f Stop Tt ouk Cure -Tha; Cod!l WILLIS' Compound-Syrup o! White Pine and Tar Cures Couglis, Colds, Bronchitis, throat and lung troubles. 2.5c per Bottie Je E. WILL1S Dru ggist Brock St. Optician Whitby. Happenings Laster baté at Roq-s Bras. Go to G. K. Tbomn'sl'3or wall men ;te vorkiflg togothcr for thse propooeti deaorontiatiofl on t"selât of July.i ehe-einfait'L h.Id of Mr. and Mrs. Ted OCenOT ied on Muniay froin an affectid-a of the lxcert. WILL P1EMAIN IN WIIJITDY. Mît-s Morley bas dcck1.ed nat to go ta the NorthtVlst, a[Id ssiI! remalin An Wlstby andi coaduet her milllnery bueInes%. ,Orderfs viii be ,f illeti atthse oi elnd. ntxt door to Wçs.terrs Bank, Charle Joe wlimeu te warn ettiens ne t te&ive laontiry Intendeti for hlm to anyone cse, as ha colleces al bit; own Isuisdry in peroot. He han eut of bis plg tai) and wll seon 'take the oxtdh amsd becuinc a natural. lied Brît-is ubjet. Amc-rtcan Yeleow Corn, No. 1 qrality, perteet cund tien;, cheapeat feed ln thse market. J. B. DOWNEY Mr. ]Rober-t Reaci bas moveti loto tOwn vwsthbis fassnly fron' the tewn Une, takl.ng a !hotiSO On Dundiis- St.- %sest. Mr. sksd ;s Ltzaving for 'it. j wct shotrtl'. slirr he t-pends the! mossane am a býi'Ider. iiorEL 1NSIPWTWN. 1 Licenm.e Jnhpector Staîà ton lms bumy, inspeetQng the .iiûuhaltelm ln tilt- kist r'c t. Faeh basse anti itu su- rondings nisuht be up tu the r4tand. ard prowlded by law, aiîîI rciborts, iment toi thse gevernaient. FINDALE lSPECTED). Tise Domsumioi (overnivent eçte.m- boat Iispector svas here on WVdnp@s. day and %vent cart>,u1ly over )fr. T. G. Jiicksôn'ai -ew steamer, Erindale. She wsu given thse blgheot ratlzsg. A large fo'rce of meni wert It work thla week re,.moe1elllnig*thse puddle wiseela ln oWder to secrease tise spëed. JOB. MOBRADY DEAD. Jobopis MoBady, a Lamiliar figure -Iu WbItby fu many years, dieti ln IX'oonto.-at lthe bute! of 1Mr. E. O. MeCrolsan one day Iast weck.lieH batiliera aillrag, anti un geing down tromwisa roowi for a glas@ 0fUIs, thse musseger retarratiandi foond hlm deati. Deceti waa usmploW'ed ai tise tanraery here lit ble youssger tisys, anê -leaves a oeù, 1Mr. Ed. McBrady, et Ooà ierieis. wbo cusas to To'ronto anti arrangeti fox thse fanerai- GCO to PrlnîIes Huardwvare. Store anti 5get a Dastisa Carpet Brusis, $175 Pise pupls ucdthéis W.C.1. ieldti tser annuat cocert lntise Musbe DHalom loues wau preaeat, my et whoms were Irons tiseO.L.C. Tb* - ppfla acqlt..t tieiselesvery er.ditably, Vocai ant ilnstruweSttal muplow«vau abundance, andth ie unartimm oo oin- Ici of tise âudi$MceWvasthït tisia va ~tbe beut entetalnOmet providuti by sacons. 