Whitby Keystone, 5 Apr 1906, p. 2

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i \ -~ I - -COAL MIýN(RS WILL STRI K!. Soda Bltuminéu e nd Anthracite Men LtoGo OUt Joi Soaee (ommittee on Soft Coal faiIed te Agree. that tlaey vUI»net re turra t..werk on Monday. A teleçrm wae ment to Presîdent- Baer, notifying hum -of tb.s action just taken, and syizng that a u'ubeomnilt- tee of the Anthracite Scale Commit- tee would meet himain New -York on Tuesday for the purpose of re.opening negotiations. The action .of the Uilit- ed Mine Workeru In enlling a strike in the anthracite fields fiq-a surpirise to the de-legs.tes hore. as early this *even- ing it looked ai; If thrre wold be an agreemenit whereby thev would work thirty days longer, o r mwlile negotLu. tions for a settiement were pending. AkIndianapolis deupatch: Te final break 1etween the bituminous mincrs IfEARFLL BUTI admine owners came ttlesfternofl When the joint conference adjourncd aga* die. To-aiglit a strike order is lMEN SLASHED EACH buing prcpared at the headquarters of PIECES. the. United Min. Workers, and ail the Irînnenpoliis, Iinn., ,1 bfturninous mines will be cloeed after littie t.wo-story, raznshick- uiduegt Saturday urlght. T'here in a ling on Tenth avenue six ( hare possibility that the order may be ian laborers wvere horrit abangêd after the miner& Meet iir their &orne turne between niidni; final convention to-morrow, when they and this morning. Tyhe de wlU conider the question of letting Demtri, Kirle Deintri, Agîî .Uch operators as will puy the 1903 sMan Yovke, Baakon Kapaj meale continue te run their minces, but Naudaba. Ils buildirig sti the proba.biity of the miners consent- hait sa block from ýý, li tmg to thiis arrangement is e0 remrote thre principal highway coln tàat the atrike order in being prepared apolis and St. P>aul, *and . ai tiouh thy hd aread pasedfrom the station of the 0 as toug the hnd aread pasedWestern Railroad. In the tapon the queâ140n and bad decided structure a group of in adainst it. knives and hatchets. Tb Both aidé to the controversy stood were literally hacked to pii flrmly by their positions in the finil mt'n fought among tlhem*el Susion of the joint conference this net murdercd by outsiderà etteruoon, and for several minutes aftcr o" waS at firatst uppo«vd, ~. mnirs sa *~o usreecü noxv advanced, althougli *auch aide sat silsnt.ly waiting for nmre- of the opinion that there oeue to move the adjournment whc hree mnen eHa ag would mark tire disruption of the rela- ccrned in the fight. tien. that have continued with alight Six long knires and a b' lnterrupto for yO looke were found in thue room w Presidetut- Mitchell aoke t Chair- menD giving evidence t hate mmnWlnder, of the operators, and >Mr arîned wiith gmre sort ofa Winadsr looked a&t Prepidont Mitcho:1l, plc0 cu teMfate ,71»UlI Chairman Winder rose, and drs were not.conmittpd f< fsmaIy xnoved that the joint confer. snuch nioney wos found un, eme. b. declared a.djourned witiiont tin box on the floor oft date. Ibo motion c.rrted, ai the foeind a check for 8373, operMiors and mimer. filed out of the Nlcolo, Derntni. 711, boxa ]Iil, after eleyen dà7s of f ruities dig.