i i I Cure 'That îCoId WILLIS') Compound Syruî of White Pine and Tar 1 Cures Coughs,,ý, Colds, Branci tis, throat and luing ,troubles. 25C per Bottie ilj Es WILLIS Druggist Optician Brock .St. Vhtby. ~County Town Happenings1 floom MouIdings anîd Wall Pap)er ai . .Ttimnpmon'., TrodIs old stand. aeS'3!!tcj b Ii)y M :a Mina 1I-Ill ~ ilb, %j ho'ld Ilhcr annuil cetnceI t- Ina thli à lusie IF Il on Wedinesay enenin g. AVril 111h. .\duijsÀion 15C. At L-1 71 n4k,-Larag of tua Osh3at'va mii i ug'a efortt Io exNtr'iad tic a rd- ars i,!(Isha 'Va ito ai'ir. ta ric.. PEBATE. Somair Ihînu. ago tiae Ltcrzary Sxeiety oilta O.L.C. isaýucd a challenge to) the so.wi'ty of thce W.C.1. to a debate witla Lwo of thr n emnbers. T he gaiilin se has lc-ia liekêeti Up, '111d two young1iadaves froaxathelacCelegi.ati' ilil holti forth at thc collogri tO-1 iaorrow, Friday, naght. ilOUlt'4LTO k1ENT. Apply tce A. C. Wi-soin, Duîraciq t., Whîby. A (HANI ON('PT t'OM1IN'C. lislî anc-t (i;aeiac >SOflg, %ii l pa 'tho 'l'tWc -.f' hc're' anmi r'. yA' lan-drcecd lY ;a'. ,rt;sl cof worbld wide cut'(I couflT,1 lY w i l lm, foî>ed ln qt lac a -a futur w a..iauiaeîaa'e .11 nthe %iinity 'of &tlonburgti, as i v ry rIck bd h.îaq i csêve. a t. the' iaend of the a]cuit,.nt; '.,,r(r oaa11w la ine or o !vrren t %<>11< ry C n il '\tLjj'::ý No. 1 I)OWxi-: Aaneriran X'lic>w corni. qual!tY, lc'rlkt t conLi'Bon fed ina thc' raarkt. -.l & Ir,0. "GO WEST, TOM;UNj AýN.- -Mr. altycoiî Bfac iotl', ii ohas laceran liplo03 d ina l> ia.in-hrg sinssa i 4 i -hNI. 1cehMlayrh FAIllI O REM. On the 7('b: CGin. 0fPkeranw, w est ~f ownun...Abut 00acwseg <cd land. Oued luldlngs. AppI.y te Wy. 8.GOLI)t -Whitby. BrcÉkvllo Schc,l ïcards -have de- elded tot teaeb domestie-, cIenS in the public schobla. WM. GJ ~D Friends of the Guy Bîois. MInstrels wili mis-- one of the COmpanY on their next tour, in the personi of Win., who dked, dudclenly at h1à fliome ln SprIngt1ied, M,,ass. Mr,, Guy, 2.i- though blind )or tie Pasi four 3years- travec1led wilithe hecMpany throug h. ont the seasou, taking theè part of Ione of t-hp end -men. White and ilar<red sale. SI per am-e box 6S Whitby. riock eggs for Ituttan & Hall, befdr 'tue Caudron' -kiidà jnltgllr answer to ai <fsfe ueui UOWl'l -TIS ]FOR £&1U Y? Thle Clar0naogt band gave Lbefr firat open air <Onçrt for thie season from 'their baud liatd on 8aturday Evenuing, Match l7th. Wlieo wtun 'hiltby'a bandl render a programlmt' from their znew band stand? Go'to Pringleb Uar'iware Store and get a Duatiesa Carpet Bruah, $1.75 each. . ]FNONED 'CELLUST. Mr. Jin MeLlnde..-, the briUlant Scoittlsh 'elhîst, has already galnedj a Eurolpean-anti kmtrieun reputatlon byV his a&teziy PlaYlng ohithat most - --.