Whitby Keystone, 12 Apr 1906, p. 1

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y.iIysohe. Vol iII. RAILWAY TIMB TABL. wmu VUIN M. ini C oth 1I w( rt .e h rie alities, the Vheii wvse il ml ;i NvateI le t-vo rak- .0,l up, but 011](1 like to o! olie. "'e ,1 irve yorx -nt yon1 Lflt luowev- mili v alu e, re re. sseft, cian. Vhitby. arber Siio p ýoyal lot-el 'TE, Prop. inî tuei ia1eauin g nada. ASS. EYES ho leCSt glass eyes h l la.etstock rom. \Xe are ex- TORONTO. ) pInd d;iy ],efop'tlî record for work aeved. t has recoids in a ati lU&tea in posi. or.Enter now 1900(1 POsition ~,Princîpaî WeutSULU&ns mg Eut &66 &m. 44 #1 -%Ob >M. . 64 4 p.u. &-la ..Osindudom. M"&go vauMody 0 NIT TSTATION. .sg tNorh Lb U0&.M. a"Guthet s & .u. - t d.1A P.M. ou Ito p>% etd .4op.rn. il -IL40 psu lesYts WbIty for Oumb aas 10. as. .MW 4 p... Roulées, propim.. [MWM etorougham aS 10 &la. J. Scot, pi.. lieu W. sud ,8.6 saui. pieuWaà &46 I.M q»u,- 16» L. f l*MM M I.* liuBrouga. M 31. MAM S LOSE Fe Nqrtb 7 46 aLIn. Fer Or.bS L» 3.30 . UN* &330 86M. W. MDW E.&» p.M. W..t 3MISpu. Wfet e .00 . PROFESSIONAL CARDS. PHYSICI4 SURGEON .AND ACCOUCHEUR. Osaduat. et unlwesly et Toronto, a&" LCUWtlte *et 3751omilte .1 Pbymldko s. EPOU *Mb. MTus t. U.C, io t Sa idto fe ti. . ti anNa yPui. eiard.MW te m"a. te.M Me »YtmPomUe ontb.O. b.w A' Uo=y CoSIfllrSy, an CliaerSliitor. eSc. Msey te LW* W. mo Ru sb li Jobs. E a.woNIAURE. a « .ora~y eSolmcitr.O=fceSothwn prayep 4"ut tDENTAL W. Ada.et im *#Al'oCbmi, m, A.SIa. sonfor human le. -EECOE-EV. . E WEIHT. W. huinan belage coeOrow Ccd, 19«» of Servi«.Sms.. lgP.. iland bave a home tu mm. Soeb u3p. u. w omidyelng-Payu.>d00r.taken us far ficm or home. Ohoil Mme _____ _____ ob. IWu sensble than tbs Wrdm who st. olms Wu'oh AuUb. kOw wboer their hom la and seek PL . C. £ARP. STUDKNlT WuCILAEGE t ? The v obey their Instinct, and.1 UvBaNo eb a S... ilda.em. #M >iaedsW~- i <u'part. ofdflC4mm to our splrit. m UO.i. al Impi.l* wlilI hring una, w u ~ ý athr'w boube. TIi.re are perfloi DU .T. -M. rFmoTuEEOLLPAMTR nei 1 vt izL i. e Rabbuoti SoegIe-ll a. -m- snd?7p. m. Ss0by tht'.alwa~voi ii b.utilwe oht7 day qeelMM st 8S aAek. Stmsm'seObombt @#ce. sabd out for 0& l lut be. lÎ PAIRPEIZ. IEv.-,IVTEN0'ALLEY. tht w57<of 1ie Crost. Tbne viwS a. 1 m. mm Il 6-M. sua. mttaIl Lu. astuebes. but If wu.&areas via. se mai. Seoolet mw.tii. btso -weS"11 mw5000*l Wbes tbs7 out a stNme wSIUBvlm lhe tIr pto as bler uJttuÈ u ther 0*1 above tIi e jpo"egg.iaâe u Lloyd,,Mfg. Co*, Toronto mâ 'wmri lut : b141,W Ott Wi tu tiiOurse m woi- Masueluieso tàIM&M apeui.5a U» ""Onit gt- ta r«tàe.IoI . b.rt a t, vii Lti tmie ue f iu ls un amM it b wity" mt i l >AY. ÂPRIL 12. IROR -. -- - - At iD. ~ I ~ ~. - - 'B I i meetig 01 Towni @Ucmme The. regulor ameting of the CoW~ re was beId c&ài Louiiay nlgbt. Thi. clexk read a eoenunltion I. frez tht Yiagara Falls Couneil te the provhnolal develogiment aàd tranms. siUe of electric power, stating~ thejy were «ppee t. Mr. EcOulgan, ofthtle G.T.R., vraIe regsrdlng the. frexgbL fecAiitle5 at the Junction saution for reu4detaeto the muti niard. Mt. Fowi)ey sent a coznMUDIcatloD regar ding s0axi matterb la conneCtion with the rroposed sug~ar factcry ut WbAtbjr. ,The committce n'strents eured the. pauage 0; th1e foilow nlx tems- - R. Undetwocd... ... ...... 