Whitby Keystone, 19 Apr 1906, p. 6

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1- ~k ~ .~ Vlscrma'sLuc luWaters t <I fllued hr-aîalé W- bmo« nïw, *atï : F&I1' muttu e ,'o MMon b»qmfuitheus Asatsudut i.Ws&"mm" biDoI<'ibaOt mhsa'k;4Mtuae 0 *m y. I TMb. mEr w~W o en4.e,,r<uaitssirtmest ba. . o o vehv rolits or &ttr nqxota h 1mw .ssaMw15h* oo_- 0fon, aaawsrsd i lb.U 'Owvousa, Mt « o <owm a are&T sluxe a. &baithget h.odm vv et tway vil! cuflas thor toM Vhtcgt.ktS l lut b. êaltaIce pipea sttsIB - 5L9-W u Ib Mas bewsr bmU 0» oMa "umb ae __________________ FITYCENTS WArERMARrs on PAPER #ulguicmace of Tiause FIrut -Used-MeanW of DDectig Fergerkea1 àwbrba bave geevelOuaslve <o vaimbAs for mfquasdlsg aalk<bt"r Set bankmoraa. bille.Mme. "t ofai lkeOKtIIy espmmd by0lieuets c MmjInd i- erý OlVIt gAmark dstag o- bkos vu wu « <rtst ato eopa Iby li. zeueinet «--s.~ or bs 1 msa iiba osseLut Ulgl U0Is atesra et ew for. 4bastu Cefu'w-a,veaeuar .l*t DrIim s tue t0 ele. ÃŽ".b. g :4 ç,~4. a i~iJ~U. 5OÂP is equaUIy sgoiwhh hard If you use SunlightSoaý you neèd not boil nor rub y resian wkth boih-,and ArbSSrightSoap cde pure, the most delicat fabi washed withou the slihte Vu Ting-Fane's Sober Tboubt When the eminent Wu Iogfang wu. Chinene Minister at W"%& ngonh.é the gumt ofhonor at on. o thcleadlnàg clubs. Sanie of tUWe yunger mcunbers thhught it wmultib. preat fun to get the OrIental d-ipornut în.tozieatad. TbeY pliet bim wl c hampagne, hihbals and beer untl about 3 o'dbockl. l'ht norning, by which timce moit of thO elubmen were nuid&in. Cool » aseu- eumb3er, Mr. Wu surveyed the erowd, ant imsd grely, iD bis perfect 04r- l1mb: "If I ditn't know that thus e"u ww compomet entirely of gmeiiteicfl1 imnit »aY that Yeu f.lIews were ttylng to get me drunk. fThe Meon a.djouiied very ébortly tiiereatte. ~Jdixuo'fl. v3*. As <bat derk objet mblween w qm 0 , %04 it ot (roui Neu «M iuornxt L, xand 1% lu r IMý < ~ o *am*.afl . taibe>of or. t" ahulr. bave 4U «Leu * eni p or, t&a Ch.....', It ureenug, mcsrly *w ltAiewords outIlafrt Mno Sa r, rne et GuI' aiIL4W S tibuth, fwite W lll.ii >B. y Iuau.JacCard aMd'P iEd r4 nian a bILeuion blii iani dStream. before 1Up8w 1M2. wilà, bower. be founto tebe Mogtlr a bLUCk Un sI<>wlY gilde zoiui4 tUe £1u11108on paper bmrim2g s cap >kg a Jockeys n a COCKWth8n<ia Itp of s grvcut t1811uOf aiwtermark; and Ohe griÙ9 4 nes oft Aetem V5im, *2A We OOUI4 - e e ia "ter . -Cap'4 tavsrtous inoduu ouas:ew st te k<o breaktast. <m t " ktD.4. "QU", ok. JhoSo.. tS oa l .