Whitby Keystone, 29 Mar 1906, p. 5

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t 4? When a man.- leaves. off his Overcoat he feels the need o! a new sack Suit, fine wear of di There are mnany littie points of difference that distin- h this yeîr's style fîrom the oue ini vogue last Autumn. Lt is by cornparing the 2Otlî Century Brand of men,s tailoî'edc arnents with the ordinary kind of ready te- r clc4.hing that you sce just howx mucli these "littie points iflèrence" menu. If von aimi to be welI dressedl they mean much te ou Il you r('aiize tueur importance, you will oe quici.% appreciate the new single bî'cased suit s w'o are otlèring from $?.50 t'O $13 At the Cash Store ROS.S BRS ton, ilof Isof hoada' r »r NOTICE TO FARIVERS ýi' The Undersigued baye- for sale a-.fuil lino of sbclled Cern. Ohop compôsed of 0Osasnd Cern; Chop composod of equal. parts of Wheat, Barleyt and shorts. Hleavy feeders, -buyiug ton lots agtclspres It willdoubl7 pay èvery edrt is n ilnCondimeats4 "HerbgUm"or "yer's O.lebratd Klors an attl* Bpioe".e White Beans WW.. MSO Fît Lambe, Clvs, asud B"teruca#h; W.B.PRINGLE&OQ 711,1VW UEIV PAPER W~Lyp ",Sro.* -9ta Pem .uty-'Ila. Koyttm 0 Ounty-oftheb ~t~r.ovÎms oft Kqaosa OIfetthe I a e l u in t h e b .st l n - The Ssbiiu'ptim . c*la omahunidndcmrncfor« ho quoted en à¶ICIoa.If Yeu wlahtobho rd, Vfl~psoIÂdvuUa.git. aburech t1lais of. 2e lama t bi y 110o1. to inanre infer Amote Wiaw la aulpuba of the Couaty. R. WINN, Imter and Mauffe Il115 Spning. Pussy w1Ilowa are-oeut, and the boyi' are making rIlngs with thelr heela ln the. mùd for marbles. Tbhsle lanot a aign of sprlng. It la pring Itself. There la a feeling in, the heart of the boy that teiL him when ta play' xuarbles Just tbe 5auie as the sap rune in the tr*,,es. If he cant get ground dry enough hc wil.l chalk a ring nu a dry pivce oi sidewaik. But he must play wuarbles now or never. Evenin f the mnuow wcre th:ero* ho wotild etart the gurnÎe just the sanie. Rie kncxws the season ta> a day. Mar- ble-s have a cuwuniercidi- value no'w, whereas be wouldu t pick tbem Up any uther tine. i111,4 eyes stick out wheu he ares a fiudful, and ho wants Lo pla.y 1cr themu. To bave a bulging pocket-uà.kea, hiw teel rich and c.îe~~e rhirc la no use saying anythig wor? a>'out winter, fur it la past auid over. Thç marbie seï.son 3meaia spr!mni'l fruit fraud. - A fin iln Coiborne, Oit., bas been con victed five timea of fraud la con- nectloin nit!i Lhe rpcking of fruit for shipnui.u. A. terni iii gaol Isl the oui>' sure cure for muth perslaient vie'atlon of the ILw, and the govera- mient ivodld be uj'umtlH b> public oplrn- Ion ln pressingt Ion the Inflîction of such a penalty-Ottawa Clitzen. 'I'here le eouet.hing radIcul l>' wrang wlth our laww wsveu, a finm of fruit expxvrteis in Canada cari be on- y ic ted à ve tLimca of fraindenti>'pack- ipg and siali ccii Lie In buainess. A tirm wbicb pouasesace 60 littie com- mercial bonesty t hat 't vwIIl con- tiexie to breiîk the là%w la a amna<v to the commuDit>'. it ta Dot more- l.y the local lees whlcb la inourr.sd but the. damaZe doueci to tho reputa- tioc of Canada. If out fruti ex. porters hiave neticr tuie coxnmon- ieni»e far honexcatLu packs theIr fruit for expc>rt w1 a rof.er Manner, ti> alieuld ho made ta do se or bo put out of buisfl &, ItogiLher. A fine for thi it et fenc, a heale fine for thte sCoud Olfeoe, andi a long te.rm ntahei. ien4ctary 4ei. ttaird ro'uld moa exçurter>hne l iti ILI ne fta aptit. 