short ditance. reeovery until Monday, vii e i.da- f rom th. multitude #o us to b. alone. c ame spread te bis arma. Il in belleved Christ evidentlvospoke further ta lb.he'thal ho Lknew h. vas uog tbdie yeatev. people on this same "ay. With the tweyeoday, because ho cail'ed 1M.]B187e -There were other disciples wiîh Hlm ho hi$ bedmide sud comunuacated a bpids h.lwlv aosle.. Ask,_ed o! message le ber. sSn alter lio sank Sn- Ilim-The question aqked in Mithv te a coma, snd vas lualt ocly aItit. i5 , "IWhyspeakeat ihou tnto tÉent lu.--1 purables?' uand ln Luko, "Wbal mlght1 i.lI n illyvsbn.l e this parable bu!' Christ bad lntnodueed troit In 1847. Orpitan 1%inehldhood, a uew rn tof teaching wbil ie &*.di- b. honked for tome tino o afarm, snd ciples did nol um-doruand. Ho-lie ra po-then became concted Ih a show ceedo te give; tbhàïm a or < ibus- and -taler with a tbeatiro lu Nasîvfle, d.ob , utIm ,expialbe- liii. partlou- ,Téuu.la ý1878 ho b=eme partor lamthie ta aui. ru & Bailoycirons. wbh beeante il.- Tint yent-To you lmpewIio00o8scildated vîltih tu flamrnu show in inquire, and heck ltow h , ü#l4h; ho 881. Aler Barumps de*ttdese . you~ 0h r wtl"l otn~ eemli pronie»r d om.ugbt h eoe ams hIe ligt butI bcaus tb.y wrlftê4&a darnua 5g olomdet 11cemte tho W" su.Of.5b5r rw Utà tire venbe "net P su ed ~h OIe Ilee uen do- sot fa b"tale ".0" We r anorin. bthtey 'prs i"7 ~ ~ -~ ~~s - ét lee Voum0 nt"am_ to - edr e (vs, 1.*4Md" Jm esevt&: tien bot*I l 'l 'w laama DAM' iL bU, fARMERS; AND) AUTOMOBILES.eý WaiRetrdis amd PuaIds I - - onTun. Net Safe fo farmers [vute Go te hh Ticrente Ont., opoc"adesplth mye: A bng.deutaicucffaraens appeaiel beltbo i.micipal Commilto ef hbe Leghmlaur. titismoeulag to, ulate lic farmets'"aioe thé eargument in isutar ta, automoble& .A aumbeof emnanuiac- lurer. wei'ealso preeul te o e ichean- gumenta cfi boir opponSts. 1b.y mIro- cat.d lreleniutig, in erder te ntak pomible "blfltahlof o!automobule, j..upimryPrecaî;Uons ou meeting a f or.,lagr penalties f.r violation, sud f ioensesfan automobile oora. 'llmey aiked hstIn acases of accident lthe owu- or cf t/be automobile mitould hobe ld r.- ip@iiible for aJIy damage. duc 10 the prueoie o!fhi. automnobile. Municipal Councils sbould b. given tb. power too proflt btheb use o! certain roui. l'y automobtimta iens. -tees abould ta ilmpomed on automobilis, and thbe pro- oceda <JaveotS te lite eforCemeal o! the lai. George. Fluber, of Bunhington, ,ald tat sete people- dld net mnd. belug fined. '17hey cuijovod fthe uotr-aty on glory. Il a-u not ci-euait- W rfaruncra te ýgo to, church. "Thte lives cf oun vives aud ebiWdaen anmalt b. mi-," desiared Ms. Hs.rryGros. IN AN EMPIY. IIOIJSE. 810K K"N LUT TO 1DM3lBT Ms fCun-lealty cf a BuxtceaB>y Led te BI& to Die .1 BNelcI. J iagaaFat, ont., deepaleh: But forj thé. catuat curlosity on 'tie partof hieJ drivrer o! a butchei' art, Mice). Cirovil, a Buagavlius vould bave oii. f atarvallo tk lin a fèe ueof lthe busicl /onn.b vus euet a Party ý of baaisiLb ér» vWho have béecs lving la a lit111. ~houm Mpontage rossi. juil ouassoe t'io e117 limite ai Fait- View. -anO- toe lit ta vork iAs ce mpanlounir torn, bm Wbatbves b on4letIof 0! work,,t/bey ckýte #» to 4=0-; tbstty CaTOWits vu tS 0lit ho ta",. et imat.litle. 