&', T%0 tbit'aL tliph w ak4r vus John ?.iaeo e vcamne, ad tamiUcg ou lthe boats TM&, Who foumdW a smol et Hel« t Ith* tbwot 1 oeumked neveu 6hmrke, socIe ,3dLnlL ckos of the flfteenth csztur7. Tata nàasd mm ootn.gabt fam* other tiKhttng-4*. tne tun ao w4, ba4Vg % fq 'inrark a âmt they e.emied te bequanellng over th@ igU htpointe4 Mr wUia &bI. zOie. bSixa mmoeul t ha .4£a>oUenIcto stirJava Wbtte oata-we paper vwmds mby 0OrIphu où. for a pin, ai'evo3wu, Sme Y ahLlrge sejhma. a Gem, aMt iau tar5 h 8. kmeÈ cd »Me kUIni.Hem'ie a schanoeta s#Mhemw Ibe tint agt* ppo M is On & p'stLty a long aluertbed wi vh. Hov many large amah ws eec*.ted. TM I1M.b. sver. ffin e bJudge h.4 m@&W; -; 4unttalLe BoY viin WnIliam I11. PaSGMm en" 9tu e- ehc an Ch ia tnifor sait ,vu.r f"Luth Li aw«s theheuxe n>wubctre of vbfta a long lhaad bine or lb.e à fa sbu&t, but paper, a"ltue beot um h.vxJar mil I would WS to, tc ~rh a ej-ark. -rihuth w»vi bporfts1from Houlaui &adt Now here va. just <ob. oportunîîty and ve Fraoro. bai. m11y7aB <ing te mzailLe o apture wv1 h. A story gose Ote MM" Curions of ait DY "h< time vs h"ti ade itb.e oercam at vsLermurke. a fooVs -cap, vhlch te tIerqwd go lb. boat*M.en vittu a liUblne, and froaq the FWI&uao 00og-Sfflppa sfollo Che amehor bad2 been drop<>sI 1o proveat aur i ai mieet vas onrdby the. Raîp Per- adimoe and vutobai db.a.oige of t he deeP 1lhinnt t e b ILetutiJ for (lia roy«l arma gor Iperbape au heur. Dy Lâ&Uit é uotluh id 1lu *» opapuer ueby lU» jouna t " ettn th.en«Lire hemddand a Lrge po.rt Of H,,,u& oftCommCm Cie boady. Tlhey meed <o eare not à bIt for Az a natter o a ame pipS no mark m. nov xut>lngagsànet LChe<rail boat@ feund kla vay lote Entsad before165».an MW"e. Braànda ahàng w.'th iaM cut ofLbth atoesry probably ova a sodin ta <1" vaes cloar on top of the oow. Bome ci <hem tcçdSà aliluswhlol be Rdyaaebtu con-'t vam owneoera, uLW ftourtom en Ot 10D& trii f.o perpatu4tte In tbe , 0< l ofpa «O<2im w.re nel more thon one-haL! 1.118. produc<ul trom Ho4ianà dulng <lie Oromwel- Dauth. TTheltwUe toIIown weuld wah <eir i14un rleie. nn Fr cx@apký lu le*4& lua ie ClinS o eu e b bg anebad 0taken tte 1r Lit. todenu<te <lbe w<,a2*a'kml bugera bAe and vetired. Lu rumbh & cuka GrI Q veu bly <lsPtirltar.w hi 1351. f aur'«xwe; sa" sooazam .1 bi le Ue w vo lukon Oand In, 1657 a ryal rovo&-ail ymbole liii.- sud ooukâdo ncthIng. lW C» b. abnoxbm tate c Unhg povue- At Lrai v ae r thor frabd of the. peuat wemru soebLd on muy pm.n«sm Im an md iwked yea, but luid e&Y Lag. - a "'tam1Uarit7 bred osân ca*eit.' va. 55i.Il-l, Minaril's Liniment Cureî BUrn, et&. hasLrak.tod. I pckd up a 0 Sdru11ponge book 1 snob se the spange honkms of <bose Islande Iag l b bieghuup oepougea "(Io a<Jt lt'M. la stelff van broken. mo t vas onty tour (e or Iibn. or' fve test long, but It won e&m'ng <Nw orkTrbue. ta 6Mt une £a p rap a n the .hendti l., Te suspicion that s Brooklyn@echoci- andA mter rspMa lns ev of <hm 1 ba 1 âegirl killed herseif bem-use she b.d heen monstet'. veil