Whitby Keystone, 12 Apr 1906, p. 4

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I *Y~< '~2 12~ 1~ Ur Nul. FowIif, Jr-, bas retureel to the Maqey faim, hav&.g hem o4.. 'talned bore bWr lUness.. Tho anmal burob service in odn.. cettlc*s wth theIi.1.O.F. wiII -be hold -in the Presbyterlan, cbnrch du 93unday, iprili220d, at 2.80 p.nu. A telegram reeeived here me Mon- day anuoumnoed Ihe deatb ot 1fr. A. RcdbertB at Mlm'lco. The remains ,were brought here f ç'r lnterment. The funoral was held on Wednesday.from th1e residence of 1Mr. 1). Holilday. Mrs. lIolllday îL4 i a ughter of thé deceas- t'd. ; . 1 Mfr. Wm. Philp bas remowed ho a farm jnear Locust H ill, and 3fr. John Lewis has takeil Possession Of the farm whlch lie recent7 juirchaped f rom Mr. 3bilip. Mrs. Wni. Fo'wviie and Mfr. John Kerr are qulte ser'ioutiY iii, and their con- ditin udoes not impr)ime much. Th'ît th'ey ma-y both anou be much bet- ter la the hôo)p rcf ail Mr. Pringle bas nmadil a dent for the ldit adjoifntng Mra. Chinr's real- ilence. It lm runored tflat he will ejrect a building on It shortly. Mfr. 1d. Balley and famlly have mo'oed Into Whitby. Ur. Charl ItO err, of LiLndsay, bas Ieen home fer a time. Mr. L. Tordit t lias îeurchased a farm near Myrtie, which hie ill take pau.. geseldfl of next fail. A me~eting waz§ heid on Tuesday vigbt to oranize a football club for this season. There tvaà a good at- tendance, and tha lirosîleet for hav- Ing a giood team seeme brlght. Mfr. and Ifrs. Foster, of Umbridge, vl.îted ai W. W.ard's Eunda.7. Misa VIlolla Phliplap is vltinl trends lu Cartwright and Port INrry. Miss- Bertha Jones apent sunday at Mr. and Mr&s. W. H. Jon -a were la IU'xbridge on Thurmday tat. Mfr. Fran I&Bariett, who has be'?n working for W. Ward, le! t on Monday mo&nrnig for the '-tates. v'here lié has gecared a situatiou. issMountjo.of Haydorx v>isited at F. C-rossmans. Mfr. W. F. Joues YsL;ted here on Sun-. gay. CLAIREXOST Mfr. J. Bundy and wifé have rettirn- -cd holme atter a weeks sojouro. Mfr. Starr, oft'Nova Seotia, left for hcmu> >ith a car ot hornes. He 1bdught five fratu 1Mr. Nelson W'gg of tiIs place. Tht-y slitpj>ed (rom ftt ouffivil le. Mr. Wlliam Mackay. trhol bas been afrmlng just soutti-01 bere, h-loaIl- ed lis car and groîîe to the North- ies t. IWe -.i loin l ln vihing hlm ___ à-S lu 11 ---new Ihom- &WIM Unse d7s. ItteleL k Tfhe rdaors la. a, b" - te D.jw on aOOownt orthe bsavy rae, and tim fre omns ouit 'The Tracy p:operty, that. asmold Lst week was bugt - by Mà&. Nielgon ,Wagg. Trhe price.ibtud vas $1650. Mr. Wagq ln-ten4q goag Into the hors. buniaeba. He' wlu move this week. Graham Brous. are dolog a*.ruahing~ business in0 flac horse trade at pro.. sent. Trhe aId band held an oyiter sup- per List Thursidaiy nght foIr the membera and t!ieir wîves. Mmaris.' ELd. Evans and Wm. Ellis, Of .Whltby, attended. ajnd repOrt a good ime. *A UDLEY. Secverai are preparlng to -sow peas again thia yedir. Miss %,urphy, u of t~'1tvis- ited here reSnOttY. Several farmers here eutered .into the new beef ring at Salem. 1 W'e welecome Mr. Blake back to our ha-mie6t. Ho e i ees Mr. Lynde'à a14d tbeeW 0oi «cotz. Our o»w rchaatr are d ag raahlng wuess. W. ame glad to e eMr. Thos. Man.