Whitby Keystone, 29 Mar 1906, p. 7

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~Ioaty.-Éiutno- ,e ini buYing 0 e t Onte ma heSLOu te 7~Ot 0q &4aIod Li ga p P tel DaiaSS refrtraînlut, ewiI mail yon 3w nuch stock 7013 ls, min.9 U.8S. . i fil Ad$ison; 20, William Clark, 'Rév. D'Arcy Cîsyton, Ksa; 't, ' ntisFella- 23, Fred. ace ridge; 24P W. Walker, TaStings, ôf Toronto, Robert Lt.twa, J. E. Allon, of Moint D9bie, - f Walkerville, were le îExecutive Committea. W iM'orkmlan James B. Nixon. tai-ilP the newly-elected offi. t1affi~ng èonuittees were ai,» thf Grand Lodge adjourned. ùR EMENT LIKELY. cnference Divndes on Every SProposai. uis, i md., Marý,h C2.-After ioxi the greatcr part oet te int scfte. conîmà*tteof et caI id ~inerq of the cimitral eom- oft FOuthweetern districts .te 1 to-day until to--morrow, ver proposai that had beta et h- day by either iide. The. ap arently wero ne nearer t -tban the v vere on Feb. 2, orn er joint conference dis- djýurred. ffTO ROCHESTER. rroi ey Lino lxy Way ot -Lockport. -.", M arch 26.--Det.&ls et cof the Niagara River for a xvline frotm Toronto te %y fliat a. une frorn 'l7oronto rby wny of Lockport le also tne, and in connection with ' it was nnnouneed hcre te- In1ternatianal Rfilway Cern. ic 1 oronto intereste have juât trrýugeniieuts %viereby cars lit4ind Toronto may be sent c ly ie nethat runs frona i -locheter through Albion 11111 points. epera tions ~zfkha'sVegetable SE -n ]Uss Adams. 9 ii and ho enys I havç no fo now.- It lias aise brought .rç. 'md o more; and I arn &a u11îlnever b. wlt.hout a Lyi 1inLkhanV's Vecetable Cas 01e Turner Cured by Wm'a Yegptable Comm l au: reêyears- a!ro I bad intense sl Nvah,.ith crampe an~ Tedoct r prescrbe99 ethiat it Mennt iny'deati vu Yery .disl artened,1 bd f dollars lenulCtoning, bt trOWIng, till teodoctor ms,& bet Mua oPeratlo would esans iRL 1 correspounxed t d nadStoh dvI é .yPinkh 'uecbI - e antcla n oe it istarted n eAl î ýbec toý Î rofand ~u -I flece~d t] fthe tigo tule. .1 kept ou'tadràg Vhs cnd i tee monthe It had cuti;'.. 41 thuanoeratlon, and, DIc oe bný yla.,'nha' 21= adnd wordsIMi»te MiULlela &dznColon. s~le Wual. ýTHE PRINOR 0F TEAS.' ed P&ect$ ouly. 4OC 0eS sd 60e per Mb. At ail Girocers. IUMOtIST AWARD -ST. LOUlt3ri, 1904 Won atLat' '"Couidn't von manage to cati me Les- 1 womuan.' Your conduet in this matter an lie?", lie saîTd, entreatingiy. "If you bas'repald me for al 1 have donc." te, knew how I long to hea.r my name from "It in very sweet to hear you aay se," Rf your lips and to call you Mona. It' saisn.ld Mea, gently. h Elot a happy enough name for you, hua "Tel! me," resurned Mrs. Newburgh. "ls re 1 love it ail the smre. I can't cal ou Mr. Waring anxlous that bis marriage liý blona, if you say Mr. WaLring." ahould take place sooni!" in It seema o strange," nurmured "Hie is.* lie begged me Vo say so when en NMona. 1rpeaking to'you. Hie left me to see Sir 1bc "W-vell, nev"r mimd to-day; may I go Robert Everard, and consuit. with him." en to Sir Robert ?" "That la wel. lHe 13 our nearest of ni "lYou may," said Mona, with white kln in tewn. Do not oppose thia excel- uip. lent young man's desire for a speedy es "Thank you!" cried Waring, lus eyes unibn, Mona. 