stlrred up. 1 .1 la.d tqen a wirter on a cattle ranchu Ln threatened with punishanent for Uslng ee'aasecme ysarsbof-~re aM there larned slamg May or may not be well founded. ta th.row the kuuo , md 1h. thoUnrt came It is unquestianable, however, that te zne . t oadght rope &a bark. They bal ms barn. ed1uinîy <a tlrov be Pope qver, amaong echoal childreu, as vel asea- bal 1 ouc< cou)d pickup a ~'a rsfoot vben WhrteU OSln18frt P- mtà aIes W&4 under 401oeabk&w air by, valent, Thereuse ofle lgifar Wtee r sud wby not gel a n.oute arc'nd sabark? ae. Thraemrn eagvod Tii. viciA bd nearly dei out Nassu Lay which are Bsot only unubjeetiôriable but Mmo or thxe nulle o W'. southvard. aunny also decidedfly usefui, and %whicb May a"d wbhIte o« alv.aya. Ha4 £hem~e l'astbreeze po-tbl e noro'- 'n testn- eO4ISt Ibve a<boredtbe <lue e b<my and iabyb ncraatu:t.w MUIW to lb. tovan. go nr ai> idyt. c,&d .vocabulary of the lafguage. Not a mmdiit ael s or qrçe suad returostiand few of other wards which nov en>oy CM& é-the boat vw"ii hmrloe.But., of course, un hlee sadn ad teroii lb. v"hia&i üù1e,.* un:ieiget stadin ther oig ft >et) lkekoltbbaye ImndtA lutSwvery lu slang. Unfortunately, there are stili mm* udvsteti uPSoW ur idtiii. more Slang wordsanmd phrases vhlcb have 1 book Oe . mnaen ieo. astenmi os esaitne useful purpose, but vhzch are .lmply to 0.ese am mui kw rmneilea noSe In tbe îgtr sudlof e5b«.1 I nc tlcdat a ouxuiofcil u sb&'.kinvu gradOfentive. If not atal u ma» a t a6 P>< Vexb ad ne. <bey ceaed decent and profane. The. discouragelTldlt 0DB oJtter telbo vOurlln beIt7 UP. a knev and suppression of these voulti b. a O vouild b. no u une toy"eue aethese under- rsesrvCt teb»uOtaatb knd ie c1sps but vatted (w' on. teta Uciaîe ratrsviebtelmgge.a.b 0WS outaldis hoeM. Sm o en ortfgte.nroda eUimhutlon uf s few sUperfliiaus letterSI a.Sy 1 mmv une OOnhM thatý I koSU' mmut ln orthographr. _ busn». Them e»va sort et as#%eu poati W round steak and lve t te me quitlk" ex- r&iuaboui i OilJ. bt " I par- Sallors BecomIiZ ToDelicate. IIuwl kch 1ne vas DM ne 50 Ai s The risillng eneratioli looki vlth hor- ooza« bua wodvdo Ow et~. aUjbiss . ~roi upÃ"n the. "roighlng lt ~prOceiset ses,1 te tsuliid* aedftet bAshW3ev or which, a quarter of a centUry ag, as eâm m4mAs512as m452 < bondsudM U vewr Jaw regardeti by imoot beys*a" ams&lol ibSISIt Waa, I <Ualm Mr iuldiof 1wu sttx.uotîn. Thé tweiitleth century boy bnnsa <lif As excitI. MAMWQ #Mebymust have h1m eomfi ats. What viiith Lb <oi lime w sd b"s ieé M rly CIMa I mmth1 MAI 0< the wate U NId aianae uv bis .in4 fskipper OetVwelvc Or (f fteen years heSu 1 te grata r icbtthen. the ~mpe U tba'own sBEl. bho ie?1 W. have a vision 0f s neureie, on rood -llKIk oulit bave 1<. struck tn the dillucte grisalanti