Whitby Keystone, 19 Apr 1906, p. 5

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* CRPTs -CARPETSBU.CARPETS RU R UO S-.-RUOS MATTIýNG.JMATTINO.. MATTINO You need them. ln Iousecleanlng Time. F *1 4~. AT 6 Wool Carpe at fOc, 75c, 85e per yd. BrusolaCarpto,50e, 75c, 85; Si81per yd. Tapestry Carpts, 35e, 40t, 50c, 60c, 65c, 75c per yd. Union Carpts, 8oc, 35c, 40c, 45e, 50e peryd. Hemp Carpots, l2je, 15c, 18, 20c, 25e per yd. Japansse Mattig, ail new patterna, at 20c, 25c, uU yd. wide. Carpt Lining, 6e per yd,- Stair Pade, $1, 81.25 per dos. Curtain Polos, 25c, 35e eaeh. Linoleum, 2 yds; wide, 75c and $1 per yd. 011 Cloth, 2 yds. wide, 50c, 60c, 75o per yd. Oil Clatis, J -yds.0 il yda. and 1 yd. wide at 25c, 30c, 35c, 40o per yd. Lace Ourtaînu at 30c, 35c, 40c, 50c-, 75c, 90r, 81, $1.25, 81.50, $2.00, 82.50e,8.00, 83.50 per pair. if you corne here first for house furnishingo -you'1 Côme agalua. THE CASH. SORE and low prpices. NOTICE TO:FAR-MERS 1 'w The Undersigned have for sale a 'fi£ lin. 0f ashled Chop composed of Osis and Oorn;ý Ohop ooe Of a parts of Wheat, Barley, and shorts.ýý e-L letvy lfeodes, ying tlt= Ucmx90t c01s" fric$&. it will doublypsy, ov«7sO'y tul uoof aithioCbIuss "H]erbageum" o 4]opov "ceS .Ibwaff4 HoPs and Od*it1e BpioV., white Beaus Want.d. Also Fat umhlOavad oost,.1 w., 00. Ual adv...t. whatl l. lusbig Ufty4w.l a., udlaa» »au- 1%bdWh au a b4, tu iMY Boom4te lu.,t.soe» U«t the lu a Il tumem .ua IL WINN9 The Volce of spa'ng. 0W King Wtuter la reiuctavotiy lay- Izsg doeva hm ueptre 2ad glviug way to tise blitbe y7cun Spriug whose tisue ta rega bas corne. Tisere was mucis in thse old monarob . tiai vo loV.ed, but us h.all hl& sucoesaoe uhtn £lad acclalut. An& ta tisai welceffe aIl naturejotus. Thse gisa la geen- Is ad tii. buda are preparlng tUi burat fLatinl a many-hoed weaitb ad lstsud blo.a. Inu a few daya thse acenalma"let fnatures arosai- retloes vili be vomplet.d, and ilba maraelloua trasformastion etfected. Tise bir4a whleb lied at Lbe approucis of winuraretJreturuîug to jota iu tise wek»mne, and *zoon thse air wiii bo vocal ustis Lieir awost ukelodies. Lite tn aIl Ita macite-ât forma laas- usa (issUlu 'nobedagago ta tisai m.yteilou force th.sL bIdu althiogs apring fcêth iuto actlvlty. Kacis re.. tarukng spring bringu R14 cwa mes- sage of uplIft, sud hcope, and gladnes whIoh ibe adviâucing yearu scict The Pure food Show. Thbere bas cea iselti durug tise past tw6 weeka ac lMase>' H.Ii, Toronto, the anual Canadian parc Lemd show. It bau become a i-asU>' latereattu; and valuable exhlbliws of Canadian sud EnglSis manunactures ci te"1 soupa, pkles, cereala, ehootes,4 tsatlng powôers, and tbeso food proelucta. Tise.... autaisatulyar j,, îauged ln artlatleally ,deoSatéd »ths. Thes ainplng b>' ristors le. aSC@iPatd b>'mauyecan thons ut 'licw <cuiv" etc. Caustilaus are beglnniog ta reaiue tItat tli. Loud oeaSmltes and god tioa' to est àa h. macle s wu vib>', Cadi&us ef Canadianmateriaig andi sold ver>' much ohealk5îtisasi cun bedome for 'The Edacatlon Qtestiont. A roidauulng01 tie se tad, Bd<. uctoAl oowtlooallu TorotQ thla -M&1u4,-Mr- Jobs ,B.l DOW. Tiss n ibean'a grasp oi the iaedm <tmi. itOb--ose ciitise mt IMportut" bb. fle" tise cou try to.dsy.-WU doluî>- ahOVU la wâ OPflIg iddiggok Tb$ astarful wax bu e ia«d be tub- bot. asi hWi at.u4tg proosi w1ide S cura su cftflr*b mut. Têt- SWcFmafdsoe IIno Tie çbl tlsstre b @ÇW l t cumtIt u 11<1 ai W, qéshah *, e obllged tbeis pup o ofstati bauted, sau that -ve nie 4ppîlloat t or luss ais bar. tJss town hall.Samplie.or-ai usi driolum uai accomnpauy tostîmouldlu Bi yfk orcîa liseuse aoruaaWoer.