'There's many a slip 'twixt w lighttng up, him whole face radiant, and. cup ýand lip.'e so far carried away with the joy that "Young!" repeated Monaý dreamity. at he teok and kissed ber hand, letting it "BIe is alinost too young for me." SI drop drrectl)y. "I suppose I ought te go "Nonsens;e!" cried Mrs. Newburgh, di mway now ?"lht sald, humbly, "but I wit.b something of her former briskness. n( ehould 11'k. te stay. It in almost imposi- "Hie must be sexen or eight yeare eider -fe sible to belicve that you have reaily pro- t.han you are. What. more would you ai mlsed te, marry nme, that I mB.y stay "nt?" d4 and talk to you, and will not have te *."He iseeme a kind of over-grown school ls rive up my place te any ene! ThAt boy--se unfinished and undecided. I feel i< fellow isle always came and turned me quite an old veman of the world near out whcn we were at Harrewby Chasse; hlm." . but he isn't haIt bad. De you knows "So mucli the better. The superiorh It va. ha that adviscd me tib try mfY ripeness of your nature wiii give yen , chance with yon' influence over him. But 1 do not thiak "IDid you want.advising T" sad Mona, ho is neomcl a boy as yen fancy. 1 iu an unstea1 voice. know he i% a favorite among men, sud "No, not advieing, enly bearteflifg up! that. ia always a good elgu." Tell me-wouid you tike te travel on the. And 80 on for hait an hour and more. cotinent? I have't been mucli abroad Mrs. Newburgb iwas q uit.e taikative; ee asyselt. 0(f course 1 always go te Paris arranged her gTanddaugbter's future b for the Grand Prix, and to the Badeh bous.hld, greatly to her own oat.i;tae- race-but yan?" tien, and settled the amount ot pin-" ,"Tverytb'ng mnust depend ou n y grnd. xnoney ah.e ught to have. motber's condtion," interrupted 'MOflL At lust Mons. was set free te commune 'And, Mr. Waring-if yen do not think wit~h her own heart In ber chamber, t it very rude-Il must go te, her now." wliere she m- a t very aili, reviewing ber t 4"You are looking very whilte,» he said, brief past. and trying te sketch thé prob- 1 tenderiy, "so I -wilil bave yen; but I able future.1 hope yen are net unhappy, and if there The immediate past was too delighttul 1 is anything more yen wish me te, do, to be dwelt upn, yet it b.d been a delu. t yen wiîî Say 80 V' sion. She baï0 wn tebelieve that she -poor Mena bonged to ry was an abject of tender interest, ef ad-. 'II only wieli you- te go safyt' as miration bordering on adoratîon, teo a sald, pressing her hand te ber heart. "I =nt of wide expeoince, ot acknowvledgedi arn a geod deal shaken and upset-to teste, and behold, bis mode of sbowsugi morrow.-.%#sympathy with ber in her sudden éclipse1 -"Oh, yeef jrnay cerne to.merrow! vwas te pase ber on to another. 8h. bad And' Mena (1 rnay cali yena Moi», mayn't beau but a momeut's amusement te this i t), wben yen are talklng to Mn. Niew- masu19-i hckdan rg ,aa burgh, justSy te e to e that [t her te perceive boy dear ho had becoute. wonld be ge mucli better-if vs-if, that NO doubt, in ber inexpence, the bad1 in, if the mnarriage "vas te take place iexaggerated rnueb, aud accpted ms.uy soo-qutssee I sould b. e »rncb thinge as meaning more thm.n ber inteud- btter ale te b. of usé. Yeu'1I net md, She wau tee p rend t opno think me a bore fer .lnaistig on thusi hum even to meef; Ail ah. cared for but it would really b. better, puttm*1 My vas to bide the 4epth etftthe Impresioen feelings quit.eout et tbi question. b.o bad stampod upon ber heart-to make 'Isa le gded by what you. and hlm beliere that ih., tee, bad but arnus- Sir Robert a Mg'dlng tbluk béat," ed herseit, and that ah. was quit. ready -laltered MeU*a. 