'frIe uénsrom T1lumq* vas ve,'y v partrayad, as&i won at tise, Collets. Orders Ieff. st, IW I~chrdD5bookoitore;wIlfIb. aît- teuMdtuk ufflrii Vernon aud Blatt, 01 Man- ,chester, bruughit about 80 ieati of catt4e totown thi,, week. Mr.j D. Trweedie boù&ntI 12 boad, andti ie re.. juainder .verc buld ta Mr. W. S. Trin- BIRANTFQRI>S TAX :RATE. Brantfoi'd's city Irouaurer has matie out a âtatemeflt sbowing that thse clty taxatOe tis aYear will ba've to be 22 mille on tlit, dollar. or .ana Increase o etee IliI. Es ster ties- sp n ng's chilest colora -at Boua Brus. 'f GIL WAWMflD. For eis~al 'tre, pPs yto Ers. n. n QtIl$O~,the New Bhué Bhop Brdek atreet toutit. Mr. 'Fss. R oQI WUvjrsy la tearlng- down the old buililing oir the cor~ner «ast of the armories., It win .b. -taken tci hlmi faru andi ereseffltlUer. as an addltlon to tihe preseot house. Thse ladies of AUil:SaUntes churcis l hoiti a bazasr li the ecol cbam- ber ~r. tbe -al ernooa. and evenlng ut TuesdaY, MaY 8th. There vili be a rummage sale, andi ét thse boeths vil bo founti tise d2,Iace ofthse season, las cre'sm, confectionery. etc. Us._ freshments yull b.e scrved. Admis.. slcm 15 cents. Men'a ho tuanticape - ailths springs sty es, at iotecýt Pnoces. A IL R c»a. SL'ED INSPEoCriO'. Mr. T. G. Jayaor, these Ostarlo re.. î.resentatlve of the Seeti Brancis, e- partaient of Ngrkultui C, Ottawa, tand an Inspector unrder thse E8M Control A-ct. 1905,, wUs in lova on Wédnes. day hIntihe t.1tefest 0(cS'Cd seeti for ftrnwmrL 1lbin isexPlainini thse prac- tical appleution ofthtie Act to seu retaliers, and lis on tha lookout for l6w gratie seed ut ach a Ch&aster as wouli o pi ohibitlci from, belog bold for seeding purposea by thse&0t. H. reports that tise gtneral q uality of tise seeti belng of fuee by tise tratie tis ye.ar la mach improveti. SUGÂR FACTORY NEWS. Tise fInanS Scommtte. 0f tise town cçiaocll met Monday,, .ve4 o cn. sider tise conmumicition-,o r0mtise KOYstcine Sugar CO.. lu regfart toer. tobding tise irocibAons of tise gres. ment tol establisis their beet sagar lndtsstry at Whltby, n<%v that t bas been foud lmpiFble to du go titis masdln. Iêr. Ritledge, thse local di- ret ot ftise companlp. wespresent. It lea Mk'ly that '£ppiicatiab in i s t once ho m"de to tise Ian4altcrq, anti sucis actioni may ho tieternftffeat next meeting ofthtie ceunoil. Andther shipasent of ready matie sults anti pan ult tit;n-'alIthse mev. est styleis and 'aLterna. PrAces rlght. A. M. Rosa. WIND MILL FOR SAM-. Large " SWoOd&tOCk make,gcear- mlii, tu fîrut-elaisa order;. graphite bearIngs. Apply to WU. nE%-potT. -Brckk'vlIIe'a rate of taxatIon t.l year la 25 mA9ils du tisedollar. TM i. l eMetUa4j vbfch was to lie i.ld at tise Royal l1»t FrwLay -Roons uldingu anti Wall PaPer at nlgtt, 'bdti nak tase plae, but yul 0. K. Thoenpeson's Tod'à alad stand. Se annonoed later. Only a few df our speclai valuetow- eIa. 2 for 2 ,le ft. Cal! anti get1 a pair before they al gZo. A. M. 1 TTENTION I tSergt.