5.18 Johin MacCarI ..... 232 GecK. Cormtek. cedar......... 221.M) Tht accounts et the fInance ou,. mittoe wero as foilows- J. Meietyre, dcg tans .... 5&0C R.kirbe.............. R. Oke, relletf...... .........84 The finance curmîttoe reportu1 that Lhey had read tbe-resoatOs PaSSed LY tb£ MLIly iGUelPh, and Me coýemded ajirrovai ofane. ThF towe sofl,tor vas Instructeâ to write the Farinera' Ce..operatçývi 1 M. Farewell reporrte4 that 110 bad itude AnquiZiet% towards -what other lèhODIBa113 tiI. Pxovince bad been do- 14g tovarda 'dL ;Star Japaneae tam- lm» fond. and vas pieaaed ta report tat the Whitb3- acbools wete rnov Ui log tla âlne. Ti.he nury strept 9" d Mdbî SC-hueixicontributed pO. Dutferlit atreet 5.et. Coaegiate lIn- On mnztiOn u*tofEM. Rutiedge, ser-. Obdhd bY Mr. Harper, CoL Farewejî a~dDr. Mcornîvray and lDr. lielli- v14we kP ipoted-to represent the WhAtby Boaird a-L Lie axnual Vconi'-en- lia of the Truateesl Asoeqlation to b.be. i n Totuto netwoek. -,Cbutrmu n 3IBie"a, <of t> Finane CémuzIttee, presentegi the followiag jqovta. whucb veto »ad and order- i e& te be pald- 7.R owey & Co., coal ....4. I7#6 27.09 SA.I ].Rose, gouda .j. ... ... L0 J*â O'R1.lL, cloanlrng vel4.00 L W. 'Evans,thawlns pipes.1.00 uis Redois veut linber reaAgnatio as'tocbr wth ii. Mcl chg>l, to tobe etfeot allter £aater, it was ac«qted, and'-aevertmsen swere oreOred to be plaoed ila tht Trorontu, £aster. b. lighs A.nd there waa light,»mno now, from dark netus gret 0f Sadduoean gloooe, ae to man's autt Wh4sn h. bas resched on li.fe's tempeut. nous tide -The western margin of the. great Divide, And inakus with Job t.he quest beyond ig .ken, If a main dit," say - SWhahh live again" And Io,'un anuwer cernes to end the litrife, "I arn the remurrection and the i. f" IJ.'e glorion a un-light gildsau empty tomb: The. risen Lord dispeh the grave s dark gloorn, And Nature joint witii gladsme tongue li jubilant hosannahs of tiie spring Tii .an grand truth of victory over deatli. T'he ic.-bound fields have felt tiie spirit's breath, And Io, the. tombe art opened, and fair fIowenr, Whooe meedà, long hid in dent a.kin to ours, Com. forth froin rnystery, and glooni, and night, Wlth perfunid hipsrTe .oicing ini tie i.gbt, A.nd offering inoense fCm their hearta of gold, Ricb as tiie gif ta of the, wiae men of old, ['o the. marne King and Lord, who lived and died, Whio to, rode.. the world wau crucified, A.nd now, leAlive forever inore " H1e stands And beekons ns- with nail-printa ini Hia hands- ajv ti eaho ['o rime with Him, aoetedaho &in, &nd tino, o'er desth, the victory to R088 JORNaiTON.. Vhitby, Ont. Sunday ai the Tabenalce. Froku Jere"lb 8: 7, Mr. Clouley reacbed a ver, Inat!ruetive and"--g putive sermob on 09 t ominog f ào Blrds." at the Tribernacleo " luday morazng. It was slngularly pprciprIate0, id ctained much ood> for thoowt. .w iad ~we iw. 0 btc lb. rett auto of the roli. me lx tii. sprlng to b. woloom backt gla 1i 'flr-h te a<YmsthIng rtomark blIe abutut tii. uocrrng lesiotof bc birds wh*iebr btlg thon, alwàa o thêLr hom!?. Tbe phuomenon of nhuu'n,-io' tIJbt bas nover «,n explained, but tit farst reomns. t ta atmpljn tii. wls.iom of the. hrda m o*eyla Unir true instinct. Or nude o~f thw.e thina'. cm,*ine lie. Co. regardlng thei £allure tu lAve up 1 li'y of 8#M. to, thelr agreont. Aid. Jackson cOMPLained1 about the. manner ln WhWocile (I.T.R. ieft 111e ,road'q wherOveTr I heY hftd bulit brid- gesj and atptroanea thereto. 