Whitby Keystone, 29 Mar 1906, p. 6

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Fev pole bave An> neami iea, of tii. v~a antseeln Qehesling artfrm painsavngstandpolnt. ILIs net msuy generatlens mgo Quit ougeens usod te arrest blediug b>' muln a vound wltb the. red-hot sud etf au instrument 1k. a lange solder- -hgtbon; sud almest S reoeatly the isrquet vas inflictlug blescnlbable benure on thons. about te flace i.fur- tetnneOcf amputation. PittIful indeed, mnut have bementi suiferinga oi vounded soldions betore lSe day e! AMmoe Pars, the great Prawolisurgeon, visesav tl4e brutaiity et drebs&ng veunde vit.h bolling cil, eud wa thefint ta subatitute Vhe more huamne ides o! a mhld emoIllont appli- OBOsIon JuasDr. Pane's emollent vas a bug. same upon the erude methods ,ofthe. French bospitalase BOto-day Zam.Buk, Que ev beaing balai, ls an equal uaace upon li ether methoise. la Zam-Bnk bas been discevered N'a- tues ides! balsu for proeuring ne'%%* bealth>' 5ki, and dispelltng pain and dissase. IunTceut yemra intunents, salve and embrocations have alwnysf had ta face the objection élther thnt tise>' er. tee coise ta enter tihe pores cf the. ikin, or that thuir ingredienta, vison sufficlently refined te b. absorb- ai, vers te harsh and lrritating for eRrai home use. The advent of Zazu- Fu overcomea both ditt iculiea. Wheu you couider thtthe bkln coutaîns bundreds of thousands of poraeve oene n.of them leading te the bleo vessia nnderueath, you muet. at onoe--see boy injurins and dangerous ,iV museat' , trub IlaVe Vi.skia irt- ment. ootainng raîîoid animal fats aznd minerai substances - many of whicb are polsonona. -Yeunueed use sucb re longer, for nov ln Zam-buk you bave a balm or ointmnt composed of pure. 1 Ykierbal essences; a balm se nef ined nÇ' i!e tint erca the delicate ekîn lbt bles can absorb it qnd bene. litb1t; a baltu wiclt, like hs oin.tuients a! thieput oves ne part of Its composition Vo cither tho animal or mineraI venld; a bmim whlch Vievadinlu ve?>' vmy Is a natu-ral ber. bW baim. Zam-I3uk la netbîugr more non bess than a combination o! bealhng herbai juicos and essences, prcpared an hsndy, usetul, and corcentrated form. Tt Ia suitable fot use lu t.he nursery', as welI as la the ktelien. Tt is officacious either for ct, scratches, bruises, * mmm, scolda, iprains, and stiffness, or for cold more#,- raw, chapped handa, chilîbiaine, cold feet, bad legs, pilies, ln- flanied patchea, scalp irritation, more breans, barbera' rash, ezemna, sud sus. emsed conditions et akin. MnWhîe kin le noV sare or broken, mii lt ln te rub «t -cthVe pain ef neuralgfia, tic, sclatica, lumbago and nieuatiani. Inhaiing the odors cf Zam-IIuk viii cure a coid lu the. lead. An ordlaary box mn>' b. ha.d frotu any drugéist for w cet, or postpaid upon recept et prie from the. Zam-Buk Ce., Colborne street, Toronto. Tii. propnietora o! Vhis .preparation bave deeided Vo seuil eut free simple boxes Vo ail our renders, sud patin-. lAis of the--offon vil! b. fouud ila tUs next coumn.., Xledical nuen and nurses eve"yviere recognito tii,' unique excellence et. Zain- Buk , eud iV ay befalnly elsimeil fer ithat IV 1.Vs themier vhlcli Nat urela Auto:ded rnanto use ever ae, aisme b- queahod o hi theinstinct ta rabs a Place that burts. A NURSE AS WITNESS. Bltemm aasi'mBon~., $Ooeremînkable evidpsebus bSis given b>'aprssoa t ustbrow ang nlntenetlug ldielt m n tbe. r.