'UIam rald 1 must 90 te seize au adrantageous opportut. ma icon t.rore ? Sked 8.as not revengef ut or resotalJZ irMn my 1 coe t-rarro-10 asedgroxmd te the duit ef mlt..Abaioemft, Warlg igring . and ready to &dot any expedtiet te bide "Oh!1 at fVwo or tireît' ber gaplug, b=teInwoundL. Thon, as «Weil, Itse. yen are tlrdand ybu' tote ifutures wau ni bt or bigh-pdna- think kindly Of Met Yen u Q 1wlveuMcip-tmd te seiuze outii.e "ot, gruer- ,d ybgforj{u*1autbufl< 0 us affection oet1 e0Wazlng, ae tunu "Ohyes L W AU1 Mo 9c-bý," .IVte oaahuield beind wbieh to b"d Wuùing augbt ber band a&d Ioet4 ber total rout? Bb. thouglit . could. .aerly at ber, Fer eoe da momenti bear VrtLfoithanrdet ber heant fsltted witbluber. Wass ». ouId te freinthe itbs 20m olagte sifor a6bkWs? if ýho, hamas- cauldo of adsf wbb bad eoeut- pzrd e no aaors, lis wely p Mt. pouredonbruofi1~ ed Il the b.deànsd, a"d agaIe iSu(va a onest gutioean; ee ould bave, hetong, eligit fe npud lm w -Uasabo#didor Irther- tet t tue roornbut as a hud" i-né eId"a vms lmuot1 me» ausW th etusats.Z il l tolersbl'Il 11e eld ah. houera wd d lberat«l, e fu)rtbat oe ' amue .boy* to whom Obs feit Wu c ~U ommtte4 brlL it finit* «*royintact adknowledge? s rw flàted to comonte th b e «l* What mu-u-oor guk secul Msinig a tbea*POO bet W er t ord' bert?-Eut thé %0è» pledgm ite ui, by énter.Th ieli, whéa ba hid sstW là* MusVnOttfal .liha;8ehwuvatm1 ~ ~ t<e..~ber m ro ay wed t.lber bld u $W opay 11s dehts, eh. el4 u Wel %Uon&tni&U Mzu N.wburub I seRt MU luto-9*vV . 1ot thatPo«! -oo 1 **1* bvtt ser pItIM <y. I Leslie W.iRefl- ved mak asl 'eOf' i*èkng ee yI t~ ac ~ hef ber; hé O * e-1 I l"fft 'her ia" u«t b- a r A ha . r-_ I, . _ , _! .1 l wa t " 11 Meou n«Wefl, ber a1 r- MYy viti y Ils sthlik. 21 uâWt oel. fl,0tft,4,f# the veil as-talked-about, IA-BLU.E - RIBBO ýNt j' lisant ~- .s~ LE lauberc't ovnber au biot1 r A iled w osto, urane f >n or'a riébIy odovred,,hlgly Oco.- n On e aide -At lavsfor, a11 de;y. what a diaturbiug influenc 6xerBoa on bis beart or cIcuaeo viatever iV vas that throbbe& la mbis dem, ad ternpted hlm te nplesant"- «Mir cf Ipuece Ut* IrttO The tea that i: sd s iracd ts lgbest pitch drn i ait te Harrby Chase; and gs seen-ONLY ONiE BE8T- TEi va w»the Mc oolhded tuai et the vend at, viien the blow feU oune. NovNe- csIol élicie t el"i rgh, which h. kuew meait lite-long t» ofon oel ncludt ela I e.l )verty for Monasvoeleshe net Son tizngle ules et osi, My I hew. ,smd oreallY thought, bow hm could bte hv h hasr tseigM.N etserve ber, atter b. bail cousidered "She ranely pies dovu ti1i past tl*ee :y hoe could disentaugle bnIei fer illîet lber kuow you *re Dore; yen le moshe. vbich ho titwers vea*lng ver. awavye a favorite etfibers." lemmelves &round hlm lu tbe pleuanst, Mena ranig, and seit a message te MM. 06 intercoureofetcountrY-bou15 lite. -Newburgb te thait cff oct; thon Mmae. De- -ne therefore cauglit eatgenlY aSiLu" brisay began te make her adieu. eWang's proposition, and reselvod " ogt îet te tae. n y mmof e àst ne illusions about himseit Sbeud YYurIoUg hei. U itrtore te prevent Moue i'cecptiig the ray do net go avay yet,» entd eliverauco off ered Ioelber. Mena, with suspIcious eageruess. Resoluto as hie vas, boQ hby nature "She doesnoV vaut te b. siens vltb nd cultivation. lie hait drèaded Vhe in- me,» thouglit Liaie. "MlY does tiot that envievw llieiead planned se c=nilY. horrld voman go? 8h. msat 1mev ah. le expected te*ar, agtiou epi, atewy >wever ahe xnight seek te bide their "Indted, dear, I bave one Or two things ea1 source. le even gnticipated some de- te do before I go bome,tor uext veek 1 ihtful moments. Wluei sympathizing shah b. in barniees again** but I vill b. honbe distress, and deploring thbe exig- witb you by ton e'elock te-mornov. Ne- ney et bise ou narrov cirxiunvet,OO, i thing