-Majer Al1awny la recruttiig for Nuo. 1 eoaiahy o-ftise Sati ri- rnent. whlch sèt to camup on Jane 12. E-very yolung Cana&lldn shoelt takc advaiitiige etthla ontlngç,,*hich bffldes tise iottruetîte< tlied sûti neN scenea Prextèd, la better th "n a sprlnýtomeôns. Tise utisorltleu are doing their utinoat to malke thse camp Ilie ,tttractle té volur.teers, and amiieh botter classa oramen. are -belng taLon te ttha front tisais tu tise olii days. A Y.V C.A. tant la on thse grosinds wherc ail mamy ro eeis alîgi to writr letters or listen tW devotlon.. sl cercises. Not se many years &go tise attendanct: at thIss tout vas ner7 alli, býut the Y1fCa.tuel oite Iole pcVt. anti now bave tise satfaotl> o! seelir s large autiaismaMc& nlgist duslng thse cap. Tis e mev usîfrm A* -tihe band wy111likeLli e &long la a few tiLyS, andti ie argt..uajm la wc*king isard te aeire aa mw Ams fer ?&e 1 2 anti 8 Soi t front colSoret rts, ail dsss at 750. and 014cash. Aw. KRea#. à nouait DAY. Ail day Muids> * orrifw MSaretc wînti sud raitu blew steatUl, troo.tise aeotb.oat, andi pbWe& bavm . vt trfts.es. lAnD>jv,*te flTbucNsUF ou tise ssat sida 01 U» . Hes4fltto uShil v as bleu mdowev stre ovra: dther miner o*saezq r But It vas dovna ai ibe hsu nt that tis êe su MdS' bu somsai S# buat. As far ab tise en<Siil sea visitmrppeti bUlIwt -M mrae wu tovardui 1004 a" tSq w .p~ Over tise plis&Mau-jet* tise haniôr Witts sogrSv à a b kta"tsw iul Vt*Uue. MW ~tse"~ beai> a t ber uoeeiegf l % Imei ssblg-l*0 Prof. Duy'buryr, uor>nglgnti, Wvis wi. lted tise Untteti states let year, gslng reclitistions ln thée great cît- I&le wIth muet marffet sucCeda, la malt-. 109 a "Oit to thlicontInent mndt ha. already appeared ila Nw york anti Danton, bo*ug greeteti at each plac vitisfllitbouss. He wlll b. lna TOronto tise latter part of APrIL. Tise Ontarle Ladies' Coleg author. It1eo. have been very fortunatelane curilatinlmfur Frlday, à pril 27t.. j sidglrag fions piesà reports, e iseaOse of tise mont gAttei eiMcttiats tisat b at% cusseA town for ma&uy y5ars Make ySîr caîpets ean s&d frsi ioeklng 4 by dg Dueteu Carpet Brooki. At Pringks's Hardware LODGW WzIL mER'tMn. Tise Danstara 0fet glantiOl un terteanUtse rasti &icretay, r *Mwaro.a. cf TerOl,4t their ou Oâbawa isga ab« s.1»« ltu..au a *llgbttl méral vse iSs d.sbt ibu lis. r"dt. T*er f eu pot. il u ln tare sp ter tse uiet t*eMmg. W* baft vbl~ ors 100.qpar - b»& WAX FI 8pringc Weatber le at hand, and oui' atook1-l now complete, with al Unes of Goods suitable for Spping and Summer wear. Dres8 Goods, Muelins, Gingbams, Prints. Zephyre, Victoria and Linen Lawns, Etc. Dreas Goods in ail the newest sha.des of Oreys, Browns, Blues, Etc. at ail prices. Muelins, litest patterns from 121c per yd. Up. Lawns from 10 to 35c per yd. Prints 10 and 12je per. yd. Embroideries from 4c per yd. up. Or-gandies 25 30 and 35c per yd. Cambries l2je per yd. upwards. Kid Gloves, Colored and