- deruoeiand- vite retura agate attri their Ilong trip, and hope they, wii stay 'vith u«ê femaury«yer. 1fr. T. W. RcèS la "dqg a ruahing businm lntacorn Lheàe days, shlpplng furt he ariner. Mfr. N. Luke bas bought the stage runing froin Myrtie tu Oshawa. Memars. Quinu & 'Ikiyle are doing a rushing bu -lie n th-* stck lin@. UXBIDGE. Mounday wit suvb a deIgibtfni sprlng day, aâd tiiore was such a fresqh, brtght 3unshlne wbicb made the blo 'od fairlv tlnglt ln ones velus, and made one fePl happy and frien- ly with tbe world .t large, and a3W frlends ln partîculur. that there may be so>me ex.tu8e fur mIe'srb. AI. York, Bill York and lierb. York partaking - ~ ~~ 01 u I.lpe a sppzits01 of the day, h ou.ge. jand celebratinig the oecasloti with ail Thom.o*s Parklu haei rcturned ho bis the. pomp and circurastances ut the home acroas the Lke famcms Heuse oi Yoriw George Mer- Miss Rogers h uimweving frein the Irlck camp aroms hem at lhe Bascoi result ait ber late accident. Rfouge about 4 clock in the after- Roy Mowljray bas bis lucubatoretnon, aid i&s it wai appareutiy a wozk, nd abairadysue fne'iy littie fanilly aÉlLiA, they dbd nuit wotRok n a lasnefnka ý- enern to, reilsh b'z triendabip. and Misse Reddand agnertcamene- ult fthe hoube. George tep- turued roni andwo woer tpho J). epet! out soe>nalter. aud was greetjed tur nd o:uatow trptherpoits.wbtlh- a sainte, iu tie shape of a fiat Tbe L ndoewrf po n uints.re lu the <470.3uch warm and! tooh- The MLwis f ari toeeic tin re- ing affection did nuL appeal le George tehly purcase ar o h. r r in tihe le&it, isudI nstead ct ubeying hely ornaaednttl ear rott ah tii. o'Injuncet etofturniag ho hlm The '%man*&luptiute wlimeel at tt e Ur eye, iË- c cosa the more ht me e ia td noirdymioÎrn oeimod "aru eye for zan eye,*, b> glvlng 1Mr. Bill & spibendidly dis- PICKER!<NG. figuret! *,ti<'. !bis cedoubt' would John Gorman boIt un Tueaday' te have satlafled Bit, but toï maire a taire a poêSiLien with 1the Hamnilton mute listing lir'prem.sli he swuug iteambacit Co. [oa en-ineer. anothcr for the. aide et the face Ihiat Mir. SchellenLerger, of Toronto, bruughl the <runson. and made Little ha@ laimn charge of A. E[owlett'bar- BUily ook as if 13e bat led tLe assault ber shol' during the latter's absence ah S3piclu Kop, the Modder River, or in the Nrtcgî-west- at Port Arthur, or ha'd stood in lIne Th1e rosd through eUt village ah ut a ,apane*re oabe gun. AL. la an present la in a very unsatlsfactory aIder can. aud 13e dlin'h want th"o gel condition. - mb trouble, Dot ut tien, no 13e JrohnIeOGtre. ot Toronto, spent f;unday ah the hcome of bis mothber bore. Rl. and Mfq'i cbrady and fa mily ieft an Wedursday norffing fton hein future home lu Chleigo, f ollowed by th3e best wlshes ofthte;I numerouss trieuda In Pickering to'wnship. On Friday hAst hwd men'frein To- roto wete ta towa inzpectlag 113e building lateiy ried by the. Ben- nett Mfg. Ce., e.'m-'ew of estab- ltamln aanip ry. Th.y bave udt yet givon their a~emsmcn lu the. matter, but thcy écein tavorably -lis- jiosed toestart here.