- kfal ol isrnp .lAIt osuîÂvA WN-p~cjry 'celck Ieppearo here with the May&r Fowke has been authorized< Jessie MachLjchlan Concert Con.panay to avie Mr Aradrewv Carnegie th-It Ou MOndgý, r pl 2nd. the rntinclipatty of Oshawa will pro, .4A PIACI'iCAL EXAMPLE. vide the liccesary site for a public Port Arthur will 1.1118Year enJoy ib.rary buîldihg, and VwiII guarantèe the lowest ti rate la Its history ;naflaiu al Oaý:penditure of tweîl' - 16 MIS. Ttà Lis rate la struck ou h'andred dollars in favor' of the Il- assessment Of &Aj.andiIs matie hrary, proiding Mr. Carnegie wili l posible because Of the .earnings of contribute tweive -thousarad dollars Ille pubie franchiscs W1110 show a for the cohstructîo'i Of a Carnegie o lai net prefit for tiicc yzar Of $23,. Iibrary in Olawa. 11- DO0,1 -vig i et nort t ON TUH lias ticket-be raised '1)y c-ucraI wu*, af 934,190.- P.- en. 'n, hitby,batik- 40. The e.,ritin.g a ac divlded amnong cd thisa wcpk- franchifes thu.s: Electrîc railway, ..- oct ~profits, $.a 1,e>ectric Ilght Mr.s. Scle to GDctrd M. I13.9:37. 7C; tclcPlioine. 5,1.0 Mr. . Mechrai'to ilfrd.Thes& figures ar eafter ail expneaem. Mr. a i-c MoSosk.to Ind. ncludirag intcrent andi slnklng fund. W.' FI. BPryaii to Arcula. ' 300dea t.'ý elta 1 moonrallway a re Mr L. Chnae tc> Relleiille. aIlo-%wed for. 1 Coi. J. E. k*ar.eweiI to-Pcterbero. WIND MILL FOR SALE. Mr. Cox to M7!naîpeg. Lairge size Vtoods'tock mak,. gear- miii, In first-elziss ordier: graphite NEW NTFRMS b<y-r~~, AFpply ta' .NEWPORT. Se.1 MiJor Allaway luis taken ii WANTED. 341h uregmental o ate, an rôt h e Telephont* opeator for night duty. 3 4 t h r e g m e n .il b a n d a n a e w is - J . E . W ili1 Ii. 3 , C ta c ru i t a n di d r -u g g is t , scie of unlforins id 'aieltk>y e on Wity Iaand soon. .and flot before Lhey were Waty îaecded.TO lIENT. Brighaton -Sclool Feard lias lnrea. Thc shop opposiie the Royal Hotel. cd the- salaries of thctfaehers of the Posmession 1skyL ,. Alqo prcmis tilIe s rch,ol -hoP.A master by $100 Oppesite Whýliby iaoL,, office occupit-d and ail tue ..3rni by $25 each. bliy'tr. and Mrs. Till Pos"ýesr-ioil .p- 141R LKi~ANiVESA fru l st. Appto 1-1 .Stephenson., i1~lz MULA&L.,N (OMING. Monday w.iS tac i.I%*ersary .Ccs4'Mofci~nwl e ti. he f.ght at Dack Lake. N.W %.T.. -in Jsi Mcah-nwl ei ht the year 1S-85. At thit turne 1ev. hy ov Monidy. Aî'ril 2rad, and wiI A Il. M'right was in echarge of the thieSottish songs ( a l leh she 1sf niala Prince Mlbert, only. a lhc~ best luterîreter. %,o singer lias t -&art distance froîn the seene of bai ever been rci îciubered as she ha,- I3er -,le, eo ls anid(,Pd tha thim de<>a(I lciMararacf: sacre t'ý%o years ago la %mitre hîuried at 'the mission, M r. jst! lfiesb to à l' who li rti lier. She Wrighat armsing Ina prepartng thes lm 11wxw rturriUig homne alte~r a tu !s'4cirrs fWi their Iast resting jplace, ù(4 iitlp..r-llcd- ucmessea ii n K>w Zéa - and eoddurt'ng #xrv.ies over the land andi Arstrailia, ant i s acorn. graveiq. le;.n.ed by Nlr. Robert Buchanan, ber _Xrthur Yinrk. o! Whitevale, î. pcired before ,POIICC Magistrate lair.. u"'r on Saitcnclay, charged i wth ap-. aaauttL on Jis mitefc. He wam remanti. cd uintit 3lst for sentence. Il ap- î'<rars to b1e .t CS caslling for the attention of T .1. J. etio, the Super- Sn tendemst for icgccel Chldren, jidg'tng fromuic ealliearance of!