like the eariy heurs for shopping; se miglit offer consolation lu a tender i aud make my compliments te---" nbnace., and a few-perhaps a good "'Mr. Waring," anuouneedVehner, aid nany passiotiate kiuses. Waring entered,- vith au e94er, net te Bien mode et receiying his communI- 1aay auxious expression, as if not tee ation amazed hlm. Hec did noV know! certain boy lie would bc neceived. bhat te tbink. Il. felt alinost sure that IMmne. Debrisay, vho vas near the doon, he loved hlm, and even more sure that mnade hlm o. rospeettul courtesy, and lhe ýt the present otage of lier existence greeted her finit. àe was unworldly aud rems.rkably in- " '¶0 do yen do, madame? Not going, '1 Jifferent te rank snd riclies, lie ceuld i I hope, bec-anse I have corne lu?" lot understand hew it vas that shê Rer. hoe paused, for Mena turned te . ila ing readily vith his sugýgestion, hlm vith a klnd, 'welcomiug smie, I Lnd va-s lantruth, mortified in ne arnall ul h veetsebdee ogre. when ho found that the elaberate on him1 that ho grev psltiveiy rdat icheme of moothi-Zug caresses ad ligen- sed cvuent.y forge to'thIl vas andeu us reasening lie liad. prepared , vas es ot surise took airti nKsud o rnuch trouble wastod. If he bad wîtlu suprise asudctinglatiouî& at ared for him, she could noV b. se g00d vel If Vhivasinf atu;ifg IV vus atn numoredly composed-some rmtingig à ethr eokt n gaurefnt, vhatn wrds vould have escapodhlir'lips, tmrn d ngee atul re s t dI ul Indication et the rage,,sud pain that fI d yonkgereatur. muldt e t muet lie gnaing lber heuart veuX41ha" yg " thidnkganie old 11k teme. Dbi been viible.ay. "Excus ne for a m om entl," lookiug He %as aheuredly nistoe lr back te, lier visitons. "Ob, vhy do yen neîn- te accertain if ehe etilI kept np: g?, Dei? -I dread these tete-a- tete inter- tho saine fricndly eau~ which hlid battfled -viova.", îim. Meantime lie &vautod ini Lodon, But Captain Ulei le a third. dea." wbule bis unele vas engagea ii aniigliig 90h, lie will go away dlireethY.' wîVh the military big-vlgS the dÇWaihu t To b. omnÙZLd) ie new command. It vould b. Mucl bot'- tert go out te Indu'. fiee sud uufet- teret knew Mona, vae unable to ne- A SPING1TlI prh hm. StUR, au edd soreness ur- rounded lier image which was se deep- [y istaraped upen bis mind. He ffas de- Dr. Wiliam* Pink Pitts Make OIllch terminde te see lier agaîn. e - in ed, Hea.1t-ZIIg v Blood. A few daye atter baViuxg calie ' vain st ,rs. Newburgh's, LMele lied Cold vinter moithâ, enlorciut cloe been bï'caktasting with General Stattord, eoufinemnt itn over-bea-ted, hêdY VonU- aid had remlaiued for some Vian. discusa- titateditreems - iu the borne,% lu ti lng plans. Waiking devu PicdillY te op, andinsutis he bol - amp thée hie club, ho fond himself face te fm.iBvÎtalitY et eventi ie-%trong51. TIe- vith Sir Robert Everard. blood >ecomes eleogged vit i mpunitice, "Ha, Lisle, did noV know yen ver. la the, hiver Sluggishi, tle kidusys wekeneds tovu,' enled, the baronet. ; lelanet resttul-eou êwak. 6juât as "And I did noV expeet te fi" yen at t4red as vhp yen v ent ,t* b"d; yen are thsseason, tee.» Ilow spirited, penbepa b el.doi ai vas obhlgcd te corne up î 0 bDtn tacel e onitn e t cenît et Mn1.Nevburg!s business. They t-sousande'et'ofpeople eeMry ri. IV wen't h laeVeold vompsa ngrp..Firat oomea te Ilu e.ti.1>.0 Icofti1 cati made yesterday-tif ty- pounds bya em pto nba il bas"m is i ahane. That yl pretty vlolt eanber Ple- T*sepla 't ybalth ar eut. Ve. feellli to bave gone go deep feeing but ýtbey Isar againot the ler as eo .did. Reover' shs