muffler lndIviduals 880U pAnes. ud " slueswua.won»la Il unsho Wslghteneit X ouit ift a gsoui long v*ho vil b. £able W navigate biSs hilp1 Wk b ocesO ilgbtoeiita euhor tm s ou We! enoughlxàid tii.,,but vho, la beb i lm 4"U thon . tduo com m j dtimee of stress, ulie thé aéssit-1 îuat inagine you 'wmen <lise j"MW an anSOf atrainet Mw e 'ti.fermhOl uIp 'w-bh a sge ysack 01* iroeeS bout th ta" te Iimmt of wbî aîmaOt TituA. Il'. Oit, but ilSt *6b.hebu0ne, m ast ttt- teaeu aW MWh 1 eue Aioo liat Mr. Mlark b.d no othur vind 1smstan buie o h mue a t ied wup sa i hm. lsguet*&tue - ffl boy <te<Co*k <t umeyu n ,euLrn He d<b't skp a mot% &"set mte = imbed, aIl <lie oos glec.mmm- ves,, be put Ln à fuw on b"s ovubook lurrs Lmeant cpres Dsudreff- l oct s puin). ThougiaC» rffl vas______ leahelie acotaI"u% Ob o's atli t=tbe t .<ie um U W et<w . ottagWe for a Tii. Ouly. à5ýe Pli p in the 1bhard 1m ins no in ricsand t njwry. u= dms and ye *17D e -« uzbbilg in the old-fisbaoned way. îjwious ch«micats and à p ai>, YTour nïonoy refuado- d ddainty siLkandlacesmy beby 'tui;-hiuy@ bu Cam for aoImem- e- DR. LefiO'8 MALE P!LLS BOT TAR TO SAVE IOADS. -- Rai HeaM I l efre.baeomuilapfl (Waabiaton Star.) o 50595mi"@& nà"are sass Procesa Adopted la Frimceto Neutralise .No bi pw *- <ho dg»f airtil, <oPh . ieatc Effect of Automoble&. the ftenra' yutih vWub"i propeel. -l, , omaim ledftiuiyP France ila already endowet i vth good 2>17-'à ]B«.C -0< LU ROT P4.L CO.. roada vh~eas l tIcUnitei Sttes .1' kaaav.1%rhâ it uwould «W.h. Inter- 0Cj5itSS" rods wiru n h Uitd taesth UpUd sbU*oely."A reealSon domesnot lmi M m.tm>ieha.corne&as an ingtetuent ply' 4" AsIi uof smw«. but a number af air' to avakeli tnere-t lenthé theeearticle unâult&. J& It's Nov Creatloni for Mon. hulglwan buildingith eardectft he OU lb. ----The terrifying rumat' cornes frem Lon- Frhigoad eîkng ieesr as a desbthtie WHÂT MÂK.ES YOU DESPONDENT? don that t.here ïs ta iýe a radical -h-n- agent airOa nieasradygod- escve -Ha& the utoxach gone vrong? Have the lxi evonillg dreqs for mOli Blue cloth- 1 agencenof sogrovn tleddandoîdst. Msv Atmwhispored of.; velvet ,coUare; I. ekng vit-h great ç'reiuy and with cIosely ad- you <lreatned i viiinervoua prOstratont himeo iasai t *hvecommi di. her-mg and somnetinses nêta1-shad tires,, South Âmerlcan Nervine là natmres robrreot- firm et ailors teo 0 imémnt ith:i--ïr thie sttomoblle .atmMe i.fine, bard or, umLesthe staumb right, giveswr1ý ' hooA iei rh uc c1~P hn of nerve force. keegpu lie clrculstb efc. ni me*x"who atili: ontentel sufaces luk. a f!1e, surfaces n àwfflùd A rogular conUtution builder for ,runîO*paranMxig i he eenlng oi fhaite, dms- ,a.w ,yeaxs et ordinary Wagon trafio. piPk Q- ue lady sam: '*1 ove U lie %0 «-eam ; .ago play vol!tremble .for tb* lt0 0 e. ca_____________ To combat thees. destruactive luflu- 'esema.eooy ences many of the. French engineau em- ?acte Againat the Pesaimist. of TE-PTI tIM ploy ttiibsrlg -proee, vihi,dl Saltse aliov tbat'.hecipeeloset TEPL0F U TI i evrulyt.povint the dlslter&tion hkmatMe b» bêaean laomaiéslbly 19 j-Whou a sufferer fn perminteliet l causetlby trao ttwih nle r ihe ttiT yUThat qPSW loo 305 Iaucia a mexitonlous min le as South Amal- rset, unaketiri - an duisnem tnte Yacute <ot <o n aRheumatia Cure, bv gW elats ste t4i It hall,.tMletIdovn te a poasltîve cou- doubfl5ly a tutu Sn * a eSpoelM heji,. l tC. W. lMayhe".. oiThàmvneOnt. tic ae "mbe t poprtintoQ u " w 1 uo<i 1'uMW ti uOma four yesrs tour bottes Of tls gret rmy tgoum ae wIaltw e ' «09e-rei hm-net s.a i stnee-ilau't a m vxlecdtetioti UM hic wMlal t.sAv l1 he *5cudn' sko et ~oii:raate lh.y, are lid. Wlaen veildontue e tl- M% .bu'y oi à* 8111l- eouasgMent orruml5c uffft?-fl ring <Ires bethe et fau asph altpye-. IulhIAfer.1Uâtidl wWa lt» gehsw me ti dlie fooMold o nt a macadam-' iiiOêi lgi lu t. <MAsSlm lié& surface t, oof owif, muébte ~ ~ U bt(Nev Yoejk sua.> hmaon aspélait, In a rovloureportle .MISba . hu4 uir mauhlurer f M fo r mentionxW» aeofaetya cboulevain #11<o& -t<hi o &a mIsa Imaxsew.fitmacd zdandtiheu p v gaer ..Irnm lor It vu lMI b.Rou0 tarred. The bar wvas no meaus anuar- L .D ÀeliS 6» o O <5* vIl b.a t ,ed over the surfae & coat -of pint. c rm ,,-wiý O h -Tue vork vu dtin u temillet f . Rumer.m &l Mdisotit aor umat omsuitant ram lb opera boua uu muer % sese tte r i.satb.been cars- lumpSMsudblemishesfzum herses, 'Ob- UeW tts a 'hebervmicse faysop, nt 1. t îqlt vs or- ?:la oa pliatsrugoss.sq ib7 pSUTw S 51, 5 possible by Ibm -d mit ti tfi bruebu luto the. roatisu., pris r..Md iwolea tat ~t màail 001 s sm ev ess- <ulule, rting te a ceusidsle smsha &41Gve *0 b ue t M» el mtter kesOm s aa Oe <k4h:.%b,,, m 1y- - s cual 1,au4. but T.braffie over tht. boulevrd htuain. Mah Cure ever kuovu.the atm"MAsa ov e a for sa rsmae t eme -s1dconsista 1 yeofsutomobles 100< hua < 48 ui< v 'ayt mmlg st to à est &Poe& iAf ter sn - twe yeava'wesr no more âust deobser- I I abe tIw u tw mm wl us.vii aor- SM s ote tissacm.pair. It viii b. A OBRAD TAI WtN Edlnary aspiIt parement tioevtng théehm .xpuemavt. bave several pains su Dr. LnImaWrlt'&Todiill -mma b USil oet lnumïbrale upeon » t4»" tou.isat uvo..u .a eetfPU"e. Tam surface la intact anad tbe ldt, vimere bouetOu ha t finsà ts114 tatlâidlamat i.vtbout any I vbhlg gemnny ocours, look »as th mb u u mum IMàqualification&. ant danaftr a 1'5.lxlas s ian pbt gooti plan lot th* avtage vomea te ft lxIn h.fo et a teblet. nseet It la dmubtful whhèr £117have tvb paire of dissahom &ant o It la impossible to c « au tsbllabe