-the 'ri.>-r rîa'glée<ted looking littie eba p. 't'hca 'acre at itlhocourt rcom. (',o 10 G. 1-7,. Thonipeon',3 for %vall Pr, per. NO J 1C"NOlBAND). s;tau o he Ltnci o!ftde Goverior- . ccr.lcFtm' I GuarIs ait Ottawaî, ;A1 itirickb.ably a1îji,îy te attlxr'gInenI.. ,i )iv dac in Lataa. 'ie band shllI nuLn pbsy In îîuifortu nin Pl ure lu anjy ittilaic niLcession carrying a fias dizit ticies fot curry a.iso th. Canadj.. ltushad, ar~ Mr obert MeLinden, 'car ofthos '~o hertihuis~ ~ They paiti a brie£ vîsit to, the Tomiba, forer otr. hity s t li cmph..but wcre soon releaseti and Iaiapectod fc>r tn 4i, t o u r . Wnîtp la c e s-t& q u a rî ump M u- menleti on havung this ctrnlnent singer -<> udo Fne Ara;Stock Exchangcsmu at ber qcoors, andi thç usie loving 'NauraOfl hlelttoyMs -; m; Zoelc l [PC-op1<"' WIL DO doubt gliadly embraice aul-Iitn Maem Zoogc, !h!c appotulryo! carng111 woldGrdets; Cent-iual Park; Whlte HeluseI rec*nvnd arUs.'tia Ot aili uldng-whieb nbu the largest sloSa likcly thef.. iq> sace o! auy bufldng in the 1rM fordeti ..;,tin a! hear'ng ber anti ber Uo budag2 ateshg; C(YlilaalV fo ~o.n yarsaIleat. Flatiron builtag; TMmes bufling-Si; cOtaPziY. or s ine yea s at leai u torles ab ve --rouud, anti se erait' ("01101 LASrED 3 MO'.THs. it -tà rbuie.jlow, where tbpiy %*tnes- I waam taîkeu witti, a êevere coagh 1 cd an iltiOnl rua 'off at the rate :)f' %% hicli Lstctithrec Ifontiis, 4nd ai..100 *copisper minute. They at lho'aagtî Itraid il sorts O! medUicin J speut a bo-rt tie aIut c-A Pe 0110Y faleti lu do me acly good 4 Gaduiate Ut*%PItal whcere Dr.' Davey fi en aigdisttN4el sc cd.Dr. Chbase's of Ibis towe la locateti. mTby rodej -iýYrur. of Li»aaceetiandi Turpe.atine, aint In aubway cars urfaeemmrselevatati 1 iu ta onllîdetp el. ctred by lieubot-ear,-and et'ea hcse .aris, andi 'ier tl--."Mi~,Ada O'Blrien. cape (ce 1hastiSd *bouzt the. clty by every conf- (laPe .O. Qu-be.elvablo style 01 lo:umO*ifl lr (laspeCc., (uebec.Sa'rby als» lultuad tomseofthe lge M1ake yoir ecaupets Clean andi fresmà <~ ure on e RAILWAY TLfi WHITIRY M. Going- West 5.06 a.m 44- 4& 8.28 a.rn. id di f05 P. M. 4 44 8.05 p. The 5.29 a.xn. train doe. mlorning. WHITBY SI Going NnrLh 9.07 a.rn. il 4.15 p. m. 6.40 p. M. STÂGI Leavca WV1itby for Oshaw Houlden, proprietor. Leavez foi Broughamn at priet-or. MAILS AR Frorn W. and E.,(6.45 amn. 14 Ws,-9.30.a.rn. From- Broughai -MAILS È A most-completerange Muslins, Vestings, Ladies' Suitings, Gloves, Frillings, Gentlemen's Suitinge, ofL ail goods for Spring and Summer wear noy in t White Muslins and Vestinge from 12je Dress Goods, ail kinds and prices. Gloves ail kinds and prices. Black Sateen Skirts $1 and upwards. Ilosiery li Cashmere, wool and Cotton. Mens' Côllored Shirts 75e and $1. Men's Gloves Unlined and Silk lined. Men's Hiats and, ail new Spring Shapes. Factory and White Cottons ail widths and prices. Linen and Victoria Lawns 10e to 35e per- yd. per yd. Up. "T Andre w m.