- ffl Italian gold piemi tumion of the questions on whlch thcy Amenican currency. Sete âhvided. wMe aise found, one hi The day opened wlth caucuseson -th. Nicolo Dentri, i t ren,.in mat o! miners who wanted to consider plete set of vestrnents or a e.quetion of making a. mcale with olio pricat, even to th»é nu1 -Pranei L. ftobbinâ, president of the. satchel wero' found PuAamîoîl Pittaburg Coai Comptaz>y, who bas ac- Greek and French. cepted the minera offer, and insiGs that 4hey permit bte minfe to operate ]POLE'S EMBEZZLE egardiese o! contrata with the other-- members oft he empetitive diatrict. Miasing Moptreal Beokkeeî It developed that Ohio and Illince were' Having Robbed His En almoet to a man oppoiscd to letthug lRob- bins work his mines, the main resson ai- Montreal, April 2--lIt leged being that riets and Mloodshpd Fre.C. Pole, who for the, ivouljd result If non-union -mmcd eai been missing f rom his pla came into district& whoe- miner*, wcre ment as bead bookkepeper Idle. brokers, is suspectcd of At 10 o'clock to-nlght th. Anthracite bezzlod at least $6,2126, ar Scale Comzittee, which bas- becai for- bas been takion in the Supe inulatlng a proposition to subnilt to recover the amount. the operators, forrnaly deterrnined to The company belie-ve, th order al the antbrftite miners to >qtit Pole efnnot b. found asnd work on Monday ,an&- the order wça. to Justice there are enouglh sent out frona headquar.tere immediate. s.4 b tocover th.edaim. Se ly. Ile members of the union are ad- made for hlm, and iDeant vised that negotia-tions for a unaie Strain, who sold a C. P.1 have failed, that the award of the for Poie, la bcing held ot4 Strike Commission expires March 31, anud theft. . ICI1RYO OTHER TO April 2.-In a lIe trame build- Greek or Sieil- ibly, butebcred ..tbt last night [ed are Nkculo e Karofil, Ker. inni and Unica taidal jessthun ngton avenue, necting Mno i itone's throw Chicago Great ie tumble-down afouglut wi-th 'he eix victims ýi(ces. That the cives, and were s for revonge. ia bhe theouy -the police A 1> re are tve c'r Whoe were cou- bloody hateluet wit li the <les I every min 'vas m wiapen. 'The uT>-. The mur- for robbery, a&m ntouched. Ilaa tbe roem n-mm made out to aiso eontained ,s and 8400 in erai autchpls ieiuu« merked iued the. eom - a Grk*sk ('nfh-. itre. ln this rta in Turkis, EMENT. >er Ace !o! 'mployeru. appearg tliat lait week lues v-e of enipioy- for àmcQuaig. bss-Ang c'm - îud an action Cr-or Court to hnt O-n i f brougbt, bacik àavailable an-j ýarch is belng turne H. J. R. certificat. éhe charge of IlIL DIÀMQIND MUKUI<TRIAL Meter of tlhe Dead WomenTells M1er Story in, the Box. The Prisoner Saai the Woman Died After Taking SaIts. Iln 1024, but was sold ln M04 a&d ince ithat time has been in a private colieBion. IAu Amermý" collector recetir oftered e16000 to thue present owner ofthe folio, VWho, however, gave tho Bodleian Li, rmry the opportunity to recoer it for the, sae.amount Hie of fer hlBd e4o until Mstrch 20. The Bodlian Library, which waà orlginally established ln 1445, takes -its naine f rom Sir Thomas Bodley. who collected an enorrnous library during his.Inter years. re-establiahed, tln, library in 1507-1602, and presented it: to the UJniversity of Oxford. It con- contains over 500,000prlnted volumes, Sellevi1le, Ont., dempatefi: <Special.) I 78. url bmus At a session before Chief Justice Falcon- U I O SR K[Sc-oa efn'Its " tfmt bridge, Mrs. iWilliam Henry, inother of M S O NTIÉ anulactontaMd au4Oaatei the labo Minnie Dia mand, said ber datigh. 1UIIPLIUaisa lc MUNCIALOWNERSHIP A-ND LBR terva.niarld wen he RS'>1VC'15UNIONS IN CHICAG.I oI A's' old, and was 25 years old at lier death. uin They liv-ed :rthe prison:?s bouse. O nu Fa I n threed nupof heilv y Mayo DunaueAlnjswlaiuIoammIbe Pid about 20 minut14es after her death. dIset- ni h at srcalyh .or ns e-mie" bPÂT Md a Onenterin- the bouise the prisoner point- ]e . gt ta tbaisca enamft A 1»AuTIfa 6 olo cd t a ot Ie o th tabe ad s id, g. That flxey shoullI fot strike was ,.oi edtoa otJeonte abe ndsatb is only provis. l'lie Mivor also declar- sivesan the »Cor" Mode » ou i "There is the