-.News. ISTOU FF VI LLE. The lander suit ut Reem-e Walter Saugiater of $LeuffvîUIe. ugain3t Rev. Alkeuhead, patitor oethléé Mt hodst church, foit- Instatcl didanages, w&às nwttied hy lihe parties after the trial baIl beeni in pr,;ress ln lbe Ilîgli Court for- three da s. ýTi. sut was tie outcouie of the municipal electionis 1-11905, wheu 1Mr. Aikea- bead ciçargeilth Ie dcten, wbo was a candidaite fert he reeveslp, with var- loue drunken tre«a. UrM. kk.hed madle e humble apoiog7, and gave the Croup Cornes Suddenly tallc cough called croupy, and wbich strikes terror to the mother's heart. Then begins the struggle for1 breath, and if relief is te b. obtalaed treatment must b. prompt and effective. Anyone who has-tested Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linse.d and Turpentine as a cure for croup will zot hesitate to pronounce it au unqualified success. It is wonderfully prompt in loosen-' ing the cough,' clearing the -air passages of the head, and soothing the excited nerves. There are imitationsof Dr. Chase's Syrup ofLinseed and Turpentine. Be sure you sSe the portrait and signa- ture cf Dr. A. W. Chase, the famous receipt book authort on the bottie you buy. 25 cents a bottle; family ,"iz, thme times as ,nucb, 60 cents; at ail deai4rsor EmnoBat.s & Co., Toronto. Made iCanada Iv bu"sisM s acdlnun.Tua Lamsa C. 179 long SbesIr-$ .,Tilo% Caad&A. 1druiuUum1otacmbukIt JOU % LIEIIO'SFITOURE 4î ioced across the ruad, but George, noit ho bu gullty ut parti&Uty, teok 4 a Jkid uof îying Iea.ý acro l te road that sent hlm donanoual tours for a while. The 0141 Romians , iooklng fer more ç.-orlda te conquer were net lu qt wlith George liiaktng. now for Hierb. lie la y Anger and more fleet uf foot, soweer. and he boboiinked 4 out of sight MI tLhe air cieared and thIngs buokced nierf. tûvorabiy, or he t ,wuald probably have gat the saine as the other mnewbers ut Llie famiiy. The. sequel, for of cour3e thoere ai- way8 is uze, took pilace yesterdmy,'4 when bferTrick and BMUi 1'dk were fin- ed $2 and cuits eacb ; the other two pu Te rV, aS yS tbas Dx Chue'. Oluntmaia ouitaiu -and abSlute cmisfor.ach 4 bhsdh.gad - pueil timosials a ti*danlj gwsuduail u.k bona wbthsytbluk of it. Toum a' ta = joM bekAf l»M Sc& o à box. et Dr. CI 'sOintm»nt Is ToYout TUEROP[AL FOR 4 if if SMX CIILREN For' It Gares fur Every êSick clui- ln Ontario 11î<,so l>îri-gams Cannot Afforta t i>ay For Tre.ttstae,>t. % The Hlospital for Sick Clîildren, Cn!]Agfc a4t Tort,'wonto, £~alias tu facbrr, a'au.' :notbmhofetOntario for funi Le tunwu'itu the thousand .aok children chat it 'a t'e withia its walle evei-y yoar. The Hospitatl 14 flot a local inititutio 4. but I'g-vial. Tùe .ick 011141ldr.'rn iani. c.till* 111,)Iti the osfni. ontildo t Toroat. Tii. oti 14 in ~ ut n peu'day, nd threcw.ei theTh fia.%t t-hem. were ens1le1t2 44444 4 4 4 4 4 4 44444 44 44 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 44 4 44 4 44 4 :44 4 44 4 44 4 '44 444444 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 i i 2 Spîlo bè feels the ni There are many 1 guish this year's style fi It is by comparinj fine tailored garments wear clothing that you-* of difference7' mean. If youaim ta be W If you -*realize theli ~pprecia t thenew six trom'- ýAt t 44 44 44 44 44 44 4 Trhe "ÊdPERFECT GASO LIME has won highest awards at TorotoEMbUn for the pua" veyeum Wei vl!for the eNgias This make of gMoline e gine . MiuneinalipauteOf< to drive all kinda of ýmachinery.: Farmers ftu"1itia*ml machines, choppers, pulpers, cutting boxes, lo. I> bàl N a steel l quired, it is the ides!pwe. ou 01eof bise «gue iybe mu i V' j- .1 hoputa ai pays olti i

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