'ErousI BatrWho bI'e istaia usaI d.effl - *v04 au aaêbau bw »nivin th bo vle Mgo w tongy buildl*. la -e6, 111. foo On e v Ir" à ed le fieL a'sa liesw.tutboift aM su d e qu v i b e M o liqh W& lafi t5 A _ --p. ha.,0.8~4. L OPPOSE EDICATION BILL. The Brlit hCatitollo Council Agala ihe NNeuasure tendon, April IO6-Thlrty-tvo Bithops of Kugli andmtSWelas ce.... aI a ueet- lug to-day lunLambehPalace expresseil the. onvlellon thst lthe duestion billas Il stands muet b. iahes4atiugiy cpposed. The RoumnCatiiolle iierrmiy ilI mool on Apuil 24 toeconalder lte bill, a»d slntultafeoualy lb. Cathole Edueation Counc ill mccl under lte presideucy1 ot lte Duke cf Nerfolk le discu a en cf -oppoaingthe noossure. Walter Runeimanu, a talnisteflalls meuler o! Parliantont, aUindlug ta lte meetings menîlcued aboie,-Msaisi theIb ocum ot a speeh il Necatle We ulgibl, that Iflihe Archbla op f Caton- bur medi the Bouse of Lords ho defeal t/e .tSueat.icn bill, It woubti messuoMt cwlv the mhakdnco of that hou .to Its fouadalIbuS1It weuld ruder dsestab--mve .solOaet p$L&T»hs vesh* b.bOm ligmtintlevllai .tl lauon. tbe Market sla ut *v0*@- iautes-à very tevpIeS.1 onde. COURT A»UISST RUCIDINO W«eOosud St.e.re-v41 1riuby teprti MA" EHAUX!L&WS. falvru cof stoce aIle for tblm veek.9 f"es, no 0te l1 l.,aI4460 ta 8 Budapoal,- April 1.-Coiint AÏd=asy'S"O o euc s.at *4* firaal as Mînister o! hie lutenbr aveý beih ta rescind &Il lb. absolulist met 1 48e; -but fsedeI- f0 te 5 lb..i sures againuatheu n oalsudpubliec mt- ing, te reinstate lamiseod,ôcf fbala sud I P.iS b 14.10: bet stSors. 50te 700 il stop sàosie eighty polies! trIals, luoudi J il *350 -te $P S come tocekers, 40 Iu'g oeeagalual Hem Polonyl, tue eset0M00 l. aitLt $3. K MIurbr a.lususi Mfuister o utoo ioo.te son i bosS.ta0Cients. abeexrocs-icn* A4rinSb Ithe monotaeMbt Cu,.estunadsne. Gret patniolodesunratloss Mnpro- t" It Z0"h jeetet inlu hof et-i.r*coDéllAtlc ca l 5IVUOIiV È fi"bcbla où Âustla ud Hngay. vrs aremaltla eclassv Itla 1report/a lt EMperor Fahi as*s ibt _, tare lait Joseph romarkedho mmbm o sf bis c». Muat' I Oodl Prtvmragolf taraélIIb. ev wbas only.oue vshI pIO te Il par vt ho brig about a maW betw sea UJiand, 4Lambe.-Plaf, ver. "or# tb. Germals udthe f c»cee St *ev lid ut $47 ________%85bu*a,*1.US o 4.7$ P.t'eWL reau BOrM et May CoMnte Wml. bie of puicequalirt, $7 t1*$7».. 101 1Aet Ut. ne4pat11*'bout' bsrv.slg Mil rait11mb, $3* b p 's Som gé toni tibm sae she o iaret stftnç eccoar buttez* lad b&*aa» t lx Olai1 ttffl tIe b u s XS*. i Zst -BRutfalo, 4pril Ise-.. tte- be. si st»dyï .pekos ervol OMate-R.c1,11M W *0 t a nh.fr ligue; beavy -ans i ixesi, 8iutrhrnP M seat and PIJJSeS$7. 7l, U Ma Mil. si Ia"",mbs-lh$4s.U. Aoê P081le ~ PMb- 1Mmsil 63:ulg,** I I o TeWeek. t Toroat, tarmeWa' Maket ,The. offerlug of grain to-day w amau, eonaistiug conly of about -'0 busà eciae*n Ioad of white whent-soid ut 76é, aud 200 bushela of white oats a.t 40 t Dairy producenla fir suppily, wlt tries- sligbtly veaker. -Butter sold tý 7.5 to- 28. per IL, and eggs at 18 to 200 per dozen. ffay in limited offèr and prices finim 15 loade aold ut $11 to $13 a ton for ti - otby, and at $ to $1) for mixed. Straiv firm, two loada selling nt $10 b $11 a ton. Dresed hogs aire uuehanged, wi h ligbt quoted at $9.