-Ros-se CHARLIE.JO Young Canada is iu¶laty on the First elh.nd iaundry. loskout for asuekers, and the baraka Resideait of Whitby for two years. of 1the cà 'ccks are l4elng Patroîîed Ali work delîvereti and 4aate daily farcrr evdences or tie apfearanco' o! this eariy specilmen of the fînnyl i Dundas St., Wost. South Bide. tribe. Utbrldge skating rasîk clcsed o S e 1 e W r t' i O I D s sa C ar- the seasoM 011 M o îd , t1h th e frat pet Broom,; at Priragie's Uard-vare ln atteuttarice. S t ore. 1 1 - 0 ....hg -- . .- Here *s a tr ea t 1Mis Jeasse Mac.. Laclîlan is comuçig V) Whitby on blon.. day, April 2 SE.EIN' THE SIGHTS. $opt. Sasby, wbcal as been visît. Ing ln .New Yotrk anti district sur. roxning, lias roturieci home andti is again ou duty. WalIe ln Ne w1 York, hie with Mr, Ândiew Roms, who' s also, îisitAng there, spent Soine time taking In the varlouâ poItnts of il startcd fur hp caîdîtw est ci a.alocaalenstgo, ti huob A Vrz11'4 Hardaar -iîîg fer Rt>V 'de i experience ,lak Tai Ucqilthe' part o ie s ai I41rita t l.'c.rt Wîii'u, the regrinicsîhal authaa Ites has'arWue bit c'apects to îish (orwvard à .9 r(ti of th e 111e e1iement a hé e 1 ?CHM v&nJ.I as Wiiînuu'-cg &il d shcart li1me. fly.P.lrekaiXîarotc, la which no eIecu tWbr aeblgj ni&nd îla- n aj' iencohaîîic. and i lI <à tinfui i.g "aà carrleti [n lb.;made awaj'e U Ite tct Iat wair la' niake good .vl(cr( îe otuie. l'a"sco The b-zntim a.cer, before I ketb'ed as1mécW thle Cbiuano aednî Go to G. K. Thoiaon's L'or ivh aepll ~i I~gwnt ten-i.o! Whbb by uuhbe Aodteo t"_ papr.(pire il flagai or banners zare bto lie îtylng tte auhgi ttffl Wçrk oft 11e c.arrieti. 1It liuaY are, tac 19 Itumake frempectivelaündi "#'>aIa* Ùiat Mue-. WOMEN $ tXIL.IIIY. isrê thât thp Utiion Jack Ili te b"- 11f ywuk cr11l e preue o s Thu W. A. Blei or a,%IL, SaIntb earrIrd before agromnig tothe n-ics i a hr Ncguir pIa.LtIsnwe ichurch lairdti ilsear .îralin re.ting un gaigenientIL . $Iim-ir ni-ers vere j». <oe* t-, %%ho b4 l w'u.rbmd4 Wctinsdayart.swoo:. Mrdi 21,sL, l tir-d to ltho b.indaaaatpr o!f c4r&gùdisies durtng - tii, tét r' thé ShOIOlùtI .. Tllvrc 'a'as a Tkcof Ccric'aalid Own Bihies. ipi awltherrýýbT 's i tsikd for tbl t*<>ô(hws~t. ýa'c flac r.atfy1iig resuit for the v IUIP*TO. dsosou i'~ i i~;Ie'l »WAr*'01-ok. Iîdwd~Ccaa>.cl I oiM. Jno. I)rytkeit. former Illai ebt o 1e aiop. Town Ilife w4 lie iicanherus Ici tvar h witi eýçtl O;f Agrileuluu. h> bersbcréd by eut t auoieeaigifoi <hss'1Je4 'rià tbthogh t1xi.cî~ent yecar. The Ith ippü laI4clt(v'ecsî IJr. êoebJh Mgsi rectar rendi a -tost ar.propria le por.. dca>rccivert an. cbMeruaim treunLord aguvýRiaîýit lau»4ty w roud4e~t~ _lOf o! crjtUîe, XC(41:22. Greal t th cein ,tfkin$c bâtito aco.pt oacml. ad evaa & *U te uliro Waîa~pÇ 'do!flsaving. Iést POritinon li. floaud't tCo , slo ý%heu ý ê L, % 1op -t'Iluip thoyëxc-r by rt-rnoval f rem the te enquIare Into Lhorrt alecol-ditei4 parili a Mî. T.awIçr, l.ialce d1ilon e of s~ DklI ryden lU h olaâ*faý~ -*ot the [al t!cil prei'drn c foer , several a<tVepted lithopeuli>u utiou *nd wiiu .