'Thô daux>'p.perô auuuwm tbo Sp. tureof o! wo ll*eIWSO . 4bowres anmotiasnpcttrely tLrcsby .aa to boat for. the 1onvet t». etof bu.. ha i o awgfur irxe "ay I r axya'rian heafth7, au IVve guit a grlj. liko ateel, I wlk y frr.r G14U' n'yüm woi't ît nDe to sque3l; rin ,o'ut a fielI a.Wo,4 in' i t' very P p (oY uY; I taite bact m~a t f'rl nu o-0&-when t cames ta plLc0hln' ha'y. My cen ro WBskm eas thritty as mont any o»b ye'îI Md; FMy appetitels trgme indous an' I'm neltber deaf nir blïnd » I'm tatj&hi as hVP]krýytimber, au' 1 'Io* therc's goin'Ct" h à. right amart rouglU and~ tumble wben the>'re Osierizln' m. I swing My i...e iVj.i yoângoters, an' I neyer misa a atruke;- 1 goL a. beepe muscýslike a knotty pioe o k; 'm» full cd lizz aud ginger, an' L'm cheerful aucun 'be; MW' fields- an' streaÎns an' pastures ail loeka' good te'me. I've earnt oey way bi vwrkln', Dot by settln' rolund aeleep, An' wlîat I've earnt b> workln' I have got a rlght to keeçp. Thi' Lord may cail ime sudint-llke, w" i nia>' be sulopwLed, But yon bot vour bottoni dollar thatl-won't te Grblerizec1. Th,' cloverm mast us pur-ty ais It ever *as befoee; ý1il' roses tha t arm cliýnbln' ail aroand thi' kitchen -duor Are just as sweet tu louât at,.,an' ly. rat a right ta be Lokln' happy at creatton wben 1t. ail! ooks gcmud to mie. An' six t> years th, il, brit *that the measi>' doctura. gîve I Why, bless yamir soul, at alsty I havee met begun. tu livee? An' t' take lia; .bort ç easy 1 Forty years fr'su noir'11 be Scon enougt tU talkL- th' raaeals-atbout Oslorlzln* me: -J. W. FOley, inl New»York Timeâ. -fyn yt finuor relatIvesà sn&t'r vlth Fus, Epipsy, St. Vitus' Dance, or Falling SîckIICSWrite for! a tiaibottie snd v"lable te.ise on »&ch discasceto Tus Liuuî CbC.. 179 King Street, W., To=otoý Canada. Ai drugpismsa*dl or can obbdn for you LEIBIOS .FITOURIE conoert hall ut dît Ontarlo Lrtd1ceW ('ollge on MudyN £ýiIng to -hWazr and sec, the Canadian Club Iecturp on 1-,' Siatlite clapel b>' Prof. A. ff. Voupg, of TriaiL>' rulkege, Toronta, NI.itiy bonuttud tt ittertxtiiig taxi- terai ili l l1ugîLrL.tIvý,û«the sub- jevL ivere throrwn ou, at creenat the rearocf-the platforni. Mr. Bain Per- rn manipulta tcd the elec-it,- lantern and alides. DehghrLal musical cSî. tributtons La the evening's enJoy-Ment were made b> the Misses Grasp, 0'Harn and 1tiryoe. Praul4ent- Dow- la presentlug ,& vote of thanks, tell- citloualy moved by i>r.'Hfare andose- cidod by Dr. Witugh, to the lecturer spolie of the need ut nf ms treet, ilghts cm thie way ta th« College.ý Prof. Youug expresse4 blit plea sure, and ufféed to glvoi acutbejr IWeure under the Club» Usksk«i; W. ? #l~a# pssailte hbuir fr=i siabseribO'l anderre3pou4ents, and It siv« es us ez.Ipieditre %d5ubli- thoir oSitribuiuns. But It la u.we$ re_ wao t. W. v.'e'Epacfar lttb tonalI jokes ..ad gtbê.sno itter how fuany they oa>' alpeur te the wrlt.. ert, Or bow bar mleas t bey' méy- be NEWS O/ F T1tf CHUtIIE$.- vice wll - uhe ld ter, whI.h'tië1'ào Nezt 8andavb1bing Lbê ýffiWgt oé t m"tuTet4 -et the é~l.o tho Iil1 Bef yquarter per cwt Cattie, ivo woýight, -but. Mutton, per lb .......... Lamb%. each ......... ... lie, live weighi ... gg, light fat .... .i Hogs heavy fat ....... Hoe, dresaed per lOOtha DuÏeke, pe lb....... Geene,llressed per lb..., Turkeyj' dresaed, p« lb Potatoca, pot ba.......... AÀpples, per barre!.... Ornons, per bus ..... Rays per ton .......... S tra w , lp er Joa d . . . . . . Rlidos, per ce ........6I Shieplkins........... Talwrendered, pet lb Lanib Skiuis........ Polis: ........... $025 te'$750 5 00 Mu 5 50 ý1-foo 0 o 3 00to 4 0 00 .te 6 -eo 0 00tr 5 70' OCOtc '5 75 060 tc 80oc G 10 te Ois- il t6 l2ï 9 Ste 0lu_ 12 to Olier 0 '-0 te 62gi ()00- t 0 14 0 25 to030 0 00 tOi W-.- 0200- te 3,00 t8gb110 800o-to -'000 2 00 to 3,00 $900 te 1 00 te, 0 25 te 0 04-to -V 14 -te '0 OU25 te. Sitng f theDivisio* ors C0lflTY OP ONT"&1O, le,6 WnrrIBy D. 0. Mcoel ht> Clork, Jan. 9ï Pub. , mai-eh, 1, Apri NI&y 3, June O, July'3e Sept. 6, 'Oct. 4 Nov. 5, Dec. Ce Juan. , iDoo. OSUÀgw*- D. 0. MxdulW>iib5' Oierks Jan. 10, Job. 2, Match '2, Apri 6, May 4,, June 7, Juiy 4t Sept. 7, Oct. 5et Nov. Ce Doc. #*e Jan. 10, 1907. Clork, u. 'le MarchO, tMa8, M 5 -sept. 10,. Nov, '7, Jun, 111 1907._ PORT Puy .W. BrhsPort Perry, lork, J in.1,M h8,'May' July 7, sep.1,Nov. 0, 9, â.1390. bridge, Clerk, Juin. 1%, March1,M> la907. 20 seti- 21, Nov. 23, Jin.20 t~ÀKoT~q'-Goerge Smith-, camn.ý 1-ork, Juin. il, -Match 15i- MayIç July 1% ýsept. 26, Nov. 22 Jan* - 100e« OU 25 60. 'q 2U~ 80 Spîing OIothing t 4? s '4? C. Such actiou la nccessa4ry, because of the uncerta;ty of cuînplifllg tic I- clynatucLiou and cqwui>rent of the new factowr> at Witbi with the 0%.- chlnery 41t Wlar ton 1 ixm rtoLr the coming bept campatgn., htfflh Tais-I understandini oerrthe ded by Whlch Lhe barber property Iaste ha*7e been aequired tihe Iteý seleurtod along the aide eft he wb.arrî hatsyet to be Recured. Tusl unfortuýnate dola>' has nomr so long been c».)itnued as to obvi ate any ot±'r %clqtlon et the difficulty tIt-in the omxe deteruxined tupan, be it uevcr sU cLî.xaplpontlng to those lu Whitby ahd the tribut- oyr> territouy whc. have bren elpeeL- Ing te see Lhis gieut iLdnêtry etb Iished herp. Whlet tat ies s t Hic situatIo'n le not 'nithoutý Its blieru proepxcct of diâentangIhnç the' knotty'! site situation and pkioceeding later-1 svlth construction for' the caixpaigi of ~).. c~îI» boita con- tracted for delivûry 4L Waltby w!!!l be t.iken tu Wîarton.: An Interesat- Ing probleni fur iramediatà consider- atioei la Uicetenalazi b>'tho I.4e- lalattire ef trc. !ravisfcthe town by-baw s a."s tu COvtr the -centin- gency eree.teciby tIi., coxniany's ne. ti1aon. The Sale Fait'Market Tho first sale fair 40idJ market of the 'Wluîtoy F.lar AssoCtiatIon on Fri- day was taIrn>' nnCoee>tul MstO Me sale part, but the Metrket eDdi wax net very 8tMaCo7:Br' the Ator. nooa severul huadrcd ,peopbs from, thie surîoeindlns eeuItry tiad gaLb-i çred, on-the tour-corn'.ra, -wheo.rel., Fairbaniks aCted ais atqctlOWieerwith the foilow ig ua l t otites and ca t- tie- Mr. Bellain>', Pitt Wiatby, i b1 malt. a' y0exr, 05 Jamnes >1o>res_;W1titb, 1, black 1 bLaCla herse,, 4 eaYs, hÏ .,.lS5 W. Lyutdo, Wiàttby, 1L bar horso, A. P. Agusk OsIiaW&, i b-aY teaIIn, J. il tonuor, 31 bhtckmai,2ys, bI. M DSIOgui gttI, hrey y ar rvr4U Wheat, rd.......... 85 te. 0.m <'axu......... 08M5t o "~ý4. go.....0 to 0%4 Bans7.................04.t 4 .................. . 0O0to 074 Rye............050 té, 0G5 B êWeî......052 to O M,ý Gais............ e30to- 0M AIike,No. 0.0..... to $6.60 '~N .......... 400 o5,01 ~io3.......3>9te > 00 $0,%........6 00 ta-7'»1 RdNOI-2........... -450 te 60où Timthy .e........... 90 te i140 FLOUE AYXD FIED. Fient, per c wt...........9240 te $300 CkOPPÎd Foed, cwt ......i lo to, I u2 CoramOal ............ - ...ý2 90 te 2 50 Bran, perîo ... .... 00 o9o Shortaper ton ......... .2001o 25 Où &ET , POULTRy AND PRDUCi.

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