saits ashe ta)ok." larrv cd thRt the nigro shili'have an équal m i e àiy Diaunond, tlhe dcad wiolruan's huslxînd, cherre in cbtairing remploi-ment on thé IuTENATisONlST FOODi died at ber bomne in Noreitber la. after cars nfter the iiJlctizto ofthe a weeks ilîness.I tetcrvtou. .Mrn. Stisan Diamond, the prisoner, wa He tolk!Ille street car in'q~ union thât next put in the box. She %nid sue wast hey miglit continueip beir rganization after the Cam r-s ow.:ucd operated forty years. Wben lier son Ilarry unar- *In anc-ivepr to a r,-ues.tion regarding the I I I IF l ried he brouight lis' uife ta her homt,. They orlZaî>i7*nt ion of tlle pai-eune.ru. whieh for- K L E H I ail got &long well to,"ther, alhhotngh her mer M1av-or flarriqcn dicýrupted. he said son'& wife had a bad t.'rupem-. and alwaysvsichat1. -er razuh to auiie.m had her own way-. Shp tbld of the cir- >hailhrvtorn7e cuintancs o tht dca "-man repaing The' Mai-or Raid tluat his p!nn in treat- to tae Sft e 0 cMinnie put it mwav i n he tes-arr nt rmlin th ildbeA N D Ih adose of alts for Harry. IHa refumed tungmwith thc prene nn emplo ces weofthe b to akeitmio'.Ninit ut t arayin t o eploy hýtete ie s ers-kfte paatry, saving she would take thero in ovr c . un th ' n e th' lino ae alo the inornlng. \%vltieh mhe did. dying in oe ytenuiiaiy n a ia t fA ci wiust d :;ed :e:liatiaery pla MD NB N C an a llsm b strychnine in the xalts or liaving axuy RAD O B NKC n a Ui b poison about the house. I , -Petcrsbur-g, April 2.- Horrible flue pnisonpr toid of bier hecng coin- RUSSIAN DESPERADOES DREW RE- acotat are reaching St. P.terebuac ot mitted for trial in -lune, 1904. on the VOVRAN TREDI.&dga&to&M gth samne charge. uthen she remained in jail VLVR N TRE i. -caii.iu m tvto mn till bbe fali sze lst Ortober. when the jtrilt UInhatng tii. froua Arotie plain grand'jury brouglut in "no bi!H ' The, Employees Fled ln PaniC, But O2e Cool- ' the Ohn-kohiPenunsula, at 1k.ex._ firit ah. heatrd of' thsk pr.'sent proeeedigs 'fAi ot0 -e'en vas a veek a"o. She came ta answer Headc-d Clerk Attracted Attention of tremltyo!A..M t ttleendr t.he charge without being brought b>' a Guards, Who Barred Entrances.- dieci of stars-ation du-ing thie vinter ef conistable.0 Four Were Captured. 1904-5, leiving the inhabitants vithout Ta Mnf. Meredibh. K. C.. Crown prose- i thoe means o! couunicaUon or food. cutor. the prisoner denied ever ptircbasing Kharkoff-, Ruasia, April 2.- EvenMth a Ate iilutAe strychnine, nor had she cu-er 'a lled the more daing thuasi the robbcýrY of the nn tâepast inerof trbe aas womnan any vile naines. The dead ve- Credit -Nuttigil ank st 3Mos-coî reetty and i Oloiya. trbes, whi»nfacin.est&rTa- man ookmalt beore reafast, ahortlv 'vas the attempt made in broad daylighttinaemldncoclau edd afterward taking oconvuainsi, and dylng a to-day te rob bhc Volga Komnua Banki hut no n n iiedbut <bath. Thi> lev hours after. Slhe had no iea t the' byv .seral coliege boys and technolo- çe tî,«che o9,aml turne n-at was tbe eatime of ber death. gical stuidentq. flue outhfui desper. th5ltui ofeandeh ai of saM nuuy ould The court adjourned until 130o this after- adoës quictly îî-riked into the bank wltht mai ts vie amTh dren <sd tere n noon. c~~~~~~~ustomors of the institution. drew re-. u ucdTs rbsnngahrdo _______________voivers and ord,,.tcd ev-ervbodî- to hold tip their luunds. Moth bcenuploYeca' .IDS BODLEIAN LIBRARY. fled in a panie 1l.iz one CCuOlheaded clerk' TO CHIECK SPRUAD ) uttracted ftue uattenution of guards out- Lord Stratheona Enables Pnurchase of sida, who iirnruelately Lasre-d the eau- fM l1 DIft Fis oisc hkser. trances ta the Ofnk CO SDPTOPTS F irs F o io s cf h a k rp e re.T h e stu d e u ts f n d in gè- t le m selv es tra p - __ Loendon, April 2.