Black Si and and$ 1.25 per pair. F'rillings from 6c per frili upwards. Print Wrappers- SI upwarde. Just a few of our special Value Towels 2 for 25e Icft pair before they are gone. And rew o vol III. '5 Cali and get a M.RIoss. pRtoOJClE W ÂITED.' Mfr. E. 8tonc, produce bu.yer of To- ronto, willI ho at the Whltby Market Fair on Fr-sd..y, April 27th, anti wIl 1 b prepared toi pay top prices for butter, eggs aind tcawl. Mfr. 8tonelis plces wil! Se given onme week pre- viomm to tise date of the ftair. DEATH I AT TrII.JAIL. Johepis C. Crawford, aia omate of thse jail, à ked on Monday mornlng. He formerif ca.me f rom Pickering townishlp..ind was at onres an inmate cdf the House ot Refuge, but lof t thert, and wah corutted te jlU. He had tPen îi for sonse tIns. Not having uny kncwn relatives, hie body wsss handed over to John Nott, Port Perry, Inîwctor of .inztomy, to e fayrwarded te thse Shool of Anatomy>. FABM TC:. RENT. On the th (5cun. of Pîckering, west of town llne. About 100 acea&;good land. Good buildings. Àr.ply to W. à . GOLD, Whitby. THE BULIR lMcISTOSH[ MOtNTHLY. The beautiful April nuniber mark. thse fourth tiun'versary eftMts mag- a7ine of "ptctorlal perfection." Speaklng portraits of Princess Ena and i Kng Alfo-iso, and a treutvar- lety of %jews throughout tise vorld, together with admârabie iiterary commaente. maire a notable inumber. Lister gloves-pretty anti proper- at Rosa Bros. DE LOYAL. Farmerassiîould be as loyal to their iskme town ab tue cttirnens nf lt lu tise ws.y of bayin% whal. they cao frouu merchants dfld osihers living ln sncb town. Ut han oftom been very dear- ly bought experienSi to -give ordera to etranters travelling through thse eouMity., o4l. oagucti Loliows, vho are no<t r5OS and'vho 'xuld ncot ho fouod ift erc, &Ws th.ty otten get nat of ;;g r,, pam~ Mr. Arthsur lroutehas biso Rand a t tise Hoesacof Refuge 1fr. J. JI. Dovney entertalnet Tuestay ei'en!og. en_ 1 au 1rH.R. Ccr3m utnor editor of hiv 88ed Mrtbtiaym Osatà tda.y. Ur. Vrak BWkboekwvisebas be, ffltissgat tisnRaI, ltfor bs bouc la Est <fforost bis visai. R va. somuan*etibx M. amsPenne. 1fW. Fe iauavobu u commso 14< -timu W",lb "Ghugu~nIa .t uandnaà , b.. suirà bffs appaîoi04nteSu atbutM itÂo tise Fuir« Sesii daugb1v bave em tg 8omat 4t. L W W1 h et', ALL $AI»TS'CIW!ICH. Iro.nsgrrov Gooti FrlIday - there wiii be apelas seryIces ielt la &il sainste ise*sb. 0.8Ma.m. for chlti-. divis, Il an., ant im .80.. Eauiter Day tisere viiib.- a omnbrai tl*s of tise facU commassalona8am., anti at tih e et01,thie il .m mtu. vise SPNW .Iotterlige Vils bu roistributeti st tissus seiftusalsoat thse 7 p.M.service.. Appraprwt.n.. uis viii b. preshtl b tU»e netor', anti tise aui mo u-w ad 'i bea.tifs Egat.rismnm UiIbu saniu.us.af fis. sit 4#ssla .a imo fj ,Ug vl ha isomstffl CW,&MW »W Rorman, 'SouotisWbîtby4, ?PÂWTR...V. JOHNlaB SlabbatS Senu-.11 aIl L. a aw1 seboola udmuBibl ."a lP. m su ~kud 0. soeiuga ,elck ,uzv.» o RO 8 ZY M. ohn % f 4rvie.. A.