- sonreetuolness of the' meabens céflii For hirty yuaný,shter Uunal, of 2 341Vlev, Gshý renU«eabnidge, - Keut, bas ebtalned a vide .«erelec .1 ursig talaa gat St-.-Thomas' No.- plii, omiasEngand,.-an4 lattai)>' de- vetumggmrei ta thsae-n.f aiofpins leçentiy aiseteck cha~r" Of t lis c.c Of lum gel lady ami visaI troAn J0, eaused by s. simple Scratch f rome rouli dgecfanueuamelsd utsùhl. Tii.sequl lase remarkmble that t 113, botte' givea [n Sister Hannaha owu vends: "mle scratch meut likely bad poison- ed tii. tissus. 7%e acrevariedinluap- perac. sud aite f nom day te day, and 1 feared it mlght turu late ecaga. This la.te tbree or tour weeks, but in as mnu>dtysyour Zssn.Buk cured lt oouplotely. Wlat I dhd vas te waah the. parts, thon app»lyZau-Buk. 1I-am pretty aune had I net nsed yonr balm 1 should have h"e a nautay, ulcerating tore, ver>' diffleuit tb get rid of. My patient la nerly 78, sud there la net much vltalit7 te build up broksn-doenn tissus, etc. I amyv add tiiet, altter con- stant work li6e profession for afven 30 ysara, aud holdimg respousible pesta in "oaitais, eto., trainin.g at é3t. Thosuas'IHospital, London, I have 1usd n fair amount ot exponience, and 1 think ZanBuk la an ideal balm. I eaët alwa ske:p 'orn ecclàe &t baud in my A GIRLS STRANGE EXPERIENCE. Mins Elizabeth Wood, cf 3 Topeficld strict, Bolton, ha* detailcd a atrange yet instructive experience. 8h. says: "I arn a'saili card tender. I ahoeei sln etoecroma ha my youngest days.. Dîrectiy I h"d becu vaccizited, it broke eut on my face, nec-k and anms, and'my head vas literaliy coversd wvUa sonres. Idy parents had an avful tians wth me. To &ores 'matterd,' aLd spread, until 1 wus cômpletely djilig- ured. "IV. ver, ternhbly upset," lnterposed ber fatiier, who waz preïient. &'%%' olied in severai. doctors, but un vain, for t-he blotches nrn-,&ii ,-d, and ml ebild l hragon>' wtuid seit'teb,1 scratch, socratélh. We weto told tiiat1 the. diwsase wouid tako a turu viienj se vas serin yemr old, blit na c1'O tige came. W. vesthen tald vs wi .ld1 have ta wait ttili &bo *" fa'irteen. IV' began te look upon the. case as hope- lau.- In ail, ve triced st leat nine doctens, mand wasted a %mal fortune." "1A» I grew up," tesumed Misn Wood# "'I suffered more in entey. "On My> bad days I vas posirlive!>' ahamsd o! my appetnance, muid very troquent!