-Lord Sztrathmenç. ped. suxuabed the window-t jumped out nnid '%Intt Ille C (anadiauii L;"' o> th'etret-, and ti liempted to ef-cape CANADIAN 'ASSOCIATION AOT Coin~iii.,sione.yr liaucoie to the aù' inî- 'd vr of -u uu rfi r,. Otieil C< UMER0FSUGETINS aoce of thelitodlian Librarv of Oxfoîi mn ias rortallv wouuded. FouIr ou tire nM FSGETOS Universitys%%-!th a donation of m'.~. -od bLe res îere vuuptiured. te compl!ete the total muin i îhicb waï i - neofCnvyncs pointmenti necessary tao m(ctre the first folio of The rate oif discotuit of the Baunk o!fitig !CneaceA V.TaguIS Itcoms olermdt7blook.couts tihé worka cof Shakespeare. '[ho folio England remained unehanged to-day, iras presented teo the Bod-lecan Library '4 per cent. -td LII ,.aII if ThisEvery Horne Needs ThsNew andImportant Discovery. ANGENT Greeoe WiI atways be remenibered for the fine-types of - umnhood supplkd- Iy the bero.s of bier battlefilds and the athietes of ber arenas, but stili mare wlid these heroes aMd athietes themâejves be remtrnbered for the custom <b beuMhed te kae g« s cf brafl. g sore and iniw-ed places oni tbe bodies 1w tex«terat eppUication of some seoeet bilanor salve. The Greek chaioleurs dldot emerge from t <bel.' mua ues wltb otsome severebruse or gaptang woum, nd: ad o àmt «charefulaly Wi th*<h'favoit balaiwas m Indispoeeh ofpathle dayâs pora181m. TWtOldRoman ~ ~jkbm«e, too, who -were lnjured by Ure wIld lita'in, lUn'l <'0w ruined Clossuof Bonn, Ied to adopt simlar meth"o f bedinq. -if we tmMavd n bal eNtosy tý -fWnd Out 0*isexternat"rn*bki'bus-ov~k lt abu g Mdsbeb V ad te r 1ab N wixp«. Our 0" F ' -b*a -të a ab<ut - halas atd m un 0Sb ss*tio W fn lut.* kh.*miii.-lsa tue S *0 migno uaâ', cin. over 18 *acom oisasoa MC offce pople, 15 tàs- U cthge eu CL Mdbv Im.,m"" 0" bd fouC&s d«06 end J.d C"l au U&i ÊR KÂIL FIE. tSseteou a «bu »Pacr, Dam pad..'wo.er.We elil mail 7« Mel wsllos bo4 mac sockU. I ,I ai orne M "s [RI ENDS !EN SUICIWD. Plain ln Asia Driven to Want of Food. j1 Sauored with 'ommml" i àu.knesof <b. Ansuo vto t =i 8prtndeIso vs e.a nottù au lege m i"fti to t S o f u wà".t occurred in a fasil7 of theIa. na- bAr tuibe. A mothet ad muieti. .1b obuireu ~vng<d cf hwio e #a f- tîhr, a muvlindaughter =4 a upWmw liVeK ' upon Me .re Ains, am whia twy ve eonsumed the, Latier mugdoeem 16 A Ru«MAu nuanwd DolgnfI, wbe wm to tue a'uslon t. byhnT, s'uLtioa tte iau enlies abu"mt Yukahir fanrlly mwhlle t"lb. IsIt estslng Lb. b.ad of e&mur""~nitio bey, M1. Ottawa. 1.p sin t o! Scbool Pbysîcianu and instructzoa ue no o! Teachers and Pupils Rocn0eae . AnOttawa despab.lî: Tii. Canaudian As- Keefes-, sociatioa for t.he Prevention of Tuber- forth culesus conclude-d ità buainees toý-y curts tue na Smutor EdIword.ipreided. sunday jj 2. D. Rbv, of 1Kinston, sulsunitteti preisehe the report -of bhe Coainitteoe on WVurlt. t-sken u lb gite-gestcd tluat ut the. ea.rietpos-tis a sîble mnomenittlie res'.,pevt4re powes.oft thbe DoIanion anlti mb ProvinceS la thre ImaLter et re.trictive hswâ to -proventJ t-ho *pread et constumlption ehould b. FOUR 4elimcd. 1 .W. M. T. Buc-hanan, of Oxtoru coun- I b>, d-eaired to ave thse report omnedt, A Foi suggesting thât eacb ProvincIal Gev. dentis t-4 es-ment ,ho.uid stnalish, -a4 au objet of thb. beson, a sênitanlunu for thre cure and ng 0 prevention of tii. disaiqe, «ehSei nt>' j, c bouncil baing sslced to .uppor&t 1 in ' j more-menmt, andti tiu mprea L. e ctosity Iiq's t for I q tt Ipo b-#,eywaI roviceial eyr n teg - ermta. is- h I. report wu aadopte-J, %aiud r. l- .Io . dinan'a suggestin w». carnId eas stVour a substantial eoi.