lighocf à awrdpavemet eagîve pairs et atrog aw»lin ahoc. alvays case0etpillis vth ouuotnnl ~~u.a.ntssiaaotola a lame alotroMbaud.tor1eiejetionsor tadspluou en 84ca aVaaperformed Mac. E ave afew aho. tus..Thor May b. A*l gasu9t vy- M"Oh~ mouaL b. vudotakeala tho op«,bouit et a -ressouubî Prims anti il 5op et Dr.Lenata .Iod e onnbtbi lias testm " ons ttreai kstha e 14luasape vondeffull Tii. 81.00, al aien, or th& Iu-l *Va t et l esi. vità resseablé e abouM tom traupvhal the ce Co., iitei, pal!., nt id empty mati'«"«"ases viii tor.0- la_____De mot numuola sho.polIsb,aamyethe Taith 1aud W#Zhs. MII aAflILZ W 30 ma ~j Tess-Mr. Oaym , ofcourse, la .s i K Z.-Dr. AgnO ursCm for tlâ noItshupl Sisa Liu ,~ . ~. i, ~ iait -wê ~notrkus flirt, and ti bu ius v if.d "a a OrmiSe or truaus4el eet Diffluta 6" ?Jesu-My tisir gir vali sM Odsty vW> e a Ules. 6saS eely ifdet95&Mei.Ttl Néver aMt ehm M" h111114 man speaks cf,-ker ailla I.ber buabant r ~s eei am.i or'sI4tIIa.5' ff tb.yaevt ykniet ~f7roîma*.1.slmply Di.U8flu b lu hI. 5buIt7 te - mm et Brait». a Sfle<hWAsS lpaie t e lpm or e i s.Mradiator, vil! make money fer tal tnad ' ti eue. mm au WsgMOMMet a ises b=or crack lb. IsatU'. -*,adtTimes. iet 0ssu 4101e W Do m»t 1Mt tâh.els ru dm%~.,It KY~~~k ~~ thmevuthe cheesout ef leve! am .6 sf. UGBT N IIlB s f rýékfftu tb sispýâà9 e Mt bo&tesuL aie..bu cVITSJsa4b w«M man lhh»WY ot r~~~~~ Mar ,A ohi .vl eexrn e. P Ivs~,b t " b ureuo b"su êups a. "Xi U tsikoret t e î11xntwt d m u t!haqt »r3o~~1ln saJ mat&".'te la a bes. lima ecltst bonlieujhw.Alva u&a à" h»umgSm flt ua TI~I~m s~eua~ e--me k . ___ __ bd at'he p r nk e am.-uf h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ e 111, -~ns ~ ncuu u i ï ý, ý -;F - - --r lm F 'y ii;î »"ý jýý lim 7,iiý = ýot mftwnàdânbm dMloààa.& am ý t6à CL01. I.26, 27>.I K.insédam splib'11Wl-kizagdom Christ ce ,*I~mm*rNM - t.&.__ o vev al. o I VçEOf --aOP.it- RUTROUBLES Tit Dodds tKiduey Plils Curod Mis Kidacys. Then bis Rhb.umatiosun id Ote PaVala ambe4 Onoe and for aiL- Hia Cam1.WauneOaetofmaay. Barwlck, Oit., April ((pd)- That Dodda Kldnqy_ Plus vil cmre E.- matiom, or bther diuse.rut. f rom di#orde ; KIdIUW& st. zp enos of many oftbti e eli W @y River eouxtry. TIi.' cs. t Wlliam. John Duzon, ofth" place, is a faïr sarn peof the work 91 the great Caadima Kidne Remey isdoing. 'I 7h" -Rbeumatiom 8w batiI b.d to une a stick to walk. I1b4" palx la Mr back a&" rI&bt 4, andi I hâd aS ouort «I oould mo more than &ma or undr myceif for ziearly t.wo montha, l&d 1 vas for a.arll three wooesI oeuId mWb lace My rigt ht oe. "My brother advlsed me to tryDoddU ing 1he os coulti walk aa'ouam&s mam up My shpue kud do, My w.i* ut' box«e ured me com11Letey.s DoUsda Kdaey M are thb o»s mn sur for s"okKidMoju iek