>' I haît Vo .ta.y&way freinml 'werk. Blotdlîed on tà4. ucL- and face, and ut> haum coming eut In taaudfuls, 1 could noV mix oven wîvhbmy frienils " dDocton. vere useleas lin,.My case, snd ws bad to teck out fer seie otber source etrelilef. Nia. months ugo ve obtained a ire. sample etfZan>Buik, ans almost f rointhie firet -thene vers sign% that Zam-Iluk ims somtlihg more than a fimereoint-meut or salve. Day alter day 1 du-csi my toeso, ami waa soon plea"Antty urpnlsea te no- ie boy loeu troublesoene Qey rW. My> head lisenov boën clamn datho ores emplotely, sud I bhaye more hala t han ev-or I could bokst. As yon fses, utoge fIn la»s.ean. >l4verywlmic i> skrn tea#eshuc l>'seIt cuglit et o.I am bapphr U"snerc1. have-beeü. I cam attend a=y work regatnl>',asud 1 ceas !0Aotas au ordieny mortal, instqmd 1a about apaitficinthe rest oaina 6000S G6MENAWAYO 114bs: commaOdtybas mnit it la .ouus4 Polie>'t-te W t'hepublic test 1,Ittie -sOi eom. rn c tsa os sdel rmad I - T CANADIAN .&lma Franc ecOoUim, awel ho;wu authoreu, disd la Taoto. The. directors of tb&.Wooddtok Y. IL C. A. have decided to trct a new l>uWl. lugo, to cent about Oum00. As a meslt of the new licous. kaw To- ronto, wilUreceive iu the neighborhood of $115,000 W ~revenue. The New Brunswick Ide1lausia prorogued after a. six weeks session. *The. bill udinng liquor lieense act was u- anlmously passed vithout diecundoL. At tneo Hudson's Ba.y Company's 3March sale in Làond -n, 10,57i0 otter. akinh 21,704 ermilue, 58,791 lynx, and 3,703 hir seul were of fered. Martea skias, choice. mark, fetched £9. Plan. laid before the Toronto iBoard of License Comiisuionersa t the present tiine caii for ulterations mad improve- at 144 Mden street, 1Èo& stî WAê at 10I burned In su oh ,stovo ppIqopo that gutted 1tse interier.,iet bardwar. sto» at 250 Joseph avenue. Mis&. Licher- mnax bouËlzt a btie of gsol4ue an»1 a-_ Cidetaly dropped it on a lged ai Elmer. Prutman, aged 21 yeas, vwas shot and kill.d laut midnight ahle1f t the home of hi. swether, M31&W Treat, st Reading, Pa. Only yesterday Pruts- man wrote ta his parents st UabZrg, l'hs country, that bis lits, had beau~ thretened, snd that'h. wua araidt venture out ut night. ARRESTIED PRIceST.r ODDS AND ENDS POUND ON JACO VUS DEMETRIÂDIS. A on~ * ltm?4n4nne lf'... Ontimli DAN P.TO1IM x NiLEI P-E mecnts to Toronto hetels that will cost 1I c3;IA LnZtr Ur.om inSSau~E $120,000 te $130,000. Âuthorities-Carried Motai., Candle- ygyLTOK00CGUmidE ,I.S.i An agitation bas been started ut Port- sticks, Communion Cup, Cheap jew- ogo la prairie te have the name cf the. dry and Cash. town altered by droppig the lest two word.s ad making it plain "Port4age," as the>mBi, Cmare 20ner fCaaTe the present name je censidered tee cum-th lihCoiior f and r.-___________________________________ bersome. ceived instructions f rom the Dominion V AJ.V J. QuinAddison; 20. Wgiaàak Wk -The Council of the Teronto Board o! authorities te secure the rrs a - K VIL E LU Cardinal; 21, R4Y. D'Ârcy laytou, Kars; Trade in a resolution passcd ycsterd*y cevus Dometriadis, a Syrin priet, on 22, R. Beoket, Smgith'a Falla; 23, Fred& sfternoon urged upeD the (hat,.rl the ariv"J cf the Tunisian ut IepOl Sandero, Bracebridge; 24 W. WaIker, Goverument the. advisabitity of d0aling The prient was arrated.d in he pos- l.GYLAND LODGE UNMIE» WORKMEN Rat Portage; 25, I A. Kinsella, North with the problem of distribution o! Ni- session vus îonnd in French money 220I AGAINST CHANGE. Bay. agmpwra h atetpsbem-francs, $75, and a draft on the Union Thôs. A. Hasitings, M TTooto, Robert ment, and aise t.hat tuie rerort of the Trust 0f Philade!