î. Oltm cu i yc'r$. Fomowilng dli te lisI '01fÃ"fô!.. <4rIY I le Ap1U, Ildr,4 le4 n b k '* itrsfor the yç,*r-- , 'kld MIsS » I5O&. »Z<c 0"1%U'* r,) i P ~ d e t-: in. O r c N o p r t w o re t h y oar k . w t 1 a 2tit Vk- '4tkapd,- ccn40l.n 'im' 1 '~ York wbftre aqasco iathe deutreti ci. adt1Out bottS *ad 4 m e s51Jla-4 ed obie aboya t" i.stber -p~art tu bttir stogimelu~ . b i. turalu enauiu- e h. w *»s et15,00e boec Pow.i', aud 0.011 utolla i e wi a ii g.aethe o ordet t OUI 'iL ne quarte.rs occupacci by thce cozu.. pany of lthe .34thi regluent at U',. bridge w ieriL- b o e i i to antiad e a ofverco.îîts andi other, articles are miss. IPng. Capt. Charço oUlers a relward for any Irnton that wi lea1d tcO the convlihoa ut the guly~ Orilia la htoi ýuNveý , permanent cov. i craëte sktng rink next winter,ai cyno that will celj se any l h i. trialt. Tile "'te wlll beP 180 100, 1h.- b"ilding IcI be o! Ciemnec>t bOk, liromiiedtit Uihot and <raid batlia, anti aoplic4:a drallage. There vinl bc t*wvy wcaltng roomai, and w rSbkyrccm. 'et will be elaborately fttdup ýand uspd In the aurumer ns a totwn, wuas îcnt4 itb 'le h bffof utItrimony te MBons Jeupe Jmso!Oshima', h>y th1e Mer. t JiratICY, ~ Torecùto, at 12 a.uî. Wcdoasjay mo'iin, Ma Mat2., and. Uthler poit.%, tAs pe I wîîî îak, «p 'their reslMdenci Marth1e old ip 4 1 '4401, utt ew cim erectti 1 <h~n ouCente treet. Al jo je nihln& thC--Ooup[e everyt baOPPIMnan ad rosperltV lin fthe town 'whemr. lIt.Mhison bas be sa long and favor4bly known,. PERSONALMETN- lIts. Oe', or;. out1wgof hsw~o Cils 1,4u1~ur ne lbas On-display over 100; different designq andi ad.. 1ý vt sa peciai NOper cent. discount- J for the baance of tiis You'll naver buy XVateh Chaint; cheaîîer tha noW, qualrty for ciuality, and youl1 neyer buy ta a greater iidvantagetsthan th ~ugh I eM'58LIDU. fgate. r ou iulu xxavest.. PROFESSION) REDIC PHYSICIA SE - ACCOVCI (Iraduate <,f Univermaty of of Royal College of Physici Tn-s TEr.RAVI,ý 'Ph one LEGA D. Ormistc Solicitor for the Western ete. MNoney to Loan. 01 Wbitby, Ont. Dow & MfIa Tiarristerai. Solicitnre. e Office oppn.aite Pott Office. J. B. 1>0W, B.A. T. A.I James Rt Barrittter, Etc.- Mo(neY tM Office iinrneditely sdith ol Ont. john E. Fa.'. -Barrister, -CountY Cr County Solicitor. .'0' 'of Courilouse, Whi - DEN! W. Adi Deftlot. office over J;ý Residene--Nfl. 4, The Tez open ýSM.urday eveninigm ffbbatab SerP!ce-I a.- Sebool andi Bible Clasgat ~Thm"Mdy evenIng OatS - ff.todlà t-T RV .O GRO - .>cock; S" iD."., 7.3( fit. 5t7.WP.l2I. Bu DB. T. 31: - iiLbb&th Servi i il 1 t' g' i 't; -'A k Sulu voliiie 1