ei ht ne5ll oi --rIhU51A17f@I~ vol! Lse Wasngbaspsosed te, Min5 ,nnithimWMOU deflity 1 a- JoacIelyi, arict.g udÇ ante PlnIidi% sloi id dn»y'trouble. DtWU- 'Ha1_ tm-b. W.dlrn 'f Itrenviam'Pi il uImm f»11prbig-m*' luh 1 Bu-ri Ciemente, the onul man f rom 1119l part et Canada te per"asen thee lhl-tated Valencia, off thé Britiash Columbla COsat. Ths youug man, *ise vas 29 years et g., Was the son et Mn. Willinam 3o- enta, tormerly et Milton,- but nov et C1arkson, -Ont.Ho eft home about eigbt yeu-rs age. sud had beon travelling up aud dowu Ibtcous»t on different vos- sels, actng in Vhs capacity- e tO lerd. Hos v»as aaiten on the Vatencla, un whleh ho wae taking a trip merély te fi»l lu tinse. lu a letton neeived bY bis father troin &chuiie a, otise te lovUuwlg 18toi4 et hie death: #i came away f rom lise vreokod sblp about eos heur betere m»ho veUt tUpiece5 on Wedneeday moning en a Uitti rdt. That vas, about 10,30 on Il odeock- Jack vas vitsin a feu teet et levisn eft90 &board Vise ru-t. i toed- te hMS1t.ý corne andi ho tid, 'No* Iam golng te stay.' Re bade ime godbys 9a Mdo u-vay from the. .hip. Th.silva broaklng up then. ,There vas notblig' heft, only the rails ubicisrasl srcuusd tire deck on visieliireonsadhug' about'10' people. 80oîti3satiito &&y thma*S vent. devM is tit- bi -Tie mion ettof' he l £rém- ri and Expenirentai Union ere PhSmm io aVsate. hbat for 1M08tbé,ysep'. aied te -diatnllute into aVery TWI~? r Ontaàle wat.nlal tlon ,xpermpentswlt 4141er cropse, rooti, grallinegrase, 0i- mneieoffanrncropée have boon test- Lnl.ExpenirnentalD.partmef0ef i. Ontanle Agnicultural Cl , g. uep1 rat lea isyears lu uccesslo he:scnalt etfMarly é# tie Cad e'. srts sud several, hundr.4 nov van- gus ome etf wbich have douee xtesd- De wey i vo th e cetuity eoîducted mirnents, at tise-College sud are nov gdistlbuted frec ef charge ferco poaie expnirents throughout On-, orI. The foi Owlng le tse liet ef Co-op- ,alle experinmts ariculeatue fer r..4 Expeniments. Plots& i. Tbres varieties ofetse . -8 2. (a) Tbree vah'etiee o! six-Iowe. ,barley----------------- 3 (b) Twe -rieties et Hutiese bar- le y.ý..... ... ... ... ... ... -2 4.Two vanieties of__ ng boate e<S IL Tvo vaxietiesetbuckwheat. -2 '6. Twe vanleties et field peu. .S 7. Estmer sud Spoît------- 8. Twe varieties 0of Boy, Soja, on. Jýapaneebeans . --- ý. . * 2 9.- Three varteties of -huueking cern Io Tvo, vanletof et maugoldo..-. il., Throevanleties et Sugar,,beets, tonr 1 ugpurpesa...... ML nneanle, ofs e edish tu .- 13. ",lflb i tovanl*ieties* et fanti tù-ips .. . .. 14. Paîpasud itue vu-ndoies et 15. Three Anietes et foddmr or ail- 10. Three vanletist mIlOf . 17. Tire. varletiees o,. humn.... S-, 18 Gises pes a sudt» vanieties et 19. Tvo vanietiesc a.. ..8 a0 Tlireevaniles etClouer ... 21. Sainfoin, Lucenu., sud BurmbsI 2L. Bean Varleioetgrases -f 23. Threyarîstieaoet tlêld b.u.U 24. Three umnietIeOfet swes2 e. .- 25. FertIins vits crn -4.. 1 26. FertilIsonswlth Swedisit tnlu 27. So3wlng maugels onth"e.iêea ud 28. Twv vdotlgweê t any, etw on laIe potatoos 29. -Tbree rain mixtureston ga 80 Tir..f itrese ass Tie aise. etfs" ,plot lu-' ta;. tirai Iveut -me'nsz irets sud la Nos. g9 ag&30 le W torodé lansi byeus nod vide; muid la No. 28» eUS ç 'Joib lais 'wQrk maicboe à ays. Au investigation bas heun UIe& 04 ý t tise UWverlty cf lNebraska ,I. 4Ie. oonthe pYmsl cau mss a hli produe lukilace at petaix 0 e! lb the l aî iM ntace Il dmaddelItOia 19U.S JO013. CLZMENTS, rhe Milton Yong Ea« Drovued Valencia Wreck.

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