ýphia foi £48, aise Ingiiint of Ottawag J. B. Allant of Mount power commission be publiahed wit.h- five inetal candlesticks and a quaaity et; Present Plan of Represeutation te Re- Foenat, J. Z. Dobis, of WalkervilIa, vers out delay. churcb preperty, ineluding a communion Maàuualtered-Will Meet in To- olected ta the. Exeoutive Committe. Thns vas shlppd yesterday from <c"p, and svealpî<ces <of-imitation ew- rona slmi etYili onP t Muntle W tis nJe-lBc.d iii- Toronto te Regina a macs for the. aaw elcry, ivhich wero claimed by a fellow- & M4 N tY&r- lITrno ntle à el-lce fi provincial Legaslatmr. A more beauti- j Assenger. The pausenger applied ta the Election « ew evOfficaroiceS». llie standing omidttees wei aop. fui specjxen e! metal-craf t wouldho. police te, give up the jewellery, 'but t.he _____________OOt t oitd x teGrdLog ajure difficultý te imagine. The massive red, police refused. The pnîet wuremaisded ATruedsa000h co~it olie1sdti radLd.ajund vush theý surmountzig crewn, messures to arait the arrivai of the neess »y p- bold blennie. semsons and to, change the IARENN rEY in length four f..t. It j e! brasa, puas fn.m Canada. promeut plan cf represestatlon ver. both heavily hand-chased, and piated vith Montreal, Macii 22.-T>emetnlatdes, rcjected by the. Urand L.odges. Auciouit The Ceai Confarece Divides on E1vey gold. . wbo 4in under arrest et Liverpool, in, the. IOrer of iUited Werkmiea, at isà final rpu Hou. M)ir. ilendrie bas retnrned f rom a man Who offlclated as pnient laat Su>. ession yosterday.- It vas dd tOPrps.- trip made over the Temiskaming day weck et the Greek chureb in Ment- F meet again ln TOoDUantercttYear. Noriieu Otare îaIway inoemaia 1eal, sud who afterwsrds, disappeared. The. election fofflicnrulted as fol- Indianapois, Ind., ar!h 2ILS-After I wththe Onaommîssle ni. Ti. ad cfA silver commun inchalik., tour silve ova. -C. E. camerosi, Mayor ai Iro- belng lusession the - greater -sa ot t- rail je now ln Otto township, 163 milsa. caiidlesiks, a silver ceuser and al ter quels, Grand Master Workmaa. ai. 5 aosadmeso tbe jcenttral eommeec ca north of North--Bay, and a- train is beiug drapes were masited frein the ehnîceb. to. 't B Morris, of Rodney, grand ForOinN, ertssumieacti.etalo- run Vo that point tbree times a wqek gether with five bundred dollars, receiv- by acclamation; J. J. Craig, _I. p. p., petltlve and of iii. southwestern distrits f resu New Liakeard, tho terminus oethie ed bir Demetilades in aubseriptions for j eru, Grand Overseer; 1M. B.XClader, dJvone ae t poda util tW o-mie firsi section etftthe road. j ciurcb purposes. Toronto, Grand Recorder for tiie 2Sth lie neeypooa htbdb. Bldding farowell te ber husband w'bo A warrant for the. mans errest vas 'terin, by acclamation; 'EL Harnus, Grand made dnriug the. day by'eltbsî aIde, l'h. ruahod te her bedside in tiie te hier jissued lut weeik. G idea