KIdn.. eM the. cause of nine.toutbe ofii. t. "tbe human famiy sufera from. The Grmnh et Ciuflio. Untll the age of il or 12 boyanretan- or andi heavier thn girls. Tii.. the rtafor the next 1ev y.ar. aurpas. thé ;obot If h we t m8 belgit, but the boys soon o e sue d-p... tbh.. Tb* sone of uou.1alor4 gpatsart t.iao sud heavier th". thoon of > abOrugver- eut.. Tiheada of airl, anre' rou"« rthau thoe et boaamui"jeay s utile aMaler. It ba. s Mom ui tà hiuragrow but UMe . rom the. Midet Novomber to the end of Maroib, pou tMU but terons 11W i. w.t» t'km Mrà un. 4¶gst 'su8"tucressauM* lamwt> am b.u. la he%»btf rcu Au* Mt va mi e ct &oiI Ba etmoua"(7h ~msI ~lIL & W X -1PA nqW4 APIL 2,190 trable of the SOWer-ma, ;. -omOttry.-L hue p& '-psSuinnerpauaedini a adOtets and an urir Sci ewaua1stîng toi,; W4 ospent -the lÀ»nt-hs in a 044 te rom Co.ernaurn ae t~inhai-i thefvilla.ges 1eee.TAe Ba. ideTihe l.~ Great multitude-T ihtibeen Iaboring by -base drive the people awa7 fra tbeq-atiU ll oclced after li <ver. OChrist W.,,, be glorin aU oposatiou; le wiii b Heury. TIs vwas the pap, cbai@V, rninistry. Gra teailet at every discourise,, «fflU were crowded wluen âf_ýe9us Bain i a béut w prepa.ed for hximo.In the e was in the sea, 'On the la -- tude-sto)od on tAie shore. saoe.of!thie bay rise up 00 ram the séxi, thus fo suu aPhitheare. 2.Tanghit.. by paral, ahlé ia an allegorical relat -tentation Of sornethiing re nsture, Iroin ihc-h a. moi for. ingbruection." t3ihrist's s'computrison of apiritual BMatraili rder-that tuespi c.'b eter undtrsLoad. trlneThrtis, hie teahin .....SOwer-Te ana ties fiplausibility ta t oe-..Lord pain-ted ta eon~ei la 'ght eott.ering hià se 4. Mm aysie--Thm pai 10e ground Mentioned. Th< WsUnJde viere nu- plougbi Xt up. "Th1e ardinazy rad the eut lead.often aloag thO filds, which are unene' Ott. &.Stny ground -LuLu a rok." 'Thie rocks et PalE y1ib are inustly limestoaci flat stretehes, covered vit O0 f sili."-flall. Tiii is 1.1 of ground. Spran~ up-"ýA Of soil above a she f of rock bi;i the atone k" psthie h lila te grawvth." During Un inl Palestine the gravi rapid. 6. Withered away-] lachet mousture." Thie bot tii. MOisture andi scorec 7,-Àmýng thors-me éth3r, ,:s,IC and there vas b 4. vute ground vas fi Vkiloous seeds. Thorny . éru' abound in -Palestine. S. Go The fourth -kind of soil vas preptred. Somfe an huadro sent$ the highest dcgree ci - Other eceds oniy bor-airty "Ti,b returu of a lîundred unh11eard af in the- east,_t1 mentianed as samething ej H: Why Christ taught ià '0 Hath earu, ete.-This lôwà an important straten llig that h ho bauasthe di unàderstand vill Ina trie dei -r-of f. 1M. When..atonge. etplanation ta, the discipig lat or ho withdrev ai,

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