î5 to $10, and heu ut $950., Wbeat, white, bush . .8 0 76 $000 Do., retS, bush .... .. 076 0 00 Do., spring, bush .. .. 0.73 0 00 Do.,'goose, bush.. .. 0 71 O O0 Oats, bus . .. .......0 40 0O411 Barley, bush.. .. .. ...0 52 0001 Poaa, bush ..... .. .... 075 000! Rye, bush.... .. .. ...05 000 Ray, timothy, ton.. .Il 00 13 00 Do., ton.. .. ....7 00) 990 Strav, per ton....10 100 Dregsed hogs. .. . . . . ..50 109 Apples, per bbl ... ....1300 14 00ý Egg, uew laid, dores.. O 18 ç020' Biftter, dairy.. .. .-. ...025 0281 De. ereamery...... 0 O000 Chiekene,,pet lb.......O14 0 171 Fowl, pet lb.. ....... 0 O12 jTurkeys. pet lb......O1; O020 GS» Oeeperlb.......012 0 14 j abbage, per doxen.. 0. 40 O 5 jCaulilfowmr, pert<loren.. O075 1on Potatoes.perbag.. .. ..080 085,I Ornions, per. bug.. .....000 1 0 Cooy erdoen. .....O40 O Beef, h udquarters.... 7 50 0 I Do., for*'quarters.. . à0 ) 6 2 Do., choiesesse. é 7 00 8S Do., umedium, caresse. 600 motton, pasy cwt. ,.- ..9 00 10,11 Verni, pr cwrt.. .. ...900 Io0r Lamit, per ewt. .. .. ...10<) 139« Termite Live Stock. Receptaof il" , tock ve o gt Urngt*rtwWOeboce welvalfl 1ati -buouht l kv ent lmey. cfCre1 MUTE d,! or ion. la .aaaa... them are includeid, oU one qae,ïtt 'Thlais 19wondcrfülly ana11, indeed, yet sucai-t L.mhiÏuteness of the. oPrni4Îgu eor pores mîin umn*n.Tha pores j p'nan mthut; expeI-stibttnces sam tmk. 'In otber subistances.. . Below i nlias- t4ration. of a, piece of human Skin. higbiy m1agnied to, show theme.,pre., (Section of:piee cfinanukamgl fled to show Pores Ttlrouih tLes2 #-Tna every healthy nu and womaa expels two pounda of impure matter duily.- C.oipp1etely stop up a mare* poresand he would die. Wben u, put on to a cut- or a sort. the- old.faa$hîoned olntments eoutaining animal fat and mlinerai poisons <qnd coloi- ing matter these hmrm.ful subs'tanes# !"u down tii. pores int the blood and aure corried throughout-the body! Zm-; Jluk modte a iong-fêit, want in enabling- yon to d.0 away with1 your -olntmoent4l salves and embrocatioli to, whieh -i above-nâmed serjous objections ean tae.Zarndluk ls pureyegetable &Bal. richmedina plnt&It carnies be"1th1 t., the wounded or dlsesaedtkia wbiý. evor app!led. Not. only la Zam-Biuk superi -beeause of. Ite absolute fro.doul from -minoral poosoe and-relau. mal fat^, butIt las MOIhfratly rflet*4e. b. abaorbed by thse res: andIft hm, unaurpa.med qualIties a * ealor, sootbw.' or, sud antiseptie. What a household. nosuuty - n>», ia, a letter from rMmp ioy, of Orap.v.l hie. PIItowu, .bowu. u,Maàê gir. prabse tô ZainBuk.* ah. wrltte i au prgored effliaclous for o'Very Usé 1 lave uit It to. MW- ~ti " esewaa s »1i.i jed foot that a ey la<Iy avoUe ThOenBext wsabrtfo u pa ilore, front Whboh Zalw-Buk diew ot *B Inflacumation and bel e w - wskia te form 011ev uue Of It* effetIv lmus la c oubo)d are boo uumvwow te 1 miention. -I1bave alàê oftau Iv* tiuBu t nlbbffls1 to Il ly *&a blotobes, m4a *prals. St hkhy.' Z1 , ZaBuk hW a ,wru remem* lu I vomvln~~4 ~ $s, soru$ to W tlomse obetintt.- .'., u'unxdp 8, *m te. leaied afikiÎe sm elp d f b rbe sosblabs m is S IP 4l ikhcafed sim, etti - #atffneus etc. Zam * eg~ the toiuntrîil;? bhaeen 1atroau». d.obt^14.1 àtIriughou Cauadaftrou l'alldl t 56 outi àboicýowg ut ...<A L 1 &i5.L >1 -l

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