A. G. F. lawrecle Grand 80- Conmitteesapparently vara 110- neaisi Iber last words, Mrs. Bridget Murray, licitor, wero aine eiected by acclamation; an agreement than -tber vers en Fsb. t, wieai er treMrnto, iapsl1ao lu r11GGSUU1 I W. W. Burgei, 1Mimieo, Grand Inside viien ihe former joint conference dis- Ha ichastee MToro a é, tab Ineer, CDD ITYWatchman; Oco. Jacksou, Toronto, agroed and adjourned. seasibility vos:erday merning, and diit Grand Outaide Wuitàchan; F. G. Inwood. ai noon frosu the. e feets cf a dose et-TnOtGadTra Mi' elc eJ TORONTO TO 2OCXE8TEI.L carbolie acid, takmi with sucidîl intent. WHITE SLAVE XASTER REMANDED Leckie Wilson, of Alexandrie-, James Me I Mn. Murrav, it wouId sceni. had been, FOR SENTENCE. ,Lwing, of!Drayton, and Thomas miley, <>< A Direct Trolley Lise by Way of made despondent by advallcing Yeats. j Toronto, Grand Trusteos e orge day runa.u I su~ad-C. 0. Knott, ne-eleeted Auditors. okêt BRITISHl AND FOREIusua' Jury Deliberated 0u3y Fourteen Min- The. foliewing District De tY Grand BuflNI, Dtise utes Before Returniug Vodict-Ex- M.asters were etented; 1, JohnBuffal t e , rigN. Y.,heNiMara 26.-Dt4for a jTiie denth of MNrg. A. B. T. Whitney, treme Penalty le Tventy Yars' îm. Dresden; 2, G. A. MCCuley, MaP tOn irectbrley . Unf th o gaaTivror s theoauther, a e on nMlul r met 1Janmsirm.*tage, Londn: 4. F. Vce.Ihuf fate show that a lino, frein 'Terante w,.. announeed ycaterday. I New Yerk, Mareb 20.-R:»iit Sugkert, Princeton; 5, George Miller, Jar- te Roebester b>' way of Lackpert ln aie ShnbWers of tht Newr Yerk Central !colored, iîruvrietor of a resort, where, it, Vis , ihldanie, ht h;~ i~ue achème, and hn cennettion wth Railrcad wil vonsider an ineceof e saiîcgcd, white women wsre detained wiD C. no1ee., Gaît; 8, W. il. Kerr, tee Brus. wnaînifae be j 100,000,000ta the capital stock. againit their wit!, was found guilty to. sels,; 9, J. A. Chgpman, P'ort ElgIn; 10, OSdeal tva nonodbr a frutu ~~~~~ ~ ~ Jh Rutherforord.UU s.te thOweyna dliSotu nd; Il, J. day tbut the. international Rai1wAy iCoi- Emigruts te nrumber et 450 uailed'dasy cf the.second offence o! abductionJohn oRthfo;dt 12, T ou lnwrh u adteToot nmt aej d Liv.e drpclto day frCanadaun-! mites. the ejury a eie d feurteen StronIole;1, 1s odot, pnyaid t5 ara nte w4iShave jusir o! the Eut End la sucb ~Torotot-, 13, Henry Fisher, Concord; 14, complotdarneetswoeycr Genmany in said te have conceded the,' crimes lu twenty ycnrs' lînjwsonment. M ilan otsba; ,Gog rmBt theu ornoia> .sn risrht cf polîcing Casa Blanca, and the. 2Sallue Benînett, a ne4jress, lu icted * rightionu1, nndteld; 1, F. . Lin or t oRe s~tertrough Aba bfrecmu trou4ie e a astop neauen sol., Spniggs, and accused of kecping oeeoet19,BIL W.ton; 17, James Wal a it;,., Landpotffès ohe ution. bis bouses, to-day piended gullty of ah-. 