- O"eawa Vulao, mpu v iyare"-é * poU.d egjs are sald tat be malklog tiuappearaM nes30o@aldrable num. born la thse markets, ani .buyers ame lvginritag to suspect tsai thse ln- cubatt* hanomthing to do wiltnh. A %wry few des in tise lucubiter wli destroy tise food value of hen fruit. It du, . ot ray aoy person ta offer suh egg fuirsaie It loade to Want of confidence la tise lutes. rlty c0i tise 'eller. T,4 do a suC0SS%. fui buisleu I any eommodliy quai- Ity te a mosi. Important consader- 0VEMJEÀRD OY THE i8TiEET. <4Wbere are you golint for the aum- mer V, aaked one young lady or au- cither thse cuer 4ay .60,'<i', uaoit ta Baltimore tu..morrow," thes replied, -and ulli latex apend Lise aummer tu Newfondland. Whsîe are you go. Ing -ri .Acll,"' the tirat quentioer anawered , 'Tutoig o t t.y kt home and wear my olii clothse s ad have the . Ilbustt1Wreý of ail." ÂWYI C1QARfTTrS._ At the lent mfeting oftishe Oshawa 'rowaCannel a by.Iaw was paao ilxlng a hlie..lot of9 100 on cigar- ette dealers, and a lisons. tece #Z0 Su tobacco dealers bati a z)arrow es- cape. At Port Pierry thse hotel keep- ers have sigaed an agreemzt not to ssii thons, andl the councli bave ralusd the liseuse Lee ta $100, no tisai olg. aret tes wilIlafuture h. uDkisown, there. Thla arrangement ts blghsly creditable tu bath thse hotel mnu and 1 la Tts A SAMPLE? One would bordl.y btUelve 1t, but rth a tact tiLat tise followiug applica- tise Anmhrstburg îîubb& ohm& board s couple otlveeksa go:-*"Der I8fr.- Ravin; seen aul sdv<tiam.ut lu U»e Toronto, 0lu'13e f .r a teucher alter Ensttr, aitithe annuuy salai' a fThreeHandred D)oilara. Poidiug a sorttficate. 1 w"ah icibeg to, appli- oste fer tise situation aunô If ts ap. ,phlcatcvu te uosidsred tavoiably 1 viii tmvibe blot aiMr, blhlilea sr, ycÉsr coumuuhity. KnI'saw* ibis lsiterasesomm as anv*ently au&. 'RiOSE TRa VI+LWii. qI E. vbm Sihhnu astlkete< thiw week- n Mis . alatt tg Ertot. à&. Je& Mutwm te Duatroos et Ur.Rnd t L.Bs arl4t'a dauuiit. Oiste . Ur. and mma. CloVa"as"aituer tco bla4kwiter. Mr. W.l'oyté boumawI I~. amwt. w my l" su .Ad bPou XmuMMW C6 a. 10 4 b pA ai, wmo à ias Badier tct Sturgees ams, Umm s »llk to àMyrtie. Mr. J. Mth*nOo to ll.wetb>. Mr. and làr& M. Marks ta Soubcsco JUnotion. Mir. < li pMoa Mr. . Faim nte Lftdasy. Ma laUtowoilte IDowmamvil. MMra.MoDOOseil sud da"Ihter to Mr. R. G. McBurney to Woodatook. Mr. -T. ColwIll to 8owinvlll. Mir. T. Btebnoeta Jordan. Min Pringle tci Chýathaut. Mr. J. P. Plus jpdmath.,, ta Belle- VI* GAMA"A 1 mudlmull Wvhat uslghtbavtu prov.d a 'vfty sSm o.affs4 au rred ln thse îown hall on irdsy veosn durlug thse pubielo lwary oanoert. A. lamp la tWs rob>m belou the &tae expodd but before any other damage wau dons, Dr. C. J. BrOdis CaUgiitithe burnlns lamP sand oarrted It où-tsi4e. FtttuuetalY vcrY Loy. If soY. lu the. audbeuce kew what h'iPPeued, s. tise curtain wusdown, and eonsequeutly a panlo waa ave:ted- WELLRIKNOWN IN JAMVSon. I s a b d lui TrWw serons, &use"q aae.igut vchma 115a ,Owtai no WlIB*, reI............. 7to*u0 a sprsng....... e oum ............... i4m>to o « . ....... .......00 to 1 80 , Pesa ......... 04 w"e7< ............ ...o -t.0-âg Bùok WhestO-O* to O4U .......... 0 3- éo 0125 i5 0 o - g 2su .............. 4 00 to65 0 'No.2.......4 w ,><> 00 " N@8........30 7 0 ...............00t 70 tl............0 FLoux AND PERD. Idlor,pftose.......240 to 0 Çoneal. .l"... 1O0to 25 "tl0&1.................. 2 00to 2 4à #hotsP«ru....20 00te 5 00 MUT* WOIW MT N fbquart.r per cvi t, Ivve lght, bat. lutton, per lb .... « mbr4. so.......;.... ogilit fat..é- oga iaavyfa..... t rl........~. ,per donue. ...... otatose, per hi.... liay, per o S3traw, ..... Teseows ........... TaJow, reuorer elb. Lamn iu. bi, Doc. J.&0ot Wau lsY 1. C iooei hb 81 WADe. 7t Jeud'. l Wih 01«14 tMay à$Â Oeii Rpt. Je o.2,Ji.u~ 8 1 nîyIOahrk'J..1ti . i-PRODUCI. P25 t. opn 500 ho a &» 0090 0 <10 3 00 t. 400 0ou to Sf0 0O00tr 570 0OCO -c574 0 10 b O ois 0O Bt. 01 0 n t. 01a 000 go Olt 0goose o 00w030 Q 29oùto *ou 08090 lob 80où t. 9 o 2 00 to 300 100 t. 06 t. 0 lot0 ou 00 38, F. APaIL Flrst and Flnest tbd id f, -1

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