'Ibey iisd tahen good ramis frorn the. tov and I.ft tbem lu n a..,mnt ln,- Passable conditîon. The myndcate ziachîno vhicb tuec farmerM- bave pur. chaued ,veighi 9 tous, and caenot get bew the ba» e l n lem eplacs' Ob secount 01 the. state of lbheroais. Bridge" leneinz t Lenome fartas viii have ho be strengteaexdif lb. mu. ceh Db a toi be ot to 1the fatenzu Who have a sLatit in r~. Me aisevuuld lue to meethb O.'1'.R. carr'y o«t uder greeuint wltb tis. teve regardeg lgbt trolght, Wbieii tihe sSth ardrse, Oenol gZ« 1.1 eff at tberUD -$.o ln beleg oternally made. Talybave' alle te, go ail t te way t e 011u.j tOwD st'âtIOn *,o ay for tiht tuat la t . Aaggortx'm OoMM *4ies lurged le .ait te aCeOmedato 'iloci paueSia. fThe DiBYaT t1poTtA4 thaS. ebo ai u nterilew vil I Ni. ceolebt the. tmslht matter, and 11e < COYle) trmmaed to rogulate tbie haedileg <of tus ciaba tf f.bt et thip palet. , l'h. cbu.at n onstreeta roporflI : hlat grRyl v,*beliagreuo'vedfre. t*ewn pircpeirty at the IOC04 and sa-. gested thât t-he grrava el , salte e er mi who ame tue iot i t. V.ariobs oinions vire gîVen as te thé zuanner iin wh'4Cn Utau cAihihe kePt itntho leedu o!grae!rfoa ýfrom the. "e. Code.a. ah the paik eommut. oeha ba la& rut ulffiieuty le pro. IO'îMID teerPuOpè«97 at tUn laie I.oekaboit and btharod" not unu to stop tbom vlp wohted g:l, et o 10 fuac Ia a"tUt«t. Tht vr-lossu* ýUtez* vereo zetr. toi tbew couusj* to -tmu, vtt,4 und tht ecucln jini Deaa"d ~bu tegmala, us.tisg ut u~o. vu - algit lu tii. ~aIi Prout -lIsons. U ~ O~ gmsm. Odklu~ Usa ut Lb. Bosti. osw4is-i., ACharmlngconcert. mIm Martie'e cliamsa oe acbarmlng voeu recital a t -the econert hail at the Ontario Ladies ollego 8aturdav oflng Utbut dueare amateurs, thougb that 41d ot detruot In tii.. haist from the delhtf al perforu. anco. The. eauest appi tfer a sympatbetlo iiorlngf rom tht oui.. kimnos . ardl.y neoeaary, soi oit. i.ut.y osmomd cf tiatir t1aoher ve othe' pupl& 47boy celhUdnt lsp akt lnga a way te Win aul hurta. MmloWk 1'hybou'uet ot Âomesnki prqemted ÎW ber clsa, atid bar ap. *Ith the exçutU, enjoytbis char actr ! 'b.vitl.progra. mm Bulklsrs garaoous reponses t . *the husituet d d.m£«- t* encore. I r nombers verte is &l> 4dtAo" ste U». Items whiob fbaby- MiLs Ratti. gras&. 2. e lett .1mets..... Miss vaune '4. Partsd ..... .......Tt AU -fi*Toi..........Ifardetot If nu Cim Fver marri«le,... mfum MaienumaIukey.- S, idy flurt'ule l b. Hlblaod&s... Mm1. Aider, Jmarper,»Cent u«0 ?r, 7. The Wendpeoier ..,........ isbu Gstrode. Otutt 9. ~%b, iloeGoo Mgb SIEED PEAS PanRe Bd Clover, Alaike, Timothy, Yllow Corn for feed. Corne and sec, us bofore buyig or se JOHOD TOi jic"y SMd cOuootyp Pet ~ahlmg m HOISECENO Housecleaning time i» here and we are prepaped for the trouble with a large assortment of Washboapds, Washtubs, Brus$hes, etc. bom fceil-A fne bambêo handîs.o A* T.eLAWLE~ Ph3ne 47 WIIITBY American j- - , 1 popm er r anof ber tahra APRIL 12,1908 Aià

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