8 .W oqnrCrdnEst 9 ditrelgpit5 It requincd nia. trains te Pull the. dueting Alice Ilarnis, a negres,- aged 15 bome-seeers out ctitthe depot et S t- >ears. She also was remaîîded for sen. Paul, Minn., on Wednesday, when ever x ne.2 U fZ0rs, C n ule a theusand le! t for the Canadia West~C nq e Bellamy Storer, the retirlng Ae-en RDHEADS MOT WANTED, Ambassador Vo Austria-Hungary, whe la Wlithout O'pera-t ons newlu gyp, vl) etuu t Venna on Six Aubum-Bair.4 jurymen. PtoteseWh in._________ Match 29. -i the. Muriez Cas. The. steekiiolders of the. Riverview Nev York, Marcb 20.-A apci to 17U fO uocèeof Ly Ms .Phkax eg bl wonsted milles et Watorville, Mains, Ptil- T7e0'fribun. front crbCeaL. saia t *s n ii-OGaMof 'MM '-" - M.d-1-' = 1tloned the. Suprome Court fot a M r w Sxrd-halred talessuen mia h»dbeon O,*Ih4ib'elM uruiI1~Â as yesterday. aecepted by the StAl. la-he Iii uiation Willam »D. Maan, publisiier of Tovil a! a JW>' t trY SabasVnel, hrg. T lew N ov crkt t.day pleaded not cd vitb tbe murder et a fellow-rtalians gusty teau Idict eh brgln ng hlm v.Wexcuutb>' Jaeob B. Gocdbart, at. with perjur>. itorey for tkm taeumod, Muthée Ws4aer- day Was &gain announced in vienu te- sbmuryenior Court t6-My. 31fr Goe- d tba.t the grave reports publlshed làUI*s;arhybu, voeiii mut b otio lay Europe regardiuag th*e Wh Ls f pra-t. oremeve îmjartll ju4nd st troi Francis Joseph are i unude& i sady eaniplexicui a"fuocu tà0se Tminewraatike at 1** t usFrne, of danrker feature#* % le brealing up. Tbî. atikera arene». 11.aulburn-buftied tchWmen tunrai b>' tio tm ruble Ià expetd. j e .flown %ua*tly Four of-aitffl, Juan' iuffsanBraa.,aNew Takare f*ru*au. JMr. tcocMtivt ua promsin. ln ftit4 efinidoe, to-avs oi.«p« rhoma.etftheii. h1#4Io ' a t >ehst Uawtrcepa r= Raphd Tannait o. ai Seco=dnd CPY atrectas$ umai b>' Wtir t-day. Th1Z! ?* If,. os aestimtel at $5.0;pri'la, iai ié ~"> '&U of the emuptrytaq pntenof N a.-,st O»tetê is l"fadof folk,, Va., have aeba o eoetté r*teý tm4kw Sealed Lead Paç "9COUldn't 70OU mai lie? ho said, euhz knew ho-w Ilong to your lips!1 and toi not a happy enougi 1 love it ail the sai Mon&, if you -Say 31 "It seema 50 i "'Weil. neyer -min t~o Sir Rlobert?'" "Ths.nk _you! "er lightiug up, his wh so far. carried awa ho took and-kissed drop directly. ."1 8 away no*w? ht -A s8houli like te stay. sible to believe thal mlsed to marry mi and talk te you, j r ve up My place shlow -Lisle alwayé out when we were but he isn't haîf il. was he that ad chance vith yen?"t UDid you want 0 la anuniàteady voie 'gNo, not adyising Tell me-w*ould yeî continent? I haveî myseli. 0f course for the Grand Prhi raS&--but you?" "Everythîng musi mother'is-condition, fiAnd, Mr. Waring It very rude-I mu "lYou are looking tenderly, "ego w hope you aire no&i1 îa guything more yoii will say-. o?"* Peor Mona, long$i 'II onlj wah y9 said, pre-rsing ber arn a goed deal . Àà àena(1 ay- I1t) t'wheu yen are burgh, Juat s4Y Ito wonl .b. se m'teh- là, if the marnai so0on-qUitO scoUI better able teW be thlnk me a bore - but it would r«117~ feulingquite eut "Ishlbe e Bir R "eMtrd - falte MnY Wauing, liqinrig. «Ohb1,at t'wo or1 «Weollosye 70 1I p DresingWounds -ith Boili0g C .Condtrast Between Pest and4 Present The Wonderful Advance of Science

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