* ulai. luOdit.smt&MI p. Mde ?Sen St. John'.oh m"~ Dt, . -X. JV«ffxwIL14Il SbboIOiO.. WeSPSayit Q St.John le CIMsuo P415 UIW, .FAM See the Worldeoly Dusas uC4-CH R E J E pet Brooma at Prlhiglels Uardware C A L E J I 8tore. F rut lea" bad auudry. PERSONAL MENTION Resident of Whitby for two year. Ait work delivered s&d guarante.M L C4È. Farewejlwaa lin'Toronto thts ,ma tw..suhB. Itr. oDabnilla .Peidlng Lister A N lu Brlght'ki. ~~~esater uimilrj-ali thse DMW ClOs. ,imtnekpngqate . in.. aud imues lu @poding the tloau-.tbe naoet Popular street bat. sethe te k d uait std ap week la Toe'onto. In vqeS. At liii.Bloi. piarms iL.h -milt " p Miastrr Eddie Biaylcth la vîaîting at NEWS 0F Tu f CIIURCIIE. Vhawn the Royal Hotel ?JH8~i n e, yua wat«Il Mu Hs allett ila spendltng Eaater JWOrgN foCqr 8. John' w omie Mlh r. As? Do b ro u flsht he curob will ho ft lei this weebk, 1Ilth £ o ak 1f. o. Jobo hu il wtb~ and i yl hored4Y fer tho Lister o- n a..fc telepbobe construsction gang. J whe.W Mims Bdtt,, Os>awa, was1the guest IM1r F. VQ F»arp Win r h lt. Uha"e them et of Umis Downey over guaday. services on SanblPriOM frozu Mr. Jeo a.or Toronto, la sponti THÉlEBA1>TLST CIIURCH. 81.00 Up, but, tag bls vacation wlth tinonda bere. Eetvikesl tuthis t.burcli wllîi beap-lvould 11k. to Mfr. aod 1fr.. Oeoege Woofoid Propriate te Use Efater 000ocmo. were viting le Orilis. over SuDêy. The ChoIr w iI fmî4er spelal mijoeo goneeW lir. Ja. Fegan. has been very - ick- ibe ta wgpriaar beybave uor souso durissg thlls wm& ~wth his favrkite be algpeialn o Mwmst hogv. lieurs. 4Hrrle andi CrM.er, bir r . euvices, u vgiO gtl subot beah risters, P*t Ferry, werie lu t<Wn EstrGade'iu If flOtg-4edvin this wek a.t "Ese ld4_* t-bttrtisaiselewhire. F t RAILWAY TIM- Gol.n West -s.08 &.m Gj 8.05 p.,n. Sund Thse 5.29 &.m. tralo doei ot moraung. WEITET BTATI( Ooing Nprth 19.07 a.m. GOIDI 4 il 4.15 p.M. go 64 l 0.60 p.m. 04 RTAOES. L.mvt.à Wbttby for Ooulwa st 1 HRouiden, proprietor.' Lian, for Brongha.m at 10 &.11 pletor.1 MAILS ARII Prom W. ansd E, 6.45 &m. -Fr West, - 9.30 &.m. au Prom Brougissu &M MAIU CLOSEC. Fer Nortb7 5a.m.- For oui But 8.80Oa.u. W. MEDUGAL PHYBICIA 8URGm G*aduate of Univorlty of Toreutc of Royal Collie of PhYutclans, B c-ITae, TEE .OE"Bin 'Phone 4a. LESAL 0. Ormistlon, f Sofleltor for the Western Bank, etc. Money ta Loan. office- nt Wbitby, Ont. Dow & moSiiUIv Barristers. solicitors. etc. Md Offce opposite post Office. Wb1tbi . DO>W, B.A. T. A.. CMOI Bsiristor, e. Money to a Offiée lmmedtatuely sauts of Royal ont John E, FOrOWoll, Barrister, Oounty Orown A Ooumty 8olieitor. Office- of oueri ou.., Whitby. DENTAL. fisju.Ofie ov«J. auo Eualsms-.s.4, Thée Téiae, Opus ~trdayMaillais