- Jti;t Dr. Fagan ubintUd lbhei"p« . ine the coumltte .foIiedhoconaïdsr t iteh lh 1h. bet-a zutans er overemnaig.t < Th, -J eusam ptes-ea.ItW&& poi0w C ot-i*'ms i j as the sputwmfa e!aoowmUtvê-r- 7 an Lit is tola lb.ot dangerm o n su* e Igiving t vWw of the. mr. taken in thb hO.PU.1B U o 14 itadI@uit l e ua £-abslte4 % Dr. Thorbta-zaTOroat; r.My Jchn; 81r JasnG Mr1 3. Pei%. P., Mr. Jeunes Manuel, Ottawa;- rer, Mn. iJM.COns-tue>', CIL .G., k.TAe Exeoub4ve, consIsta of ou Mtaier. fou& eLProvince. limpsonp ef Winai ,exlisu 4pý wàihlt aie,, « ticn ba te cmbat the . ut. piau. Ironincial BOaud of HeaJ&à Md ts truet fuade tovsard. 1h. e««. )f a eazalta-rkm, &nd ltb-.«O ea IAfflculby la raw.anoStier 8me, tolutioei wua movedb>' Mr. D. P. o! Ott&va., and ad sued, Setting -that &U1 tii. dIfmmneo. lui b. &Ppz'eed, vits a vlev do &m4zu « au eont-i-tuboeugsi yl,, seranonsW=u14 bho id on tihe subjeot pmd, d*laetioeu Up lna furtihorance o-tr. wcrk -of KILLLUDIN 0W. DECATIES 1ROX COLLI8IONq )r Williazm despaýtel: Wo mos. à, trains oceorred on thes oh sMd IL P. ea.*ly, yesterday morh- 0 ith -fatal ,effults and -~otbec ly damaege to the passupwr coa.h, Ch the. ;an.ngors escajped viia9 miîn report tit th ii.<A-t ocurreê sldlog met ofchapteau, wbere a- train uung bst>'inlo a f rom. WATCH-ý FOR 'Ic- CEYLON-TEA a guarantee of i - REF Black, Mlxed or Gree BL Woi "Ah! mny child,-don't giveu whims. Sure you'1I haie t svhoie life teto-a-taeev'ith' il' 9ood. Make much of là now, and l'Il not fail to be morroir uit texu." At the other aide of the do congratulating Warng in 1 and most cordial ruannner. 1I consider a great deal i for spîiting you up, un>-dca tbing venture, nothing haste- a pnuze any man nxight be pý "Hai-en't 1, thougli! I, right ma n for advice. I sa>-, Yeu be my best man?" "iiOn afraid lIli bu ha1f-v when the happy event cornes "O!wc are goinug aheàd rate. We-or Ishould eay f ix ib for Tuesda>- fortnigbt.' "Sharp vork, eoh ?" liere Mona returnedL - $1 do not think my _grain corne down just yet, CaptaiI "Sorry I shail not have - of seeing ber. I ahb.l b go la about six.veeka. anad I bu Peris to se. my uister, eti talk fiowed on mn ordinary a tew minutes, and thon I tane leave. "Should I not at as Miss Joscelyn," ho sald a ber band," you.viii remeunI have my>' armest good- wis] happincas. I shall pay rny Mrm. Newburgh on my rotu don; se good-bye.' Moue fiu.zhed, and paied "An&- I wish you ail -poua so good-bye;" shesaid eclôm Wering, in his gratitude, hlm downstairs, and -bid h *ive. fareweil at tle hall i ing in high gIee te Mona, IN ting nmre MOrOecol on th "Oh lot me do that. Why, hi.. Isa't the room hot-eno I'Grannie viii be down-si ner-jr f mals it varia." «Not just yet, 1- hope. E other I nover -seem te gel alone villi you, Monta. i sece t-ebelack o! Liàie, thoïi capital, feilow. I don't ->c U1ke-az efU vbette-i bût te ti ow happy q juot nov vhea I came lax; lookiediu if you ver. g»4d if I thôught you vers gclln of m as I amu ef .you, vhy, almaost offt My hcad. with Jo3 "You are tee gooci to-jn tus-ed, sadly, -for, bis wo-rc touqshodha,. net eau. mucir for me nov, o hoDe you-vQ*I.Gve = how long, md -elender il te ot dé. muchvl WthAt-, Mmu you& dumi.&*&y.? Hale,Y'( alpp4-eff. 1 dont- 1k. t! for-luk; ouhave ueveý g o»Ids,and 1have dreamI - - 8o--juat on. màose,-Mene. AxldMona-of er" at- ,«&dMlth. manvho ha Siyg wholve. b.art--compe1led ,-be he ple, fair -face te htm.' =ikà,-"" i,à aghi n ha E I u.ay - 4w. umalsalfi. niai ssteabkhqp.wer ~a.as* rq*d w aiseégli fz.ama - * ~.w. 0i ~q jbuhsiusatamm N. ~ ni* 1aosel aq' usa~e h la b @Bamoum L

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